#leave old workplaces / living conditions / remove themselves from their old lives
nihil-ism · 18 days
In other news a colleague told me he outed me today 🙃
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empmoniitor · 3 years
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Once in a while, every employee has suffered workplace bullying or harassment, producing an extensive level of demotivation and self-question. Unfortunately, it is not merely a childhood dilemma but in adulthood too. According to some studies, bullying is the reason behind someone’s mental problems, suicidal acts, and emotional stress encompassing the globe.
Technically bullying in the workplace is defined as an abuse of power. It can be humiliating, intimidating, and degrading employee behavior and often creates a sense of helplessness in the target one.
Bullying is different from aggression. Aggression may mean an individual act. Whereas bullying involves repeated attacks against the victim, creating an ongoing pattern of behavior.
Workplace bullying is a dominant matter of concern for organizations and causes a downward slope in the productivity and efficiency of employees. Sounds haunting, right? In this blog, we will further break the terms related to workplace bullying, the laws associated with it, and if you got into trouble, how to get over it. If you want to know how to avoid workplace bullying and its side effects, please read ahead.
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Defining workplace bullying can be a persistent pattern of behavior that causes physical or emotional stress and humiliation. It can be of companions and occasionally assistants. This leads to non-productive behavior towards the organization.
Here is an example of some workplace bullying are;
Unwanted criticism
Criticize without factual justification
Being managed differently than the rest of your workgroup.
Being cursed at
Being screamed at or being denied
Being the target of practical jokes
These are some actions involved in workplace bullying, and, at certain times, it comes from unethical behavior from the employees and results in targeting individuals. There are some types of workplace bullying, let us witness, so please keep reading along;
Assertive Bullying: The most common image that appears in the mind when someone mentions bullying is the situation of bosses yelling at their employees, screaming, getting angry at small ignorable things. The side effect of bullying does not threaten the targeted person nor all the co-workers who might get intimidated by the subsequent victim.
Institutional Bullying: It occurs when a workplace allows, acknowledges, and even promotes bullying to practice. This type of bullying might incorporate nonsensical result objects, quarries, and enforced overtime that can not hold up.
Verbal Bullying: This type of bullying could include humiliation, personal jokes, gossip, or other spoken abuse, leading to targeted personal demoralization and insulting situations. Verbal bullying can leave persistent scars that damage the victim for time. Many tormentors practice their verbal messages to injure or insult the target. Therefore, technically physical and verbal bullying often go hand-in-hand.
Prejudicial Bullying: Bullies based on someone’s culture, spirituality, or sexual orientation are ordinarily considered prejudicial bullying. Prejudicial bullying majorly consists of physical, verbal, or cyberbullying. Targeting someone who acts or looks differently or favoring someone and degrading someone is prejudice bullying.
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Workplace bullying creates team turnover, desertion, and the productivity level to go downhill. Employers encounter complex problems and cause the organizations to carry a bag of losses and suffering. Undoubtedly, bullying in the workplace not only brings suffering for employees but also employers too.
Here are the after-effects of bullying for both employers and employees.
Emotional trauma
Sleeping problems
Lack of self-esteem
Suicidal thoughts
Low productivity level
Towering absenteeism
Depressing work environment
Constant searching out for the replacement
Expense over legal actions and investigations
You might be thinking that people at work are selecting the victims or somehow hunting the most vulnerable for bullying. Well, it is not always the case if you have been bullied or abused and doubting own-selves. Why me?
We have listed 04 reasons why people become the target of workplace bullying;
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Majorly the targets are the skilled and talented workers who receive a lot of attention, are knowledgeable, dedicated, and creative. Employees who get an appraisal regarding their hard work and creative minds attract workplace bullies to an extent.
There is also some evidence that depression and other stress-related conditions might attract the attention of bullies. If you are living with any of these conditions, it is vital to take treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms. Depression, anxiety, and stress-related problems should never be left untreated. What’s more, bullying will exacerbate your symptoms.
An employee who is caring, friendly, and collaborative is the one who gets undoubtedly targeted. Victims are the most proficient, supportive, and well-liked employees. However, this does not mean that you have to adjust your behavior or nature, but you get insights into being targeted and bullied.
Discouraged, introspective, and submissive employees might bring the attention of bullies toward themselves. Significantly melancholy, stress-related dilemmas and non-confident employees are the ones who get bullied and abused in not only the workplace but also in day-to-day life.
Bullies are targeted by gender, age, race, and religion. The reason for being bullied can be any disability or disease, or some prejudicial reason against any individual. Technically, workplace bullying targets the people who are deviating from them in some other means.
All along up till this section, we have learned what workplace bullying means and who are the preferred targets. Let us see how to deal with it and what to do if you witness some of it.
Also, we recommend that you don’t ignore it even if you are not the victim. Because these types of exercise are illegal, although if not stopped early can be turned over to you too.
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When witnessing this type of abuse, it is obvious and natural to feel weak and vulnerable, but there is a solution for every problem. So if you are experiencing any bullying, here are some tactics that can help you learn how to tackle & actions to take to stop it. Some actions to take when you witness bullying are;
As soon as you experience workplace bullying, try to report it on an immediate basis. If you are not comfortable talking to the supervisor or administrator, the Human resource department is the best place to go. It is always best to report about something that traumatizes you instead of suffering it.
It is the safest option to prove yourself right, keeping on track of abusive actions. Try to note down the date, the time, the place, and witness that bullying. Remember to keep safe all the evidence related to the bullying, like notes, comments, or emails. These shreds of evidence will help you to prove your case.
If you feel comfortable, try to seek help from your co-workers. Talking always helps to solve the most puzzling situation. Communicate with professionals, friends, therapists, anyone with whom you are comfortable. This way, you can explore ways to cope up with the situation.
Legal actions may not be possible in case of workplace bullying or abuse. Although, seeking legal guidance can help you to sort this situation to a certain point. Look for the workplace policies and any legal issues related to bullying, ragging, and abusing. This way, you can take some low-level actions against the abuse.
The last of the action is confronting the attracter, only if you are comfortable doing so. Seeking out the help of your trusted one and defy the attacker with talk and ask to stop it. Remember the old saying that it is always better to confront your situation rather than hiding or avoiding it.
A little slight ignorance of administrators can result in workplace bullies. Organizations have been applying strict workplace policies to avoid such situations. Apart from strict policies some of the measures are necessary to dodge this situation in the company.
One of the efficient methods to deal with workplace bullying is spreading awareness and encouraging the employee to report it.
These days, monitoring employees is the most preferred and reliable way of avoiding workplace bullying and abusing situations. Time tracking, monitoring, and managing tools can be the best aids for ensuring the employees should only focus on work and maintain a healthy work environment.
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EmpMonitor is a cloud-based software that can monitor, track and manage major office-related tasks. With this real-time computer monitoring software, you can view activities as they happen and manage them instantly.
No longer need to rely on hard copies to maintain attendance. EmpMonitor tracks accurate work hours and manages the attendance department, removing the cluster work of marking the attendance. The unbiased extract ready-made report makes the management task easy, also minimizing the chance of tampering.
EmpMonitor assists in managing the time and tracks the employee’s presence and productivity. The generated report can be accessible to the supervisor that can help to optimize your team efficiently.
Customizable monitoring parameters and random screenshot capturing can help ensure that the employees stay on track and productive.
Quick and immediate response and actions against it can encourage other staff to speak up against it. Once reported, the strict steps are mandatory by transferring, or if required firing the culprit.
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Nearly every country has its laws against workplace bullying in different forms. Queensland, Australia, follows a code of practices especially for workplace bullying- The Prevention Of Workplace Harassment Code of Practice, 2004. Spreading awareness among the employees about the laws and policies against workplace bullying will automatically discourage the culprits from the abuse.
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Workplace bullying is not different than sexual harassment or rape, it is furthermore illegal, and now is the high time for any organization to stop and take precautionary steps against it.
However, with the mass strength of workers, no department can keep an eye on the employees, and not everyone dares to complain and speak up against it.
With EmpMonitor, you can track and monitor the activities of the employees, measure their productivity, and idle time-wasting on other activities apart from working.
Workplace bullying not only affects the physical and mental health of the employee but also hurts the reputation of the employer. It can dissuade people from entering the company. Additionally, workplace bullying can bring unnecessary legal difficulties which no organization wants to attract.
The moral of the story is that workplace bullying can damage the company’s reputation, affect employee productivity, demotivate and bring mental complications for the individuals. Therefore organizations must put an end to this type of illegal activity.
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Originally Published On: EmpMonitor
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 5: Couch
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth
Notes: Established married!Wrightworth (can’t stop won’t stop), pre-SoJ, Phoenix and Miles share a cold and a comfy couch, snuggling ensues, Phoenix does a better job sharing this time, Gavin can’t catch a break
     Phoenix lasted two hours at work before being escorted out of the office and sent home, while Miles lasted just a half hour longer at his own workplace. Their differing methods of transportation meant that despite the gap in time, the two caught each other by surprise when they arrived at the driveway under the assumption they’d each be alone. With only a glance at the other, it was clear they were both here for the same reason.
“So who ratted you out?” Phoenix’s sniffle was drowned out by the jingling of the house key as he unlocked the front door.
“Gavid.” Miles scowled, still holding a grudge for the last- how many times was it again? At least three times the foppish fellow had no concept of keeping his mouth shut. 
“The derve of that bad!” Miles huffed as he entered the living room alongside Phoenix. The two flopped themselves on the couch before the prosecutor continued his story. Neither of them even bothered to remove their coats and scarves at the coat tree. The back of the couch was the coat tree now. “I called hib to by office a’d you ‘dow what he does?” He rummaged through his coat pocket to pull out a pack of tissues. “Throws this on the desk and goes telli’g the whole buildi’g I should leave early.”
“How rude!” Phoenix reached for a tissue from the pack that was so rudely gifted. “Ah! Bay I?”
“Go right ahead.” Miles grabbed his own, nearly synchronising his blow with his husband’s. “Ugh. I don’t know what he was trying to tell me by giving me these, but I did not appreciate it one bit!”
“Yeah, who does he think he is?” Phoenix getting worked up triggered a coughing fit.
“Some people have no decency.” Miles shook his head as if he were an old man disappointed in the state of younger generations. “What about you, love? Who ‘ratted you out’?”
“Apollo and Athena ganged up on me!” Phoenix leaned back, but quickly regretted doing so as soon as he could feel his sinuses protesting in the form of a sensation similar to a head rush.
“Oh, that’s just not-.” Miles’s breath hitched. “Hhh… Hold on…!” He raised his index finger and swiftly pressed his face into his elbow. “Hh’SHOOH! S’SHCHUH!!” Those two sneezes were enough to leave him winded. Maybe it was a good idea he went home. “That’s just not fair.”
  “They even locked me out of the office.” Phoenix let himself flop sideways, leaning on Miles’s shoulder. “My head hurts.” He whined softly, breaking his character of a responsible head of a law firm who just wanted to work all day.
“Mine too.” Miles let his own guard down, closing his eyes in anticipation for whenever his body was ready to rest, if only he could breathe properly through his nose enough to feel anywhere close to being able to sleep. 
“Aa’TCHOOUH!” Phoenix’s head jerked forward, not doing him any favors in the headache department. “Maybe we should go to bed.” He nuzzled against his husband’s chest.
“Can’t we just stay here?” Miles assessed his own condition. Congestion muffled the faint sounds of cars passing and stubborn birds who felt November was too early to fly south for winter. If he stood up now, he was in for nothing but trouble. “It can’t hurt.” He yawned.
“I don’t know…”
Phoenix couldn’t even argue his case for making the move to the bedroom. Miles was already snoring, unresponsive to any objections there might have been to staying on the couch. With Miles sleeping while still sitting upright, Phoenix rested his head on his husband’s lap, joining him in slumber. There was still time before Trucy returned home, so there was really no harm in crashing for a few hours. That is, ignoring the inevitability of the married couple waking up feeling even worse than before.
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desbianherstory · 5 years
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Lesbians free everyone, 1995. Credit: Urvashi Vaid; Gay Community News at a 1981 demo against US intervention in El Salvador. Urvashi Vaid third from right. Credit: Ellen Shub.
Veteran activist Urvashi Vaid on being a utopian in the 1970s, and how gay rights prevailed over liberation politics.
As a 17-year-old student in the US in 1975, I believed in utopia and struggle. I was an idealist with a practical streak. Utopia meant what it has to legions of progressives – socialize the benefits of prosperity to all people, and privatize the risk. We would get there through struggle.
Social movements were my home. I believed in their power – the women’s movement, the anti-apartheid movement, the movement against urban redevelopment, the anti-nuclear movement, the gay liberation movement, the racial justice movement. We printed brochures at Come-Unity press in New York, bartering with toilet paper and paper towels from our college bathrooms.
I joined LUNA (Lesbians United in Nonnuclear Action) in 1979, while I was also volunteering for radical weekly Gay Community News, organizing against violence against women with a neighborhood association, and protesting US intervention in El Salvador.
Liberation was the banner under which any young person with a political conscience marched. My understanding of liberation did not come from the feminist and gay activists with whom I worked, but rather from movements working to end colonial occupation and white supremacy. The African National Congress, who defined themselves as “a national liberation movement,” were my heroes.
To be for liberation meant to work for self-determination and freedom – in the Soviet Union, China, Nicaragua, El Salvador, South Africa and the US.
Through the anti-apartheid movement, I met a young radical Episcopal priest named Frank Morales who exposed me to another dimension of liberation. Frank worked at a parish in Poughkeepsie, until his radicalism got him moved to the South Bronx, where his radicalism got him moved again. Frank’s values were grounded in liberation theology, and the work of Gustavo Gutierrez, James Cone, James and Grace Lee Boggs, among others. We talked a lot about praxis.
Gutierrez argued that serving the poor and resisting oppression was central to the Christian faith, and defined liberation theology as engagement in the process of building a freer and more just society. He suggested there were “three levels or dimensions of liberation…First, …liberation from social situations of oppression and marginalization that force many…to live in conditions contrary to God’s will for their life. But that is not enough that we be liberated from oppressive socio-economic structures: also needed is a personal transformation by which we live with profound inner freedom in the face of every kind of servitude…Finally, there is liberation from sin, which attaches the deepest root of all servitude.”
Even as a non-Christian radical lesbian, I understood what he was talking about. Social justice work felt like a moral calling. And it was work I did on many levels. My gender and sexuality-based self-hatred was as much my enemy as external state repression or societal marginalization. Liberation theology taught me that achieving justice was a process and an outcome.
