Authorities have earmarked close to 33,000 trees in Bengaluru, which could face the axe, for the construction of the Suburban Network Project to begin. The 148-km long Bengaluru Suburban Rail Project (BSRP), which is being implemented by Rail Infrastructure Development Company-Karnataka (KRide), requires four corridors to be constructed.
While the project is significant to reduce dependence on private vehicles and enhance sustainable mobility and efficient commute alternatives, the ecological cost is mammoth! At a time where the consequences of global warming are so evident, trees are helping us mitigate the heat-island effect. It is imperative to undertake rigorous measures to ensure ecological preservation, keeping the Karnataka Tree Preservation Act of 1976 in mind. To make your voice heard, we have provided an email template that you can use to send your objections and request for re-alignment of the project line. Currently, the forest department has received only 389 objections.
For them to take any action, they need many more objections from concerned citizens. We’re setting a target of at least 1,000 emails that must reach them so they can consider re-aligning the routes of the project and re-consider its ecological impact. Let's work together to ensure a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to the Bengaluru Suburban Rail Project.
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maticide666 · 2 months
forever one of my favorite norther moments. same person uploaded a clip of kride telling us to eat shit
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from female Gaelic forenames, excluding the letter "H"
Adeleilisla Aedeene Aedinellina Aedmorne Aeley Aeliara Aeligana Aeveerne Aidan Aidren Aigany Ailbeley Aileelisid Aileeny Ailia Ailidy Ailila Ailisoda Ainganya Ainna Aireagan Airease Aireda Aireen Airicinna Airsen Aitiga Aitlias Aitlina Aitrilia Aitriona Aleimegana Allain Allaina Amalion Amalvina Anaoira Aoiredin Aoireeonn...
Baisilidra Balid Balla Ballsa Balva Barairseas Bebigeryn Bebin Bebinna Belia Berna Berreely Bervene Betean Biganya Bliliala Blinga Blintall Blinteeve Blisea Blisla Boilsa Boiriave Boisilinn Boona Boonag Boonn Boyra Boyren Bread Breaganna Brealaideit Breannaine Breas Breena Breeng Breera Brene Briarla Brierna Bringany Brinn Brinnonn Briona Brionailana Briosa Broan Brona Bronany Cadan Caife Cailb Cailintal Cailion Caina Caine Caing Cainneer Cairsty Caise Caitie Caitri Caiveen Caoifen Caoimeara Caoin Caoine Caoir Caoira Caoisag Caoiseada Caria Casanag Casiofra Cassa Cassin Ceabaing Ceadan Ceally Ceanna Ceanne Cerra Ciall Ciallinna Cianie Ciaserrna Cinnora Cleen Cleena Cleileen Cliann Clife Clifendaina Clise Clisloann Cloga Clora Clorcainse Clorrabal Cobiga Cobyn Colid Colin Colla Corain Coraindag Corainne Coran Corcaoleer Corcaolly Cordi Corla Debrear Debrosana Deileen Deileileen Deitierie Delana Demeaberra Deria Deriara Derrynean Derve Dinorna Doira Doisin Doisonn Doley Doona Dorlas Duiger Duinn Dunlann Eabaive Earan Edeibinn Eibroilise Eibéal Eigan Eilan Eilinnock Eiltia Eleineva Eliney Ellsa Emegana Enceineva Eriona Erionaois Eriondan Evallan Eveen Evenne Faoileadann Faoisla Finagan Finna Fiobin Fiofrag Fiondag Fionne Fionnock Fionoley Flaura Floan Floredin Frannan Frannock Geeonan Gerna Gerrenna Goganna Gorcait Gorna Gornana Gorre Gorrea Gorvlair Graife Grainna Grana Greanne Gredin Greel Greenn Inean Ionoria Iseana Isinn Jacock Jemer Jessidwenan Jessieal Jessila Karicin Karsty Katri Kayleas Kayleenna Kaylen Keelisina Keellen Keendaga Keene Keennorna Keevan Keeveen Keilia Keiredela Keiri Keley Kelidinn Kenedin Keneeveen Kenna Kenne Kennedmora Kerina Kerna Kieng Kinna Kinnagane Kireen Kireeva Koreennaoin Korlasa Kride Kridy Kring Kriona Krown Laida Laileel Laineen Laireasagan Lairse Lanneasa Lanval Lauren Liatrida Lierreen Lilbe Lileen Lincain Linde Linne Liona Lionag Lonnier Lysaoife Mabetean Madan Maedel Maegana Maela Maelid Maelsann Maely Magaeley Magany Maideerna Maileibin Mailial Maina Mainnollsa Maireen Malaoisa Maleen Maleenzie Maley Mallsanya Maoileeva Maoir Maoiseal Maoisen Maury Meada Meany Meganda Meganne Melailb Melvin Meridre Moireara Moisidebin Molin Molinneen Molliona Molmadean Molmoyra Morasencea Morcad Morcadanna Moreabe Morla Mornaive Morneadan Morreen Morria Morrne Moyne Muinedb Murda