#koi no kami-sama
potofstewie · 1 year
Approval? Not a Chance
Hey y'all! This is one (3/5) of my submissions for @renhoeku's Rengoku Birthday Month Collab. If you wish to join, then please check out their post regarding the collab! This fic was somewhat inspired by THG:Catching Fire. I wanted to write about Kyojuro from a slightly outside perspective using reader and Shinjuro.
Things to know: angst to comfort, established relationship, platonic!Shinjuro
W/C: 3.1k
not proofread and uploaded at 2am so i apologize for any mistakes
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Kyojuro anxiously fidgeted with the hair tie in his battle worn hands, his worry filled gaze looking in the mirror. Today was a very special day, an extremely special day. Today was the day that Kyojuro Rengoku, your loving and wonderful boyfriend, would finally introduce you to his family. 
Finally putting his hair into a neat ponytail after three failed attempts, your boyfriend sighed softly; wondering how the day would go. He knew that Senjuro would love you, he’d always ask about you in his letters while Kyojuro was away or pester him when he was home. Senjuro was fine. The issue resided in his father. He had brought you up only three times to his father in the past; the first time was to ask for advice on how to ask you out which didn’t turn out too well. All his father said before turning his back to him was a simple yet stern, “My advice? Save her the trouble of dealing with you.” 
The second time was when he informed his father about his successful mission in calling you his girl. The Rengoku senior’s response? “She must be stupid.” It took a bit of willpower and strength for Kyojuro to stop his hand from connecting with his father’s face. The third and final time? Just yesterday when he told him about you coming over to meet. As per usual, his father’s response was nothing but negativity. “Don’t embarrass her, Kyojuro.” 
Whatever that meant. 
With that thought, Kyojuro huffed in slight annoyance as he smoothed out his hakama. He didn’t expect his father to be the cheerful and passionate man he once was, he didn’t expect him to converse with you as if you were his very own daughter. All he wanted, truthfully and realistically, was for his father to say a short greeting and go back to his room. “It’ll be fine. She’ll be fine. I’ll be fine, we’ll be fine.” Kyojuro muttered softly as he watched his eyebrows relax in his reflection, thinking back to when you told him that his eyebrows were one of your favorite things about his body. 
A soft knock resounded on his door, the even softer voice of his brother followed. “Anuie, um, are you ready?” Dear, Kami-Sama. This was the fifth time today that Senjuro had asked him if he was ready, the first time waking him up from his sleep. Kyojuro beamed as he opened the door, incandescent eyes drinking in his brother’s contained excitement that filled his face. He loved his brother, and he absolutely loved how much he loved you. Even though Senjuro only knew you from his letters, it was obvious just how much you meant to his little brother. Senjuro would often dream of you, hugging him and brushing his hair; all the motherly things he didn’t get to experience. 
“Now,” Patting Senjuro’s head, he walked past his brother and closed the door, “I’m ready.” A giant smile instantly grew on Senjuro’s face as he followed his older brother to the front gate, happiness radiating off of his small frame. As Kyojuro fixed the zori on his feet, Senjuro gave him a small blue box; golden koi fish and cranes decorated it. 
“This is for her, Anuie. Make sure to not eat it before you get there.” Senjuro warned, evoking a hearty laugh from his Anuie. Senjuro didn’t understand what was so funny. He was finally gonna meet you and he wanted to make a good first impression but his brother thought this was a laughing matter! 
“I feel like you’re more excited today than me, Senjuro. If I wasn’t so wise I’d even say you’d wanna date her!” Seeing Senjuro’s face dawn a bright red shade, Kyojuro folded his arms in amusement and understanding. “Don’t worry, she already thinks highly of you. And I’ll make sure to not eat your gift. I promise.” 
Senjuro simply nodded before shooing his brother onto the street. “J-Just hurry up, I still have a lot to do in the kitchen.” And with his brother’s final words, Kyojuro embarked on his journey to your house, heart fluttering with both excitement and worry with each step. 
Shutting the door behind his brother, Senjuro released a small sigh, anxiety running through his veins. He truly wanted today to go well, he didn’t want you to run off at the sight of their broken family. Turning around, Senjuro jumped in surprise as he saw his father lean against the wall, sharp eyes gazing at the door. “Father, you startled me, I didn’t expect you to be there.” 
“She should just dump him.” He said gruffly, crossing his arms. Senjuro blinked, taken aback by his father’s words. 
“What- do you mean, Father?” He inquired, nervous hands gripping his hakama. Shinjuro grunted before walking off. 
“She’d be better off if she stopped wasting her time with him. All he’ll do is bring her down.” Was all he said to a shocked and albeit hurt, Senjuro. He knew about the opinions his father held against his sons and was familiar with them every time he went on a drunken spiel, but to hear him say that regarding his older brother’s lover was something he didn’t expect. Sighing and walking towards the kitchen, Senjuro just hoped his father was wrong and that things would work out.
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Kyojuro  released a soft chuckle at the scene that unfolded before him. Next to him on the edge of the engawa, you looked at Senjuro with so much patience and care as he stuttered in trying to converse with you. His face was beet red as he tried to share with you his hobbies, the boy’s eyes looking anywhere but you. You, on the other hand, thought it was all adorable; seeing a miniature Kyojuro all bashful and shy, the complete opposite of the actual Kyojuro. 
The day so far had gone as smoothly as any of you had hoped for. Although you were a bit disappointed in not meeting Kyojuro’s father, you did understand their situation and sympathized; who wouldn’t go in a depressive state after losing the love of their life? In fact, if you were being absolutely honest, you’d probably be stuck in such a state if Kyojuro died. Then again, you were also a bit grateful that he hadn’t appeared all now; the memories of Kyojuro informing you of his father’s stern demeanor entering your mind. 
Taking another sip of his tea, Kyojuro watched with love filled eyes as you softly reassured Senjuro and patted his head; the young boy nearly crumbling at the action. He knew the two of you would get along perfectly, but not this perfect. You being in the Rengoku estate was like a new light had entered a dark and damp cave, warming up the cold earth. For the first time in a long time, his home felt full, complete, put back together. 
“Y-Yes but if I had to choose, pickled plums would be- father!” Senjuro’s explanation was cut short as the abrupt arrival of their father sucked out the air around you, the once engulfing warmth being replaced with mind numbing coldness. Kyojuro whipped his head around to see a look of absolute disapproval in his father’s sharp features; his eyes looking at his eldest before resting on your now nervous façade. Standing up, you wiped your hands on your kimono before bowing. 
“Rengoku-Sama, i-it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I am-” Your nervous introduction was cut short by Shinjuro, his battle worn hand raising itself to stop you. Your breath hitched at his motion, what if he already hated you? Was it because you wore the wrong attire? Or was it simply because he was one of those old men that didn’t think those younger than them should speak out of turn? Oh, Kami-Sama, you thought. Just let him be upset at my attire and nothing else. 
“I know who you are. I’m only telling you this for your own good; you’re making a mistake.” He stated, sharp incandescent eyes swimming with multitudes of emotion. As you slowly processed his cryptic words, you began to dissect the mixed look he gave you. His face carried nothing but annoyance but his eyes, his eyes held worry, nostalgia and..sorrow? What did he mean by this? Surely, he meant that it would be a mistake to love someone with a higher, more noble status than you, right? Sucking air through your teeth, you watched as Kyojuro asked the very question on your mind, confusion and barely hidden hurt laced in his eyes. 
“What do you mean, Father?” He asked in an abnormally soft voice, searching for any hint or answer in his father’s features. He didn’t understand. His father barely knew you, just your name and that you make his son trip over his own feet and disrupt his concentration breathing by giving him a simple smile. You held so much power over him and that wasn’t a bad thing, right? His father was like that when his mother was alive, hell he was probably a bigger love-sick fool than he let on. 
“I meant what I said. She should be smart enough to figure it out. You know what we are, don’t you y/n? You understand perfectly and you’d be a fool to do anything but follow my words.” He said gruffly, eyes searching your face for the moment you figured it out; the moment you met him on the same wavelength. Without waiting for a proper response or question from any of you, Shinjuro left the engawa, leaving behind the three of you in a perplexed stupor. 
With a slight frown, Kyojuro stood up and bowed. “I’m really sorry, y/n. My father he- you shouldn’t take his words to heart, he’s just-” Sighing and admitting defeat for lack of reasoning, he sank down to the wooden floor once more, a reassuring smile on his lips and saddened eyes resting on the sunset before turning to you, rough hands encasing your own. “I just didn’t think he’d leave his room. But never mind that, I should take you back home now, before it gets dark.” 
You gave him a slight nod and that soft smile he absolutely adored, your heart banging with twinged sorrow and hope. At least he didn’t think lowly of you and went into a drunken rage. Senjuro rested his hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Anuie is right, father’s words can get a bit jumbled up when he's not all there. I’ll go pack you some snacks to bring home.” Shooting a narrowed gaze at his elder brother, his next words were laced with a cold warning. “Do not eat them on the way there, Anuie.” Hissing his words to his older brother, Senjuro quickly left for the kitchen, his eyes not leaving his brother until he was out of view. 
