urdnotstxrm · 1 year
Hello wonderful people! By clicking the source or HERE, you will find 262 gifs of Kyle Schmid in dun dun dun Big Sky. Please do not steal or claim your own. Like or reblog if you’re using, and of course, try to give credit. Enjoy!!
tw: guns, blood, violence, injury
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ehalslrk · 9 months
#1 flight tickets and visa
As I mentioned in my last post, the application process for gks is quite long and stressful. As you wait for the results of the first, second and third round, all you wish is to know the final results: Whether you're going or not. And you kind of expect everything will be fine once you know that all the effort and money was not in vain. In reality you only have a few days to celebrate the achievement before another stress period starts. It can be very individual depending on the country you're from and university you will attend but there are probably very few awardees who would consider the following process easy or unproblematic. (I decided to write down the whole process including dates in case it can help anyone in the future.)
After the final results were out on 30.06. it took about a week for NIIED to send us the Invitation letter (NIIED was sending out the emails in an alphabetical order so some people received it in 7 days and some later. Mine came on 10.07.). Following that the procedure depends on your uni. I know that many universities sent out CoAs (Certificate of Acceptance) very promptly and students could start their visa application process almost right away. For me, it took almost a month. But we will get to it later.
First, I received a survey asking me for details regarding my flight ticket. The school you're going to attend first is responsible for buying your ticket, so if you're attending language institute first and it's different from your uni (I think that after 2023 it's the case for only 5 universities), they will be the one to contact you. The survey came on 04.07. and there we questions such as prefered date of departure, prefered airport of departure, etc.
Important thing to note is that you have to depart from your home country, otherwise, the ticket won't be covered. There are also some other rules determined by NIIED such as that the "itinerary must be a direct flight or a flight with the shortest route to Korea (and if there is no direct flight available, the layover should be limited to 30 hours)." Except this, there is a price limit. The costs cannot exceed 1,2 million KRW. These rules can get very illogical in some cases. For example, I come from a very small country that offers no direct flights, but there are two big foreign international airports near our borders (1-2,5 hours by car from my house). No exceptions were allowed in my case, so the ticket I got is from a city that is 4,5 hours away from my home by car (but in my country) and I have to transfer 2 times to board a plane in an international airport that is just 2 hours from my home. The flight will take about 26 hours in total. That means that it will take almost 2 days for me to get to my dormitory. This is not all. I could get a flight from my country with 1 transfer but it was about 500 thousand KRW above the limit. As they refused to make any exceptions, 26 hours with 2 transfers flight was chosen over 14 hours flight with 1 transfer. Funny, right? I find it quite unfair because I know that there were people from countries from which the cheapest flight is way above 1,2 mil KRW and school got them very good tickets (great airline and good transit) ignoring the limit while I got a lowcost airline with 2 transfers. But since I decided to accept the situation rather than make a big deal about it, let's end my rant.
To tell you the truth, I'm okay with taking longer to get there but I'm worried about the transfers and since I'm also taking checked baggage it highers the chances of my baggage getting lost. Please wish me luck. ^^
I know I'm not the only one in bad situation regarding the rules. Some people have troubles with the transit visa and even take much longer than me.
To make it clear, before the university staff purchased the ticket, I got an email for confirmation and only after my failed attempt to compromise did they pay for it and sent it to me. I heard people from a few universities didn't even have a choice. Or there were cases when they asked them to purchase the ticket themselves with a promise to reimburse when they open their account in Korea.
Okay. Enough about tickets. Let's talk about visa.
Because we are a scholarship awardees, NIIED does their best to make the process simpler. We don't have to pay the usual visa application fee nor prove our financial ability to support ourselves. People doing the language programme apply for D-4 visa, exempted apply for either D-2-3 or D-2-7. Documents you need will therefore differ (and can be different also depending on the country you are applying from so check with your embassy), but you generally need the following:
Passport and passport photo (3,5x4,5cm)
NIIED invitation letter
Document indicating the final level of education (Diploma)
Visa application form
One thing to note, if you come from smaller country, chances are that the visa staff won't know about this scholarship at all. In case they ask you to pay the fee or don't cooperate, print out the Important Notice/Guidelines and show them. Fight for that fee exemption! XD Just make sure you are polite please.
