#kidney stone treatment doctors in Bhubaneswar
uncehospital · 1 month
Revolutionizing Urological Care: Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors and Andrologist Hospitals in Bhubaneswar
In the realm of urological care, Bhubaneswar stands as a beacon of excellence, boasting advanced facilities and a cadre of specialized medical professionals dedicated to transforming the lives of patients. With a focus on addressing prevalent conditions such as kidney stones and andrological issues, the city's healthcare landscape has witnessed a surge in specialized treatment options, offered by kidney stone treatment doctors and andrologist hospitals.
Kidney stones, a common urological ailment, can cause excruciating pain and discomfort if left untreated. Fortunately, Bhubaneswar is home to a cohort of highly skilled kidney stone treatment doctors who excel in diagnosing and managing this condition with precision and expertise. These specialists employ a multidisciplinary approach, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to assess the size, composition, and location of kidney stones before devising personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
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With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors in Bhubaneswar offer a range of advanced procedures aimed at effectively breaking down and removing stones from the urinary tract. From extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy, these specialists leverage the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure optimal outcomes while minimizing patient discomfort and recovery time.
Complementing the expertise of kidney stone treatment doctors are the andrologist hospitals in Bhubaneswar, which cater to the specific needs of male reproductive health and sexual dysfunction. Andrologists, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the male reproductive system, offer comprehensive care for issues such as erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and hormonal imbalances.
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Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by experienced andrology specialists, these hospitals provide a wide array of diagnostic services and treatment modalities to address diverse andrological concerns. From advanced fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to surgical interventions for conditions like varicocele and Peyronie's disease, patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
Moreover, Andrologist Hospitals in Bhubaneswar prioritize patient comfort and confidentiality, fostering a supportive environment where individuals can seek assistance for sensitive and intimate health issues without hesitation. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on holistic wellness, these hospitals strive to empower patients to reclaim control over their reproductive health and achieve optimal outcomes.
In conclusion, the presence of kidney stone treatment doctors and andrologist hospitals in Bhubaneswar underscores the city's status as a hub of specialized urological care. Through their dedication to innovation, expertise, and patient-centered approach, these healthcare providers continue to revolutionize the field of urology, offering hope and healing to individuals grappling with kidney stones and andrological concerns alike.
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drpabitra · 1 year
Discovering Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: A Breakthrough in Urological Treatment
Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) has emerged as a significant advancement in the field of urology, revolutionizing the treatment of kidney stones and other renal conditions. This minimally invasive procedure offers numerous benefits & is performed by skilled urologists worldwide. Dr. Pabitra Mishra is renowned as the best urologist in Bhubaneswar, providing exceptional care and expertise in RIRS. Let's delve into the essential aspects of Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery and understand why it is considered a game-changer in urological treatment.
What is Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery? 
Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) is a minimally invasive procedure performed to treat kidney stones & other renal conditions. Unlike traditional open surgeries, RIRS utilizes a flexible ureteroscope to access the kidney through the natural urinary tract. This procedure offers several advantages over conventional techniques, including reduced pain, faster recovery, and minimal scarring.
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The Procedure: How Does RIRS Work? 
During RIRS, the urologist inserts a thin, flexible ureteroscope through the urethra and bladder, advancing it into the affected kidney. The ureteroscope allows visualization of the kidney stone or any other abnormality within the renal system. Through the ureteroscope's working channel, tiny instruments are used to break down or remove the stone. The fragmented stone particles are then either extracted using a stone basket or flushed out through the urinary system naturally.
Key Advantages of RIRS: 
Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery offers several benefits that make it an attractive choice for patients with kidney stones or renal conditions. Some notable advantages by the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar include the:
Minimally Invasive: RIRS is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning it requires smaller incisions or sometimes no incisions at all. This result in less pain, reduced scarring, and a faster recovery time.
High Success Rate: RIRS has shown a high success rate in treating kidney stones of various sizes and complexities, providing effective stone clearance and improving urinary function.
Reduced Complications: The risk of complications is relatively low in RIRS compared to traditional open surgeries. The procedure minimizes the chances of infection, bleeding, and injury to surrounding tissues.
Shorter Hospital Stay: RIRS typically requires a shorter hospital stay, allowing patients to return to their normal routines quickly.
Seeking Treatment from the best Urologist in Bhubaneswar, Dr. Pabitra Mishra stands out. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, Dr. Mishra specializes in RIRS and offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. His expertise and dedication ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. It is advisable to consult with Dr. Pabitra Mishra, the best urologist in Bhubaneswar, known for his expertise in RIRS and commitment to patient well-being.
