ironi-san · 1 year
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lanucr · 5 years
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phoneismybf · 5 years
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Until We Meet Again Ep. 3 Review
Hallo everyone back again with the #UWMA review, at this time we already reach the episode 3.
#UWMAep3 #UntilWeMeetAgain #UntilWeMeetAgainTheSeries #UWMAtheseries
I always fall for @perthppe, my God, he really good at sad scenes. But seeing him like that is hurting me though, hope you never get any bad situation na. I'm happy to see you smile and very energetic doing the campus activities. Once been there but we can't meet. My heart is already yours na. I always pray goodness for you.
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Have you watch this episode? If you haven't yet. Here it is, UWMA Ep. 3 Engsub
Perth as Krit was a best friend of In in the past time. 5 person in a group. They never knew the reason of In's death. Seeing Krit cried like that and knew almost every details about In, Krit seemed to be sad so much, he was the most care friend. For everyone of you who read this, treasure them, keep every friend who are really care about you even it is just a small thing to be concerned. The good friends are them who always care to you no matter what problems or situations you have, know everything about you and accept every weaknesses you have. For me, I don't have this kind of friend yet, them whom I called as bestfriends, they don't know anything about me and never seen so much care to each other so I envy you, In.
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Yes, Dean has been so emotional since yesterday. It was because of you Ai'Win. Look at Team, his cuteness is growing so much. I say don't ever do that pout again while eating. Can't hold my self to pinch them.
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See, even Win's friend noticed something fishy of Win and Team already.
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That trauma is disturbing, poor pharm. It must be very annoying. Yes, of course his trauma doesn't concern any anxiety. He never had any situation which effect him to be stressful. It just come and he never think deeply about this trauma or the cause of it because those dreams were never happen to Pharm in the recent life but will happen with good new scenes to replace those sad dreams.
Anxiety is a kind of condition which make you stressful, worry and scare of something and make you think about it often because it is disturbing you to have unwanted experiences or disagree about somethings. Others caused by anything that make you feel bad. This may lead to a suicidal. So please concern to people who has this kind of situation, may be they are need your help, or please to any of you who experience it, never think that you are alone or useless or no one care about you, you need to love yourself and appreciate your own life, no one care at you but you the one who know yourself so well so you can care yourself as long as you have positive mind and also remember to God, God always care to us even though we are a sinner. I can't believe that I said this but hopefully it helps you, keep on mind, positive thinking, do everything in a good way, sins are for us not other, we are the one who responsible to our own sins. Don't be so sad, I've been this strong to handle everything by myself, of course almost crazy but there are people who I really care, let them be happy, I always love to see people happy even though I'm not. So, don't you think you are alone, let's live our life and enjoy the rest of it. (yet, I'm hoping to fast forward it to the end)
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Dean finally got a chance to introduce himself well. What is the purpose of telling him that you are single? Fast man, even it is too fast though asking his number and call it directly to let him know that he can have your number right away. Yim... Smile and have a good dream Ai'Pharm. Hahaha he is so cute.
I don't know how he can imagine Manaow to tell him to flirt in early morning. Lol. Yet, make the chat conversation live like that is kind of cute. We can know Dean's expression while replying Pharm.
Not a bother Ai'Pharm, P'Dean just missing you, that's why he wants to pick you up and go to the campus together. Dean seriously a simple man, he only wanna have an omelet, or it refers to the dream?
Back again, I cannot stop smiling when see Perth here, miss you baby tiger. Little happiness. Good news Love by Chance Season 2 has confirmed to be made. Yay.... My curiosity about TinCan will be answered. And I can see Ae more.
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So, the one who approaching first was In and he was so brave saying that he wanted to hit on Korn. Even his friends were scare at him and we knew that LGBT still an issue back then. Besides, Korn's father was a mafia though. He was so sure that Korn would fall for him. His willpower already that strong since the beginning. He was a kind of person who rule out a problem.
In who couldn't cook even he couldn't make an omelet, now in present time he reincarnate to a person who love cooking and can make any kind of food. Your wish came true.
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Such an early bird man, too eager to meet your wify to be hah? Do people in Thai always be like this, fine with people who likes same gender? Is it because of they are already open with this so everything just feel usual? Some will say he isn't gay but later they get along either become close friend or real boyfriend. Like it is so easy to find one or to be accepted. Here in my country we totally hide it, some are openly proud but well you knew what the mouthes do. Hahaha such an unsupportive environment.
"don't need to be hurry. I can wait" Dean. Nice, positive thing he can be patient. Other thing, you have a purpose, haven't you? Stay long means full fill the empty space. You just know each other and you already dare to pat and fix Pharm's hair. Man... Drama always gives us fast flow. Well sometimes I'm not ready to clearly think, to clear the feeling and to make sure something.
