#l havent written in ages forgive me if its terrible
inurnctdreams · 6 years
falling in love with a dreamie's older sibling - taeyong!au
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:: first post on this new blog!! i'm a lil rusty so pls bear with me, it's been a few 。.:*・゜゚・*
(I also got super carried away but I have more ideas for this au if anyone wants a part 2!)
ok so taeyong was a lil (a lot) scared when they told him he'd be the leader of this new group with infinte members
but he took it in his stride bc hey four's not so bad, they're all around his age and mark's very mature and hardworking
six he can deal with, plus, hey! a friend for mark, even if donghyuk can be a brat
and then the dreamies debuted
he was like "yes i know i said mark was mature and hardworking but you're putting him in charge of six babies. he's still a (my) baby!!"
so ofc, even though he wasn't their official leader, he took them under his wing and looked after these children bc that's just who taeyong is
and yeah maybe they're rowdy and hyperactive but they're good kids and they understand what being an idol expects of them
he wouldn't change them for the world and he loves his crazy (not so) little family
the other older members help out a lot too so he never feels too pressured
he can do this!!
then you came along
your parents had asked you to keep an eye on your younger brother when you moved into seoul for school
you attended their debut showcase with your parents but you only had time for a quick hug and an "i'm proud of u!!" before you had to rush back for work so you didn't really see any of the other members
hey you gotta support yourself in the big city somehow
you ofc streamed all of ncts stuff and supported them in any way you could, which wasn't a lot being a student in the city with your own lil apartment
though you always tried to text your brother often to make sure he was eating and taking care of himself/he was being taken care of
and you managed to sneak in a few visits to the dreamies' practices or between schedules
but you'd never actually been to the dorms
you got to know the other dreamies too as they hung out while you facetimed him or appeared in the vlives you could catch
but! finally, there was a day where miraculously you were both free
so you planned to go for ice cream and ofc some of the other dreamies heard of your plan and begged until your ice cream catch up with your lil bro turned into an ice cream catch up with ur lil bro and two of the other dreamies
so the day finally arrived and you were stood outside the dorms after being waved through by security, not exactly knowing what to expect
there were like 18 teenage-early twenties boys living in those three conjoined apartments with almost no adult supervision
so while you were sorta expecting dirty laundry everywhere, stained walls and sweaty smells, surely someone had to be keeping them in check??
the door swings open to reveal your excited little brother and a relatively clean living room
a couple of guys you recognise from various performances/ads/general idolness are lounging on the sofa
you can hear music coming from somewhere further in the apartment
and something that smells absolutely divine is coming from the kitchen
"(Y/N)!!" your brother pounces on you and drags you inside, introducing you to all the members in the room and shouting for his fellow dreamies to hurry up getting ready
they're all lovely and you're glad they all seem as nice as your brother described them, glad that he's got friends and support here when you can't give it to him
the three boys all put their shoes on by the door and you're exchanging polite goodbyes with the other boys when a head pops round the doorway on the other side of the room
and oH
you definitely recognise this one
lee taeyong, general leader of nct and the guy you'd sorta maybe taken a small (huge) liking to from the moment you clicked play on the 7th sense MV
he's even cuter in person
"you guys off?"
"yeah taeyong-hyung! (Y/N)'s taking us out for ice cream!"
"Hey, I'm your elder, brat! How come you use honorifics with him and not me huh?"
and ofc you're joking but the look on all the guys' faces as you reprimanded and simultaneously embarrassed your little brother was golden
then you started laughing as you were practically dragged out of the apartment
but not without a lingering look from one lee taeyong
you start hanging around the dorms more often after that
you're on break from studies and now you've broken the ice with the rest of your brother's group members, it's quite a nice escape from the world
if you count them whining about teasing and pranks a nice escape anyway
and it has nothing to do with taeyong no sir
speaking of ty track
you were not what he was expecting
when the dreamies would go on about you they described you as such a nag
always making sure they were eating/sleeping/resting/working hard
"honestly more of a mom than you, hyung!"
and what was wrong with that?
