#kyloren rp
waysxftheforce · 10 months
I'm returning. The force is pulling me back in.
I can't fight it
I'm about to rewatch the trilogy(I'm terrible I never watched ep 9) and return here.
I hope the community still exists enough tbh
I haven't roleplayed in years but I deeply miss writing with people.
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justrpthings2020 · 10 months
Star wars: Kylo ren x OC MxF discord rp!
Plot: A new Knight was not in Kylo's plans, nor was it to teach them the ways of the dark side, bbut here he was. With spending every waking moment with the new Knight Kylo starts to slowly form a bond he is trying hard to push away. it was never meant to get that far, between the growing feelings for the knight and Rey Kylo is now stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I’m looking for someone to play kylo, I do lit-novella. I only rp on discord.I do 18+ rps NSFW or FTB.  I will be playing F OC. Active mostly on discord so please dm me on there! Do not dm on here I might not get back to you for a few days!  
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kyloxsoloxren · 4 years
It had been about 5 months since Ben and Rey had faced the emperor and taken down his army, the galaxy was finally at peace. Ben and Rey stuck with each other after the conflict bouncing around with the new republic slowly becoming reestablished. Everything seemed to being going well with the first order being destroyed and Ben going back to the light it should have been perfect, but people have not forgotten what Ben had done to them when he was apart of the first order. Ben is looked at like he’s a monster by everyone even some of Rey’s closest friends; Poe and Finn who are some of Rey’s closest friends won’t even give him a chance. People fear Ben as if he’s going to snap and destroy the nearest thing close to him, but all that Ben feels is regret for everything he has done over these past years. Ben feels he deserves the judgement from everyone, but Rey has always been there helping him along his way to get readjusted to his new life. Ben had been meditating in his quarters which is near Rey’s; Ben was building a new saber using the force, but he’s had trouble connecting to the force ever since he fought Palpatine. Ben opened his eyes causing his parts fall landing on the floor, “What’s going on?” He thought to himself as he heard a knocking on his door. Ben answered it seeing it was Rey he lit up a little bit, “Hey, what’s going on?” Ben asked leaning on the door frame.
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edgelord-kyloren · 4 years
The empire had fallen.  The last of the Sith Lords had been demolished.  All thanks to one girl. A girl from nowhere. One who was able to bring hope back to the rebellion and find courage through her own awakening. Unwittingly, she'd become a leader and shown the galaxy that they too could fight back.  Wielding this hope coupled with her seeming inability to give up, she became the hero the galaxy needed to finally find what they needed.  
Celebrations across the galaxy soon lit up town, cities and entire planets as the news of the liberation from the tyranny of the Sith empire spread.  It was a new beginning for everyone. Even those from nowhere.  
As time went on, the celebrations subsided and life returned to normal.  However, without the constant threat of subjugation over head, the peoples of the galaxy began to thrive in ways they hadn't thought possible.  An era of peace had set over the worlds at last. And once a year, on that very day, they would celebrate their liberation once again. Today just happened to be that day.
Somewhere on some nowhere panet a low hum fills a chamber.  The interior in stark contrast all the excitement buzzing above.  Here it was cool and damp. A thick fog blanketed the floor silencing whatever echo the sound may project.  This was an old place; A place from another time. It had been abandoned and left to the elements along with the rest of the old area.  Ignored and forgotten. Except by a few faithful acolytes who's own piety refused to let die the religion of the ones who came before them.  After years of preparation research and diligence, this was the perfect day to return it back to the peoples of the galaxy. After all, they deserved it's truth too.  All would be well. All would be right.  
They sat in a circle.  Shrouded in the misty fog, their mismatched clothing and united chanting were the only signs of their unity.  All eyes open and all chanting stopped at once. The chamber went silent once again.
Above a low rumble shook the ground, but was diluted by the parades and celebrations. It went unnoticed. 
Below, a subsonic blast knocked back the circle of nine and sent the fog crashing back against the walls.  Shaking as the regained their senses, they took stock in their surroundings and then each other. The mist settled around them again.  No words were exchanged as they averted their eyes from the center. No sound premiated the dense air as fists clenched. They'd failed again.  How many times had they tried this? How many artifacts and texts had the collected and poured through over the years? What had they missed. No one spoke the words, but they felt it between each other still.  Frustration and despair. 
