#koo gunil x reader
gunilslaugh · 2 days
Not How It's Supposed To Be Pt.3
Goo Gunil Summary: You wanted to put everything behind you and move on with your life. Gunil had other plans. (non-idol au) WC:801 Warning:none
part 1 part 2
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil lets himself into your place, heading into your living room. 
“Sure come in,” you mumbled under your breath. You closed your door then headed over to your living room.
“I said to get out, not disappear,” he says. You sigh and take a seat on your couch, half-hazardly motioning for Gunil to sit too.
“It was clear that you didn’t want me around and I wanted to be done with it too,” you spoke. Gunil sat down beside you.
“Did you mean it when you said that you cared about me?” he questioned. His demeanor seemed softer.
“Is that why you came here?” You avoided answering.
“Just answer me.” He almost sounded desperate. 
“I did,” you told him. “Now why are you here?” you asked.
“I wanted to see you,” he tells you. 
“Why? Aren’t I the kind of person you hate the most?” you returned. 
“You should be. However even with being as mad at you as I was, I couldn’t seem to hate you. Our relationship was built on lies, so it came crashing down when you revealed the truth, yet for some reason seeing you walk out that door hurt more than finding out the truth.” 
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” you apologized. Gunil laughed at your apology. 
“Don’t apologize to me. I’ve never received a sincere one before it feels weird,” he says. 
“Maybe if you received one you wouldn’t have turned out like this,” you stated. The atmosphere in the room begins to lighten up. 
“Maybe if I had someone who cared about me I wouldn’t have turned out like this.” He turns to look at you.
“I was supposed to forget about you. I told the truth to the people I was working with. They got pissed at me. I mean I understand, but it still doesn’t feel great, but that was supposed to be the end of this mess. I was going to move on with my life and act like none of this ever happened.” 
“You can’t forget about me,” he tells you. 
“Why? You don’t want me too?” you played. 
“No, you’re not allowed to,” he responds. 
“Well nothing had gone how it was supposed to anyway,” you chuckled. 
“Come back to work then,” he says. 
“Gunil. I don’t think I can. I don’t want anything to do with it,” you tell him. 
“Your job is a normal job y/n,” he points. 
“But I know what’s going on under the table,” you argued. 
“I miss seeing you at work. I miss having lunch in my office. I miss sitting closer to you than I should.” He scooted closer to you on the couch, making his leg rest against yours. “I still want to be close to you. I want you to keep caring about me…cause I care about you too,” he reveals. 
“I don’t know if we work though. I feel so morally conflicted when it comes to you. My brain tells me I’m being the stupidest person ever, but my heart wants to be close to you too.” 
“Listen to your heart then,” he tells.
“It’s not that simple,” you say. 
“It is if you let it be. Stop over complicating things.” He knocked you with his elbow. 
“But over complicating things has been my thing lately.” 
“Exactly, so stop. You know that you like me, so let’s just like each other,” he states. 
“Are you confessing?” You raised your brows. 
“Yes, I’m stupidly in love with you,” he confessed. “So please be with me. You don’t have to come back to work if you really don’t want to, but let's see each other,” he said. 
“But what if things go terribly wrong? You know people are still after you,” you brought up. Gunil lets out a sigh. 
“I can handle it, don't worry. Gosh your pretty little head shouldn’t worry so much,” He places his hand on your head. 
“But-” Gunil moves his hand on the top of your head to the back of your neck, pulling you close to him. His nose grazes against yours. His eyes move from your eyes to your lips. 
“I said don’t worry.” He closes the distance between the two of you. His lips pressing against yours. You relax into him, hands coming to rest on his chest. His hand on the back of your neck gives a gentle squeeze and his other hand comes to rest on your waist. The two of you pull away from each other. 
“So work starts at the same time as usual?” you asked with a flush face. Gunil chuckles happily. He leans in and presses another peck to your lips. 
“Mhm, don’t be late,” he teased you. 
Nothing turned out how it was supposed to be, but somehow you couldn’t be happier with the result.
part 1 part 2
A/N: villain Gunil is wrapped thank you everyone for reading!
Taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @ezlynkisses @chewednails @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
18 notes · View notes
asterr1sk · 1 month
⊹₊ ⋆ koo gunil genre: suggestive a/n: this is my first time doing something suggestive but you know the reason why i did this. he's so hot.
you kept whining to gunil while he was working. you finally decided to walk closer to his desk and put your hand on his arm.
"sweetie, i know what you're doing." he said but you kept caressing his arm up to his neck. he sighed and gave in to your touches.
"what do you want, baby?" he turns his head to you.
"you already said you knew. why act like you don't know?" you spun his chair around, facing you and sat on his lap. his hands immediately went to your hips.
"i just love seeing you so needy. go on. continue." he wraps his hands around you, pulling you closer to him.
6 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 2 months
Cassette Playlist
Goo Gunil
Summary: Your mom’s old cassette player somehow sent you back to the summer of 1990, where you meet a goofy, yet confident guy. Who might make it hard to leave. (non-idol au) 
If this flops I'm never writing a long fic ever again lol
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photo not mine credits to owner.
CRASH! SNAP! CRACK! Panic rages through your body as you stare at your mom’s old cassette player that is now in pieces.
“And why exactly have you decided to take a trip down memory lane?” you asked your mom. Letting out a heave as you set the heavy box down on your mom’s bed. 
“I watched Jetsons: The Movie yesterday and it got me feeling nostalgic,” your mom answers you, taking off the lid to the box. “My old cassette player!” your mom called out excitedly as she pulled the old device from the box. “I used to use this all the time,” she tells you. 
“I can tell. You used it so much it cracked.” You pointed to the crack that ran across the lid to insert a cassette. 
“I don’t remember it having a crack actually.” Your mom scratched her head trying to remember if she was forgetting how the player got the crack. 
“Maybe it happened while it was stored. We’re not always gentle with these boxes,” you chuckled. 
“You’re right that could be what happened. We should be more gentle with these,” she states gesturing to the boxes.
“I wonder if it still works?” you wondered, taking the cassette player from your mom. 
“It would definitely need batteries,” she says tapping the battery compartment. “We don’t have the type of batteries it takes right now. I’ll pick some up when I go to the store.”
“You still remember what batteries it takes?” You raised one of your eyebrows in shock. Your mom laughs. 
“I told you I used to use it all the time. I’ll probably never forget what batteries it takes. I bet I could still use this in my sleep,” she affirms. 
“I might have to test you on that,” you said playfully. Your mom smiles and shakes her head, looking into the box again. You join her in looking at the contents of the box. “Is this your year book?” you questioned pulling the book from the box.
“Yeah it’s from my junior year? I think.” You open the book, flipping through its pages. You stopped flipping through the pages when a picture of your mom with some guy caught your attention. Your mom had her arms affectionately wrapped around the guy’s middle. Her head tilted in the direction of the guy too.
“And who is this? One of your old boyfriends?” You nudge your mom with your elbow, showing her the picture.
“Oh um I think his name started with a G. I can’t remember right now, but no he wasn’t my boyfriend, not even a friend really. He was more like a nice acquaintance,” she informs. 
“So this picture is just for show?” you said. 
“Pretty much. That was the first day we met actually,” she tells you. You look at her with your head tilting to the side, as if asking her to explain more. 
“He came up behind me and gave me a really tight back hug. I pushed him away harshly because I didn’t know who he was. Then he began to profusely apologize explaining that he mistook me for someone else,” your mom tells you the story. 
“Oh my gosh that’s embarrassing. I would have died if I was him,” you laughed. 
“Yeah I felt bad for him. Anyway people for the yearbook were coming around, so I pulled him into this side hug to make us even,” she further explained. 
“How kind of you,” you remarked half sarcastically. To which your mom playfully shrugged in response. “Did he ever say who he mistook you for?” you questioned. 
“You’re so nosy and no I never asked,” she tells you. 
“Oh.” you look back down at the picture, wondering who this guy could have mistook your mom for.
After taking the little trip down memory lane you and your mom put the aged objects back inside the boxes, leaving out the cassette player since your mom was going to pick up batteries for it. Then you returned the boxes back to their places in the top shelf of the closet. Proceeding you returned to your bedroom to carry on with your day. You hopped onto your bed, opening your laptop to look for a show to watch. 
Later in the day your mom returned home from running some errands: buying groceries and batteries. You helped your mom put the groceries away. Once all the groceries were placed in their spots your mom excitedly ran to her bedroom to grab her old cassette player. 
“You’re like an excited kid who’s ready to play with their new toy,” you remark. “Well, I guess it’s an old toy in this case,” you added. 
“I am excited,” she states matter-of-factly, opening up the batteries she recently bought. She then opens the battery compartment of the cassette player and carefully places the batteries inside, making sure they're facing the right direction.  Succeeding hearing the satisfying click of the battery compartment closing your mom eagerly places one of the headphones into her ear then holds out the other one for you. You take it from her hand and place it into your ear. She looks at you to make sure you’re ready with her finger hovering over the play button. You nodded at her in confirmation and with that your mom pressed the button. Music began to play from the head phones filling the two of your ears. Your mom begins to excitedly jump up and down at her favorite nostalgic item still working. A smile makes its way to your face as you watch your mom’s happiness. While feeling impressed that the old device still works. 
“This brings back memories,” your mom says reminiscently as she listens to the song. 
“This song is nice,” you comment. 
“You like it?” your mom asked. You nodded your head. 
“You should keep this for a while then,” she suggested. 
“Huh? Why?” Your eyebrows raised in confusion. 
“It made me really happy as a teen. I would like to make you happy too. You’re a bit older than I was when I first got it, but that’s ok,” she explains. 
“Ok sure, why not?” you agreed. 
“Ooh I’ll go grab my other cassette so you can listen to them,” she takes the headphone from her ear before scurrying off to go grab the cassette. When she returns with the cassettes in hand she hands them over with a smile. You didn’t really know how much you would use the cassette player, but you figured you could at least listen to each cassette once. See what kind of music your mom used to listen to. You hit the stop of the cassette player and took off your headphone. You wrapped the headphones around the player as you walked to your room. You set the player on your bedside dresser planning to listen to it later.
Later in the evening you helped your mom make dinner. While waiting for your dad to get back from work. Your dad got home while you were dishing up dinner. 
“Perfect timing,” your mom said, greeting him. You all sat at the table together. “I gave y/n my old cassette player today,” your mom tells. 
“Oh really? That thing still works?” your dad asked surprised. 
“Just like it used to,” your mom says. 
“Except for the crack across the front,” you said. 
“I told you I don’t remember it having a crack. It’s a mystery how it got there,” she states. 
“Guess we’ll never know,” your dad shrugged. You all continued to eat, having the occasional side conversation. After dinner you did the dishes then headed to your room. You sat down on your bed. Your eyes fell over to your mom’s old cassette player. You reached over to your dresser and grabbed it, unwrapping the headphones around it. You put one headphone in each ear and hit play on the cassette. Music filled your ears and you rested against your headboard becoming fully immersed in the music. A couple songs played then you came across a song that you really liked. You wanted to listen to it again so you hit the rewind button, but nothing happened. You hit it again and once more nothing happened. You tried again only to be met with the same result. Growing a bit frustrated you smack the cassette player in hopes of getting it to work. You hit the rewind button another time and this time you hear the song begin to reverse. However your room began to look blurry. Like when you pass by something really fast. Then suddenly it all stopped and you were standing in a park? There were some kids running around playing on some playground equipment. Parents sitting on benches. A couple teenage boys were kicking a ball around out in the open grass. You walked around the park stopping under the shade of a tree, trying to gather your senses. Did you fall asleep while you were listening to the cassette? That’s when you notice that the cassette is in your hand and headphones are still in your ears. Much to your surprise the cassette player had been fixed. There was no longer a crack running across it. How was that possible? Was this all just a dream? Right then a ball lands by your feet. 
“Sorry, could you kick it back please?” you hear. You looked up to see one of the teenage boys. You looked back down at the ball then back at the boy. You gave the ball a swift kick sending it back over. “Thanks!” the boy shouted. You nodded in response. Quickly you went back to trying to figure out what was going on. This didn’t really feel like it was a dream, but what else could it be? You look around at your surroundings again. This time you notice that all the clothes people are wearing look like they're from the 90s. Certainly this was all a really weird dream. You began to leave the park not really knowing where you were going. Just trying to find some answers. Hopefully some confirmation that this was all indeed one weird dream. As you were walking you happened to come across a discarded newspaper. You pick it up and flip it around. Your eyes widened as they saw the date: June 3, 1990. You couldn’t really be back in the 90s could you? No, that would be crazy and impossible. There was absolutely no way. Your heart began to pound in fear. If you were really back in the 1990, what were you supposed to do? How did you get here? More importantly, how were you going to get home? You started to rack your brain. That’s when it hit you, the cassette player. You were trying to get the rewind button to work when you were suddenly transported here. You quickly brought up the cassette player. If rewind brought you back to the past  then fast forward should send you to the future as in back home. You couldn't hit the play and fast forward button soon enough. However much to your dismay it didn’t work. Well technically it did work. The song you were listening to began to speed up and fast forward, but you didn’t go anywhere. You weren’t back in your room. You were still standing about a block away from the park. You felt like crying, sinking down into the concrete pavement. 
“Oh hey it’s you again,” you heard a familiar voice. You look up to see the teenage boy from the park again.
“Hey,” you replied. 
“Why are you just sitting here?” he asked. Oh you know just having a crisis. No big deal. 
“Just…thinking.” is the word you decide to go with. 
“Shouldn’t you be headed home? It will be dark soon.” You didn’t even notice the setting sun. 
“Oh um…” If you could you would and really wish that you could. 
“Are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before?” he questioned. 
“Yeah I just got here,” you tell him. The boy has no clue how literal your statement is.
“Are you lost then? I can walk you home if you want? Just tell me your address,” he offered. 
“No, that’s ok.” I don’t have a home to go to.
“Did you run away from home?” he gasped. 
“What? No! I didn't, it's not like-” you sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you,” you say.
“Try me?” he challenged. 
“Fine. I time traveled from the future,” you told him seriously. The boy looked at you for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. 
“Oh, that’s a good one. Seriously, did you get in a fight with your parents or something?” He takes a seat beside you on the pavement. 
“Told you wouldn’t believe me,” you said. “Just go home, don’t worry about me.” Sensing your upsetness he decides to give you the upper hand. 
“Ok, let’s say I believe you. How did you get here and from where,when?” he questions. 
“I’m from 2024. My mom’s old cassette player somehow brought me back in time. I know that sounds crazy because it is, but it’s true,” you explained. 
“This cassette player?” He points to the cassette player in your hand. 
“Yeah.” You held it up a bit. 
“Can I see it?” He held his hands out. 
“Knock yourself out.” You handed the player over to him. At first he only glances over it, yet he begins to squint at the clear plastic lid of the cassette player. He proceeded to hit the open button on the lid. “What are you-”
“1993.” you hear him murmur. 
“What?” you asked. 
“1993,” he repeated. 
“What about it?”
“It’s 1990,” he reminded you. That’s when it clicked. 
“It’s 1990 and this cassette is from 1993!” you said excitedly. “You believe me now right?” you questioned hopefully. 
“Well it’s not, what did you say 2024?” You nodded. “But it is evidence that you are from the future, so…yeah I believe you,” he tells you. 
“Oh thank you!” you tell him. 
“So what are you gonna do?” he questioned handing you the cassette player back. Your excitement faded away as quickly as it came.
“I don’t know. I just wanna go home,” you answered. The boy looks at you sympathetically. He has no idea how you must feel right now, but it’s clear that you're very stressed about your situation. 
“How about you come stay with me. I could help you figure out how to get home,” he suggested. 
“Thanks, but would your parents be ok with you bringing some random girl home?” you ask. 
“I’ll tell them that you’re a friend who needs a place to stay for a while,” he tells you. 
“What if they ask about my parents? I mean they…haven’t even met yet. They’re both teenagers right now.” The gravity of your situation hits you even more. 
“We can figure that out later. Sitting on a sidewalk isn’t going to solve anything though, so will you come?” he questioned. You thought for a moment. It’s not like you had a better option. 
“You’re sure it’s ok for me to stay with you?” you double checked. 
“Absolutely we have a guest room that you can stay in,” he tells you. 
“Ok thanks uh… you’re?” Something hits you while you’re looking at the guy, whom you didn’t know the name of. He looked just like the guy from the yearbook photo with your mom. “Something with a G” you mouthed recalling your mom’s words.
“Oh that’s right we kinda skipped over introductions. I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself, sticking out his hand. 
“Gunil, with a G,” you didn’t mean to say it outloud. 
“Yep with a G. I don’t think it would quite work with a J,” he joked lightheartedly.
“I’m y/n,” you introduced yourself and finally shook his outstretched hand. That had been waiting an awkwardly long time. 
“Let’s go y/n.” He stands up from the pavement, dusting off his pants. Then he sticks out his hand to help you up. You take his hand standing up. You still had no clue how you were going to get home, but at least you had someone who was willing to help. 
The walk to Gunil’s house didn’t take too long. He lived relatively close to the park. 
“This is it,” Gunil announced when you reached the bottom of his driveway. You felt your nerves begin to bubble up again. 
“Are you sure this is ok? I can figure something else out,” you say feeling uneasy. 
“Like what? Sleeping on a park bench? I assure you it's fine. Now come on.” Gunil starts to walk up his driveway. You follow behind him, nervously fiddling with your hands. “Mom I’m back and-”
“You have a guest,” his mom finished his sentence. After seeing you standing behind him in the doorway. 
“This is my friend y/n and they need a place to stay for a bit,” Gunil said sheepishly. 
“Oh, of course you friends are always welcome here, you know that,” his mom smiled.
“Thank you,” you thanked her.
“Sure thing sweetie, but Gunil, is there any reason why we haven’t met her before?” his mom asks.
“Have you been hiding her from us?” His dad now joined the conversation with a teasing tone. 
“What? No I haven’t it-” Gunil began to sputter, feeling flustered by his dad’s teasing. 
“It’s because I only moved here recently,” you saved. 
“Oh I see. I hope you like it here, but if you’re going to stay with us why don’t you have a bag? Certainly you need more than just a cassette player.” Gunil’s mom looked around for your belongings. 
“I wanted to get permission first. I can go pack my stuff tomorrow,” you told her. You felt your heart pounding. 
“That’s right. I tried to tell her that you would understand, but she didn’t want to intrude,” Gunil backed you up. 
“You’re just a sweet little thing aren’t you? Come on, dinner is ready. I’m sure you both are hungry.” She guides both you and Gunil to the kitchen table. You felt awkward as you sat next to Gunil at the table.
“So y/n where did you move from?” Gunil’s dad questioned you, trying to create some small talk.
You swear you could feel Gunil tense up beside you. 
“Michigan.” Why was that the first place that popped into your head?
“Did you like it there?” he followed up. 
“The lakes were really pretty,” you said the one thing you knew about Michigan. 
“Oh yes! I’ve seen pictures of Lake Michigan I would love to see it in person one day,” Gunil’s mom chimed in. 
