#lauren nicole london
moviesandmania · 2 years
‘It’s a 50 foot freakout!’ Giantess Battle Attack is a 2022 comedy sci-fi film which continues the adventures of buxom Beverly from Attack of the 50 Foot Cam Girl. Directed by Jim Wynorski (Bigfoot or Burst; Cobragator; Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre; Gila!; Piranhaconda; Camel Spiders; Dinocroc vs. Supergator; Ghoulies IV; Sorceress; The Wasp Woman 1995; Transylvania Twist; Not of This…
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surra-de-bunda · 1 year
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Lauren London with Nipsey Hussle photographed by Unique Nicole during Private Birthday Dinner For Karen Civil at Louis Vuitton Rodeo Drive (November 2016).
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
5 minute read
It had been a long road to labour for Nicole* when she walked into a south-east London hospital to be induced on 30 March, 2021. After struggling with infertility for years, she agreed to be induced at 41 weeks of pregnancy. On the ward, a midwife Nicole had never met was assigned to take care of her.
“I had two exchanges with her, where I felt not listened to and unvalidated,” the 36-year-old tells i. “[In the first] I asked for an epidural, was told I had not progressed far enough, and was offered paracetamol and gas and air. I didn’t react well to the gas and air and was told I was doing it wrong, which I wasn’t.
“The second [exchange with her] was when my waters broke. I noticed straight away the waters were tinged with meconium [faecal matter from the foetus, which can be a sign of foetal distress]. The midwife came in and dismissed it, saying it was just my mucus plug. Turns out, it was meconium.”
Soon after, the same midwife did an examination to check the placement of Nicole’s induction pessary. In her birth plan, Nicole had consented to vaginal examinations, but when the midwife started the examination, pain ripped through Nicole’s body “like a knife”, she says. “My immediate reaction was to say ‘No, no, no, please stop’. And she wouldn’t stop. Then I said, ‘I withdraw my consent,’ and she said it would just be a few more seconds. She continued to examine me.”
During the 15-second examination, the midwife realised there was meconium present, an issue already raised by Nicole. After the birth, Nicole’s baby had to be kept in neo-natal intensive care unit for weeks to be treated for meconium aspiration while Nicole tried to put her distress behind her. “I just pushed down my experience with that exam.”
Once Nicole was back home with her baby, she was visited by a midwife who listened to her experience. “She said that [examination] could have been assault,” Nicole says. “It took me aback. I hadn’t put that label on it.” She then saw a therapist, and realised that the short exam had caused her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She is now fearful of smear tests, anxious in hospitals, and petrified about the prospect of another baby. “It was the moment in my birth where I felt I had absolutely no control,” she says. “It really impacted me.”
Even though Nicole didn’t realise at the time, she may have been a victim of obstetric violence, having withdrawn her consent during an internal exam. “It [an examination without consent] is just part of a wider pattern of abusive behaviours which we group under the phenomenon of obstetric violence,” Leah Hazard, midwife and author, tells i. “It refers to behaviours that are abusive, humiliating, or neglectful, and can encompass unwanted examinations, negative language, coercion, or actual physical harm.”
While midwifery in the UK is currently in crisis, with wards being understaffed and overstretched, Hazard said that obstetric violence should never be excused due to the stress of the job. “There is no excuse for being violent or abusive towards someone in a vulnerable position,” she says. “But a contributing factor can be the stress or pressure [midwives are under].” Kim Thomas, CEO of the Birth Trauma Association, says “this kind of assault can be extremely distressing for women”. “That feeling of being out of control, of having things done to your body without your consent, is deeply traumatic.” The impact can be long-lasting, often leading to PTSD symptoms, attachment issues, anxiety, and a distrust of health professionals, says Thomas.
When women are pregnant or about to give birth, they are in an unusually vulnerable condition, completely reliant on other people to stay safe, and trusting those whose care they are under. “They need to know that the staff have their back,” Mia Scotland, perinatal clinical psychologist, explains. “Doing something without our consent, ignoring the mothers, patronising her, or even just seeming uninterested can be experienced as frightening and lead to trauma symptoms and PTSD.
“Lack of agency and lack of control is dangerous psychologically when women are in labour, because it can leave them feeling vulnerable because those that are there to help us and baby survive, don’t seem to care, and there’s nothing they can do about it.” Despite this, Scotland said that obstetric violence is still hard for society to understand. “It’s regarded as impossible,” she said, noting how many women blame themselves, rather than doctors, for their experiences.
It’s hard to know exactly how many women have experienced obstetric violence in the UK as data isn’t collected and there has been very little research carried out. However, the Birth Trauma Association has anecdotal records of women reporting this. “One told us of an obstetrician, who hadn’t been present at the birth, walking into the room and, without introducing herself, attempted a manual removal of the placenta,” Thomas says. “The woman described it as the worst pain she’d ever experienced.”
Another reported an obstetrician inserting a catheter without permission during manual removal of the placenta. Another woman told of an “excruciating forceps birth without pain relief”. Women have claimed to Thomas that they were forcibly held down by midwives during procedures.
In January 2022, Ceri*, 38, from Merseyside, went to a maternity ward at 41 weeks pregnant to have an internal exam in order to see if her cervix was favourable for a so-called membrane sweep. She had been clear she would only consent to a sweep if her cervix was favourable. The midwife came into the room and, Ceri says, without warning, “rammed her hand” into Ceri’s vagina. “The treatment was unnecessarily invasive, painful and caused injury. She used force that caused my entire body to tense and shift backwards up the table. I shouted for her to stop, but she did not.”
After the midwife withdrew her hand, she told Ceri the sweep had been unsuccessful. “I was in shock,” Ceri says. “The physical treatment was traumatic but having your autonomy taken is frightening, humiliating, and belittling.” An hour later, Ceri rang the hospital to tell the midwife she hadn’t consented. “She told me I was upset as the sweep had not been successful”. Ceri later complained to the NHS Trust to no avail. “Failing to acknowledge that I hadn’t provided consent and saying I was upset because the sweep was likely unsuccessful compounded the traumatic experience.”
Ceri also tried to report it to the police, who took it no further. (Obstetric assault is not a specified criminal offence, though obstetric violence has in some cases been found to amount to assault and/or battery, which are criminal offences.) “It’s made me feel hopeless,” she says. “The experience has caused emotional health issues and I am now having to engage with trauma therapy. I have little to no trust of health services.”
Even though Thomas has heard from some women who come forward, she suspects there are those who keep quiet, assuming doctors and midwives were always simply doing their best – often in difficult circumstances. “It serves to silence women from talking about it,” says Thomas. But for all women to be protected we need to start raising awareness of obstetric violence as a possible issue, say campaigners.
“It needs to start in training,” urges Hazard. “Student midwives need to be educated about capacity and consent, and be aware of what constitutes obstetric violence. Also, this needs to be role modelled from the top down by management and senior staff who set a good example and make it clear these behaviours are not acceptable.���
Royal College of Midwives (RCM) executive director, midwife Birte Harlev-Lam, says that the training and education midwives do get “makes it clear they must seek and document explicit consent before they carry out any examination”. “Respecting a woman’s decision, whether they refuse treatment or if they change their mind while the examination is under way, must be paramount.”