Chuckling, Kyojuro rubbed the back of his neck. “He really does cherish you, I’d say he likes you a bit more than me!” You released a quick, short breath, humoring your boyfriend’s comment as your mind traveled elsewhere. You knew what his family was, what they were known for by those who did the same line of work. You knew and saw the potential dangers Kyojuro’s occupation entailed; evident by the couple of nights he would stumble into your home battered and bruised. You thought it was amazing and down right inspirational, seeing your boyfriend carry the torch from his father and ancestors with pride and dignity. At times you even envied him, possessing practically unlimited stamina and burning passion to fight for the weak. 
Getting up, Kyojuro outstretched his hand for you to take, helping you up with ease. “Let’s get going, Sunflower. I can carry you all the way home if you wish.” Kyojuro ushered, gently pulling you along but stopping as he felt you stay in place. You had a hunch, based on Shinjuro’s words. He was a stern man, and from what Kyojuro had said about him from when he was a child, one that upheld a code of honor and justice. He and his wife were together for a while, managing to have two wonderful children in their time. His mother must’ve fretted over her husband every time he was out on a mission. Could that be the reasoning behind Shinjuro’s cryptic yet crystal clear words? Was he asking you to not be worried over his son?
“Kyojuro, wait, please.” You said, your short spell of silence finally broken. With a cocked eyebrow, Kyojuro looked at you with curiosity and tender love.
“Hm? What is it?” You let go of his hand as you dithered, the warmth leaving your hands as you were unsure how your request would come off. 
“I wish to speak to your father,” Kyojuro’s face quickly morphed into one of utter confusion and bewilderment. “It’s just for a moment and then we can go.” You bit your lip as you watched the gears in your boyfriend’s head turn, clearly thinking hard about his answer. “Just show me to his room, I want to talk to him about something important.” 
“Regarding his words?” Kyojuro asked as you nodded quickly to his question. Looking down the corridor his father disappeared down, he sighed softly. “Alright, I’ll take you to him. But, I cannot predict anything he says so if he says anything brash, just ignore it.” He complied, grabbing your hand again before guiding you down the darkening hallway. Stopping in front of the closed screen door, Kyojuro knocked on the wood. 
“Father, y/n would like to say goodbye before we leave.” Opening the door, Kyojuro revealed to you a depressing scene; his father sitting and facing the darkening sky, his back being the only thing greeting you both. Entering the room, you shut the door behind you, a quiet yet clear signal that what you had to say was between you and his father.
Sitting down at the door, your senses soaked in the lingering scent of sake and the chill of the room. For a few pensive moments, it was silent. Shinjuro didn’t turn around as you shuffled closer and closer, finally stopping next to him. “Rengoku-Sama?” You called as you watched his sharp eyes continue to gaze out, not bothering to give you any attention. “Rengoku-Sama, you’re concerned, aren’t you? Concerned about me and how I’d manage if Kyojuro die-”
“When he dies. When.” He corrected quickly. “The damned idiot is destined to die early. It would’ve been one thing to die and not leave anyone that loves him behind but now you’re in the picture. And he’s an idiot for making you face such a possibility.” And with his last words, he looked at you, eyes swimming with sympathy. “I was an idiot for making Ruka worry every time I left, always waiting for a crow to tell her I died. I wouldn’t wish that on you. I don’t want that for you.” You blinked in slight shock, drinking in his words. “You seem like an alright person, someone that deserves the best, normal life possible. This isn’t normal. Having the one you love risk their life nearly every night fighting demons, isn’t normal.” He finished, fingers weaving and cracking themselves as he waited for your response. 
You had to admit, you thought about the daunting possibility of Kyojuro dying on a mission, worried to hear his crow tell you the news of him dying with honor. His work life wasn’t an ideal one, especially when considering the domestic dream you both shared. But, that’s also what you loved about him. How he was able to protect people from what goes bump in the night, to be able to stare right at the perpetrators of inhuman cruelty and live to tell the tale. How he managed to see terrifying scenes of men, women and children killed and blood splattered everywhere yet still uphold that tantalizing smile that seemed to warm everything around it. 
“I..understand what you mean.” You spoke softly, a small smile gracing your lips. “I get a bit afraid too whenever he’s away. I try not to think about it  but the fear is always there. I’ve also thought about the possibility of him dying as well and if I were to be honest, I might not take it too well.” Shinjuro’s eyes widened a bit, taken aback by your honesty. “However, I think that just goes to show how much I love him, don't you think? To love someone so much that them reaching the end of their short life span would be absolutely devastating. But, I think the manner in which he dies will make me feel very proud.” 
Your smile grew a bit wider as you looked out to the sky. “Kyojuro is a man who upholds a strong sense of duty and justice. He believes that protecting the weak from those that misuse their strength is his birthright and I admire him for that. He truly understands the weight his righteous mission brings on his shoulders. He appreciates the little things in life. So, for him to die in battle, would be the best way he could die.” Looking again at Shinjuro, you took in his slightly furrowed eyebrows; sake drenched mind trying its best to take in your words. “I’m okay, not being able to live a normal life with a normal man. I love the extraordinary aspects of life, I fell in love with an extraordinary man! And I wouldn’t trade that in for nothing.” 
Standing up, you brushed off your kimono, nimble fingers running over the detailed fabric. “Rengoku-Sama, thank you for being concerned about my future and worrying about what’s best for me. You truly are a nice person. But you needn’t worry anymore. I’ll be alright, I promise. Take care, now.” You said softly, finally leaving Shinjuro to his lonesome as you left the room. 
Hearing yours and Kyojuro’s footsteps recede down the hall, the elder Rengoku sighed, mulling over your endearing words about his son. He hadn’t really thought about it in that way; having death in battle be the most optimal and respectful end to his son’s life. Instead, he used to see it as a way to show how weak a slayer was, a way to show to the world how talentless the person was while alive. Shinjuro felt his lips curl ever so slightly at the thought of you. The once chilled room seemed to flood with embracing warmth as Shinjuro’s gaze fell on the lone headstone under the blue wisteria.
“Kyojuro really did choose a good one, right Ruka?”
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ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ʙɪɴᴅ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴏᴛᴏꜰꜱᴛᴇᴡɪᴇ™ 2023
Tags: @ledafox @yuuuriiinaa-chaaannn @gingerspicelattemix @mitsuris-pussy
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hellopersimmonpie · 1 year
Dulu tuh gue socially awkward banget. Sekarang udah nggak terlalu 😂 Kapan hari tuh ada kejadian lucu. Jadi gue kan dinas luar kota dan bawa koper. Nah sebelum itu, tangan gue keseleo dan gue harus naikin koper ke mobil.
Di deket gue, ada dosen dari prodi lain yang single dan awkward banget sama dosen yang masih single 😂 Gue tuh ga kenal-kenal banget sebenernya. Cuman waktu itu gue bolak-balik nyoba naikin koper dan ga bisa-bisa karena tangan gue susah dipake angkat. Akhirnya gue setengah ngomel sambil bilang:
"Eh lu bantuin napa? Tangan gue sakit 😒"
"Eh iya mbak"
"Besok-besok kalo lihat orang kesulitan gitu bantuin. Astagaa"
Di kesempatan lain, gue tuh pulang dan mau presensi dulu di fingerprint. Pas gue turun dari ruangan, ada dosen baru. Single juga. Dia presensi dulu di fingerprint. Gue ngelihat ke sebelah, ternyata tuh dosen nungguin gue. Habis gitu kami jalan bareng ke parkiran sambil basa-basi. Baru habis gitu tuh dosen nanya:
"Maaf Bu, saya belum tau nama Ibu. Nama Ibu siapa?"
Akhirnya kami kenalan.
Gue ga nulis ini di genre romance dst sih. Cuman yang mau gue highlight di sini adalah....
Mungkin kita sebagai single tuh capek banget dijodohin sana-sini ato takut random ada orang baru yang naksir ke kita. Gue relate dengan perasaan-perasaan semacam itu. Cuman kayaknya kita perlu belajar mengesampingkan hal semacam itu. Mingle aja sama yang lain. Belum tentu orang baru tuh beneran naksir kamu kok. Belum tentu juga mereka jodoh kamu. Ga semua orang single di dunia ini perlu dimasukkan list sebagai orang yang potensial di mata kamu.
Yaudah santai aja. Kalo udah waktunya, datang sendiri 😅
Gue sih makin kesini tuh memperlakukan semua orang sebagai temen aja.
Habis ngobrol sama dosen yang gue temuin di fingerprint tadi, gue jadi dapat pelajaran juga sih tentang gimana kita memulai basa-basi dengan kolega yang baru kenal. Nggak buruk juga kalo kita nungguin orang lain biar bisa jalan bareng dan ngobrol, nungguin orang buat bantu nutup pintu, bantuin orang yang kesulitan angkat barang. Gesture-gesture kayak gitu ngebuat kita terlihat tulus dan ramah.