As I grew more active, I affiliated myself with the liberationist wing of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement. Here liberation meant the difference between a broad, intersectional politics and a narrower gay rights-focused one.
The former was a politics whose goals were always framed as “both/and”: opposing discriminatory laws and compulsory heterosexuality, securing family recognition for queers and ending patriarchy, being feminist and ending gender and sexual binaries.
This was the politics of the radical wing of the queer movement – it had existed before I came along and it exists today. But it was gay rights not liberation politics that prevailed.
The mainstream gay rights movement came to organize itself around claims of equality, not difference, or even justice. It was simpler to pursue equal protection than substantive justice, seek to be “in-laws” rather than revel in being sexual outlaws. Equality as it is currently articulated in the LGBT movement represents a politics of compliance with liberal capitalism rather than a commitment to ending the exclusions the system perpetuates.
Equality is a fine aspiration. It’s simply not enough. As the legal scholar and activist Dean Spade argues, declarations of legal equality by the state “leave in place the conditions that actually produce the disproportionate poverty, criminalization, imprisonment, deportation and violence trans [and LGBT] people face while papering it over with a veneer of fairness.” The conviction that legal and policy reform (formal legal equality) will change people’s lived experience (lived equality), and that rights once achieved will be evenly distributed, runs deep. US history shows both of these convictions to be false.
After the passage of the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, the civil-rights leader A Philip Randolph observed that the movement suffered from the “curse of victory” in which equal rights had been achieved but “blacks still were not equal in fact.” Formal equal rights were a crucial first step; next had to come the struggle for black empowerment, freedom, and respect.
Today the institutionalized structures of white supremacy are evident in every arena, from disparities in health care access and health outcomes, to education systems failures in urban contexts, to the disproportionate criminalization of people of color. Equality was not enough.
Similarly, the women’s movement won many formal legal gains, and these achievements created new opportunities. But legal equality did not remove the glass ceiling for women in the workplace, nor end violence against women, nor transform women’s role in families, nor produce equal pay for equal work—men still earn $1.22-$1.32 to every dollar a woman earns, and that's only for white women. Being of colour only increases the disparity.
Today, neither the framework of rights, nor the framework of liberation, is adequate.
What is needed is a politics centered on ending poverty and expanding opportunity within and outside the LGBT movement. A focus on the survival and thriving of people, communities and the environment is a project of redistribution not liberation, of material solidarity not liberal ideas.
Such a politics is by definition particular, plural, not homogenous, as are the lives of LGBT people. A focus on lived experience takes race, economic status, gender, gender identity, ability, among other variables, into account, because these are part of what different queer people face. Its goal is to tear down and rebuild the current form of oligarchic, nationalist capitalism into a more societally accountable and responsible engine. How can asocial movements like the LGBT movement wield their creativity, political power and new status to build a world that does not privilege the lives and property of some while usurping and destroying the life chances of others?
A justice-oriented LGBT movement would start by ensuring the survival of all members of its community, to end poverty and violence. Tapping the economic privilege of some of its members, and combining the LGBT movement’s newfound political clout with the age-old queer experience of being outsiders, such a movement would seek jobs for all and a stronger social safety net.
It would work against the racial inequalities that are the legacies of racism and colonialism by foregrounding issues like criminal justice, sentencing reform and disproportionate policing and incarceration, disparities in health care access and care, HIV/AIDS criminalization, and wider access to HIV treatment. Such a movement would address LGBT youth homelessness by developing innovative mechanisms to finance new housing.
Further, a poverty-focused movement must realize that a focus on lived experience alone is not enough to forestall the environmental catastrophe, war-fueled violence, health disasters, and economic and resource based inequalities traumatizing millions of people today. To liberate the future, social movements need to build power to overcome forces of resistance.
Movements need strategies to win gains, but also to win governing power that can defend and stop the encroachment of progressive gains by reactionary forces and movements.
The chief reactionary force that threatens social justice movements (including the LGBT movement) is neoliberalism. Neoliberal policies have a paradoxical effect: they reduce the funding available for social services, but they increase demand for services through increased unemployment, dislocation, inequality, poverty and the abandonment of people who were previously supported by a social safety net.
One byproduct of this new demand is the rise of the nonprofit sector. The scholar Miranda Joseph insightfully argues that the nonprofit sector has become a metonym, a substituted concept, for the idea of community, at the very instant that such community has been undermined by neoliberal economic policies. Refocusing on poverty and survival provides a very practical and long- range agenda for activists. And it moves us away from arguments between rights and liberation, equality and freedom, belonging and transforming, and towards experiments in a new practice (new organizational forms, new alliances, new objectives) that as its goal the survival and flourishing of those considered disposable by capitalism and patriarchy.
In an historic address against the Vietnam War in April of 1967 titled A Time to Break Silence, Martin Luther King Jr called for a shift in the focus of the civil rights movement from racial justice alone to a broader focus on economic, social and global justice.
King said, “I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”
Is it possible to challenge and channel capital’s dominant power in these ways? As a radical, still an idealist, I still answer yes. It is possible for movements to shift and hold capital accountable, and to redeploy its productive power in socially valuable ways.
This is not the liberation of which I dreamt as a teenager. Yet, organizing to win the power still matters. It allows social justice movements to shape the systems and structures that distribute resources. And this is what will enable LGBT activists to truly create the possibility for freedom.
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lgbtessay-blog · 6 years
LGBT Community
First and foremost, being gay is not a choice. Just in the same way that heterosexuals like the opposite gender, it is not because they were raised to be straight, it is just the way their brain is programmed. Sexual orientation can be defined, by the LGBT Communication Manual as, “each person’s capacity for profound emotional, affectional and sexual attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals or a different sex/gender/ or the same sex/gender or more than one sex/gender” (LGBT Communication Manual). With each person’s preference to sex/gender, there comes a title so that within their community they can distinguish each other and know what each person prefers. For example, they use terms like bisexual, gay, lesbian, heterosexual, pansexual, transgender, intersexual, t-lover, and drag king or queen to name a few.
     The LGBT community wasn’t always accepted for who they were, and it took much courage to come out into the nonaccepting time of the 50’s post-war. This is thanks to a man named Harry Hay because he found the first gay rights organization, that he called the Mattachine Society. Its founders, to the surprise of many, were former communists and radicals. Their goal with creating this group was not only to change the way that people looked at gay men and what they stood for but for men to start being comfortable in their skins. In a matter of three years, the Mattachine Society had grown to the point that you could attend a meeting every day for the rest of your life if that is what you desired to do, claimed Dorr Legg. At this point, the Gay community was peaking and not stopping with tens of thousands of people joining in the Los Angeles area. (Roscoe, accessed 20 October 2018).
      Not too much after the Mattachine Society was created, the Daughters of Bilitis was formed. A lesbian group based in San Francisco, the founders Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, were the first same-sex couple to be married after the legalization of same-sex marriage was passed. Initially, this group was created so that lesbians could meet other lesbians so that they could start socializing and dancing at the clubs together. Eventually, this secret club at the time had realized that many laws were “anti-gay” and instead of partying and having a good time, they needed to start making a change in society for the well being of their futures. Soon after this realization, they began to focus more on educating the public about lesbians, they started to participate in research about lesbians and started to repealing anti-LGBT laws. (Anti-Defamation League, 2011)
     Coming out in the 1950s was a very bold act considering that the United States government targeted the LGBT members because politicians strongly and wrongly believed that homosexuals were infiltrating the U.S. poses a threat to national security. The leaders of the U.S. in this time believed that those who were declaring themselves as homosexuals were both weak and mentally ill, and this posed a threat because the U.S. was sure that anyone in these conditions would reveal state secrets to undercover spies if they were blackmailed. Because of the government creating this illusion to citizens, the “Lavender Scare” was created. A time where LGBT members were fired on a daily bases and were forced to go through police raids at gay bars, parties, and places that weren’t even morally okay… their homes. It was a hard time for those who were coming out in this era because laws started being made that would prohibit wearing the clothes of the opposite gender and dancing with someone of the same sex. As a result of all these laws and unfair judgment, many members of the LGBT community went into hiding. (Anti-Defamation League, 2011)
    Coming out can be defined but the LGBT communications manual as “a process of self-acceptance which may take an entire lifetime. A person builds their identity as a lesbian, gay man, bisexual, or transgender person, at first keeping it to themselves. Later they may or may not reveal it to other people”  (LGBT Communication Manual). In modern day today, coming out is not as hard as it used to be 60 years ago, but it is still and always will be a big deal. Coming out isn’t just about telling people what sex you are interested in, but about finally getting to show your loved ones whom you are and hoping that there is still a way that they will accept you for who you are. Depending on where these people live is and what goes on in their household depends on if their family and friends would accept them for who they are. For my mother coming out was not an easy thing to do. Her father and mother thought she was utterly disgusting and to this day don’t accept her. When she came out to her brother and sister they were not accepting at first, but in my family, there is one thing that will always be important, and that is you only have one family it can grow, but it will never change. Over time, both of them came to accept her and love her just for who she is. My second mom, Lu, has passed onto another life, but if it wasn’t for her I know that my mom wouldn’t have been strong enough to come out on her own to our family, and for that, I will be forever grateful. For two people my age, I have come to find out they don’t have coming out stories because they always knew and acted on being just who they were, which has to be the most beautiful change I have seen throughout society.
       A big factor that has played a role in many people coming out is what religion they are. Almost all religions have an accepting or nonaccepting truth to it considering the LGBT community. The Christian faith does not approve of homosexuality but preaches that we must love and accept everyone. Which is why over time the Christian community has some who support the LGBT community and some who do not. Judaism sees the LGBT community as not natural and does not accept it, although there are Jewish LGBT groups. (LGBT Communication Manual)
    Although many people in today's society accept those who are a part of the LGBT community, there are still those times where people who don’t accept these people start to harras these members, which does have its title and definition: Homophobia. This is described as the fear and irrational hatred towards homosexuals. Homophobia can be seen almost anywhere but is slowly dissipating as time goes on. Familiar places we can see this kind of hate is in areas of extreme religion, the workplace, and school.
     In Bogota, Colombia nineteen people were interviewed as being a part of the Colombian LGBT community wanting to know their stories and what it is like for them living where they do. For Carmen, a 46-year-old transgender woman, her upbringing into this community was an extremely rough case. Before completing the gender reassignment process, Carmen had finished her military service, and here sadly she was taken advantage of because of rumors going around that she (he at the time) liked other men. Even though he had said no to this sergeant, he started touching her and forcing himself onto her and speaking to her “Lie down, I am going to be good to you.” After this experience, Carmen had started to have consensual relationships with other men in the army. As Carmen did eventually leave the military, she moved around and became successful again (Zea, Reisen, Biachi, 2013). However, moments like these are what people think is okay, to be able to experimental and force another person to try something that they do not want. This is a clear and horrific example of harassment that has happened, there are many other stories like these and to fix this we need to fight against it and bring attention to what is happening.
     Furthermore, completing the process of a transgender person is not an easy process. There are multiple steps to getting to where they want to be, starting with the said person needing an official confirmation from a qualified mental health professional that they suffer from “gender dysphoria,” which refers to the distress that comes the wrong fit of expressed gender and one’s assigned gender. Next, they must undergo twelve months of feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy, administering more testosterone or estrogens into the body to have the body change more into the desired one. Following, those undergoing this process must go through a most important part of their transition, the “real life” experience. Here they must see the importance of coming out to partners, friends, community members, and family here they must also see all the challenges that are going to be up ahead of changing their sex, such as family, educational, vocational, economic, and legal problems that they will be facing every day. The final step in this years-long process is finally the surgery. For male-to-female they must undergo breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery liposuction, gluteal augmentation, reduction of Adam’s apple, hair reconstruction, penis and testicle removal, and creation of neovagina and clitoris. For female-to-male, they undergo removal of breasts, create of a male chest, liposuction, voice surgery, removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina, and the construction of a penis and scrotum, and finally the implantation of erection and testicular prosthesis. (Bracanovic, 2017)
     As you can see it is not easy to get to the end for the transgender community, and once it is all done, things can get harder. For the LGBT faculty in S&E fields, they claimed they felt that “gayness” was invisible and that everyone was just assumed to be hetero. This is assumed because in the Science and Engineering community it is all that what should matter seeing that everyone would fit the “norm” of being hetero. However, this has caused problems for those who have come out in this community, some peers even coming to the point of saying “I think she’s lesbian; I’d never trust her date.” This is a precise moment of work hostility. Those who are part of the LGBT and S&E community have been faced with many difficulties of how their peers feel around them. Some even reported that they knew of peers who were even uncomfortable and anxious to be in the same room as them. These conflicts have created many consequences for them in and outside the work climates. Internally the participants in this research reported that there is a fearfulness with being a part of the LGBT community because those who are not gay have become rude and not approving of them and their work. This created an environment that pushes members to not come out because of being afraid that their action will not be taken seriously. Externally, participants made it clear that they have not gotten jobs because someone had outed them before them receiving the position. Other participants even claimed that have tried to ruin their research and collaboration with others by outing them. (Bilimoria, 2009)
     To continue the discussion of harassment that transgenders must face, it is commonly known among Portland, Oregon that public transportation is not a safe place for them. Public transportation is offered throughout the city, for all and is protected under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, that prohibits discrimination on race, color, and national origin. What it doesn’t protect yet is the discrimination of the LGBT community. Several participants in the social science literature on gender, public space, and urban mobility, had told of many stories of being not being harassed anymore on these public transportation sites. Even a white transgender man (most unlikely to receive hate because of white privilege) could say that he experienced hostility almost on a daily basis when he was a female. This goes to show that until someone looks more “correct” with societies norms that there will always be a hostility accountable for. (Lubitow, 2017)
     Thanks to the Pew Research Center, we can come to see that there has been an 18% increase from the decade before in the acceptance of the gay community. There has also been a 19% increase in acceptance for the lesbian community (Drake,2014). Eventually, this won’t even be a number or a thought that will cross the mind, but how can we help to ensure that the LGBT community is more accepted quicker? A few suggestions would be to speak out against any bullying you could see going on towards an LGBT member, being accepting of those around you who come out to you, and most importantly be nice. Being a part of the LGBT community is not an easy thing but with the help of everyone we can change the way people view them and accept them.
