#karneval hits 2021
cdmischer · 3 years
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tooruiwa · 2 years
hello, hope you're having an awesome weekend!!!
yep I read novels! more than I do webtoons/ mangas/ manhwas lkasldkflk it's not so much the format though, it's just... I'm bad at keeping up with things that are ongoing and are released chapter and I prefer just bingeing things at a go :p
omg you do art?!?!?!?!? and have a degree in graphic design?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! how's the ux design going along now? why did you decide to go from graphic / ux to visual arts? 00: askdkdl sorry for the 1001 questions I'm really curious and ALSO because I never did have the guts to get a degree in arts/ design and went for a... safe... more "generic"-ish thing instead 😣 I really miss school too and I'm kinda thankful I graduated before the plague hit, since I got to experience the full on-site dorm-living student-exchange uni experience and all that. ok but I definitely don't miss the exams and all the cramming before the exams 😂
oh trust me I haven't figured most of the adulting thing yet 😭 what is insurance? rent (yeah I still live with the parents...)? investing? it's like a lot of people around me are getting married and having kids left right and center and I'm like... *scrolls tumblr* *tinkers on photoshop* (': and I still feel severe imposter's syndrome while at work so.... 😢
ok I made a meme here and wanted to send it but stupid tumblr won't let me send it with a picture??? so image description: from the match with seijoh in season 1 where suga is called up and he starts bonking and hitting everyone and then when it comes to noya he gives him a high five and there are flowers in the background, above suga I typed "you, having introduced me to haikyuu" and above noya is "me" - STUPID TUMBLR I'll send this to you once christmas comes around and you find out who I am (':
(this scene was too cute askldlkklsdf suga literal ray of sunshine and then the change in art style in season 4 and his ahoge gets EVEN MORE PROMINENT 😂)
aslkdklklf I neither hate him nor love him (to the extent that you do that is) 😂 but I do find him quite likeable! if I were in his shoes I'd definitely feel jealous and spiteful tbh BUT he still pushes himself and is a brilliant player in his own right! ah yes haters always be loud (side note slight deviation I once got hate and a death threat for liking a particular anime lmaoooo some people really have no life)
haikyuu is keeping me going these last few weeks of 2021 (('': please next season when 😭
yeaaaa I did go through a few otome-ish shows just for the seiyuus... and as much as I liked hearing them speak most of the time I was just cringing away 🙂🙂🙂 SUZUKI TATSUHISA! I first heard him in owari no seraph so when I recently watched tokrev this year with him as draken I was like... yeah this is a change 😂 I haven't watched free akallksdl how is it? ALSO namikawa daisuke is also one of the ridiculously amazing ones the way he can change his voice sometimes I REALLY struggle to link the different characters he's voiced because he can vary it so much
yep I've watched karneval and servamp! ages ago though... so like anything else one year and before I've forgotten most of it already 😅
ah yeah... I don't particularly like that relationship dynamic either 🤨 most (if not all) of the favorite bls I've read are usually like... power couples? like both are equally capable of kicking ass. and there's some sort of mystery/ action besides the romance
gaaa okay I hope it makes your christmas slightly better!!! (but that you'll have a good day nevertheless 😣) another reason I can't wait for christmas is that I'll FINALLY be on a plane to FINALLY travel 🥳
omg your graphics are AMAZING 🤩 they're so creative!!!! (are your 2014 anime creations anything like these ehehehehe now I'm curious to see what you make for your secret santa giftee ehehehehe) I'm not creative enough to make graphics so I mostly stick to gifs... (':
I'm also watching kny s2 currently!!! I rarely watch shows as they air (see second paragraph aklsdlkkl same reason) but man some shows are really too important to leave them till they finish to binge 😂 - also entertainment district arc hello uzui tengen sir and your wives) I'm also currently watching another show (not anime) that has been long completed aklskldfkl I read the first few chapters of gokushufudou before! but not the complete one I think. I recently tried watching the live action (lmaooo) but dropped it after a few episodes 😂 I just... wasn't really hooked I guess? and I usually have a bad time keeping up with slice of life-ish stuff 😅 I'm currently reading another bl (klaklsdlk) at the moment! about a police officer in the anti-drug unit and his informant
question of the week: any upcoming anime you're particularly looking forward to?