Minggu lalu juga ada mahasiswa yang ngasih gue key caps keyboard. Kami emang udah biasa ngobrol bareng. Pas ngasih key caps, dia tuh bilang gini:
"Bu, saya tuh suka crafting. Kalo lagi capek biasanya saya nyari tutorial aneh-aneh di youtube. Kemarin saya bikin key caps dari resin. Ini lucu lho Bu. Ada gambar ikan koi-nya. Kalo ditaruh keyboard bisa menyala 😁 Ibu mau nggak? saya pasangin ya di keyboard Ibu"
Jadilah sekarang tuh keycap terpasang di keyboard gue. Tuh mahasiswa juga akhirnya ngajarin gue gimana ngerawat keyboard mekanik.
Gue tuh tetep introvert dan privat sih. Tapi gue memandang bahwa melatih diri untuk tidak awkward, ngobrol banyak hal dengan gesture yang tulus, dan berusaha berkomunikasi assertive tuh ternyata banyak manfaatnya. Makin kita mengenal banyak orang, kita mungkin bakal nemu orang-orang yang asshole gitu. Tapi di sisi lain, orang baik tuh juga banyak banget kok 😃
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maleyanderecafe · 11 months
Hiya :D Just leaving a recommendation, the manga ‘Kami-sama ga Koi wo shiro to Itte iru!’/‘ God is Telling Me to Fall in Love’ has a yandere!
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I actually do have this one in my drafts because Cherry recommended this to me a while ago, and it's really good! They also made another shoujo I quite liked, and they're really knocking it out of the park this time. I will say though that currently the yandere only really appears in one chapter since the main character is sort of avoiding him, so I might just have to wait until I reach that point in the manga, since she's aiming for his route last.
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desudog · 6 months
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Masato 真人 . He/it. Cisgender-ish
my cohost for a slower lifestyle blogger
read and in process of reading vns:
Togainu No Chi
Sweet Pool
Dramatical Murder
Slow Damage
Hadaka Shitsuji
Koshotengai no Hashihime
Absolute Obedience
Tokyo Onmyouji (started reading but deleted a few months ago to revisit sometime...)
To read list
Beyond Eden (in library)
Saya No Uta (in library)
Seiyuu Danshi (in library)
Suki Na Mono Wa Suki Dakara Shouganai Shōganai (in library, struggling with missing font turning all text box characters into "...")
The Language of Love (in library)
The Divine Speaker (in library)
UuultraC (in library)
Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~
Gore Screaming Show
Anagan Oyako
Club Suicide
Siren's Call
Dialogue with Death
Ayakashi Akashi
invisible sign -Isu-
Onegai♪ Goshujin-sama!
Tenmusu!? ~Tonikaku Yoku Korobu Dojikko-tachi~
Heart Fragment
Nekoneko Mistress
Maggot baits
pet (dev: ikuraotome出版)
Sakura Yuki
parallel b-shadow
Lemures Blue no Gozen 2 Ji
Omega Vampire
Love Mission
Minna de Nyan Nyan
24-ji, Kimi no Heart wa Nusumareru ~Kaitou Jade~
1K (dev: cocoscocos)
Ai to Yokubou wa Gakuen de ~Karei Naru Yoru no Butoukai~
Angel Knight
Akiiro Onmyouji
Akai Yoru, Hoshi no Sasayaki o Kike
Ao to Ao no Sekai
Ariard -Shounen Alice-
Silver Chaos
Artificial Mermaid -Silver Chaos II-
Aru Fukou ni Miirareta Seinen to no 7 Kakan
Ayakashi Ren'ai Kitan ~Kami-sama no Dashikata~
Bakeneko Senri wa Ai o Shiranai (you can even play it in browser)
Bokura wa Minna, Koi o Suru ~Nous Tous chute dans l'amour.~
Dareka Ore o Koroshite Kudasai.
Crying Game (dev: FUNKY☆CANDY)
CROSS script
Choukui no Hana
Dolly Night
Hanamachi Monogatari
Graduation ~ Sotsugyou
Hoshinagaru Sora
Kamisama no Hitsugi
Kago no Naka no Serenade
Kichiku Megane
Kimi to Koi ni Ochiru Toki
Koiiro no Enogu
Kuu no Mori ~Tsuioku no Sumu Yakata~
Kuro no Tsuki Gaiden ~Gen'ya no Sho~
MAYHEM (dev: nightare syndrome)
Nie no Machi
Nonke Ippatsu Tabehoudai
Parallel World in the Dream
Sei Crain Gakuen
Shounen-tachi no Byoutou
Stamp Out
Souten no Tobira
Tenshi-tachi no Lunch Time
Tayutau Toki
Wings Innocent
Fukushuu Teikoku
Omertà ~Chinmoku no Okite~
Angel's Feather
Blue Pain ブルーペイン
Boukyaku no Numa
DRAGEE ~Tenshi no Tamago~
Friendly lab
HEAVEN ~ Tobenai Tori
Kase no Shiro (unfinished but gorgous...)
Laughter Land
Petit Fleur -Oka o Wataru Crystal no Kaze-
Ryuuguu Gaimu ~Garasu no Naka no Tsubasa~
Shinkon-san ~Sweet Sweet Honeymoon~
Spring Flower
Help me. I am a 8 year old boy living in the illegitimate Yankee Capitalist regime. President Xi, our shelves are empty and we are hungry. I am asking you to liberate my state of Connecticut with your Chengdu J-20 Stealth air superiority fighters and your Dongfeng 41 Missiles.
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cleaetpauline60 · 2 years
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These are all of my Heroine Otome Game posts. If he misses a heroine please let me know in PM. ;) Thanks ! List #2 here : https://cleaetpauline60.tumblr.com/post/692736430000291840/these-are-all-of-my-heroine-otome-game-posts-if
Abe Kaguya [ Furue Yurayura to ]
Aigasaki Kohana [ Magic Kyun! Renaissance ]
Aika [ RE:VICE[D] ]
Aikawa Chihiro [ Clover Toshokan no Juunin-tachi ]
Aileen Olazabal [ Arabians Lost ]
Airei [ Souten no Kanata ]
Airi [ Kami-sama to Koigokoro ]
Airi [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Airis Riedel [ Lost Alice ]
Aizaki Koi [ Himehibi -Princess Days- ]
Akagami Mashiro [ Kyoukai no Shirayuki ]
Akane Rin [ Ayakashi Gohan ]
Akazawa Karen [ Mashou Megane ]
Aki Miyazu [ Kanuchi ]
Akino Minori [ Step -Futari no Kankei wa Ippo Zutsu- ]
Akitsu Shino [ Dairoku: Ayakashimori ]
Alice [ Ikemen Kakumei ]
Alice Liddell [ Heart no Kuni no Alice ]
Alicia Hildegarde [ Mahoutsukai to Goshujin-sama ]
Amahashi Miku [ Garnet Cradle ]
Amamine Mika [ DesperaDrops ]
Amane Aika [ I DOLL U ]
Amano Hina [ Blackish House ]
Amano Nanao [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 7 ]
Amasawa Akari [ Sympathy Kiss ]
Amelia [ Death Connection ]
Anastasia Lynzel [ even if TEMPEST ]
Andou Serika [ Last Escort 2 ]
Anesaki Nozomi [ Watashi no Real wa Juujitsu Shisugiteiru ]
Ange [ Angelique Etoile ]
Ange [ Angelique Luminarise ]
Angelique Collete [ Angelique Special 2 ]
Angelique [ Angelique Retour ]
Angelique [ Neo Angelique ]
Anna Hiiragi [ Lucian Bee’s ]
Anzaki Kaoru [ Tsumikui ]
Aqua [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Arashiyama Mari [ Storm Lover 2nd ]
Aria Austin [ Vinculum Hearts ]
Arisu Yurika [ Taishou x Alice ]
Aru [ Princess Arthur ]
Asagi Akira [ Scared Rider Xechs ]
Asagi Haru [ Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku ]
Asagiri Kanna [ Hanaoni ]
Asahina Yui [ Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra ]
Ashe [ Under the Moon ]
Ashihara Chihiro [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 4 ]
Aspashia [ Desert Kingdom ]
Atano Rio [ Dynamic Chord ]
Awaki Kotone [ Gensou Kissa Enchanté ]
Ayase Yuki [ Sachi no Tenbin ]
Ayashi no Miya [ Ayashi no Miya ]
Ayazuki Mei [ Meiji Tokyo Renka ]
Azumi Ritsu [ Tengai ni Mau, Iki na Hana ]
Canna [ Arcana Famiglia Collezione! Piccola Amore ]
Cardia Beckford [ Code: Realize ]
Catarina Claes [ Otome Game no Hametsu Flag ]
Cecilia Falias Temirana [ Temirana Koku no Tsuiteru Hime to Tsuitenai Kishi Dan ]