Thomas would also like to see the Care Quality Commission (CQC) mandate that all maternity units have policies on consent that doctors and midwives are required to adhere to or face disciplinary procedures. When the CQC inspects a maternity unit, Thomas would hope it should solicit the views of women about their experiences of giving birth, and further investigate any unit where obstetric violence is reported.
In response, a CQC spokesperson said: “Any concerns CQC receive are looked at by our inspectors… patient consent is something we specifically look at when we monitor and inspect. All registered health and social care services must have robust processes in place to ensure consent is obtained from patients prior to care and treatment and practices around consent must be regularly monitored and reviewed. Where this is not happening we will make clear that action is needed by that provider and have a range of enforcement powers we can use if needed to protect people.
“Everyone has the right to safe, high-quality care – this includes being safe from abuse when accessing services. Any form of assault in a hospital setting is absolutely unacceptable and should we have evidence to suggest patients or staff are at risk of assault we would always follow that up, escalating to the police as appropriate.”
Dr Jacqui Williams, senior midwifery education adviser from the Nursing and Midwifery Council, says: “Every woman and baby has the right to safe, effective and kind midwifery care. This is enshrined in our code and standards of proficiency for midwives which set out the knowledge, skills and behaviours people can expect from their midwife. We are clear that professionals must get properly informed consent before carrying out any examination, and always respect, support and document a person’s right to accept or refuse treatment. Midwives should advocate for women’s preferences and decisions, treating them with kindness, respect and compassion at all times.” 
The RCM recently led a collaborative project between families, midwives, obstetricians, other birth workers, listening to over 8,000 people across the UK to develop a shared language to ensure women can make informed choices and be supported in birth. 
“None of this is particularly difficult,” Thomas concludes. “But it is all about culture change – maternity units have to treat women with dignity and respect.”
*Names have been changed 
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 months
2023 reading catalog
a million to one by adiba jaigirdar 💜
Iron widow by xiran jay zhao 💜
An encore of roses by st gibson 💜
Im a therapist and my patient is going to be the next school shooter by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is a vegan terrorist by Dr. Harper 💜
The disturbing incident at lonesome woods boarding school by dr. harper 💜
One dark window by rachel gillig 
The twisted dead by darcy coates 
The house across the lake by riley sager 
Renegades by marissa meyer 🤍
Archenemies by marissa meyer 🤍
Supernova by marissa meyer 🤍
Daisy darker by alice feeney 
The lost apothecary by susan penner 
MHA 37 by kohei horikoshi 
The pronoun lowdown by nevo zisin 
The queen's english by chloe o davis
MHA team up 1 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
To make monsters out of girls by amanda lovelace 
MHA team up 2 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
JJK 0 by gege akutami 
MHA team up 3 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
Hell bent by leigh bardugo 
Spice road by maiya ibrahim 
The stardust thief by chelsea abdullah 
The london seance society by susan penner 💜
All the dangerous things by stacy willingham 
The fae princes by nikki st crowe 
Carnage by sarah bailey 
Final offer by lauren asher. 
Glitch by briana michaels 
Never lie by frieda mcfadden 
The locked door by frieda mcfadden 
The inheritance by cassie cole 
Emily wildes encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcett 
 The stolen heir by holly black 
Chaos by sarah bailey 
Corrode by sarah bailey 
Cataclysm by sarah bailey 
Howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones 
Fourth wing by rebecca yarros 
Cursed crowns by catherine doyle + katherine webber 
Girls of fate and fury by natasha ngan 💜
We free the stars by hafsah faizal 
A war of two queens by jennifer l armentrout 
The crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout 🤍
Malice by heather walter 💜
Misrule by heather walter 💜
MHA vol 38 by kohei horikoshi 
Sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley 
jjk vol 21 by gege akutami 
jjk vol 22 by gege akutami 
lore olympus vol 4 by rachel smythe 
the fiancee farce by alexandria bellefleur 💜
the only survivors by megan miranda 
what lies in the woods by kate alice marshall 
the last word by taylor adams 
you’re invited by amanda jayatissa 
ward d by freida mcfadden 
once returned by darcy coates 
double pucked by lauren blakely 
mated to the monster by sarah spade 
the thicket by noelle w ihli 
the good lie by ar torre
a naughty lesson by mika lane 
love creekwood by becky albertalli 💜
the heartstopper yearbook by alice oseman 💜
demon in the wood by leigh bardugo and dani pendergast 
the young elites by marie lu 
nick and charlie by alice oseman 💜
a haunted road atlas by christine schiefer and em schulz 
the rose society by marie lu 
the midnight star by marie lu 
a wicked education by mika lane 
a sinful classroom by mika lane 
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag 💜
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix 
the foxglove king by hannah whitten 
seven faceless saints by mk lobb 💜
divine rivals by rebecca ross 
sing me to sleep by gabi burton 
silver in the bone by alexandra bracken 
foxglove by adalyn grace 
assistant to the villain by hannah nicole maehrer 
a broken blade by melissa blair 
bonesmith by nicki pau preto 
the angelmaker by alex north 
the family across the street by nicole trope 
the sun and the star by rick riordan and mark oshiro 💜
lore olympus vol 5 by rachel smythe 
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan 
fangs by sarah anderson 
throne of the fallen by kerri maniscalco 
kingdom of the wicked by kerri maniscalco 🤍
kingdom of the cursed by kerri mansicalco 🤍
kingdom of the feared by kerri maniscalco 🤍
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon 💜
catwoman soulstealer by louise simonson, samantha dodge and sarah j maas
starling house by alix e harrow 
savage hate by amanda richardson 
a curse for true love by stephanie garber 
forged by blood by ehigbor okosun 
if i have to be haunted by miranda sun 
heart trick by kristen granata 
the legacy by elle kennedy 
odd man rush by kristen granata 💜
that one night by emily rath 
pucking around by emily rath 💜
pucking ever after vol 1 by emily rath 💜
iron flame by rebecca yarros 
my hero academia team up missions vol 4 by yoko akiyama and koehi horikoshi 
spin the bottle by stephanie alves 
as good as dead by holly jackson 
the lightning thief by rick riordan 🤍
the sea of monsters by rick riordan 🤍
i am not your final girl by claire c holland 
the titans curse by rick riordan 🤍
the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan 🤍
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
10 Secrets To Feeling Super Sexy (When You Don't)
Shellie R. Warren
Jul. 27, 2019 12:58PM EST
Rihanna. Ryan Destiny. DeWanda Wise. Jill Scott. Kelly Rowland. Nicole and Bria Murphy. Kelis. Tika Sumpter. Yara Shahidi. Meagan and L'Myia Good. Janelle Monáe. Toni Braxton. Leela James. Karen Obilom. Nia Long. Lynn Whitfield. Lauren London. Sanaa Lathan. The late Aaliyah. Kerry Washington (especially in the movie She Hate Me). I could go on and on, Lord knows, but when I think of celebrity women who are also quite sexy (at least to me), those are some of the ones who immediately come to mind.