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Painful Urination; You Must Deal with Kidney Stones!
Hard deposits of minerals and salts called kidney stones to develop inside the kidneys. According to the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar, kidney stones can develop for various reasons & can harm any organ in the urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. Stones often form when urine is concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.
The passage of kidney stones can be painful, but the stones usually do not cause permanent damage if they are recognized promptly. Depending on the situation, you may need no more than taking painkillers and drinking plenty of water to pass the kidney stone. 
A kidney stone cannot cause symptoms until it travels inside the kidney or penetrates the ureter, the tube that connects the kidney and bladder. You might now encounter the following symptoms:
Severe side and back discomfort locates behind the ribs.
Radiating discomfort in the stomach area
Pain during urination
Pink, red, or brown urine
Nausea and vomiting
The constant need to urinate
Urinating more often than usual
If there is an infection you have a fever and chills
Pain caused by a kidney stone may change, such as moving to another location or increasing intensity, as the stone passes through the urinary tract.
See the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar if you have signs and symptoms that bother you. 
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Kidney stones often do not have a specific, single cause, although several factors can increase the risk. Kidney stones are formed when urine contains more crystal-forming substances, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, than the fluid in the urine can alter. At the same time, urine may not contain substances that prevent crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stone formation.
Factors that raise the chance of kidney stones:
Heredity or personal characteristics. If someone in your family has kidney stones, you're more likely to own them too, and if you already have one or more kidney stones, you're at increased risk of developing another.
Dehydration. Kidney stones are more likely to form if you don't drink enough water. People who sweat a lot and those who live 
Certain diets. Eating a diet high in protein, sodium (salt) & sugar may increase the risk of kidney stones. It is especially true for a diet high in sodium. Too much salt in your diet increases the calcium your kidneys need to filter & increases your risk of kidney stones.
Overweight. A high body mass index (BMI), large waist size, and weight gain were all associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.
Digestive diseases and surgery. Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, or chronic diarrhea can cause changes in the digestive process that affect calcium and water absorption, increasing the level of rocky substances in the urine.
Other medical conditions. Diseases & conditions that can increase the risk of kidney stones include renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hyperparathyroidism, certain medications & some urinary tract infections
Consult a urologist right away if you are feeling any symptoms. They can help you pinpoint the cause of your symptoms and develop a treatment plan. Here, we list the top urologist in Bhubaneswar for your consideration.
One of the most well-known urologists is Dr. Pabitra Mishra. He is the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar, has worked in the field for many years & has a passion for uro-oncology & renal transplantation. An expert urologist with years of expertise, Dr. Mishra is committed to giving his patients the best care. He has extensive experience treating both male and female patients with all urological issues. Ask him right away!
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aishwaryahomeopathy · 2 years
Homeopathy Doctor In Bhubaneswar
Kidney Stone & Homeopathy Treatment
Homeopathy is complementary & alternative medicine (CAM). This means that homeopathy is very different from the treatments used in traditional Western medical patterns. It is based on a series of ideas developed by a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790s. . Find out more about the best homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar!
 Normally, the kidneys remove waste products from the blood and make urine (pee). If there is too much waste in the blood and the body is unable to produce enough urine, crystals begin to form in the kidneys. These crystals attract other waste products and chemicals to be excreted with the urine. Otherwise, they form solids (kidney stones) that grow.
Signs of Kidney Stone
Kidney stones are irregularly shaped solid lumps or crystals that can be as small as a grain or a golf ball. Depending on the size of the kidney stone, it may not be noticed or felt. The symptoms include:
Causes of Kidney Stone
·         Family and personal history
·         Dehydration
·         Some diets
·         Obesity
·         Digestive diseases & surgery
·         Repeated urinary tract infections
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that are combined together in concentrated urine. It gives pain as it passes through the urinary tract, but it usually does not cause permanent damage. Conditions that increase the risk of kidney stones include primary hyperparathyroidism, obesity, diabetes, and gout. In large observational studies, dietary factors associated with increased risk of kidney stones include reduced water intake and dietary calcium depletion.
 Aishwarya Homeo Clinic has the best homeopathiy doctor in Bhubaneswar offering impeccable diagnosis, reliable procedures, time-sensitive treatments, and excellent kidney stone treatment at affordable prices. It has a proven track record of delivering reliable and side-effect-free treatments. It has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors who provide individual homeopathic.