Ceres [ Shuuen no Virche ]
Charlotte [ Zettai Meikyuu Himitsu no Oyayubi-hime ]
Chihiro [ Tokyo Yamanote Boys ]
Chikage [ Genji Koi Emaki ]
Chloe Sheffield [ Princess Britania ]
Chocolat Meilleure [ Sugar Sugar Rune: Koi mo Oshare mo Pick-Up! ]
Christina Ranzaad [ The Second Reproduction ]
Christine Daaé [ PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~ ]
Claire Eithéa [ Orfleurs ]
Cocoro [ Re: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Collete [ Riddle Garden ]
Cyrus Tistella [ Steam Prison ]
D'Artagnan [ Musketeer: Le Sang des Chevaliers ]
Diana el Circled [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Eleanor Vert [ Ai no Uta ]
Elise Scarlet [ 0 Ji no Kane to Cinderella ]
Emily [ Eikoku Tantei Mysteria ]
Emma [ Genso Manège ]
Emma [ Ikemen Ouji ]
Enma Rin [ Tengoku Struggle ]
Eri [ Nameless ~Dangsin-i Gieoghaeya Hal Dan Hangajiui Geos~ ]
Erica Fleur [ Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata ]
Erika Arenia [ Kazeiro Surf ]
Erika Klause [ Tanbi Musou Meine Liebe ]
Eve [ Clepsydra ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Felicità [ Arcana Famiglia ]
Fiona Galland [ Black Wolves Saga ]
Fraulein Gilbell [ Meine Liebe II ~Hokori to Seigi to Ai~ ]
Fujieda Neri [ Zettai Kaikyuu Gakuen ]
Fujii Kanako [ Torikago no Marriage ]
Fujimori Saya [ Hiiro no Kakera - Shin Tamayorihime Denshou ]
Fujioka Haruhi [ Ouran Koukou Host Club ]
Fujisaki Futaba [ Fortissimo ]
Fujishima Nanako [ Shinobazu Seven ]
Fujishiro Mao [ Cafe Cuillere ]
Fujiwara Mei [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Fujiwara Miki [ Tsuki no Hikari, Taiyou no Kage ]
Fuka [ Ozmafia!! ]
Futaba Chitose [ Seishun Hajimemashita ]
Futami Nina [ Dynamic Chord ]
Fuyuura Megumi [ Getsuei no Kusari ]
Genjou [ S.Y.K  ]
Gerda [ Snow Bound Land ]
Gojou Saki [ Sakuragatari ]
Hairi Lalique [ Cendrillon palikA ]
Hanamaki Ichiko [ 7′scarlet ]
Hanamiya Kazuha [ Period Cube ]
Hanasaka Airi [ Star's Lover "ReaKoi" Datte, Ii Janai! ]
Hanna Ellington [ Will o’ Wisp ]
Haruno Sayuri [ Bonjour♪ Koiaji Pâtisserie ]
Hasumi Yuki [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 5 ]
Hatanaka Tomoe [ Money Parasite ]
Hayama Haruho [ Photograph Journey ]
Hayama Tsubasa [ Kaleido-Eve ]
Henrietta Grimm [ Zettai Meikyuu Grimm ]
Heroine [ Amnesia ]
Heroine [ Doubt ~Usotsuki Otoko wa Dare?~ ]
Heroine [ Guang Yu Ye Zhi Lian ]
Heroine [ Ikemen Genjiden ]
Heroine [ Mystic Messenger ]
Heroine [ RearPheles ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou 2 ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou! ]
Hidetomi Misawo [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ]
Hiiragi Miu [ Dynamic Chord ]
Hiiragi Noriko [ KoiGIG ]
Hijiri Futaba [ Bloody Call ]
Himeko [ Kannou Mukashibanashi ]
Himemiya Nagisa [ Royals ~Itoshi no Ouji-sama~ ]
Himeno Kyouko [ Glass Heart Princess ]
Himeoka Kokoro [ Miss Princess Miss Pri! ]
Hinagiku [ Utakata no Uchronia ]
Hinamori Amu [ Shugo Chara! Mittsu no Tamago to Koisuru Joker ]
Hinata Ema [ Brothers Conflict ]
Hino Kahoko [ Kin'iro no Corda ]
Hinohira Aoi [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Hinokami Chie [ Hitofuta Kitan ]
Horikita Yuki [ Harajuku Tantei Gakuen Steel Wood ]
Hoshino Ichika [ Collar x Malice ]
Hotaru [ Geten no Hana ]
Ichi [ Hana Oboro ]
Ichigo [ Koroshiya to Strawberry ]
Ichijou Shiori [ School Wars ]
Ichikawa Tsuyuha [ Shiratsuyu no Kai ]
Igarashi Yuna [ Storm Lover ]
Ilza [ Yoiyo Mori no Hime ]
Inafune Saki [ Bakudan★Handan ]
Inori [ Side Kicks! ]
Inuzuka Shino [ Satomi Hakkenden ]
Iori Saya [ Asaki, Yumemishi ]
Isshiki Misa [ 9 R.I.P. ]
Iris [ Eternal Wish ]
Itou Aki [ Panic Palette ]
Itou Ayako [ Diary ]
Izumi Shio [ Walpurgis no Uta ]
Izumo [ Hyakka Yakou ]
Jed [ Haitaka no Psychedelica ]
Julia [ Moujuu-tachi to Ohime-sama ]
Juliet Capulet [ Romeo vs Juliet ]
Kagurazaka Kaname [ Houkago wa Gin no Shirabe ]
Kaguya [ Jooubachi no Oubou ]
Kamikawa Nanami [ Himehibi -New Princess Days- ]
Kamiki Sakuya [ Kaminaru Kimi to ]
Kan'u [ Jyuzaengi ]
Kanna Isora [ Pandora ~Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru~ ]
Kanno Hotori [ Un: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Kanome Chisato [ Byakko Tai ]
Kanzaki Asuna [ Rakuen Danshi ~Dare mo Shiranai Mou Hitotsu no Rakuen~ ]
Kanzaki Hina [ Butterfly Lip ]
Kashino Zakuro [ Sweet Clown ]
Kashiwagi Kira [ Mizu no Senritsu 2 ]
Kasuga Nozomi [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 3 ]
Kasuga Tamaki [ Hiiro no Kakera ]
Katagiri Kaede [ Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu ]
Katagiri Kanade [ Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi ]
Kataoka Yue [ Marginal #4 ]
Katsuki Sayu [ Enkan no Memoria ]
Kawai Marika [ Ohime-sama datte XXX Shitai!! ]
Kawana Hina [ Bad Medicine ]
Kayana Takamahara [ Kanuchi ]
Kayano Yuuna [ Arcobaleno! ]
Kayo [ Ken ga Kimi ]
Keika [ Kimi ga Tame, Koishi Midareshi Tsuki no Hana ]
Kidou Saya [ Sengoku Himeuta ]
Kim Heejung [ Dandelion ~Neoege Buneun Baram~ ]
Kinami Mizuki [ Kannagi no Mori ]
Kinoshita Tomoe [ Sangoku Rensenki Sakigake ]
Kirishima Kozue [ Urakata Hakuouki ]
Kirishita Konoha [ Dynamic Chord ]
Kisakino Emi [ Himehibi Another Princess Days ]
Kitamori Manami [ Vitamin Z ]
Kiyoha [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ~Ougiya Hen~ ]
Kobayashi Mariko [ Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden Gaiden: Kagami no Miko ]
Koharu [ NORN9 ]
Kohinata Kanade [ Kin'iro no Corda 3 ]
Koihana Sora [ Koi no Hanasaku Hyakkaen ]
Koizumi Akane [ Gakuen Club ]
Koizumi Saki [ Jingi Naki Otome ]
Kojou Shio [ D.C. Girl’s Symphony ]
Kokura An [ Otome Ken Musashi ]
Komori Yui [ Diabolik Lovers ]
Konohana Saya [ Gakuen K ]
Kouda Saya [ Custom Drive ]
Kousaka Amane [ Teikoku Kaleido ]
Kozuki Erena [ Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic ]
Kuga Mikoto [ NORN9 ]
Kurihara Misako [ Purelover Flavor ]
Kuromon Sumi [ Shinigami Kagyou ]
Kuronuma Sawako [ Kimi ni Todoke ~Sodateru Omoi~ ]
Kurou Nadeshiko [ Clock Zero ]
Kurumi Haruka [ Moshi, Kono Sekai ni Kami-sama ga Iru to suru Naraba ]
Kusanagi Yui [ Kamigami no Asobi ]
Kuze Tsugumi [ Nil Admirari no Tenbin ]
Lapis Idocrase [ Majestic☆Majolical ]
Latchia Fielitz [ Tokeijikake no Apocalypse ]
Lied [ Heiligenstadt no Uta ]
Liese [ Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite ]
Liliana Adornato [ Piofiore no Banshou ]
Lilith [ Beyond The Future ]
Lily [ Solomon’s Ring ]
Lisa Bernet [ Grimm the Bounty Hunter ]
Little Dracula [ Princess Nightmare ]
Liv Tresor [ Kuroyuki Hime ~Snow Black~ ]
Lucette Riella Britton [ Cinderella Phenomenon ]
Lucia Sol [ Chronostacia ]
Luciel Evlis [ Black Code ]
Lulu [ Wand of Fortune ]
Lumina [ Soshite Kono Sora ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta ]
Luna [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Lydia Greene [ Mermaid Gothic ]
Lynette Mirror [ Cupid Parasite ]
Lynn Darcy [ Amour Sucré ]
68 notes · View notes
nqusi · 11 months
ono kousuke - gokushufudou
sano yuto - gokurakugai
nafuse ft. ayamura kirihito - rebuild world
nisioisin ft oh!great - bakemonogatari
kohske - gangsta.