What's dope about the list is they're all different when it comes to their look, their style and their age. At the same time, what they each have in common is there's a hint of mystery and exoticness about them. 
Regardless of your sexual preference, when you see them, you tend to do a double-take and, if you were the type to share your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday), they are the kind of women who would be on your list. They are appealing. They are exciting. Yep—they are sexy.
The reason why I listed them is because if I threw out the names of some of my friends or the woman who does my nails or this chick that I always see whenever I go to a particular mall, you wouldn't have a point of reference. My point in saying that is, a lot of women exude sexiness regardless of size, economic status or platform. Not only that, but just by being a woman alone, there are simple things that we can do to turn the volume up on our own sexiness in 10 minutes or less.
If you've got days when you don't feel your best but you want to feel a little more sultry, risqué or even glamorous, I think if you try some of the following hacks, you'll start feeling intensely excited about your own damn self. After all, the sexiest women radiate from the inside out, not the outside in. That is the foundational key for all things sexy.
1. Invest in Some Sexy Underwear
I'll be working on an article about the expiration dates of various things soon enough. But for now, just know that if you haven't gotten new bras and panties within the past 6-12 months, you are seriously overdue. If you know that some of your underwear has been in your drawers for at least three Christmases, treat your body to some new stuff. Then make sure that some of what you get is on the sexy side—lace bras, high-cut panties…things that make you feel like you've got a hot date with the finest man alive whenever you put that kind of stuff on (even if you don't).
Oh, and if you're like me and, because your "girls" are on the super-big-and-full side, it's hard to find sexy brassieres, one of the other writers here wrote about some of the sexy bras that she loves. Also, an overseas brand that I've come to adore is Figleaves. I can personally attest to the fact that the way you move changes when your undies are on the sexy tip.
2. Paint Your Nails (a Blue-Based) Red
Red is a fascinating color. As far as color psychology goes, it represents love, passion, fire and desire. What's really cool about the hue is it's something that women of any shade or ethnicity will look amazing in. If you're a woman of color, the key is to look for one that has a blue-base to it. It's more sophisticated and will complement your complexion better. As far as red lipstick goes, The Zoe Report has a list of 'em. But if you want to give your fingers and nails a bit of a red sexy pop, Red Diamond Crushed Diamonds Patent Shine 10x Nail Lacquer is a great-high end nail polish while China Glaze's Heart of Africa is a pretty awesome department store find.
3. Curl Your Eyelashes
Something that all of us should have in our possession is an eyelash curler. It has a way of opening up your eyes and extending the length of your lashes simultaneously. With curly lashes and a coat or two of mascara on them, you can flirt all day long without saying a single word.
4. Apply a Shimmery Lip Gloss
Anyone who knows me knows that if I've got an addiction to anything, it's lip gloss. I really can't tell you how many tubes that I have; it really is low-key a problem. I think what I like so much about gloss is I can put some on real quick, with or without lipstick, and my lips will instantly have a sexy pout to them.
If you really want your lips to stand out, go with a gloss that has some shimmer in it. Some brands that I think work pretty well include C.O. Bigelow Mentha Shimmer Bare Mint, sweetnectarbeauty's Vegan Lip Gloss and Maybelline New York Lip Studio Electric Shine Prismatic Lip Gloss Makeup, Lunar Gem. To tell you the truth, you can easily make some of your own too. All you need is some coconut oil, make-up grade glitter and a couple of other items and you're all set. Get the walk-through on how to do it here.
5. Also Apply Some Bronzer to Your Skin
Remember how I said that actor Ryan Destiny is super sexy to me? One of the things that I find to be so alluring about her is her deep chocolate skin that seems to have no pores or flaws. Yeah, smooth skin is definitely all-the-way-up sexy.
I wasn't blessed with that kind of skin, but I will say that exfoliation, sulfur soap (it's great if you've got acne) and using sweet almond oil as a moisturizer has done wonders! Also, when I want my skin to have a radiant glow, bronzer makes that happen.
Girl, if you've never gone out with some bronzer on your skin, words can't express how much you're missing out! Forget what others will think; you'll have a hard time walking past a mirror and not staring at your own self! So yeah, make an investment into your complexion and cop some.
(By the way, this is something else that you can make at home. For step-by-step instructions on how to make shimmering body lava, click here.)
6. Rub an Essential Oil onto Your Hair
OK, so you do have a favorite scent, right? How often do you put it on? Me? I'm an essential oils gal myself. Usually I blend two or three of them together to come up with a signature smell. Anyway, while putting a fragrance on your wrists and neck is all good, don't sleep on rubbing some of it onto your hair. For one thing, it will linger there longer than most other places. Plus, it has a way of leaving a trail wherever you go.
Oh—if you're kind of new to the whole essential oil thing, some scents that are really sexy include rose, jasmine, sandalwood, patchouli and cinnamon.
9. Rock Some Glasses (Whether You Need Them or Not)
A couple of years back, for about six months or so, I had to wear some prescription glasses so that they could correct a mild astigmatism that I had (one that existed, apparently since birth, that made itself known after I turned 40). But with all of the frames I've got in my bedroom, you'd think I was blind as a bat! I've always liked how a good frame looks on my face. On both men and women, I think glasses are uber sexy.
It appears that I'm not the only one; glasses seem to have a psychological effect on all of us. They frame our face, show off our personality, give off a vibe of confidence, intellect and a bit of quiet reserve, and they definitely offer up a hint of mystery.
That's why you should treat yourself to a pair of glasses (prescription or not optional); not because your vision necessarily needs them, but because wearing frames is another easy way to look and feel sexy in a matter of moments.
10. Wear an Oversized Men’s Button-Down Shirt
A couple of years ago, a popular fashion trend was women wearing a man's button-down dress shirt. To me, it's not a "trend" so much as a classic go-to. It's empowering and feminine. It looks great on all body types. And, it's the kind of thing that you can wear with a tailored business suit or just to lounge around the house in. And, if you've got a significant other, he's probably gonna find that to be as seductive as any lingerie number you own. It's a win/win all the way around. Stay sexy, sis!