Something else crept into their minds. A sense of overwhelming power.  Fear was replaced by relief. In the center of their circle a from took a shaky stance.  Slowly it's head rose, eyes scanning each stunned individual slowly as if to give recognition of solidarity to each of them.  The figure then stared down at their own hands. A miracle. Someone finally moved.
Still in silence, they all stood and took a few steps closer as the one who could only be presumed to be their leader took their place in front of what they'd been trying to desperately to achieve.  A miracle indeed. "This belongs to you…" a dry yet hopeful voice rasped out as the artifact was returned to its rightful owner.  
The object forced into their hands, its owner studied it slowly and carefully, almost nostalgically.  Yes. They knew this object. A bond that had been broken from the universe had returned as the sounds from above trickled through the dark.  The hands holding the artifact gripped it tighter with sudden resolve before returning it to its rightful place. 
The acolytes felt their joy rising at an increasingly rapid rate.  All their plans, all their trials and failures, the lives lost, at last the return of their order had begun.  They already knew what they needed to do next. They felt it. They drowned in it, revelled in it. Power.
A hiss filled the chamber as the artifact locked into place over the forms head.  "Kill them all."  
And that was it.   
"Yes.  Supreme Leader.  Welcome back."
It was only 2 minutes later when the cheering and singing above became screams and cries of despair as the Knights of Ren began their descent upon the unprepared masses.  A new era was beginning.  
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ekatheartist · 6 years
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commandingkylo · 6 years
Luna nodded. «I will do it right away, supreme leader» She bowed before leaving the toom to alert the officers soo they could find the spy. After some hours later she came back to give him the information she had figured out. «Supreme leader, we found the spy.. He is the leader of the sector, what would you like us to do with him?»
A cruel grin stretched across his face. “Bring them to me. You may have the honors of executing them if you so wish…”
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coldcrave · 7 years
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Halloween Kylo
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imperial-butt · 7 years
Reylo Rp!
Anyone wanna rp? ^^ please PM me!~
- Nsfw is allowed
- I love college stories!
-AU's all the way <3
-We can discuss story before we start! :'D
- I prefer to be Kylo if thats okay! <3
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star-trekker-0013 · 7 years
True Grit (RP with kyloren-sithlord)
@kyloren-sithlord Althea stomped out the small fire she had made, her black boots sending up ash and embers. The sky was just starting to turn pink as the sun was about to make its morning entrance. Being the wanted woman that she was meant that she had to travel when less people would be around. But then again, looking around at the empty desert and mesas before her, she doubted anyone would be out here. Still, better safe than sorry. Back towards civilization, however, bigger problems were keeping her under the radar from the prying eyes of sheriffs and bounty hunters. Some gang called the First Order was going from town to town, stealing cattle and taking ranches wherever they could. They were set on dominating the Old West, and she for sure did not want to be a part of it. Her white horse, Alpha, softly nickered-his way of saying that they needed to get on their way. He was all she had left from her old life as a doctor's daughter and a ranch-hand. But those days were gone, and there was no point in crying spilled milk over it. She quickly saddles up her horse, packing up her bedroll and attaching her gun belt, and holster. Once aboard her faithful steed, she checked her pistol. Satisfied that it was loaded, the duo set out to cover some ground before sunup.
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For sale ••••• STAR WARS HASBRO 12 inch action figure ••••• KYLO REN Ex display No box Complete accesories Harga Rp 150K •••• FOLLOW US ON : Instagram : @bigbanghobby Facebook page : bigbanghobby Twitter : bigbanghobby •••• Contact us : Whatsapp : +628164861921 LINE : bigbanghobby •••• #jualanactionfigure #jualactionfigure #jualactionfiguremurah #actionfigure #bigbanghobby #jualstarwars #jualanstarwars #mainanstarwars #starwarsfigures #starwarstoys#starwarsmurah #koleksistarwars #kolektorstarwars #starwarsindonesia #iamstarwarsid #clonewars #starwarsclonewars #captainrex #commandercody #mandalorian #themandalorian #starwarsblackseries #starwarsblackseries6inch #starwarsepisode9 #riseoftheskywalker #starwarsriseofskywalker #starwarsepisode9 #starwarsix #starwarsepisodeix #kyloren #supremeleaderkyloren (at Big Bang Hobby) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs5ZnoPRRe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brandeewine · 4 years
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.Day 7 #reylodinktober2020 An Unexpected Baldo! #reylo #reyloart #reyandbensolo #reyloau #rey #bensolo #scavengerrey #kyloren #chewbacca #drawing #inktober #indexcardart #phxartist #arizonaartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEFZMPh-rP/?igshid=14swx6icxdb6b
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kyloxsoloxren · 4 years
Like for a starter!!