zakk/ishie hachi - canis: the speaker
toboso yana - kuroshitsuji
mochizuki jun - crimson shell / pandora hearts / vanitas' carte
ogata tomio - devil may cry -visions of v-
koga kei - brutal
scarlet beriko - jealousy
ctk - never good enough
shinou ryo - zetsubou ni nake
hontoku - office no hyou
moriyama ena - kono ai wa itan
hinohara meguru - kami-sama no uroko
haru ni inazuma - until the obedient bodyguard exposes the fake lady
kona - the nonstalgia in the boudoir of lanyan
crow - kami danomi kon-katsu
chizu aoi - gokudou to omega
unazuki kou ft. clione/kurione - danzai no bishou
foxies ft. clione/kurione - gamanshinaide hades-sama
okawa mihara - kyuuketsuki wa shinzo no yume wo miru
fukuda shinichi - sono bisque doll wa koi wo suru
ootori nana - may I ask for 1 final thing
hagiwara daisuke - nenene
unknown - a nun who sins
nekoda - akuyaku reijou to kichiku kishi
rororogi mogera - k-ko to yamioji
kitty and spices ft. orka - a stepmother's märchen
your april ft. haegi - kill the villainess
doori ft. paldu - depths of malice
brothers without a tomorrow - taming the tiger
eeej - the abyss / limited run
haribo - mad dog
chokam - this marriage will fail anyway
of jin - the tainted half
mas - this witch of mine
alpha tart - men of the harem
oldxian - one day
zhang jing - ayeshah's secret
fa ji te - aisha
yofune shibue - kurotori no shuujin \overwatch dj\
zakiko - gomi to kuzu \dangan ronpa dj\
ikujinashi no fetishist - mato shanghai no shounen \joker game dj\
link click
grisaia series
death parade
trigun stampede
guilty crown
yuri! on ice
aobuta: seishun buta yarou wa bunnygirl-senpai no yume wo minai
zetsuen no tempest
bungou stray dogs
yozakura quartet
cuticle tantei inaba
binbougami ga!
liang bu yi
emiya-san chi no kyou no gohan
arcana famiglia
「 GAME 」
detroit: become human
no bodies
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 months
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Edomae ELF[江戸前エルフ]
The Mononoke Journal by Shuzenji-sensei[中禅寺先生物怪講義録 先生が謎を解いてしまうから。]
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Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan[しかのこのこのここしたんたん]
A, Sore Pon desu![あ、それポンです!]
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WILD YOUNGLADY APPEARED!![あ! 野生のお嬢様がとびだしてきた!!]
Itsumo Baka ni shitekuru Bishoujo-tachi to Zetsuen shitara, Jitsu wa Ore no Koto ga Daisuki Datta you da.[いつも馬鹿にしてくる美少女たちと絶縁したら、 実は俺のことが大好きだったようだ。]
Do you swear to center me?[私をセンターにすると誓いますか?]
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URAHARA Joushi no USAGI ga Poron[ウラハラ上司のウサギがぽろん]
Who Killed "OKUDERA SHO"?[誰が奥寺翔を殺したのか?]
Sharty and the City of Alchemists[シャディと錬金術の町]
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Record of Highserk War[ハイセルク戦記]
OFF-kai Shitara Tonde mo nai Yatsu ga Kita Hanashi[オフ会したらとんでもないやつが来た話]
Joso shite OFF-kai ni Sanka shitemita[女装してオフ会に参加してみた。]
Eh! TAMER wa Tsukaenaitte PARTY kara Tsuiho shita yo ne?[え、テイマーは使えないってパーティから追放したよね?]
Wagamama Oujo ni Tsukaeta Bannoushitsuji, Tonari no Teikoku de Saikyou no Gunjin ni Nariagari Musousuru[わがまま王女に仕えた万能執事、隣の帝国で最強の軍人に成り上がり無双する]
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Roku-hime wa Kami Goei ni Koi wo Suru[六姫は神護衛に恋をする]
VIRUS Tensei kara Hajimaru Isekai Kansen Monogatari[ウイルス転生から始まる異世界感染物語]
"Kukuku...... Yatsu wa Shitennou no Naka demo Saijaku"[「ククク……。奴は四天王の中でも最弱」]
AROU(ND) FOR(TY) Eigyou-MAN, Isekai ni Tatsu![アラフォー営業マン、異世界に起つ!]
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Oshi ga Shinda no de TIME LEAP shite Seizon ROUTE Kakuho shimasu![推しが死んだのでタイムリープして生存ルート確保します!]
Hazure SKILL《Kinomi MASTER》[外れスキル《木の実マスター》]
Dantoudai ni Kieta Densetsu no Akujo, Nidome no Jinsei de wa Gariben Jimi Megane ni Natte Heion wo Nozomu[断頭台に消えた伝説の悪女、二度目の人生ではガリ勉地味眼鏡になって平穏を望む]
Outaishi-sama, Watashi Kondo Koso Anata ni Korosaretakunain desu![王太子様、私今度こそあなたに殺されたくないんです! ]
MADA MANIAU![まだ間に合う!]
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Considering I'm being forced into the villainous rich girl role, I will first eat some porridge.[強制的に悪役令嬢にされていたのでまずはおかゆを食べようと思います。]
Suiyou Kyoudai[水曜姉弟]
I Never Thought I Would Be Living on My Own[私がひとりで生きてくなんて]
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Utsu Kon!![ウツ婚!! ]
The last wizard of the Sword Emperor Academy[剣帝学院の魔眼賢者]
Gal Assistant[ぎゃるアシ]
Taking Care of My Sister-in-Law[兄ヨメさんの世話を焼く]
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mazojo · 2 years
Summer 2022 Anime Watchlist
Kanojo, Okarishimasu 2nd Season - July 2
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Kami Kuzu☆Idol - July 2
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Lycoris Recoil - July 2
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Shoot! Goal to the Future - July 2
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Bakuten!! Movie - July 2
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Engage Kiss - July 3
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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) 2nd Season - July 4
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Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta - July 6
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Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari - July 7
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Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - July 8
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Bucchigire! - July 8
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Yofukashi no Uta - July 8
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Shadows House 2nd Season - July 9
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Dr. Stone: Ryuusui - July 10
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Orient: Awajishima Gekitou-hen - July 12
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Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season - July 14
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Sasaki to Miyano: Koi ni Kizuku Mae no Chotto Shita Hanashi. - July 27
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Tonikaku Kawaii: Seifuku - July
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Fuuto Tantei - August 1
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Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi - September 9
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Ame wo Tsugeru Hyouryuu Danchi - September 16
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - September
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not-harukal524 · 10 months
Hello! Something I've wondered is what otome games you've played before since you've mentioned a few times you were looking at other ones
ngl i only played like two and a half otome games? i just finished all collar x malice routes, played some piofiore, and did a bit of mystic messenger at one point. i think i'm gonna try to get my hands on jack jeanne tho i like the art style.
i've played more eroge (aka 18+ please refrain from looking these up if ur underage)/galge in my life. the grisaia trilogy was good, i finally got around to starting the anime and i love how bakemonogatari the artsyle is?! (same chara designer, so it makes sense ofc) it's like heaven to see the girls in this artstyle <3
some others i've played in the past include... kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi, steins;gate, sorcery jokers, and kami-sama no you na kimi e. i also downloaded a yurige called ever maiden not too long ago too.
that's about it for the visual novels that i remember off the top of my head lol
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annisa-mu · 1 year
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Agenda kami selesai lebih cepat, kami sudah bisa pulang. Jarum di jam tangan menunjukkan 14.43, pasti beberapa menit lagi adzan. Mendung membuat aku ragu, akan sampai rumah pukul berapa kalau terjebak hujan di jalan. Akhirnya kami mampir ke masjid terdekat sebelum pulang.
“Duduk sana, yok!” ajakku sambil menujuk arah pilar besar dekat kolam ikan.
“Duluan sana, aku mau mindah sepatu dulu ke loker, mendung soalnya. Khawatir nanti jadi perahu” celetuknya. Omongannya kadang suka ngelantur, tapi sering benar juga.
Beberapa saat kemudian dia kembali. Duduk bersandar di pilar besar. Sementara aku disampingnya asik melihat-lihat Ikan Koi di kolam. Masjid sore ini belum begitu ramai. Kami juga bersantai – santai disini sembari melemaskan otot – otot yang tegang.
“Eh, liat deh, Ikan Koinya bagus ya?” kataku mencoba membangun obrolan.
“Hmm.. suasana enak banget disini…” jawabnya tidak nyambung.