    Among those who are apart of the LGBT community, there are many ways that they are able to communicate with each other in today's modern age. Like most communities, the LGBT community has a strong online form of communication. By online communication, they communicate when events are, have hotlines, and so they can express who they are. They also have holidays that mean the utmost to many members of the LGBT community. Such as LGBTQ Pride (June), International Drag Day (July 16th), National Coming Out Day (October 11th), etc. Another form of communication that can be seen throughout the LGBT community is the LGBT rainbow flag. For the LGBT community, this is an unspoken form of communication that stands for being apart of this community. Usually, those who are apart of the community have found some type of way to incorporate the flag into a part of their social media or what they wear on a daily basis.
    Although with all the hate and unnecessary hostility there are great and wondrous things that come with being a part of the LGBT community. This is also known as, PRIDE! The LGBT Pride march is a celebration of the LGBT community as a whole. If you don’t know what pride is, it is a giant festival where people from all over come an celebrate what it is to be a part of the community. Coming to these events, you can expect a gay version of the Macy’s day parade. There will be people dressed in fantastic costumes, dancing, singing, rejoicing, and have a phenomenal time. The point of gathering in these festivities is different for everyone, but it can be a place where the LGBT community can stand up to the political troubles they are going through as a whole. What is most important to understand when attending one of these events is that everyone will be accepted no matter what because it is supposed to place respect and mutual understanding. As well with visiting one of these events, it is critical to know that there will always be those who are going to protest but they are not the point. What is most important to understand and take away is that no matter what your choice is and what you decide to do with it you can love anyone you would like to because LOVE IS LOVE
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London end of tenancy cleaning
Everyone has, at one time or another left an apartment building and thought to themselves, the last thing you want to do is stay here and clean the old apartment. This can be especially true if you are moving out of a flat. You are probably very excited to go to your new place. Hiring end of tenancy cleaning in London services have become more a popular choice nowadays, and there's a reason for that. The time you save by having someone else clean up the old home while you move on to the new is priceless.
You will find that your choices for end of tenancy cleaning services are terrific. There is an excellent company out there that provides cleaning services at affordable costs. The majority of these companies charge an hourly rate that is more than reasonable at the per hour with a minimum of four hours of pay. These professionals can often be ready for you with as little notice as a couple of hours and do an excellent job at leaving the place spotless. It may look better then the day you moved in.
Locating these services is as easy as surfing the internet. You can find one through the internet now. When you search for the best cleaners through the web, you can get a comprehensive list to start with. You will have a lot of choices to select from, so you have to evaluate and determine what you want to choose the best cleaner for you.
If you are selling your property and have enough on your plate without having to clean the place after you have left, then professional end of tenancy cleaning services in London is here to help. The professional cleaning companies can provide a full term of tenancy service for you to suit all budgets, whether you want a quick once over clean or a more thorough, then professional cleaning services should be your first point of call. Get free estimates for the end of tenancy cleaning in London prices.
Buying, Selling and even renting a property in our busy and demanding lifestyles, it has always been a hassle. As one of the most required ends of tenancy cleaning in south London and with their professionalism, you are guaranteed a stress-free experience. Using an end of tenancy company, that can offer tenants and landlords unusual move in and move out cleaning services, leaving the property spotless and ready to be rented out. All of the ends of tenancy cleaners are friendly, organized and will get on with the cleanup, leaving you to get on with your day.
  Tenancy move out cleaning is significant when you are shifting from one house to another. Changing from one home to another house is a daunting task especially when you have to pack all the things in an orderly manner so that nothing gets damaged. That is why people these days are opting for specialized move out cleaning services, which not only saves time but also accurately puts everything. We all are busy in some way or the other and to squeeze out the little bit of time to clean up can become impossible. This is where you need expert help for this job along with maid service.
  Hiring move out cleaning service companies can make your life a lot easier and saves time. Moreover, these services can be contacted any time of the day, and you can arrange a meeting according to your convenience so that even if you are away still your work will be done within the time frame. The professionals from these cleaning companies bring their tools with them, so you do not have to buy or arrange anything. Due to their flexibility, they are the preferred choice of people. They provide various move out cleaning services that include bedrooms, living areas, bathrooms, and kitchen.
Hard floor surface cleaning
Dry marble hand wash
Wall tiles and bathtubs cleaning
Shower doors cleaning
Mirror cleaning
Carpets can be great accessories to your home. They will give any room more style as well as a homier atmosphere. But for a rug to have a good effect on your home, you need to make sure that it is clean and in good condition. Cleaning your carpet is not an easy task, however, and most people don't have the time or energy to maintain their carpet always clean and presentable. It is for this reason that people call for carpet cleaning services in London.
It is not enough to judge a carpet by its appearance. Some carpets may look clean but within its coated fibers can be growths of bacteria and other tiny organisms, which are the standard results when carpets are not cleaned regularly. These unseen dangers can cause skin disorders and other health problems that can lead to severe complications. If you have a rug in your home and are a bit concerned - as you should be - then you should conduct regular cleaning to your carpet. Hire carpet cleaning companies in London for proper rug cleaning.
Cleaning your carpet is also necessary when you have recently moved into a new residence. For this, however, you should have your carpet cleaned last when other areas of your new home have already been cleaned. Carpets need to be washed in particular because it is the one part in the house that you and your housemates will probably have the most contact with (your furniture aside, of course). If you doubt that you can give your carpet a thorough clean, you should be calling for carpet cleaning services in north London, to clean your carpet thoroughly.
It is more advisable for households with kids and pets to have their carpets cleaned more frequently. A proper cleanup done by professional cleaners five times a year should be a reasonable assurance that your mats are in good condition throughout the year. Hiring professional carpet cleaning in London will also be advantageous as they will not only clean your carpet, they will also be able to repair any damages in it and tell you how to take care better or it.
The style and condition of your carpet reflect your personality and character. It is one of the items in our homes that can make it cozy and a nice place to rest. Having a dirty carpet will not only make your home less comfy, but your guests and visitors may also even judge you poorly because of it. Being able to decide when to call for professional cleaning in London end of tenancy services and give your carpet the cleanup it deserves can go a long way into making a presentable, clean and relaxing home for you and your family.
Moving out of your house is a stressful enough time as it is without the added hassle of making sure the place is spotless. There are many criteria you need to satisfy before you're given the all clear and receive your bond payment back. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning in London to handle your bond cleaning may be the wisest decision you make when moving out.
London end of tenancy cleaning experts have the right tools to remove any stains and leave your place looking better than new. They have their checklists to ensure you receive the best possible clean and get your bond money back in full. In most situations, choose a professional cleaning company for peace of mind when you're moving out; it will save you a lot of time and stress at the end of the day.
Cleaning your house tiles, carpets, upholstery, and even air duct can be a difficult task especially when you have a large area to cover. You can spend days trying to clean the stuff. You may also end up not doing the job well. This is precisely why you need to engage a professional move out cleaning in London services to help you out.
A professional cleaning firm can handle all kinds of cleaning services within a few minutes or hours. You can be sure of speedy execution of tasks irrespective of the sort of cleaning service you want. Pet odors, stains, dirt on your carpet, upholstery and other furniture products can quickly be dealt with within some minutes. The entire environment will always remain in top shape after the cleaning sessions.
A professional cleaning firm is always licensed to render services in a particular region or location. You can be sure of having safe and secure services when you engage such a firm. Your home or office properties will always be secured when the firm handles any cleaning service you require.
Having seen the above benefits, your next line of action is to discover how to hire a reliable professional cleaning service. There is carpet cleaning in north London services out there that claim to be offering quality services. You have to make proper inquiries before you engage any of them. You can ask your friends and relatives to recommend the right firm that will give you the best of services. You're sure to enjoy all the benefits discussed above when you locate the right firm.
Running a busy office, especially a big one with hundreds of staff requires professional cleaning services from cleaning companies that specialize in this industry. With every employee catching up with busy schedules and trying to beat deadlines, a professional cleaning would be necessary to maintain every facility and equipment in good condition.
Workplace hygiene is one of the most important aspects to maintain a healthy working environment. Computers, telephones, printers, scanners and other office equipment are the most used by a considerable number of employees, making them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and all kinds of germs. All these office equipment need regular cleaning and disinfecting, and professional cleaning companies can do the job best.
If you operate exhibition halls, or if you hold an exhibit to showcase your products and services, hundreds of visitors from various walks of life would flock to the exhibition halls every day, and you would need to clean the exhibition halls at the end of the day to prepare for the following day.
Planning for an exhibit requires more time and effort that would leave you with so many things to accomplish, and you would have no more time to clean up the venue. This is where professional cleaning companies come in. Some cleaning companies offer services in window cleaning, carpet cleaning, maintenance of hard floors, dusting, and disinfecting your office equipment and furniture, and other services.
Hiring the services of a professional cleaning company will spare you the headache of having to think about the cleaning and maintenance job, and you can focus on your business operations smoothly. Cleaning companies have reputations to maintain so you can expect to receive consistent and high-quality services from them anytime you need them.
Visit To The Website for getting more information related to end of tenancy cleaning london
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ajofficialblog · 3 years
Imagine elderly people living alone at home struggling to cope with their daily activities. Their frail hands shake and tremble as they hold a cup. How do they manage to do all their work on their own? With shaking hands, failing memories and reduced mobility, the elderly struggle in their later years.
Under such circumstances, some would suggest an old age home but not everyone is happy moving away to an unknown place, leaving their home behind. They would much rather prefer elder home care services that allow them to stay at home and still be cared for.
With advancing age, comes failing health. Some may develop long term conditions that require them to be on daily medication. Some may need surgery and require post-operative care. If they have children living with them, some of these old-age care issues can be addressed. However, it needs to be remembered that children would also be busy with their work-related issues and would be dealing with their crises. This may not leave them with the time to provide 24/7 personal care which the elderly would need. This is where the role of elderly home health care services comes in.
Let us examine the benefits of home care services for the elderly. Why is it the preferred mode of elderly care?
The comfort of familiar surroundings
The comfort of familiar surroundings is very important for the mental wellness of the elderly. Home assistance for the elderly ensures that they are well cared for in their own home. This gives them a sense of comfort and security. It helps in the healing process if they are in post-operative care. Samvedna Care offers home care packages for the elderly where professional caregivers can stay with them and provide them with the assistance they need to carry on with their lives.
No feeling of abandonment
The thought of being sent away to an old age home is scary for most parents. That would be nothing short of a nightmare given the Indian culture of joint families. Children are expected to take care of their parents. Keeping them in the nursing home for post-operative care is a difficult proposition. At the same time, handling all their medical needs at home could be tricky for children while juggling multiple responsibilities. This is where Samvedna Care steps in and offers senior citizen care at home. This is a win-win situation for parents and children.
Children will not feel guilty about abandoning their parents while they focus on other responsibilities. Parents will not feel disappointed as they will be well taken care of by professionals in the comfort of their own home.
Personal Care
A full-time home care attendant will be able to handle all the needs of the elderly. They can help them with their basic needs like taking a shower and personal grooming. They can help them with their meals and ensure that they take their prescribed medication on time.
Home attendants can also make sure that the medicines are well stocked and available. They can accompany them to the doctor on their regular visits. Home attendants sent from Samvedna Care are trained, professional caregivers. They can monitor the body vitals regularly and raise an alarm if something is irregular.
More than anything else, elderly people yearn for love and companionship in their sunset years. They love reminiscing the past and tend to repeat memorable incidents from the past. They love to have someone paying attention and listening to them carefully. In most homes, the children of elderly parents are so bogged down with their issues that they do not have the time to be full-time companion to them. It is especially hard when one parent has passed on.
The remaining parent has a tough time handling the personal bereavement of losing their lifetime companion and the emptiness remains a constant source of pain. A home attendant can bring some good cheer to the elderly. They can accompany the senior citizens on their daily walk. They can play a board game with them or watch their favourite show. They can read a book or newspaper out to them and keep them updated about the latest happenings. These are small gestures but they go a long way in cheering up the elderly.
Professional Help
We often see children putting off the option of seeking professional help when it is needed. It is time to remove the guilt complex. There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help where it is needed. Getting old age care at home is a very prudent solution as it can ensure that the elderly are getting the care and attention they deserve. Children need not have the guilt of not being physically present at all times. They can monitor the situation remotely from their workplace and be reassured. Professionals deliver their duties on time and with perfection. The elderly feel comfortable and reassured that they are in safe hands. This keeps them cheerful and positive.
Faster Recovery
It is normally observed that the elderly who have home care assistance tend to recover faster. They also have a reduced chance of being exposed to infection in their own homes as compared to a hospital. The familiar environment helps them to convalesce comfortably and is good for their mental wellness as well.
Peace of Mind
Arranging professional elderly home health care services for the elderly can give you a lot of peace of mind. It gives you the reassurance that your loved ones are well taken care of, even when you are not around. It can be quite heartening to know that the elderly are being looked after and that they won’t fall or hurt themselves while going about their daily chores.
Opting for old age home care gives the elderly the independence to live life as they want, on their terms, in their own homes. They can eat, sleep and socialize according to their normal schedule and they can still go out if they want to. They are not bound by rules and have the flexibility to decide what they want to do.
Samvedna Care offers home care assistance to the elderly in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. They have professional caregivers who are well trained to handle the needs of the elderly. Opting for home care assistance for the elderly can make a qualitative difference to their life in their old age.