you were concerned about your lil bro all alone in the idol world, in his eyes it just made you a good older sibling
but he wasn't expecting you to be so... carefree yet caring along with it
like how you tricked them all the day you met about scolding your brother
or how you'd help the dreamies (and johnny and taeil) prank each other then act like you had no clue what was going on once caught
or how you'd try dancing to nct's choreo when you visited the practise room and fail adorably yet pridefully every time
or how you'd help the kids with their homework when the other members were busy, even though he could see the pile of your own in your bag when you opened it to get your pencil case out
or how you offered to help him cook/clean despite not living there
or how you'd sneak in with the spare key they'd given you when you knew they were out all day and would come home exhausted, only to find the laundry done and folded, dinner portioned in the fridge and you snoring sweetly on the sofa at 3am
or how you'd basically become a part of that crazy (still not so) little family
or how he'd pretty much seemed to have fallen in love with you without even realising it
it hit him suddenly though
one night, you'd texted him to say you wouldn't be able to make it to dinner at the dorm tonight because you'd been called into work
and he was disappointed, sure, but work was work and he admired your ability to support yourself in the city
he looked around at everyone at dinner and realised how much he missed your laugh, and your witty comments, and your habit of scolding your brother for talking with his mouth open
and wow... how did this person become so important to him so quickly??
so dinner had been cleaned up and everyone was chilling/in bed when he gets a text
"hey tae i know its really late and i know you told me not to but i missed the last bus so i started walking home from work and i think someone's following me. i know it's probably nothing but we should've listened to yuta when he said not to watch that horror move last night and i'm scared"
and this feeling just swells up inside him
this need, to protect you, to find you and never let you out of his sight again
and before he knows it he's shoving on a hoodie and sneakers and shutting the apartment door softly behind him, texting simply a "where are you?" in reply
never mind it's like one in the morning, and he's kinda angry because he told you he didn't like you walking home alone late at night, but that's just fuelling him more
you tell him you're a few streets away from your apartment and the boy just does a complete 180 and starts running in the other direction
he comes to a stop at the beginning of her street, panting a little
and then he sees you
tired? i don't know her??
you're standing under a street lamp and you're shivering and before he knows what he's doing he's tugging you into his chest and holding on for dear life
you scream but then you recognise the cologne and the set of arms wrapped around you and you relax, hugging him back and burying your face in his chest
and all that built up tension and terror from being alone in the cold and dark leaves you
bc taeyong's here, he came to your rescue
"i'm sorry" you keep mumbling, and eventually he pulls back to look you in the eye
"stop it. yeah i'm a little mad you put yourself in danger, but right now i don't care. i'm just glad you're okay"
and you nod, looking down at your feet
and then you start giggling
and he's like wtf
now he's genuinely concerned something's wrong with you
"your shoes don't match"
and he looks down at his feet to see that, in his haste to get to you, he'd put on very mismatching sneakers
and yeah, that is kinda funny
so you're both standing under this street lamp at half one in the morning, after he'd run from the dorms to make sure you were safe, laughing over the fact that he had on one bright orange sneaker and one black and green
and you both look up at each other at the same time
and he stares into your eyes (which happens quite often now he thinks of it... you two always seem to be subconsciously seeking each other out)
and he just knows it: he's in love with you
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the stagehand // m.k.l
mark lee x reader // theatre au // 1.4k // masterlist
summary; in which mark really wants to impress y/n but singing is not the way to go apparently
warnings; nope this is a Pure piece // no real plot
requested; nope but I havent posted in ages so :// here
notes; sorry for not posting in forever !! but here is my third mark post of the night so hopefully y'all will forgive me
mark has been talking about auditioning for the next production for a while
it may or may not be because you are the director’s assistant
the dreamies laugh but still encourage him to go for it, sure he’ll fail and/or embarrass himself
and that would be fucking hilarious
so mark goes and picks up a script from the actual director and practices in their dorm at all times of the day
after hearing the script three times, hyuck starts quoting it, and has learnt more than mark
hyuck starts teasing mark that he’ll go against him for the lead
after standing on the kitchen table in the middle of the living room and belting the lyrics to the audition song to everyone at breakfast (and surprisingly getting a lot of compliments for it), hyuck decides to audition 
tensions run high as both hyuck and mark start practicing
to spite mark, hyuck asks you to run lines with him
mark retalliates by telling the director that hyuck wants to be the love interest instead of the lead
(jisung asks you if he can join the stage crew - of course, you said yes)
chenle asks shortly after
you think its really sweet that they want to support the theatre students but really theyre both there to see jaemin and mark crash and burn during auditions
on audition day, both mark and hyuck audition for the lead role
they havent spoken in a week
(markhyuck summer fight of 2017 y'all)
you sit with the director and judge them
you smile when hyuck walks on stage, knowing how hard he’s worked
mark is kinda really annoyed, scowling as he watches hyuck “butcher” the audition song
ur really surprised when mark rocks up on stage
because ”im really more of a rapper dude cmon”
but nonetheless he did
and you were ????? shocked??? he was Great
but when he saw ur face
he had the most SMUG grin
and u were instantly like >_>>>>
once auditions were over
they both stomp out of the theatre, refusing to speak
the cast list is posted two days later, and they both race to find out who got the role. both of them physically deflate when they see the name.