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Find the Best Homeopathy Clinic in Bhubaneswar, India - Multicare Homeopathy
If you are looking for the best Homeopathy Clinic in Bhubaneswar, India then visit multicarehomeopathy.com and consult with well experienced globally recognized homeopathic physician Dr.Ranadhar Satapathy, treating patients from more than 100+ countries and has an excellent track record of cure rate more than 95 % in different diseases. Dr. Rangadhar Satapathy - One of the best Homeopathy Doctor in India, with more than experience of 34 years.Multicare homeopathy is the most reliable homeopathy treatment center in Bhubaneswar, India, that Represents the Promise of Care And Quality.We apply the most unique, advanced and scientific approach of homeopathy treatment to our patient which give a rapid, gently and long term relieve to their health ailments without arising any drug side effects. We apply both the clinical and constitutional approach of homeopathy treatment. The clinical approach of homeopathy treatment can be named as modern new generation homeopathic approach of treatment that gives a rapid relief to the suffering of the patients by the unique approach of multiple remedies therapy and side by side the constitutional treatment that gives a long lasting cure to the patients.It is specialized and renowned for treating various complex and chronic diseases like allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis and adenoids, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyp, DNS, chronic otitis media, Meniere's disease, migraine, IBS, ulcerative colitis, piles, fissure, fistula, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, prolapsed disc, sciatica, glaucoma, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, PCOS, acne, hair fall, autism, anxiety neurosis, OCD, schizophrenia, ED, kidney stone, lichen planus, nephrotic syndrome, chronic urticaria. Our branches in India like Bangalore, Pune, and Bhubaneswar. Book an online appointment today at 99374 12150 and mail us at [email protected].
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astangayurveda · 5 years
Top rated Ayurvedic Hospital in India
There is a North - South Divide once it involves Ayurveda in India. The North Indian branch of Ayurveda tend to rely on Bhasmas - or metal oxides as prefered means of medications. However Bhasmas tend to have a lot of heavy metals which can pose health problems.
The Best Ayurveda Hospitals in India square measure preponderantly found in Kerala that follows the Sahasrayogam branch of Ayurveda.
There square measure in more than 1500 Ayurveda Treatment centres and Hospitals in Kerala. thus however will anyone extremely understand as expected that is that the best?
The best approach is to seem for enfranchisement. The simplest Hospitals have NABH enfranchisement which implies that the hospital contains a internal control system in situ for its product and repair offerings.
There square measure around ten Ayurveda Hospitals in Kerala having NABH enfranchisement. Among these, the Dhathri Hospital in Kayamkulam ranks among the highest in treatment outcomes and quality of merchandise.
I know this primary as I had dole out a study of the business as a man of science and additionally undergone a signature treatment from Dhathri for a severe back downside.
In my opinion that one is the best,
There square measure such a big amount of ayurvedic hospitals in India, In this, in my opinion, Astang Ayurveda Hospital is one in every of the simplest Ayurvedic hospitals in India that is found in japanese a part of India.
About Best Ayurvedic Hospital in India – Astang Ayurveda
•           Astang Ayurveda was found in 2000
•           Astang Ayurveda set within the Bhubaneswar of East Indies with pleasant climate and natural
•           Our goal is to waken you real and authentic Ayurveda & Yoga expertise.
•           The founding father of the Astang Ayurveda from a standard ayurvedic family
•           Our Astang Ayurveda is that the 1st authentic Ayurveda and yoga treatment center in an exceedingly resort setup wherever we tend to combined Ayurveda and yoga as a treatment modality.
•           We have treated quite ten thousand patients from everywhere the planet.
•           The goal of our Astang Ayurveda is to waken you a real and authentic expertise with Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditation in accordance with ancient Ayurvedic traditions of India
Treatments Provided -  Lichen planus, Leucorrhea, multiple sclerosis, migraine, infertility, muscular disorders, obesity, osteoporosis, Parkinson's, post-cancer management, p.c.o.s, psoriasis, stress-related disorders, skin diseases, spondylitis, sciatica, sinusitis, thyroid-related issues, blood pressure (hypertension), bulimia, Crohns disease, chronic cough and cold, circulatory problems, dermatitis, diabetes, Alcoholism, allergy, anemia, asthma, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, bronchitis, gastritis, gout, heart related diseases, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, hair loss, kidney stones, lifestyle change, diarrhea, disc prolapse, dandruff, drug addiction, epilepsy, eczema, eye disorders, feminine healthcare, fungal infections, general health improvement, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, vitiligo, and treatments for many other illnesses are offered at the retreat.