Featured image by Getty Images
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The World in Vogue
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 A stunning collection of 300 photographs of some of the most celebrated actors, artists, models, First Ladies, and social figures from around the world, drawing on stories from the pages of Vogue as well as never-before-published images by iconic photographers. These trendsetters and newsmakers are captured by such famous photographers as Cecil Beaton, Jonathan Becker, Eric Boman, Horst P. Horst, Edward Steichen, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, François Halard, Helmut Newton, Stephen Meisel, Snowdon, Toni Frissell, Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz. Not only did these photographers take dazzling portraits—in studios or on location—that caught these iconic figures in classic, playful, or dramatic moments but they also documented their parties, weddings, houses, and gardens. Writers like Hamish Bowles, Paul Rudnick, Truman Capote, Francis Wyndham, Jeffrey Steingarten, Joan Juliet Buck, William Norwich, Gloria Steinem, Georgina Howell, Vicki Woods, Marina Rust, Michael Specter, and Jonathan Van Meter tell you the stories behind these figures and events. Here are the glamorous weddings of Plum Sykes in Yorkshire, Lauren Davis in Cartagena, and Minnie Cushing in Newport; Truman Capote writing about cruising the Yugoslavian coast with Lee Radziwill, Luciana Pignatelli, and the Agnellis; gardens from East Hampton to Corfu designed by landscape architect Miranda Brooks; Inès de La Fressange’s apartment in Paris; Gloria Steinem reporting on the 540 masked partygoers at the Black and White Ball Truman Capote threw for Katharine Graham at the Plaza hotel; the gardens of Valentino’s seventeenth-century Château de Wideville, outside Paris; the designers, the best-dressed, and the stars at the annual Costume Institute party at the Metropolitan Museum; Mick Jagger and his family in Mustique; Jacqueline Kennedy and Michelle Obama; Kate Moss, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Ali MacGraw, Anjelica Huston, Nicole Kidman, Cher, Iman and David Bowie, Penélope Cruz, Charlotte Rampling, and many more. Richly illustrated in black-and-white and color, The World in Vogue: People, Parties, Places is a stunning look at portraits, houses, gardens, and parties of celebrated figures from many worlds.
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userfayne · 1 year
books i read in 2023
goal: 60 books currently reading: the unfortunate side effects of heartbreak and magic (arc)
nine liars by maureen johnson
this book kills by ravena guron (arc) review
the stolen heir by holly black
the worst woman in london by julia bennet (arc) review
see you yesterday by rachel lynn solomon
a million junes by emily henry
final offer by lauren asher
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daisy jones & the six by taylor jenkins reid (reread)
in a jam by kate canterbary
a missing connection by dani mclean (arc) review
last violent call by chloe gong
emily wilde’s encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett
cem anos de solidão by gabriel garcía marquéz
dragonfall by l.r. lam (arc) review
just like magic by sarah hogle
triste não é ao certo a palavra by gabriel abreu (arc) review (pt)
romantic comedy by curtis sittenfeld
the nanny by lana ferguson
happy place by emily henry
meet me at the lake by carley fortune
o retrato de dorian gray by oscar wilde
immortal longings by chloe gong (arc) review
yellowface by r.f. kuang
planes, trains, and all the feels by livy hart
pequena coreografia do adeus by aline bei
love in the time of serial killers by alicia thompson
the wind knows my name by isabel allende
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
nunca vi a chuva by stefano volp
aurora ascende by amie kaufman and jay kristof
pageboy by elliot page
the seven year slip by ashley poston
will they or won’t they by ava wilder
done and dusted by lyla sage
divine rivals by rebecca ross
aurora arde by amie kaufman and jay kristoff
adeus, aurora by amie kaufman and jay kristof
mrs. nash’s ashes by sarah adler
the déjà glitch by holly james
the roommate pact by allison ashley
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elantris by brandon sanderson
the hope of elantris by brandon sanderson
the emperor’s soul by brandon sanderson
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Lauren Nicole London (born December 5, 1984) is an actress, model, and television personality. Beginning her career in music videos and moving into film and television acting, she earned recognition and rose to fame for her performance as Erin "New New" Garnett in ATL. She appeared in This Christmas, as well as the television shows 90210 and Entourage, and as Kiera Whitaker on The Game. She was a spokesmodel for Sean Combs's Sean John collection. She appeared in music videos for artists such as Tyrese, Ludacris, Pharrell, and Snoop Dogg. Her breakout year came when she made her television debut in the "Everybody Hates Funerals" episode Everybody Hates Chris. For her work, she was nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" at the Black Movie Awards. Her next film role was the character "Ivy" in the 2009 release Next Day Air. That same year, she played the character Cammy Alcott in the Chris Columbus film I Love You, Beth Cooper. She appeared on the covers of magazines such as King and Jewel. She appeared in Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family. She made a cameo appearance in the premiere of Single Ladies. She co-starred in Baggage Claim. She co-starred in the film The Perfect Match as "Ginger". She starred in the Lifetime Movies Always & 4Ever and Poinsettias for Christmas. She played the lead character, "Vanessa King", in Gama es People Play. She was in a relationship with Lil Wayne and Nipsey Hustle. She has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyYP1Qrjd7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aftermidnightfmk · 5 months
Part 1: January 16, 2025 through April 10, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Marcella Arguello
Maria Bamford
Suzi Barrett
W. Kamau Bell
Doug Benson
Ashley Nicole Black
Flula Borg
Wayne Brady
Guy Branum
Matt Braunger
Kurt Braunohler
Sophie Buddle
Reggie Conquest
Kelsey Cook
Affion Crockett
Whitney Cummings
Jon Daly
Chad Daniels
James Davis
Bianca Del Rio
Billy Eichner
Jackie Fabulous
Fortune Feimster
Jourdain Fisher
Chris Fleming
Ron Funches
Jon Gabrus
Megan Gailey
Lisa Gilroy
Vanessa Gonzalez
Chris Grace
Max Greenfield
Rob Haze
John Hodgman
Robby Hoffman
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Rob Huebel
London Hughes
Brendan Hunt
Josh Johnson
Joyelle Nicole Johnson
Zainab Johnson
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes
Amir K
Moshe Kasher
Jackie Kashian
Laurie Kilmartin
Joel Kim Booster
Kyle Kinane
Nick Kocher
Nish Kumar
Lauren Lapkus
Natasha Leggero
Thomas Lennon
Dan Levy
Riki Lindhome
Loni Love
Marc Maron
Jack Martin
Mae Martin
Brian McElhaney
Wendi McLendon-Covey
Liz Miele
Will Miles
Amy Miller
Kel Mitchell
Arden Myrin
Aparna Nancherla
Purple Necktie
Dustin Nickerson
Tig Notaro
Jerry O'Connell
Atsuko Okatsuka
Taylor Ortega
Haley Joel Osment
Adam Pally
Caitlin Peluffo
Dewayne Perkins
Pink Foxx
Esther Povitsky
Jeff Probst
Chloe Radcliffe
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Adam Ray
Caroline Rhea
Rob Riggle
Phoebe Robinson
Matt Rogers
Giulia Rozzi
Nico Santos
Anna Seregina
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Dusty Slay
Dulcé Sloan
Kevin Smith
Blair Socci
Beth Stelling
Carl Tart
Jordan Temple
Chris Thayer
Vinny Thomas
Sarah Tiana
Greta Titelman
Paul F. Tompkins
Shane Torres
Zach Noe Towers
Irene Tu
Milana Vayntrub
Melissa Villaseñor
Trevor Wallace
Matt Walsh
Reggie Watts
Mo Welch
Maggie Winters
Monét X Change
Sasheer Zamata
Jenny Zigrino
Zach Zimmerman
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screenwritinggym · 5 months
Chill Sentenza - Safe Haven in Morocco - The list of Gangsta women.
