#kupo nuts
magicmalcolm · 8 months
Malcolm Plays Final Fantasy IX
I Got The Burmecia Blues
(previous parts here)
Okay, so there's a few things to do before hitting up Burmecia.
First, a small optional area to the right of the exit from Gizamaluke's Grotto. The North Gate has a nice little scene between Freya and Quina, where the former envies the carefree nature of the latter. There's also a couple of Chests to loot. Yay!
Second, we track down a Nymph enemy for Quina to learn another Blue Magic Skill: Night. Night induces the Sleep Status on EVERYTHING in the current battle, friend and foe alike. Can combo quite well if everyone on your side has the Insomniac ability equipped (which we can get from the Coral Ring Freya won at the Festival Of The Hunt).
Third, we can dig up one more Chocograph location in this area of the map. Taking a detour past the left of the sand-tornado takes us to a secluded beach, where a set of Chocobo tracks lay. The treasure location is also on this beach and…
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Choco has acquired the Reef Ability! So this doesn't give Choco the ability to walk on all water yet, this one allows him to traverse the shallow light-blue waters. This will come in handy to nab a few more Chocograph Treasures back on the other side of Gizamaluke's Grotto, but we'll get them later. Burmecia awaits!
And what is the first thing that happens to us in Burmecia?
Another enemy can be eaten here in Burmecia for Blue Magic, eating a Magic Vice enemy will earn Quina the Magic Hammer skill. which removes a random amount (based on their current HP) of the enemies' remaining MP. Could be useful to help neuter some bosses down the road.
Also some of the chests in Burmecia are actually Mimics. Mimics can sometimes summon the aforementioned Magic Vices, so battling them isn't all bad.
Sadly, Burmecia is already in Ruins by the time we get there. Soldiers and civilians alike fallen at the hands of Brahne's Black Mage Army. Still, they were nice enough to leave a Lightning Staff and this Mythril Spear untouched for us to acquire.
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We also bump into Stiltzkin again, who sells us a pretty sweet bundle of goodies for a barganimous price. And we also get another Kupo Nut and oh oh this another game spanning quest isn't it?
Welp. Burmecia's already wrecked, might as well head back and get sidetracked. Play the Backtrack Song!
So first we go back to Gizmaluke's Grotto and give Moguta the Kupo Nut we just got.
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He's Kupo For Kupo Nuts.
Then we head back to Qu's Marsh to check on the Frog Spawn.
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This goes immediately onto Vivi. Ability Up is going to be really useful for him soon.
And since Choco obtained the Reef Ability earlier, we can grab two more Chocograph Treasures! The Magician's Robe is nice, but the Oak Staff from Chocograph #11 is the real prize right now. Bio, Stop and Drain? For Best Boy Vivi? Yay!
After that it's heading back to prep for facing Beatrix. Everyone gets moved to the back row, Zidane gets the Coral Ring and then it's pretty much down to the whims of fate.
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He's doing his best.
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Kuja's so sassy.
My strategy for the Beatrix fight is pretty simple, Zidane Steals and hopes for a miracle to at least get that Chain Plate, Freya casts Reis' Wind to open and heals with Potions when not defending, Quina casts Vanish on Zidane and recasts as necessary, and Vivi tries to land a Slow spell on Beatrix. Getting the Mythril Sword is about as mythical as it gets during this hopeless boss battle. If Beatrix KOs Zidane before you can Steal the Chain Plate (let alone the Sword), you might as well reset. The remakes are nice enough to Autosave right before the Beatrix Battle, at least.
OMG I actually got it what in the actual…
The real kicker is that it's not even a unique weapon...you can literally buy this in Treno in like five minutes from now...and it's almost immediately made obsolete in Treno too.
Unfortunately that's where the good luck ends. Beatrix activates her trap card: Hopeless Boss Battle. Fortunately it's still Disc One of Four so we're allowed to live for some reason.
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And yet you do nothing. Aah, blessed be to Overconfident Villains.