“Dinner is really good Mrs. Goo. Thank you,” you state, trying to change the topic. 
“I’m already letting you stay here. There is no need to butter me up.”
“I’m not,” you pronounced, shaking your head. 
“I like her,” Gunil’s mom says and shoots Gunil a look. To which Gunil quickly shakes his head at his mother. A silent plea to ask her to stop. His mother laughs lightly at him. Thankfully you aren’t asked anymore questions throughout the rest of dinner. 
After dinner Gunil showed you the guest room. His mom came into the room holding some pajamas. 
“They might not fit perfectly, but they should be ok for the night.” She smiled at you as she handed them over. 
“Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to,” you said, taking them from her. 
“Don’t be silly. You’re our guest. You should be comfortable,” she insisted. 
“Well thanks again,” you say. Gunil’s mom then steps out of the room, leaving just you and Gunil.  
“My room is right next door”– Gunil pointed towards his room– “And the bathroom is right across the hall. Let me know if you need anything,” he told you. 
“Mmh, thank you” you nod your head.
“No problem.” Gunil turned around and left the room. You looked at the cassette player sitting on the bed. You walked over to the bed, setting down the pajamas that were in your hand to pick up the cassette player. 
“Can’t you just take me home?” you said to the old or you guess it’s not so old right now cassette player. “Please,” you begged, placing a headphone in your ear. You placed in the other one and hit play. Music filled your ears. You pressed the fast forward button, the song played faster. You sighed. Your finger now hovers over the rewind button. What if you hit it and it sends you even farther back in the past? However, on the other hand, what if it sent you home? You took a breath, closed your eyes and hit the rewind button. The song began to rewind. You carefully popped one eye open. Nothing happened, you were still in the guest room. Feeling defeated, you pulled the headphones out of your ears. You changed into the pajamas Gunil’s mom had given you. She was right they weren’t a perfect fit, but they would do. 
Later in the night Gunil’s mom stopped by your door to wish you goodnight. Before you could respond to her you hear Gunil yelling you a goodnight as well through the thin walls. You yelled him a goodnight back which made his mom laugh. Then you wished her a goodnight as well. You made yourself comfortable underneath the covers. Closing your eyes and waiting for sleep to take you away and hopefully back home somehow. 
Upon waking up in the morning it takes you a second to remember where you are. Once you see your mom’s cassette player sitting on the edge of the bed you remember. You were still stuck in 1990. You sat up on the bed not quite knowing what to do. It would be awkward if you just walked out of the room as you are right now right? What if Gunil wasn’t up yet then you would be stuck with his parents. That didn’t seem all that ideal. Your bladder apparently had an answer for you though. The bathroom was right across the hall from you. You would just have to do a quick in and out. You opted for getting dressed first, changing back into the clothes you were wearing yesterday. You carefully opened the door as silently as possible, peeking your head out. When you didn’t see anyone you quickly beelined into the bathroom. You were ready to beeline back to your room however right when you opened the bathroom door someone called you.
“Oh y/n you’re up. How’d you sleep?” Gunil’s mom asked you. You awkwardly stepped into the hallway. 
“I slept good, thanks. You?” you returned.
“I slept good too. Gunil is still sleeping, but I can wake him up if you want,” she offered. 
“That’s ok he can keep sleeping,” you told her. You kinda regretted it though. Maybe it would be better to just wake him up.
“You can come out to the living room. I’m almost done making breakfast,” she tells you. You awkwardly followed her out to the living room. Where you now see Gunil’s dad sitting in the chair. He bid you a good morning as you did to him in return. You tentatively took a seat on the couch. 
“Y/n you never told us why you’re staying with us,” he dad said. You feel your heartbeat pick up as you took a moment to think.
“...Oh my parents are out of town and I don’t feel comfortable staying in our new house by myself yet,” you explained. 
“What’d they go out of town for?” He was probably just trying to make conversation, but you really wish he wasn’t.
“Work.” That sounded reasonable enough, you thought. 
“What do they do for work?” It was too early for your brain to make up these fake answers. 
“They work for a cassette manufacturer.” Gunil answered for you emerging from the hallway. He came and took a seat next to you on the couch. He was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was a bit messy. He looked oddly cute. 
“Gunil you’re up just in time. Breakfast is ready,” his mom informed, coming into the living room. 
You guys all headed to the kitchen, sitting down and eating the breakfast that Gunil’s mom had made.
“Thanks for breakfast mom. I’m gonna go change then I’ll take y/n to go pack her things,” Gunil stated. Just like that Gunil whisked away to his room. You returned to the guest room to grab the cassette player. You had barely grabbed the cassette player when Gunil appeared in the doorway. 
“You ready?” he checked.
“That was fast,” you remarked, taking in his tidied up appearance. His hair was no longer messy and he swapped his pajamas for a black t-shirt and jeans.
“I didn’t want you to wait,” he told you. 
“Thanks, and yeah I’m ready,” you answered him. The two of you walked out of Gunil’s house. “Gunil how are we gonna pack my things when I have no things to pack?” you questioned once you two reached the end of his driveway. Gunil reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.
“We have some shopping to do.” He waved his wallet around. 
“Gunil no,” you say, footsteps coming to a stop. Gunil lets out a sigh. His footsteps coming to a stop as well. 
“Do you have a better idea? You can’t exactly wear the same clothes everyday,” he pointed out. 
“I know that, but I feel bad having you spend money on me,” you explained. Gunil takes a couple steps closer to you. 
“Don’t feel bad. I want to. I’ve been wanting to go shopping anyway, so this is the perfect opportunity,” he tells you. 
“Still, won’t it be too much-”
“Shush, your only concern should be figuring out how to get back home. Let me take care of the rest,” he silenced you. He swings one of his arms around your shoulder prompting you to start walking again. When you try to refute again he simply shushes you more.
“Can I ask where we’re going then?” you questioned. You turned your head to look at Gunil, who still had his arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“The mall. It’ll have everything we need,” Gunil answered casually. 
“I haven’t been to the mall in ages,” you say. 
“Really? Are malls not that popular in the future?” Gunil asked with slightly widened eyes. 
“I don’t think they're as popular as they used to be, but plenty of people still go to them,” you answered. Gunil nods at your answer. “How far is the mall?” you asked. 
“About a twenty minute walk,” Gunil answered. 
“Wanna listen to music?” You held up the cassette player. 
“Are you sure it won’t send us to the past?” Gunil jokes. You scoffed. 
“Honestly no I can’t be sure, but it should be fine,” you say. 
“I’ll risk it.” Gunil reaches to take one of the headphones and puts it in his ear. You put the other one in your ear. You hit play on the cassette player, letting the music fill either of yours and Gunil’s ears. To any onlookers you and Gunil probably look like a couple. With Gunil’s arm that he is yet to remove from around your shoulders and now sharing headphones on top of it. You felt oddly comfortable though. This is probably the most relaxed you felt since you had arrived in 1990. 
Upon arriving at the mall both you and Gunil remove the headphones from your ears. Gunil’s arm finally leaves your shoulders. It’s not until he removed his arm that you realized it was there the entire time. Gunil finds that his arm now feels empty that it’s not wrapped around you. 
“Where to first?” you questioned as the two of you walked inside the entrance of the mall. 
“I was thinking we should probably get you a bag first, then we can go get you some clothes,” he tells you. 
“Sounds good,” you agreed. Gunil led you to a shop that had a collection of bags that you could choose from. You ended up picking a blue duffle bag that had teal carrying straps. Next, Gunil takes you to a clothing store. He asked you about your preferences for what types of clothes you like to wear then proceeded to help you pick out some outfits. 
“How about this one?” Gunil asked, holding up a shirt in a color you specifically told him you disliked. You make a very unimpressed face at him. 
“Gunil, I specifically told you I don’t like that color,” you told him. 
“Why? I think it suits you. You look pretty.” He steps closer to you, holding the shirt up to your frame. You feel a warmth trying to make its way to your cheeks. You shook it off. 
“Gunil, no.” You pushed the shirt away from your frame. 
“Come on please. I’m buying anyway,” he pointed. He kinda had you there. He was paying for all your things, so you felt like the least you could do is get something that he liked. Even if it wasn’t something you would pick for yourself. 
“Fine, but don’t keep using that against me.” You pointed a finger at him. Gunil raised his hands in a playful surrender. 
“Ok, I won’t,” he said, happily tossing the shirt with the other clothes you were getting.
Three shops later you convinced Gunil that you really didn’t need anymore stuff. He seemed reluctant, but agreed with you. He insisted that you two get some food before you head back to his place though. You couldn’t deny that all the shopping didn’t work up your appetite, so you and Gunil made your way over to the food court. The two of you got food from a place that Gunil recommended. After getting your food you walked over to the seating area. 
“So how are you liking the 90s mall experience?” Gunil questioned making you laugh. 
“I mean, I don't think it's that different from a modern day mall, but it’s nice,” you say. 
“Yo Gunil! You didn’t tell us you were coming here today. Oh who’s this?” One of, who are assuming, is Gunil’s friends asked. 
“This is y/n. They’re new around here,” Gunil introduced. 
“She looks kinda familiar,” one of the notes.
“I was thinking the same thing,” another one says.
“The park!” One exclaimed pointing at you. “She’s the one who kicked the ball back to us.” 
“Oh, that’s right.” 
“You mean they’re the one-” 
“What are you guys doing here?” Gunil cut his friend off. 
“We were gonna see if they have any new music at the music shop,” One answered. 
“Well then don’t let us stop you guys,” Gunil motioned for them to get going.
“Wait! Wait! Wait! We haven’t introduced ourselves yet,” one says. “I’m Jooyeon,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m Jiseok,” another one said. 
“Seungmin.” The boy gave you a half wave. 
“Jungsu,” he smiled. 
“I’m Hyeongjun,” the last one says shyly. 
“Nice to meet you guys,” you state. 
“You like to listen to music?” Jiseok pointed to your cassette player. You nodded. 
“Yeah you could say that,” you answered. 
“Do you want to come to the music shop with us then?” Jiseok offered. 
“Maybe some other time. We should be heading back now,” Gunil interjected, standing up. 
“Oh don’t be silly Gunil. It’s not even late afternoon yet. Let me see what you listen to, the music store probably has it.” Jiseok reaches for the cassette player you had sitting on the table. Wasting no time in opening it and taking a look at the cassette before you could say anything. “You listen to them too! I-why don’t I recognize any of these songs?” Jiseok starts to look at the cassette closer. 
“Oh that’s be-”
“1993!” Jiseok’s eyes widened. “H-how do you have a cassette from 1993?” Jiseok looked at you in disbelief. You looked at Gunil in a panic. He looked back at you just as panicked. “What’s with those looks? What’s going on?” Jiseok interrogated. 
“Well, you see, I may or may not be from 34 years in the future,” you said. Jiseok’s face deadpans for a moment before he bursts out laughing. 
“That’s a good one. I didn’t think you’d be so funny, but seriously what is this a fake or something?” He waved the cassette in his hand. 
“Listen to it,” Gunil tells him. 
“What?” Jiseok responded. 
“Listen to it,” he gestured for Jiseok to put the cassette back in the player. Jiseok looked skeptical, but he did as he was told. His eyes widened again as he listened to the song he’s never heard before, but is unmistakably from the artist. 
“How is this possible?” Jiseok asked, removing the headphones from his ears. You reach over taking the cassette player back from him. 
“That’s what I want to know,” you sighed.
“Wait a second, are you actually saying that she’s from the future?” Seungmin speaks up. 
“I know it’s hard to believe, but yeah,” Gunil states. 
“Hard to believe? It’s completely crazy!” Seungmin declares. 
“You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, but Gunil and I should really get going now,” you say. Gunil gathers the bags of your recently bought items and makes his way to your side. 
“Hold on you can’t just leave after saying you're from the future,” Jooyeon followed after you and Gunil. 
“Ok then you can follow us, but I told my mom we're gonna go pick up y/n’s things. She’ll start to worry if we’re gone for too much longer,” Gunil tells. Like a group of ducklings Gunil’s friends started to follow after you two. 
“We should probably put the stuff into the duffle bag,” you tell Gunil.
“You’re right. Let’s stop for a second.” Gunil stepped aside and the two of you began to pull your recently bought items and put them into the duffle bag. 
“I take it your parents don’t know that she’s from the future?” Jungsu inferred. 
“No, she’s a friend, who moved here recently and is staying with us while her parents are away,” Gunil informed. 
“Do you know where your parents are?” Jooyeon randomly asked. You stopped loading clothes into the duffle bag to think. 
“Umm…if it’s 1990 then,” you pause to do some mental math. “My mom would be sixteen, so she’d be living with my grandparents. I know she goes to the same high school as you guys do,” you say.
“How do you know that?” Gunil asked as he finished putting the last piece of clothing into the duffle bag and zipped it up.
“I saw a picture of you in her old yearbook,” you tell him. It’s a bit ironic that you called the yearbook old considering that it hasn’t been made yet. You go to take the duffle bag from him, but he ignores you and swings it over his own shoulder.
“Oh, that’s how you knew my name started with a G,”’ Gunil commented as he began walking in the direction of his house. 
“Does the name Lee Jooyeon mean anything in the future?” Jooyeon quickly followed behind you both. 
“No, sorry,” you shook your head.
“What about Kwak Jiseok?” Jiseok cut in, appearing beside Jooyeon. Again you shook your head.
“How about Seungmin then? Oh Seungmin,” Jooyeon tried. 
“Oh Seungmin?” you repeated a bit louder. You did recognize that name. 
“Don’t tell us he’s the one who got famous?” Jiseok said. You laughed. While Seungmin let out an offended “Hey!”
“No, he’s not famous. I just know the name because my dad hated him,” you explained. 
“Why would your dad hate me?” Seungmin asked with a bit of hurt in his eyes. 
“I thought you didn’t believe her,” Hyeongjun commented. 
“I-I don’t, not entirely, but if someone hates me,” Seungmin stuttered. 
“Because you always beat him at track. My dad was the top track athlete at his school, but whenever it came to school competitions he could never beat Seungmin. He always came in second,” you explained. 
“So you’re saying your dad is d/n?” he said your father’s name. 
“Yeah, that’s him,” you confirmed. 
“No way,” Seungmin states in denial. 
“What? You don’t see the resemblance?” You turned to face Seungmin. Seungmin leaned closer to inspect your face. You slightly turned your head from side to side to give him a better look at your features. Suddenly Gunil reaches for your wrist pulling you up beside him. 
“It doesn’t matter if he believes you or not. Let’s hurry up and get home,” he quickly said. You can hear the rest of the boys joking about something behind you.
“Mom, we're back!” Gunil shouted upon entering his house. 
“That took a bit longer than I- oh the boys are with you,” his mom says.
“Yeah we ran into them along the way,” Gunil tells.
“Well make yourselves at home,” his mom smiles and steps aside. You all make your way to Gunil’s room, making a pit stop by the guest room you were staying in to set your bag down.
Jooyeon, Jiseok and Hyeongjun made themselves comfortable on Gunil’s bed. Jungsu sat at a desk. Seungmin sat on top of the desk. You stood there awkwardly until Gunil grabbed some pillows from his bed for you two to sit on.
“So if you’re from the future how did you get here?” Jooyeon was quick to ask you more questions.
“This,” you held up your mom’s cassette player. 
“And you let me listen to it!” Jiseok yelled. 
“It happened when she hit the rewind button, not just from listening to it,” Gunil defended. 
“Still,” Jiseok grumbled. 
“Since you’re still here I’m guessing pressing fast forward doesn’t send you back?” Jungsu presumed. 
“Nope,” you shook your head.
“How are you gonna get home then?” Jooyeon questioned. 
“That’s what I want to know,” you sighed. 
“We’ll figure it out,” Gunil told you comfortingly. 
“Maybe it’s cause the cassette is from 1993,” Jiseok spoke. 
“Huh?” you questioned, not understanding what he meant. 
“The cassette is from 1993, so it technically doesn’t exist here yet. Maybe that’s why you can’t go home,” he elaborated. 
“Are you saying I’m gonna be stuck here for three years!” you panicked.
“No,no, no. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Gunil tried to console you, placing his hands on your knee. Meanwhile Jungsu was scolding Jiseok for what he said. 
“What he said kinda makes sense though,” you stated worriedly.
“No, what the others said is right. I’m an idiot, I don't know what I’m talking about.” Jiseok tried to fix the panic he caused you. Seungmin still doesn’t really believe that you’re from the future, but seeing the way you’re freaking out right now makes him want to. He definitely feels bad for you, cause even if you weren’t from the future your situation right now surely isn’t ideal. Gunil is still trying to ease your nerves.
“How about we go to the arcade?” Hyeongjun suggests amidst the bit of chaos happening. 
“I’m not sure now is really-” Jungsu started. 
“I’ve never been to an arcade,” you stated.
“You’ve never been to the arcade? Do they not exist in the future?” Jooyeon asked, astonished. 
“They exist. I’ve just never been,” you informed. 
“Oh, well we totally have to go then,” he said, hopping up from Gunil’s bed. 
“Right now?” Seungmin questioned. 
“Well we don’t know when y/n will return home, so if we want to do something with them we should do it now,” Jooyeon reasoned. 
With that you found yourselves walking to the nearest arcade. Jooyeon and Jiseok practically dragged you because they were excited to play games with you. While Gunil was trying to tell them to slow down, not wanting you to accidentally get hurt. 
The arcade was really fun. It managed to take your mind off your current situation for a while. Jooyeon and Jiseok were excited to teach you how to play the games and maybe tease you when you weren’t so good at one. Hyeongjun was much more chill and helpful when it came to games you had no idea how to play. Gunil stared at you admiringly. He felt like he could relax a bit seeing you genuinely smile and have fun. 
“Are you gonna confess to them before they go back home or are you gonna hide your feelings forever?” Jungsu asked, resting an arm on Gunil’s shoulder. 
“They want to go home. I shouldn’t complicate their situation any more,” Gunil said. 
“You’re allowed to be a little selfish you know?” Jungsu voices. 
“Even if I did confess it’s not like we can exactly be together. Plus I’m sure being in a relationship is the last thing on her mind,” Gunil notes.
“It’s a given that you can’t stay together, but do you really want to give up on being with her, even if it’s for a short amount of time?” Jungsu put to question.
Gunil saw you at the park on the day you first arrived. He thought that you were cute, so he may have accidentally sent the ball he and his friends were playing with your way. He was looking for an excuse to talk to you. When he saw you sitting on the sidewalk on his way home he couldn’t up the god given opportunity to talk to you again. Upon finding out about your situation it was clear that you were very stressed, but Gunil couldn’t help but feel a teensy bit glad. He was able to spend more time with you because of it. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want that. Jungsu told him that he was allowed to be selfish, but he was already being selfish. He didn’t simply offer to help you out of the goodness of his heart. No, it was because he liked you. He was already being selfish with his actions, so he didn’t know how far he should go with selfishness. Would it be too selfish to tell you how he felt about you?
Gunil is interrupted from his internal struggle when he sees you excitedly jumping up and down at a claw machine, reaching down to claim your stuffed prize. 