The reason I couldn't apply for visa right away in July was that I didn't yet have CoA. Korea University informed us that we can only get this document after the tuition payment period (although as scholarship students, we technically don't pay, just do so called 0 won registration). After the registration, I got my CoA on 27.7. You need to keep in mind that you have to schedule your appointment for visa application at the embassy in advance. There is a website where you can register online but it wasn't open for my country and I could only schedule the appointment by calling them. I was informed by our embassy that it's okay to call them only 2-4 days in advance so I waited and called them when I received the CoA.
Fast forward, I was left speechless when they told that I should come in 2 weeks with less than 14 calendar days to my departure. That stressed me out so much. The usual period for visa issuance is 14 working days. I contacted the embassy several times to ask for explanation but they repeated that I will get my visa on time and don't have to worry. To give you some background info to understand what was going through my head, I have experience of not receiving my Korean visa on time and having to deal with consequences so this didn't quite help. My ticket was non-refundable and my arrival very tight with the beginning of semester on September 1st.
But whether it was my stubborness that made me contact them several time or they were really that sure that I can get it on time, I got my visa issued in only 3 working days. Yayy!
To not make this article very long I will continue tallking about the Course registration and Orientation in the next article.
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thricemarked · 2 years
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I still loved those mellow yellow petals anyway What's that thing they say about a rose by any other name? Then my fragile flower turned into a ball of grey So, I took a breath and made a wish and blew them all away
commissioned piece by elisenelart [x]
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northslash7 · 2 years
Belimumab and Verteporfin inside Endemic Lupus Erythematosus: Bull crap regarding Two T Cell-Targeting Real estate agents
g., free efas (FFA)) along with small roman policier molecules (electronic. gary., jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acidity (SA)) made up of free carboxyl organizations simply by primary derivatization regarding leaf concentrated amounts together with Picolinyl reagent followed by LC-MS/MS analysis is actually offered. The presence of the actual And atom from the esterified pyridine moiety permitted the actual efficient #Link# ionization of Twenty five materials examined regardless of their compound framework. The strategy has been authenticated by simply looking at the outcome attained following evaluation regarding Nicotiana attenuata leaf materials using formerly defined logical strategies. Conclusion: The strategy shown was used to identify 16 compounds throughout leaf concentrated amounts associated with And. attenuata plant life. Significantly, the strategy might be modified based on the certain analytes appealing together with the just thought that the substances ought to consist of no less than one free of charge carboxyl class.Irregular skin disease is of important monetary effect for your cattle business in Africa. The sickness is distributing strongly in the Around East, posing a new threat associated with incursion in order to Europe and Asia. On account of cross-protection inside Capripoxvirus genus, sheep pox malware (SPPV) vaccinations happen to be trusted pertaining to cattle towards lumpy skin disorder computer virus (LSDV). In the Middle Far east as well as the Horn associated with The african continent these types of vaccines are already related to partial protection along with effects within cow post-vaccination. The actual study shows how the actual personality with the frequently used Kenyan sheep along with goat pox vaccine computer virus (KSGP) O-240 is just not SPPV however is in fact LSDV. The reduced stage attenuation with this virus is likely to be not really adequate for safe and sound use within cows, causing medical ailment throughout immunized creatures. Moreover, Isiolo along with Kedong goat pox stresses, capable of infecting sheep, goat's as well as livestock are usually determined pertaining to prospective utilize while broad-spectrum vaccine individuals versus all capripox conditions. Crown Trademark 2014 Published by Elsevier T.V.Aim: The aim of this research ended up being examine #Link# atrial conduction irregularities acquired by tissues Doppler image resolution (TDI) along with electrocardiogram examination in expectant topics. Techniques: When using Thirty expecting a baby topics (Twenty eight +/- 4 years) as well as 40 handles (Twenty-eight +/- 36 months) were provided. Systolic as well as diastolic quit ventricular (LV) function has been calculated using standard echocardiography and TDI. Inter-atrial, intra-atrial along with intra-left atrial electromechanical direction (PA) time periods ended up calculated along with TDI. P-wave dispersal (PD) had been calculated from a 12-lead electrocardiogram. Outcomes: Atrial electromechanical coupling with the septal along with still left lateral mitral annulus (Philadelphia septal, Missouri side) has been significantly continuous inside expecting a baby topics (58.A single +/- A couple of.Several compared to Fifty five.3 +/- Three or more.Only two #Link# microsoft, r smaller when compared with Zero.001; Forty-five.Several +/- A couple of.Your five vs 43.