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stacyme · 3 years
Stress amongst police officers in                         Jamaica
Police officers and members of their families consider their job to be one of the most stressful. It is hard to disagree with that assessment, as officers themselves report high rates of divorce, alcoholism, suicide, and other emotional and health problems. No job is immune from stress, but for the law enforcement officer, the strains and tensions experienced at work are unique, often extreme, and sometimes unavoidable (National insitute of justice journal , 2000). Many people have a negative view about police officers especially In Jamaica either from experience, what they have seen or might have heard, but in reality, there are officers out there who are suffering from PTSD, many do not speak up and are unable to get the help and has resulted in them unable to carry out their job effectively. Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams stated that The high-stress nature of the police job coupled with the hostile and hazardous environment that they are forced to work in and has led to members of the police force being plagued by myriad physical and mental health issues, This has manifested itself in the deteriorating health as well as mental breakdowns of several policemen and policewomen (Cunningham, 2016).In fact, over the years, the number of law enforcement officers involved in a murder-suicide is evidence of them reaching that mental breaking point. “Policing is a very hazardous occupation right around the world. The work of the police, and especially the work of the police in Jamaica, is doubly hazardous. The nature of the violent neighborhoods in Jamaica and the demand on the police create very adverse conditions. That in and of itself makes the job riskier and more stressful. So, the Jamaica police force is disproportionately at risk of lifestyle diseases and we are at risk of being victims of violence and accidents (Cunningham, 2016). I will be highlighting the case the effects and solution to the problem 
                           Causes of police stress in Jamaica
Threats to an officer’s safety or health
The responsibility of owning a firearm or weapon
Long working hours can result in tiredness and time away from family
Personal factors such as family, financial and relationship 
The ineffective criminal justice  system 
Risking their lives in the call of duty 
Lack of resources
Exposure to a traumatic event
Corruption within the police force 
                                             Effects of police stress
 The relationship between members of the jamaica constabulary force and the citizen of Jamaica has always being a rocky one. Some officers are despised by citizens especially in the garrison area, they complain about police brutality, police being disrespectful as well as police killing and unlawful arrest, all these negative behaviors can sometimes stem from stress. Research has demonstrated that policing is a stressful occupation and that this stress hurts police officers’ mental and physical health, performance, and interactions with citizens. Mental health at the workplace has become a concern due to the costs of depression, anxiety, burnout, and even suicide, which is high among police officers (Cristina Queirós, 2020).In Jamaica over the years we have seen where police officers are involved in a few numbers of homicide-suicide, this just goes to show the effects stress can have on a person if they don’t receive any help for it.
 In 2013 A policeman allegedly shot dead his 23-year-old common-law wife before turning the gun on himself (Jamaica Observer, 2013).
In 2019 a police officer shot and killed his wife in Jamaica in the parish of St Mary. These were the exact words from the officers as to why the incident took place “Mi wife a torment mi life, mi gah station last night and report, and from morning me a call back Corporal Johnson fi come talk to di woman. Di woman lick off mi door fi money and a torment my life and this morning me affi kill har” (The Gleaner , 2019).
 In 2011 Detective Corporal Wayne Llewellyn, murdered four members of his family before killing himself, he appeared to have had marital problems, according to postings on his Facebook page that he made leading up to the murder (The Gleaner, 2011). All these occurrences have proven what can happen when stress goes untreated amongst officers
                                                         Solution to  the problem 
Stress is something that a person can hide for so long until one day they just explode and then everyone is surprised because they did not see that coming, the point I am trying to make is that many officers in the force are stress but are not showing it, hence programs need to be implemented to address everyone in the force not just who are exhibiting the physical signs of stress 
It should be mandatory that as soon  as a police officer start to exhibit signs that he or she might be going   through PTSD, they should immediately be removed from their line of duty  and provided with the appropriate treatment they need until the  psychiatrist deems them fit again.
officers should have a monthly  evaluation by a psychiatrist to see how they are coping or if they exhibit  any sign of stress.
A psychiatrist should conduct a monthly seminar to educated police on how to cope with their everyday life from finances, relationship, family, and work 
The police force needs more  psychiatrists. It is reported that psychiatrist assigned to the JCF's   Medical Services Branch is available, but he is based in St Catherine and     therefore only serves the Kingston Metropolitan Area (THOMPSON, 2012)
There needs to be better training of  police officers in the academic, it should not only prepare officers for  physical fitness but also prepare them for mental fitness
Police officer’s family can also be  counsel if the contributing factors to the officers stress lay within the     home, they can also work with family members, teaching them ways on being     more sportive when the officer is facing stress
Cristina Queirós, F. P. (2020, May 7). Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00587/ful
Cunningham, A. (2016, June 23). Physical And Mental-Health Issues Plague Police. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20160624/physical-and-mental-health-issues-plague-police#slideshow-
Jamaica Observer . (2013, August 15). Cop allegedly kills girlfriend, shoots self. Retrieved from http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Cop-allegedly-kills-girlfriend--shoots-self_14878520
National insitute of justice journal . (2000, January ). on the job stress in policing . Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/jr000242d.pdf
The Gleaner . (2011, April 8). Killer Cop Leaves Facebook Trail. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110408/lead/lead11.html
The Gleaner . (2019, May 28). Policeman In Custody Following Wife's Murder In St Mary. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20190528/policeman-custody-following-wifes-murder-st-mary
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manuelrrwh482-blog · 4 years
Why You're Failing at Pest Control Anthem
The majority of the people in the 21st century invest their waking hours at the office. And also for that reason, getting the cleaning job done such as air duct cleansing has actually become more of an experience. Even if actual cleaning is thought about, it normally involves marginal job by using a hoover and getting the trash bin empty. However, this won't be adequate to do away with the dirt that is resolved in the deeper layers, as well as even the dust fragments as well as allergens will continue to be to infect your home
Nonetheless, with the help of professional air duct and also deep cleaning services from us, you can keep your indoors healthy and balanced. Below, are a couple of detailed reasons that will persuade you to employ specialist cleaning company to satisfy your requirements.
1-Spreading of diseases will be minimized:.
Whenever your house or your office is ravaged with irritant and dirt fragments, it is an evident invitation for illness. In such a situation, the high quality of living is certainly endangered. Nonetheless, it wouldn't be right for you not to care for your wellness, while we are still in service. We are one of the most popular laundry and air duct cleansing company that will certainly make sure to bring back the high quality of living in your lives.
2-The demand to maintaining a much safer environment:.
Preserving a healthy and balanced way of living has ended up being a real issue extra so nowadays than it was ever. Increasingly more individuals are wanting setting up a healthy and balanced environment. However the point is, just how can that be done? Well, the response is simply to opt for deep cleaning company from a company that manages mold removal Dubai, a/c duct cleansing dubai, cooking area duct cleansing and various other such relevant jobs, like us. Ensure that the air ducts are appropriately and routinely cleaned up to maintain the virus at a distance.
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3-A fantastic method to conserve money:.
This factor may discover to you as unreasonable. Yet, pause and believe when if you routinely maintain the air high quality indoors by air, washing, and also cooking area air duct cleaning then you are conserving money in the long run. In addition to your HVAC systems being kept in time, they will guarantee that your health is supported too. The basic process resembles shallow cleaning -leaving behind the part that is responsible for impacting your health and wellness. By hiring experts for deep cleaning from a firm like us, you are not only conserving your money but likewise are shielding yourself.
By hiring us as your deep cleaning company, you can delight in the benefit of getting the majority of the parts of your family, or your workplace cleansed. Some of our solutions include:.
You might stumble upon a number of firms that offer themselves as expert cleaning service companies. Nevertheless, you require to be extremely mindful while picking the ones that mostly cater to your needs. Have a keen eye for the solutions these companies need to use to you and also save yourself from being cheated.
Twenty Initial Century Parasite Control is not the same as the old days. I recently went to the 76th Yearly NPMA National Bug Management Organization Parasite Globe Convention, where we had the biggest participation at a bug control convention to date. The Pest Control market actually understands the relevance of collaborating as a market as well as supporting one another. We were informed that presence was up virtually 20% while a lot of other sector organizations are having difficult times at their annual conventions. Our sector recognizes the need to network with our peers, interact to find up with approaches to push with the economy, and look forward into brand-new products and also materials made available to the parasite control industry.
Today everybody is discussing being "Eco-friendly" including the pest control sector. This activity has currently begun to morph, into a lot more technical locations in the eco-friendly bug control sector than formerly thought it would certainly. Initially, "Green" items were established by a couple of suppliers, and some business adopted the use of these items right into their solutions and called it "Green" because the items themselves were "Eco Friendly.".
However, at this year's convention, there was a whole lot more introduced on this subject, for example, NPMA has "Quality Pro Accreditation" this is like the Excellent Housekeeping Seal of Insect control, and also they currently have a Quality Pro Environment-friendly accreditation, that has actually assembled ranges of service, more IPM associated programs, team training, etc. This program brings harmony to our market due to the fact that there are a variety of eco-friendly programs available, but each is different and also not all are identified as a licensed programs with set conformity standards.
While this is all great stuff, we found out that every market is functioning much more towards ending up being "Eco-friendly" and also till just recently the meaning was different almost everywhere you looked. Today, with programs such as LEED - Management in Power as well as Environmental Design, several markets are collaborating to promote "Green" by interacting under an extra specified structure. Whether it's cleansing products, air conditioning, landscaping, type of floor covering materials, plant treatment, bug control, and so on., Eco-friendly is about an Click for source environment that is comfortable, safe, pest and pest cost-free, energy effective as well as environmentally audio.
Insect control business are critical to eco-friendly programs due to the fact that we are already accustom to Integrated Bug Managementwhere we concentrate on Assessment, hygiene recommendations, needed exclusion (securing up holes and cracks where not only bugs can enter, yet also dirt as well as heating and a/c can leave), social concerns, biological controls and also naturally a sensible use of chemicals where essential. Throughout our evolution from bug control to LEED Licensed Parasite Monitoring programs, interaction is ever increasing in significance, and also our solution employees need to be masters of coverage, measuring, checking and also connecting to all the required celebrations entailed, including solution companions for added structure procedures.
Professionalism and reliability is essential to the evolution of the Parasite Control market, IPM-- Integrated Bug Administration is the central core of "environment-friendly" pest management and also communication is the glue to an exceptional LEED Certified Insect Administration Program. A supplier who wants to operate at a level high adequate to supply LEED Certified Pest Management must have the ability to operate at a level that will work within the standards established by the LEED program that decreases the threat as well as reliance on pesticides, while still supplying the ultimate objective of structure owners and also managers, that is; You were hired to "take care" of the problems.
This can be a tough costs to fill up, however by being sensitive to the customer's goals as well as understanding your requirements can be fun as well as absolutely is a challenge that Invader Pest Monitoring has stepped up to the plate as well as approved.
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andresfexv975-blog · 4 years
7 Things You Should Not Do With Anthem Pest Control
The majority of the people in the 21st century spend their waking hrs at work. And for that reason, obtaining the cleaning job done such as duct cleaning has actually become more of an ordeal. Even if actual cleaning is considered, it typically entails marginal job by utilizing a hoover and getting the trash can empty. Nonetheless, this won't be adequate to eliminate the dirt that is worked out in the deeper layers, as well as even the dirt fragments as well as allergens will certainly remain to infect your living space
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Nonetheless, with the help of specialist duct as well as deep cleaning services from us, you can maintain your inside healthy. Here, are a couple of provided reasons that will certainly encourage you to hire professional cleaning company to accommodate your demands.
1-Spreading of diseases will certainly be minimized:.
Whenever your residence or your office is plagued with irritant as well as dust fragments, it is an obvious invitation for illness. In such a circumstance, the top quality of living is definitely compromised. However, it wouldn't be right for you not to look after your health and wellness, while we are still in organisation. We are just one of the most popular laundry and air duct cleansing business that will ensure to restore the high quality of living in your lives.
2-The requirement to maintaining a much safer environment:.
Keeping a healthy way of life has ended up being a real issue a lot more so these days than it was in the past. More and more people are being interested in setting up a healthy environment. However the point is, how can that be done? Well, the response is merely to select deep cleaning services from a firm that deals with mold and mildew removal Dubai, air conditioner air duct cleaning dubai, cooking area air duct cleaning as well as various other such relevant jobs, like us. Ensure that the duct are properly and frequently cleaned up to maintain the pathogens at a distance.
3-A wonderful way to conserve cash:.
This point might come across to you as unreasonable. But, pause and assume as soon as if you consistently maintain the air top quality inside by air, washing, and also kitchen air duct cleaning then you are conserving cash in the long run. Apart from your HVAC systems being maintained in time, they will ensure that your health and wellness is sustained also. The standard process resembles surface cleaning -leaving behind the part that is in charge of influencing your wellness. By employing professionals for deep cleansing from a company like us, you are not only saving your money however likewise are safeguarding on your own.
By employing us as your deep cleaning services, you can appreciate the advantage of getting most of the parts of your house, or your workplace cleaned. A few of our solutions include:.
You might stumble upon several firms that offer themselves as expert cleaning service providers. Nevertheless, you need to be very careful while choosing the ones that generally deal with your requirements. Have a keen eye for the solutions these business have to use to you as http://cesarztpw866.cavandoragh.org/12-do-s-and-don-ts-for-a-successful-anthem-pest-control well as conserve on your own from being fooled.
Twenty Initial Century Bug Control is not the same as the old days. I lately participated in the 76th Yearly NPMA National Parasite Monitoring Association Insect World Convention, where we had the biggest attendance at a bug control convention to day. The Parasite Control industry actually comprehends the significance of coming together as a sector as well as supporting one another. We were informed that attendance was up almost 20% while a lot of other sector associations are having tough times at their yearly conventions. Our sector understands the need to network with our peers, work together to find up with techniques to push via the economic situation, as well as look forward into new products and also materials offered to the parasite control market.
Today everyone is speaking about being "Green" including the parasite control market. This movement has actually already started to morph, right into even more technical areas in the environment-friendly bug control sector than formerly believed it would certainly. Originally, "Environment-friendly" items were established by a couple of vendors, as well as some companies took on using these items right into their solutions and called it "Environment-friendly" since the items themselves were "Eco Friendly.".
However, at this year's convention, there was a great deal more presented on this subject, for example, NPMA has "Quality Pro Certification" this resembles the Good House Cleaning Seal of Parasite control, and also they now have a Quality Pro Green accreditation, that has created scopes of service, more IPM associated programs, personnel training, etc. This program brings uniformity to our market since there are a number of eco-friendly programs available, however each is various and not all are acknowledged as a certified programs with established conformity standards.
While this is all fantastic things, we found out that every sector is functioning much more toward becoming "Environment-friendly" as well as up until just recently the definition was different almost everywhere you looked. Today, through programs such as LEED - Management in Power and Environmental Design, many markets are coming together to advertise "Eco-friendly" by collaborating under a much more specified framework. Whether it's cleaning products, a/c, landscaping, type of flooring products, plant care, insect control, and so on., Green has to do with an environment that fits, safe, pest and pest free, energy reliable and eco sound.
Insect control firms are paramount to environment-friendly programs since we are currently accustom to Integrated Pest Managementwhere we concentrate on Examination, cleanliness referrals, needed exclusion (sealing up holes and also fractures where not just parasites can go into, but also dust and home heating and air conditioning can leave), cultural problems, biological controls as well as naturally a judicious application of chemicals where necessary. Throughout our evolution from insect control to LEED Licensed Insect Management programs, communication is ever enhancing in importance, and also our service personnel should be masters of coverage, gauging, keeping track of and connecting to all the required celebrations entailed, including service companions for extra building operations.