Chill Sentenza -
The meaning of a safe haven is a place of safety or refuge.
Vous devez encourager ces femmes à chercher refuge au Maroc. Elles seront protégées par le roi du Maroc Mohammed 6. S'il leur arrive quelque chose ou si elles se sentent en danger, elles doivent se réfugier au Maroc, c'est le foyer le plus sûr pour ces femmes. Le refuge du Maroc.
Ces femmes auront des palais au Maroc, elles seront protégées par l'armée marocaine. Elles seront en sécurité chez eux au Maroc. Une vie paisible.
Voici la liste des femmes gangsters:
1- Simply Jess
2- Debby Coda
3- YesJulz
4- Sommer Ray
5- Tanaya Henry
6- Aisha Thalia Hite
7- Claudia Jordan
8- Foxy Brown Inga DeCarlo
9- Nicki Minaj
10- Vashtie Kola
11- Beyoncé Knowles- Carter
12- Gwyneth Paltrow
13- Jennifer Garner
14- Judy Greer (Judith Therese Evans)
15- Natalie Portman
16- Gal Gadot
17- Kim Kardashian (Kimberly Noel Kardashian)
18- Kimora Lee Simmons
19- Penélope Cruz Sánchez
20- Salma Hayek Pinault
21- Margot Elise Robbie
22- Marion Cotillard
23- Colbie Marie Caillat
24- Cobie Smulders (Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders)
25- Lauryn Noelle Hill
26- Nailah Thorbourne
27- Tracey Elaine Edmonds
28- Erykah Badu (Erica Abi Wright)
29- Mya Marie Harrison
30- Keri Lynn Hilson
31- Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo
32- Mariah Carey
33- Missy Elliott
34- Tamala Reneé Jones
35- Lauren Nicole London
36- Mary Jane Blige
37- Robyn Rihanna Fenty
38- Stacey Lauretta Dash
39- Raquel M. Horn (@raquelmhorn)
40- Shanti Hoffman (@shantihoffman)
41- Hencha Voigt (@henyvbaby)
42- Remy Ma (Reminisce Kioni Mackie)
43- JoJo (Joanna Noëlle Levesque)
44- Scarlett Ingrid Johansson
45- Malin Maria Akerman
46- Melanie Jayne Lynskey
47- Priyanka Chopra Jonas
48- Jameela Alia Jamil
49- Deepika Padukone
50- Jamie Jilynn Chung
51- Meagan Monique Good
52- Tracee Ellis Ross (Tracee Joy Silberstein)
53- Joy Bryant (born October 18, 1974)
54- Dawn Olivieri (born February 8, 1981)
55- Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson (born March 27, 1975)
56- Yolanda Whitaker, also known as Yo-Yo (born August 4, 1971)
57- Robin Yvette Allen (born February 6, 1975), known professionally as the Lady of Rage
58- Rashia Tashan Fisher (born December 18, 1974), known professionally as Rah Digga
59- Stephanie Victoria Allen (born 14 December 1991), better known by her stage name Stefflon Don
60- Helen Folasade Adu (born 16 January 1959), known professionally as Sade Adu or simply Sade
61- Jessica Burns (@mrsjessicaburns)
62- Sarah Chapman (@CallMePumpkin)
63- Sofía Margarita Vergara Vergara (born July 10, 1972)
64- Jacquelyn "Jaci" Davette Velasquez (Jaci Velásquez, born October 15, 1979)
65- Roselyn Milagros Sánchez Rodríguez (born April 2, 1973)
66- Otmara Marrero (born March 1, 1989) (age 34)
67- Edurne Ganem, known professionally as Edy Ganem (born September 20, 1983 (age 40)
68- Janina Uhse (@janinauhse)
69- Nicole Scherzinger (@nicolescherzinger)
70- Melody Thornton (@melodythornton)
71- Shannon Thornton (@shannonthornt_n)
72- Ashley Monique Harper (@ashleymoniqueharper)
73- Natasha Marc (@natashamarc)
74- Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972), known professionally as Carmen Electra.
75- Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967)
76- Diamonté Quiava Valentin Harper (born July 2, 1993), known professionally as Saweetie
77- Antonia D. Reed (born April 22, 1966), known professionally as Bahamadia
78- Rachael Leigh Cook (born October 4, 1979)
79- Jennifer Love Hewitt (born February 21, 1979)
80- Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (born October 10, 1978)
81- Jenna Elfman (Jennifer Mary Elfman) (born September 30, 1971)
82- Julia Fox (born February 2, 1990) is an Italian-American actress and model
83- Marisa Tomei (born December 4, 1964) Italian-American actress.
84- Debi Mazar (Deborah Anne Mazar Corcos) (born August 13, 1964)
85- Zoë Isabella Kravitz (born December 1, 1988)
86- Katrina Laverne Taylor (born December 3, 1978), known professionally as Trina
87- Keyshia Miesha Cole (born October 15, 1981)
88- Taral Hicks (born September 21, 1974)
89- Vivica Anjanetta Fox (born July 30, 1964)
90- Vanessa Lynn Williams (born March 18, 1963)
91- Regina Rene King (born January 15, 1971)
92- Angela Evelyn Bassett (born August 16, 1958)
93- Viola Davis (born August 11, 1965)
95- Angela Martinez (born January 9, 1971)
96- Teri Hatcher (born December 8, 1964)
97- Nicollette Sheridan (born 21 November 1963)
98- Eva Jacqueline Longoria Bastón (born March 15, 1975)
99- Kristin Laura Kreuk (born December 30, 1982)
100- Erica Durance (born June 21, 1978)
101- Althea Rae Duhinio Janairo (born January 2, 1967), known professionally as Tia Carrere
102- Carrie-Anne Moss (born August 21, 1967)
103- Jill Marie Jones (born January 4, 1975)
104- Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight; June 4, 1975)
105- Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980)
106- Jada Koren Pinkett Smith (born September 18, 1971)
107- Kathryn Marie Hahn (born July 23, 1973)
108- Lake Siegel Bell (born March 24, 1979)
109- Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994)
110- Kirsten Caroline Dunst (born April 30, 1982)
111- Eliza Patricia Dushku (born December 30, 1980)
112- Gabrielle Monique Union-Wade (born October 29, 1972)
113- Essence Uhura Atkins (born February 7, 1972)
114- Tasha Smith (born February 28, 1971)
115- Kristin Landen Davis (born February 23, 1965)
116- Sharon Ann Leal (@realleal)
117- Jennifer Kate Hudson (born September 12, 1981)
118- Björk Guðmundsdóttir (born 21 November 1965)
119- Lupita Amondi Nyong'o (born 1 March 1983)
120- Carmen Elizabeth Ejogo (born 22 October 1973)
121- Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis (born August 14, 1983)
122- Elise Demetria Neal (born March 14, 1966)
123- Lori Harvey (born January 13, 1997)
124- Chantel Taleen Jeffries (born September 30, 1992)
125- Nicole Camille Richie (born September 21, 1981)
126- Nazanin Aliza Mandighomi (born September 11, 1986)
127- Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981)
128- Adrienne Eliza Bailon-Houghton (born October 24, 1983)
129- Raven-Symoné Christina Pearman-Maday (born December 10, 1985),
130- Keshia Knight Pulliam (born April 9, 1979)
131- Lilakoi Moon (born Lisa Michelle Bonet; November 16, 1967), known professionally as Lisa Bonet
132- Ming-Na Wen (born November 20, 1963)
133- Lucy Alexis Liu (born December 2, 1968)
134- Drew Blythe Barrymore (born February 22, 1975)
135- Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972)
136- Amanda Peet (born January 11, 1972)
137- Demi Gene Moore (born November 11, 1962)
138- Elizabeth Stamatina "Tina" Fey (born May 18, 1970)
139- Amy Poehler (born September 16, 1971)
140- Melissa Ann McCarthy (born August 26, 1970)
145- Lauren Graham (born March 16, 1967)
146- Charlize Theron (born 7 August 1975)
147- Maura Therese Tierney (born February 3, 1965)
148- Tisha Michelle Campbell (born October 13, 1968)
149- Tichina Rolanda Arnold (born June 28, 1969)
