diaarchive · 7 years
I think I missed something, do you mind explaining more about dia's blindness?
                                       I’ve managed to confuse @langenoir 
Dia, in XIV’s verse primarily, is blind. Absolutely, no glasses or anything can help him see. But XIV offers something that is a bit different, courtesy of story with Tola. Residents of Eorzea can see using aether, though for the races that have limited lifespans, it shortens them considerably. Dia doesn’t suffer those consequences because he is a voidsent and because he’s a servant of the Twelve. He uses it only to see outlines of living creatures, and when not around civilizations, he usually has either his bat Aurora or another voidsent helping him keep track of anything that would attack him.
Because he only sees outlines of bipedal intelligent creatures, he only knows people by race unless he’s given them something to stay with them. Most of those he considers close are given a little bat to keep with them. If he can see the bat, then he knows who it is. Otherwise, an Au Ra is an Au Ra until they introduce himself. Same goes with any other person unless they have a unique physical characteristic. So say an Au Ra is missing part of a horn, or all of a horn, he can see that. But if its a scar on their face or their body that doesn’t deform their appearance, he will not see.
Part of the solution to that is that he touches people a lot. He does it to find defining marks if he can’t see any, or tell by the shape of their face or body. If it’s new people he won’t do it immediately ( there has been at least one case where he grabbed at someone and paid dearly for it; granted he wasn’t supposed to touch there anyways... ) partially because hanging around people like Demistel and Historia has taught him some things about having a bit of humanity.
The reason for him being blind is that he made this body himself. It wasn’t well crafted at first, and as a result he made mistakes. Once he started going blind, he made an effort to fix whatever else he could manage to. There was no salvaging his sight, but he could at the very least make absolutely sure that he wouldn’t suffer any more ill affects from his haste.
I’ve debated adding it to other verses, but until I come up with good reason for him to be able to do something similar. 
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wanderers-minuet · 7 years
langenoir replied to your post  Does the Mun like actual cats?
i want. to meet your cats. pls.
Here. (tag not entirely inclusive my tagging sucks)
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heavensthralled · 7 years
  That first anon doesn’t count, and you know who...
They’re gonna catch mine too. Like, HONESTLY.
( lol you don’t even know what it’s about and you wanna fite. ilu. )
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eternxloptimism · 7 years
langenoir replied to your post: @warsung that’s up to you but saying that they’re...
I will say there’s some merit in what @warsung is saying but there’s also just that ?? condone? what does that mean? I mean no one’s _making_ anyone do cis-swaps/gender bends but there’s nothing you can do to “punish” those who do
I sort of dislike the idea that one should have ‘condone’ the relatively non harmful things trans people do to make themselves feel better as well. People really need to lighten up on this issue and have fun which is why we’re all here.
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kareivxs · 7 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴇs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙɪɴᴅ ᴜs: x
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                           Palest of blues stared at the woman as she denied his claim of being touched. Odd. Was he mistaken by what he sensed from her? How could one give off such a sense of being close to an astral while saying they had not. Was she unawares of what Astral watched over her?
                          No. This was a sense he knew to well, one he should have noticed the second he had appeared to the rose. "No... I am mistaken that is of the truth. You are one. A Sister to my kind." Tone of questioning was clear as the Astral of Night circled her. Trying to find prove of her nature, assuring himself that he hadn't lost his touch since rebirth.
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synxrgist-archive · 7 years
11 + back atcha
X: Accepting
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
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Not since the early L’Cie days, though Hope still doesn’t have the biggest pool of patience when it comes to certain traits and people. (He’s forever quick to point out how immature Snow is being, sometimes.) That said, he may just be quick to anger if he thought someone was personally attacking them for whatever reason. He’s not so aloof that he can stand there as the Director of Academia and not react.
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lostlittleremnant · 7 years
continued from ask:
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“Mine.” She repeated. Even if the Savior had just said she didn’t belong to anyone Lumina wanted the luxury of owning something that was bigger than her. She had her friends, but nothing beat an actual human to call her own. Well in Light’s case non human.
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wanderers-minuet · 7 years
  langenoir replied to your post  Does the Mun like...
i must meet them in person now. and give them lots of love.
<3 do eeeet
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heavensthralled · 7 years
spice silver and a handful of stardust
>> Sugar and Spice and Crows
Oh goodness this is accurate!~
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eternxloptimism · 7 years
langenoir replied to your post: .
actually bless your tags friend
yyyeaaahh I couldn’t take it anymore and wrote a post about it. 
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endlxssmelody · 7 years
langenoir replied to your post “boundbytheblood replied to your post “@ everyone complaining about...”
y'all who can't understand a southern drawl just ain't practice. "y'all" being to the people who can't understand cindy
Ayee ain’t that the truth! My friend is a southern gentlemen and he was complaining about her accent. I’m like but...you sound...exactly the same, Zach....literally....
people just complain to complain, I think lmao.
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thislovelylady · 7 years
gently nudges in a ♛
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: lightning…man, I sadly didn’t play much of 13 uwu but I always thought she was super cool. very like, low-key mom of the group. she’ll sit in the back quietly getting her shit done until the kids get out of control and no one else can calm them and so she goes HEY SIT DOWN and then there is a pause and a fearful stare and everyone obeys.
how they play them:  lightning is a great big sis to lenora and i love it uwu lenora doesnt quite know what to do with this newfound friendship yet or not, but she is very grateful. 
the mun:  ily. is there much else to say? i always appreciate your support uwu and your memes. and you’re just a sweetie in general, you know?
do i;
follow them: yesrp with them: yes on and offwant to rp with them: yes owoship their character with mine: family ship!? friend ship!!? sisterlike ship!?
what is my;
overall opinion: one day we will meet in person >O
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synxrgist-archive · 7 years
X: Accepting
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“Well - that’s that sorted. After all, what could be more accurate than an online game that calculates a percentage based on the letters of your name? Still - if we want to be really sure, let’s consult a horoscope scroll. They’re the real experts.”
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“...I just felt my old teachers shaming me from beyond the grave for even suggesting that...”
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ofsilverbullets · 7 years
langenoir replied to your post “★★★★★★★★★★★★!!! (also is that a koki kariya icon?? /forever screaming...”
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