meggannn · 4 years
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camalyng · 4 years
keelificent replied to soft HZD boys:
the shipping/stanning priorities of hzd fandom will never not confuse me
same........... they found them a white boy and the murders don't matter
(though I might be extra baffled because I don't really ship Aloy, just side stuff like Ikrie ➡️ Mailen and Avad/Ersa)
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gay-orcs · 5 years
keelificent replied to your post: where is my ghost eeveelution?
God I wish
give me my ghost eevee, you cowards
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omegastation · 6 years
keelificent replied to your post “jtavington replied to your post “I’m debating whether or not to keep...”
There are honestly so many variances in ME1 you just can’t account for in a single PT, I ran into the same thing with my Ashley romance transcript. I did two different runs of Virmire just to get her different dialogue if you paragoned her vs if you don’t. Some lines change depending on Shep’s profile makeup. What decisions you make, who you have recruited, and yeah what order you do the missions in 
So honestly yeah, don’t sweat over it just do how you want and if you ever replay and still want to transcript stuff, you can just do it in a different way then
I already worry no one is reading them rn because it’s MShep that I’m using ^^’
My next project is going back and changing all the parts where FShep has a different dialogue, and like you said, there are a lot of variations. 
I also hope that when I’m done, someone who has trouble playing the games (for many reasons, disability included) can just pick my transcripts of ME1 and get a good experience reading it. Like “I want to read the adventures of MShep in ME1 where he’s a Paragon” -> transcript available. It tells you all the moves made by Shepard, where he’s going, why, who he’s meeting, the options he had but the ones he picked (ideally I’ll change it so there are two versions - one where you see dialogues options, another where you can just read it like a script)
And if you want the same with FShep, no problems. So I have a big interest in following the usual order picked. Ah it’s fine. I can go back and record while transcribing MEA in the meantime :)
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Yeah, I don’t know either, it doesn’t really make sense. Game mechanics vs. things somewhat making sense don’t always work out ha ha.
In my little biotics headcanon file I have a list of biotics powers and abilities ranked from easiest to hardest with a description of each and what type of mass effect field they’d be using, and I have warp/annihilation at the bottom, which is the only one to use the whole “spatial distortion” thing, which like I mentioned does seem the hardest to do since it’s going back and forth between mass lowering and mass raising fields.
So I might just headcanon it that spatial distortion is what Kaidan managed to learn between ME1 and ME3 since Reave is literally not even on my biotics powers list because again... it only works for game mechanics not like actual biotic theory.
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dykeharrowhark · 4 years
replied to your
btw if y’all want follow me over on twitter...
are you fine w me following? it’d be w the same url I have here
yeah ofc!
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paragonshep · 5 years
keelificent replied to your chat “Kaidan: Are you flirting with me? No, don't tell me. Let me live in...”
(sorry for replying to a kinda-old post, i don't check the shiara tag as frequently as other tags) fwiw, one of the triggers for this is buying him the alcohol. don't buy it and you should be fine! i split a paragon save to test the theory bc my shiara shep is a lesbian too & i didn't want this line, and i treated him the exact same but bought the alcohol in one and not the other, and he only flirted in the alcohol save
...... do you know how much you’ve improved my life with this one comment? this is one of those acts of kindness i’m gonna be thinking about on my deathbed
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rannochs · 5 years
4, 8, 10, 13, 31, 34!
4. Colonist, Earthborn or Spacer?
earthborn 100%! though i’m fond of colonist too.
8. Share a headcanon about your main Shepard.
10. Who is your Shepard’s best friend and why?
riley’s best friend is garrus, since he was there from day one and stuck with her until the end. they also bonded over their habit of shooting first and asking questions later lmao.
13. Who would be in your perfect squad? (Choose 8)
kaidan, ashley, tali, thane, kasumi, garrus, grunt and vega
31. Overall, which one is your favourite game of the ME series?
this is hard because i love all of them for different reasons, but i think i’d have to pick 3 (despite the mess with the ending), mainly because the squad had most of my favourite characters, the story/overall tone was So well done and made me cry more than once, and the romances were really good too (esp kaidan’s but i’m extremely biased lmao). also it has the citadel dlc which is enough of a reason alone to prefer 3 lmao.
34. Favourite non-Shepard OTP?
garrus and tali! i actually can’t think of any other non-shepard ships off the top of my head that i like but i do really love those two together.
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mercymorns · 5 years
she-ra | heirs to the glimmering world
paiting: catra/adora
word count: 6.2k
chapter: 1/?
notes: a big thank you to @pefruma​ and @keelificent​ for looking this over!
Catra runs, and She-Ra has a crisis of faith.
Or, if two enemies meet in the woods and no one is around to hear, are they still enemies?
Or, like most things between them, Catra and Adora figure it out.
read on ao3 
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lunaplena · 6 years
favorite characters tag game
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people. 
thank you @accioharo for tagging me! :)
1) Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist
He is my top favorite character because his character arc resonated very strongly with me from the moment he came on screen when I watched FMAB for the first time. I love him so much!
2) Anne Elliot, Persuasion by Jane Austen
Anne’s arc also resonated strongly with me, and I identify with her so much, so it was easy to get attached to her. 
3) Korra, The Legend of Korra
My forever girl! I got so attached to her that I literally fell into a depression at the end of Book 3 and again when the series ended.