“Gunil look!” You hurried over to him to show him the turtle you just won. Gunil falls for you even more, finding you adorable. 
“It’s cute,” he smiles at you. He means both you and the turtle. 
After your time spent at the arcade you part ways with Gunil’s friends. Gunil enjoys it being just you and him again. He watches you as you walk looking down at the stuffed turtle you just won. 
“What should I name it?” you asked Gunil for his opinion. 
“Umm?” Gunil thought. 
A loud honk interrupts his thinking. He looks at the sound of the honk seeing a truck fastly approaching you two as you're midway across the crosswalk. Gunil quickly pulls you out of the way of the vehicle. The truck goes wheezing past you two. 
CRASH! SNAP! CRACK! Panic rages through your body as you stare at your mom’s old cassette player that is now in pieces. It was haphazardly shoved in your pocket and the force of Gunil suddenly pulling you must’ve somehow made it pop out of your pocket. 
“Are you ok?” Gunil looks you over still not noticing what had just happened. 
“I’m. I’m. Uh, the- how am I?” Your non-coherently sputter out, pointing at the cassette player.
“What?” Gunil flows the direction of your finger and sees the broken cassette player. Gunil quickly goes to gather the broken pieces.
“It’s gonna be ok?” He tried to calm you. 
“How is it going to be ok? That- that’s my only way home and it’s-” you heaved.
“Look at me,” Gunil says calmly. Your eyes hesitantly tear away from the broken pieces in his hands to look at his face.
“It’ll be ok. There’s a repair shop we can take it too. They’ll fix it,” he tells you. 
“But what if-”
“They’ll fix it,” he told you firmly. 
“Ok,” you let out a shaky breath. 
Gunil and you arrived at the repair shop. You’re shaking with nerves. Fearing for the worst. That your mom’s cassette player will be unfixable and you’ll be stuck here forever. 
“I think it would be easier to buy a new cassette player,” the worker of the shop informed. It made your heart sink to your stomach. 
“It was a gift from her mom. You can surely fix it right?” Gunil told the worker in a passive aggressive voice. 
“Look man-” Gunil leaned whisper something to the guy. “Ok, I’ll see what I can do. Come back in a week to pick it up,” the worker says. 
“Great, thank you,” Gunil said to the worker. 
“Come on.” Gunil wrapped his arm around your shoulder leading you out of the store. 
“Can he really fix it?” you asked, doubtfully. 
“He’ll fix it,” Gunil said confidently. This was going to be the longest week of your life.
It indeedly was the longest week of your life. Gunil tried his very best to keep you distracted. He wanted to show you the joy of living in the 90s. He took out around town, showing you his favorite spots. He invited you out with his friends (who have started to grow close with you.) You  could never completely shake the anxious feeling in your stomach though. Yes, you were having fun thanks to Gunil and his friends, but having fun didn’t make your problem go away. You were simply making the best out of a bad situation. 
Currently you are sitting on the couch with Gunil, a movie playing on the t.v. It’s the night before you go pick up the cassette player. You bounced your leg anxiously as the fear of the worst began to set back in.
“Are you not interested in this movie?” Gunil asked you. It was an indirect way of asking if you were ok. 
“I don’t think I’ll be interested in any movie. I’m too nervous. What if it couldn’t be fixed?” you told Gunil your worries. 
“I told you it’ll be fixed.” Gunil scooted closer to you on the couch. 
“You can’t know that for sure. What if I’m stuck here forever?” your voice raised slightly. Not because you were mad at Gunil, but because you were terrified of never being able to get home.
“Then I’ll take care of you forever,” Gunil answered. He tenderly took your hands in his. 
“You can’t do that Gunil. You’ve already done so much, too much. I can’t keep burdening you, and your parents,” you argued. 
“You aren't a burden y/n. I took you here because I want to look after you,” he tells you. His thumbs run over your knuckles. 
“Realistically, how long can you do that? Your parents are bound to ask where my parents really are soon. What are we supposed to tell them? That I actually ran away from home? That my parents abandoned me? That I’m from the future?” you ranted. 
“I get that you're really scared and stressed right now, but can you please just trust me. Let me take care of you. We don’t know if the cassette player is fixed or not right now. Let’s at least see how it goes tomorrow,” Gunil proposed. 
“What if it couldn’t be fixed?” you asked again.
“Then you can have a mental breakdown, but I’ll take care of you during that too.” His thumbs stop rumbling your knuckles, but his grip remains grounding on your hands. 
“Why do you care so much?” you questioned.
“Because I like you,” Gunil confessed. Your hands go slack in his due to shock. 
“What do you mean?” you asked not being able to understand. 
“I like you,” he repeated. “That ball didn’t accidentally land at your feet when we were in the park. I purposely kicked it over to you cause I wanted your attention. I thought you were pretty and wanted to talk to you,” he revealed. 
“Then all this time you’ve…” You trailed off, not knowing exactly what you wanted to say. 
“I know that you don’t like the situation you're in right now and that romance is one of the last things that would be on your mind. Which is why I wasn’t sure if I should tell you how I feel, but I’ve really enjoyed being with you this entire time. It’s selfish cause I know how stressed and scared you are. I really want to be by your side as long as I can,” he continued on. 
“I feel most relaxed when you’re with me,” you tell him truthfully. “You’re right romance isn’t exactly on my to do list, but I like being with you too,” you say. A smile tugged at your lips. You moved your previously slack hand to hold Gunil’s hand back. Your words weren’t exactly a confession, but for Gunil they were more than enough. You liked being with him. That alone made him feel over the moon.
Gunil moved to lean against the back of the couch, pulling you along with him. His hands never left yours. Both of your eyes wandered back to the t.v that neither of you were paying attention to. Gunil being too wrapped up in the feeling of you leaning against him and the fact that you liked being beside him, just as he liked being beside you. Your nerves about finding out if your way home was fixed or not definitely keep you distracted. However you also found that the way Gunil was absentmindedly playing with your fingers and the calming warmth that radiated off of him proved to be an equally good distraction. 
Sometime during you and Gunil basking in each other's presence the two of you drifted off to sleep. Your head falling on Gunil’s shoulder and his head resting on yours. Gunil’s hands placed protectively over yours from where they fell in the small space between your two bodies on the couch. 
“He really tired to convince us that she’s just a friend,” Gunil’s mom said when her and Gunil’s dad returned home from their date night to find you and Gunil cuddled up on the couch. 
“The hearts in his eyes were never fooling us dear,” his dad stated. 
“They look so cute. I need to take a photo.” Gunil’s mom quickly and excitedly rushed off to grab the camera. She snapped a couple photos of you and Gunil. Then Gunil’s dad ushered her away from your sleeping forms, not wanting to wake the two of you and ruin the moment.
Your eyes cracked open in the morning, taking in the lighter room. You notice that the t.v has been turned off. Next you realize that your head is resting on Gunil’s shoulder and you can feel the weight of his head resting against yours. You slowly tried to remove your hands out from under Gunil’s. When they were almost free Gunil’s hands suddenly grasped onto your hands, bringing them back to his hold. 
“Gunil,” you softly called out his name. You carefully lifted your head up from Gunil’s shoulder, which resulted in Gunil’s head coming down onto your shoulder.
“Gunil,” you tried again. “Gunil.” You shook your shoulder. Gunil started to stir awake.
“Mmh,” he mumbled, opening his eyes. 
“Good morning,” you told him. Gunil now realizes the position that the two of you are in and sits up straight. Then he realizes that his hands are holding yours. A shade of pink dusts his cheeks. 
“Good morning,” he said. “Do you want some breakfast? We have cereal or I could make some eggs,” he offered standing up from the couch.
“Cereal’s fine,” you say, standing up from the couch too. Gunil and you walk over to the kitchen and make your bowls of cereal. He pulls your chair out for you before you sit down.
“Thanks,” you smiled. He nodded then pulled out the chair beside you to sit down in. 
“Look who’s up,” Gunil’s mom said as she entered the kitchen. You and Gunil each wished her a good morning. “Did you two sleep well?” she asked. You and Gunil share a glance. You both know she must’ve seen you two on the couch.
“Yeah, I slept well,” Gunil answered. 
“Me too,” you followed. Your answer makes Gunil smile and Gunil’s mom certainly doesn’t miss it.
“That’s good. I know sleeping on the couch isn’t always the most comfortable, but you two looked so cute I didn’t want to disturb you guys,” she says. Both yours and Gunil’s faces flared red at her comment. 
“Should we go pick up your cassette player now?” Gunil asked, changing the topic. 
“Yes, we should,” you eagerly nodded. The two of you hurried up eating your cereal then rushed out of the kitchen. Gunil’s mom could only smile, finding you two adorable. 
Once you and Gunil got ready you headed to the repair shop. The closer you got to the shop the more nervous you got. Gunil easily noticed how nervous you were and slipped his hand into your, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I got you,” he tells you. 
The two of you arrive at the shop. You always thought the saying of feeling your heart in your throat was weird, but now you understand it cause it really did feel like your heart was in your throat. 
“We’re here to pick up the cassette player,” Gunil told the worker. 
“I know, I remember you,” the worker said, giving Gunil a look. The worker reaches under the counter and pulls out your mom’s cassette player. It looks like it’s fixed…accept for a crack that runs across the lid. “I couldn’t get rid of this crack, but it works,” the worker said. 
“The crack doesn't matter. Thank you for fixing it,” you told the worker, taking the cassette player in your hands.
“Just doing my job,” he replied. Then he turns to Gunil, so that he can pay. 
“Sorry about the crack,” Gunil says as you two exited the store. 
“It’s ok. It answered a question actually,” you disclosed. 
“What question?” Gunil asked. 
“Back in the future, my mom and I were going through boxes of her old things. This cassette player was in one of the boxes and it had this exact crack, but my mom had no clue how it got there. She never remembered it having a crack,” you told. 
“Well mystery solved then,” Gunil said. 
“Yeah, mystery solved.” You unwrapped the headphones from around the cassette player and handed one to Gunil. He gladly took it and placed it in his ear. He took this time to wrap his arm around your shoulder, just like the first time you two listened to the cassette together. 
Soon enough you arrived back at Gunil’s house to discover it empty, meaning his parents went out somewhere. The pair of you made yourselves comfortable on the couch.
“So what exactly happened when the cassette player brought you to the past,” Gunil questioned. 
“I told you I hit rewind,” you chuckled. 
“I know that, but did you hit any other button first or?” he clarified. You took a moment to think back.
“I smacked it,” you remembered. “When I first hit rewind it didn’t work, so I smacked it thinking it might get it to work,” you explained. 
“Have you tried smacking it again?” he asked. 
“No, but it just got fixed. I’m scared to smack it now,” you said. 
“I’m not saying to smack it with all you got, but it’s worth a shot,” he stated. You lift your hand to give the cassette player a smack then paused. 
“Are you that scared? Should I do it for you?” he offered. 
“It’s not that.” You lowered your hand. 
“Then what is it?” 
“It’s funny. Most of the time I’ve been here, I’ve been wanting to go home, but right now it feels hard to leave,” you say.
“Well you know I’m not going to tell you to go,” Gunil said lightheartedly. “There’s no guarantee that smacking it would work either,” he notes. 
“I know, but if it does. I think I’d rather try it later.” 
“You wanna go get ice cream?” he suggested. 
“Sounds good,” you agree. 
You spent the rest of the day out with Gunil. Having your ice cream then going to walk around the mall. After the mall you walk aimlessly around the town. 
“Well look who it is?” A voice spoke behind you two. Both you and Gunil turn your heads to see Jooyeon standing there with Jiseok. The pair of them had teasing smiles on their faces. 
“Yeah look who it is,” Gunil said. 
“It’s fixed,” Jiseok pointed to the cassette player in your hands. 
“Any ideas on how to get home?” he asked. 
“We have an idea, but we don't know if it will work,” you said. 
“How come you haven’t tried it yet?” Jooyeon questioned. 
“Do you want me to leave without saying goodbye?” you said, quasi offended. 
“Of course not. I’d be very sad if you just disappeared. You just always seem like you’re eager to go home, so I’d thought you’d jump at any chance,” he responded. 
“I thought so too, but it’s harder to leave than I expected,” you say looking at Gunil.
“Aww have you grown attached to us! We’ve gotten attached to you too,” Jooyeon and Jiseok pull you into a sandwiched hug. 
“You seriously can’t leave without saying goodbye ok?” Jiseok states pulling away. 
“But there’s no way to tell when I’ll be leaving,” you brought up. 
“We should have a goodbye party!” Jooyeon shouted. Jiseok immediately agreed. 
“If we have a goodbye party and I don’t go home wouldn’t it be awkward?” You asked. 
“Maybe a little, but with a goodbye party we won’t have to worry about not getting to say goodbye,” Jooyeon answered. 
That’s how you found yourself at the very park, where you first arrived in the 90s. Surrounded by Gunil's friends, who are also your friends now too. Pizza boxes litter the ground along with soda cans. 
“I still think this party is kinda stupid,” Seungmin said while taking a sip of soda. 
“So if y/n just disappears and goes back home one day you’re not going to miss them and wish that you could’ve said goodbye?” Jungsu interrogated.
“Whether you believe she is from the future or not. She is still leaving one day no matter what,” Hyeongjun added.  
“But we don’t know when that is, so having this party when we could still see them tomorrow seems kinda silly,” Seungmin defended. 
“Exactly. We don’t know when. She could leave tonight, tomorrow, next week. This way we don’t miss saying goodbye,” Jooyeon said. 
Goodbye parties typically are kinda sad, but you didn’t think this one would feel as sad as it did. You hadn’t really been in the 1990 all that long, yet you’ve made great friends, met a guy who makes your heart flutter and makes it hard to say goodbye. The boys taking the turns saying goodbye to you at the end of the party had all your eyes turning glossy. 
“If I find you in the future then you’ll have to believe me then right?” you asked Seungmin. 
“Yes, if you find me in the future. Looking as you do now. I’ll have no choice, but to believe you.”
“Then goodbye till then,” you told him. 
“Goodbye y/n.” The party ended with a group hug and maybe some spilled tears that no one would admit too. 
“Should I try smacking it?” you asked Gunil. The two of you were currently sitting on his bed. 
“Do you want to?” he followed. 
“With having the goodbye party I feel like I should at least try,” you say. 
“Then let me say goodbye before you do,” he said. 
“Hold on, let me go grab something,” you excused yourself. You went to your room and grabbed the stuffed turtle you won. You returned to Gunil’s room and handed him the turtle when you sat back down beside him. 
“You’re giving this to me?” he checked. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I always planned on giving it to you. I doubt it would come back to the future with me anyway, but I won it with giving it to you in mind,” you tell him. “Thank you.” Gunil hugs the stuffed turtle to his chest. 
“It still doesn’t have a name,” you pointed out. 
“I’ll think of one for it.” He already knew what he was gonna name it, but he felt too shy to name it after you right in front of you. He sets the turtle down on his pillow and turns to pull you into a hug. 
“I’m really going to miss you,” he says, resting his head over your shoulder. 
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you hug him back. “I like you too,” you confessed. Gunil pulled back enough to look at you. 
“I’m a little late to say it back, but I wanted to say it before I leave,” you give him a sentimental smile. Gunil smiles at you back and cups your face in his hands. He leans forward, pressing a warm, loving, gentle kiss on your forehead. You close your eyes basking in the feeling of his lips on you. Your hands come up to hold his wrist lovingly. The two of you stay like that for a few moments. Saying nothing, but also somehow saying everything. 
“Give it a try,” Gunil says, pulling away.
“Ok.” You put each side of the headphones in your ears. You hit play then gave the cassette player a smack. You took a breath and hit rewind. Nothing happened. Literally nothing happened. The rewind button didn’t work, the song kept playing like normal. 
“It doesn’t work,” you say. 
“We’ll just have to think of something else then,” Gunil said. 
“No, like the rewind button doesn’t work. Did smacking it break it? This is what I worried about,” you complained. 
“Hey it’s ok. Let me see.” Gunil takes the cassette player from your hands. This time he gives it a smack. “Try it now.” He handed it back over to you. You give Gunil one last look before hitting the button. The song began to play backwards and the room started to blur.
You were back in your bedroom. Only the cassette player wasn’t with you. 
“Y/n can you come help me with these boxes?” your mom asked you. Help her with boxes? Like on the day you time traveled. You checked the date, surely enough it was the morning of the day you left. 
“And why exactly have you decided to take a trip down memory lane?” you asked your mom. Letting out a heave as you set the heavy box down on your mom’s bed. 
“I watched Jetsons: The Movie yesterday and it got me feeling nostalgic,” your mom answers you, taking off the lid to the box. “My old cassette player!” your mom called out excitedly as she pulled the old device from the box. “I used to use this all the time,” she tells you. There it is the very cassette player that took you back in time. 
“So much that it cracked,” you joked. Despite knowing very well where the crack came from.
“I actually don’t remember it having a crack,” your mom said, scratching her head.
“Must’ve gotten dropped at some point,” you say, recalling the memory of Gunil pulling out of the way of the speeding vehicle. 
“I wonder if it still works. I’ll buy batteries for it when I go out later,” she says. You looked into the box and pulled out the year book, flipping to the page with Gunil and your mom. A sad smile appeared on your face. Your finger slowly rubbed over Gunil’s image. 
“He wasn’t my boyfriend if that’s what you’re wondering,” your mom pulls you from your gaze.
“Honey, are you ok? Your eyes are red,” your mom looked at you concerned.
“I think some dust got in my eyes when we pulled the boxes down,” you lied.
“Let me go get you a wet rag,” your mom hurried away. You missed Gunil. You missed him so much it hurt. You want to cry looking at his picture. Now you know he mistook your mom for you that day. That he was probably all excited to see you again, pulling you into a super tight back hug. Only to find out that it wasn’t you. “Here you go. Wipe your eyes,” your mom gives you the rag. You couldn’t hold the couple of stray tears that escaped as you held the rag to your eyes. 
Later in the day when your mom got back with the batteries you listened to the cassette with her.
“Can I keep this for a while?” you asked her. 
“Of course you can! Ooh I’ll go grab you my other cassettes to listen to.” She went to grab the other cassette. You didn’t plan on listening to them though. You were only going to listen to this one and remember your time spent in the 90s with Gunil. Still when she returned you brought the cassettes up to your room and sat them down.
“We found my old cassette player this morning,” your mom tells your dad as you all eat dinner. 
“Oh really? Does it still work?” he asked. 
“Yeah, but it has this crack across the lid that I don’t remember it having,” she answered. 
“Guess it's a mystery,” your dad said. 
“No, I dropped it when I time traveled back to 1990,” you say. 
“That’s a good one,” your dad chuckled. 
After dinner you headed up to your room. You laid down in your bed and listened to the cassette player. Tears cascaded down your face. 
For the next week you cooped up in your room. Feeling what you would call a heartbreak. The worst part was that you couldn’t talk about it. All you could do was listen to the cassette as you thought about your memories with Gunil and his friends. You wished that you could see Gunil one last time. You spent the bulk of your time there worrying about how to get back home, but now ironically enough all you want to do is go back, just one more time. 
