buticancarryyou · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
@wincestismyheart thank you for tagging me in this. I love these kinds of things. Sorry it's taken me over a month to do it myself! Ha!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 27 works currently. I've deleted a few over the years.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
207,118. That's actually crazy to think about.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Predominately, Supernatural. But I do write for Skam and its Remakes as well (Skam France and Druck currently).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) The First Time I Saw Your Face (263 Kudos, 4k, wincest) - I posted this one in 2019 crazily enough, so it's semi new and its also the only fic I have on ao3 that I attempted no promotion of. So how it ended up with the most kudos, is a mystery to me. This fic was a WIP for so fucking long and 2019 was a good year writing wise for me, so I was able to finish it up and post it. It's actually very endearing to my heart, because it's an over-compassing story in short glimmers of their love story from Sam's birth until Stanford!Era / Pilot.
2) Two Hearts, One Home (230 Kudos, 5k, evak - skam) - The first published fic for these two and it's literally just fluffy and porn. For some reason when I write them, I turn into a porn writing champion, which is a strange turn for me--as I usually struggle with it! Written in 2019.
3) Close Your Eyes & Make A Wish (203 Kudos, 7k, Datteo - Druck) - The first Druck fic I ever posted and it's a recanting of one of their episodes. I love Matteo and David so fucking much and they will always live in my heart. So happy I wrote this piece. Also written in 2019. (see what I mean about it being a good writing year?)
4) To Rise, We Must Fall (197 Kudos, 11k, Wincest) This was written for the 2014 reverse big bang. It was my first dip into challenges and I'm happy it exists because it gave me courage to attempt other challenges. I def don't think it's the strongest thing I've ever written, but I love it because it's Boy King related.
5) Treble Clef Confessions (191 Kudos, 1k, Elu - Skam Fr) - The first and only thing I ever wrote for Skam France. I don't anticipate writing anything in the future for them, but I do love this short little piece that reimagines a scene. This was also written in 2019.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oh yes, I absolutely do. I am so grateful for any comments I get, because unfortunately they are few and far between. I wish my readers left more tbh, because they just fuel my desire to keep writing. So I definitely love to take care of those that do, just to also encourage them to do the same for others.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
There's two that I think of, but I'll go with the one that has had more responses from the fandom. Everything's For You was written in my earlier tumblr days for a tumblr challenge. The prompt was basically to imagine: “Dean says time is different in hell, but what if it’s not? What if Dean really spent 40 years in hell before Cas put him back to 2008? Write what 40 years without Dean may have looked like for Sam.” And well, things get a little sad.
7. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I feel like I try to make sure all of my fics end on a happy note, just because I like to make the angst so severe throughout the fic. Lol. But the Skam piece I am currently working on and isn't posted yet, is def going to be the happiest. So look out for, A Weekend To Remember.
8. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written one yet, not to say I never would.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say hate, but I have had people challenge the way I write and say it's too flowery. People also try to correct the way I write Brother in Wincest fics with a capital B, but that's my creative freedom as a writer. They're not just brothers. They're Brothers. <3
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write it, but it really depends on the fandom I guess. When I write for Sam and Dean, I feel like the smut I write is few and far between. Not that it's hard to write, or that I don't enjoy it--but I enjoy writing them without it. Sometimes I feel like it means just as much without it, because that's just them. But then I put my Skam glasses on and I'm suddenly on a smut roll.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I hope that never happens; I wouldn't handle that very well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be open to it under the right circumstances.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing posted, but maybe between friends--yes.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Def, Wincest. I don't care how far away from SPN I get, I walk by a flower stand and see sunflowers and with always instantly be reminded of Sam. I'll see wanderer things and think of Sam. I'll see leather candles and think of Dean. I'll see an impala on the road and think of the boys on the road in the middle of the night. I will always see them everywhere and they will always be a part of me.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Probably the 900 J2 fics I've started. I want to finish one, but I usually get distracted and start something else.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think for me, it is dependent on how well I know a character...because if I know them like the backs of my hands, I can really get into the vein of them and write them well. The worst feeling for me is when I can't feel a characters voice as I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably that I get distracted entirely too easily. An idea will come up and I'll be all about it, write 10k of it and then think of something else. And then it'll sit in my drafts as a WIP for years, staring at me with pleading eyes and I just try my best to not think about the 'what-ifs'.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to stay away from it if I can, because to me it is distracting.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished Nsync fanfic for sure. LMAO. But second fandom would be Supernatural.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
There's so many things I want to say, but in this moment, I can't help but think of: A Brother's Lament (A Slow Death). It was written for the spnj2bigbang for 2016 and it's probably the longest fic I've written, being that it's 46k. It is a love story to Dean's slow and maddening deterioration after Sam's death in Swan Song. Of how he tries to live the life he promised, but finds that he physically cannot do it. It's sad and violent, dark and upsetting, but I put my whole heart into it and it's not even the most well received thing I've written--but I fucking love it so much.
