#laufey's marble remains empty :
twilit-tragedy · 1 year
Atreus hands him to his father, asking for guidance. Kratos hands him to Freya, giving her the choice. Freya lets him go, realizing she doesn’t need to. Sindri strides in and unceremoniously offs the bastard.
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lovablebull · 5 years
The Apprentice II
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Here is Part II of The Apprentice.
Part I can be found here.
One would think that a vault beneath a palace, full of ancient relics and treasures would be well guarded and warded by ancient spells, but no, it was not. The door did little to hold anyone too curious back. No guards near the door, only patrolling the halls. It made you wonder whether Odin was all too trusting of his folk. Something was definitely off. No place in any realm left its treasures unguarded in such a manner.
With a long, quiet sigh you disregarded the thought and pushed the massive doors open as silently as you could. The doors were heavy yet silent when they opened, revealing a couple of marble steps leading into a chapel like chamber, dark and silent except for the crackling of the lit torches. Your steps made little noise as you hurried inside, shutting the door behind you and praying to the Norns that it would not spontaneously lock behind you. You tried to picture the map Loki showed you the best you could, you’ve been rehearsing the instructions in your head the whole way down. As you walked through the passage, you came to a halt when something bright and blue glowed in the dimly lit room. It looked exactly like Loki described it. You approached the artifact cautiously and reached for its handles, brushing your fingers lightly against the odd material of the handles, checking for safety in handling.
Nothing happened as you lightly touched it, so you took both handles into each hand, gripping it tightly as it was not light. But just as you lifted the relic from the pedestal, the weight of it suddenly became unbearable and your hands were gradually going numb, blackening from the tips of your fingers and quickly extending to your arms, the blackness disappearing under the sleeves of your robe. You instantly dropped the relic, sinking to your knees as you examined your blackened hands, watching them tremble, the numbing was now burning, you weren’t sure whether it was heat or cold. You were panicking and screaming as the flesh of your hands burned.
“Must I do everything myself?” You turned your head towards the voice, spotting none other than Loki, coming into sight from a darkened corner, walking towards you slowly. Your vision blurred, your body numbed by the excruciating pain in your upper limbs and everything went dark. You fell half unconscious, the blood pulsating in your ears.
Loki stopped next to your body and looked down, his eyes landing on the damage caused to your flesh before moving along and reaching to pick up the relic from the floor. As he gripped the handles himself, he felt a familiar tingle in his own hands, the pale Aesir skin melting away to reveal a deep blue one. His evident shock was short lived as a deeper, much too familiar voice spoke behind him.
“Stop!” Came the Allfather’s commanding voice. Loki did not turn around to face him, he was holding the relic in his hands, pale skin stripped away to reveal a deep blue one. “Am I cursed?” He asked firmly, to which Odin responded. “No.” “What am I?” And Odin answered softly. “You are my son.” Upon hearing those words, Loki’s voice turned bitter, finally turning around to face the other, but not before he placed the relic back onto its pedestal, his blue flesh reverting back to the Aesir pale one. “What more than that? The casket was not the only thing you too from Jotunheim that day, was it?” He asked. “No. In the aftermath of the battle I went into the temple, I found a baby, small for a giant’s offspring and doomed to suffering, left to die. Laufey’s son.” He spoke softly. “Laufey’s son...” Loki repeated.
The conversation went on and you could have sworn that you heard Loki yell at his father before guards came rushing in. You drifted in and out of consciousness as you were being carried of to what you assumed was the healer’s wing.
Days went by in a haze while the healers took care of your wounds. You didn’t dare look at your hands while they worked hours upon hours to heal them. You could only hope to still have hands after this. Tears welled in your eyes as you recalled that moment of utter fear and panic. What hurt the most was that Loki did not look your way twice in spite of being hurt. Why would he? Just because you were always at his side and always taking the burn for his mischief. Just because you eating together, going to feasts together, reading, riding and laughing together. What did it matter? He was a prince; you were his apprentice. A stupid, silly boy who wouldn’t learn his lesson, who followed the prince blindly, like a lost puppy. No wonder everyone referred to you as Loki’s dog. Fetch this and fetch that, kneel before me whenever I please.
Tears stung as they rolled down your cheeks and all you felt was the sting of something in your arm before you passed out again.
When you woke up and the sedatives wore off, you were helped to your feet by the master healer, having had laid down long enough. You thanked the man and looked up at him. His mouth offering a gentle smile. “How bad is it? I did not dare look at the damage.” You said with a tremble in your voice. “You would have lost your hands if they delayed bringing you here minutes longer, but they did not. Your hands are healing. They will be very sensitive for a while and you must keep them moisturized and wrapped at all times. This will take a while. Do not strain yourself and try not to grip things too hard, the flesh of your hands is still raw. The adepts will give you something for the pain.” You looked at the other in surprise and nodded your head, a smile gracing your lips as you took in the news. Your hands were going to be fine.
“And (Y/N)? The king requests your presence immediately.” You nodded in acknowledgement and dressed quickly, your robes were clean and crisp. This almost felt good.
The guards at the doors to the throne room stepped aside and opened the enormous doors for you, letting you step inside before closing them again. The golden hall was quiet and empty, save for someone on the throne, clearly waiting. Your steps were slow and careful as you approached the throne. The gasp that fell from your lips would have been the butt of all jokes were you in different circumstances. Right there, on the Throne of Asgard sat none other than Loki. Dressed in his finest armor, the horned helmet gleaming in the light, his right-hand gripping Gungir, holding it at his side.