“Please, please, just one more time,” you pleaded. 
“Y/n!” You opened your eyes and there Gunil is standing right in front of you. 
“Gunil!” You throw yourself into his arms. He crushes you in the tightest hug. “Wait, how is this possible? I didn’t hit rewind or anything.” 
“I need to do something I really regretted not doing before you left,” he said. 
“What’s that?” you questioned. 
Gunil cups your face just like he did when he was saying goodbye. Expect this time instead of leaning in and kissing your forehead, his lips land on yours. Your hands travel to his shoulders and one of his hands moves to cradle the back of your head. 
“That.” He pulls away to rest his forehead against yours. “I really regretted not doing that.”
Your eyes open and again and your back in your bedroom. You don’t know if what just happened was a dream or not. You decide to go with not because you wanted it to be real. 
“Honey, can you run to the store real quick? I realized I forgot something for dinner tonight,” your mom asked your dad.
“Does dinner really need it?” your dad asked. 
“Yes, why are you too lazy to go?” 
“No, Seungmin grocery shops today I don’t want to run into him,”
“Are you serious? After all these years do you still hate Seungmin that much?” Your mom asked in disbelief. 
“It’s not my fault I ran into him at the grocery store. He just had to bag his belongings quicker than me. He's a stupidly fast asshole,” your dad complained.
“I’ll go mom,” you speak up. You needed to see Seungmin. 
“Thank you,” your mom told you. 
You arrived at the store, found what your mom needed for dinner and then walked around looking for Seungmin, hoping that he was there. 
“Oh Seungmin!” you called out when you saw a guy that looked like he could be an older version of Seungmin. The dude turns around at you looking perplexed at who could be calling his name. 
“Y/n?” he said. 
“You believe me now right?”
“How is this possible?” 
“You know how it is. Time travel,” you sassed. 
“You look exactly the same,” he says. He’s still partly in denial.
“Yeah, it’s been 34 years for you, but It’s only been a week for me. Are you and Gunil still friends?” you asked, changing your tone. 
“We’re friends for life,” Seungmin stated “Give me your phone,” he told you. 
“Why?” you asked, still pulling out your phone nonetheless. Seungmin took it from you and began to type something in. 
“You should give him a call. He’s been waiting,” Seungmin said. You stare down at the number typed on your phone screen. 
You got into the car and sat down. You stared at the number once more before hitting the call button. You feel butterflies dancing in your stomach. 
“Hello?” he picked up. 
“Hey Gunil,” you say. 
“Y/n?” he asked. He looked over to the stuffed turtle that he still keeps on his bed even after all these years.
“You’ve been waiting a long time right?”
“I’d wait forever if I had too.”
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver, @mxlly143
85 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 2 months
Did You Know That We're Dating?
Goo Gunil Summary: Apparently you and Gunil were the only two people to not know that you were dating. (non-idol au) WC:959 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Y/n are you and Gunil doing anything this weekend?” your friend asked. You feel a bit perplexed as to why they were asking what you and Gunil were doing this weekend.
“We’re gonna hang out at my place on Saturday, but we don’t have any specific plans. Why?” you questioned. 
“Ooh we should do a double date then. It’ll be fun,” she says excitedly. 
“A double date?” You looked at her confused. 
“Yes, silly I know you’ve heard of one before. It’ll be cute for our boyfriends to meet each other,” she insisted. 
“Boyfriends?” you remark growing even more confused. You didn’t have a boyfriend, so who would y/f/n’s boyfriend be meeting?
“Why are you acting like this today? Do you think Gunil wouldn’t like it? I think he would like going on a double date,” she said. Gunil, your friend thought that Gunil was your boyfriend?
“Wait.” You held up your hand. “Gunil isn’t my boyfriend,” you told her.
“What are you talking about? Of course he’s your boyfriend,” she laughs. Completely thinking that you were messing with her. 
“No, no he’s not,” you corrected. Your friend looked at you blankly, still not believing you.
“Come on y/n this isn’t funny anymore. Did you two have a fight? Is that it?” she asked. 
“No we didn’t have a fight and I was never being funny. Gunil really isn’t my boyfriend,” you tell her. Now your friend is the one who looks confused. 
“What are you saying? I swear you and Gunil are dating,” she states. 
“Did I ever tell you that?” you countered. You can see the wheels begin to turn in your friend’s head. 
“I guess you haven’t.” They came to realize. “I just assumed, but everyone else thinks you two are dating too, so you can’t really blame me,” she followed up. 
“What?” you slightly shouted. “What do you mean everyone else thinks we’re dating?” Your friend laughs at your reaction. 
“You can ask any one of our other friends or Gunil’s friends. We’d all say that you are a couple,” she explained. 
“You all have it wrong,” you stated. 
“Perhaps we do, but if we all came to the same conclusion on our own, what does that really say about yours and Gunil’s friendship?” she presented. 
“That you’re all idiots,” you sassed. Your friend scoffs. 
“Or that you and Gunil need to talk about your feelings,” she sassed you back. 
“There’s nothing to talk about. We’re friends,” you insisted. 
“Whatever, let me know when you’re no longer just friends so we can go on that double date,” she tells you.
“The restaurant I work for is having a discount for couples next week,” Seungmin tells Gunil. 
“And you’re telling me because?” Gunil raises a brow.
“So you could take y/n,” Seungmin said as if it was obvious. 
“But we’re not a couple,” Gunil stated. Seungmin arches a skeptical brow.
“As if I’d believe that,” he said.
“I’m being serious. Me and y/n aren’t dating,” Gunil tells. Seungmin cocks his head to the side. 
“Ahh, you almost had me, man.” Seungmin laughs, smacking Gunil on the shoulder. 
“Seungmin, I’m telling the truth,” Gunil tries again.
“Ok, I’ll humor you,” Seungmin said. Gunil sighed. “So you and y/n aren’t together,” Seungmin says. Gunil nodded in confirmation. “Then why do you look like you’re in love with them?” Seungmin pointed. 
“I said that we’re not dating. Not that I don’t love them,” Gunil discloses. Seungmin finally believes Gunil. 
“Then do something about it. Cause I can tell you y/n looks at you the same way you look at them,” Seungmin informed. “Plus everyone else thinks you are a couple too. That doesn’t happen for no reason.”
“I was talking with y/f/n the other day,” you tell Gunil. Gunil looked at you to keep going. “She said that we should go on a double date,” you chuckled. “It was so hard for me to convince her that you weren’t actually my boyfriend,”
“It’s kinda funny that you say that, cause when I was hanging out with Seungmin he told me that the restaurant he works at was having a couples discount next week,” Gunil tells you. “He also had a hard time believing that we weren’t a couple,” he adds.
“Everyone really does think that we're a couple, don’t they?” you say.
“We’re the last two to know,” Gunil jokes. 
“But if we’ve been a couple for so long, how come I don’t remember getting together?” you said playfully. 
“We just randomly started dating one day I guess,” Gunil chuckles. 
“But what if I want a cute confession story to tell people?” you said. 
“I can give you one then,” Gunil told. 
“What?” you asked. Gunil smiles and takes your hands in his. 
“It may be a shock to people that we aren’t dating, at least not right now, but I’ve loved you for a really long time,” Gunil confesses. “I guess my heart eyes are to blame for everyone jumping to the conclusion that we’re together.” 
“My heart eyes are probably to blame too,” you say, squeezing his hand a little tighter. “I’ve loved you for a long time too, but I never really thought about it. Because I was happy with how our relationship already was,” you revealed. 
“Maybe we really did just start dating one day, but neither of us realized,” Gunil joked with a smile. 
“I guess I should tell y/f/n to set up that double date huh?” you smiled back. 
“We can have it at Seungmin’s restaurant.” 
Safe to say when you and Gunil arrived at the restaurant for your double date you were greeted with looks of “I told you so”.
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver, @mxlly143
57 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 1 month
Curtain Call
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil is harboring a massive crush on you and when you get casted as his fellow lead for your theater class he can’t help but fall for you even more. (non-idol au) WC:~1.5k Warning:none
Itallics- script
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Alright and now for the parts you’ve been waiting for. I’ll now announce who will be playing our main leads!” your theater teacher playfully held the cast list in their hands. “Eh-hm” your teacher cleared their throat. “Gunil and y/n! Let’s give them a hand.” The rest of your theater class started clapping for you two. 
Gunil couldn’t believe what he just heard. He was going to be acting alongside you, his crush. Just the thought of it had butterflies dancing in his stomach. He looked over to where you sat two rows in front of him to find you already looking back at him. You gave him a small smile and a wave. Gunil had to fight off the blush that was creeping up his neck as he smiled and waved back.
“Hey partner,” Gunil said, coming up to you after class was dismissed. 
“Hey,” you replied back to him, swinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“How do you feel about playing a lead?” he asked you. 
“I’m nervous, honestly. I never played a lead before. I don’t want to mess up.” Gunil was well aware how you never played a lead before. You had only played small roles in the past. You mainly worked behind the stage helping with costumes and props.
Your help with the costumes is actually what led Gunil to developing his crush on you. He distinctly remembers watching you put rhinestones onto a dress of the then lead. He swore that your eyes were shinier than the rhinestones and the way you looked so focused with your work, you were beautiful. From then on he always paid extra attention to you. He watched with fond eyes as you painted backdrops. He always went to you when his costume needed an adjustment or to ask you to run over his lines with him. He uses any excuse that he could find to talk to you. Now that you’re both playing the main leads, Gunil will have so many reasons to talk to you and he’s thrilled about it. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great. You always nailed your smaller roles and you wouldn’t have been casted as the lead if you weren’t a good fit,” Gunil tells you. 
“Thanks, but you're such a good actor I don't want to make you look bad.” You could never make him look bad Gunil thought.  His chest also swirls with pride at your words. You thought he was a good actor?
“Don’t be silly. I’m perfectly capable of making myself look bad,” he joked hoping to make you laugh and it worked. Your laugh was music to his ears too. He wanted to hear it more. “Don’t be so nervous, let’s just have fun.” 
“I’ll try,” you say. 
Gunil basically gets to spend all of class with you, which he loves. Class is definitely spent doing more than just practicing for the play. You two often find yourselves having side conversations completely ignoring the scripts that lay on your laps. 
“How are my two leads doing?” Your theater teacher pulled up a chair next to you and Gunil. 
“It’s going well,” Gunil answered. 
“Show me,” your teacher orders. 
“What are you doing here?” your character asks.
“I wanted to see you,” Gunil’s character replies. 
“It’s late. Couldn’t you wait till tomorrow?”
“No, I had to see now.” Gunil reaches out and takes your hand. It’s a part of the script, but your heart doesn’t seem to care as it picks up. 
“Why’s that?” You laced your fingers with his (as the script says to). Gunil feels his stomach do a flip. 
“I’d only lie awake thinking of you if I didn’t.” Gunil shifts his eyes from the script to look at you. He looks at you as if he loves you. He’s just acting, you have to remind yourself. Being completely unaware of the fact that Gunil didn’t have to act like he was in love with you.
“So you won’t lie awake thinking of me anymore?” You had to try so hard to not stammer over your words with Gunil looking at you like that.
“No, I’ll dream of this instead.” Gunil brings your hands up to your lips to leave a delicate kiss on your knuckles. You failed to contain your blush. 
“T-then you should be going now…so you can meet me in your dreams.” You hoped that your stutter seemed intentional rather than the reality of it. 
“You know I hate saying goodbye to you.” Gunil pulls you a bit closer using your linked hands. 
“This isn’t goodbye. It’s see you soon. Now go.” You let go of Gunil’s hand.
“I hate that I didn’t pair you two up sooner. You two have so much chemistry!” Your teacher raved. “Or are you two not telling me something?” your teacher implied. 
“No, it’s not like that,” you state. Or maybe it was. It was definitely like that for Gunil and with the way your heart was acting right now, it seemed like the feelings being portrayed were beyond your characters. 
“Either way I’m excited to see this play come to life,” your teacher says then heads off to see how the other students are doing.
“See you have nothing to worry about,” Gunil tells you. He was right, it looks like you don’t have to worry about being a lead, but your newfound feeling for Gunil. Those were something that concerned you.
The more you practiced with Gunil the more you felt your feelings grow for him. The same he said for Gunil. He was already crushing on you hard, but the longer he spent with you the more he fell head over heels for you. It was safe to say that Gunil had to do very little acting when it came to the play. The feelings his character felt for your character were the same as the ones he felt for you. 
“Have I not made my feelings for you clear? Why are we doubting that what’s between us isn't love?” At this point you knew what you felt for Gunil was love, but did he feel the same?
“I know I love you but-”
“I love you too.”
“No buts. We love each other, so stop trying to pull away from me.” Gunil pulls you closer by your waist, arms locking around you. You feel your heart pound in your chest. Slowly your arms move around Gunil’s shoulders. Gunil wished that he didn’t have to act to be able to hold you like this. 
“Cut!” your teacher yells. Gunil and you still stay embraced a moment longer before you slip your arms away from his shoulders and Gunil reluctantly releases your waist. 
“That was perfect you two. I can feel the love radiating off of your characters. Tomorrow night is going to be amazing!” Tomorrow night is the night of your class’s play. You were nervous, but you also felt sad about your time with Gunil coming to an end. You thought about confessing, but you really didn’t know if Gunil felt the same way.
Gunil on the other hand was set on confessing to you. He just didn’t know if he should do it before or after the play. After spending the past month preparing for this play and falling all the more in love with you. He didn’t want to keep his feelings for you hidden anymore.
It was ten minutes till the curtain would rise. You and Gunil were sitting backstage while last minute touches were being rushed about. 
“Are you nervous?” Gunil asked.
“A little. Not as much as I thought I would be,” you say. 
“That’s good. If you ever get too nervous just keep looking at me. Forget anyone else is even there,” he tells you. 
“Ok,” you smiled. 
“Curtain in five, get in your places everyone,” someone announces. Gunil stands up taking your hand in his. 
“Let’s go.” He pulls you alongside him. 
“Promise you’ll stay by my side?” You look at Gunil with vulnerable eyes. 
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He smiles, taking both of your hands in his. 
“I love you,” you(r character) confess.
“I love you too,” Gunil(’s character) confesses back. The final curtain closes. 
You had just gotten changed out of your costume, you’re walking out of the dressing room when you’re greeted with Gunil standing just outside of the door. He’s holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Oh Gunil,” you say. 
“Here,” he hands you the flowers. 
“Thank you,” you take them with a smile. 
“I wanted to talk to you,” he tells you. 
“Go ahead.” You briefly bring the flowers up to your nose to smell them. 
“I was really happy when we were announced as the leads,” he states. 
“I was happy to be paired with you too,” you told. 
“I was happy because I like you,” he confessed. “All this time I didn’t really have to act because I already had those feelings for you.” 
“I wasn’t really acting either,” you reveal. Gunil looked at you hopefully. “I like you too,” you confessed. 
“So I can take you on a date then?” he checked. 
“Of course,” you agree. 
“There you two are, come on it’s time for pictures,” your teacher rounds the corner. If anyone looked close enough at those pictures they could tell that you and Gunil looked at each other the same way your characters looked at one another, with love.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
Also tagging @amelee23 cause I wrote this for them hehe I hope you like it!
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gunilslaugh · 6 days
Not How It's Supposed To Be
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil was the enemy, so were you falling for him. (non-idol au) WC:925 Warning:none
part 2 part 3
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Go undercover and get the evidence needed to take Gunil and his corrupted organization down. That was the plan, it was simple. However now that the plan is in action it doesn’t feel that simple. You knew Gunil was a bad guy. You knew about all the illegal business he was doing under the guise of his product distribution company. You knew that Gunil was distributing psychotropic drugs. Then how did you end up here? Why were you lying for Gunil instead of to him?
“You know the kind of people I hate most y/n?” Gunil asked you one day while you were having lunch together in his office. 
“What kind?” you questioned. 
“Liars,” he answered. Your heart dropped. Did he find out about you being undercover? Was he about to do something to you? Were you going to be able to walk out of this room?
“Who would like a liar?” You chuckled nervously. 
“My mom was a liar and so was the person I considered my best friend.” He went on to say. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. 
“You know it really does damage when the people closest to you lie to you.” He stabbed his fork harshly into the piece of meat in front of him, making you flinch. 
“I can only imagine.” Gunil stands up and comes over the couch opposite of him you were sitting on. 
“That’s right. You’ve never been hurt by someone close to you have you?” He very gently strokes your cheek with the back of his hand.
“Fortunately not,” you responded. Gunil smiled. 
“And you wouldn’t hurt someone close to you either right?” he asked. 
You shook your head. “I don’t want to hurt those close to me.” 
“Can I be close to you?” He leaned closer to you.
So maybe that’s how you found yourself in this situation. Because the more time you spend with Gunil. The more you learned his story. The more you felt for him. It doesn’t make what he does right, but you get why he does it. With the way life treated him, it only makes sense he turned into the villain that he is. 
“I don’t know. I’ve only been working here a month. Why would he tell all his dirty secrets to a new hire?” You told the people who you were supposed to be working with to take Gunil down. “There is a shipment going out soon, but I don’t know all the details,” you lied. A part of your job was literally managing shipping schedules. “I’ll look into it ok. I gotta go now.” You hung up the phone and let out a sigh. What were you doing? This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Yet the thought of something happening to Gunil tugged on your heartstrings. 
“Y/n?” Gunil’s secretary called you. 
“Yes?” you asked. 
“Mr. Goo requests you in his office,” he tells you. 
“Ok I’ll head there in a sec.” You saved the work you were working on before heading over to Gunil’s office. 
“If you don’t find who broke into the warehouse I’ll get rid of you for being useless, do you understand!” You hear Gunil shout from the other side of the door. His icy tone sends a shiver down your spine. You knocked twice on the door. 
“It’s me,” you say gently. 
“Come in y/n.” His voice is much softer now. You took a small breath before opening the door. 
“You wanted to see me,” you said. Gunil approaches you. 
“Yeah I did.” Next thing you know he’s melting into you. Wrapping his arms around your frame in a hug. You freeze in your spot. 
“...Is everything ok?” you asked. Very slowly you lift your hands and rest them against his back.
“Someone broke into the warehouse,” he tells you. You know exactly who it was. You feel something knot in your stomach. 
“Was anything stolen?” Gunil pulls away from you and straightens his tie, fixing his composure. 
“Fortunately not, but it was still a close call.” 
“Guni,” you say. 
“Yeah,” I know who it was. Those words sit right on the tip of your tongue. 
“Did you check the security cameras to see who it was?” You say instead. 
“They were wearing a cap and mask, so we couldn’t see. It was a man though,” he told you. You nodded. “Come sit.” Gunil motioned for you to sit down. Slowly you walked over to the couch and took a seat. Gunil then takes a seat beside you. “Did me asking to be close to you make you uncomfortable?” he questioned. 
“Huh? Oh, no it didn’t. Why are you asking?” you replied. 