 Treatment with the simplest doctor
Dr Ambika Prasad Nayak will the apply of Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment at Astang Ayurveda since 2000. he's a number one Ayurvedic Doctor in Bhubaneswar. he's the simplest for joint care, skin care and Neuro care.
This clinic is that the out patient department of Astang Ayurveda, the simplest ayurvedic hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Dr Nayak’s expertization in Joint care, Skin care and Neuro care has further color to the Ayurvedic hospitals and Ayurvedic doctors in Odisha. Numbers of Ayurvedic doctors learnt Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment at Astang Ayurveda, Bhubaneswar and facilitate patients at totally different ayurvedic clinics and Ayurveda hospitals in Odisha. currently Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, Low Back Pain, PIVD, rubor, disease of the skin square measure on the market in Bhubaneswar.
Dr Ambika Prasad Nayak is that the most favorite selection of all Ayurvedic doctors in Bhubaneswar and Odisha.
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Early Warning Signs of Kidney Stones
Kidney stones rank highly in the list of kidney diseases one could face. They are tiny deposits of salt and other minerals which form inside the kidney and most times migrate down the urinary tract. Kidney stones vary in size, thus while it is possible for smaller stones to pass without treatment; larger ones usually require surgery. Identifying kidney stones early on help to hasten treatment, in order to reduce damages. Below are some warning signs of kidney stones.
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• Sudden Pain: Kidney stones cause sudden and severe pain, depending on their positioning. The pain is characteristically present in the torso and pelvic area. It can also extend to the back, abdomen, groin, and genitals.
• Painful Urination: As the kidney stone travels from the bladder to the urethra, urination becomes increasingly painful. The pain is usually of a sharp and throbbing nature.
• Hematuria: The medical term for having blood in the urine; this is also a sign of kidney stones. This can occur when the stones are still in the kidney, or as they move down the ureter.
Kidney stones might turn out to be very dangerous if they are not tackled fast. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you can set up an appointment with one of the best nephrologists in Bhubaneswar using our online portal. Here are tips to help you through your first meeting with a nephrologist near you.
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
AMRI completes 100 bloodless surgeries
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People with kidney stones and prostate problems have reason to cheer with the emergence of bloodless laser technology. “The procedure is effective for all kinds of urinary stones from kidney to bladder. It is a very safe treatment options for prostate problems with negligible risk of bleeding. This is also risk free for cardiac patients,” said Salil Mohanty, vice president AMRI Hospitals Bhubaneswar, which has completed 100 bloodless laser surgeries in the state. The technology has also been helping people of neighbouring states such as Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal. “This surgery carries low risk of post-operative infection compared to procedures requiring blood transfusion. It is cost effective with the cost of surgery varying between Rs 70,000 to Rs 75,000. Unlike the traditional surgical processes, this technique requires only two days of hospitalisation,” said Subodh Das director of kidney transplant and renal sciences here. The AMRI also plans to open a robotic surgery section where the surgery will be done using very small tools attached to a robotic arm. The surgeon controls the robotic arm sitting at a computer station. AMRI also plans to impart training on the basics of robotic surgeries to interns, doctors and surgeons.
SOURCE: orissapost.com
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uncehospital · 3 months
Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions: Addressing Urological Concerns in Bhubaneswar
In the vibrant city of Bhubaneswar, individuals have access to a spectrum of healthcare services tailored to address various urological conditions. From kidney stone treatments to managing recurrent UTIs in females, and specialized care for male reproductive health, Bhubaneswar's healthcare landscape is equipped with skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities to cater to diverse needs.
Kidney stones are a common urological ailment affecting individuals of all ages. Fortunately, Bhubaneswar hosts a cadre of proficient Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors in Bhubaneswar adept at diagnosing and managing this condition. These specialists employ a range of modalities, including non-invasive treatments such as shock wave lithotripsy and minimally invasive procedures like ureteroscopy, to effectively break down and remove kidney stones. By offering personalized care plans, these doctors ensure optimal outcomes for patients, minimizing discomfort and reducing the risk of recurrent stone formation.
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For women experiencing recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), finding specialized care is crucial. Bhubaneswar is home to dedicated hospitals focusing on Female Recurrent UTI management. These facilities boast a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including urologists, gynecologists, and infectious disease specialists, who collaborate to diagnose underlying causes and implement targeted treatment strategies. Through a comprehensive approach that addresses both acute infections and underlying predisposing factors, these hospitals empower women to regain control of their urological health and prevent future recurrences.