You were at loss as to how to proceed in this very moment but decided to offer a graceful bow. “Your Grace, you asked to see me.”
“(Y/N) … I see you are back on your feet. I trust your hands are healing?” He asked with just a hint of concern in his voice. You refused to fall for it. “They are, no thanks to you.”
“Pardon me?” He asked as if offended.
You frowned and picked up pace, walking in long, sure strides to the throne. You did not even stop in front of it but climbed those steps until you were right in front of him. Loki, the king of Asgard, was looking up to you as he placed his palms on either side of his helmet, taking it off and placing it aside. “I assume you have something to say.” He said smugly. The slap came out of nowhere, not you nor him expected it but the sting in your hand and the print on his cheek were proof enough. His head remained tilted, the smug smile extending into a satisfied smirk. “And here I thought you were nothing but a puppy, it’s good to see you have some bite in you. Striking your king is punishable by death. I am sure you are aware of that.”
“Shut up. Just shut up for once. I don’t care how you ended up on the throne, I care even less if your motives are genuine but you do not get to use me like that. I am not your scapegoat and I am not your slave! You cannot treat me like that. You might not care for me but I do, my parents and my friends do. You do not have the right to deprive them of me. Not for your selfishness, not for knowledge and absolutely not for the fun of it. You used me, you humiliated me and you left me to die. There was a time when I thought we were friends, and many other times when I wanted to leave this cursed place. To stop being your dog, to stop playing your games and have everyone laugh at me for being so damn stupid and trusting of you, Liesmith.”
“I am leaving, I am done with your games, Loki.” By the time you were done speaking, your eyes were blurred with tears and as you turned around to step off the platform, he reached out and grabbed your elbow, pulling you back forcefully. “No. Stay.” You huffed out a laugh because how dare he tell you to stay, you were not a dog. “Loki… I am done. Let me go.”
He released you and as you began to walk, he followed in your steps angrily. He soon grabbed onto your upper arm (again) and before you could blink, everything around you spun out of existence, the second you opened your eyes you were in a very familiar setting. Loki’s chambers have changed a bit since you last saw them, perhaps his Kingship deserved fancier things.
You turned to the other, eyes burning with fury at this point and you were ready to shout when you were met with Loki, you guessed. Or perhaps a version of him, his skin marred with markings and of the prettiest blue you’ve ever seen. His red eyes, like precious stones looked at you in an almost pleading manner. “What did you do to yourself?” You asked, brows furrowing in clear concern. 
“(Y/N). I do not say this as often as I should. But you mean to me more than I could put into words. A lot has transpired in the time you were healing. When you fell, I picked up the relic myself. I wanted nothing more but to put it back in its place and take you to the healers but Odin stopped me. You see, something happened when I went with Thor to Jotunheim, one of the frost giants touched me and my skin changed color. I knew there was more to it, I wanted to see if the same would happen if someone else touched something belonging to the frost giants. And something happened, your hands burned.” He explained softly as he took your bandaged hands into his own. “It did not burn me for I am a frost giant.”
“Who else knows of this?” You asked in a trembling voice. “Odin and my mother, they have known all along and now you. But now, Odin has fallen into Odin Sleep and Thor has been banished to Midgard as punishment for his reckless actions in Jotunheim. Sorry does not begin to cover all the wrongs I have done to you and the way I have treated you, but you are my best friend whom I trust with my most elaborate plans and schemes and you have never let me down. But then again, you never really knew you befriended a monster so there is absolutely nothing keeping you here right now. I just wanted you to know.”
You tentatively reached out and touched the male’s hand, it felt cold and soothing but not cold enough to give you frost bite. Loki was looking at you sadly, yet his gaze was almost fond, regretful and with just the right amount of wetness. Your hand moved to cup his cheek, the exact one you slapped moments ago, your forehead resting onto his cool one as your noses touched. You said nothing else as he tilted his head slowly and pressed his icy lips against yours.
They say that sparks fly when you kiss the right person, well there weren’t any sparks but there were snowflakes behind your closed eyelids. He was really cold to the touch. Yet you returned the kiss eagerly, recalling how just days ago you were fantasizing about those thin lips and now you had them. They were a little blue and cold but you didn’t mind.
You felt Loki’s lips warm up as he shifted back into his Aesir form, never breaking the kiss. He pulled you in closer, arms wrapping around your middle. “Stay. Please? I can’t do this without you. Especially now, there is hardly anyone else I trust but you and mother. It would break her heart as well as mine if you left.” You slipped his arms around his armored shoulders, burying your face onto the crook of his neck, inhaling that floral scent that was uniquely Loki. You smiled against his flesh and pressed a loving kiss to the long column of his neck. “You better start teaching me proper spells. I need to be able to defend my king. Don’t I?” You asked as you pulled away to look at him, smiling happily.
He kissed you again, and again and again as he held you closely. “Am I forgiven?” You rose an eyebrow at the question, smile instantly vanishing. Your lips were red from kissing, face slightly flushed. “I could be persuaded.” You said suggestively as your hand busied themselves with undoing a strap of the other’s armor. “You cheeky little minx, so shameless in front of your king. I might just have to teach you manners.”
The End.
A/N: SORRY!! That took ages but I do hope you enjoy the second part of my Loki fic. Hoping to write more in the future, if time allows.
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