#kristi noem is a psychopath
ebbyscrooge · 1 month
My dog is my baby, and I will always protect her! 💖🏳️‍🌈 You shoot my baby like that psychopathic b*** from S. Dakota did with hers? YOU ARE SO F👑 DEAD!!! I SAID WHAT THE F*** I SAID!!! 🤬
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She did WHAT?!!! *Throws a cup of tea across the room in anger* @iloveyoutoinfinity @sweeneytodddemonbarber
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geezerwench · 1 month
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Piss on Kristi Noem.
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ivovynckier · 1 month
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Does it take a sick puppy to kill a puppy?
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kdo-three · 27 days
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Kristi Noem Psycho-b*tch
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rickmctumbleface · 1 month
Just another cruel psychopath in a red cap.
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originalleftist · 1 month
Content Warning: Cruelty to Animals.
She does this to show how tough she is, then tries to play it off as something "a better politician" wouldn't do to show how she's politically incorrect and not one of the "elites".
She writes in loving detail about how excited the dog was before she killed it, and her daughter's surprise and confusion when Mom shows up without the dog she just summarily gunned down.
But the most chilling part?
"She includes her story about the ill-fated Cricket, she says, to illustrate her willingness, in politics as well as in South Dakota life, to do anything "difficult, messy and ugly" if it simply needs to be done."
Ah, yes- "necessary" brutality, one of the greatest refrains of bloodthirsty tyrants throughout history. To be clear: she consciously included this story as an example of how she will govern- of how she will treat the human beings she has power over, as well as animals. I don't doubt it.
This is where we're at: Republican candidates are openly boasting about killing small animals, and holding it up as an example of how they will treat their fellow humans, because they think it'll appeal to their base. And you know what? It will.
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thingstrumperssay · 1 month
This is going to bother me for a long fucking time. Trump's VP pick (so far. I doubt he'll pick her after what came out about her) is so fucking evil for what she does to animals. (As in "more than one," apparently.) I just need to vent about something.
"Read more" because it's mostly a personal thing, though I do go over what Kristi Noem did briefly, so TW for animal abuse too.
I just shoved two pills down my oldest dog's throat. I hate having to do that but he'll dodge any food with crushed up pills in it and the other two won't so every twelve hours (5 AM and 5 PM) I give him his pills and then give him some moist food.
Sometimes the times are really inconvenient for me but I haven't missed a single day in the four years I've been doing this for him.
He has a grade 5 heart murmur, which makes it difficult for the vet to put him under anesthesia long enough to clean his teeth thoroughly. Despite everything we tried- dental treats, an additive in the water (that we still use) and brushing his teeth twice a day, it still wasn't enough so we had to pay over a thousand dollars to get the rest of his teeth removed by an anesthetic specialist. If anything we only delayed the inevitable.
We switched to a slightly more expensive brand of food since it's softer, and we spend about $30 more every other time we go grocery shopping for moist food for him. I take the time to break the soft food apart into pieces so my oldest won't even have to gum them to eat it, and they get three packets of moist food every day during separate times of day.
My husband and I will do these things for our dogs at least twice a day. We will drop whatever we're doing so we can get home at 5 so we can give our oldest his pills in time. It can be inconvenient, and kind of gross, but we would never trade the experience for something else. We are more than happy to do all we can for our dogs.
He turned fourteen years old two days ago and he still acts like a puppy most days.
And I don't think I'm at all different from most pet owners. I mean, I read about what people are doing for their dogs and rabbits all the time, and every pet owner I know does whatever they can for their pets, so I assume that this isn't something to brag about.
I think my mother-in-law is a psychopath, but she takes damn good care of her cats. My brother-in-law is lazy as hell, but he takes damn good care of his cats. (One had to be put down last year, but she was sixteen. She lived a really long life.)
AND YET we are now at the point in politics where "do they kill animals for no reason" is a thing we have to ask now about the people on our ballots.
Kristi Noem could have just given the dog away when her other hunting dogs (that she shouldn't have) "failed" to train her. (Yes, she actually expected her already trained dogs to train a dog.)
She could've just given the goat away when it got too smelly for her. But she didn't. Her "solution" to extremely minor inconveniences is to fucking shoot it in the face and then brag about it.
She's a fucking monster.
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sethshead · 15 days
Kristi Noem has become a cultural icon.
In seriousness, when a police department defends psychopathic behavior like this in an officer, it is clear that the bad apples long ago spoiled the bunch. I will find it very hard to believe that the officer in question does not have excessive force complaints stemming from human-on-human interactions, too. This is a dangerous man who should be permitted nowhere near power. That the city apparatus is defending him makes that statement true of the mayor and police chief as well.
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frank-bou-hassira · 1 month
"Psychopathe", tueuse de chiot… Kristi Noem, la possible future vice-présidente de Trump
Frank Bou-Hassira : http://dlvr.it/T6CvnZ
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jordanr770-blog · 1 month
I don't talk about politics on here but I feel this needed to be said.
I do not care which side of the political aisle you're on, I think it's a truth universally acknowledged that Kristi Noem is a psychopathic bitch for bragging about murdering her puppy, her goat, and three of her horses. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to justify killing any of them. None. She pretty much stated that doing this demonstrated her willingness in the political world to make difficult decisions, which is a beyond stupid rationalization. It only demonstrated that you are a terrible, soulless monster who should be locked up for animal cruelty/murder, and not involved with anything which gives you any type of power. But I guess her admitting what she did gave the world a clear insight into who she is and why she is absolutely unfit for ANY type of office.
I don't care what your job is, I don't care who you are, you hurt or kill an animal and want to jovially write down the details of doing it and be praised for carrying it out, the public has the right to brutally judge and dislike you and make your crime well known so you never have the ability to even think about trying something like that again. Kristi is a scum of the earth human and if I see ANYONE on here trying to poorly attempt defending this lady I will block you without any hesitation and if you are following me and think what she did is okey dokey, please feel free to unfollow me right now because I do not like you.
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