Tagging: @sammichgirl @nyxocity @hellhoundsprey and @homo-pink because they're some of my favorite writers. <3
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
I was tagged by Nat, @galaxystiel... thank you, love!
rules: enter your answers then tag 10 people! use the first letter of your name to answer each question. real answers only. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
name: Karri a four letter word: Kind a boy’s name: Keith an occupation: Kennel Mgr (I guess?) something you can wear: Knit Sweater  a food: Kiwi (gross) something you find in a bathroom: Kids toys (if you have kids) a place: Kansas  a reason for being late: Knife cut in your tire something you shout: KNOW IT ALL! a movie title: Knights Tale something you drink: Kool-Aid an animal: Kangaroo a type of car: Kia Sportage title of a song: Keep On Loving You  - REO Speedwagon
I’m tagging: @codependentsamanddean, @whoaeasytiger, @sammichgirl, @nursedean, and anyone else that would like to??
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
I was tagged by: @darlingjared, who is as wonderful as ever!
A - age? 31 *coughs blood* i cannot believe it B - biggest fear? that six ft deep hole in the ground.   C - current time? 12:53pm D - drink you last had? dr. pepper  E - every day starts with? my alarm clock going off about 5 times before i cry myself awake and get ready for work  F - favourite song? Creep by Radiohead G - ghosts, are they real? undecided.  i like the idea of them, but don’t have any solid evidence in my own experience to say yes or no.  H - hometown? Rapid City, South Dakota I - in love with: Tyler Joseph.   J - jealous of? people who can spend hundreds of dollars on makeup and not feel guilty about it. K - killed someone? close, but no cigar.   L - last time you cried? probably at minncon when i found out someone stole my jared ops. :D M - middle name? Ann N - number of siblings? 2.  O - one wish: for me to figure out how to blend eyeshadow masterfully P - person you last called/texted: does whatsapp count? because @whoaeasytiger. Q - questions you are always asked: what’s that anchor mean? (about my tattoo behind my ear)  R - reasons to smile: pretty much Nolacon and my 3 ops with jensen ‘daddy’ ackles.  x.x S - song last sang: car radio by twenty one pilots.   T - time you woke up: 5:15am.  do you see why i was crying? U - underwear colour: black, like my soul V - vacation destination: Germany! W - worst habit: forever and always thinking im not good enough--for anything X - x-rays you’ve had: teeth and also my chest.  Z - zodiac sign: technically by the dates, I am capricorn... but i was born on the cusp of sagittarius & capricorn.  and when i look at things, i relate more to sagittarius than i do capricorn... so i call myself a sagicorn.  
I am tagging: @codependentsamanddean - @whoaeasytiger - @nursedean - @sammichgirl - @galaxystiel - @hallowedbecastiel - & @sasquatchandleatherjacket
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
Currently In Love With:
I was tagged by: my fellow potafro, @nursedean !!!  Thank you!