“You just seem a bit distant with me since then,” he tells you. Cause that’s when you started feeling conflicted. You didn’t want to lie to Gunil anymore, but if stopped you’d be betraying your partners. 
“It’s not that. It’s just…remember when I said I don’t want to hurt those close to me?” you brought up. 
“Of course,” he said. 
“Well, I found myself in a situation where I have to make a decision and no matter what choice I make somebody's gonna get hurt,” you informed. 
“Which decision would make you the happiest?” he asked you.
“How can I be happy when I’m hurting someone?” 
“Then can you tell me what the situation is? Maybe I can handle it,” he suggested. Your heart sinks. 
“That’s the thing…there’s something you don’t know about me,” you say. 
“Which is?” He looked at you expectantly. 
“I’m a liar.”
part 2 part 3
Taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
Always There
Goo Gunil
Summary: After you save Gunil from failing a presentation for his class he realizes that you have always been there for him. (non-idol au)
Warning:some cursing 
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your friend group was quite the posse to say the least. First you had Gunil, an architecture major. He was an upbeat guy who knew how to be serious when needed. Had an interesting laugh and even more interesting dance skills. Next Jungsu, a struggling psychology major, but not because of his classes. It is because of business major Jiseok and music major Jooyeon. Who Jungsu believes should have taken more time consuming classes to keep them out of trouble. Jiseok and Jooyeon preferred the enjoy college life path rather than the stay in your room living off of instant ramen path. Then there is Hyeongjun, a film production major. He definitely preferred to be behind the camera rather than in front of it. Finally there’s Seungmin, a literature major. He helped Jungsu in keeping an eye on Jiseok and Jooyeon’s shenanigans and liked having quiet work sessions with Hyeongjun. Of course there is you too, a photography major, who loves to capture candid moments of your friends lives. 
Now how exactly did this mix of non matching majors become a friend group? You first met Gunil and Jungsu back in high school because the two of theirs hangout spot just happened to be right in front of your locker. You didn’t meet Jiseok and Jooyeon until freshman year of college. Jiseok happened to sit next to you in the math class both of you had to take. Where you found out that he only decided to major in business because he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life. You made a joke about how he could run your photography business for you. Your friendship sparked from there and he introduced you to his other friend Jooyeon. You later introduced the two of them to Jungsu and Gunil. You ran into Hyeongjun in a makeshift studio your campus had. He was having some trouble with his camera and you, being a photography student, happen to know a thing or two about cameras, so you were happy to lend him a hand. You helped him with the project he was doing and that was that. You now claimed the cute quiet film producer to be as your friend. Seungmin had also claimed Hyeongjun as a friend. You met him when he joined you and Hyeongjun in the library studying. Then Hyeongjun introduced you to each other. Soon enough Hyeongjun and Seungmin had met the rest of your friends and now you were all one big slightly dysfunctional group.
“We’re free!” you and Jiseok cheered once you exited your midterm. 
“Hate to break it to you guys, but you still have another semester left.” Gunil states coming up behind the two of you. 
“Don’t rain on our parade man. You know we barely survived this semester,” Jiseok says. 
“Sorry.” Gunil held his hands up in defense. “I’m proud of you both,” he exchanged. 
“Thanks,” you half smiled. “Hyeongjunie should be out of his midterm soon, let's go meet him,” you voiced. 
“You treat Hyeongjun like a princess. You walk him to class even when it’s out of your way and you pick him up from class too,” Jiseok teases. 
“Are you jealous that I never picked you up from class?” you poked, beginning to walk in the direction of Hyeongjun’s class. 
“Yes.” Jiseok became serious. “The only time you walk me to a class is when we have the same one. You’ve never picked me up. Why?” Jiseok asked.
“It’s ok Jiseok. Y/n doesn’t walk or pick me up from class either,” Gunil spoke. 
“That’s not true!” you refuted.  Your footsteps came to a halt as you turned to look at Gunil with an offended expression. Granted you hadn’t walked him to class or picked him up from class in a very long time, but that wasn’t your fault. It was his girlfreind’s. She told you that she didn’t like how close you were with Gunil. That she knows you two are only friends and have been for a long time. That’s she’s sorry, but she thinks walking him to class when yours isn’t close by or waiting outside of a class form was “too much”. It wasn’t a thing friends should do so often. To be frank you never really cared for Gunil’s girlfriend even before her comment about you being “too close” to him. There was just always something off about her. You couldn’t figure out what, but there definitely was something. Nonetheless you knew how much Gunil cared for her, so you pulled away from him a bit. To not cause any issues between him and his beloved. 
“I can’t remember a single time you walked me to class this year,” Gunil said. That’s because you haven’t. Since he got together with his girlfriend near the end of last year. 
“Ok I admit. I haven’t walked you to class this year, but”– you raised a finger– “I did it a lot last year. After every presentation you had I would take you out to eat afterwards, remember?” you brought up.
“Oh that’s right. How come you stopped?” Gunil questions. Because his girlfriend, however you can’t tell him that. 
“I’m busy,” you dismiss, starting to walk again. 
“Yeah, with Hyeongjun,” Jiseok says, catching up with you. 
“Look I’ll walk you to class and pick you up sometimes starting next semester. How’s that?” you asked.
“You said it!” Jiseok points at you.
“Finally we’re done with midterms,” Seungmin states, falling into the booth. The group of you were currently out having dinner together.
“Not me,” Gunil pouted, leaning his head on his girlfriend’s shoulder. 
“That’s right you still have two more,” you say. 
“Yep. They’re back to back too. Which means I have to take my model to the first exam which I don’t really want to do,” Gunil complains. 
“I could pick it up and bring it to you,” he girlfriend offered sweetly. A bitter look crosses your face. Her sweetness seems fake to you.
“Are you sure?” Gunil check. 
“Of course,” she smiled. 
“Thanks, you’re the best.” Gunil kissed her cheek. You almost rolled your eyes when she acted shy about it. If it wasn’t for your saving grace Hyeongjun coughing to gain your attention you would have. 
“So do you guys have plans for after midterms?” Jungsu asks. 
“I’m hanging out with my dad this Friday,” you said happily. Your dad had a job that often kept him away from home for long periods of time, so it was rare for you to spend time with him. 
“Oh that’s great! How long has it been since you saw him?” Jooyeon questioned. 
“Three months,” you answered. 
“What are you gonna do?” Hyeongjun asked from where he sat beside you. 
“We’re going to go hiking to take pictures. There’s supposed to be this trail with gorgeous views,” you tell him. 
“That sounds really nice. Have fun,” he told you.
Today was the day you were spending with your dad. It was also the day of Gunil’s last midterms, so before you headed out with your dad you sent Gunil a quick “good luck” text. 
“Are you ready to go?” your dad asked you after he finished loading your camera equipment into the car. Your dad was actually the one who got you interested in photography. Now it’s a fun activity for you both to do together. 
“Yeah, I’m all set,” you told him. Your dad hopped into the car and you two headed off to spend the day together. 
The two of you arrived at the trail still early enough in the morning it was only eight. The trail itself wasn’t that long either, so you and your dad took your time. It was really bonding to just walk with your dad, talking, taking pictures, joking about if the camera equipment got heavier when you needed to take a break. The shots you took came out really well too, so well that you planned on adding them to your portfolio. The trail held up to its description of having beautiful views. By the time you made it back to your car you were famished, so you drove to the closest restaurant. 
You were enjoying your meal with your dad when, “Babe stop!” You heard a familiar voice. An all too familiar annoying voice. A voice that made you twitch. You turned over your shoulder and spotted her, Gunil’s girlfriend. Looking just in time to see her pecking a guy, who is not Gunil, lips. 
“That cheating bitch,” you muttered. 
“Y/n language,” your dad said. Then it hit you. 
“Gunil,” you say out loud in a panic.
“What about Gunil?” your dad questioned. 
“Gunil has a midterm today for his architecture class and that, excuse my language, cheating bitch of his girlfriend is supposed to bring him his model, but she’s here and Gunil’s midterm,” You stopped to check the time. “Is in fifteen minutes!” Your eyes widen. 
“We gotta go!” Your dad popped up from his seat. 
“Wait just a sec.” You opened your camera on your phone and snapped some pictures as evidence. 
Your dad might have been bending a few traffic safety laws to get you to Gunil’s place in time. The bending of the laws was going well until you hit construction that caused a massive traffic back up. Time was ticking away and you had no time to waste. 
“Dad we’re not far from his place I jumped here,” you tell. Your dad doesn’t really like the idea, but he knows you’ll get out whether he tells you yes or no. 
“Be careful, I’ll meet you at the school alright?” You nodded and quickly got out of the car. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you. Running into Gunil’s place, grabbing his model and dashing as quickly as you could to campus all seemed like a blur. Your lungs burned as you ran up the stairs whilst trying to not shake Gunil’s model too much. 
“Gunil!” you called once you saw in with the other architecture students waiting in a hallway.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” 
“I’m not too late right?” you asked, panting heavily. 
“No, I haven't been called yet.” Gunil takes in your disheveled appearance. 
“What are you the one dropping this off? You’re supposed to be with your dad and you look like you ran ten miles.” You shouldn’t tell him that you're dropping off his model because his girlfriend is too busy being a cheater right before his important presentation.
“Gunil you’re up,” his name was called. 
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise. Now go make me running the fastest I ever ran in my life worth it,” You ushered him away. You then proceeded to very tiredly make your way back to the front of your campus where you would wait for your dad to pick you up. 
“Did you make it in time?” your dad asked when you got into the car. 
“Yeah, just in time,” you told him. 
“That’s good. You ran so fast I thought I pushed you down the wrong career path. You looked like a track star,” your dad joked. You laughed. 
“No, photography was definitely the right way. If I ever have to run again it will be too soon,” you remark. Now your dad laughs. 
“I’m sorry for running our day together,” you apologize. 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” your dad says sincerely. “I’m the one who started to rush out of the restaurant first.”
“That’s true. I guess you care about Gunil more than I do,” you played. 
“Well he’s your first love, so I figured I should throw in a bone,” your dad says. 
“Shouldn’t that make you want to kill him?” you joked. 
“At first,” your dad stated. “But you are too cowardly to tell him how you feel so…” 
“Well I can’t exactly tell him I’ve liked him since senior year of high school when he has a girlfriend,” you rebuttal. 
“Not for much longer,” your dad said. 
“Too soon dad.” You sighed. “How am I supposed to tell him?” Your head dropped into your hands. 
“You say.” Your dad clears his throat. “I knew I didn’t like that bitch for a reason. It’s because she’s a cheating bitch and she doesn’t deserve you like I do,” your dad said sassily. 
“I can not do that,” you say. 
“You’re right you shouldn’t do that. You just sit him down and tell him honestly. He needs to know.” 
“I know he does. I told him I’d explain later.”
“You got it.” Your dad pats your shoulder. 
You don’t think you got it. You’re currently sitting on Gunil’s couch, bouncing your leg anxiously. 
“Why’d you drop off my model?” There it was the gut wrenching question. You took a breath. 
“I need to tell you something,” you gripped your knee. 
“What is it?” he asked. You pulled out your phone and pulled up the pictures you took of Gunil’s girlfriend cheating on him.
“You know I was out with my dad today.” Gunil nods. “After hiking we stopped at a restaurant to eat and I saw this.” You showed him your phone. You watch Gunil’s expression fall as he looks at the pictures. “I’m really sorry Gunil. She’s cheating on you,” you say solemnly.
“Are you sure? He could just be a friend,” Gunil said in denial. You shook your head. 
“I saw her kiss him,” you informed. Gunil sniffs. “I should have beat her or something, but all I could think about was your midterm, so my dad and I rushed out of the restaurant, broke some traffic laws and I had to run like two miles on foot because of construction which is why I was such a mess when I arrived with your model,” you told him the rest of the story. 
“Thank you,” Gunil sobbed. You hugged him, unable to stand his heartbroken state. 
It’s been about a week since Gunil broke up with his girlfriend. You’ve been picking him up everyday after his last class since then. 
“You know you don’t have to walk me everyday. I’m ok y/n,” he says. 
“I know that. I’m just making for lost time,” you tell him. 
“I’m sorry,” Gunil suddenly states. 
“What?” you asked confused. 
“You never liked her, but you still did things to protect my relationship with her. It must’ve been hard for you,” he explained. 
“You really liked her, so as long as you were happy. I could deal with it. You know I always got you,” you smiled. You always got him. Your words clicked something inside of him. He thinks back and realizes that you have always been there for him. In high school when you would let him use your locker and somehow always had a spare pencil when he needed one. The hours you spent helping him with his architecture projects even though you got nothing out of it. How you were always there for him when he had a bad day or a day that deserved celebrating. You jumped out a car into traffic and ran two maybe more miles to get his model for him, so he wouldn’t fail his midterm and the semester. You let his tears stain your shirt on multiple occasions. Most recently being over his breakup. You were always there for him ever since you met. 
“Yeah, you’re always there for me,” Gunil smiles. 
Ever since his realization about how much you’re there for him Gunil couldn’t stop thinking about you. About everything you did/done for him too. It seems like more and more instances kept popping into his head. He feels stupid for how he never truly noticed before. 
“Hyeongjunie~” you sang in a sing-song voice as Hyeongjun sat down beside the rest of you. Gunil feels a little ping in his heart. “Here, it’s your favorite,” you said as you shared a piece of your food with him. 
“Thanks.” He takes the food from you. Ping, Gunil felt it again. He’s not stupid enough to not know what this feeling is. It’s jealousy. He feels jealous over the way you're acting with Hyeongjun. 
“Y/n can you help me with one of my projects later today?” Gunil questioned you, pulling your attention away from Hyeongjun. 
“Yeah sure,” you agreed. 
Later that day you arrived at Gunil’s place and walked into his living room only to see that there was no project layed out.
“Have you not even started yet or?” you asked perplexed. 
“I have something else to tell you,” he motions for you to sit down on the couch. You took a seat and looked at him expectantly. 
“You’ve always been there for me,” he starts. 
“I’ve told you I always got you,” you chuckled. 
“I know and I want you to always have me. I want you to always be with me,” he says. 
“I will,” you said. Gunil grabs your hands. 
“No, I mean. I want to be with you and I want you to be with me,” you emphasized. 
“Are you saying?” Your heart picked up.
“I like you y/n. I want to always be there for you like you are for me,” he confesses. You smiled. 
“I like you too,” you confessed. 
“Yeah since our last year of high school,” you admit.
“Wait what!” Gunil’s eyes widened in shock. 
“Oh, would you look at the time? I should get going,” you stood up. You clearly had some more explaining to do and as your freshly turned boyfriend, Gunil couldn’t wait to hear it. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 3 months
Summary: Goo Gunil, first he was your senior in high school. Now you work at the same company as him. (non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your footsteps quickened trying your best to avoid a girl that you had ticked off. You and her were assigned to do a project together, but she decided to have you do all the work for it. Saying that she was sorry, but she was simply too busy with her after school activities. It was clear that she was lying which is why you just so happened to forget to add her name to the project. Now she was pissed and had it out for you. Your steps slowed back down as you looked around not seeing the girl anymore. 
“Bold enough to leave my name off the project, but bold enough to face me.” The girl appeared around the corner. You sighed. 
“You were the one who was too lazy to even write your own name on the project. I shared it with you all you had to do was write your name and you could’ve got credit for my work,” you tell her. The girl scoffs. 
“You really have some nerve. Someone should really put you in your place.” The girl raises her hand, beginning to swing arm to slap you. It was too late for you to move, so you braced yourself for impact, but it never came. 
“What’s going on here?” A voice belonging to a guy asked. You looked to your right to see a guy holding the wrist of the girl who was about to slap you. The girl laughs, putting on a fake smile and tugging her wrist out of the guy’s grasp. 
“Oh nothing is going on, we were just playing around. We’re friends,” she lied. 
“No we’re not,” you said right after. The girl shoots you a fiery glare. “She’s mad because I didn’t write her name for her on a project I did all by myself,” you explained. The guy sends the girl a look, clicking his tongue. He also positions himself slightly in front of you. Putting himself between you and the girl.
“You were gonna hit her because you were too lazy to do your own work?” The guy arched his brow.
“I wasn’t lazy. I was busy,” the girl argued. 
“Did you have time in class to work on the project?” The guy turned to look at you. With eyes much softer than the one he was looking at the girl with. 
“Yeah the teacher gave us four days of class work on it,” you told him. 
“Why didn’t you help them during class then?” he questioned. 
“Well I-” 
“Cause she wasn’t there. She ditched,” you interjected. The guy lets out a sigh. He stands up straighter. 
“Listen”–He folds his arms over his chest– “You’re the one who didn’t do the work. Getting mad at someone for you getting what you deserve is really pathetic. If you wanted the grade you should have at least written your own name. Now leave and if I see you bothering them again I’ll be the one to put you in your place,” he said. Revealing that he had heard the conversation between you two before he stepped in. The girl looked down at her feet quickly scurrying away.
“Thank you,” you thanked him.
“No problem. People like her piss me off. I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself. 
“Y/n,” you introduced yourself back. Before you could say anything else the bell rang signaling that it was time for class. “We should get going,” you say. 
“What class do you have?” Gunil asked. He started to walk alongside you. 
“Biology,” you answered.
“I thought freshmen took biology,” he stated. 
“Tis I,” you partly laughed. 
“You’re a freshman?” Gunil questioned surprised. 
“Yeah, do I not look like one?” you responded.
“Not really. Plus I know that girl is a junior so I kinda thought. 
“Our class together is an elective class. It’s mixed grades,” you inform him. Gunil nods. 
“Well if you need any more help from a senior friend let me know,” Gunil smiled at you. 
“Sure thing, thanks.” Gunil and you part ways. You weren’t really expecting to see him around much after that. 
However you actually ended up seeing Gunil quite often. Gunil wasn’t afraid to wave to you in the halls. He would call out your name to get your attention. If he was far away he would send you a bright smile with an excited wave. If he was only a couple feet away you would pause your steps and he would hurry to catch up to you. The two of you started to form a friendship. 
“You’re big and buff, but you are actually a big softie aren’t you Nilly.” You playfully pet Gunil’s head like he did to the stray cat the two of you came across.
“Nilly? Did you just call me Nilly?” Gunil turned his attention away from the cat and onto you. 
“Yeah why? Do you not like it?” you asked. It’s quite the opposite. Gunil’s heart blossomed with warmth upon hearing the nickname leave your mouth. It made him feel giddy, too giddy. 
“It’s silly,” he chuckled. 
“Like you.” A mischievous smile danced across your lips. “Silly Nilly,” you leaned closer and booped his nose. Then you turned your attention to the cat, petting it gently. Gunil kinda hates how you seem to be so nonchalant about everything while he feels like his heart could combust. Nonetheless he can’t help but look at you so endearingly as you pet the cat. Then he remembers that he is graduating in three months and he doesn’t think that he wants to say goodbye to you. 
It was the first day of your new job. You would now be working at the front desk as a receptionist for a company. You had just received your name tag and your coworker was currently showing you the ropes. As your coworker is explaining things to you about the computer you hear several pairs of footsteps approach the desk.