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bonaintan · 4 years
Visiting Taiwan without a visa: That moment when I realize the power of South Korea
Kunjungan ke Taiwan saya lakukan tahun 2019 lalu untuk menghadiri sebuah konferensi. Sesungguhnya saat itu saya berangkat dari Indonesia, yang seharusnya mewajibkan saya sebagai Warga Negara Indonesia untuk memiliki visa berkunjung, if I hadn't had the student visa from Korea.
Saya masih berada di Korea pada saat mempersiapkan keberangkatan ke Taiwan di bulan Oktober. Karena sempat mempertimbangkan untuk memperpanjang masa tinggal di Korea yang habis pada September 2019, saya memiliki opsi berangkat dari Korea atau Indonesia. Jika berangkat dari Korea, maka saya harus mencari informasi perijinan masuk termasuk pembuatan visa di Korea.
Ide untuk mengurus hal-hal semacam ini di Korea tidak pernah membuat saya stres dibandingkan jika melakukannya di Indonesia. Alasannya? (1) Berdasarkan pengalaman mengurus visa Jepang di Korea tahun sebelumnya dan segala urusan perdokumenan sebagai WNA, prosesnya tidak memerlukan tarik urat; (2) Tinggal di Seoul membuat akses ke instansi pemerintah di dalam dan luar negeri mudah dan nyaman sehingga seperti poin nomor 1, prosesnya tidak memerlukan tarik urat; dan (3) Jarak Korea-Taiwan lebih dekat dibandingkan Indonesia-Taiwan, yang pada kasus saya adalah sebuah poin maha penting.
Di bayangan saya saat itu, jika berangkat dari Indonesia berarti saya harus ke Jakarta untuk mengurus dokumen perijinan yang walaupun masih mudah dicapai dari Bogor, tapi proses perjalanannya sangat mungkin membuat stres. Belum lagi prosesnya, yang lagi-lagi di bayangan saya saat itu, akan memakan waktu yang lebih panjang. Dan terakhir, penerbangan Jakarta-Taipei yang walaupun satu jam tiga puluh menit lebih pendek dibandingkan Jakarta-Seoul dengan direct flight, tapi pasti akan memberikan saya tingkat stres yang lebih.
Di tengah persiapan, saya mendapat info dari salah satu teman baik selama di SNU kalau WNI bisa masuk Taiwan tanpa visa, berdasarkan info dari pasangannya yang pernah studi di Taiwan. Saat itu barulah saya menggali info pengajuan visa Taiwan dari Indonesia dan menemukan ROC Travel Authorization Certificate alias Sertifikat Otoritas Perjalanan ROC. Di saat yang sama, hilal saya untuk memperpanjang masa tinggal di Korea sama sekali tidak tampak. So, I guess, this is it. Saya mengajukan aplikasi ROC di Indonesia satu bulan sebelum berangkat, di tengah hiruk pikuk pekerjaan saat itu.