1 Song:  Ride by TOPxMM 2 Movies:  Interstellar & Across The Universe 3 Shows: Eyewitness, Skam, & The Flash 4 People:  Sam Winchester, Brian Kinney, Philip Shea, & Isak Valtersen  5 foods:  Chipotle, Dark Chocolate, Bok Choy, Curry Shrimp, & Peanut Butter 6 people to tag: @codependentsamanddean - @whoaeasytiger - @sammichgirl - @goandgetthegun - @lionheartnking - @sasquatchandleatherjacket. 
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
Post 5 ships from 5 different shows and pass this onto the next 5 people in your notifications
Wincest (SPN)
Britin (QAF)
Philkas (Eyewitness)
Evak (Skam)
Clexa (The 100)
///curls around all of my babies
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
DANDELION: Do you think you’re important?
More often than not, no.  :/ 
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
Daffodil and daisy
DAFFODIL: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
There’s been a few, but one that comes to mind rn is the lovely photo book that my wifey put together of our time in Chicago for chicon.  It turned out so wonderfully and it still makes me emotional to look through it.  
DAISY: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was like 7? And it was with this little boy who was my next door neighbor and we played a lot outside.  haha, it was cute.  
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buticancarryyou · 7 years
top six favorite books?
GAHHH lets see (hasn’t read a real book in ages)… this will be a list of favorites / last read. 
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
Night by Elie Wiesel
Looking for Alaska by John Green
THG Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
The Pact by Jodi Picoult 
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
So, @sasquatchandleatherjacket has tagged me to answer the following 11 questions and then write my own questions and tag some other people.  THANKS for the tag friend!
1. zombie? super flu? nuclear? demonic? ai? meteor impact? other? if you had to choose an apocalypse to live through, what would you choose?
I honestly have not given this any thought in my life... haha.  I guess the only one I would be semi-prepared for would be a zombie apocalypse, so I will go with that!
2. thoughts on cilantro: delicious or soapy?
I absolutely hate cilantro.  My stepdad is Laotian and so there is PLENTLY of dishes his family makes with this devil herb and it ruins my life essentially.  KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME.
3. are you allergic to anything? 
Penicillin & purple eyeshadows / eyeliners
4. what’s the first movie you can remember watching in the theater?
Well the first one I actually watched was Bambi.  The first one I clearly remember is Dances With Wolves.  
5. land or sea?
6. do you think you have an regional accent when compared to other people who speak your first language?
Probably.  I hear it in myself.  I have this slight California girl thing going on. It’s annoying, but WHOOPS.
7. waffles, pancakes, or french toast?
FRENCH TOAST!.  Gimmeeeee!
8. do you dress up for halloween? if yes, what was your costume this year?
I love to dress up, but sadly this year I did not do it.  
9. is there a scene from a movie or tv show that makes you cry every tie you see it?
The end of Marley and Me, also Interstellar.  And don’t laugh, but Beauty and The Beast.
10. do you believe in alternate universes? 
Hmm, well I guess they could exist.  I believe in the Mandela Effect.  I mean, the Berenstein Bears thing fucks me up.   
11. cake or pie?
Both. Both is good.
Here’s my 11 Questions: 
1. Is there a song that you would deem ‘life altering’ to you?   2. Do you believe in reincarnation?  3. What is a fear you have? 4. Do you have a favorite shirt? Tell me about it.  5. Aliens, fact or fiction? 6. Do you read your horoscope? 7. Favorite cartoon character? 8. What would your last meal consist of? 9. Crayons, markers, or colored pencils? 10. Do you collect anything? 11. What does AKF mean to you? I am tagging: @codependentsamanddean, @whoaeasytiger, @sammyatstanford, @sammichgirl, @buttheyrebrothers, @nursedean, @galaxystiel, @hallowedbecastiel and anyone else that cares to do it. 
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
First Lines
I was tagged for this by one of my all-time favorite authors, @whoaeasytiger !  ^^
Rules: List the first lines of your last twenty stories (or however many you have altogether). See if there are any patterns. Then tag your favorite authors!