Professionalism and reliability is essential to the advancement of the Insect Control industry, IPM-- Integrated Insect Administration is the central core of "eco-friendly" insect management and interaction is the glue to a remarkable LEED Licensed Insect Monitoring Program. A vendor that intends to operate at a level high enough to provide LEED Licensed Insect Management must be able to operate at a degree that will certainly work within the criteria set by the LEED program that reduces the danger and dependence on chemicals, while still supplying the utmost goal of building proprietors and also managers, that is; You were hired to "take care" of the troubles.
This can be a challenging bill to fill up, however by being sensitive to the customer's goals and also understanding your needs can be enjoyable as well as absolutely is a challenge that Invader Insect Management has stepped up to the plate as well as accepted.
0 notes
Why we’re leaving the US for good, USA → EU: (A quasi FAQ on why even skilled STEM professionals are also ditching the US: predatory end stage capitalism, workplaces that break your health, myths about US salaries, the gigantic debt trap that is US modern society)
I’m one of 3 siblings, 2 brothers and a sister, all of us parents and established well paid STEM professionals (at least formerly so, with reasonable working conditions), who are emigrating from the United States with our kids and resettling in the European Union, one of us along with extended family, having already completed the process. We’ve received countless queries and expressions of surprise about our emigration since we as senior STEM professionals are supposed to be “the exception” for whom the USA is a highly paid Shangri La, so we got suggestions to post why we’re leaving here. In fact we’ve gotten so many questions on the “why” of our emigration that we’ve opted to answer all the issues that come up in one place, so this is long but hopefully informative and helpful for all of you.
None of our reasons have anything to do with politics, they have everything to do with the fast deteriorating work and work-life situation even for high skilled Americans (myself an engineer and ex-Fortune 500 senior manager, my brother a doctor, our sister a teacher turned high paid tech wizard), how corrosive the US workplace has become for even the “winners” in terms of our health, families and peace of mind, and how so many supposed advantages of a US posting (salary, taxes, red tape) are now a mirage. Our single biggest regret was not leaving much sooner, even as we saw where things were going a decade ago. In addressing the “why” here (as many others have addressed the “how” better than we could), our main goal is to help others mulling emigration out of America to avoid the same mistakes and costly delays, in big part due to all the myths we fell for, that we did. So the details below are a hive mind reflection of what all 3 of us, and some extended family, have observed to push even us, of the supposedly well heeled professional class, out of the US for good. Much of this is a joint effort so please excuse the “we” and “us” alternating in with conclusions of “I” and “me” the engineer in the family.
We’ll summarize it in blunt terms. America as of 2019 and 2020 is in a state of what we can only call “end stage capitalism” or maybe late stage capitalism if you prefer, a horribly exploitative, predatory, crony capitalist transformation of the saner capitalist system we once had, that delivers the worst of the both worlds even to high skilled professionals — terrible work-life balance, family unfriendly, abusive workplaces by design, horrible health and diminishing incomes relative to cost of living and hours worked, plus high taxes (overall) with decreasing levels of public benefit, and disastrous public outcomes, the Boeing 737 the keynote example in my field. Irony is that, yes, we ourselves are descendants of pre-Ellis Island immigrants from Europe, and on paper we’ve lived the American Dream, moving up from working class to become STEM professionals and (allegedly) part of the 1%. But the cost to health, family, creativity and security in this end stage capitalist America is becoming so great that we don’t want our kids (many of us have to start families late in our fields) to grow up in it, and our expat colleagues in Europe have been experiencing greater social mobility than North America now. The essentials:
 — — The ravenous short-term profit demands of late stage capitalism have made it so the American workplace over the past decade has become toxic to the point of breaking its workers, even very high skilled and paid STEM professionals, in mind, body and soul. It’s not only the mounting work hours themselves, it’s also the multiplying administrative and compliance demands that pile up more and more with little being removed, the emphasis on public humiliation and gaslighting (more on this below) as a way to “motivate” workers and discourage wage increases, fire at will policies that are more and more capricious, lack of vacation or maternity leave to recover, horrible safety nets and bankrupting healthcare and daycare costs, worsening litigiousness and constant risk to decades’ worth of savings, a toxic environment that discourages creativity and entrepreneurialism and — a driving force for all this — capture of the American government and lawmaking apparatus by the oligarchs who profit from it. We’re supposedly the “winners” of the American rat race, yet in reality the US workplace is now like that old Arnold Schwarzenegger film The Running Man, a constant deathmatch where any tiny slip up (or none at all) will torpedo your career even with insane 80 hour weeks, and the “winners” win only by sacrificing their own health, family and peace of mind. The USA is now the only advanced country with a declining life expectancy, and exhausted workers literally dropping dead (all 3 of us are seeing more and more of this) is a big part of it — Jeffrey Pfeffer’s book Dying for a Paycheck produces the grim numbers if you’re interested. It didn’t use to be this bad, and you may be lucky to avoid this.. for a while. But this “grind the workforce into powder” mentality is now a metastasizing cancer in the US due to the form of capitalism that’s become predominant, and it will come for you eventually, as it did for my own once humane company. And these conditions will literally break your health and kill you, as recent research is proving, a link if you’re interested: https://www.seattletimes.com/explore/careers/excessive-work-hours-and-job-stress-can-be-deadly-un-report-says/
 — — The myth about America having higher salaries in STEM careers than Europe — yes we were bamboozled by this, it’s a big reason we hesitated for so long. It misses several bits of fine print. One is the HOURLY pay in STEM is, with ever greater prevalence, now lower in the US than in many European STEM centers, particularly in the more developed countries — Netherlands, Nordics, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the STEM hubs in Belgium, north France, even a few tech hubs in Spain and Italy. Over the nearly 3 decades I’ve worked in American STEM companies, the hours the engineers have to work has gone up — way, WAY up, from around 40–45 hours a week to routine expectations of 60–80 hour weeks in a growing collection of firms, and sometimes more like 80-100 hours a week, with impossible workloads and project deadlines. Yet salary hasn’t gone up anywhere near the same proportion. And those are stressful hours with no “reward” other than being belittled and gaslighted by senior managers for inadequate output and “laziness” even as the engineers are guzzling caffeine and energy drinks to stay awake. (Part of my job as a senior manager was to be one of those “whip holders” I’m now ashamed to admit, it’s why I ultimately bolted for another company that soon turned out to be not much better.)
I finally opened my eyes on assignments in Europe and noticed that my engineering colleagues there, even though they usually made a little less (*usually*, not always, in many cases their primary tech jobs *did* pay more than Americans in absolute terms on a monthly basis!), had much more reasonable hours, some not even 40 hours a week, and were almost to a person making a much better hourly wage than the American engineers were. And they were getting more done — maybe because Europeans work shorter hours, there’s less of the endless, useless BS with meetings and constantly mounting admin tasks. This meant our European counterparts, in the large majority, had more time to start their own businesses, make smart investments, and do other highly paid consulting or freelancing if they wanted — impossible for American STEM professionals to do when they’re slaving away for 80 hours a week. So the European hours not only made for better health, less stress and improved productivity in STEM, it also allowed more freedom for income making opportunities and becoming an entrepreneur. There’s also constant downward wage pressure on American STEM professionals’ salary from the way the H-1B is, even now, abused and its restrictions poorly enforced for some sectors and companies.
Meaning that, even on a purely monthly income basis as well, most of the European engineers and programmers were doing better financially than their American counterparts, with a lot more discretionary and disposable income, while having more control over their schedules, more manageable working hours and work-life balance, and having more opportunities to build up their skills, credentials and careers. Plus our Euro counterparts were also getting healthcare coverage, university and childcare in the bargain. Putting it all together, the European STEM professionals’ disposable, discretionary income per month and year, and even more so per hour, was above our American workers, yet with much more manageable working hours, work-life balance and options to start their own businesses, and they finished their university with no debt unlike American kids. Not to mention cost of living in US tech centers esp. Silicon Valley and Seattle is so outrageously high that American STEM pros’ real disposable income is even lower in reality. That’s the apples to other apples comparison, and most of the engineers in Europe (Europeans and expat Americans) were better off financially than Americans were in real, disposable income, job and income security and especially savings, with much less debt than Americans.
 — — And that’s only the obvious, dollar for dollar or Euro for Euro calculation on why real wages are NOT higher for STEM professionals in the US than Europe when you consider hourly and disposable income, and especially debt and savings. The so called intangibles are much, MUCH worse for American STEM workers, and these were the push factors that finally pushed us out to raise our families in the EU. For one, again, the horrible hours, constant psychological abuse and gratuitously stressful conditions in the US workplace will take a toll and break your health in due time, no matter how tough you’ve always been. Let this again sink in — the United States is the only developed country to be seeing a falling life expectancy (and it’s already much lower than Europe), and no, this is not just because of opiate overdoses in Appalachia. It’s because American workers, even highly skilled STEM professionals, are being overworked to sweatshop levels and literally being worked to death. Even if American STEM professionals made more money than Europeans (and again we don’t in reality, as we laid out above), the cost to health would more than outweigh any such added salary. What would be the point of earning a little extra money as an engineer in the US if you wind up dying decades sooner from the increasingly corrosive, toxic American workplace?
When I started my career, only 6 of my forty- and fifty-something associates and mentors passed away over a decade. But in the past 5 years alone, I’ve lost almost two dozen of my associates in that age range from diseases and accidents clearly related to overwork and work stress and even scarier, a lot of twenty-something and thirty-something coworkers and proteges too! One had his heart literally burst after working almost two years straight of 80–100 hour weeks and downing energy drinks to stay awake, barely a week of vacation and fear of losing his job if even dared to call in sick, my doctor brother I think said it was a heart wall rupture or something similar. Another with a similar horrible schedule took his life when his wife left him and took the kids, so he was dealing with an emotionally and financially crippling divorce on top of his horrible working conditions. Another, a young protege of mine right out of college, was compelled to work non stop 80–90 hour weeks under abusive conditions to “prove herself”, causing her to fall asleep at the wheel one night and die after crashing her car against a guard rail. Their (possibly) higher salaries in the US meant nothing when their jobs were literally killing them!
As bad as job conditions have been in me and my sister’s fields, my brother the doctor has had it even worse. He’s worked 100 hour weeks almost nonstop for the past 5 years, and he’ll often work 120 hours a week! No that’s not a typo, and seems it’s not uncommon for his field in the US. I’ve been to my brother’s hospital many times and the doctors and nurses there are one step away from being zombies, they look sicker than their patients! Even worse, they all say most of that insane work week and workload isn’t even for patient care, it’s now mostly dealing with paperwork, insurance and writing up uselessly long medical documents. Even when my brother gets home, he gets to “enjoy” about 10 minutes of dinner with his wife and kids, then go down to his basement dungeon, that’s what we call it, to work for 3–4 more hours to do his medical documents (he has to lock himself in a windowless room due to Hippa, I think that’s the term for the privacy policy at his hospital), sleep a couple hours then wake up again at 4:30 a.m. the next day to start all over, including weekends.
Funny part is, when you break down his salary on an hourly basis — even more when subtracting all his insurance and other costs — it’s a whole lot less than most other professionals, STEM and non-STEM, on top of crippling levels of stress, even without considering he basically made a pittance in his years of extra training after medical school with debt gaining interest. He had a heart attack himself 2 years ago, another sign that it’s time to leave. I’ve seen sweatshops in SE Asia with better working conditions than what American doctors and nurses have to deal with, and it’s literally killing them from what my brother has said, US doctors and nurses have the highest suicide rate of any profession and thousands of others die from exhaustion-related diseases and car accidents every year. (The US is going to have one hell of a doctor shortage at the rate the docs are burning out and literally dying from overwork, so chalk that up as yet another reason to emigrate from America.)
— — For these and other reasons, the US has become a horrible place to raise kids. The insane workload demands especially in fields like STEM, and the constant and worsening stress, make it difficult to spend even a few minutes a day with your kids on many stretches, let alone to relax enough and block out activities to be a good mother or father. My poor doctor brother fell into depression last year after a horrible 120 hour work week and his own heart attack a couple years ago, when he realized that his own kids had become virtual strangers, unable to see him even when he finally did come home staying up with medical documents all night. I’ve had the same painful realization with my own kids, our emigrating cousins and extended family the same. This terrible lack of work life balance hampers kids’ development and endangers their long term prospects and safety. Child care is outrageously expensive in the US cities that have jobs, there’s no family leave and especially in the brutally cutthroat world of American STEM, if you have to take a day off to care for a sick kid (or get sick yourself), it’ll often cost you your job and with it, your health insurance. Extremely expensive private schools are more the norm in a lot of regions to get your kids a quality education, not to mention shield them from crime and drugs which are sadly more and more common even in affluent US suburban schools.
 — — The USA now has downward going mobility — not only is social mobility now higher in Europe and Asia (you’re now more likely to rise from the middle or working class to make millions in Europe for ex., if that’s your thing), but even Americans in the middle and upper classes are at much greater risk of losing it all than any other advanced country. So even if you’re able to overcome all the toxic elements of the modern US workplace and save up some money, there are debt traps, hidden costs and risks lurking everywhere. A bad illness often ruins even very wealthy Americans financially because you have no security against crushing medical bills, even if insured. Out of network balance billing can cripple you with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in costs, and there’s not a thing you can do about it, as my (once-wealthy) cousin learned to her dismay when her daughter suffered a chronic autoimmune disease. I knew a wealthy entrepreneur from Italy who fulfilled his “American Dream” urgings in Texas, on an EB-5 visa, that turned to be a mirage when he was injured in a car wreck and learned his expensive insurance wouldn’t cover the costs. After that and a rival’s lawsuit,  he lost everything, hundreds of thousands of dollars in family money plus what he’d saved up initially in Europe, returning to Italy penniless.