Furthermore, addressing male reproductive health concerns necessitates specialized care offered by Andrologist Hospitals in Bhubaneswar. These facilities are equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic tools and staffed by experienced professionals well-versed in managing conditions such as erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and hormonal imbalances. Whether through medical interventions, surgical procedures, or lifestyle modifications, Andrologist Hospitals provide tailored treatment plans to address the unique needs of each patient, restoring confidence and improving overall quality of life.
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In addition to specialized treatments, patient education and preventive care are integral components of urological healthcare in Bhubaneswar. Through awareness campaigns and proactive screening programs, individuals are empowered to adopt healthy lifestyle practices that reduce the risk of urological conditions and promote long-term wellness.
In conclusion, Bhubaneswar stands as a beacon of excellence in urological healthcare, offering a comprehensive array of services to address diverse needs. From kidney stone treatments to specialized care for female recurrent UTIs and male reproductive health concerns, the city's healthcare infrastructure is committed to providing high-quality, patient-centered care. By leveraging advancements in medical technology and fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals, Bhubaneswar continues to elevate standards in urological healthcare, ensuring optimal outcomes and improved quality of life for its residents.
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uncehospital · 3 months
Enhancing Men's Health: The Role of Andrologists and Urologists in Bhubaneswar
In the realm of men's health, the expertise of andrologists and urologists plays a pivotal role in diagnosing and treating various conditions affecting the male reproductive system and urinary tract. Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha, boasts a cadre of skilled professionals dedicated to addressing these concerns. With specialized services offered by Andrologist Doctors, Urology Hospitals, and Laparoscopic Surgeons in Bhubaneswar, individuals can access comprehensive care tailored to their needs.
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Andrologists, often referred to as male reproductive health specialists, focus on issues related to male fertility, sexual dysfunction, and hormonal imbalances. These specialists are equipped with the knowledge and tools to diagnose and treat conditions such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and testosterone deficiency. Andrologist Doctors in Bhubaneswar utilize advanced diagnostic techniques and therapeutic interventions to improve the reproductive health and overall well-being of their patients.
Complementing the expertise of andrologists are urologists, who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the urinary tract and male reproductive organs. Urology Hospitals in Bhubaneswar serve as hubs of excellence, offering a wide range of services including prostate health, kidney stones management, urinary incontinence treatment, and urological cancer care. These hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a multidisciplinary team of experts dedicated to providing comprehensive urological care.
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One notable advancement in urological surgery is the widespread adoption of laparoscopic techniques. Laparoscopic Surgeons in Bhubaneswar are proficient in performing minimally invasive procedures for various urological conditions, including prostate enlargement, kidney disorders, and urinary tract reconstruction. With smaller incisions and faster recovery times, laparoscopic surgery offers patients the benefits of reduced pain and shorter hospital stays, facilitating a quicker return to normal activities.
The collaborative efforts of andrologists, urologists, and laparoscopic surgeons contribute significantly to improving men's health outcomes in Bhubaneswar. Through a combination of preventive measures, early detection, and advanced treatment modalities, these healthcare professionals strive to enhance the quality of life for their patients. Moreover, patient education and counseling play a crucial role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
In conclusion, Andrologist Doctors, Urology Hospitals, and Laparoscopic Surgeons in Bhubaneswar are instrumental in addressing the diverse needs of men's health. Their collective expertise, coupled with a patient-centric approach, ensures that individuals receive personalized care tailored to their specific concerns. As advocates for men's health, these healthcare professionals play a vital role in promoting wellness and addressing the challenges faced by individuals in the realm of reproductive and urinary health.
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Take care of your urinary system with the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar!
If you are experiencing symptoms that may be indicative of a urological problem, it is crucial to consult with a specialist. Urologists are medical doctors who specialize in the urinary tract and male reproductive organs. Consulting with a urologist like the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar can help to determine the cause of your symptoms & develop a treatment plan. 
Urologists treat disorders of   the urinary system!
Urology is a specialist area of medicine that deals with the problems of the urinary system in both men and women. It also covers the reproductive organs in men. The most common problems that urologists treat include urinary tract infections, prostate disorders, kidney stones, and incontinence.
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 Urological conditions can be complex, so it’s necessary to consult with a specialist. They have the experience and expertise to provide the best possible treatment. Here are some of the many benefits of consulting a urologist:
Urologists have specialized training and experience in treating urinary conditions.