Jadi benda apakah ROC ini? Singkatnya, ROC memberikan ijin masuk dan tinggal di Taiwan selama 14 hari bagi WNI dan sejumlah warga negara lainnya dengan kriteria berikut:
(1)   Paspor berlaku enam bulan sejak kedatangan di Taiwan
(2)   Memiliki tiket pesawat atau kapal perjalanan pergi dan pulang
(3)   Tidak pernah bekerja sebagai pekerja pabrik/buruk di Taiwan
(4)  Memiliki setidaknya salah satu visa yang dikeluarkan oleh Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Jepang, Australia, Selandia Baru, Korea Selatan, dan negara-negara Schengen. Visa Australia dan Selandia Baru harus masih berlaku pada saat pengajuan sedangkan visa lainnya diijinkan telah berakhir kurang dari 10 tahun sebelum kedatangan di Taiwan.
That was the first time I was so thankful for a card I used to bring with me wherever I went to in Korea. Not that I plan to travel to Taiwan again and again until the next 10 years, but because of an ease I got amid the stress when preparing for the conference. Also, never did I imagine I would ever go to Taiwan, at least not voluntarily, but it happened to be my expired Korean student visa that saved me some trouble because guess what, the application is free and can be done online.
Cara mengajukan ROC sangat mudah. Cukup masuk ke website https://niaspeedy.immigration.gov.tw/nia_southeast/, pilih Bahasa yang diinginkan, baca syarat dan ketentuan yang tertera dengan teliti, dan lengkapi formulir aplikasi yang tersedia. Kalau data yang diinput sudah benar, sertifikat persetujuan akan langsung keluar dan bisa diprint atau diunduh dalam bentuk PDF. Whatever the certificate was saying, it did like magic to my Indonesian passport when I was in Taiwan.
To wrap up, let me share some shots during my short-stay in Taipei, a city that reminds me a lot with Korea I ugly cracked up when I first landed (bercanda deh, saya cuma kecapean jiwa raga karena perjalanan Bogor-Jakarta dan indirect flight selama 10 jam lebih).
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(Pertama kali jadi ‘delegasi’ negara lain)
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(Pendakian di hari mendarat menghasilkan pemandangan Kota Taipei, semacam penyegaran walaupun kaki udah ga berbentuk)
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(Percayalah, ini salah satu bayangan yang membuat saya bertahan selama di pesawat)
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pokemon-shuffle-fcs · 6 years
KSGP-P5YT (North America) Daily player, in need of friend codes! Thanks!
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devisarah18 · 7 years
Pengalaman Tes Kerja di Karyaputra Suryagemilang (KPSG)
KPSG merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Business Service Management. Ini sih kayak perusahaan yang bantu perusahaan yang separtner dengan mereka untuk mencari kandidat/SDM yang sesuai dengan yang perusahaan lain (perusahaan partner KPSG) inginkan. Kalo yang aku perhatikan sih kayaknya KPSG juga yang bakal nentuin posisi yang tepat buat kita dari 2 tes yang mereka lakukan. Jadi ceritanya, tanggal 30 Mei 2017 kemarin aku dapat email dari KPSG buat ikut tes gitu. Setelah aku ingat-ingat kapan daftar KPSG dan dimana eh akhirnya barulah sadar setelah buka catatan hp pas ikut jobfair daftar dimana aja dan ternyata aku emang pernah daftar KSGP di Jobfair ITS tanggal 5 April 2017. Nah di email tanggal tesnya adalah tanggal 6 juni 2017 jam 10. Lalu akhirnya pada saat tanggal tes aku pun berangkat dari Depok ke Graha BIP Lantai 5 Jl. Gatot subroto Kav.23 Jakarta Selatan. Sebenarnya sih di email aku dapat beberapa pilihan lokasi tes tapi aku ikut tes yang di Jakarta. Pas nyampe disana aku langsung menuju bagian receptionist lalu mba nya nanya dapat informasi darimana habis itu aku absen dulu lalu mbanya nyuruh buat registrasi online di komputer. Setelah registrasi mba nya nyuruh buat ke ruang Uranus. Pas sampe