brainyxbat · 5 months
Kuro: You, there! What are you doing?!
Kaya: Khlahadore...
Usopp: 😠😠😠
Kuro: *pushes his glasses up with his palm* I don't appreciate you breaking in here without permission!
Luffy: Who's he?
Kaya: A-actually Khlahadore, these people are-
Kuro: That can wait for now. I can hear about your reasons later. Now leave, all of you! Or do you have something to say?
Venus: *raises her hand* Um, excuse me? I do have a question, Mr. Ladore.
Kuro: What?
Venus: *mimes pushing glasses up with her palm like him* What's this, that you're doing?
Zoro: Venus. 😑
Venus: I've only seen people do it like this. *mimes pushing glasses up with her fingers*
Zoro: Venus, stop.
Venus: I've never seen it done that way before, with their palm.
Zoro: Shut up, Venus.
Luffy: We want a ship!
Kuro: No!
Venus: 🙁 Why not?
Nami: *finally claps her hand over her mouth* Shush!
Kuro: Usopp-kun!
Usopp: (hiding on the trunk, digging through his bag* Crap!
Kuro: I've heard about all of you. You're well-known in the village.
Usopp: *climbs back on the branch* Yeah?
Kuro: I hear you've been on many an adventure. Quite impressive for someone so young.
Usopp: You can call me Captain Usopp, too! Since you admire me so much!
Kuro: Captain, huh... I've heard all about your father, as well.
Usopp: What?!
Venus: Hm?
Kaya: Khlahadore! Stop!
Kuro: You're nothing, but the son of a filthy pirate! Nothing you do will surprise me, but I ask that you stay away from the lady of this house!
Venus: 😠😠😠
Usopp: F-filthy?!
Kuro: She and you are from completely different worlds! Is it money you're after? How much do you want?
Kaya: That's enough, Khlahadore! Apologize to Usopp-san!
Venus: *hums angrily in agreement*
Usopp: Hey, now! Be careful, Kaya!
Kuro: What reason is there to apologize to this savage man, my lady? I am merely stating the truth. I feel for you. You must truly hate your great idiot of a father... for abandoning his family and village because of his lust for treasure!
Kaya: Khlahadore!
Usopp: Don't you dare insult my father anymore! *jumps down from the branch*
Kaya: Usopp-san!
Usopp: *uses a grappling hook to lower himself to the ground*
Nami: *yanks her hand away from Venus* EWW, EWW!
Zoro: What?
Nami: She licked my hand!
Venus: 😠 Stop talking about him like that!
Kuro: What are you getting unnecessarily riled up for? Why not simply tell another of your special lies at a time like this?
Usopp: 😠😠😠
Kuro: About how your father is really a traveling salesman, or how you're not related by blood.
Usopp: 😡😡😡
Usopp: *punches Kuro* Shut up!
Kaya: 😰😰😰
Venus: 😲😲😲
Ninjin/Tamanegi/Piiman: Captain!
Kuro: S-see! You immediately resort to violence! Like father, like son!
Usopp: Shut up!
Kuro: 😨
Usopp: I'm proud that my father is a pirate! I'm proud that he's a brave warrior of the sea! You're right, I am an exaggerator! But I'll never lie about my pride to be related by blood to a pirate! I'm the son of a pirate!
Ninjin: Captain...
Kuro: A pirate, a brave warrior of the sea? That's quite a twisted way of putting things. *stands on his feet, and brushes himself off* But you're the undeniable proof of his savage blood! You run around spouting lies, and act violent whenever you're angry! And to top it off, you cozy up to the lady of this house, so you can get her fortune!
Usopp: What?! But I'm not-!
Kuro: The fact your father is a pirate, is more than enough proof that you'd hatch such a scheme!
Venus: 😡 That's not true, you big jerk!
Kuro: Shut up, you little brat!
Usopp: *grabs his shirt collar, preparing another punch* Damn it, you still won't let up?! And don't talk to Venus-chan like that!
Kaya: Stop, Usopp-san!
Usopp: *hesitates*
Kaya: Please, no more violence! Klahadore isn't a bad person! He's just... he's just trying too hard to do what's best for me!
Usopp: *reluctantly loosens his grip*
Kuro: *slaps his hand away* Leave this place! Never come near this mansion again!
Usopp: 😡 Yeah, I get it. I don't need you to tell me! *heads for the gate* I'll never come back here again!
Kaya: 😟 Usopp-san...
(Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman run over to Kuro)
Ninjin: You stupid butt-ler jerk! Our captain's not that kind of guy!
Piiman: Yeah! You stupid-head!
Tamanegi: Stupid-head!
Luffy: Stupid-head!
Zoro: *punches Luffy's head* Why're you saying it, too?!
Venus: Because they're right! *turns to Kuro* Stupid-head!
Zoro: Venus!
Kuro: *sends the kids hiding behind Nami with a single glare*
Luffy: *held back by Zoro* What's your problem?!
Zoro: Hey, now! Stop!
Luffy: Let go! You stupid butler!
Venus: *held back by Nami* I'll kick your ass, you big jerk!
Nami: Don't you start too!
Luffy: Come fight me, if you can!
Venus: Bring it on!
Kuro: You will leave at once, too!
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oakdll · 9 months
i really wanted to like one piece live action more than i did, and don’t get me wrong, i liked it, but they handled a lot very poorly
garp was done so badly. i get how at the end he’s like “ohh well i just wanted to make sure you reallly wanted to be a pirate” but they made him a villain for the whole first season??? the whole time i was so confused because it was so out of character and it really just feels like they shoehorned in him not being an evil marine or something. it’s like they didn’t know who garp was the entire first season and then the writers watched up to marineford and realized that garp is a good person and tried to make it seem like they knew that all along.
also the pacing is really weird, like i’m fine with them speeding it up and stuff, i actually think that’s great, but they removed a lot of the most important stuff. all of the crew members join at really weird times, nami never even really pretends to be part of the crew, zoro joins like halfway through east blue, it was so weird. nami and zoro arriving at the same time ruins a lot of the luffy and zoro dynamic, like in the original when luffy and zoro are the only members, nami points out how poor their survival skills are. they would be useless without her because they can’t navigate or cook or do any basic thing for the life of them.
in syrup village a huge part of it was the whole boy cried wolf reference and that kaya didn’t believe usopp when he told her about khlahadore, but in the live action they just ignore the whole “the pirates are coming” thing and have kaya briefly doubt him before believing him within like 5 minutes. they also ignore his actual crew, as well as the dog storyline, which i’m not as sad about but i felt like those added a lot of character to the arc.
in baratie they just skipped all of don krieg, which i was completely fine with i hated that guy but it leaves a huge gap in the storyline of baratie and ruins the pacing so you don’t care about any of the characters. the mihawk fight gets completely ruined because mihawk was sent over to capture luffy?? and also zoro challenging mihawk had such clunky dialogue it makes him sound so much more petty than noble.
in arlong park, they completely leave out when usopp gets captured and nami stabs her own hand to save usopp from death and instead just have nojiko tell the crew about it. they also left out how luffy walked away when nojiko was about to reveal namis backstory which was an important part to his character.
so many of the characters lose so much of their whimsy (except for luffy) like zoro wasnt supposed to be super whimsical but they just make him completely bland. nami really isn’t interesting until arlong shows up, she just tells luffy his dreams are silly a bunch which feels super out of character for her. it’s just weird. the live action format is really great for a lot of situations, but the fight scenes and dialogue are a lot trickier to make believable when you don’t have animation to hide behind. with animation, you expect the world to be unrealistic, but with live action, you have to make the dialogue and fight scenes much more complex. the dialogue in the live action feels way more like it’s trying to be “cool” than fit the characters. the fight scenes all feel much less impactful and complex and more like rubber man swinging his arms at sword guy instead of rubber man utilizes his abilities in a highly unique way to win against someone stronger than him.
i’m leaving out all the good parts, i really do think this is a very enjoyable series, this is just a rant post because i had very high expectations after seeing the amazing casting and trailers. it’s still great i just have a lot of complaints
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mamamittens · 2 years
Quick question uh...
Do y'all think Kaya would have been shaking and hesitating about shooting Khlahadore if she knew he killed her folks and didn't just hurt Merry and mess with Ussop while planning to kill her for her fortune?
I know, I know. He claims the dad was an accident but I'm pretty sure he's full of shit on that so the point still stands.
Cause ngl, wasn't expecting her to come packing heat after Merry's whole "your life is worth more than the money" speech.