150- Janet Damita Jo Jackson (born May 16, 1966)
151- Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988)
152- Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995)
153- Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski (born June 7, 1991)
154- Hayden Lesley Panettiere (/born August 21, 1989)
155- Jenna Marie Ortega (born September 27, 2002)
156- Melissa Barrera Martínez (born 4 July 1990)
157- Rachel Anne McAdams (born November 17, 1978)
158- Sarah Jessica Parker (born March 25, 1965)
159- Kerry Marisa Washington (born January 31, 1977)
160- Gina Torres (born April 25, 1969)
161- Rosario Isabel Dawson (born May 9, 1979)
162- Tara Donna Reid (born November 8, 1975)
163- Emmanuelle Sophie Anne Chriqui (born 10 December 1975)
164- Jamie-Lynn Sigler (born May 15, 1981)
165- Amanda Leigh Moore (born April 10, 1984)
166- Jessica Marie Alba (born April 28, 1981)
167- Marina Ann Hantzis (born 1988), known professionally as Sasha Grey
168- Verónica Rodríguez Fiño (born 1 August 1991)
169- Christine Mackinday, known professionally as Christy Mack (born 1991 or 1992) (age 31–32)
170- Kendra Lust (@kendralust)
171- Raylin Joy (born February 18, 1987), formerly known by her stage name Skin Diamond
172- Vicki Chase (@therealvickichase)
Voici le film "Safe Haven" la bande-annonce:
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donnabroadway · 6 months
Forever Young
Age shaming to me is an interesting thing. I find it funny, not haha funny but the weird type, that people will compare a picture or video of a celebrity in their 20s to how they look and move in their late 30s, 40s, or even 50s and say "what happened?" The same thing that will hopefully happen to everyone, if they're lucky to live long enough, they aged.
I was recently watching This Christmas and some of the people I was watching with were discussing Lauren London and one of the women said, she doesn't look like that anymore and proceeded to pull up pictures of how she looks now. You mean to tell me that nearly 40 year old Lauren London doesn't look like 21/22 year old Lauren London. Color me shocked. Shocked I say.
Millennials are having to accept that we are aging and that we are technically middle aged. While most of us are only in our mid-late 30s and that is hardly old, it would be a lie to say that we don't look our age. There are very few of us that still looked how we did in our early 20s. When I see a post on social media of someone bragging about their age and saying 50 where or 40 where? I wanna say there because we can see it. It's there, it may not be obvious to everyone else but I can see it. Many times when a gen zer has a young looking mom, it is because the mom is usually young. If you're 20 and your mom had you at 16, that means she's only 36 and should look young because she is young. This obsession with proving ones youth and ability to remain looking youthful is weird and pointless. I see some stars who had some of their most iconic looks in the 80s and 90s, trying to recreate those looks' in their 50s and 60s and I'm just like, ok you look good but you definitely remade that outfit to fit your current size and body shape or let that dress out some and there is no shame because it looks great and makes for great content but let's be for real. You look good but not the way you did in your 20s and that's okay. Some of us age "better" than others but we still age, nonetheless.
I think with social media, the constant creation of appreciation posts and the uploading of old shows and videos from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and even 2000s we forget that people age because we're so used to seeing them how they looked in they heyday that we forget it was so long ago. Many stars reach their peak in their late teens-early 30s and even if they are still currently working, we often only see pictures of them from that period, so it can be a bit jarring to see a recent picture of that same celeb and see that they've aged and in some instances, not the way the public imagined them to have. I remember a few years ago when the Nicole Murphy, Lela Rochon, and Antwan Fuqua, cheating scandal/love triangle happened, people had the nerve to say that he deserved to cheat because Nicole Murphy still looked the same in her 50s as she did in her 20s and Lela Rochon let herself go. The sheer delusion of thinking a woman in her late 50s, almost 60s, who has lived life, had children, maybe health issues will look the way she did in her 20s and don't get me wrong, Lela's face card isn't declining, her body is just different and while everyone thinks they will be Nicole still wearing bikinis with their right and tight bodies that put women half their age to shame, lets be realistic. In my 20s and early 30s, I ate horribly and barely exercised but I was able to lose weight by simply working out a few times a week and tweaking my diet, now in my late 30s, I try to control my diet and I work out an hour a day, every day, sometimes even adding a walk or two with my children, and the scale has barely budged since having my youngest daughter almost 3 years ago. It has taken a bit to accept that my body has changed because I am a woman nearing a certain age. I am a woman in her 30s, who looks like she is in her 30s. I know women who look young and have barely aged and I can tell you that while she does take care of herself, genetics has a big part to play in it and you can't outrun genetics. It catches up to you every time. Angela Bassett, who is goals in her 60s, works incredibly hard and keeps a very disciplined regimen to maintain her physique and let's be honest, most of us are not that disciplined.
It is a weird flex to go to someone and say "that's why you old" as if time is not ever moving and one day they will be old too. No one stays in their 20s forever, unless they have unfortunately met an early demise and in that case, they truly are forever young but if you are aging, that God for the ability to live and enjoy life, no matter what age you are.
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aaliyahunleashed · 6 months
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Happy Blessed Birthday to model and actress Lauren Nicole London, born December 5, 1984.
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SLEDUJTE~ Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023) Celý Film Online [CZ-SK] a Zdarma
Sledovat celý film Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023) Online je aktuálně nejoblíbenějším filmem na vyhledávacím webu Google. Filmy, které jsou dnes velmi vyhledávané milovníky filmů, filmy, které je zábavné sledovat o víkendech s rodinou, přáteli a přítelkyněmi. Chcete-li se zbavit nudy, která se vám stane po únavě z práce.
Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023) — Film Online Sledujte Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023) filmy online. Můžete sledovat Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy film online v HD Quality!