“You finally don’t have to man the front desk alone anymore Jungsu,” someone said. 
“Yeah, this is my new front desk buddy, y/n,” Jungsu introduced you. You looked away from the computer to properly greet the company employees. That’s when you lock eyes with him. It’s Gunil, he’s standing right in front of you on the other side of the desk. He’s wearing a button up with nice pants and a lanyard hanging around his neck. It was your first time seeing him in five years. Since he graduated high school. 
“Nilly?” The old nickname fell from your lips. Just like it did all those years ago when you first called him the nickname Gunil’s heart blossoms with warmth. 
“Hi y/n. It’s been a while,” he smiles. 
“You two know each other?” His coworker asked surprised. Pointing between the both of you. 
“We briefly knew each other in high school,” you told them. 
“Yeah, they were my favorite underclassmen,” Gunil said. 
“Underclassmen? Oh I feel sorry for you now. Gunil is so annoying with his ‘You should respect your seniors.’” His coworker puffed out his chest, trying to imitate Gunil’s build. 
“He never said anything like-”
“Because you should respect your seniors and as your seniors I say we get to work now. Have a good day y/n. Treat them well, Jungsu.” Gunil nudges his coworkers to walk away with him. 
“So Nilly?” Jungsu looked at you.
“Yeah it was a nickname I gave him,” you said simply, going back to work. 
“It’s too cute for someone as serious as Gunil,” Jungsu says. 
“What do you mean? Gunil isn’t that serious. He’s a big softie,” you tell Jungsu. 
“Big softie? I really want to get to know this Nilly that you know,” Jungsu states. His words make you feel curious. Has Gunil changed that much since you last saw him? Although it has been five years since you last saw Gunil. Five years is plenty of time for someone to change, but the way he smiled at you didn’t seem any different. 
“Nilly?” Gunil’s coworker Jiseok poked at him. “How does an uptight guy like you get a nickname as cute as Nilly?” 
“They were the only one to call me that and I’m not uptight. I just really care about my work.”
“As curious as I am about how he got the nickname Nilly. I’m more curious about why you looked at y/n like they’re the love of your life. Seriously the way you smiled at them. You had lights shining in your eyes. You looked like a completely different person, maybe Nilly.” Seungmin, Gunil’s other coworker, pointed out.
“Ok, first, stop calling me Nilly.” Gunil points at either of them. “Second, my love life doesn’t concern you. Third, get to work.” Gunil settles himself at his desk. He can’t believe that he has run into you again. He misses you so much after graduating high school. Especially when he found himself in a predicament similar to the one he saved you from him. When he first entered the company he now works at. His higher ups/seniors made him do all of their work then submitted it as if it was their own. Gunil found it to be quite ironic. He saved you from a situation that he now couldn't seem to get out of. Then Gunil thought of a way out. He told his seniors to not worry about submitting, that he would do it for them once he finished. Then he proceeded to submit his work with his name on it. He couldn’t keep the smirk off of his face as their department head came into their office asking why they never turned in any work? Questioning why was Gunil running a one man show? His coworkers were pissed, but Gunil kept up his tough act. He told them off, just like he told that girl off for you years ago. Unfortunately Gunil felt like he couldn’t drop the tough act after that. He felt like if he did then people would try to take advantage of him again. So he made himself a little reputation as a serious, uptight guy.
You couldn’t help yourself from asking Jungsu questions about Gunil. It didn’t make sense to you how the sweet guy you knew in high school was supposedly now uptight and cold. Jungsu was just as curious to hear about the Gunil, Nilly, that you knew. Jungsu was also stunned to hear about how Gunil would call out to you and wave in the halls. The smile you always saw him wearing. How he would walk you to class even if he class was in the opposite direction. The stray cats that he couldn’t walk by without giving them a few pets. That he held back his tears as he told you goodbye. It was if you knew two different people. 
“Nilly?” You asked Gunil as he was walking you back to your place. He was currently crouching down petting a stray kitten. It reminded you very much of your time back in high school. He was just like your old “Silly Nilly”. 
“Yeah?” He turns away from the kitten to look at you. Butterflies filling his stomach at your use of the nickname. 
“Why do people at the company think you're a serious, uptight person?” You had to hear it from him because other people’s words about him were simply unbelievable to you. Gunil looks back down at the kitten giving it one final pat before standing back up. 
“When I first entered the company…” Gunil proceeds to tell you about the story of his higher ups who took advantage of him. 
“Well if they ever bother you again or anyone else I’ll put them in their place,” you tell him. Gunil can’t fight off the smile of you using the words he once used to protect you. You felt better knowing that he was still your Nilly. The people at work just didn’t know the real him like you did. You bend down to pet the stray kitten that was still hanging around you and Gunil. Now Gunil is the one reminded of high school. Staring at you just as endearingly if not more endearingly as he did back then. It hits him. He doesn’t want to have to say goodbye to you ever again. 
“Y/n,” he calls you. 
“Yeah?” You look up at him. He crouches down beside you. 
“Can I be your Nilly?” he asked, earning a laugh out of you. 
“What are you saying? You already are my Nilly,” you booped his nose. 
“No I mean.” He took your hands in his. “I like you y/n. I always want to be your Nilly,” he says. You smile and readjust your hands to hold his back.
“My answer is still the same. You are my Nilly, always will be.” Gunil smiles and leans his forehead against yours. He has never felt more at peace. He reluctantly removes his forehead from yours and stands up. 
“Come on, let’s get you home.” he held out his hand to you. You gladly take it. 
Bonus Scene:
“Oh my gosh are you seeing this!” Jiseok repeatedly tapped Seungmin. From where they stand looking out the window of their office.
“I’m seeing it,” Seungmin replied, his mouth slightly agape. Gunil has you trapped inside his embrace, pressing kisses all over the top of your head. 
“We have to go to work. Let me go,” you laugh trying to escape his embrace. 
“Work can wait. I haven’t seen you for five years. Let me make up for lost time and hold you.” 
“We’re already here though.” You gestured to your company building. 
“Exactly, we’re not going to be late, so let’s just stay like this for a bit.” He holds you closer to him. 
“People will see,” you say shyly. 
“Let them see. Everyone should know that I’m yours and you’re mine.” He kisses you briefly. 
Jiseok and Seungmin’s eyes widened in shock. 
“That’s not the Gunil we know,” Jiseok states. 
“It’s Nilly,” Seungmin says. Jiseok smiles. 
“Where are my kisses Nilly?” Jiseok shouts from the window.
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gunilslaugh · 4 days
Not How It's Supposed To Be Pt.2
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil’s reaction to finding out the truth about you. (non-idol au) WC:~1k Warning:none
part 1 part 3
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photo not mine credits to owner.
The tension in the room grew tenfold after those words left your mouth. You didn’t have any courage to look at Gunil. You could only look down at your lap. 
“What?" His tone was dead cold. It made you scared to speak, but you knew that you had to. 
“I was sent here undercover to get evidence about the illegal drug distribution you’re doing.” 
“So you’re no better than anyone else,” he states. His words prick your heart. 
“That was supposed to be the plan, but I haven’t been following it. I started to lie to them instead,” you disclosed. You can hear Gunil scoff from beside you. 
“Why should I believe that? Liars aren’t to be trusted.” His tone is harsh. 
“I told them about the shipment going out soon, but that’s it,” you say. 
“You expect me to believe that. You’ve been working here two months, but you’ve only told them about one shipment? Are you sure you didn’t help them break into the warehouse?” He accused you.
“I didn’t know about that until after it happened,” you defended. You found the courage to meet his eye. 
“Oh really?” he asked sarcastically. 
“If I had known I would have warned you!” You raised your voice. Something in Gunil’s demeanor shifts, but he does a good job at hiding it. 
“Why?” he questioned. 
“Cause I care about you and I know you probably won’t believe that either, but it's the whole reason why I’m coming clean. I don’t want to lie to you anymore. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Get out.” His voice is emotionless. 
“Ok.” You stand up from the couch with shaky legs. You make your way over to the door. “Be sure to change that shipment,” you say before opening the door. You pull the handle of the door and exit Gunil’s office. As soon as the door closes you can hear a bunch of smashing and the sounds of items breaking. Each item that hits the floor feels like a hit to your heart. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be at all. Go undercover and get evidence. It wasn’t a complicated plan, but your heart had to go and complicate everything. You were never supposed to care about Gunil. The possibility of him getting hurt shouldn’t phase you at all. Him getting caught was supposed to feel like justice had been served, yet now you’re helping him evade getting caught. What was wrong with you?
Your feet practically drag across the floor as you walk back to your desk. You collected your things and started on your way out of the building. Upon exiting you take one last look at the large building. Eyes trailing up to the window where Gunil’s office would be. A sigh leaves your stressed body. Just forget all about this. You tell yourself. Like it was a dream. None of it ever happened. You don’t know who Gunil is. You tear your eyes away from the window and turn your back. Leaving it all behind. 
“What do you mean you’re done? Did Gunil find out? Did he threaten you?” Your very confused and frustrated partner interrogated you. 
“I just don’t want to do this anymore ok? I’m not cut out for being undercover. I can’t handle the lying. I don’t-” Want to be the kind of person Gunil hates the most. Wait, no, you weren’t supposed to think about him anymore. You left. It’s over now. It’s none of your concern. He’s none of your concern. “I’m done. Let’s pretend we never knew one another,” you say.
“Y/n you can’t be done. This is too sudden. You were fine last week. What happened? If he threatened you you can tell me. I’ll help you,” your partner tells you. 
“He didn’t threaten me,” you tell them. 
“Then what is it?” they asked.
“I told him!” You confessed. 
“Y-you what!”
“I told him! I told him that I was sent to work there undercover,” you revealed. 
“Are you crazy! Why? Why would you?” Your partner looked at you like you were insane. 
“I guess I am. I don’t really understand it either, but the more time I spent with him. The more I couldn’t lie to him.”
“So what, you fell in love with him?” they scoffed. 
“I don’t think you could call it love, but I do care about him,” you confess. 
“You really have lost your mind. You know what kind of person he is. His drugs are killing people y/n. How could you fall for someone like that!”
“I don’t know! But that’s why I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with this anymore.” 
“How much did you tell him about us?” Your partner looks at you with a look of betrayal, it stabs you.
“Just that I told you about the shipment and that I know it was you who broke into the warehouse, but I never revealed anything about your identity or anything else,” you state. 
“I guess you have some sense left in you. You’re right I think it’s best that you aren’t involved anymore. Let’s part ways here.” 
“Ok, that’s what I was trying to do anyway,” you say. Your partner practically stormed out of your place after that. You somehow managed to feel worse than you already did, but another part of you felt a bit better. It felt like you could now truly put all of this mess behind you. You could move on with your life and act like it never happened. The storm was over. All you had to do now was pick yourself up from the aftermath. 
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed there was a knock on your door. Your brows knitted in confusion as you walked over to the door of your apartment. You certainly weren’t expecting anyone. 
“Who is it?” you asked. 
“Open the door,” the voice on the other side says. It was a voice you recognized. You twisted the handle and opened the door. 
part 1 part 3
Taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
You're Comfortable
Goo Gunil Summary: All you said was a simple sentence, but it made Gunil’s heart go a mile a minute. (idol/non-idol au) WC:453 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
You and Gunil had only gotten together around a month ago,so your relationship was still relatively new. It was a bit clumsy and awkward, but also cute and heartwarming. Today you and Gunil were going to the movies. You checked your outfit over in the mirror for the third time.
Rationally you knew Gunil wouldn’t have cared about what you decided to wear, however you still wanted to look cute for your date. Looking at the time it told you that your outfit would have to do unless you wanted to be late. 
“Hey you look great,” Gunil complimented you when you arrived. 
“Thanks,” you said. 
“Ready to head inside?” he checked. 
“Yeah,” you replied with a nod of your head. You and Gunil head into the cinema. You guys purchase your ticket then get your concessions. Then you two found your theater number and headed to your seats. 
At some point during the movie yours and Gunil’s hands found each other. They currently sit linked on your knee. Not too long after your hands joined together your head made its way onto Gunil’s shoulder. 
“You’re comfortable.” The words casually fell from your mouth as you slightly adjusted your head on his shoulder. Gunil felt his pulse race. Race so fast, so hard that he’s scared you can feel it from where your head rests against the side of his neck. If you do, you don’t say anything about it. 
Your words were simple, but they made Gunil feel something he didn’t quite know how to describe. Maybe they made him feel secure. He was glad that you found him comfortable. He wanted to be comfortable for you. Whether you meant it literally or metaphorically. He wanted to be a person who provided you with comfort. Perhaps your words brought him a sense of reassurance. Your relationship was kinda new. He sometimes worried that he wasn't doing a good job at being your boyfriend, so your words told him that he was. Or maybe they made him fall even more in love with you. They made him think that he always wants to be there to give you a shoulder to lean on. He always wants to be by your side. It was a combination of all these things that made his heart race. He doesn’t want it to stop, he likes the feeling. He wants you to make his heart race for the rest of his life. 
“Then stay as long as you like,” he smiled. He uses his free hand to reach across and brush some of your hair away from your face. Later Gunil may not remember what the movie was about, but he will always remember this moment.
A/N: Sorry I know this is so short :/ I wrote based off of a dream I had last night and could only elaborate and embellish so far lol. I still hope you enjoyed reading it!
Also I’m currently having a q&a so send me questions please!
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver , @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
Goo Gunil Summary: Loving Gunil was like loving the stars, you could only admire them(him). (non-idol au) WC:~1.2k Warning:angst, but it’s very mild. (I wouldn’t really call it angst honestly)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your love for Gunil started in high school. Cliche as the scenario may be, he saved you from a stray ball as you were walking by your school’s field and ever since then your heart fluttered for him. You didn’t share any classes with Gunil, so you only saw him around the halls, mainly the cafeteria. For the longest time all you could do was stare at him from afar. 
“Please just go talk to him y/n. I can’t handle all your hopeless staring anymore,” your friend complained. 
“I can’t. It would be weird to just randomly go over and start talking to him. What would I say anyway?” you refused. 
“Hi, I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m y/n. You saved me from getting hit with a ball a few months ago and I’ve been in love with you ever since,” your other friend mocked you. 
“That’s not funny,” you glared at them.
“It’s true,” they shrugged. 
“Whatever. I’m not talking to him,” you stated firmly. 
“Then fix your staring problem please. What’s the point in liking him if you’re never gonna do something about it?” your friend questioned. 
“How could I do something about it? We’re not a part of the same world.” You gazed over to where Gunil was surrounded by his group of friends. Gunil wasn’t necessarily popular, but he did know a fair amount of people. You saw him talk to quite a lot of kids around campus. You weren’t some nobody with hardly any friends either. You also knew a fair amount of people around campus, but they weren’t the same people Gunil knew. You and Gunil ran around two different social circles, two different worlds. You weren’t brave enough to try and enter his.
“News flash! You and him both live on Earth and go to the same high school. How is that not living in the same world?” your friend points out. 
Maybe your friend was right. Maybe you and Gunil did live in the same world. One day Gunil’s and yours paths crossed once more. It was during a Saturday night at the park. You were out sketching pictures of the night sky for your elective,art, class. 
“Great minds think alike,” a voice came out of the darkness of the night. You turned towards the voice to see Gunil standing there with a camera and some equipment. 
“Gunil?” you say.
“Y/n,” he said your name. 
“You know my name?” you asked slightly shocked. Gunil chuckles lightly. 
“You know mine,” he countered. You awkwardly scratch the back of your neck and kick out one of your feet. 
“Well I heard someone call your name the day you saved me from that ball,” you explained. 
“I didn’t ask,” he played.
“....well I told you anyway. Get your supplies out.” You went back to focusing on the sketchbook in your lap.
“Mr. Stewart uses your work as examples for our class a lot. That’s how I know your name,” he informs you as he pulls out his pencils.
“He uses my photos as examples?” This was news to you. Your art teacher complimented your work, but never said he used it as examples for other students. Again Gunil chuckles. 
“Yes, he does. Your art is really good,” Gunil says. 
“Thanks,” you said. 
“Can you help me out? I want my work to be used as examples,” he asked you. 
“Sure,” you smiled, walking over to where Gunil made himself comfortable. 
From then you and Gunil got closer. You don’t think you can exactly call it friendship because the two of you weren’t that close. You did now exchange words when you saw each other around campus. You became friendly acquaintances. That’s how the two of you stayed until graduation. 
After graduation you thought you would never see Gunil again. That it would finally be time for you to get over your crush on him. To say you were shocked to see Gunil walk into your fine arts class at university was an understatement. Even more so when he took a seat beside you. 
“Long time no see y/n,” he nudged you with his arm. Just like that all your feelings came rushing back.
“Y-yeah long time no see,” you stuttered slightly. 
You could call Gunil your friend now, but it felt odd too. Despite the fact that you’re friends, Gunil somehow still feels so far away. Like a person you could only look at.
“Why do you think people like the stars so much?” Gunil and you were back out under the night sky. Either of your sketchbooks places on the sides of you as you two looked up at the same stars you were painting moments ago.
“Because they’re pretty,” you simply state. 
“They are pretty, but there are lots of pretty things. There has to be something that makes the stars special.” 
“Then maybe it’s because all we can do is look at them.” You turned your head to look at Gunil. “They’re pretty little things that you can only admire.” You turned your head back up towards the twinkling stars. “They’re too far to reach.” You stretched your arm out to reach for the stars. “They can never really be ours,” you finished, dropping your hand back down. 
“That’s deeper than what I was expecting,” Gunil says. You let out a laugh. If only he knew you weren’t only talking about the stars. You were talking about him too. 
“I guess you’ve never felt that way,” you state. He’s never thought about you that way.
“Huh?” Gunil turned to look at you. 
“That there was something you could only admire,” you clarified. 
“I guess not,” Gunil shook his head. He probably never admired you in the first place.
“That’s-” how I feel about you. You stopped yourself from saying your confession.
“That’s what?” Gunil questioned. 
“Oh, nothing,” you shook your head. “You know I sat in on my friend's literature class and I think it did things to me. I should get back to focusing on painting,” you told him sitting up and picking up your sketchbook. 
It’s towards the end of your senior year of university. You just submitted your piece for the gallery art majors were having. It was a picture of two people. One gazing up at the stars and the other looking at the person stargazing. The title of your piece was called “My Stars” and the description you wrote for it was, “Sometimes all you can do is admire.”
Gunil came across your painting and his initial excitement at seeing your work quickly turned into melancholy. It wasn’t hard for him to recognize the scene you painted. He lived it with you after all. 
“‘My Stars’ ‘Sometimes all you can do is admire’,” he read. He looks back at your painting. Seeing your tiny, yet very detailed painted version of you looking at the painted version of him looking at the stars. It hits him. That’s what you were going to say that night. That's how you felt about him. He was your stars. He tried to look for you around the gallery, but you were gone.
