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This kid right here man; she's an old soul. She may be only 13, but she's talked me down from many a ledge. She stumbled upon a notepad where I wrote/scribbled 20 something pages of depressive racing thoughts and she read it. :/ At first I told her that she shouldn't be reading it and I took it away. But then I decided, rather than hide that part of me; I'd be honest and answer any questions she might have...which led to the birth of a 2 hour deep conversation that ended with "I don't curse like a sailor. I enunciate my sentences, like the fucking lady I am." Conversations that start with tears and end with laughter are the best. And I love that I can be myself around my kiddo. She'd make a great therapist one day...if the whole veterinarian thing doesn't work out. #lazyassteenager makes for #goodtherapist #likeafuckinglady #sheswisebeyondheryears #amitoblame #thismakesmefeellikeagoodmom until she #forgetstocleanherroom #scotchsessions #ineedadrink after that soul cleansing.
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