ruang Uranus ternyata lagi sesi foto-foto. Fotonya bukan pas foto tapi kayak model gitu lah disuruh miring ke kiri apa kanan gitu, buat cewe yang rambutnya digerai salah satu sisi rambut kedepan dan sisi yang satu ke belakang trus lipat tangan kayak model pramugari gitu. Saat antri foto kita diukur dulu tinggi badannya. Setelah itu kita disuruh menuju ruang Saturnus 2 (kalo ga salah lupa nih ruangnya hehe). Nah disana kita duduk sesuai nomor kedatangan. Kebetulan aku dapat nomor 23 jadi nomor komputerku adalah nomor 23. Nah Tes tahap 1 adalah psikotes sistem komputer. Tes nya kayak tes psikotest biasa sih. Samping kiri dan kanan tahapan soal yang keluar beda-beda. Soal 1 dan ke-2 ku aku lupa nyatet nya dan aku lupa huhu maafin ya. Tapi pas di soal ke-3 dst aku nyatet kok hehe. Soal ke-3 dstku adalah tes PAPI KOSTICK,DISC,EPPS,ARITHMETIC,ADM,KRAEPLIN (buset ini tes kraeplin waktu nya lebih cepat kalo kita tes manual di kertas). Setelah menyelesaikan semua tes diruangan ini kita yang uda kelar tes pindah ke ruangan yang lain buat tes menggambar. Jadi disuruh menggambar manusia trus kasih namanya, umur, apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Setelah menyelesaikan tes ini kita ke receptionist menyerahkan berkas-berkas dan hasil gambar kita lalu kita duduk mengantri untuk wawancara. Pas wawancara ibunya manggil 2 orang buat masuk ke tiap ruang wawancara. Nah pas sesi wawancara yang ditanya duluan adalah mas yang ada di sampingku. Masnya disuruh perkenalan diri, trus ditanyain apa yang dia tau tentang KPSG, tau darimana KPSG, pilihan posisi yang diinginkan, kenapa milih posisi itu, apa yang dia tau tentang posisi yang dia pilih, bersedia ditempatkan dimana, trus siap kerja shift atau ngga anh kalo aku yang ditanyain ga jauh beda dari masnya sih Cuma ga ditanyain lagi KPSG itu apa hehe... ohiya pertanyaan buat aku salah satunya ditanyain apa yang kamu tau tentang BANK BRI? Disini aku agak bingung sih secara aku ga pernah punya atm BRI jadi ga tau sama sekali tentang BRI. Jadi aku mencoba buat jawab aja deh apa yang aku tau. Nah pas disesi akhir diberi kesempatan bertanya dan aku nanya tentang partner KPSG Bank aja apa ada perusahaan lain tapi ibunya bilang 80% klien mereka adalah BANK. Setelah wawancara tahap selanjutnya kita menunggu 2 minggu untuk hasilnya. FYI beberapa partner KPSG adalah BRI, BANK MANDIRI, BCA, BANK DANAMON, BANK UOB, ALLIANZ LIFE, AVRIST INSURANCE, TOKIO MARINE LIFE INSURANCE, PRUDENTIAL, UNILEVER, NISSAN, BERRYBENKA dll. Nah ini masuk dalam pertanyaan wawancara. Partner/klien mereka ada apa aja loh. Okey, sekian cerita aku tentang tes di KPSG. Semoga memberi informasi kepada teman-teman yang akan tes disana ya. Good luck!
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urdnotstxrm · 2 years
Kyle Schmid Gif Pack
By clicking the source or HERE, you will find 184 gifs of Kyle Schmid in Lost Girl. Please do not steal or claim your own. Like or reblog if you’re using, and of course, try to give credit. Enjoy!!
tw: partial nudity, kissing, blood
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urdnotstxrm · 1 year
Kyle Schmid Gif Pack
Hello wonderful people! By clicking the source or HERE, you will find 59 gifs of Kyle Schmid in dun dun dun The Last Victim. Please do not steal or claim your own. Also be advised that I will update this gif pack regularly with other movie projects. Like or reblog if you’re using, and of course, try to give credit. Enjoy!!
tw: fire, guns, smoking
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urdnotstxrm · 1 year
Kyle Schmid
Hello wonderful people! By clicking the source or HERE, you will find 56 gifs of Kyle Schmid in dun dun dun If Not Now When. Please do not steal or claim your own. Also be advised that I will update this gif pack regularly with other movie projects. Like or reblog if you’re using, and of course, try to give credit. Enjoy!!