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver, @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
hiiya can i req for a purely pure fluff for ot6 like it can be they are just cuddling and pecking each other until one gets shy or sumtg liek tyat i feel veri fluffy suddenly tsk tsk
Hello :)
All members (≈ • - • ≈)
Summary: Where kisses and cuddles end in blushing cheeks. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
It was some hour in the late night. Gunil had you trapped in his loving embrace, but there is not any place you would rather be. His soft, warm lips left continuous pecks across your face. That made the butterflies in your stomach erupted in a fit of giggles. 
“Don’t you want to sleep?” you questioned, catching Gunil’s face in between your hands. “You’ve had a long day,” you commented. You left a kiss on his forehead.
“Exactly, I’ve had a long day, so all I want to do is be here with you. Like this.” He goes back to pressing kisses on your face. His words make a heat creep onto your cheeks. Once more you capture his face in your hands. 
“Still it’s late, you need sleep.” You're glad the darkness of the room is enough to hide your burning cheeks. 
“Five more minutes,” Gunil says. He kisses your nose. 
“Gunil-” you started.
“Just five more minutes. Then we’ll go to sleep I promise,” he whispered against your cheek, lips ghosting across your skin. The sensation makes your cheeks darken even more. 
“Five minutes…that’s it,” you mumbled. You can feel Gunil smile against your skin. 
“You’re so cute.” He presses more kisses against your cheek.
Jungsu was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. You walked up to him and plopped yourself into his lap. You linked your hands together behind his neck. His hands naturally went to hold your waist, abandoning his phone in the process. 
“Do you need something?” he asked you sweetly. You smiled before leaning in to peck his lips. You pull away so see Jungsu’s lips now wearing a matching smile. You leaned back in, now littering kisses all over his face. Jungsu’s arms move to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. 
“This is what I want,” you spoke in between kisses. At the end of your sentence you pull away to look at Jungsu. His face is flushed. He leans forward to hide his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You can’t do this all of the sudden,” he whined into your neck. You’re about to tease him for being cute, but then you feel his lips pressing innocently against your neck. His lips move upward till his lips meet your cheek. “But I want it too” he whispered in your ear before going back to hiding bashfully in your neck.
Ever since Jiseok got back he has been pressing kisses to any part of you he could reach. Currently he is spooning you. His arms locked tight around your stomach preventing you from leaving. His lips danced across the skin of your shoulders and upper back.
“What’s gotten into you?” You managed to turn around in his hold to face him. “Why are you so kiss crazy?” You brought a hand up to stroke his face. Jiseok captured your hand in his and turned his head to kiss your palm. The action made a shade of pink dust over your cheeks.
“I really missed you today, so I only want to hug and kiss you now.” To prove his point even more he pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips against yours. You can’t help but smile against his lips. He presses a couple more kisses to your lips before moving to cover the rest of your face, not missing a single spot. 
“Isn’t this a bit much?” you laughed. 
“Never too much.” He continued to kiss you and your reddened cheeks. He has no intentions of stopping anytime soon and even when he does stop kissing you he definitely isn’t letting you go.
Your attempt to get out of bed was proving to be nothing but futile. Seungmin kept pulling you back to him any time you tried to go.
“Stop trying to leave, just stay here,” he grumbled. He trapped you, slinging his leg over yours. He moved his head to rest against your chest. 
“It’s the morning we should get up now,” you state. Seungmin shakes his head. 
“No. We have nothing to do today anyway. Let’s just stay like this.” He placed a kiss onto your collar bone. This was a side of Seungmin you didn’t see too often. His kisses to your collar bone soon became repetitive and started to travel. They went up your neck and onto your face. 
“It tickles,” you giggled, lightly shoving him away. Like your attempt to get out of bed, your shove was futile.
“So what? I’m showing you my love.” His kisses press firmer against your skin. “Don’t you like it?” His words had you blushing a bright shade of pink.
“It’s not that I don’t like it but…” Your words trailed off and Seungmin pulled away enough to look at you. 
“Ah it makes you shy?” he teased you, nuzzling his nose against you. 
“Be quiet,” you say. Seungmin laughs lightly going back to showering you in kisses.
Hyeongjun really liked days that ended with you in each other's arms. It helped him feel relaxed. This night was a little different though. Yes, you were both embraced in one another's arms, however you were also doing something a little extra. You were peppering Hyeongjun in kisses. It started out with you leaving delicate kisses to his fingers. Then your lips traveled their way up his arm and to his face. 
“What are you doing?” Hyeongjun asked shyly. You temporarily stopped kissing him. 
“Kissing you. Isn’t it obvious?” You pressed a kiss to either of his cheeks. You hear him giggle. 
“I mean why?” he questioned turning his head away, which only led to you littering kisses on his neck and him blushing a deep red.
“Cause I love you,” you tell him. 
“I love you too,” he tells you back. He even takes your hand in his, bringing it to his lips and leaving a kiss across your knuckles. His action warms your heart and just like that you’re back to pecking to his warm skin. Hyeongjun keeps his hold of your hand, letting you know that even if he’s shy by your bold actions he still likes it.
What first started out as Jooyeon pecking your cheek and you pecking his back somehow turned into you two continually exchanging kisses on each other's faces while cuddling face to face. Laughter escaped from either of you as your kisses became more and more playful. However Jooyeon catches you off guard when instead of placing another playful peck somewhere on your face he instead gives you a lengthy kiss to the lips. You feel your cheeks burn as he pulls away. 
“Aye why are you so red? Do my kisses really affect you that much?” He poked your red cheeks with his fingers. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to do that,” you murmured. 
“Do what? This?” He leaned back in to give you another kiss. 
“Yeah, that…” Jooyeon laughed and returned to placing playful kisses all over your face.
“Well you know I can’t stay away from your lips for too long. They look lonely,” he says. He presses multiple light pecks to your lips. 
“Well yours look lonely too.” You retaliated, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. Both of you part with dopey smiles on your faces and happy giggles leaving you mouths. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver
151 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 3 months
hello how are you doing? i like your fics so much they’re so fun to read!! ♥️ also can i please request an angst-y ot6 reaction with a fluffy ending? i was thinking of reader feeling like the member deserves someone better and they’re out of his league so they try to end things but the member finds out and reassures them 🥰 i saw this in a show and i think it would be fun to try with xh ♥️ thank you
Hello I'm doing good and hope you are too :)
All members (<3 _ <3)
Summary: Feeling like you don’t deserve Xdinary Heroes member, you try to break up with them. (idol/non-idol au)
Warning:angsty (fluff endings though so no worries)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
There was this voice in your head that you couldn’t ignore. It grew louder whenever you were with Gunil. “He could be happier with someone else.” “He’s too good for you.” “It doesn’t make sense why he settles for someone like you.” Are things the voice would say. The worst part is you believed it. It only got worse the longer you stayed with Gunil. You couldn’t take it anymore. The feeling of weighing him down. You had to let him go, even if it hurt.
“Gunil,” you managed out.
“Yes love,” Gunil responds. You gulped. He wasn’t making this easy.
“I think we should break up,” you voiced. 
“What? No. I-I don’t think we should break up at all. Did I do something? Look whatever I did let me fix it ok? We can’t break up,” Gunil quickly rambles out, desperately reaching for your hands. 
“I don’t think that you can fix it Gunil,” you weakly tried to pull your hands from his. 
“No, no I can. Just tell me what it is,” he pleads, increasing his grip on your hands. You went silent, not being able to tell him the reason. 
“It’s for the best Gunil please. Let’s break up,” you struggled out. 
“Stop saying that! Wear not breaking up. At least not until you tell me why,” Gunil raised his voice. “Tell me why,” he voice fell soft again. He looked at you with pleading eyes. 
“I’m not good enough for you Gunil. You could be happier with someone else.” You avoided eye contact. Gunil exchanges holding your hands for holding you instead. He only holds you tighter when you meekly try to push him away. However it didn’t take long for you to relax in his hold.
“What nonsense is that? I’m the happiest when I’m with you y/n,” he tells you sincerely. 
“Don’t lie,” your voice broke. Gunil’s heart breaks at the sound of your voice. 
“I wouldn’t lie to you y/n. You make the happiest I’ve ever been and you’re way more than good enough for me. Honestly some days I wonder why you picked me,” Gunil reveals.
“How could I not pick you? You have everything,” you pulled away enough to look at Gunil.
“You’re my everything.” He looks you in your eyes. His thumbs wipe away your tears. “You’re my everything, so don’t try to leave me again,” he repeated. You nodded your head, leaning back in for another hug. Gunil gladly takes you in his arms and presses a kiss to the side of your head.
Jungsu was only talking to her. The two of them weren’t even close. In fact you're pretty sure she has a boyfriend of her own, but that didn’t stop you from feeling the way you did. It wasn’t jealousy though. You wished it was jealousy, but no you couldn’t stop thinking about how much better she looked with Jungsu than you did. They looked like they would make a cute couple. She seemed like everything you weren’t. She was someone Jungsu deserved. Unlike you. You really don’t get why Jungsu asked you out. Certainly whatever he saw in you could be found in someone else, probably in higher amounts too. 
“We should break up Jungsu,” you say right before entering your place. 
“B-break up? No, why?” His eyes instantly became glossy and it tugged on your heart. You couldn’t let it stop you though. This is what would be best for Jungsu. 
“We don’t work together.” You don’t work with him. 
“What are you saying? Of course we work. Why are you saying this all the sudden?” Jungsu reached out for you and painfully stepped back. 
“I know me saying this is sudden, but I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I’m sorry Jungsu.” You quickly headed inside, not letting Jungsu say another word. Your heart breaks as you hear Jungsu begging you to let him in. You have to remind yourself that it’s what’s best for him as tears fall down your face. 
Jungsu had gotten word of the real reason why you broke up with him and he could not let you continue to think so low of yourself. You had to let you know how worthy you are. He wouldn’t accept your break up on these grounds. He knocked on your door relentlessly until you let him in. 
“Why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling? This could have been avoided if you just talked to me y/n? You don’t deserve me? That ‘s the silliest thing I ever heard. You deserve me so much. I’m so lucky to have you. Our break up in invalid,” Jungsu spoke before you could tell him to leave.
“Jungsu, how can you not see how much better than me you are?” you state. 
“You’re the one who can’t see how much you are. You’re worth so much y/n seriously it kills me that you can’t see that,” he tells you. 
“No buts. You’re mine and I’m yours. We’ll work this out together.” He hugs you the tightest he ever has.
It would be one thing if only you had doubts about being one who deserves Jiseok’s love, but it’s not just you. You can hear other people whisper about it along with the voices in your head. “I just don’t get why Jiseok got together with them. He could do so much better.” “How did he even meet someone like that?” “Let alone date them.” Those are the words you hear people day when they see you with Jiseok. They didn’t even try to hide it. It didn’t help that you already had some of these thoughts yourself. At first you were happy to be with Jiseok, but that quickly came tumbling down with self doubt. 
“They’re right, you know?” you tell Jiseok.
“Who’s right about what?” Jiseok asked bewildered. 
“I know you hear them. The people who whisper about me not being good enough for you. They’re right,” you explained. 
“No they are not right y/n! They’re just jealous that you’re the one dating me and not them,” Jiseok insists. 
“No, they’re right. I had the same thoughts without them even saying anything. I’m not good enough for you Jiseok. We should break up,” you say. 
“No, we are not breaking up! This is complete nonsense! What about you makes you not ‘worthy’ of me huh?” Jiseok started to lose his temper. It makes him feel so frustrated that you could think so poorly of yourself. He waited impatiently for your answer.
“Jiseok it’s just I’m…” You couldn’t formulate any actual reasons, but it didn’t change how you felt.
“You’re what?” Jiseok prompted. 
“I’m…” Again you couldn’t think of anything. 
“Amazing, pretty, kind, make me happy, make me feel loved. Your smile still sends butterflies to my stomach. Someone who I don’t want to can can’t live without. The love of my life,” Jiseok listed.
“What?” you questioned looking at him. Jiseok lets out a quasi-sigh, taking a seat beside you. He tucks a stand of hair behind your ear then lets his hand rest on your cheek.
“You couldn’t give me any reasons why you aren’t good enough for me, but I can list hundreds of reasons why you are,” he says. “So stop thinking that you aren’t good enough for me. I wouldn’t have fallen madly in love with you if you weren’t.” he sincerely tells you.
���Ok I’ll try,” you weakly smiled. 
“Good. I love you,” he firmly states. 
“I love you too,” you return. Jiseok smiles and tenderly kisses your forehead. 
“Y/n?” your friend called your attention. 
“Yeah?” you replied. 
“I say this from a place of love and concern ok?” they tell you. You start to feel unsettled. 
“I think Seungmin is getting bored of you,” they disclose. Your heart drops. You’ve always had this feeling that you were unworthy of Seungmin, so your friend's words felt like a punch to the gut.
“Huh?” You felt your emotions swarming over you. 
“Don’t cry please. I didn’t say it to upset you. I just think you should be prepared. He’s probably going to break up with you soon.” You couldn’t fight the tears from falling from your eyes at the thought of Seungmin breaking up with you, but you knew your friend was right. He would break up with you at some point because you didn’t deserve him in the first place. 
“Seungmin, I want to break up.” You thought that it would be easier if you broke up with Seungmin before he could break up with you.
“I don’t. What is this about?” he asked you. 
“I’m sorry. I just don’t feel the same way about you as I used to,” you say. It’s a lie, but he doesn’t have to know. 
“What do you mean? We were fine yesterday. Did I do something?” he questions. 
“No, it’s not you Seungmin, it's me. I’m sorry my feelings changed. I didn’t want to hurt you, so I didn’t tell you sooner, but I can’t do this anymore.” 
“Is that really how you feel?” he choked. He didn’t want to break up with you, but if it would make you happier he would have to. You nodded your head. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. Your tears cascaded as you watched him leave.
Safe to say when your so-called friend hit on him right after your break up Seungmin was pissed. Even more pissed when your friend talked about how you weren’t good enough for him. That he certainly had to be getting bored after months of dating you. He just about strangled her when she suggested that she could keep him entertained way better than you could.
“You didn’t need to break up with me, what you needed was a better friend!” Seungmin stormed into your apartment. You forgot he had a key.
“Seungmin-” you started. 
“You lied to me too.” He was clearly angry.
“Seungmin, I'm sorry. I did always have thoughts that you were too good for me and then my friend said-”
“They’re not your friend!” Seeungmin cut in. “A friend wouldn’t do that!”
“Then they said that you were getting bored of me,”
“Bored of you? Y/n the favorite part of my day is getting to see you,” Seungmin admits. “Never once have I been bored of you. You’re the light of my life. Everything felt so dark after you broke up with me. I need you. Come back to me please. I promise you’re everything I want and more.”
“Promise?” you sniffled. 
“Promise,” Seungmin stated. You ran back into his arms right where you belong.
“What did Hyeongjun see in you?” It was a question you couldn’t find the answer to no matter how hard and long you thought about it. You didn’t understand why he liked you when there were so many better options out there for him. He was way out of your league. You really had no business being together with him. You should have turned him down when he asked you out, but he was too sweet to resist. You thought that maybe your self doubt would disappear with time, but it was quite on the contrary. It grew with time. The longer you were with Hyeongjun the more you felt like you didn’t deserve him. You decided that it was time to let him go. 
“Hyeongjun I’m sorry, but we need to break up,” you stated. Hyeongjun felt his heart crack on the stop. 
“N-no w-why would you say that? I did something didn’t I? Y/n I’m sorry. I’ll do better. I’ll be a better boyfriend,” he stammered out. 
“Be a better boyfriend?” What was he talking about? He was the best boyfriend there could possibly be. You were the one who needed to be better.
“Yes, I’ll be better. I promise ok? Please don’t leave me.” Tears fell from his eyes as he desperately grabbed onto one of your hands with both of his. 
“You don’t need to be better Hyeongjun. I’m the one who needs to be better,” you tell him. 
“What?” he asked, still not letting go of your hand. 
“I’m the one who needs to be better. I’m not good enough for you Hyeongjun. For the longest time I’ve been stuck thinking about what you could possibly see in me. I can never think of an answer. There’s nothing to see in me,” you revealed. 
“Y/n that is not true at all,” Hyeongjun says. 
“Then what do you see in me?” you asked him the question that had been haunting you.
“Everything. I see my happiness, my world, my future, my hopes and dreams. I see the person I want to spend the rest of my life with,” Hyeongjun tells you.
“How could you possibly see that?” Hyeongjun moves his hands to cup your face.
“Because that’s what you mean to me, everything.” He rests his forehead against yours. “Sometimes I just don’t know if I deserve to be your everything like you are mine,” he confesses. 
“You’re my everything too,” you reveal. He holds you like you’re his everything and you do the same.
“Jooyeon could do so much better, don’t you think?” You hear someone gossip. 
“One hundred percent. I don’t get why he is with them. Specially for so long. Certainly they aren’t that great.”
“Literally not possible.” You hear laughter proceed their conversion. It’s not the first time you’ve heard people say that you aren’t right for Jooyeon. That he could do way better than you. At first you tried to brush it off, but you felt their words lingering around you. Soon enough you couldn’t help but think about them too. How Jooyeon was out of your league. That you were nowhere near good enough for him. He deserved better. You shouldn’t keep holding him back from what he deserved.
“I want to break up,” you tell Jooyeon. 
“I don’t.” He replied almost too casually. 
“Jooyeon come on. I’m being serious,” you say. Jooyeon sits up from where he laid on the couch. 
“I’m being serious too. Why should we break up anyway? There is no good reason to,” he questions. You left out a mix between a laugh and a chuckle. 
“Funny that you say good reasons,” you said. 
“How is that funny?”
“Because I’m not good enough for you,” you answered. 
“What kind of crap is that! You are so good enough for me!” he argues. 
“No I’m not. There is no way you don’t hear people talk about how I’m not.”
“Why are you listening to no good people? I’m the only one who gets to decide if you’re good enough for me and I decided that you are better than good enough a long time ago,” he states.
“I feel like I’m not good enough for you though,” you confess. Jooyeon’s demeanor shifts to a softer one compared to his previous angry one.
“Why?” His voice almost cracked. You shrugged. 
“I don’t know exactly why. I just wonder what makes me enough for you I guess.” You look down at your feet.
“Honestly I gave you my heart the first moment I looked at you. Sometimes we can’t exactly put things into words, but I just knew that you were the one for me. That I want to spend every waking moment of my life with you,” Jooyeon wraps his arms around your waist. “And I hope that you want to spend every moment of your life with me,” he adds. 
“I do,” you tell him.
“Great. We basically just exchanged marriage vows so there is no way you can try to break up with me now,” Jooyeon jokes. You laughed, wrapping your arms back around him.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @dazzlinglitgh
111 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 2 months
Oml! There's so many ot6 works that it was hard to think of another (that's not a bad thing lol)! But! I thought of something!
What would the members' reaction be to you calling them by their full name? Like as a prank to get their reaction sort of thing :)
Thanks for all your hard work! I love each and every piece!
It's funny that I think most of my works are ot6 cause I actually prefer writing member specific/member x reader works, but most people request ot6 so 🤷‍♀️.