Urologists use diagnostic techniques to assess urinary conditions, including urine tests, imaging studies, and biopsies.
Urology treatments are often very effective in relieving symptoms and improving quality of life.
Many urological conditions can be treated successfully without surgery. When surgery is necessary, much best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar use minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to minimize discomfort & speed up recovery times.
Urologists work closely with other specialists, such as urogynecologists, oncologists, and infectious disease specialists, to provide comprehensive care for their patients.
If you’re experiencing any problems with your urinary system or reproductive organs, don’t hesitate to consult an experienced urologist for diagnosis and treatment.
Benefits of consulting an urologist
There are many potential benefits to consulting with a urologist. 
Urologists have specific training & experience. They use them all to correctly diagnose urological conditions. 
By seeing a specialist, you can avoid unnecessary tests or procedures. 
Urologists can provide you with information about lifestyle changes or medical treatments that can improve your condition. They help you with improving your quality of life
Consulting with a urologist can give you peace of mind knowing that you are receiving expert care for your condition.
Relief from symptoms
Increased life expectancy
Consult now with the renowned urology doctor in Bhubaneswar!
If you are experiencing any symptoms, consult with a urologist now. They can assist in identifying the origin of your symptoms and creating a treatment strategy. Here we recommend you the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar.
Dr. Pabitra Mishra is one of the renowned urologists. He has 9 years of experience in the urology field, with an interest in renal transplantation & uro-oncology. Dr. Mishra is a highly skilled and experienced urologist who is dedicated to providing the best possible care to his patients. He has wide experience in treating all types of urological problems, both in men and women. Consult him now!
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Reasons for Burning Sensation during Urination
Do you feel a burning sensation during urination? Then you may have Dysuria (painful urination). Dysuria can happen in patients of both sex. You can feel this pain at the bladder, urethra or perineum. 
In our body, there is a tube known as the urethra that flushes out the pee from our body. The perineum is the area between the scrotum/vagina and the anus in those who have a penis. 
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According to Dr. Pabitra Mishra, the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar, painful urination is quite prevalent among people today. During urination pain, burning or stinging can be caused by various medical factors.
Let’s discuss it in detail.
Causes that create painful urination
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Painful urination is a common symptom of Urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI can be caused by either bacterial infection or urinary tract inflammation. 
In the urinary tract, you will find the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The ureters assist with moving the Urine from the kidneys to the bladder. You can feel the discomfort or pain just by inflammation in any of these organs.
Individuals with a vaginal canal are more likely to be infected with this than those with a penis. Since people with vagina have a shorter urethra, Bacteria travels a shorter distance to enter the bladder when the urethra is shorter Moreover, this infection happens more in pregnant ladies and ladies who have reached menopause.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 
If you have pain while peeing, it can be due to sexually transmitted infection (STI). Painful urination can also be due to some STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhoea and genital herpes. 
Also its important to be tested for STIs since most of the time they don’t show any symptoms. This is more true for sexually active persons.
Painful Urination can also be caused in those who have penis due to Epididymitis or inflammation of Epididymis. The epididymis is present behind the testicles, stores, and helps with transferring sperm from the testes.
Pain during urination can also be seen in people with prostate due to inflammation in the Prostate Gland. It leads to burning, stinging and pain in the urinary tract.
People with pain during urination also witness an increased desire to pee due to bacterial infection which leads to inflammation in the urethra. This condition is called Urethritis.
Inflammation of the pelvis (PID)
The fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and uterus are especially affected by PID. The symptoms are abdominal pain, uncomfortable intercourse and painful urine.
PID is dangerous & it happens because of bacterial infection. The infection starts in the vaginal area which then spreads to other reproductive organs.
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A pronounced painful sensation during urination is characterized by inflammation of the bladder lining. This symptom is one of the very first manifestations of cystitis. And later there are pains in the bladder and pelvic region. Painful Bladder Syndrome is another name for Interstitial Cystitis.
Radiation cystitis might be an outcome of Radiation therapy which causes bladder and urine pain.
Obstructive uropathy
The best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar explains Obstructive uropathy as a condition in which a ureter, bladder or urethra is blocked and urine flows back to the kidney. It can occur in any part of the system, from the kidneys where urine formation occurs to the channel through which it leaves the body. The condition increases the pressure in the urinary canal and threatens complications if not diagnosed in time.
Another illness, urethral stricture, leads to a constriction of the urethra, resulting in comparable urination and discomfort problems.