“Apa ikan – ikan itu bisa berbicara ya?” tanyaku iseng.
“Gawat sih kalo mereka bisa bicara, nanti mereka engga mau barengan lagi,” tuturnya sambil merem.
“Kok gitu?” Aku terpancing jawabannya.
“Liat tuh, corak mereka beda-beda tho.. Entar mereka ngeributin perbedaan corak itu lagi,” jawabnya masih sambil merem.
“Serius amat sih jawabanmu. Masa iya gitu?” Aku menggerutu.
“Lhooh, iya thoo bener, perbedaan corak mereka yang bikin lebih menarik. Ada yang corak hitamnya lebih banyak, corak putihnya dominan. Bahkan, corak merah mereka kadarnya juga engga sama. Kalo mereka sama semua coraknya, bukan Ikan Koi sih namanya,” balasnya agak kesal.
“Iya sih yaa..” balasku.
“Tapi aku pernah denger atau baca kisah gitu, ikan-ikan itu meskipun berbeda-beda, mereka selalu bertasbih ke penciptanya lho..” tutur dia.
“Oh ya? ini kamu gak lagi mau nyindir aku kan?” jawabku curiga.
Tidak ada suaranya lagi menjawab kecurigaanku itu. Pandanganku teralihkan ke arahnya. Ternyata gelombang otaknya telah berubah menjadi Beta, alias tertidur. Agak kesal, tapi bagaimana lagi. Ubin masjid yang sejuk, suara murottal jelang adzan dan gemercik air kolam membuatnya tak bisa mempertahankan kesadaran.
Sesungguhnya aku tersindir ucapannya tadi. Entah kenapa. Sepertinya teman sambatku ini menangkap kegelisahanku. Belakangan ini, aku sering sekali membanding-bandingkan diri. ‘Rumput tentangga terlihat sangat-sangat lebih hijau daripada rumputku.’ Pandangan diriku jadi negatif terus-menerus. Aku menyadari sesuatu. Membanding-bandingkan diri ini kadang jadi kecenderungan pada sebagian manusia, kan ya? Kecenderungan ini sedang sering mampir di diriku. Rasanya, kok jadi semakin sulit saja mencintai diri sendiri ya? Aku memandangi lagi kolam sambil merenung.
“Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah…” Tiba-tiba mulutku mengeluarkan suara itu, hatiku merasa ada sikapku yang kurang pas.
Aku mencoba untuk membuang perbandingan-perbandingan yang sempat menguasai pikiran. Khawatir semakin membawa dampak yang tidak baik. Seketika aku ingin jadi seperti ikan-ikan itu saja. Mereka tetap bertasbih pada Sang Pencipta. Terlihat tidak terlalu memperdulikan perbedaan diantara mereka. Tidak terlampau silau melihat yang lainnya memiliki ini, dan diri sendiri memiliki itu. Mencoba menerima, bagaimanapun kondisi, bagaimanapun bentuk saat ini. Lalu muncul pertanyaan kembali dalam hati. Kira-kira kenapa ya, Sang Pencipta menciptakan aku begini, seperti ini? Tanda tanya besar dalam hidup.
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carsinoska · 1 year
花標本乙女Ⅲ-Herbarium Maiden-
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Album: Hana Hyouhon Otome III -Herbarium Maiden- Artist: Absolute Castaway
Hana Hyouhon Otome: Himawari
anata dake wo mitsumeteiru kara anata mo watashi dake wo mitsumeteite
furubita inku no nioi ni kakomarete anata wa muchuu de peeji wo mekutteita kakareta kotoba ni naitari warattari hitori de sekai ni kabe wo tsukutteita
anata ni wa nani ga mieteiru no? sore wa watashi ni mo mieru kashira? oshiete hoshii no
koukishin wa koi ni irodzuite kokoro ga moeru you ni atsuku natta no anata dake wo mitsumeteiru kara anata mo watashi dake wo mitsumeteite
aishiteru to mada ienakute te to te wo tsunagu dake ga sei ippai de 'mata ashita' to yakusoku kawasu to unazuite kureru kara shiawase datta
kuragari kara deta anata wa otonabite tadashita sesuji de mae wo mitsumeteita dare yori kedakaku yasashiku utsukushiku minna no shisen wo hitorijime shiteiru
watashi no okage to iu keredo sore ga shinjitsu to omoenakute oite ikanaide
kuruu mitai ni fukaku aishita no kokoro ga sakeru you ni itaku natta no anata dake wo mitsumeteiru kara anata mo watashi dake wo mitsumeteite
owakare janai to shinjitete saki ni otona ni natte matteiru kara anata dake wo aishiteiru kara anata mo watashi dake wo aishiteite
anata dake wo mitsumeteiru kara anata mo watashi dake wo mitsumeteite
watashi ga anata wo shiawase ni suru kara kami-sama douka watashi ga anata wo shiawase ni suru kara kami-sama douka
Hana Hyouhon Otome: Tsukimisou
shizukesa ni kakusareta inochi no oto azayaka ni ikidzuku watashi no sekai
soto wa iro ga ookute mabushi sugiru koko nara jibunrashiku me wo akete irareru
peeji wo mekuru tabi ni afureru kimochi no na wo teinei ni hari awaseta watashi no kara   kowasanaide   konaide
doushite fureaou to suru no? douse wakari aenai no ni soredemo anata wa kabegoshi ni waratte itta wa
"mienai anata no sekai ga itsuka mieru kamo shirenai onaji keshiki wo futari de mite mitai" tte
watashi ni wa taiyou wa mabushi sugiru "sorenara katagoshi ni nozoite mite goran yo"
unazuite yukkuri me wo aketa shimikomu you ni hirogaru atarashii shikai anata no te ga watashi no te wo hiiteku
doushite yorisoou to suru no? sora e to saku anata nanoni soshitara anata wa massugu ni mitsumete itta wa
"yoru wo terasu otsuki-sama wo sasaeru hikari ni naritai itsumo wasurenaide irareru you ni" tte
"sore wa yokubari ne……" awateru sugata ga itoshii
sukoshi zutsu de ii oitsuketeiru kashira narande saite mo hajinai watashi ni naritai yappari anata wa   mabushi sugite soredemo senaka wo awasete tatte irareru watashi ni naru wa
nani wo fuan ni omotte iru no? watashi wa tonari ni iru no ni tatoe hanarebanare ni natta to shite mo kanarazu hikari wo tadori kaeru kara mou hitori demo arukeru to oshiete kureta   anata no moto
towa ni chikau wa kami ni chikau'n janai kono mune ni areba ii watashi ga shinjiru nara daijoubu anata mo shinjiteite korekara no shiawase wo onaji keshiki wo mitai   issho ni
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fitatamind · 2 years
Percakapan dalam diam
D: kenapa non
M: ...
D: udah tigapuluhmenit kamu videocall cuma nangis-diem-nangis-diem
M: ...
D: mata kamu uda sembab banget
M: ...
D: seharian belum makan?
M: ...
D: besok kamis bukannya kamu kontrol tht, tapi rawat inap iya
M: ...
D: aku kudu ngejokes apa biar kamu berenti nangis?
M: ...
D: di sociolla kata jov lagi banyak promo, udah liat?
M: ...
D: dengerin non, tuhan menyiapkan segala sesuatu buat anaknya .. nggak usah takut
M: ...
D: malah tambah nangis 😫
M: ...
D: di twitter lagi ada banyak war, uda baca?
M: ...
D: admin dr aan ngtweet mesum lagi
M: ...
D: ...
M: ...
D: ...
M: ...
D: udah empat kali kamu nelfon cuma diem terus nangis non, aku bingung sama jov
M: ...
D: wajah kamu kaya babi bengkak kalo lagi nangis, jelek banget
M: ...
D: udah jam 12.30n nggak mau tidur?
M: ...
D: mampet kan dua lubang idung nangis kelamaan, kaya ikan koi kan napasnya make mulut 🤣
M: ...
D: kemarin nonton umbrella kelar sehari doang 10 episod, bagus non
M: ...
D: i know youre not okay, nangis aja .. aku lama ga liat kamu nangis
M: ...
D: sesayang apa kamu non? atau sesakit apa hati kamu?
M: ...
D: ...
M: ...
D: udahan nangisnya non please
M: ...
D: oke nangis aja, gpp
M: ...
D: aku sambil ngerjain kerjaan ya
M: ...
D: ...
M: aku pengen pup
Sundae menuju Monde, 28 Juni.