She hesitated but in spirit she was absolutely already thinking
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When I made the snapping joke a few months back I hadn't seen that part btw, so I was very pleasantly surprised by how close we almost got to it lmao
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buggy-samaaa · 9 months
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i really like RPing for Khlahadore lol
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obsidianapanthera · 3 years
Tag Dump:
|| ☽ Out of Catnip ☾ {OOC}
|| ☽ Panther’s Visage ☾ {Self}
|| ☽ Grinning is Still Baring One’s Fangs ☾ {Musings}
|| ☽ Peace For the Mind ☾ {Aesthetic}
||  ☽ Nights Such as These Awaken My Senses ☾ {Desires}
|| Suggestive
|| Lemon
||  ☽ Everyone Already Knows Where the Strip Club Is ☾ {Shitposting}
||  ☽ Shattering an Insane Hour Glass ☾ {Crack}
||  ☽ Feline Admiration ☾ {Cats}
||  ☽ Now to Initiate My Plan ☾ {Queue}
|| ☽ Life of a Nomadic Stray ☾ {Main}
|| ☽ In My Crown I Am King ☾ {Captain Kuro}
|| ☽ Clockwork of a Doomed Village ☾ {Khlahadore}
|| ☽ Unprecedented Little Distractions ☾
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rueririn · 3 years
PG&T (Current) Timeline
Full timeline of pre-canon events in Of Pop Greens and Tangerines. I did a retcon of the years that went by and have mostly fixed chapters for continuity. This is for reference. (Spoilers for unwritten events have been redacted.)
Things written in normal text are for a view of the canon events happening a the same time-- the bolded/italicized are the activity of our time travelers.
1511: Sanji escapes Germa, Coby returns (5yo)
Minion Island: Bogard + Garp saves Rosinante
Heart Pirates are formed
1512: Luffy receives the hat, ASL is formed, Sabo ‘dies’ and joins the Revolutionary Army. Koala joins the Sun Pirates. Fisher Tiger’s death.
1513: Jinbei becomes a Warlord and Arlong is set free in East Blue. Assault on the Orbit and Sanji’s 70 days of starvation. Zoro and Kuina’s vow. 
Coby leaves his island to an isolated place to train.
1514: Doflamingo becomes a Shichibukai, Dressrosa crisis and takeover. Otohime’s death. Bellemere’s death. Tom’s execution and Franky’s ‘death’. 
1515: Koala joins the Revolutionary army. 
1516: Chopper meets Doctor. 
Coby makes contact with the Revolutionary army (10yo) 
Coby begins his work, infiltrating Marine branches and beginning to manipulate information and reduce instances of tyranny.
1517: Hiruluk’s death. Brook’s shadow is stolen. Nami returns (13yo)
Nami gets prosthetics done in Mekani Isle. 
Coby makes contact with Trafalgar Law and joins them in their starting journey, acquiring the submarine and boiler suits.
1518: Robin joins Baroque Works, Franky returns to Water 7. Usopp returns (13yo)
Usopp meets Kaya and builds a bond. 
Nami crosses the Grand Line as Namizo, a chore boy on Smoker’s ship. 
Coby leaves the Heart Pirates. He occasionally works in cafes as crossdressing waitresses with Sabo and Koala for fun. 
Coby makes contact with Rosinante in Baltigo. 
1519: Ace leaves Dawn Island and forms the Spade Pirates. Kuro infiltrates Kaya’s house.
Usopp visits the Baratie for the first time and begins working there on weekends. 
Usopp picks up a baby bird and names it Kinoko.  
Usopp assassinates Khlahadore.
Nami locates Ace and begins stalking him. 
Coby makes contact with Garp and thanks him for his previous life’s endeavors. 
Coby reunites with X Drake. It doesn’t go well. 
1520: Spade Pirates in New World (Wano). Ace meets Shanks, and is shanghaied into Whitebeard’s crew. Punk Hazard explosion. Vivi and Igaram infiltrated Baroque Works. 
Usopp works permanently at the Baratie as a full-time waiter.
Nami makes contact with the Whitebeards, Arlong is defeated, and she becomes an honorary Whitebeard Pirate, sailing with them back to East Blue. 
1521: Cavendish becomes a Supernova. Thatch gets the Yami-Yami no mi and Blackbeard kills him (subverted, as Nami averts their course.) Caesar’s plan in Punk Hazard begins.
Coby begins investigating Tequila Wolf. Coby hears the news of Nami’s efforts and the Arlong Pirates’ disbandment. 
1522: Beginning of the series.
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buggy-samaaa · 9 months
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this is getting really good!! I think Buggy is finally in character again. also you know i had to insert my mans Khlahadore
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