Murdag Murear Mureen Mureer Muryna Naelaive Naile Neacobin Neanien Nerionnuann Niadelen Nialuinnan Niarain Noganvan Nolean Noleirsty Nolial Nolinse Noreeval Norinn Norra Ordin Ordra Oreffawn Orrnea Patrie Pawrien Prois Prona Quina Quinagwina Reenna Reffa Reffan Reffawriona Renga Ridina Rinne Rinner Riondann Robyna Roife Roiney Roireffawn Roiseosa Samaelsa Sandaitlin Sannaive Sanvan Seaney Seasin Seave Sidra Siearionnan Sileasaoife Sileen Silenga Silian Siliann Siltienne Siney Sinnann Sinneer Siona Sionda Sionna Sionse Siusa Slana Slina Slineag Sliobyn Slise Sobiga Sonag Sonse Sorcait Sualmorrn Sualva Sualvin Suilin Suina Suireen Sydollsa Sydorana Sydoreenne Talisla Teerna Tegany Tigemery Tiria Toileassin Toise Trian Tricinda Triervla Trinnanna Triona Tuireen Zaragan Zardag Zarser
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petnews2day · 1 year
CRS inspection on Carmelaram-Heelalige doubling line today 
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/lqYmE
CRS inspection on Carmelaram-Heelalige doubling line today 
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                                                                                                                     The Commissioner of Railway Safety (Southern Circle) will conduct statutory inspection of speed trials of a special train between Carmelaram and Heelalige for a distance of 10.5 km. On this stretch, the Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (KRIDE) has completed the doubling of the line. The stretch is part of a doubling project between […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/lqYmE #OtherNews
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udyogadeepa · 2 years
KRIDE ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ 2022 | KRIDE Recruitment 2022
KRIDE ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ 2022 | KRIDE Recruitment 2022
KRIDE ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ 2022 KRIDE Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF Apply Online Salary Last Date Qualification How to Apply KRIDE JOBS in Karnataka KRIDE ನೇಮಕಾತಿ 2022 KRIDE Recruitment 2022 KRIDE Recruitment 2022  ರೈಲ್ ಇನ್‌ಫ್ರಾಸ್ಟ್ರಕ್ಚರ್ ಡೆವಲಪ್‌ಮೆಂಟ್ ಕಂಪನಿ (ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ) ಲಿಮಿಟೆಡ್ ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 2022 ರ KRIDE ಅಧಿಕೃತ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಯ ಮೂಲಕ ಜನರಲ್ ಮ್ಯಾನೇಜರ್, DGM, Sr. ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ ಹುದ್ದೆಗಳನ್ನು ಭರ್ತಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಅರ್ಹ ಮತ್ತು…
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2s1as · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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123wws1 · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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2-102w · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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weqs21 · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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wq12qsas · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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wi29wq · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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2wws1 · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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2wsa12 · 2 years
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz
하동연 LIVE 부산에 가면 KRIDE TBS eFM 1013MHz https://1fa.kr/free/363 from 1fa.kr https://1fa.kr/free/363
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withnive · 3 years
211115 니브(NIve)_TBS eFM 'K-RIDE'
party without u(live)
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drumscripts · 7 years
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love my new cymbalsetup -Philipp #drumscriptsteam #meinlcymbals #trashcrash #dualcrash #sq2 #byzance #hihat #bennygreb #kride #stack #drum #drums #hot #drumset #drummers #gear #drumfam #drumcommunity #insta #instapic #drumscripts
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mielenkiintoeiriita · 7 years
filosofi sanoo et on muutaki ku kuori mut mitä seki tietää, nehän kuoli
jodarok / aivovuoto - moguli feat kridlokk
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