#k01h || fushimi saruhiko [headcanons]
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting? for sanzo and saru
Multimuse Asks || Currently Accepting!
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Nearly impossible to ship with. To be honest, most of my muses are difficult to seduce, but Sanzo in particular is one that deserves a massive disclaimer in neon lights beaming over his head at all times. Yes, he is pretty. Yes, he is charming(??). But because of the way he was raised and just his overall personality, chances to actually sail for Romance Island with him start in the negative with just about any and all muses, OC or canon.
At the same time, I do not say no to people trying to ship with him. See, it's not that I do not want to, it's just that I, as a mun, cannot think of a scenario or a way through his heart that would bring him to develop romantic feelings for anybody.
I am always here waiting for that mysterious RP partner who will surprise me with a story I haven't managed to come up with to have that change!
Now, with that said, as an asexual myself (not aro, but still), to hear "you just need to find the right person" makes me groan inside. So that's not what I am trying to say about Sanzo. I'm saying that as a writer constantly learning and exploring, I do not have the arrogance to believe I have figured out my muse 100% to the point of excluding any and all ships with him without trying.
Regardless, Sanzo is a very deep character who is very capable of feeling other forms of love, which is shown in the manga and the show alike. I am honestly all up for all that too. So I guess the TLDR of this is: if you engage him with shipping intent, you may end up disappointed, but there is so much more to explore with Sanzo in terms of relationships!
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Now I'm gonna try my best to answer this one without coming across as a salty asshole. But Saruhiko is NOT the Fushimi Saruhiko you see in Episode 5 of Season 1 of K Project 24/7. I understand that not many fans can bother looking up the manga scanlations, or even better the novel of Lost Small World (or all the other ones), but Season 1 of K Project is absolutely not what you should use as a reference when approaching Fushimi.
He is not a psychotic yandere with bloodlust and a creepy grin all the time. That is just a mask he wears when confronting Yata, and it only lasts from the time he leaves Homra up to the death of Mikoto Suoh. Most of the time, he is a very grumpy, lazy and overall unmotivated young man who hasn't figured out what he really wants to do with himself.
It is really really difficult for me when I am approached by anime-only fans who expect my muse to go psycho and stalk them for attention when he absolutely has no reason to do so. If your muse is not Yata Misaki and our point in timeline is not the one I mentioned earlier, don't come looking for that experience. I will let you down.
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16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
Multimuse Asks || Currently Accepting!
Tough one to answer! Let's see..
Of all 30 of my muses, I feel 20 of them would not back down if challenged to a fight.
As for who'd have the spirit to initiate one to get something they're after...
Well crap, that narrows it down to just 19.
Let's try again and see who's more likely to start a fight with no gain, no rhyme or reason...
I guess it's a tie between these two, for entirely separate reasons!
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Fushimi Niki. Now, it's not that he WANTS to fight you persay. He's quite happy simply making you absolutely miserable. A narcissist and psychological abuser extraordinaire, there is almost nothing Niki would consider unfair so long as it gets him a laugh. He will definitely make you want to punch him in the face, but that doesn't necessarily mean he wants to punch you back. Auto-destructive and chaotic, he will put himself in harm's way for the sake of a good laugh... at your expenses and especially Saruhiko's.
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Like father, like son. Saruhiko Fushimi will see red (and the pun is absolutely intended) if Yata Misaki and his marry band of human waste from HOMRA cross his path. However, this feisty spirit is something he reserves for Yata alone, and will take out anyone else in cold blood if they so much as put themselves between him and his target.
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Send 📱 to see how my muse has yours in their phone!
Muse for us that we pick: Reisi
Muse on your end: Fushimi!
Phone Meme || Always Accepting!
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When he joined Scepter 4, Fushimi didn’t see it anywhere in his contract that he should act like a grown up; no matter how many times the Lieutenant may chastise him about that.
At the same time, one can’t just be all-out childish either. That’s just cringe. Like Domyouji level of cringe. He’ll leave that kind of display to the idiots of his level.
No, the way he lets his inner child vent is through small and subtle, petty passive-aggressive things. And one such thing is his contacts list on his phone.
For the Blue King specifically, Fushimi has a tendency to change his name depending on how the mood is striking him, or more specifically on what the man did most recently to annoy him.