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mawarimichicafe · 7 days
mawarimichi cafe masterlist
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hi everyone, i'm sou!! you might know me from my main @kimbapisnotsushi where i primarly post about hq!!. there's a whole lot of other series i want to talk about and recommend though, so welcome to the cafe! come on in, have a seat, and i'll be with you shortly :)
below you'll find a masterlist of everything i've read so far! keep in mind that this is constantly in progress and will always be edited and updated. there are plenty of series on here that are stuck on my TBR or are still ongoing, and i'm always doing my best to keep up with them. i have yet to place all the emojis where i want, too, but feel free to send me asks about anything you want to know about any of them!
key 💔- shattered my heart like a brick through a window 🌈- bonus points for being queer 🚩- occasional nsfw scenes of any kind (including sex/nudity, gore, heavy violence, assault, etc) 1️⃣- single-volume work ✅ - completed series/read all of it O_O - "what the fuck. what the fuck was that" 💖 - faves of all time, constantly reread
high school shenanigans (coming-of-age, romance, etc):
ah! itoshi no banchou-sama
ao haru ride (✅)
ao no flag (🌈✅)
boys run the riot (🌈,💖,✅)
fruits basket (✅)
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (💖)
given (🌈)
hana ni arashi (🌈)
haru matsu bokura (💖✅)
hibi chouchou (💖✅)
hirano to kagiura (💖, 🌈)
hirunaka no ryuusei (O_O✅)
hiyokoi (✅)
honey lemon soda (✅)
horimiya (✅)
i fell in love after school (✅)
ikoku nikki (💖)
kami-sama kiss (✅)
kieta hatsukoi (🌈💖✅)
kimi ni todoke (✅)
koimonogatari (💖🌈💔)
love so life (✅)
megane tokidoki yankee-kun
monotone blue (🌈✅1️⃣)
omoi, omoware, furi, furare
sasaki to miyano (🌈)
soushi souai
the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all! (🌈,💖)
adult/college romances & shenanigans:
blue sky complex (💖,🌈, 🚩)
dysfunctional family therapy (💖🌈💔)
escape journey (🌈,🚩)
i hear the sunspot (🌈)
koi saku potager (🌈🚩)
my tsun-sweet boyfriend
net generation teacher
our not-so-lonely planet travel guide (💖,🌈)
saenai boku wa kimi no hero (🌈)
still sick (🌈)
tonari no metaller-san
tsuki to suppin
historical/fantasy/supernatural/sci-fi/action(w/ occasional romance):
akagami no shirayukihime (💖)
ao no exorcist
bungou stray dogs
gakuen alice
gokurakugai (💖)
golden kamuy (🚩💔💖)
himitsu: the top secret (🚩,🌈,O_O,💖,✅)
go with the cloud, north by northwest (🚩,💖)
jujutsu kaisen
kaiju no. 8 (🚩)
natsume yuujinchou (💖)
promised neverland (✅)
sakamoto days (💖💔)
silver diamond (✅)
the night beyond the tricornered window (🚩,💖,🌈💔✅)
witch hat atelier
funny/fluffy/healing slice-of-life:
cool doji danshi (💖)
flat (✅)
gakuen babysitters (💖)
hyakunichikan!! (💖✅)
the yakuza's guide to babysitting (💖)
one-point advice yankee
haikyuu!! (💖💔✅)
honorary manwha and manhua mentions include: park hanhoo's manager, dallae, green apple paradise, salad days
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 months
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Comic ZERO-SUM[コミック ゼロサム]
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Koutei Heika no Senzoku Shishohime[皇帝陛下の専属司書姫]
Okaa-sama no Iutoori![お母様の言うとおり!]
Ouji-sama ni Dekiai Sarete Komattemasu[王子様に溺愛されて困ってます]
Sono Akuyaku Reijou wa Kouryakuhon wo Tazusaete iru[その悪役令嬢は攻略本を携えている]
Kuuki ga "yomeru" shinnyuushain to buaisou na senpai[空気が「読める」新入社員と無愛想な先輩]
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Ayakashi Kazoku no Youko Reijou, Onmyouji to Seiryaku Kekkon suru[あやかし華族の妖狐令嬢、陰陽師と政略結婚する]
Tensei Oujo wa Ai yori Ryouchi ga Hoshii no de Seiryaku Kekkon wo Kibou shimasu![転生王女は愛より領地が欲しいので政略結婚を希望します!]
Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi CECILl wa Taishougai no Hazu deshita[落ちこぼれ白魔導士セシルは対象外のはずでした]
The disliked wife wants to divorce a hero general![嫌われ妻は、英雄将軍と離婚したい! ]
Binbou Danshaku Reijou no Ryouchi Kaikaku [貧乏男爵令嬢の領地改革]
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The court lady of the emperor is hoped for as his bride[皇帝つき女官は花嫁として望まれ中]
Kami Sakka Murasaki Shikibu no Arienai Hibi [神作家・紫式部のありえない日々]
Let's go on the evil runway.[悪の華道を行きましょう]
Kaseimadoushi no Isekaiseikatsu[家政魔導士の異世界生活]
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Watashi no Oshi ga Kyou mo Saikou ni Toutoi node, Zenryoku de Shiawase ni suru![私の推しが今日も最高に尊いので、全力で幸せにする!]
Kamikatari ni Sayonara wo[神騙りにさよならを]
Teito Ayakashi Yashiki no Keiyaku Hanayome[帝都あやかし屋敷の契約花嫁]
Hime-sama, Muri Desu![姫様、無理です!]
Suterare Danshaku Reijou wa Kurokishi-sama no Oki ni Iri[捨てられ男爵令嬢は黒騎士様のお気に入り]
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Imouto ni Konyakusha wo Toraretara, Juuna Ouji ni Kyuukon saremashita[妹に婚約者を取られたら、獣な王子に求婚されました]
Takabisha Koujo wa Damattenai[高飛車皇女は黙ってない]
Dekasegi Reijou no Konyaku Soudou Jiki Koushaku-sama wa Fianse ni Aisaretakute Hisshidesu.[出稼ぎ令嬢の婚約騒動 次期公爵様は婚約者に愛されたくて必死です。]
Ouhi-sama ga Otoko da to Kidzuita Watashi ga, Zenryoku de Inpei Kousakusasete Itadakimasu![王妃様が男だと気づいた私が、全力で隠蔽工作させていただきます!]
Okitsune-sama no Irui Konintan[お狐様の異類婚姻譚]
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Koukyuu no Chouki wa Shichisai no Uranaishi[後宮の寵姫は七彩の占師]
Futsutsuka na Akujo dewa Gozaimasu ga[ふつつかな悪女ではございますが ]
I'm a cruel saint woman but i want to help my beloved husband. (However I am disliked by him)[悪虐聖女ですが、愛する旦那さまのお役に立ちたいです。(とはいえ、嫌われているのですが)]
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes lead to Doom![乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…]
Princess of the Bibliophile[虫かぶり姫]
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Ryukishi no Okiniiri[竜騎士のお気に入り]
Soku Taijou Shitai Wakiyaku na no ni, Netotte Shimatta Ouji-sama ga Nigashite Kuremasen[即退場したい脇役なのに、寝取ってしまった王子様が逃がしてくれません]
Kokuryuu Heika no Seiryaku Hanayome - Majo desu ga, Tasuketa Ryuu ni Yomeiri Saserare sou desu[黒竜陛下の政略花嫁 魔女ですが、助けた竜に嫁入りさせられそうです]
Douse Suterareru no nara, Saigo ni Suki ni Sasete Itadakimasu[どうせ捨てられるのなら、最後に好きにさせていただきます]
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Ochikobore Majo to Koi wo Shiranai Tensai Majutsushi[落ちこぼれ魔女と恋を知らない天才魔術師]
Paradox Live Stage Battle “COMIC”
Jamasha no Youdesuga, Ouji no Chuushoku wa Watashi ga Tsukuru Youdesu[邪魔者のようですが、王子の昼食は私が作るようです]
Sannengo Rikon suru Hazu ga, Naze ka Dekiaisaretemasu[三年後離婚するはずが、なぜか溺愛されてます]
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Konyakusha ni Sobahi to shite Riyousareru Kurai Nara Majutsushi-sama no Houshou to narimasu[婚約者に側妃として利用されるくらいなら魔術師様の褒賞となります]
Please find this Love[どうかこの恋を見つけて]
MARIELLE CLARAC Engagement[マリエル・クララックの婚約]
YANKII Manga ni Tensei shitara Naze ka Souchou ni Ezukesareteimasu.[ヤンキー漫画に転生したら、何故か総長に餌付けされてます。]
Hikikomori Reijou wa Hanashi no wakaru Seijuuban[引きこもり令嬢は話のわかる聖獣番]
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Job-Changing! Pritender Lady ⇀ Lovely Dr.[まがいもの令嬢から愛され薬師になりました]
Akuyaku no Goreisoku no Dounika shitai Nichijou[悪役のご令息のどうにかしたい日常]
Yobai wo Ketsui Shita Reijou desuga Machigaete RiIVAL Koushaku Otouto no BED ni Mogurikonde Shimaimashita[夜這いを決意した令嬢ですが間違えてライバル侯爵弟のベッドにもぐりこんでしまいました]
Mid Boss Lady wants to enjoy second life[中ボス令嬢は、退場後の人生を謳歌する(予定)。]
Koukyuuhi wa Ryuujin no Ikenie Hanayome Goshinsenzan Monogatari[後宮妃は龍神の生贄花嫁 五神山物語]
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IKEMEN oneko wa Haruta ni Kawaretai [イケメンおねこは晴田に飼われたい]
And they lived happily ever after[嵌められましたが、幸せになりました 傷物令嬢と陽だまりの魔導師]
Juujin Kishi no Kyuuai Jijou[獣人騎士の求愛事情]
Kogitsune, Warawara Inarishin no Makanai Meshi Itadakimasutsu![こぎつね、わらわら 稲荷神のまかない飯 いただきますっ!]