Gonna mirror what Rose said and say that most of these are ficlets from our series 52 weeks of sam / dean.  But alas, here we go...
The minute her feet sound on the stairs, Dean starts to wonder if he’s been dead all this time.  (x) - 12x03 Coda
Sam wakes to the slow tap of fall rain against the window, the room around him is cloaked in darkness, even though the alarm clock reads that it’s well past noon. (x)
“Please,” A man begs and It sounds like a prayer. (x) 
I want to die. The letters are ink heavy and undeniable. (x)
It begins with blood on his hands. (x)
Sam’s fourteen and nursing a forty-mile hard on because Dean’s mouth is wrapped around a bomb pop. (x)
When they pass by the first Florida state sign, Sam’s lungs shrivel into the size of raisins. (x)
The summer sun is blinding where it slips through the worn holes of a curtain that is probably as old as the window it clings to, tiny pricks of light that flit across the backs of Sam’s eyelids and lull him frustratingly to the surface of consciousness.  (x)
Dean lights up the pitch black room with the flick of his lighter. (x)
The first time they do it, it’s for the job. (x)
One day you’re six years old and pressing your chubby cheek to your big Brother’s chest in the middle of the night, because a bad dream crept under your lashes and left you shaking in your sheets. (x)
On the darkest night of their lives, her headlights pierce through the blackness and shine light on the road ahead of them. (x)
It’s barely three days after everything in his life went to shit, when Dean finds it. (x)
Dean Winchester is not a murderer, but he could be. (x)
He’s seventeen and aching in the passenger seat. (x)
As long as I’m around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you. (x)
There’s a freight train in his ears, it roars like a black stallion and it’s deafening. (x) - From my 2016 Big Bang. 
Dean Winchester is not particularly proud of many things in his life, hell–there’s a long list of things that he wishes he could just erase from his past altogether. (x)
He’s yours, completely-one-hundred percent-yours. (x)
The first time Sam sees them clearly, he’s six months old and curled up in his Brother’s shivering arms. (x)
I am tagging: @codependentsamanddean, @sammyatstanford, @sammichgirl, @sasquatchandleatherjacket, & @galaxystiel.
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
Well, I think almost all of them are misunderstood at some level.  But I’d have to say that to me, Wincest is the most misunderstood.  Because at the end of the day people get all uptight about dicks going in butts, when that is just 1% of what Wincest is all about.  I think if people stepped back and looked at the 99% of it, they would understand it a little better and see why exactly it is so easy to ship.  It ships itself honestly. 
Do the thing? 
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
Hey!!! 👀
Ship you're curious about: 👀
This is a toughie.  But I would definitely say, Denny.  Curious because it was a flash in the pan and I’d love to see more of it tbh. 
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
SAMJESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally, it makes me a big sap every fucking time I think about it. Hits me straight in the feels, I just can’t! 
Do the thing?
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
💦 💩?
Ship that is taboo: 💦
Definitely, Wincest.  
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
Do the thing?
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Sastiel.  I mean, I think it's gained more popularity over the years, but it is still that little quiet corner of the fandom where everything is rainbows and sunshine.  And I love it a fucking lot. 
Fun fact: it was my first ship.  :D
Do the thing?
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
Tagged by @hallowedbecastiel (thank you sweets!)
Rules: Tell us your one favorite character from ten different fandoms and tag around 10 people
Supernatural - Sam Winchester
Queer As Folk - Brian Kinney
The 100 - Clarke Griffin
Arrow - Felicity Smoak
Sons of Anarchy - Jax Teller
Dexter - Dexter Morgan
My Mad Fat Diary - Rae Earl
Shameless - Mickey Milkovich
One Tree Hill - Peyton Sawyer
The Vampire Diaries - Damon Salvatore
Tagging: @codependentsamanddean, @whoaeasytiger, @wincestismyclarity , @sammichgirl , and anyone else that wants to do it. 
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