they’RE BOTH Y E L L I N G
loud bois
jeno walks down the hall calmly, just checking if he actually got the role
he’s very startled when he sees he’s got the lead
mark and hyuck demand answers, and finally speak to one another again (that is before mark points out hyuck got the lead as jeno’s love interest) 
hyuck is s p u t t e r i n g
“I didn’t even audition for that role!!!”
he’s very confused, before he sees that mark’s name isn’t even on the list
smugly, hyuck points this out
sticking his tongue out at mark
until jeno’s like
yo wait mark’s name is here
mark’s name is flagged as “lighting and tech, to report to y/n l/n”
mark is honestly more rapt with that than he would have been if he’d been given the lead
during practices, mark mucks around with the lights, mostly on purpose, partly because he has no idea what he’s doing, just so you have to go over the lights with him AGAIN
chenle is mostly unseen during rehearsals, but he is heard because he keeps dropping props and bumping into sets
they all hear jeno’s voice for the first time, and realise he was probably a better lead than both mark or hyuck
though hyuck is adamant it should've been him
“the director just has it out for me I swear!!! he didnt like me at all last year”
“no one did” - renjun, 2k19
you hang out in the lighting box most of the time, because that’s the only place kun can’t find you and ask you a million more questions about his sets and costumes
mark loves it, he jokes and makes you laugh, until he misses his queue for a light or something and you dont talk to him for half an hour so he can focus
hyuck, at first, refuses to play the love interest the way its written, swaggering around the stage and saying things like “this is ridiculous” after all of his lines
after a few practices, he gets really into it, and doesnt even need his script, he’s spent most of his afternoons memorising all of his lines and stage directions
one practice, mark is not needed with the lights, because they’re just doing a props and set run-through with the full cast, so you ask if you can practice some of the makeup on him
mark, of course, says yes.
you blabber on about running the production, and how the director does LITERALLY NOTHING since the auditions, and just sits there while you do everything else
and how the hair and makeup girls were absent and barely ever showed up, and how you had to practically beg Jaemin to help out on the night (the agreement was; he wouldn’t have to attend any rehearsals other than the dress rehearsal, and of course, the nights of the performance)
as he doesnt have a lot of experience with makeup, youve given him the easy tasks
but it still means you have to learn how to do stage makeup
all mark can think about is how close you are to him
after a pause, you, as if for the first time, notice how sharp his jawline actually is 
and for a while, thats all you can think about
“thinking about me?” mark does one of those little half-smiles that bothered you (but you totally still thought it was kind of cute)
“always” you rolled your eyes, your tone dripping sarcasm
you stepped back, biting the inside of you cheek to stop a smile creeping up on your face
“I think I’m done.”
“finally” mark lets his head roll back against the edge of the chair, messing up his hair, and then stands up to grab the mirror
at this point, you let out a laugh, and mark furiously turns around “YOU TURNED ME INTO A FISH?!” 
you grin, “a very CUTE fish, you’re Flounder!” 
you're very proud of yourself; the fact that mark could even tell he was a fish was a good sign
“WE’RE NOT EVEN DOING THE LITTLE MERMAID!” he starts to rub furiously at his face, trying to get the makeup off, but ends up looking like he’s just been beaten in a fist fight
you can barely contain your laughter, “aw come on, that took ages!!”
later that week, after a six hour rehearsal, the director asks mark to change the lighting filters on the stage, even though he could have done it during the rehearsal
but I mean its okay I guess bc he has to stay back
you're staying back too
so like
hyuck and jeno are laughing about the kissing scene next week, it hasn’t quite dawned on them that THEYRE actually the ones kissing
Jisung is frantically trying to find the lighting filters, even though he already gave them to mark, and then leaves after being told by you that he was stressing you out
in the lighting and sound booth, you’re going through the script again, marking areas the cast needs to go over and adding stage directions
you hums the duet that hyuck and jeno had been singing earlier as you do it
mark, who is balancing on a ladder on the stage, trying to fit the new filters onto the lights, nearly jumps out of his skin as he hears the humming come through the speakers around the theatre, the microphone in the booth catching every note of your singing
he smiles but continues changing the light filters, not being able to stop himself from singing the other part of the duet
soon, he’s screaming the lyrics as loud as he can to try and drown out some of your off key humming
you’re laughing in the booth as he screws up his face, his glasses balancing on the tip of his nose as he tries to block his ears with one hand and adjust the stage lights with the other
“now I can see why you’re on stage crew” you smirk, leaning down to talk through the mic, “you’re a terrible singer”
“a terrible singer, maybe, but even I can detect how off key your humming was” he yells back, sticking his tongue out and momentarily losing his balance on the ladder
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