Stones in the kidneys
Urination becomes difficult if a person has kidney stones. Kidney stones are Solidified masses of material in the urine tract
Sometimes the side effect of medicines like cancer treatments and other antibiotics we take can cause a painful feeling. So before taking any medicine you need to talk about its side effects with doctors so that you don't have any doubt.
Hygiene supplies
The burning sensation and pain during urination aren't only happening due to any infection. It can also occur due to the Hygienic items we use to clean those areas. The soaps, lotions, and bubble baths can irritate vaginal tissues.
Colors utilized in clothing cleansers and different toiletries can also irritate the skin. 
What are the various ways of treating uncomfortable urination?
To diagnose this, the first step you can take is to find out the main cause. To cure difficult peeing, the doctor might suggest some medication. To treat urinary tract infections, bacterial diseases, and sexually transmitted illnesses doctors recommend antibiotics. Also, the doctors can recommend you some medicines to cure inflamed bladder.
At the point when you began your medication for a bacterial sickness, your difficulty peeing ordinarily works quickly. While taking prescriptions, consistently follow your doctor's guidance. A few diseases, for example, interstitial cystitis, cause torment that is more challenging to make due. The impacts of pharmacological treatment might take more time. It could require as long as four months of medication before you begin to feel far improved. In any case, it very well may be treated with appropriate daily practice and prescriptions.
Dysuria is unpleasant, causing pain, discomfort, and/or a burning sensation. Sometimes it is dangerous. The best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar saysDysuria can be a sign of many serious infections that can lead to the failure of an organ, blood poisoning, and even death. So if you feel anything like this, then immediately consult with the doctor. The sooner you go for its diagnosis, the better result you will get. 
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aishwaryahomeopathy · 3 years
Homeopathic Doctor in Bhubaneswar
Homeopathy treatment is completely based on individual causes, level of health, circumstances, what are the treatments already done, and many other factors. Most importantly, it is the symptoms of the disease that are found in the individual patient’s body.
Homeopathic Treatment for Skin Disorder
The skin is the largest organ and measures about 2 square meters of the human body. It plays many interesting roles that people hardly know. It not only protects the human body from many harmful radiations of the sun but also acts as major storage for energy, synthesis of vitamin D and gives an indication if there is any problem in the digestive & immune system.  
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Homeopathy is a form of treatment and a type of medicine that detects the problem from the root of the skin and also takes into account the nature of the individual skin while treating skin allergies without having any side effects. Allergies are not common to everybody. It largely depends on the individual skin nature or if the person is specifically vulnerable to a type of allergen. Thus, homeopathy is the best way of treating skin allergies.
Welcome to Aishwarya Homeo Clinic
Aishwarya Homeo Clinic is regarded as one of the most advanced homeopathic clinics and is guided by the homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar. We follow a mixture of classical and clinical homeopathy treatment protocols. We use the latest homeopathy diagnostic tools and techniques to understand your problem and treat it accordingly.  
Provide the best Homeopathic consulting services, Best Homeopathic Treatment and Care, Homeopathy treatment for Women and Gynecological Conditions, Skin Disorders and Old-age Joint pain etc. Call the homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar @081443 71193
Services Offered
•             Women Gynaecological problems
•             Chronic Cough and cold, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis & Sinusitis
•             Urine infection & Kidney Stone
•             Skin disorders - All sorts of Eczema, Allergies.
•             Old-age Joints Diseases  & Back Pain
•             Women Problems - PCOD, Menstrual Problems.
•             Gastrointestinal disorders – Gas and Acidity, Bloating, Nausea, and Vomiting
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aishwaryahomeopathy · 3 years
Best Homeopathic Doctor in Bhubaneswar
At Aishwarya Homeo Clinic, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors offering personal homeopathy consultation and homeopathy treatment. Having the best homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar, we follow a high- standard of classical and clinical homeopathic treatment protocols. We are providing top homeopathic care for various incurable and chronic ailments which don’t respond rightly to the conventional mode of treatment. Our doctors are specialized in treating gynecological problems, skin diseases, hair loss, and other old-age bone and joint pain diseases.
When it comes to the best homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar, Aishwarya Homeo Clinic is the right place for you.  We have a high reputation among the patients for giving a flawless diagnosis, reliable procedures, time-bound treatment, and affordability. We have a proven track record of providing cent-percent reliable and side-effect-free treatment.