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"we should go "eat"" Pharm. Exactly what I'm thinking but Dean also gives the same question "go eat?" for Thai 'eat' has two meanings; eating something to fill the belly or eat you up on the bed. Dean's question means he thinks dirty than I thought. Pharm already cooked an omelet for you but you still asking, of course eating the food he made not have a f*ck in the morning, well both of your b*ner phase passed right? Don't even think to wake them up, you need to go at 7 AFTER EATING THE FOOD NOT EACH OTHER. LOL. "Before it get cold" Pharm. It is already cold, after waiting you had a shower with those nervous. Do you think it was short? Hell no it must be long waiting which made Dean look around the room.
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This drama always end the episodes with a cry. I never think that the memories are that strong even it just a touch between the spoon-fork on the omelet. But the emotion come so strong like bomb cause him to cry and unconscious. Stressful things, I'll feel uncomfortable at the moment, too much mixing feeling. But Dean is always ready to care him. Sweet. I wanna see them talk each other about the dream. Hurry up, I'm curious but it was the end of the episode 3.
Waiting again... A week.... Hmm... I'm haven't seen the #TharnTypeEp8 though because people's comments were so emotional about it. Too much feeling every week. I need to calm down... Hahaha
Okay then.... See you again.
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kristinaint-blog · 6 years
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🔥🔥Fire up🔥🔥 👆Для любого современного человека с телефоном есть возможность 📱 👌А вот как использовать, вопрос цели 🎯 🥇Используем энергию #XS и #ПродолжаемДвижение !!! #loveisxs#xspowerdrink #xsrussia #kimteam (at Saint Petersburg, Russia)
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roll-moonligth · 7 years
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Mi imagen favorita de ending de todo KOF #kimteam #KOFXI
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kristinaint-blog · 6 years
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•КРАСОТА - НЕ ВЕЗЕНИЕ, А ТРУД• 🎅🏼Почти новогодние пост 👧🏻В детстве смотрела на разных взрослых женщин и думала, "почему они разные такие, одни кажутся красивыми, молодыми, ухоженными, а другие ...отличаются❓" . . . Ответ не приходил ✨ 🔎Но как-то, решив уже разобраться, расспросила маму об этом всем и тайно😶 пошла в магазин😋 🕵🏻‍♀️Цешечный подход не подвёл и продавцам в магазине косметики пришлось проявить все свои знания и сноровку ☝🏻 . . . 🙍🏻Но через год, когда начали появляться разные неожиданные проблемы в виде всем знакомых прыщиков, чёрных точек и тд возник вопрос, "как ещё и это решать???" ⠀ 👩🏼‍🎤Да, только сковывая недостатки и подкрашивая ресницы далеко не уйдёшь! И настоящая красота в уходе правильном скрывалась...часто нам это не говорят мамы, возможно и сами не знают ...🤷🏻‍♀️ 🔝Большое благо, что сейчас все доступно и проконсультироваться всегда есть специалисты ! ⠀ 🆕И для меня стало решающим и координатно променяло видение на уход за кожей эксклюзивный профессиональный прибор легендарный #DERMASONIC‼️ 🔖Ультразвуковая чистка и массаж кожи (с глубоким увлажнением / лифтингом/выравниванием тона и тд) ⠀ ⭐️Любите себя, будьте всегда молодыми и ухаживайте за кожей 🌹 ⠀ Love is DERMASONIC♥️ ⠀ #loveisdermasonic #loveisartistry #здороваякожа#чистаякожа#молодаякожа#красота#яздоровыйлетна100#япьюнутрилайт #artistry #kimteam #newyear #новыйгод#новыйгод2018 (at Клуб Миллионеров Санкт-Петербург)
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kristinaint-blog · 6 years
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⚜️Комфорт, дружелюбие и уверенность⚜️ ⠀ Интересные мысли после евротура, что несмотря на то, что мы почти каждые 2-3 находились в разных странах и городах, Я ВЕЗДЕ ЧУВСТВУЮ СЕБЯ КАК ДОМА😄 ⠀ 👦🏻👱🏼‍♀️Возможно, это благодаря окружению 👋Возможно, благодаря отношению 🤳🏻Возможно, потому что всегда с собой карты в телефоне ⠀ 🤷🏻‍♀️Кто же знает )) А может все вместе🕊 Представьте, что через лет 10 будет ?) ⠀ 🌏Кто бы хотел паспорт гражданина мира?)) ⠀ #мир#вездекакдома#kimteam#yagergroup (at Parlamento Budapest)
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kristinaint-blog · 6 years
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•Контрасты • ⠀ 🌧Сезон дождей и среди них ☀️жаркие солнечные дни✨ 🙌🏾Можно делать, что пожелаешь!! ⠀ 🏍Прокатиться на байке под тёплым дождём🌧 🌊Плавать в океане 🏡Посидеть в уютной вилле в ливень 🏖Загорать на пляже 🍑Полопать необычайных фруктов ⠀ #сказачноебали#море#kimteam#4season#redisson#santimandala #mariotthotel#bali#denpasar#ubud (at Gunung Payung Homestay)
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