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bride-and-bride · 8 months
I had all these ideas about literacy in the different Eorzeans city-states and which are more or less literate and the demographics and what drives those rates etc but I feel like it's a little boring and excessive (the main point being that literacy rates post ARR would be on the rise across the board as different leaders could afford more time and money to education instead of Garleans and/or Dragons.)
So instead take these shorter, more interesting headcanons!
Limsans invented the Spelling Bee bc Merlwyb found it hard to convince older pirates that reading and writing were valuable skills but COULD convince them that it will be sooooo satisfying when someone finally beats Carvellain's smug ass in a contest of words
Occasionally, sponsoring education for the POOR YOUTH will come into vogue in Ul'dahn society and the upper class will briefly sponsor schools, but the only one doing it consistently is Godbert Manderville. Unfortunately, while a Mandervillian Classic Education IS excellent, the mannerisms among graduates are... a deterrent to enrollment
Don't ask about Gridania, Gridania's a fucking mess. Hope someone in your community can teach you, join a crafter's guide or gods help you, you're gonna need to ask the Moogles
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lumei-xiv · 21 days
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Come get your kupo nuts!
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rpgxyz · 9 months
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feral-piano-rat · 7 months
trick or treat! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Ooh, a ripe kupo nut, that's a rare treat!
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swagstinien · 1 year
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shes really named lilith and buyan is venus and my stupid ass didnt get it huh
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yaroudomos · 5 months
nudges @mailmog onto the dash...
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pom-pom-party · 9 months
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Base Tag Dump;; Unique ones will be made for specific thread interactions.
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starspaceace · 11 months
i thought sleeping it off would make me not sad this sucks i want a refund
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noanomi · 2 years
free kupo nuts
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itsmeishmi · 10 months
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Okay, who took his Kupo Nuts...?
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nabaath-areng · 2 months
They really should have made the currency not kupo nuts but rather kupons
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afniel · 2 months
You know, I kind of hate the chocobo chicks in FFVII Rebirth. Like that is not what a chick looks like. That's like if birds had mammalian development. They don't. A chocobo chick shouldn't look like a bobble-headed, big-eyed little chocobo. It should look like an unfledged, naked little monster with a huge beak and breastbone and feet, and not much else to its name. Or, if they do develop more like ostriches or emus or any of that sort of large ground-nesting bird, which is reasonable to assume is possible, they still shouldn't look like a whole other goddamn species.
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Like, that's cute. They don't look horrifying or anything. They just look like little fluffy adults with babie legs and necks.
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This however can die in a goddamn fire. That's not a chocobo. It's a blasphemy with a bad case of human infant skull. (Also why do they have plant butts? I don't think this is even explained?)
Like I'm loving watching my partner go through this game but there are some visual decisions that I'm like, who did this. Turn on your location. I just want to talk.
ALSO whoever decided that chocobos should sound like someone doing a bad peacock impersonation, please. Eat a fork sideways. They have gotten more and more annoying to listen to in every game where they're voiced and I hate it. Can we go back to their cute little 'prreep?' noise in FFVI or the couple of nice sounds they made in original FFVII? Those were fine. Whatever is happening now makes my ears want to perish.
I do really like that different colors have different general plumage, that's cool. I used to draw them that way, waaaaay back in high school. But the chocobo chicks are almost as bad as the toddler/koala hybrid moogles with human teeth but in a squirrel configuration...like I know they eat kupo nuts but that's just terrifying to actually see.
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rpgxyz · 9 months
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pumpkinmagekupo · 4 months
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"You're right it is going to be a nice day." Mizuki hummed, "The umbral static is pretty though."
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"I wonder what it feels like to be shocked by it-"
"I wouldn't advise it, kupo... my pom almost caught fire, kupo."
"Fascinating! Sorry you caught fire... can I ask questions? I brought kupo nuts." Mizuki asked, already armed with a notebook and a bag almost bursting with kupo nuts.
The moogle frowned but was eyeing the bag hungrily "very well, kupo."
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