: ► Klikněte zde pro shlédnutí filmu Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy- Online zdarma v HD
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Sledovat online : Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023)
Stažení : Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy (2023)
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Další název: Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Animovaný, Vědeckofantastický, Země: Spojené státy americké Premiéra v ČR: 2023-05-31 Délka: 140 min. hraje: Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Brian Tyree Henry, Luna Lauren Velez, Jake Johnson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Schwartzman, Issa Rae, Daniel Kaluuya, Karan Soni, Shea Whigham, Greta Lee, Mahershala Ali, Amandla Stenberg, Jharrel Jerome, Andy Samberg, Jack Quaid, Rachel Dratch, Ziggy Marley, Jorma Taccone, J.K. Simmons, Donald Glover, Elizabeth Perkins, Kathryn Hahn, Ayo Edebiri, Nicole Delaney, Antonina Lentini, Atsuko Okatsuka, Peter Sohn, Melissa Sturm, Lorraine Velez, Nic Novicki, Taran Killam, Metro Boomin, Josh Keaton, Sofia Barclay, Danielle Perez, Yuri Lowenthal, Rita Rani Ahuja, Ismail Bashey, Oscar Camacho, Freddy Ferrari, Kerry Gutierrez, Kamal Khan, Angelo Sekou Kouyate, Andrew Leviton, David Michie, Sumit Naig, Juan Pacheco, Chrystee Pharris, Ben Pronsky, Al Rodrigo, Jaswant Dev Shrestha, Libby Thomas Dickey, Ruth Zalduondo, Jasper Johannes Andrews, Gredel Berrios Calladine, Natalia Castellanos, Russell Tyre Francis, Deepti Gupta, Sohm Kapila, Pradnya Kuwadekar, Ashley London, Christopher Miller, Andrea Navedo, Lakshmi Patel, Jacqueline Pinol, Eliyas Qureshi, Lashana Rodriguez, Dennis Singletary, Amanda Troop, Sitara Attaie, Mayuri Bhandari, June Christopher, Michelle Jubilee Gonzalez, Marabina Jaimes, Rez Kempton, Lex Lang, Phil Lord, Richard Miro, Doug Nicholas, Shakira Ja'nai Paye, James Pirri, Marley Ralph, Michelle Ruff, Narender Sood, Cedric L. Williams, Kimberly Bailey, Sanjay Chandani, Melanie Duke, Jorge R. Gutierrez, Miguel Jiron, Deepti Kingra-Mickelsen, Luisa Leschin, Caitlin McKenna, Richard Andrew Morgado, Arthur Ortiz, Eliana A. Perez, Juan Pope, Mike Rianda, Stan Sellers, Warren Sroka, Jason Linere-White, Kimiko Glenn, Peggy Lu, John Mulaney, Andrew Garfield, Denis Leary, Tobey Maguire, Cliff Robertson, Alfred Molina, Post Malone, Obsah filmu Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy: Miles Morales vrací v další kapitole Spider-Verse ságy. Čeká na něj epické dobrodružství, které přátelského souseda Spider-Mana transportuje z Brooklynu napříč mnohovesmírem, aby pomohl Gwen Stacey a nové skupině Spider-lidí proti padouchovi silnějšímu než cokoliv, proti čemu se v minulosti postavili. Kroky ke stažení filmů * Můžete navštívit webové stránky prostřednictvím odkazů, které jsme poskytli následovně: povodeň * Navštivte stránky, které již doporučujeme a vyhledejte film, který chcete sledovat a stahovat. Pro zjednodušení můžete použít funkci vyhledávání. * Po nalezení filmu, který se vám líbí, klikněte na kartu Hry. Pokračujte v stahování hrozby „Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy“ a stáhněte film do požadované kvality. Viz obrázek, aby bylo jasnější. Klíčová slova Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy Filmy Česky a Zdarma, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy online ke shlednuti, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy Informace o filmu, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy online cely film, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy Sleduju Online, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy online bombuj, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy online, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy online film cz, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy Bombuj, Spider-Man: Napříč paralelními světy bombuj cz,
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FILM ▷ Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse en Streaming-VF en Français
Regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse en streaming vf 100% gratuit, voir le film complet en français et en bonne qualité. Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Streaming vf les films et les livres tiennent une partie de mon cœur. Et de cette façon, j’aime tout. Non, je ne parlerai pas de la scène entière, je pourrais finir avec un nouveau film si je le faisais,
Regarder ➡ Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Telecharger ➡ Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse 2023 Trailer Music | Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse,org Genre: Action, Aventure, Animation, Science-Fiction, Sortie: 2023-05-31 Etoiles: Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Brian Tyree Henry, Luna Lauren Velez, Jake Johnson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Schwartzman, Issa Rae, Daniel Kaluuya, Karan Soni, Shea Whigham, Greta Lee, Mahershala Ali, Amandla Stenberg, Jharrel Jerome, Andy Samberg, Jack Quaid, Rachel Dratch, Ziggy Marley, Jorma Taccone, J.K. Simmons, Donald Glover, Elizabeth Perkins, Kathryn Hahn, Ayo Edebiri, Nicole Delaney, Antonina Lentini, Atsuko Okatsuka, Peter Sohn, Melissa Sturm, Lorraine Velez, Nic Novicki, Taran Killam, Metro Boomin, Josh Keaton, Sofia Barclay, Danielle Perez, Yuri Lowenthal, Rita Rani Ahuja, Ismail Bashey, Oscar Camacho, Freddy Ferrari, Kerry Gutierrez, Kamal Khan, Angelo Sekou Kouyate, Andrew Leviton, David Michie, Sumit Naig, Juan Pacheco, Chrystee Pharris, Ben Pronsky, Al Rodrigo, Jaswant Dev Shrestha, Libby Thomas Dickey, Ruth Zalduondo, Jasper Johannes Andrews, Gredel Berrios Calladine, Natalia Castellanos, Russell Tyre Francis, Deepti Gupta, Sohm Kapila, Pradnya Kuwadekar, Ashley London, Christopher Miller, Andrea Navedo, Lakshmi Patel, Jacqueline Pinol, Eliyas Qureshi, Lashana Rodriguez, Dennis Singletary, Amanda Troop, Sitara Attaie, Mayuri Bhandari, June Christopher, Michelle Jubilee Gonzalez, Marabina Jaimes, Rez Kempton, Lex Lang, Phil Lord, Richard Miro, Doug Nicholas, Shakira Ja'nai Paye, James Pirri, Marley Ralph, Michelle Ruff, Narender Sood, Cedric L. Williams, Kimberly Bailey, Sanjay Chandani, Melanie Duke, Jorge R. Gutierrez, Miguel Jiron, Deepti Kingra-Mickelsen, Luisa Leschin, Caitlin McKenna, Richard Andrew Morgado, Arthur Ortiz, Eliana A. Perez, Juan Pope, Mike Rianda, Stan Sellers, Warren Sroka, Jason Linere-White, Kimiko Glenn, Peggy Lu, John Mulaney, Andrew Garfield, Denis Leary, Tobey Maguire, Cliff Robertson, Alfred Molina, Post Malone, Le site Web où Vous pouVez regarder des Films de Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse en streaming gratuit. Regarder film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse(2023) en Streaming français sans inscription. Bonne qualite HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, 4k. Le Vrai Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VF gratuit et complet de tout les derniers Films des meilleurs séries en HD Version Francaise, original et sous titré. Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film en streaming gratuit en ligne Version Française en qualité Full HD 1080p. Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse - Streaming Gratuit en Français Voir tous les films avec des catégories complètes, Streaming en français, en Full HD, gratuit et illimité. Rendez-vous sur le site ci-dessous ! Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Comment Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse des films gratuitement en français complet ? Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD. Quelle est la diFFérence entre le téléchargement et streaming ? étiquette : Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse 2023 Film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film complet en Français Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VostFR Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film streaming Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VF
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Lauren Nicole London, a talented actress, born in '84, With a passion for the craft, and a talent to explore, She's graced the screen with her presence and her skill, And brought to life characters that are vivid and real.