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truffulaslut · 6 years
Tagged by: @finnobliterateshux  
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get know better
<b>1. nicknames:</b> my mom will mockingly call me a queen because I want everything to go my way, and she will call me missy
2. gender: ?? I'm not really sure. Somedays I feel like a girl and somedays I feel like a boy
3. star sign: leo
4. height: 5′2??? Or 5'3?? I'm not exactly sure
5. time: 9:36
6. birthday: August 3rd
7. favorite bands: too many to list
8. favorite solo artists: there's a lot man..
9. song stuck in my head: Washington on your side
<b>10. last movie i watched:</b> 8 mile
11. last show i watched: clone wars
12. when did i create my blog: I'm not even sure. I used to have a tumblr back in 2012 then I stopped using it till 2013 (or I may have deleted it I'm not sure)
13. what do i post: a lot of multi fandom stuff
14. last thing i googled: Ikea bowls
15. do i have any other blogs: I have an art blog and an rp blog
16. do i get ask: not much. I wish I got more.
17. why i chose my url: will will marry mike
<b>18. following:</b> 3,867
19. followers: 668
21. average hours of sleep: that's a good question. Sometimes it's like 8-11 and sometimes it's like 4-7
22. lucky number: I don't have one
23. instruments: nothing but my own voice
24. what am i wearing: 2012 korra shirt, and stolen pants
<b>26. dream job:</b> to be a famous actor, artist/painter, animator,
27. dream trip: to get the hell out of dodge
28. favorite food: breakfast tacos
29. nationality: american
30. favorite season: winter
The 20 people: @reddieformileven @plantenby @trinityvixen @icantimagineaname @finn-wolfhard-mx @ohhhdearlife @thetimelordbatgirl @sapphic-spook @huxxsux @singledadharrington @kyloren-sucks @ggtheowl @poolsidescientist @taigashadow @sevenbillionryders @eddiesangels @queen-padme @reddieeddiespaghetti @richie-thetrashmouth-tozier @toddcowardd
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Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know them better
Nickname: Purple Gender: ???? (I don’t know anymore) Star sign: Sagittarius  Height: 5′5″ / 1.65m Time: 3:31 PM Birthday: December 22nd Favorite bands: Alice Cooper, Les Friction, Avenged Sevenfold, Dead Posey,  Favorite solo artists: Josh Groban Song stuck in my head: Don’t Stop the Devil (Dead Posey) mixed with a ton of other ones Last movie I watched: Halloween H20: 20 years later Last show I watched: the new Ducktales When did I create my blog: 7th of January What do I post: rp posts and things relating to phasma Last thing I googled: "Dead by daylight speed affecting server” Do you have any other blogs: @usurperoftheorder (my only other sw blog) as well as @underneaththenightsdisguise, @revengeboundscientist and @shxdowborn for active rp blogs and my personal @fallencellist Do you get asks: not really Why did you choose your URL: Chrome is very reflective and she’s part of the First Order. She reflects order in everything she does--most of the time Following: 43 Followers: 44 Favorite colors: Black and purple Average hours of sleep: anywhere from 3-12 hours Lucky number: 13 Instruments: CELLO What am I wearing: tank top (purple), shorts and my KyloRen hoodie How many blankets do I sleep with: winter time, 5. Summertime 3-4 Dream job: cardiovascular surgeon Dream trip: France Favorite food: chocolate/raspberries  Nationality: American Favorite song now: Can’t choose just one, but I’ve been listening to the deadbydaylight ost for a bit
Tagged by: @lenina-phasma Tagging: nah
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commandingkylo · 6 years
Luna was really impressed of the supreme leader. She really wanted to please him, and be a good assistant. She went back to him, trying not to be too annoying. «Supreme leader.. There is a problem I think we should look further into» If she was right about her suspisions of the one worker, they might be able to find the restistance much sooner than expected.
Kylo looked up from the reports he was going over and huffed in annoyance. “What is of such importance you felt it necessary to interrupt what I was doing?” 
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Cool kylo vid #starwars #kyloren #GPRepost #reposter #regram_app @duke.sky.walker via @GPRepostApp for Android ------------------ #Rp from @starwars_turkish
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