~your animanga secret santa ☃️
hello! and omg i'm sorry for the late reply, i was out most of this week and i hate typing on my phone orz
oh yeah i get that lmfao i used to prioritize books and novels too exactly bc of that, but recently i've not been too able to concentrate on words only lmfao i feel like a kid needing drawings to read, but damn my brain sucks lol BUT BTW, i know u just said you don't like waiting for things. but i read a webtoon and i thought of you, i think you're gonna like it! it's called "homesick" and it's creepy and the art is so pretty (it's very different with the colors, kinda on the same vibe of lore olympus). it's for free on the webtoon app, there's only 28 chapters so far and it updates weekly, but it's been really interesting so far!!
not really, but i do love art skajdkaj i love making art but i'm definitely not a picasso or anywhere near lmfao which is why i wanted to have a study experience for it. oh i haven't done much of the course lately, i think i watched one hour of it in the past 3 months or something lmfao but i've been really stressed this year rip i studied design first thing when i finished hs back in 2014, it was actually fashion design but i hated it so i changed to graphic design and a technical course instead of college (here in brazil they count as the same thing, but 2 years instead of 4+ lol). i've been working as a freelancer since i've finished it but i never really ~loved~ working as a graphic designer. i have serious issues liking things i do etc. i started ux now bc i desperately need a job, it's something that it's REALLY hiring a lot of people and i honestly think the research part of it could be better for me because i wouldn't pressure myself as much?? but then i also always wanted to BE an artist, but i don't really have much talent or do any effort to become better, so i decided to study it so can actually force myself to do it for my own good. because my brain needs this switch you know, the change in environment to function. i hate working from home and doing things at home because i spend the whole day thinking about my bed. or i'm on youtube all the time. i need to be in another place to change my mentality, idk why i'm like this lmfao i'm easily distracted and can't focus. so i'm going back to college to do better things to myself!!! also i've always wanted to have these kinds of college experiences too, but here in brazil we don't really have dorms and exchange programs are really hard too lmfao
oh my don't even talk to me about it lmfao adulting sucks and i also don't know most of it lol thankfully most of my friends don't do either, so i'm not too pressured. only a couple of them (they're a couple, that's why) have their own house, the rest of us still all live with our parents (it's very common here in brazil bc pays are low and rents are high) but man hopefully we can get through this soon! imposter's syndrome isn't good for anyone, really hope this bitch goes away
YOU MADE A HAIKYUU MEME FOR ME???? that's so sweet, best thing anyone has ever done for me :') LMFAO i know the scene, it's so funny lmfao suga is the best honestly
yes yes that was a good answer, you pass!!! but lmfao i know, i used to say i didn't like insoo's law and people called me so many things. ppl are so toxic on the internet, especially weebs. fuck weebs
free is.... something LMFAO i love makoto, he's one of my all time fave characters. he has so much dept even for a fanservice anime lmfao but free is really... about fanservice lol though the story is cute, the whole plot is the same and there's a bit of tension for like 2 episodes between makoto and haru and then it's already over. the rest is just like a breeze. but it's good to watch when u wanna see 15 year olds with body of 30 year old bodybuilders, the sexualization hits hard, but no one talks about it bc they're men lol the voice actors are all great though!!! i couldn't watch the last season (or last 2, idk how many are out there now, i watched 2) bc makoto's shoulders were pissing me off (you know yaoi shoulders? those were it). but then you look at the seiyuu list and the cast is truly *chef's kiss*
i love karneval and servamp, knew you'd have watched it too lmfao
please rec me some bls, i need a change of pace and mind because i only ever read bad ones LMFAO
where are you traveling to?? and thank you <3 hope you have a good one as well!!
THANK YOU! my 2014 ones are nowhere near good lmfao i still haven't made my gift, but hopefully i can make a nice one! i used to only make gifs, but my ps has been a bitch and stopped letting me open videos and after using avisynth for so many years i'm too lazy to go back to my gomplayer frame capturing method of making gifs lmfao so making gfx is easier for me. i've also always hated looking for videos and matching the coloring for different scenes lmfao i'm too lazyyyy
this arc is my fave one!!!! i love daki she's a queen. and the only problem with uzui is that he has 3 wives and none of them are me. like can you believe that??? LMFAO
YES!!! spy x family is coming next year and I'M! SO! EXCITED!!!!! i love them <3 love the manga and the anime is looking pretty nice so far, i'm really looking forward to it!! have you read it? are you waiting for one to air as well?
have a good week!!!
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trigall · 3 years
Die Besten Karneval Party-Hits 2021 (Wir Feiern Trotzdem) (2021) Pop, Dance | 2021 | 101:31 | MP3 | 320kbps | 230 MBTracklist:1. Andreas DerBerg - Karneval, das ist so geil 3:222. Tim Tulpe - Geh mal Bier hol'n - Gmbh 3:083. Gьnther Sturm - Stimmungsmedley 4:114. Die Bengel - Annette, du
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cdmischer · 4 years
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