LUCE and White Contract[ルーチェと白の契約]
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Kare ni Irai shite wa ikemasen[彼に依頼してはいけません]
AYAKA Muzzle Flash Back!![あやか Muzzle Flash Back!!]
White of a wedding ceremony[花燭の白]
Tensei Shitara Akuyaku Reijou datta no de Hiki NEET ni narimasu[転生したら悪役令嬢だったので引きニートになります]
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Higeki no Genkyou to naru Saikyou Gedou LASTBOSS Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu. To the Savior[悲劇の元凶となる最強外道ラスボス女王は民の為に尽くします。 To The Savior]
Outaishi-hi ni nante naritakunai!! Konyakusha-hen[王太子妃になんてなりたくない!! 婚約者編]
It's always darkest before the dawn[何時何分地球が何回まわったら]
Akuyaku Reijou to Kichiku Kishi[悪役令嬢と鬼畜騎士]
ROYAL TAILOR ―Oukyuu no Saihoushi―[ロイヤルテーラー ―王宮の裁縫師―]
Kokou no Bocchi Reijou wa Hatsukoi Ouji ni Furaretai[孤高のぼっち令嬢は初恋王子にふられたい]
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Kage no Eiyuu no Chiyugakari[影の英雄の治癒係]
Oni no Tsumadoi[鬼の妻問い]
KO-SERUTERU no Ryuujutsushi ~Kotatsu Boukenki~[コーセルテルの竜術士~子竜冒険記~]
Kami KUZU ☆ IDOL[神クズ☆アイドル]
She is addicted to him and vice versa[姫君は若き将軍に溺れる]
Kiniro no CORDA STARLIGHT ORCHESTRA[金色のコルダ スターライトオーケストラ]
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Kotonakare Reijou no Oishii Keiyaku Jijou ~Konyaku Haki wo Saretara, Outaishidenka to Gohan-ya wo Suru koto ni Narimashita!?~[事なかれ令嬢のおいしい契約事情 ~婚約破棄をされたら、王太子殿下とごはん屋をすることになりました!?~]
Fiance of Wizard[魔法使いの婚約者 ~Eternally Yours~]
Three days of the countess who found out she is a decoy[一目惚れと言われたのに実は囮だと知った伯爵令嬢の三日間]
A Love story in Virtual Reailty[VRおじさんの初恋]
Juujin-taichou no (Kari) Konyaku Jijou[獣人隊長の(仮)婚約事情]
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nettchan01 · 5 months
What is an illustration essay plan footnotes?
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For this essay, is better if I explain my own experiences of illustration after the books and reflections of my tutors. I had explored in my course that maybe it's too early to begin with my own subjects to make an essay, but I believe it is better to research my own course. It's better to understand, especially if I am interested in Studio Ghibli to know illustration, Mangas and animation differences and qualities of work. I had been began with art and design the books I had being learned illustrations don't counted as art but better to learn fine art and art and design or visual art because is an impacted as an illustrator career to begin but I have to be watch to not to compare with graphic  design if I compeer with illustration with graphic design it won't make senses because The graphic being specific as it seems don't using visuals but using similar tools like illustration. For Illustrations Has many alterations the child books and comics or Mangas. I wanted to being try booth of the subject just like Miyazaki did he has shared on his animation and Mangas child based and his countries' histories being opened up He also knows how to make me speechless or stunned with his art work and sound tracks expressions( I will be write about him on my next essay's just I need some connections with the subject I do and I have to know why I chosen this subject. 
I always liked Wine the Phoo because this was my childhood but long as I searched up the classic real classic part was ditched the Disney disappointments.  
If I could go back to my child hood I would be learn classic British illustrations because 
I explored Peter Rabbit, Paddington, Hungry Caterpillar and Wine the Phoo. In my country also has classic illustration I had grown up called pompom tails, folk tails in Hungary, Green Rabbit. 
I had being watched Grimm Fairy Japanese  versions in my country.  
I also fascinated of the little prince. 
For Mangas or animation I have a list: 
Vampire knight 
Mermaid melody  
Sailor Moon 
Kyou Koi Wa hajimemasithu 
Kaito Kamikaze Jeana 
Kami sama Hajime Ashita 
I would love to say I read Naruto , Death Note, Bleach or my hero academy or demon slayer but does mangas was sold out quickly and online manga I don't find or I find lazy of myself to search. 
Animation I watched Cartoon network, marvel, animax, Jetix and the Fox kids. 
Jin Jan Jo 
Oban Battle of star 
Star wars rebelled 
Star wars clown wars 
I also inspired by Pixar and Dreamwork  
Because pixar and dream works wont necessary using music or twisting out things it was realism based on it could be funny and sad at the same time concepted of life time and tinny cultural history dragged in. 
MY favorite Pixar movies: 
Toys story 
Monster university 
Finding nemo/ Finding dory 
Red panda 
Your friend rat/ratatouille 
Bao/short film 
Cars 1 
This animation from Pixar is the one it had being raised me up just like the Gibling studio and motivated me to learn illustration and novel writing.  this animation made me learn how to understand  emotions- colours some communications with parents with their Childrens. Puberty maybe obvious but this is the language I prefer to communicating with my novels and illustrations. Reach the Pixar's and dreamwork more read books or wiki pedia just like Miyazaki and Ghibling studios! 
Kung fu panda 
Puss boots 
Mega mind 
Shark tales 
Madagascar Pingues 
Rise of the guards 
Boss baby 
How to train your dragons 
Flushed away 
Monster vs aliens 
The Flushed away is my first movie and cinema in my life it meant something  new perspectives talking animals why?  the triangle cone faces and the tooths I cannot stop myself to think how often they chewing something. 
SpongeBob square pants 
Full house 
Danny phantom 
Teen mutant turtle 
Hej Arnould 
Adventure time 
Jimmy neutron  
Fairy odd parents 
I really liked how British illustrators used watercolours, dry-point prints, and typography. 
0 notes
baliportalnews · 7 months
Menambah Keindahan Pura Agung Jagatnatha, Wali Kota Jaya Negara dan Komunitas Ikan Koi Lepas 360 ekor Ikan Koi
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara bersama Komunitas Nyama Koi Bali dan Komunitas Owner Koi Bali melepas 360 ekor Ikan Koi di Kolam Pura Agung Jagatnatha, Senin (13/11/2023). Pelepasan Ikan Koi ini semakin menambah keindahan Pura Agung Jagatnatha yang telah mendapatkan program pemugaran dari Pemkot Denpasar. Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut Kadis Perikanan dan Ketahanan Pangan Kota Denpasar, Ida Bagus Mayun Suryawangsa, Kadis PUPR Denpasar, Anak Agung Ngurah Bagus Airawata, Kepala Dinas Perumahan, Kawasan Permukiman, dan Pertanahan Kota Denpasar, I Gede Cipta Sudewa Atmaja, dan OPD terkait lainnya. Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara disela-sela kegiatan tersebut menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada Komunitas Nyama Koi Bali dan Komunitas Owner Koi Bali yang telah mendonasikan Ikan Koi di kolam Pura Agung Jagatnatha. "Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas donasi ikan Koi dari dua komunitas ini yang mampu menambah keindahan Pura Agung Jagatnatha dengan jumlah yang cukup banyak serta dari berbagai ukuran dan jenis Ikan Koi," ujar Jaya Negara. Lebih lanjut disampaikan keberlangsungan perawatan ikan Koi di Pura Agung Jagatnatha kita lakukan bersama-sama dua komunitas Ikan Koi ini. Perawatan air, pemberian pakan dapat menjadi perhatian bersama, sehingga kesehatan ikan dapat tetap terjaga dan menghiyasi Pura Agung Jagatnatha. Sementara Ketua Komunitas Nyama Koi Bali, A.A Ngurah Gede Dharma Putra menyampaikan, kegiatan donasi Ikan Koi di Pura Agung Jagatnatha bertajuk "Merawat Ibu Pertiwi," dan mendapat respon dari teman-teman penghobi Ikan Koi. Dari respon ini berhasil mendonasikan total sebanyak 360 ekor Ikan Koi. "Tahap pertama melepas sebanyak 150 ekor Ikan dari ukuran 60 cm sampai 10 cm," ujarnya. Disamping itu, Ngurah Gede juga menjelaskan, sebelum acara ini dilaksanakan kami telah menyebarluaskan informasi kepada teman-teman penghobi, dan mendapatkan tanggapan positif dengan mendonasikan beberapa Ikan Koi koleksinya. Selain mendonasikan Ikan Koi, Komunitas juga menyerahkan bantuan pakan Ikan Koi, serta diharapkan dalam kegiatan ini dapat mempercantik Pura Agung Jagatnatha.(bpn) Read the full article
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