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Services Offered
1.            Women and Gynaecological problems
2.            Chronic Cough and cold, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis & Sinusitis
3.            Urinary Problems like Urine infection and Kidney Stone
4.            Skin disorders - All sorts of Eczema, Allergies.
5.            Old-age and Joints Diseases - Back Pain
6.            Women Related Problems - PCOD, Menstrual Problems.
7.            Gastrointestinal disorders – Gas and Acidity, Bloating, Nausea, and Vomiting
Why Choose Us
Our main objective is to provide people with time and high-quality treatment, timer-bound cure, and optimum cost. We are known among our patients for quality, high-standard, latest procedures, and sympathetic care. We have the highest respect for the trust and beliefs vested on us by our patients and well-wishers and for that, we provide the best possible care. We maintain 100% transparency, decency, and dedication in our service.
Provide the best Homeopathic consulting services, Best Homeopathic Treatment and Care, Homeopathy treatment for Women and Gynecological Conditions, Skin Disorders and Old-age Joint pain etc. Call the best homeopathic doctor in Bhubaneswar @081443 71193
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aishwaryahomeopathy · 3 years
Best homeopathy clinic in Bhubaneswar
Are you searching for the best homeopathy clinic in Bhubaneswar? Then you must come to Aishwarya Homoeo Clinic in Bhubaneswar. Here the best and dynamic doctor Dr. Bijay Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Ankit Panigrahi and Dr. Aishwarya Panigrahi serves people based on a holistic approach. This is the best Homeopathy Clinic in Bhubaneswar. The prime objective of the clinic is to offer the fastest and best treatment for its patients. The homeopathy doctors in this clinic must understand the mental and emotional health issues of the patient and prescribe the remedy that works very fast.  They prescribe the most unique Constitutional remedy after thoroughly examines of patient’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual mind at their initial appointment.
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Why you prefer for homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a kind of treatment that active all the capability of the body to healing itself. In other words this is the best techniques that help our body to learn heal itself. This method of treatment offers dependable to everlasting fix, treating the problem from its underlying foundations, for the popular of the ailments. This homeopathy is a standout between the most common sciences regarding its ideas of well being, sickness and fix. This is the only treatment which retouches the patient from inside.
What would it be able to do…?
If you are suffering from any long standing and repeating maladies such as hypersensitive, Dysmenorrhea, Hair fall, Kidney Stones, Sinusitis, Psoriasis, piles, PCOD, PCOS, or etc, homeopathy offers outcome which can modify the life of patients for ever.
For example of hypersensitive sicknesses such as Asthma, urticaria and so forth, it can get better body’s safe instrument is, for instance, method that the body no more reacts in strange path by creating choked bronchial cylinders, irregular arrival of histamine, fit, irritation, and so forth.
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aishwaryahomeopathy · 3 years
Best homeopathy doctor in BBSR
Homeopathy is one of the best medical systems that are fully based on the belief that the human body can cure itself. The homeopathy doctor use tiny amounts of natural substances such as minerals and plants. Because they believe that these stimulate is the only healing process. In other hand homeopathy treatment is very common treatment in European countries, but it’s not quite as popular as in the United States.
How homeopathy medicines are working?
The homeopathy medicines have the power to stimulate body’s own natural healing power. This treatment triggers the body’s personal curing forces and so a remedy is prescribed on a very individual basis. At your first visit to the Best homeopathy doctor in BBSR, they must ask about your all physical, mental and emotional symptoms. By that they understand the dose of homeopathy medicine that suits you.
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They ask the question like which period you like the most like heat or cold? What types of taste they like the most, such as salty or sweet? By asking all these types of question they can judge about your personality and prescribe the dose accordingly you.  
Aishwarya Homoeo Clinic is the best homeopathic clinic in Bhubaneswar. Here you can get   appointment with the three Best homeopathy doctor in BBSR named as Dr. Bijay Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Ankit Panigrahi and Dr. Aishwarya Panigrahi. They three are also taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health and will prescribe the best treatment that best suits all of your symptoms.
What Conditions Does Homeopathy Treat?
Homeopathy treatment is available for all types of health issues also for some chronic illnesses, but the very common diseases are:
·         Eczema  
·         Endometriosis
·         Kidney Stones
·         Dysmenorrhea and much more
It can also be used for minor issues like Psoriasis, Sinusitis, toothaches, piles, nausea, coughs, and colds.
But be cautious about not to use homeopathic medicine for cirrhosis illnesses, like asthma, cancer, and heart disease, or in emergencies. Also, must have to avoid it in place of vaccines.
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