4) Margaret Hale, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
I think I have a thing for characters who go through hell, because Margaret goes through so much hell throughout the course of the novel and I empathized with her so much. I love her resilience, independence, and intelligence!
5) Ryu Su Hyeon, Chicago Typewriter
Another character who goes through hell--she loses her family when she’s only 15, has to hide her identity because it might get her killed if she’s discovered, falls in love with a leader of independence fighters and neither can risk being in a relationship, gets caught and is tortured for information, and loses her two best friends before dying out of grief. However, she was able to save herself many times and adapts to anything that’s thrown at her, becomes a sniper that her enemies fear and her comrades are in awe of, takes out a whole room of enemies in one night, and is an overall badass. How could I not love her?
6) Takashi Shirogane, Voltron: Legendary Defender
He’s smart, he’s tall, he’s a leader, is witty as a mf out of nowhere, he’s been through hell, and looks a whole snack the whole time? I just. I LOVE SHIRO.
7) Rapunzel, Disney’s Tangled
Tangled found me at a very vulnerable time in my life and I instantly fell in love with Rapunzel’s sunshine. I literally watched this movie every day for like, at least three months straight? I was OBSESSED lol.
8) Psyche, Greek mythology
Psyche is my favorite character from Greek mythology because I empathize with her so much--so much of what happens to her is completely out of her control, but she stays strong and remains a good person and I’m always happy to read about her getting her happy ever after.
9) Kuronuma Sawako, Kimi ni Todoke
Sawako is so sweet and so genuinely nice that it’s impossible not to love her. She’s also a Capricorn so I HAVE to kin lol.
10) Victor Nikiforov, Yuri!!! On Ice
He’s another Capricorn so I kin, but I also loved the slow reveal of his character throughout the series--and I’ll never forget the gasp at the end of episode 10, as if a whole other world had opened before Victor’s eyes the moment he really saw Yuuri for the first time.
I tag --> @flickertape, @captbuccaneer, @reyshepkorra, @steinbecks, @tsarvictor, @keelificent, @goodoldmoon, @spiral-comet, @scarfblogs, and @disgruntledturtle! 
I decided to write out a little blurb for each character, but y’all don’t have to! I would have just searched for gifs of each character but there’s not many for my favorite book characters and also I have an aesthetique to keep on my blog lol.
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meggannn · 5 years
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@keelificent trying to do a me1 run without recruiting garrus like
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camalyng · 5 years
ship ask meme: willarian?
who hogs the duvet: Ashley
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Ashley, bored at work
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Ashley, by luck of that Christmas fic I wrote them
who gets up first in the morning: Ashley. they both have the military early mornings thing going on but Garrus wants to snuggle
who suggests new things in bed: Garrus
who cries at movies: Ashley, and if Garrus ever reveals this he will die
who gives unprompted massages: Garrus, better able to tell when Ash is carrying tension
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: mutual fussing because they’re both out of their depth thanks to the amino difference
who gets jealous easiest: Garrus
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Garrus who absolutely does not have tracks from Vaenia and Fleet and Flotilla on his most played
who collects something unusual: I don’t think either of them do actually
who takes the longest to get ready: Garrus
who is the most tidy and organised: Ashley. that weapons bench in the forward battery is a mess
who gets most excited about the holidays: Ashley
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Garrus is the big spoon, Ash is the little one
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Ashley, but it’s contagious
who starts the most arguments: Ashley
who suggests that they buy a pet: Garrus
what couple traditions they have: making fun of Ashley’s taste in sports drinks
what tv shows they watch together: Dynasty of Stars because Ash accidentally got hooked in hospital, MMA matches
what other couple they hang out with: Shiara
how they spend time together as a couple: sparring, swapping tactics, drinking, cuddling, first date shit
who made the first move: Ashley
who brings flowers home: Garrus now that he knows Ash likes them
who is the best cook: Ashley by only a slight margin but they usually cook their own meals anyway
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gay-orcs · 5 years
keelificent replied to your post: sentinelryder replied to your post “had to...
I didn’t have transport to get to the damn courthouse for my last jury duty and they still refused to dismiss me
lmao wow! what the fuck
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omegastation · 6 years
symbolicanus replied to your post “keelificent replied to your post “jtavington replied to your post ...”
it’s your project, take your time. someday i’d love to do a full comparison on differences between fshep and mshep but that’s going to be a huge undertaking!
Oh yeah the transcripts will def. help with that, and I want to do it. I always intended it to have a version for FShep, MShep. Paragon and Renegade too 
But I need the recorded vids for that. Btw you also asked me when I’m going to Virmire, everything is already recorded. So I think I’ll have to start ME1 again and record everything again or simply go back to a point in my playthrough and go to Therum first to record. 
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meggannn · 4 years
🎥: for one you haven’t done yet
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Mass Effect: HNNN fuck you for picking this one in the discord. so many favorite scenes:
on the collector ship: “They’re going to target Earth.”
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
passing out at the beam run, waking up, and limping the rest of the way without a sound
“What do you need me to do?”
hyperfixation ask meme
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camalyng · 5 years
keelificent replied to fun times being an Ashley Williams fan:
When I was doing my transcription it really drove home just how little critical thinking is involved and/or how people don’t even pay the barest minimum of attention when it comes to Ash because there were so many dialogue trees where 98% of the crit against her completely falls apart and is literally refuted in the actual canon
por que no los dos.gif
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