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ehalslrk · 10 months
gks 2023
The past few months were one of the most stressful but also the most rewarding in my life. I suppose that those of you who come across this post already know what GKS or KGSP is but to briefly introduce it, it is a scholarship from the Korean government for pursuing your Undergraduate, Graduate of Doctoral studies in Korea. After a long preparation and a lo~ng application process I can finally say that I was lucky to pass all three rounds and will enroll in Graduate school of International Studies at Korea University this September.
I decided to write down the process on this blog for future me, but also share it with you in case you are interested in applying in the future :) I will continue to talk about my experience in the upcoming posts as well, so I will be very happy if you decide to follow for more.
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I will start with a brief background of mine. I did my Undergraduate studies in a major called Business Korean. Basically, what it means is that I studied both Korean and Business at the same time and once acquiring a certain level of Korean I had classes on Korean in Business environment. My school offered a Graduate program but it focused only on Korean (not the business part) and since for my future career I wanted to continue studying business while maintaining a good level of Korean, studying the major in Korea was the perfect option for me.
While doing my Undergraduate studies I had the opportunity to go to Korea and study there as an exchange student for one semester. I'm not saying I was completely clueless about GKS before but having a roommate who was a GKS scholar gave me a new perspective and it inspired me to apply once I complete my undergraduate studies. Another important factor was that I loved my stay in Korea. Before, I was kind of sceptical whether I would be able to leave my country for such a long time but 6 months went by so quickly and I had so much more I wanted to achieve there. So I came back from Korea, got my first ever working experience in Korean language, acquired Topik 6, finished my undergraduate studies, and.. I didn't apply. haha
To be completely honest, I am not sure what happened there but I kind of missed the timing for preparing for my application while working on my thesis and everything. Well, not completely, I could have still prepared if I worked really hard. But I felt like it is very rushed and I need more time to choose the university and major I want to apply to, gain more certifications, and organize my thoughts regarding my motivation to apply (which is like the most important since motivation letter plays a key role in your application and interview process) I knew I want to study my major in Korea but that's not all it takes to get the scholarship. Applying for GKS takes a lot of time and money and if I invest it all into the process, I wanted to do it right. I decided to take one more year to deeply think about it all and start preparing all the necessary documents.
I had two options for my upcoming year. I could find a job and work to gain more experience and money that would come handy when applying. Or I could study a major to keep my student status and broaden my horizons in the field a bit more.
I decided to go for the latter and enrolled in my graduate studies in Economic Diplomacy in my country. I also did one online Korean language summer program and gained my English proficiency certificate (which can give you a lot of plus points and is also a requirement for some majors if you are not from an english speaking country as me).
So as you already know, I got the scholarship and will go to Korea, therefore I have to leave my study here but I am so~ grateful for the past year and everything I learned in the process. My school allowed me to interrupt my studies for 2 years since I got the scholarship and I can possibly finish my 1 year after I graduate in Korea and have 2 degrees (will think about this possibility a bit more, right now it sounds too scary).
But what I want to say, this one year was really precious experience and I do not regret it at all. I know that there are many GKS applicants who fail on their first try and have a hard time trying to figure out what to do and whether they should apply again or not. It is nice to pass on the first try but rejection can be a great opportunity to work on your shortcomings, and especially on your Korean language skills (there is always something to improve there whether you are a complete beginner or advanced). Also, it can be an opportunity to think through what you think is the best for you in terms of the major and university choice. But I will get to this topic in one of my upcoming post.
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ghostling · 11 years
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