And on that topic, crazy litigiousness and complete lack of job security also contribute to the current American lack of financial security — no matter how many decades you’ve trained, worked hard, built up your life savings, you are never secure in the USA of 2019 and 2020. Ridiculous lawsuits will crop up for the most nonsensical reasons, and a single one can bankrupt you. My brother and his fellow doctors are at constant risk of losing their life savings in a malpractice lawsuit, even with their (more and more expensive) insurance, even if they’re perfect, a tall order with the long hours and their fatigue working 100 hours a week. My poor primary physician is under terrible stress caught in a damned if you do or don’t situation with opiates. If she is seen to “overprescribe” them, even if cases of clear medical necessity, she can have her license terminated and be sued into bankruptcy. But if she doesn’t prescribe opiates, some patients can downgrade her rating and sue her for that too — again terminating her license and depleting her life savings, as has sadly happened to several doctors my brother has known. And even if they’re “successful” in fighting the lawsuits, attorney fees can suck away hundreds of thousands of dollars in US courts, after all lawsuits are a “profit opportunity” too. Even my sister, when she was working as a teacher, had to deal with a constant lawsuit risk dangling over her head which did strike many of her fellow teachers. It’s part of what drove her to leave the profession, and then the country.
Divorce is also horribly common in the US and it’s often a catastrophe for both spouses. Ironically if you have a high-paying STEM job, the family courts can crush you financially — many states get a nice cut of spousal and child support payments, which creates all kinds of terrible incentives — by imputing an arbitrarily high earning expectation that may be way outside of your actual ability, and refuse to adjust it. Want to re-train, dial down your hours, deal with an illness or bad economy that temporarily reduces your earnings? Too bad, they won’t adjust it for you, and it’s pay up or go to prison. One of my own best friends from college, a doctor herself like my brother, had to deal with this horror after her own divorce and it nearly (literally) killed her. In fact my brother’s wife wanted to leave him due to his own horribly long hours and take the kids away, leaving him liable for hundreds of thousands in support payments, with my wife talking her out of it at the last second. If he had to face this, on top of working 100–120 hours a week, I have little doubt he too would have wound up one of the doctor suicide statistics. As bad as some European economies may have had it after the 2008 crisis, I never once encountered Europeans being utterly wiped out like this — the kinds of debt traps, catastrophic medical bills, divorce wipeouts and crippling injury costs, that can drain away the savings of even wealthy Americans in a single stroke, just don’t exist in Europe, which make your savings a lot more secure there.
Notice too how the toxic American workplace described above not only cripples your health and relationships these days, no matter how much you’re making, but also makes it harder for you to hold on to whatever savings you’ve made for all that crushing hard work — the health problems, divorces and car accidents that result from those brutal American work schedules will not only sap your health, but sap your hard-earned savings too! And on top of that, American companies are now ever more willing to terminate you at the drop of a hat if you’re even slightly down and out, no matter how many years of good service you’ve provided. This happened too often at my old company and it corroded the souls of the managers who had to deliver the news to some poor soul that the corporate suits were kicking him while he or she was already down battling a severe illness or other setback.
 — — Europeans in at least some EU countries are now more entrepreneurial than Americans now by a widening margin, so the “business-friendly US” stereotype is false. Example:
This is not because of a lack of American ingenuity or entrepreneurial spark, but because of the issues spelled out above — the tightening corporate control of Americans’ lives (even outside of work) leaves little time or energy for your own entrepreneurial and creative pursuits, which are frowned upon by management as a fire-able offense. In just about any industry you all but owe your soul to the US company store, among other things because you also lose health insurance when you go entrepreneurial. Europeans with their more manageable work weeks, 6 weeks of vacation and long maternity and paternity leave? That’s not for lazing around — they’re better rested and more productive, and have the breathing room to innovate, be creative and start their own businesses, that’s in fact become a huge competitive advantage compared to the insane “work the wage slaves until they drop” style of North American capitalism now.
 — — Even if your job is listed as having a high salary, especially in STEM, beware — in end stage capitalist America, capital is at war with labor, and there’s an increasing minefield of horrible, outright awful practices that are more frequently used to strip away what you’ve earned with your hard work. One of the worst is the ever expanding ways that US companies use to dock your pay, something I saw constantly, to my mounting rage, as a senior manager. For American engineers and programmers in particular, more and more companies employ a nasty practice where they’ll give you an impossible workload and impossible deadlines, even working 80–100 hour weeks, and then dock your pay severely when (inevitably) you and your team fail to meet those impossible demands. So that sweet $150,000 annual salary you thought you were signing up for? You’ll find out, to your dismay, that in reality the company was suckering you in, giving you impossible projects and then repeatedly docking your earnings, with your managers gaslighting you that despite your incredibly long hours and hard work, in reality you’re just incompetent and lazy and don’t deserve the salary you thought you’d signed up for. (I was actually given a damn script about this as a senior manager, to read to the engineers in my team to “justify” this horrible practice often in performance reviews, and sadly, the ones most severely affected were the ones with the best work ethics.)
So the company has broken your health, gotten 80–100 hours per week of your hard-earned, highly skilled labor, then used a slick deception to steal your labor for free. I was compelled to do this to countless earnest, hardworking, good people, and I hated this neo-slavery practice with every fiber in my body, it was ultimately the last straw that drove me to leave the company. And if you think this practice is illegal, think again — wealthy corporate donors and lobbyists all but control our legislatures and courts, and end stage capitalist America has virtually no labor protections, so this sort of horror is becoming ever more prevalent across corporate America as a way to “cut labor costs” and boost profits. (And again to be clear this isn’t a political statement, I’ve encountered this working in Red States and in Blue States just the same.)
Even pay-docking practices and salary cuts that should be completely illegal have a nasty set of well-developed protocols that make them “legalish” enough to survive scrutiny. For example, ever been shocked at that dispiriting, demoralizing performance review you got, despite the long hours you were putting it and objective achievements and goals you met? Well there’s a reason for it in American STEM companies — the negative review gives them legal cover and leverage to later arbitrarily dock your pay, suspend you or lay you off to boost their quarterly report, while also having the “side benefit” of gaslighting you into doubting your own competence and work ethic, so the company can extract even more hours out of you and discourage raises. Ever wondered why what you thought was regular salary has been sneakily reclassified as “incentive pay”? Makes it much easier to dock the pay legally. And if you think you’re in the right enough to challenge these unfair practices, you probably are in the right — and you’ll still get nowhere, because the company has much more high powered attorneys than you can ever afford, and they will use them against you. Don’t think you’ll be an exception. You may be lucky for awhile but remember, in end stage capitalist America, labor is at best a necessary evil and cost to be minimized, and you being a highly skilled STEM professional doesn’t change that. If anything it makes you an even bigger enemy to the corporation’s profit goals since you can demand a higher salary. It’s things like this that make you realize the value of Europe’s labor protections, however imperfect.
 — — As we alluded to earlier, the United States is now one gigantic debt trap, and no matter how aggressive you are at saving your earnings and avoiding debt, the structure of the US economy will make it impossible. This applies to almost everyone, even for most of the proverbial 1 percent — we have supposedly ascended to this level, yet we and those in our neighborhood are in constant fear and insecurity because the downward going mobility we mentioned above applies to us too, and the debt traps are real. We’ve mentioned some of those above — there’s college debt of course, and this is a hazard even if you’re frugal and try to do the old fashioned “state school” or community college route. Those costs are shooting up, but in the US, it’s pay to play, more and more you can’t get the needed skills for a good job without that college debt. Even trade schools have ways of putting you in the hole, and without a college degree, HR will largely toss out your CV wherever you’re applying. Medical debt from surprise medical bills is a constant nightmare and has, in fact, bankrupted many of our insured (and presumably well-off) neighbors and colleagues. And as mentioned divorce is catastrophic financially for both spouses in the United States, and a supposedly “wealthy” spouse will be drained almost perpetually financially for support payments because, again, the states get a big share of those payments themselves.
But there are other crippling debt traps too, which we often just take for granted and miss because the US economy itself is now debt-fueled. For example, when we mentioned above that the major US tech hubs (esp. Bay Area, Seattle, Boston, New York, increasingly even Austin and Denver) have such outsize costs of living that your “salary premium” is virtually worthless there? Part of the reason for such outrageous Americans costs of living in jobs hubs is that the US financial system has been structured to make debt the only way to cover the costs of essentials like college, healthcare bills and, yes, housing. The 30 year mortgage was almost unheard of in the US a few decades ago and such debt instruments are despised in most other First World economies, but they’re the norm in the US now, especially in the expensive cities with the most tech jobs. So on top of the multiple hits to your real earnings and disposable income above, you’re going to be sucked into a housing bubble with massive interest to be paid on the loans you take out for a home, whether you like this system or not, because it’s the only game in town and it’s inflated your home prices to madness levels.
Vehicle loans are now also at a record and they’ve been a factor at driving the cost of cars through the roof. Then there’s that curious, dangerous animal called tax debt in America. The tax authorities in the US right now are ruthless with the middle class, entrepreneurs and the “sub-billionaire” 1 percent, and once you’re in their cross-hairs you’ll become a cash cow for them, trapped in debt and likely never get out. Billionaires can buy Senators and politicians, but if you have assets and savings without enough to practically own a politician (high paid STEM professionals and entrepreneurs, that means you), you’re going to be a ripe, easy target. An associate and mentor of my sister’s, a software engineer who had helped her design her own online business, did very well for himself and was almost obsessive with making sure his taxes were paid to the letter, hiring two expensive accountants to make sure everything was done right. Didn’t matter — he was audited over a virtual triviality, stemming from minor paperwork filing errors which now, conveniently enough, are liable for massive fines even outside of any actual tax liability. Not only the debts levied, but also the time it took to deal with the auditing demands crippled his business and his health, and he eventually lost his home and his business, reduced practically to poverty. And this isn’t an uncommon story anymore, with the USA now $24 trillion in debt (and the states and localities struggling), and with the billionaire heir class virtually untouchable, the professional class and “tech gentry” as one of my old associates put it, are prime targets to drain revenue from for these deficits. So beware, even if you somehow dodge all the other debt traps and the health crushing, soul sucking world that is the US tech workplace these days, even your hard earned assets are vulnerable to be taken away from you.
And there are so many other subtle, unexpected debt traps lurking in end stage capitalist America, which can drain away years worth of savings in a single stroke. Privacy rights and protections in the US are horribly lacking, another disadvantage of America compared to other developed countries especially the EU, where privacy has strong protections. Result is that your personal data is in constant danger of being stolen and identity theft can cripple you. This happened to my niece (a doctor like my brother) and her husband as result of an unethical and corrupt merchant who sold her personal data for profit — an awful practice that was somehow, all the same, still legal. And it took a year of record gathering and tens of thousands of dollars (all while she was too busy at the hospital to pay much attention to it) to get things settled. Again it needs to be said, there is no financial security in the US anymore, not even for the supposedly comfortable 1-percenters, and downward going mobility is becoming the norm.
 — — And on that topic, to wrap things up as far as push factors in case this comes up, our taxes in Europe — as we’ve confirmed among those of us already moved there — are NOT higher than in the US, another myth. Federal taxes and VAT are higher in Europe of course, but the US has a flaming pile of other taxes like FICA/Medicare payroll, state, local, transaction, plus things like vehicle license fees and ever escalating parking and traffic fines, not to mention the often crippling surcharges on support payments from a divorce, which again, many states get a cut of. There are overt taxes and hidden taxes across the US and they at least equal European taxes, and often exceed for some states, but with the difference that you, as a non-oligarch in America, will see very little benefit for your taxes. All while our counterparts in Europe, and more and more countries in Asia and South America, get the core social benefits (covered healthcare and university, childcare, family leave, startup support, better infrastructure) that lead to better health, life expectancy and social mobility, compared to the US. Some European taxes are even lower than those in the US, for example property taxes which are a much lower burden — a lifesaver if you’re retired on fixed income, or dealing with the ballooning costs of US starter homes. We’re not at all anti-tax, but one of the more dispiriting elements of living in the US these days is that our taxes more and more go to help fund American wars and benefits for the oligarchs who control the government, not for public benefit. Europe, Asia, Australia and South America aren’t utopias by any means, but for all their flaws, taxes there really do support the public benefit and well being of the people.
 — — If even after all this, you’re still considering joining the meat grinder that is the American STEM workplace these days (or are stuck here as an American born citizen for the time being), then we’d strongly advise some precautions and a particular outlook to survive. For one, it’s now best to consider the USA what we in the business travel world and the diplomats call “a hardship posting”. Under some circumstances and contracts, if you can arrange it, you can make a lot of money here working for a few years, but it’s a temporary posting and absolutely not a place to settle down — basically a third world country where you can (sometimes) get a hazard pay premium due to the deteriorating conditions around you. That’s not an exaggeration anymore. The exploitation, overwork and debt traps in the US are so awful that you are literally endangering your health, and that of your family, by staying here. If you’re born here and can find a high paying STEM job and a way to save up, then start making your exit plan before the horrors of end stage capitalist America come for you. And keep in mind, all that glitters isn’t gold, and a lot of the common tropes about high paying US STEM jobs (especially ones that won’t ruin your health or in cities that won’t drain away your savings) are myths and hype.
Also, read every single word of your employment contract, down to the letter. This is true if you’re a born and bred American, even more if you’re coming to work in STEM as an H-1B or other work visa. Never, ever accept a position where your pay can be “docked for performance reasons” — this is a trap! You may pride yourself on your work ethic and your ability to “suck it up and get things done”, but in America today, the company sees you as a sucker easy to exploit, and they have no respect for you or your work ethic except in terms of what they can extract from you by guilt tripping and gaslighting you. Also beware of positions that for seemingly mysterious reasons, shift what should be regular salary over to be classified as “incentive pay” or something similar. This may seem like semantics to you at first glance, but in reality, it’s one of the many horrible methods that many US STEM companies are now using to “cut labor costs” — giving you impossible assignments you couldn’t complete even if you could work 30 hours a day, then docking your pay for “subpar performance”.
 — — Finally we’ve focused on the “why” because the “how” of emigrating out of the US (especially to Europe) has already been covered much better by other Redditors, and the individual path to the EU, or destinations in Asia, Australia or South America will vary so much from person to person. A few pointers that can be generally helpful:
1. Remember that the EU has 27 countries to choose from after Brexit, and you don’t necessarily have to start in your goal country if the visa process is too challenging. Once you become established in one, you have free movement rights to the others. One of our cousins took advantage of this — not even in STEM himself, with no more than basic trade school education — to go to one of the Baltic countries in the EU where even his basic skills were in demand due to the shortage of so many young workers moving out to Western Europe. He, his wife and kids picked up enough of the local language to get settled (with very low costs of living), saved up and eventually moved to France, his original goal. (Other expat Americans, originally with similar goals, have fallen in love with the Baltics or other eastern European EU countries and planted roots there).