From her early days in music videos and commercials, To her breakout role in ATL, she's always been exceptional, And with each role she's taken, she's shown us her range, An actress with depth, and a gift that's rare and strange.
She's played strong and resilient, and vulnerable too, And in each role, she's left a lasting impression, it's true, From The Game to 90210, and everything in between, Her talent and dedication, always shine and gleam.
But she's more than just an actress, she's a mother and friend, A woman of strength and beauty, on whom we can depend, She's a role model and inspiration to so many, And her talent and grace, we celebrate with plenty.
So here's to Lauren Nicole London, a shining star, An actress, a mother, and so much more by far, May she continue to shine, and inspire us all, With her talent and beauty, and her unbreakable gall.
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flowwowsblog · 1 year
10 Trendy Wedding Flowers, Perfect for Every Bride
10 Trendy Wedding Flowers, Perfect for Every Bride
Selecting flowers for a wedding ceremony can be a challenging yet pleasant task for any bride. While the decision is significant, it's not necessary to waste time searching for an extravagant solution. Instead, take advantage of the wisdom passed down by the most sophisticated brides of the century. Whether you're looking for stunning centerpieces for a luxurious wedding or modest arrangements for any other event, make sure to check out Flowwow London, the top online marketplace that offers quick and dependable delivery.
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Peony – The Queen of All Weddings
In 2001, Nicole Kidman established herself as an influential wedding trendsetter by selecting beautiful white Duchesse peonies for her ceremony. This style was subsequently adopted by other celebrities, such as Nicole Ricci and Jennifer Lopez, making white peonies the go-to choice for all marriage-related events. Peonies symbolize prosperity and good fortune, and their rich fragrance is renowned for its calming properties, which can be particularly useful for an anxious bride.
Phalaenopsis Orchid – Unique Tropical Deities
Orchids are perhaps the most conventionally "feminine" flowers used in contemporary floral arrangements, and they are essential for creating cascading, waterfall-style bouquets. Milla Jovovich, Eva Longoria, and Sofia Vergara famously opted for white Phalaenopsis orchids for their wedding ceremonies. However, if you prefer to add a pop of color to your centerpieces, blue, pink, purple, and even yellow orchids can be a fantastic alternative to consider.
Freesia – The Choice of Aristocrats
Freesias have a delicate and refreshing scent that complements cream roses, white tulips, or the little wax stars of stephanotis perfectly. These flowers are a timeless choice for classic-style weddings and have been favored by royal brides such as Diana Spencer, Sophie Rhys-Jones, and Pippa Middleton.
Ranunculus – The Reign of White Petal
Bold and expressive, ranunculus flowers are reminiscent of thousands of delicate muslin petals assembled together, making them an eye-catching choice. They make for stunning mono-bouquets, but they also pair beautifully with creamy roses, fluffy peonies, and snowy white jasmine, as demonstrated by Priyanka Chopra.
Eustoma – For Originality and Volume
Eustomas have a delicate and refined appearance that makes them an ideal choice for bouquets of both round and elongated shapes, as they add significant volume to any arrangement. With a wide variety of shades available, eustomas can fit into countless styles, ranging from boho chic to goblincore. Former Miss Hong Kong, Grace Chan, demonstrated her elegant taste by combining both eustoma and ranunculus in her bridal bouquet for her celebrity wedding.
Gypsophila – An Old Tradition
Long and slender stems adorned with countless tiny round buds make gypsophila a long-standing favorite among wedding florists. If you envision carrying a soft white cloud during your ceremony, a mono-bouquet of gypsophila is an excellent choice. For a more unconventional option, take inspiration from Ashley Tisdale's remarkable wedding look and consider a gypsophila flower crown.
Сalla Lily – Exotic, Graceful, and Pure
Calla lilies, with their stunning elongated shape, are among the world's most popular flowers and are frequently used to create tall bouquets. Wedding florists often choose the white variety, as it symbolizes femininity, purity, and innocence. This particular variety is an excellent choice for venue decor, as demonstrated by Lauren Rodriguez's exquisite ceremony. If you want to add a touch of fiery passion or bashful tenderness, consider red or pink calla lilies, respectively.
Gardenia – For Sophisticated Compositions 
Softly textured white flowers are a popular choice among film stars for creating intricate wedding bouquets that exude a classic look. Gardenias are particularly well-suited for pairing with roses, wildflowers, and bluebells, and are believed to prevent jealousy among newlyweds. Both Maxima Zorreguieta and Princess Victoria have showcased stunning bridal arrangements featuring gardenias.
Lilies-of-the-valley – A Timeless Icon
White porcelain lilies-of-the-valley are pure and simple, making them an ideal choice for any young bride. These charming pearl-like flowers are irreplaceable for natural-style weddings. Keep in mind that Grace Kelly, Duchess Katherine, Claudia Schiffer, and Elizabeth Hurley all chose lilies-of-the-valley for their unforgettable wedding ceremonies.
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Protea – The Symbol of Everlasting Luxury
To stand out from the crowd, consider selecting the exotic and lavish-looking protea for your wedding. This variety, which has the appearance of a bright pink cone, has only recently become a trendy wedding solution. Being an unmatched choice for a resplendent bouquet, these flowers will certainly be enjoyed by an extravagant bride in an unconventional wedding dress, as demonstrated by Elle Exxe.
What flowers make a nice wedding bouquet?
For traditional wedding ceremonies, the top choices among flowers are peonies, gardenias, and eustomas. However, other lovely options include delicate clusters of lilies-of-the-valley, spray roses (a miniature version of regular roses), charming daisies, and airy gypsophilas.
What is the most popular wedding bouquet?
Cream-colored roses and white phalaenopsis orchids have been popular choices in wedding floristry for a long time. However, with the current trend of embracing traditional styles, it's worth considering incorporating wildflowers such as bluebells, cornflowers, lavender, and cotton into your wedding bouquet.
Which wedding flower is the most expensive?
The price of a bridal bouquet is determined by the flower types and the chosen design, so the more intricate the arrangement, the higher the cost. For instance, a full boho-style bouquet featuring wildflowers and cotton will be more expensive than a simple white rose boutonniere.
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