Anyway thanks for loving my work that means so much!
All members º - º 
Summary: How Xdinary Heroes react when you call them by their full name. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Goo Gunil,” you called. Gunil felt his blood run cold. What did he do? His brain ran a mile a minute as he tried to think of anything he could have possibly done. Did he snore last night? Or maybe his sleeping self didn’t let you go when you had to go to the bathroom? What was it?
“Y-yes dear?” he smiled nervously. 
“I can’t open this stupid jar.” You held out the jar to him. Gunil lets out a relieved sigh.
“I thought I did something. Why did you call my full name because of a jar?” he cutely whined causing you to laugh. 
“Sorry, I wanted to see how you would react.” You leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I almost had a heart attack, that's how,” Gunil said.
“Sorry,” you apologized again, giving him a hug this time. He relaxes in your arms. “I still need you to open that jar though,” you say after a few moments of silence. 
“Kim Jungsu,” you carefully pronounced each syllable of his name while looking him in the eyes. Each syllable you pronounced the more scared Jungsu got. He swallows nervously. 
“Whatever I did to upset you I’m sorry,” he apologizes. You instantly dropped your act, letting out a hearty laugh.
“I was just joking. You didn’t do anything,” you tell him. 
“That is not funny. Don’t joke like that,” he scolds you. He is relieved that you were just messing around, but he doesn’t appreciate you scaring him like that.
“I’m sorry, I was curious about how you would react.” You gently take his hands in yours. 
“I was so scared. I thought you were gonna break up with me or something,” he tells you. Now you feel bad. 
“No, no, no, it was just a joke I promise.” You held his hands tighter.
“Good. Please don’t joke like that again,” he asked. 
“I won’t,” you promised. It will still take a bit for his heart to calm down. 
“Yah Kwak Jiseok!” You yelled upon entering the room just about scaring Jiseok out of his skin. 
“Whatever it is, I swear I didn’t do it!” He instantly denies. 
“Didn’t do what exactly?” you questioned. Jiseok began to stutter. He has no clue. What did or didn’t he do to make you call him by his full name?
“W-what whatever it is that you're mad at me about. I didn’t do it,” he states. 
“Then you didn’t do anything because I’m not mad at you,” you say. Jiseok looks at you in disbelief. 
“Then why did you come in here yelling ‘Yah Kwak Jiseok!’?” he complained.
“I just wanted to see how you would react,” you informed him. 
“You made me feel like I was being yelled at by mom that so wasn’t cool Y/n L/n.” He now pulled the full name card on you. Giving you a taste of your own medicine. Your own nerves picked up at the sound of your full name. 
“Ok, I see your point, sorry,” you apologized. 
“Cuddle me to make up for it,” he orders you.
“Oh Seungmin!” you hollered out to your boyfriend. However you were only met with silence. “Oh Seungmin!” you called again. Once more nothing. You promptly walked to where Seungmin was in the bedroom. “Oh Seungmin,” you spoke firmly from the door, but Seungmin still didn’t acknowledge you. He remained in his spot on the bed. “Why aren’t you answering me?” you asked, sitting down beside him on the bed. 
“Cause it’s baby to you. Who are calling Oh Seungmin?” he sneered. “I know very well I haven’t done anything to deserve that,” he says. 
“I just wanted to joke around, but you didn’t react,” you pout. Seungmin smiles. 
“Sorry, I’ll play along next time.” He kisses your forehead. 
“But that’s not really-” 
“Sush.” Seungmin places a finger against your lips. “Let’s cuddle since you're here.” He pulls you down to lay with him.
“Han Hyeongjun,” you say. Hyeongjun freezes from where he sits on the other end of the couch. He couldn’t have possibly done anything? Could he? He walks through the events earlier in the day. He gave you a kiss and hug before he left for work. He texted you during the day. Even called you at lunch. He hugged you when he got back or did he? Did he forget to hug you and now you’re upset about it?
“Is it because I forgot to hug you?” he asked. 
“What? No, why would I be upset about that? I’m pretty sure you hugged me anyway,” you say. Then what was it?
“Then why did you call me by my full name?” he questioned. You chuckled. 
“I was just joking. It was supposed to be a prank,” you say.
“Oh.” He lets out a breath. “That was scary, don't do that please,” he said leaning into your side.
“Lee Jooyeon!” you yelled out. Jooyeon flinched upon hearing you shout from the kitchen. Maybe he should have washed out his mug.
“Yeah?” he called from the living room. You could hear the timidness in his voice. 
“Do you want noodles or dumplings for dinner?” you asked, walking over to the doorway between the two rooms. Jooyeon sighed. 
“Yah, why would you do that to me! I was so scared!” Jooyeon whined, flopping over on the couch. You laugh at his dramatics. Walking over to the couch you run a hand through his hair. 
“You’re always up to something mischievous, it was my turn,” you told him playfully. 
“That wasn’t mischievous, that was heart attack invoking,” he complained.
“Ok, I’m sorry,” you apologized. 
“Good,” he sassed. 
“Now what do you want for dinner?” you asked again. 
“I don’t know. What do I want Y/n L/n,” he said your full name with a tilt of his head.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
hi!! idk if it has already been done, but can you do ot6 meeting your best friend/friends for the first time and them getting all protective giving him the "if you play with my best friend i will jump you" speech when reader walks away for a moment or something? of course keeping it as lighthearted and fun as possible bdksbs thank you so much in advance 💕
Hello!! I hope you enjoy!
All members 7 * o * 7 
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to your friend(s) being protective over you. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Today you and Gunil were both a little nervous. Today he was meeting your best friend. Obviously you wanted your friend to like Gunil and Gunil wanted your friend to like him too. It looks like both of you had nothing to worry about after all. Gunil got along great with your friend, so great that you felt no worries at all when you left them alone to use the restroom. 
However as soon as you left the atmosphere of the room completely shifted. Your friend’s bright energy quickly became dark. Their face grew stern. Gunil nerves were quick to return. Did he say something wrong?
“If you ever hurt y/n”– they leaned closer, looking Gunil dead in the eyes. “I’ll beat you to a pulp. I don’t care how big your muscles are, you're done for if you hurt them,” they state. A nervous chuckle erupts from Gunil’s throat, very much feeling intimidated. 
“I promise I have no intentions of ever hurting them. I’d beat myself to a pulp if I did,” he says.
“Good,” your friend said. With perfect timing you entered back into the room. 
“Did I miss anything?” you asked. 
“Nope. He’s a good one, keep him.” Your friend reverts back to their bright energy. 
“I’m planning on it,” you spoke with a smile. 
They are just your friends. Friends that he has heard about before and friends that have heard about him, but Jungsu can’t help but feel nervous about actually meeting them in person for the first time. 
“Jungsu relax, they'll love you,” you tell him and they do. In fact you think they might like him more than you with the way they intently give him their full attention. Listening to every word he says. Since they had their full attention on Jungsu you had no problem excusing yourself to answer your phone when your mom called you. If your friends weren’t giving Jungsu their full attention they definitely were now. Their once caring gazes turning predatory. 
“Jungsu you seem like a really sweet guy, but if you ever hurt y/n you’ll be a really sweet guy who suddenly disappeared,” one of your friends says. Jungsu gulps.
“You understand what we’re saying don’t you?” another one checks. Jungsu nods.
“I do,” he states. 
“Why are you guys staring at him like your vultures?” you questioned, walking back into the room. 
“We were just making sure that he knows what would happen if ever hurt you,” one of your friends said. You walked over to Jungsu, standing between him and your friends. 
“Thanks, but I’m honestly the one who’s scared of hurting him,” you admit. 
“Oh we’ll make you disappear too if you ever hurt this cutie,” your friend tells. 
You weren’t expecting to run into your friend while you were out with Jiseok, but that’s what happened. Now you're all sitting at a table having lunch together after insisting that your friend should join you two. Introducing Jiseok to your friend seemed to go smoothly. They actually have a few common interests that got them to click. Instantly breaking off into conversation about said interest. You took this time to excuse yourself off to the restroom. 
“Alright now let’s get down to business,” your friend announced upon your absence. 
“Huh?” Jiseok asked. 
“I mean if you hurt y/n, I’ll hurt you,” they said, picking up their butter knife. Jiseok raised his hands in defense. 
“I’d never do that,” he says. “But if you ever hurt y/n then I’ll hurt you,” Jiseok told them, picking up his own butter knife. Your friend is a bit taken back by Jiseok’s actions, but also impressed.
“Should I be scared that you are pointing butter knives at each other?” you asked, coming back from the restroom. 
“What? Oh no,” your friend says as they set their knife down. “You found a good one, hang onto him,” they tell you. Jiseok sets his own knife down. 
“Yeah, you have a good friend here. You should hang onto them too,” he voices. You let out a light laugh taking your seat again. 
Today was the awaited day. Seungmin was finally meeting your friends. They had actually been wanting to meet him for awhile, but you kept putting it off. Saying that you thought it might be a bit early and you didn’t want your friends to scare him off. You knew that they could be a bit protective over you. Your want to keep Seungmin around showed your friends how serious you were about him. Since they knew how serious you were about him they had to know that he was just as serious about you. 
One of your friends had just asked for your help. Leaving Seungmin alone with the rest of your friends. 
“You know y/n made us wait to meet you because they didn’t want us to scare you off,” your friend starts.
“I didn’t know that,” Seungmin answers. 
“Well that’s how it went, which means they care a lot about you. It also means if you hurt y/n we’ll pummel you,” you other friend adds very seriously. 
“I’d join you in pummeling me if I ever hurt y/n. I could never forgive myself if I did,” Seungmin responds. “I’d also pummel anyone else who hurts y/n,” he notes. Your friends quite like his answer. When you walk back into the room with your friend the others look at Seungmin then you and give the nod of approval. 
Hyeongjun fiddled with his fingers as the pair of you waited for your friend to arrive. It was the first time he would be meeting them. He did feel a bit nervous. He wanted to make a good first impression because he knew if your friend didn’t like him it would definitely affect your relationship. 
“I’m so excited to finally meet you!” your friend greeted Hyeongjun happily. They had been dying to meet him. From what you told them about him he sounded like the perfect guy for you, so of course they had to see that for themselves. You stepped away for a moment when your phone rang to talk to who was calling you. 
“I get why y/n always gushes about you,” your friend began. Hyeongjun feels a bit of a blush threatening to paint his cheeks. “However, if they ever come to me hurt and crying because of you.” – Your friend drags their hand across their neck in a slicing motion. Hyeongjun’s impending blush quickly ran cold. Hyeongjun smiles nervously. 
“I would never do anything that could hurt y/n I assure you,” he says. 
“I hope so,” they state. 
“I hope you two didn’t have too much fun without me,” you joked, coming back. 
“How could we?” your friend smiled playfully as if they didn’t just threaten Hyeongjun. 
You weren’t really that nervous when it came to Jooyeon meeting your best friend. Jooyeon was very likable, that was a given. He knew how to draw people in. On the other hand Jooyeon did feel nervous about meeting your friend. He wanted them to have a good impression of him. He knows he has quite the goofy side, but he still wanted to come off as someone they could trust you to be in a relationship with. In other words he wanted to show that he was capable of taking care of you and someone who could make you happy. 
Everything was seemingly going well between your best friend and Jooyeon just as you expected. They were currently talking about a band both of them like. You excused yourself to go grab some drinks for you guys. 
“Hurt them I kill you,” your friend stated blatantly. The suddenness of their words shocked Jooyeon. 
“I’m sorry?” he said, feeling a bit scared. 
“If you hurt y/n I will kill you,” your friend repeated. 
“Oh I would never do that. I swear on my life,” Jooyeon promises. 
“I’ll be sure of that,” your friend smiles, but it’s not a kind smile, it’s threatening. 
“I’m back, did you miss me?” you joked. 
“So much,” Jooyeon said, reaching to hold your hand. You look at your friend seriously. To which they only shrug. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
helloo~ I had this thought, idol!ot6 x college student!s/o.
The scenario would be their s/o’s graduation and because of their tight schedule they couldn’t be there when it started but made it barely on time before their s/o gets on the stage. Fluffy ending after the graduation where they’re like talking and it would just be really cute like “I didn’t think you’d show up” 😭😭💝 I’m not sure if I explained this well, English isn’t my first language
Helloo don't worry you explained it well :)
All members ¡ * o * ¡
Summary: Xdinary Heroes surprising you at your graduation. (idol au)
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photo not mine credit to owner.
There was a slight burn in Gunil’s lungs as he rushed to your graduation. His hair was slightly disheveled as he found his seat with your family. 
“I didn’t miss them right?”
“Y/n L/n!” Right as Gunil asked your name was called to walk across the stage. He cheers embarrassingly loud for you. Although his embarrassingly loud cheers are a good thing because they direct your attention over to him. Revealing to you that he was able to see you graduate after all. The bright smile on your face may be more for the fact that Gunil is here rather than your happiness for finally graduating. 
At the end of the ceremony you're rushing through the crowd looking for your family and Gunil. You feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Gunil standing there. Wasting no time you throw yourself into Gunil’s arms. Gunil wraps his arms around your frame, picks you up and spins you around. 
“I’m so proud of you!” he tells you, setting you down.
“You said you couldn’t make it,” you say, putting his hands on his chest. He grabs your hands in his, bringing them to his mouth, he leaves little kisses on them.
“I couldn’t miss your graduation. I got on a plane last night and came directly from the airport,” he informs. 
“Thank you,” you said. The two of you share another embrace while your family snaps photos of you two.
He was cutting a lot closer than he wanted to. Granted his initial thought was that there was no way he could make your graduation no matter how much he wanted to, so he knows that the fact he was even able to make it was a miracle. He must’ve only taken five steps into the place the ceremony was being held when he heard your name being called. He couldn’t have felt prouder as he watched you walk across the stage. Seeing your face as you collected your diploma made all the hassle of getting there worth it. 
“Congratulations!” Jungsu came up behind you with flowers as you were talking with some friends after the ceremony. 
“Jungsu! What are you doing here? Don’t you have a schedule to be at right now?” Jungsu smiled. 
“I found a way to make it work. As if I could miss your graduation.” He held out the flowers gesturing for you to take them. Right when his arms are free from the flowers he pulls you into a hug. “I did a good job at surprising you right?” he asked, resting his head on top of yours. You nodded and used your free hand to wrap around his waist. 
“I was gonna call you later to show you my diploma, but this is so much better,” you told him. 
“Come on, let’s go take some pictures.” You didn’t really need pictures though you were definitely always gonna remember this moment.
Jiseok walked as quietly, but also as quickly as he could to not disturbed the ongoing ceremony. 
“Y/n L/n.” He heard your name being announced right when he sat down next to your parents. 
“Perfect timing,” your mom joked. Jiseok chuckled, but he was actually feeling very relieved. He really didn’t want to miss such a big day for you. He watches you walk across the stage in awe. A part of him wonders if this is how you feel when you see him up on stage. He felt so incredibly proud of you. All of your hard work has paid off.
Jiseok stood hiding behind your parents after the ceremony had ended. 
“Y/n we have a surprise for you,” your dad tells you. 
“What is it?” you asked. Looking around you didn’t see anything obvious. 
“Me! Surprise!” Jiseok popped out from behind your parents. 
“Jiseok! What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t make it,” you say. Jiseok comes up to you, taking your hands. 
“I couldn’t, but I figured out how to make it happen at the last minute,” he smiles. He used your link hands to pull you into a hug. “Congratulations, I’m so proud of you,” he whispered into your ear. 
“Thank you and thank you for coming,” you said. “And you two knew?” You pulled away to look at your parents. 
“He called me an hour before the ceremony saying he was on his way and we thought it would be a nice surprise,” your mom tells you.
“It is,” you smile. 
Seugmin’s strides were long as he rushed to the place of your graduation. The second his schedule that was keeping him from attending your graduation got canceled he went running to make it to you in time. It seems like time was actually on his side cause right when he entered the venue he heard your name being called. He was just in time to see you make your way across the stage and collect your diploma. His eyes shone bright as he watched you. This was definitely worth the soreness he would feel in his legs tomorrow. 
“We just graduated why do you look sad y/n?” your friend questioned. 
“I’m not sad. I’m really happy. I just wish that Seungmin could have been here-”
“I am.” You heard an all too familiar voice right next to your ear. 
“Seungmin!” you yelled, turning around and jumping into his arms. Seungmin laughs wholeheartedly. 
“Are you that happy to see me?” he asked playfully.
“Of course I am, but how?” you pulled away from the hug to look at him. 
“My schedule got canceled, so I came running. I got here just in time.”
“So, you saw?” Seungmin nods. 
“I saw you get your diploma,” he says.
“Thank you. It must’ve been hard,” you said. 
“One hundred percent worth it. I’m glad that I got to be here too.” He pulls you in to kiss your head. 
Even though you said that you understood that Hyeongjun couldn’t attend your graduation it still greatly bothered Hyeongjun. He really wanted to be there for you when you graduated. There were some days he hated being an idol. His tight schedule keeping him away from you made one of those days today. However it seemed that luck might have been on his side because one of his schedules got moved.
Hyeongjun couldn’t have been happier standing with your family as he hears your name get called. He felt so proud of you and seeing you walk across the stage almost seemed like a dream. It felt like a dream for you too when you looked over to where you knew your family was and saw Hyeongjun no standing there with them.
“When did you get here?” you asked rushing to Hyeongjun once the ceremony was over. 
“Right before you got called,” he tells you. 
“But how? Aren’t you supposed to be in another country?” you partially laughed. 
“Our schedule got moved and I was able to catch a flight just in time,” he explained. 
“I’m so glad that you’re here.” You snaked your arms around his torso. 
“Me too,” he hugs you back. 
“You’re glad that we’re here too right?” one of your family members joked. You laughed while pulling away from Hyeongjun. 
“Yes, I’m glad you guys are here too.”
“Jooyeon, it's just not possible. I know it sucks, but y/n said they understand right?” Jungsu told his disheartened member. 
“But it’s their graduation.” Jooyeon couldn’t miss your graduation. He swore that he would find a way to attend it somehow. 
Find a way, Jooyeon did. His lungs hate him and he doesn’t even want to think about how his legs are gonna feel tomorrow, but none of that matters right now. Right now all that matters is Jooyeon made it in time to hear your name being called and to see you walk across the stage. He is too busy having a “That’s my significant other” moment to care about anything else.
“Surprise!” Jooyeon shouted, coming up and embracing you in a back hug.
“Jooyeon!” You looked over your shoulder at him in disbelief. 
“Yeah, I made it,” he says. 
“How?” you questioned, turning around in his hold. 
“A magician never reveals their secrets,” he smirked, you chuckled. 
“I guess it doesn’t matter how. I am really happy that you’re here,” you say, holding his hand.
“So am I. I really didn’t want to miss it,” he said. “Here, I got you flowers.” He gives you the slightly crushed bouquet. 
“Thank you.” You take the bouquet from him.
“So your boyfriend did show up?” One of your friends playfully comments as they walk by you. 
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Jooyeon stated and you both know he meant it.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver
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