2. Have a long term plan in mind, especially if you have or are planning kids and thinking about where to raise them. This is one of the reasons we’re all headed to the EU in my close family (with two other extended family members going to Argentina and a wealthy region in Brazil). I loved Canada, the UK and Australia when I was posted there, but unfortunately, the US as “head country of the Anglosphere” is more and more infecting the rest of the English-speaking world with its end stage capitalism style, and we’re starting to see the same madness slowly pop in those countries too. For whatever its flaws, the European Union has much stiffer and permanent protections for workers to the point that the EU defines itself to a big extent around this philosophy. Not just as a matter of principle but practicality — EU workers are more productive, and since they’re healthier the healthcare costs there are less than America’s. It’s a smarter, much more First World way of running an economy. We’re not saying the EU is a paradise, we’ve had our share of irritations dealing with some elements of its bureaucracy, and there are certainly some areas for improvements. (Especially transporting pets--it’s obviously important to take reasonable precautions but the EU red tape around house pet transport is often horrible.) But when it comes to the big things most relevant to quality of life, health and opportunities, the EU gets it right, much more than the US does, and it’s why Europeans are now healthier and more productive than Americans, with much greater social mobility than North America now has.
3. Learn as much of the language as you can, but if you have an offer or option, don’t hesitate to make the move to the EU. We’ve been prepping our move to Europe for years so we’ve worked to learn the languages of where we’re going. But I talked to many American expats who, when they made their permanent moves, were not close to being fluent in French, German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish or whatever the language was common where they were moving. In STEM, for now at least, you can often get by at first in the EU (even outside of Ireland) with English — operative phrase being “at first”. If you’re going to settle down there long term, it’s important to make some effort to pick up the language, after you’ve moved if you haven’t done so before, or you’ll be stuck as a social outsider even if you can use English where you work. Fortunately EU countries tend to be helpful in this and many even have free language classes especially for the bigger languages like French, German and Italian (one of our nephews took advantage of this), and of course it’s doubly important for your kids to be immersed as much as possible in the regional language. But again, don’t let your lack of language skills hinder you if you do have an opportunity to move.
4. Some EU countries have smoothed emigration process considerably in recent years for skilled and semi-skilled workers from outside the EU to move in. Germany in particular is one, and although I’m not too up on the details, I think it’s called the Skilled Immigration Act and functions something like Canada and Australia’s points system. If you’re able to show that you have needed skills and experience, won’t require public assistance and ideally can speak (or motivated to learn) German, you’ll have an expedited path to getting in. Some other EU countries have similar programs to lure in skilled workers.
5. And on that topic when it comes to the specifics, we had personal contacts to help us with the practical elements of our move, and I had the good fortune of years of exposure through business travel especially in Europe. But there are so many American expats now, especially in Europe, that there’s a wealth of information and initial contacts to smooth the process. So use and take advantage of every resource you can, and good luck to all of you.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 7/16/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Tuesday, July 16th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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LIAT TALKS HIT SNAG – Antigua is playing hard ball with the Barbados Government over the LIAT issue. That country’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne said Antigua and Barbuda was prepared to acquire further shares in the cash-strapped regional airline, but was unwilling to pay an estimated US$44 million being asked by Barbados for the sale of its shares in the airline.The two countries have been holding discussions on the acquisition of the shares, and last week Browne said the talks were still ongoing despite media reports that they had broken down.Prime Minister Mia Mottley in a Ministerial Statement delivered last month in the House of Assembly said Barbados was reducing its financial involvement in LIAT. (DN)
PENSION PAYMENTS STILL NOT SETTLED – More than a month after Government said it would reverse the decision by the Treasury Department that stopped medically unfit people from receiving pensions, nothing has been done. And a check with Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn Sunday revealed there was no timeline for when those monies would be reinstated.“Unfortunately, it is taking longer than we would have liked but hopefully it will be resolved soon,” he said.One of those affected is Janice Harris of Bayville, St Michael, who used available media outlets in May and June to complain and mounted public protests outside the Parliament Buildings and other areas highlighting her plight. She got the attention of the public, Government ministers and the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW).(DN)
BLOW TO DIGICEL – Digicel is struggling to climb out of a deep financial hole, with debt on its books now estimated to be seven times more than earnings. The telecommunications group, which operates in Barbados and 30 other markets, has been trying to reduce a US$6.7 billion debt burden, and late last year reached agreement with investors to delay the payment of bonds worth US$3 billion.While having access to US$279 million in cash and its US$100 million revolving credit facility (RCF) available at the end of March, Digicel’s financial performance declined further.The company has now suffered a major credit rating downgrade from Moody’s Investors Service.(DN)
WORKPLACE WELLNESS POLICY ‘APPROVED’ –Cabinet has approved a new policy for maintaining health and safety in the workplace, Minister of Labour and Social Partnerships Colin Jordan has announced. In his speech to launch Occupational Safety and Health Week under the theme A Safe and Healthy Future of Work, Jordan said: “ Cabinet has just approved the Barbados Workplace Wellness Policy. “We are now in the process of establishing the National Committee for Wellness in the workplace that will drive the incentives across workplaces. “Safety and Health Committees at workplaces will be integrally involved in executing wellness initiatives. We recognize that we must move beyond the thinking [of] safety and health and embrace wellness as its natural corollary necessary for fulfilled, motivated, happy and productive workers.” Telling the gathering at Accra Beach Hotel that the labour ministry will be focusing on mental health in the workspace, Jordan said the Occupational Safety and Health Week of activities will target mental health at a session facilitated by the Psychiatric Hospital. With the increase of migrant workers in the labour force Government has established a protocol for how employers are to treat migrant workers, the Labour Minister added. “The protocol stipulates the working conditions that must be provided by employers for migrant workers, the rights and responsibilities for those involved in migrant labour matters, migrant workers must be treated with equity and respect. “To be clear, migrant workers are entitled to the same protections that are afforded to citizens and can avail themselves of the services of the Labour Department if they feel that their rights have been infringed.” Some 2.8 million people have died due to occupational related injuries and illnesses, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Minister noted. Jordan said: “The ILO report finds that the largest share by far of work-related deaths is associated with occupational diseases; 31 per cent of deaths are related to circulatory diseases, 20 per cent are work-related cancer, 17 percent of respiratory diseases. “Workers now use more technology and 36 percent are working excessively long hours defined as more than 48 hours per week.” General Secretary of the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations (CTUSAB) Dennis De Peiza in delivering his brief remarks on the theme said a safe and healthy future of work can only be derived if there is a commitment to providing employment and decent work for all which protects the labour rights. (BT)
UWI STUDENTS TO ‘GIVE BACK’ – Cabinet has approved the Give Back Programme for students of the University of the West Indies to repay with service their taxpayer-funded tuition, Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson has announced. Under the programme, UWI students will be required to complete 150 hours of community service over the three to four years that they are at university, and give back to Barbados. Hinkson said Government believed that it was important for university students to give back to their society through volunteerism in this country. There was already a list of organizations, entities and non-Governmental organizations that were waiting to come on board, he said. As the Government’s national summer camps got underway today, Hinkson also pointed out the camps were an avenue for university students to volunteer. “This is what being a Barbadian is about. Being a Barbadian is not only about what you can get out of your country… but also about what you can do for your country. “We have to encourage and inculcate in you and your people and your contemporaries the concept and notion that you have to volunteer in communities, to the elderly, to people with disabilities; to the DEOs (District Emergency Organizations), which are a part of the Department of Emergency Management, which also needs volunteers during this season,” he said. Young people are also needed to volunteer to clean up communities in the event of a disaster, and to ensure the people in the communities were safe, he said. “These are the kinds of actions of citizenry that we require of our young people, especially in this country going forward. The Government cannot do it alone. We need the support of everyone, especially young people to volunteer,” Hinkson urged. He noted that initiatives such as the Junior Cadet Programme gave young people the tools to be able to volunteer in society and to develop the kind of citizens that Barbados required.(BT)
MUSIC TUTOR GUILTY OF ASSAULTING STUDENT- A music lessons teacher who resides in St Philip has been found guilty of indecently assaulting one of his male charges. The boy who is now 14 years old was an 11-year-old first form student at a secondary school located in St Michael on January 7, 2016 when the incident occurred. In his testimony the teen explained that tutor unbuckled his belt, pushed his hands in his pants and squeezed his testicles when he was unable to give an answer to a question. However, the 24-year-old tutor in an unsworn statement told the No. 5 Supreme Court that the touching of a minor’s groin area was an “accident”. This morning the eight-member jury who heard the evidence in the case over the past two weeks returned a unanimous guilty verdict after Madam Justice Pamela Beckles gave her summation of the case. Pre-sentencing and psychological reports have been ordered on the tutor in preparation for sentencing in the case which was prosecuted by Senior Crown Counsel Krystal Delaney. The tutor remains on bail and will make his next appearance in court on October 23. (BT)
BAG GRABBER JAILED – In the wee hours of July 12 when “all law-abiding people who were not on duty” were asleep a 57-year-old landscaper crawled through the living room window of a woman’s house. Anthony Bernard Herbert, of Well Gap, Cave Hill, St Michael took a bag and its contents worth $140 from the residence after he pulled a garbage can, placed a block on top of it and trespassed in the house of Lee-Ann Dawe around 3:30 a.m. He was seen committing the act and the police were called in. He fled the scene at Grazettes Gardens, St Michael when police arrived but was subsequently caught. Around 6 a.m. the same day lawmen returned to the location and found a black handbag on the outside of the residence near a guard wall. A further search around Dawe’s property discovered a yellow pair of slippers and the can used to enter the house. She identified the items as hers.Outlining the facts Station Sergeant Peter Barrow disclosed that Herbert admitted to removing the handbag from the property and leaving it behind in a attempt to evade police. He also admitted that the slippers belonged to him and explained where he took garbage can and the block from which he used to gain entry to the house.“It is not a pleasure to renew our acquaintance,” Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch told Herbert while pointing out that the accused’s criminal career began as far back as former head magistrate Frank King.“I was working towards looking to get these charges expunged,” said the well-known convict who went on to say that he was being “pestered for some money that I owe someone.” Herbert then asked for leniency and mercy.“Where was your leniency and mercy for that woman? At 3:30 a.m. when all law-abiding people not on duty should be asleep . . . where was your leniency and mercy then?” Chief Magistrate Birch asked as he sentenced Herbert to 12 months in prison.(BT)
BAJAN GEMS THRASHED BY DEFENDING CHAMPIONS AUSTRALIA –The Bajan Gems were annihilated 91-22 by defending champions Australia as the Vitality Netball World Cup 2019 continued today in Liverpool, England. Once again goal shooter Shonica Wharton shone bright for Barbados netting 20 goals from 24 attempts while goal attack Sheniqua Thomas scored two from six.For Australia, goal shooters Caitlyn Thwaites (20/20) and Caitlin Bassett (26/30) led the way to victory and were assisted by goal attacks Steph Wood (20/23) and Gretel Tippett(25/26) respectively. Quarter scores: (23-5, 23-2, 25-8, 20-7)It’s now the third straight defeat for Barbados. The Gems started off their campaign with a 69-34 win over Singapore but were defeated 78-25 by New Zealand and 65-41 by Malawi. (DN)
That’s all for today folks there are 167 days left in the year Shalom! #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #bajannewscaps #newsca psbystephaniefchase
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Other Type of Vintage Desks Up for sale
Zoffany's furniture range is actually handmade, adeptly upholstered and softly trimmed. Leading furniture makers are adapted to designing specialist furnishings for clients effectively within their budget plan however, take the ideal degrees from functions and also design found. Among which was to inevitably form the beginnings from the Alstons Furniture Furniture procedure considerably later on. In 1921 Percy Alston's child Leslie started an apprenticeship with his daddy and after that finished this at Fisher Profession Wood working in Greater london's East End. The Cocoon array from Milk Furniture look remarkable and leave out an amazing ambiance (For particulars head to/ en/retailer/). Nonetheless, since deal home furniture is actually intended for much heavier business use, that has to be actually tough. With a stunning look, this takes the products to whatever place you put it in. Most people prefer rattan furnishings for their outside residing location, however with kubu, you require not really feel restricted to that one specific location. Typically establishment locators make it possible for individuals to personally check out the quality of the furnishings they have actually gotten for. This furnishings is of recent manufacture in the country due to the fact that this wood has actually certainly not resided in the market for such a long time. Teak outside furniture is resilient as well as sophisticated however this must be actually kept on a regular basis as a result of the direct exposure to rain, warmth and snowfall. As components and manufacturing innovations advance, developers are going to continuously advance exactly what Contemporary furnishings concept can easily cover. To recoup several of their cash, these companies commonly offer their delicately utilized household furniture to home furniture shops. In fact, this provider pays attention to making the most ideal feasible upholstered furnishings manually, as well as adheres to exactly what that does finest. Church furnishings includes congregation pews, armchair seat, chair local clergies, theater seats, accurate seats, refinishing, upholstery, steeples, communication dining tables, glass pulpits and tarnished glass etc Communion chairs as well as pulpit armchairs create all of them a lovely thing, which commit along with the label of recognized congregation. If you are actually going with a present day appearance then pick darker natural leather furnishings along with upright lines, if you are actually going with a country appeal after that softer rounder product furnishings can work truly well. Still standard Italian home furniture crafted from lumber remains to grow along edge the a lot more vivid and attractively developed current home furniture producer in Italy are actually now cultivating items from tidy direct designs and also taking advantage of most up-to-date components that are actually also quick and easy and immune to maintain. Polywood household furniture is actually a great selection for swimming pool furnishings at properties and hotels and resorts. Nonetheless, if this is crucial, choosing money-saving living room household furniture and embellishing your place is actually not a poor suggestion, when you are on limited spending plan. Much more compared to along with artificial rattan, the question of whether rattan home furniture is actually environmentally friendly seems to be to occur concerning things produced coming from the actual material removed off palm plants. Lots of people yearn for the appearance that just vintage household furniture could give without needing to pay out the too much rates. For beginners, contemporary bedroom household furniture suggests having household furniture that is actually below twenty years old. Firstly determine your room as well as select household furniture that matches the size from the room; large bedrooms in much smaller areas develop a confined appearance as well as leave behind no area to move or have various other devices. A wide variety from area furniture is on call as well as you could opt for the very best inning accordance with your demands. The US department of trade mades that being