#kippen twins
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
LGBTQ Andi Mack Headcanons (The teens)
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I forgot to add it, but Libby prefers women.
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jcforsapphics · 2 years
this means so much to me you don't even know
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thechaoticbow · 3 years
tj: it says no trespassing but i'm allergic to the rules
amber: and dairy
tj: wow. ok. just expose me
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bambikippen · 5 years
ok hear me out, what if,,, kippen siblings actually canons?
look- i know i know,, josh said that amber already had a last name like brown or something, and i shouldn’t get my hopes up
bUT, is there really any reason for disney not to make them siblings?
we’ve never heard amber’s last name on the show, it’d be totally acceptable for them to just change it to kippen
tj and amber have never had a scene together, so there’s no proof that they’re not siblings 
tj being amber’s brother could actually explain some of his bad behavior in season two because of his parental situation
they look enough alike for it to be believable
them being siblings wouldn’t change the plot of the show in any way at all
it’s canon that cyrus goes over to tj’s house and andi goes over to amber's,,,, so if we ever were to see that on screen, they'd only need one set (convenience is key, my friends)
now that the show has been cancelled maybe this could be just for the fans or something idk i trust terri 
the cast supports it
luke and emily really support it-
ik it probably won’t be confirmed, but at the very least, i hope disney doesn’t disprove the theory in the finale because that would just be- ughhh
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iridescentkippen · 5 years
it's loving amber kippen hours. my favorite girl. I love her so much.
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hh-rose · 5 years
ok this might seem literally insane but hear me out:
we all know that tj has tons of clothes that have pictures of basketballs and shit on them. we also know that jonah has a few shirts with guitars on them. so, i have a theory.
amber, tj’s sister and jonah’s best friend, being the incredibly supportive and loving person she is. constantly buys tj and jonah clothes that have things they like on them because it’s how she shows them that she supports them. now, the clothes are not the most fashionable things in the world but they’re from amber so tj and jonah love them and they constantly wear them.
thank you for listening.
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Are we gonna ignore this or...
So in the Born this Way scene, Cyrus and Amber started singing after TJ was playing the piano. So this must mean TJ talked to Cyrus and Amber off screen about them singing. which means amber and tj have talked, before just off screen... 
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Absolutely and completely heartbroken.
Andi Mack has changed my life in an uncountable number of ways over the years.
Andi taught me strength and vulnerability, her creativity and passion showing in every step she takes. She is genuine and funny and kind, and everything I aspire to be.
Buffy taught me courage and confidence. She fights through everything that life throws at her, and I could not be more thankful to have a role model like her.
Bex taught me to stay true to myself, and that I can be a thousand girls at once. She taught me responsibility and empathy, honesty and love.
The women of Andi Mack taught me that girls are smart, strong, confident, beautiful, fast, spontaneous, kind, loving, and a thousand other things, and we are worth so much more than we're told.
Cyrus Goodman taught that I am not broken. I will make mistakes. I will be different. I will fall in and out of love. I will kiss girls. I will come out. I will break. I will fall apart. I will put myself back together again. But I will never be broken.
Saying goodbye to Andi Mack is like leaving a family or a home. But we will keep creating, writing and drawing and folding paper cranes.
We are not alone. We are still here.We're not going anywhere.
I love you guys more than anything.
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joanofarccoded · 5 years
it's being soft for luke mullen hours
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lemonboykippen · 5 years
i swear sometimes i simply forget that tj and amber aren't actual siblings. anyone else?
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Guys -
Timberlake Justin Kippen
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
TJ Kippen headcanons (FT. Kippen Twins and Kippen cousins)
-LOVES the smell of rain (sometimes he’ll go outside after it rains [or while it’s raining] and just smell the air)
-Hates thunder storms, but loves rainy days (matches with the first HC)
-Blueberries are his favorite fruit (Strawberries come in a VERY close second, so I can forgive him for liking blueberries)
-He and Amber watched High School Musical a lot growing up and they dressed up as Ryan and Sharpay Evans for Halloween (they were ten and it was surprisingly TJ’s idea)
-Favorite candy is Sour Patch Kids
-Has a collection of Soda Pop tabs in his room (they are in a jar on his nightstand)
-Always has a messy room, but cannot STAND it when a different place in the house is messy
-Can play a TON of instruments (he learned to play the Buddy Holly riff on every single one he plays [except the trumpet])
-Makes random noises a lot when stressed (when Buffy first heard him make the noises she said ‘What the fuck?’ [she was tutoring him when it happened])
-Has a very similar cleaning process to Celia’s (just not as intense [he and Celia exchange cleaning tips])
-His favorite song is Pay Me Back by Rare Americans
-Allergic to peanuts
-Has glasses but prefers to wear his contacts
Plays different songs on his Kazoo to annoy Marty and Amber
-Will draw eyes on his homework or notes if he gets bored
-Draws flowers and other stuff on his arm when bored
-Has a bike like the one Andi has in the pilot episode (he gets a motorcycle as soon as he can)
-Pretends to not like Taylor Swift’s music, but actually loves it
-Is jealous of Ambidextrous people because they can draw on both of their arms and it wouldn’t be messy
If I make anymore HC’s about TJ I will make a separate post but title it the same
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jcforsapphics · 5 years
I wonder
Would you guys read an Andi Mack mystery fanfic focused on the Kippen twins? (Endgames are ambi, tyrus and muffy) and Iris is also there <3
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thechaoticbow · 3 years
now im 100% self projecting here, but tj and amber are gorillaz stans. they heard feel good inc in their dads car, instantly fell in love, and have been really into it ever since. tj's more into it than amber, even though she does love it, and it's what got tj into rap in the first place
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bambikippen · 5 years
i so badly wish kippen siblings was canon because amber standing up for her brother and going all off on kira- ??? the power that would hold ???
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yellowcurtqins · 5 years
you’re not born pan/bi/etc you choose to fall in love with the kippen twins
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