one of the option location of immigrants taking a trip to the US. One may believe that, when maded one of the without treatment textures and sturdy edges from such a sort of yard, this kind of household furniture will attract attention; however, rattan things often go incredibly properly with this type of garden, and also assert themselves as an authentic choice to lend a agrarian or even rustic outdoor place an added touch from style. Philip Sedgefield is actually an interior designer who has actually focused on numerous tasks for residence and also home utilising the most recent advancements in contemporary room furniture as well as is actually presently searching for brand-new styles in office home furniture Property remodeling doesn't must feel boring as well as uninteresting, that can be fun and also gratifying no matter just how huge the activity at hand. The job and also carving carried out on the furnishings constructed from hardwood is challenging to become copied on any other material or surface area. The dimension and style of home furniture should be balanced so in order to create the property even more nice. If you adored this write-up and you would such as to obtain additional information regarding yellow pages uk reverse lookup (elnuevomundo-dfitness.info) kindly visit our own website. Also an internet furnishings shop offers modern room items like mattress, night tables, cabinets. Workplace home furniture in Verona could be tailored and also colored in the choice from the companies which desire in order to get all of them performed. Playhouses definitely could trigger your child's creative imagination and also they make sure to adore having a little area from there possess where they could spend hrs looking into the fictional world of play. This technique is actually particularly valuable in re-doing a solid piece of furniture like Amish Maple furniture The brand new paint can likewise be enhanced through lusters, crinkled coating etc That is extremely important to consider that when you well-maintained silk draped home furniture you must first test the cleansing detergent on a small surprise place of the textile to make certain it carries out certainly not identify or vanish. That is important to condition listed here that steel is actually the first thing away from which modern-day household furniture wased initially made. You need to have to perform this if that remedy entails a quick property purchase to a client. Other furnishings collections that are actually indicated to be used in the dining room consist of typical type table, in order that you could gather the whole entire family at supper. Due to the fact that old French houses had actually always been developed along with rippling land all around, the vital function of the doors was to maintain the inhabitants well attached to the land as well as attributes outside, via all its own in season modifications. The prices associated with the investment from customizeded home furniture are also versatile depending on individual customers. Look- just in case you desire your residence household furniture to look trendy and attention looking for, modern-day furnishings may be actually perfect selection for you. The furnishings business has actually currently generated a big business possibility for the producers and for the home furniture distributor for any kind of event, service or even feature. The interiors must be actually matched along with the environments and the office household furniture should suit the space as well as concurrently, should bring in a small workplace look spacious. Sofa material, trends, and also colors have the tendency to control the room therefore you may buy the couch to begin with and afterwards embrace other household furniture parts. The office furniturecompanies possess the capacity and also structure from excellent quality, which aids all of them in supplying requisite help for their clients, along with most contemporary household furniture and also requisite company. This will certainly maintain the temperature and also moisture levels in the glasshouse at ordinary amounts, consequently stopping your hothouse furnishings off fast damage. In today's American present day present-day furniture shop, you'll find impressive items for the dining-room, bedroom, as well as accessories like scatter rug, wall surface devices, storing as well as more. Therefore while specific home furniture pieces could be greater than what you needed to have, particular others could be actually littler cuing to loss from essential storage room. Despite being time tested as well as long-term, they are certainly not the best selection in many of the situations.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 3/4/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 4th March 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
AG: KEEP TIPS COMING – Attorney General Dale Marshall is urging Barbadians not to be quiet on crime and violence, as no corner of the island is off limits to the scourge. He made the plea on Saturday night during a cocktail reception to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Crime Stoppers Barbados at the Southern Palm Beach Club in St Lawrence Gap, Christ Church. Pointing out that the longest journey on the island, from South Point in St Philip to North Point, St Lucy, took under an hour, Marshall contended that all Barbadians were at “risk” and therefore did not have the luxury of saying that crime did not or would not affect their community. Making reference to Bathsheba in his St Joseph constituency, he revealed that the once peaceful village was also reeling from the upsurge of violent crime as “young men are threatening law-abiding neighbours with guns”. “So when you think that what confronts us today is limited only to inner City neighbourhoods like Chapman Lane and the New Orleans, it only takes a Bathsheba bus to get from Town to the East Coast of our country,” Marshall said. (DN)
SHAKE UP COMING – Barbados’ education system is in for a major shake-up. Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw made this promise yesterday as she acknowledged that too many children were leaving school without adequate literacy and numeracy skills to enable them to function effectively in the workplace. She said these shortcomings were manifesting themselves in students from the primary level, yet not enough was done through the years to deal with these problems at that early stage. So the children go through secondary school and leave without these basic deficiencies addressed. “This can no longer go on,” said Bradshaw, as she explained that based on the ministry’s files, this phenomenon was recognised yet little was done in the past decade to effectively address it. The St Michael South East representative declared that under her watch the changes necessary to rectify this trend must begin in order to look after the welfare of the children and Barbados’ future. (DN)  
CLEAN UP AT THREE SCHOOLS – New-look surroundings will greet teachers and pupils of the Ann Hill, Irving Wilson and Wilkie Cumberbatch schools when they reopen today. Ann Hill School, on Pine Plantation Road, St Michael, was closed last week for emergency remedial work on the roof and ceiling, while Irving Wilson and Wilkie Cumberbatch schools, also in the Pine, were shut on Friday evening to allow for a clean-up. Yesterday, under the watchful eye of Minister of Environment Trevor Prescod, general manager of the National Conservation Commission (NCC), Keith Neblett, and other NCC officials, heavy-duty equipment was brought in to clear the overgrown bush, which had been causing skin irritation problems for students and teachers. “The Ministry of the Environment, through its agency, the NCC, has entered into a contract with a company in order to get this work done within a short space of time. We have to complete this work by Sunday evening, which is the cleaning of the entire area,” Prescod said.  (DN)
FROM BOTTOM TO BOULEVARD – Move over Waterford Bottom; make way for Waterford Boulevard. The familiar and busy artery into Bridgetown, one of the favourite spots for illegal dumpers, is being given a facelift. And with more improvements to come, Minister of Environment and National Beautification Trevor Prescod said the days of rusting fridges, mattresses and smelly bags of garbage should be over as people viewed the area in a new light. He added he believed the beautified area would be, in itself, enough deterrent to would-be illegal dumpers. “People treat the environment the same way you treat them. I am telling you what we intend to do in Waterford Bottom, you would not see that because we are going to transform it into a boulevard. Nobody would do the things on a boulevard that they would do in a bottom. So Waterford Bottom would be treated according to how people perceive it. “And when we transform it into a boulevard, they would treat it how they normally treat a boulevard.” (DN)
NO MEASLES OUTBREAK IN BARBADOS - Contrary to a report carried elsewhere in the media on Friday, March 1, the public is advised that Barbados is not experiencing an outbreak of measles. According to Senior Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Karen Broome, Barbados has not documented a case of measles since 1990. Outbreaks of measles continue to be reported in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe and the Americas. (BT)
FEELING ‘LEFT BEHIND’ – THE MAJOR GROUP in Barbados representing the disabled is feeling decidedly left behind. This, said president of the Barbados Council for the Disabled, Maria Holder-Small, despite the island’s signing on to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its ratification of the Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities. The agenda pledges that “no one will be left behind”. Holder-Small said yesterday: “Over the past four years I have been making endless pleas, and so have many of my predecessors, for society to pay attention to the continued exclusion of persons with disabilities. We have seen some successes, but more often than not our inclusion has often been seen as an afterthought. “Our community is indeed saddened when policy-makers continue to make the same mistakes by not creating that inclusion and equality for persons with disabilities. It is even sadder when a building earmarked for the National Disabilities Unit could be simply given to another department, which leaves the present unit still located up two flights of stairs, totally inaccessible to persons with disabilities,” she lamented.  (DN)
GOVERNMENT TO TACKLE POVERTY -  Government is taking steps to identify the most vulnerable in Barbadian society to ensure that they receive the help they need. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Cynthia Forde, made the announcement on Wednesday as she delivered the feature address at the opening of the National Strategic Consultation on the Social Response to Crime in Barbados. Minister Forde told the audience that her Ministry had been mandated by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley to undertake a household rapid poverty assessment aimed at “gathering information on the living conditions of the poor and vulnerable in society and ranking them according to the most needy, in order to offer them the necessary assistance”. She said this survey would complement other initiatives being undertaken by the Ministry and would also inform the further development of social policies as Government pursued its goal of a society with opportunities for all. The Minister of People Empowerment highlighted two projects within the Ministry targeted at inter-generational poverty. These projects, one funded by the Barbados Government and the other funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of China, aim to “identify, stabilize, enable and empower the most vulnerable in society”. Minister Forde stated: “The intent is to ensure that such persons are removed from abject poverty to become self-employed and employers rather than employees.” Noting that “an unprecedented period of change” was taking place in Barbadian society, she said that in response there was a need for mechanisms to be developed, which would engage the perpetrators of crime, regardless of their age, status and gender. The Minister submitted that there was a need for a cohesive, holistic, innovative, integrated approach to the crime challenge in Barbados. She told participants: “For this goal to be realized, the crime preventive measures which you recommend must, of necessity, address not only economic development, but good governance and the rule of law.” The consultation, which aimed to develop an integrated social response plan, brought together representatives from the public and private sectors, the faith-based community, non-governmental organizations, service clubs and the media. (BT))
WANTED: KAREEM O’BRIAN CLARKE – The Royal Barbados Police Force is seeking the assistance of the public in locating a wanted man.  He is 19-year-old Kareem O’Brian Clarke who goes by the alias “Frog”; whose last known address is Johnson Road, Workmans, St. George. He is wanted for questioning in connection with a serious criminal matter. Clarke is approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall, with a dark complexion, and a slim build. He has average eyes, a short bulbous nose, average ears and thick lips and acne on his face. Clarke is advised that he can present himself to the Oistins Police Station, Oistins, Christ Church accompanied by an attorney-at-law of his choice. Any person, who may know the whereabouts of Kareem O’Brian Clarke, is asked to contact the Oistins Police Station at 418-2612 or 418-2606, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS (8477), or the nearest police station. The public is reminded that it is a serious offence to harbour or assist wanted persons; any person caught committing this offence can be prosecuted. (DN)
BCA BEHIND CAMERON – The Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) will definitely be coming to the crease for incumbents Dave Cameron and Emmanuel Nanthan to continue to lead Cricket West Indies (CWI).  BCA president Conde Riley made the revelation in an interview with NATIONSPORT yesterday. Riley also no-balled charges that the BCA didn’t allow Cameron’s presidential opponent Ricky Skerritt and his vice-president running mate, Dr Kishore Shallow, to address its members in the lead-up to the CWI’s electoral nomination process. In defending the BCA’s position, Riley said shortly after receiving the letter from Skerritt and Shallow, a vote was taken at the association’s monthly meeting on February 12 to support Cameron and Nanthan in their bid to be re-elected as president and vice-president, respectively, for another two-year term. “Once the board decided that they were supporting the incumbents, that was it. You can’t come out and go against something that has been agreed on a vote by the full BCA board,” said Riley while making it abundantly clear that it was a board decision and not a personal one. (DN)
HAYLEY MOVES UP TO CAPTAIN – Exciting West Indies’ all-rounder Hayley Matthews has been elevated to the captaincy of the Barbados women’s team for the first time. Matthews, who is the vice-captain of the West Indies side, takes over from the experienced seamer Shakera Selman for the upcoming Regional Women’s Super50 and Twenty20 Blaze tournaments in Guyana, from March 14 to April 4. Apart from Matthews and Selman, there are four other West Indies players in the 14-member squad. They are explosive all-rounder Deandra Dottin, fiery fast bowler Shamilia Connell and the Knight twin sisters, Kycia and Kyshonna, who is making a return after undergoing leg surgery. In an interview yesterday, head coach Ezra Moseley told NATIONSPORT that once the conditions in Guyana were good for cricket and the tournament was not affected by rain, he expected Barbados, with six Windies players, to emerge champions. (DN)
GOLD CUP UPSET - Horse number 1 Celestial Storm produced a stunning upset at odds of 14 to 1 to win the 38th running of the Sandy Lane Gold Cup in front a large crowd at the Garrison Savannah this evening. The 2018 champion jockey Rasheed Hughes who was tasting his first win in the Gold Cup settled the grey five-year-old mare in the centre of the pack behind pacesetters Infrared and Night Prowler. Then the mare produced a blistering turn of foot in the final furlong to overtake the pacesetters stopping the clock in a quick 149.4 to win her first nine-furlong race in the process. Infrared, who had won this year’s Coolmore Home of Champion Stakes defeating Celestial Storm, ran on to be second improving from his third place last year. Winning trainer Roger Parravicino who won the Sandy Spa Sprint with Celestial Storm last year celebrated his first win in the Caribbean's most prestigious race. It was a race Roger would never forget anytime soon as the smart mare was owned by his late father Nick, who passed away last year. The Bills Inc.-owned locally bred Brave Star had his record of seven wins and three second places from ten starts broken when he finished fourth. But this was no disgrace as it was the first time he was running with the top rated horses. Jalon Samuel, the Sandy Lane Gold Cup winning jockey for the last three years, had to settle for third this year with his mount Night Prowler. The forecast paid $89.90, trifecta $581 .10, superfecta 1-4-5-6 $4,368.40. The first prize winner received $133, 750. Trainers Victor Cheeseman and Liz Deane were the most successful on the day winning three races. Eleven different jockeys won on the 11-race card. Next race day will be March 16th. (BT)
LISA IS LIVING HER BEST LIFE – Lisa Ruck loves travelling, teaching and her hometown Barbados. And she is looking to one day combine those loves and create her dream job. She’s a 36-year old bright and bubbly Bajan girl living her absolute best life in Rome for the last eight years.  “I love my job; it’s perfect. I did a short course in teaching English as a second language, so now I teach legal English and business English in Rome. I still do one or two business courses but at my pleasure,” she said proudly. However, when she left Barbados, teaching was not the plan. Interior design was her focus. “I was a primary school teacher in Barbados. And I always wanted to study interior design. I told myself I needed to take the chance now and go before I had more responsibilities and things tying me down. I decided to do a master’s in interior design in Italy,” she explained. And she ended up staying in the country. But Lisa couldn’t stay away from the classroom for long. The passion for teaching was too strong. “I did some internships while I was there in interior design but the market was so saturated. But in Rome there’s such a demand for English speaking teachers, so it made more sense to go back into the classroom. I missed the classroom a lot as well,” she said with a laugh. And she also speaks Italian fluently now.  (DN)
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