There’s room for creativity here, but also tradition. “Master Procrastinator”, “Lazy Ass”, “Jigsaw Freak” and “Massive Creep” have done the rounds on his screen a few times. No picture of course, ever. The last thing he needs is to see the Captain more than necessary.
If Awashima were to check his private messages with the Blue King, she would probably have a stroke or two. The tone Fushimi uses when speaking in private with the man is nothing like the professional vernacular one would expect from the third in command at Annex 4.
Let’s see, what’s the last message sent to Munakata today?
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4:42 a.m.
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Tag Dump 5 (K p.2)
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Hey mun! Do you have songs that remind you of your muses? Any of them, all of them, how many you prefer!
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((I admittedly do not have a lot of songs for most of my muses (some have none at all, I’m a bad mun...). The one who got the most dedicated playlist is, of course, Saruhiko Fushimi. So here’s a couple that give me the best Saru vibes.
Araki - AGAIN
For those Fushimi/Yata feels. This one seems perfectly fit for their fallout story.
A Saruhiko/Niki song. We all know what a terrible father Niki was to Saru, and this song gives just the right idea.
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And while I’m here thinking about it, a headcanon for the twin(S)ies~
Despite being born on the same day, the two have a conception gap of 2 whole months between each other (remember, they are etheropaternal twins, meaning different dads, so different time of conception). Because of this, Sephiroth was born overdue, having been in Lucrecia’s tummy for 10 months. This was because her body couldn’t go into labor due to Saruhiko also being there.
Lucrecia’s body attempted to give Saruhiko as much time as possible, but he was still delivered prematurely, having grown inside her for only 8 months. Unbeknownst to him, this may actually be a contributing factor as to why he was spared from the Jenova cells injection.
So to make it perfectly clear:
January 1980: Sephiroth is conceived (father being Vincent);
March 1980: Saruhiko is conceived (father being Hojo).
Both are delivered on November 7th, 1980.
Lucrecia’s extended pregnancy was undiscovered by all parties involved until much later once Hojo did some further tests on the newborns. This is why nobody suspected the possibility of Vincent being involved in the paternity, as Lucrecia would have thought the pregnancy to have lasted only 8 months, from when she went to Hojo.
Unfortunately, Sephiroth’s overstay inside Lucrecia was a major cause to her sickness and illness, which protracted with pain and horrible visions even after the children had been delivered.
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[Muse Update] Saruhiko Fushimi
Hello! Saru-mun here to introduce the new story background for Saruhiko Fushimi to be used in the “Final Fantasy VII Divergent Megaverse” of my creation with other RP buddies.
HUGE FFVII Lore Dump in this, bear with me.
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Full Name: Saruhiko Crescent, Saruhiko Fushimi (adoptive last name)
Age: 20 (biological age at the beginning of the OG game events), though legally he’d be 27.
Blood Relatives: Lucrecia Crescent (mother), Doctor Hojo (Father), Sephiroth (Half Sibling, hetero-paternal twin).
Profession: Former Turk, AVALANCHE fighter.
Skills: Hacking, Programming, Intel Gathering.
Weapons of choice: Saber, throwing knives.
Materia: Fire and Ice.
Background Story Timeline:
ΕΓΛ 1966-1978: Fuhito Fushimi
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It all started with Fuhito. 
Born on April 1st 1966 and raised in Wutai from a wealthy family, Fuhito always felt he was meant to follow a bigger calling than what the archipelago could offer. Uninterested in the tradition and martial arts of his hometown, he was drawn to the sciences and technology, and soon seeked to find like-minded individuals to challenge his quick wits and high intellect. This lead him to Cosmo Canyon, where he was immediately intrigued by the Study of Planet Life and the teachings that argued that the planet is a living organism with all living creatures being part of it, all life deriving from the lifestream.
- Saruhiko sealed in 1984 (age 6)
- Finds Saruhiko in 1993
- Find Elfe in 1999/0000
- Avalanche funded in 0000/0001
ΕΓΛ 1977: Fuhito and Professor Hojo
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Learning everything he could from Bugenhagen, young Fuhito soon discovered the old man’s past with the up and rising Shinra Electric Power Company, and craved to know more. Through research, he discovered the prominent name of Professor Hojo, and began to closely follow his scientific achievements with growing interest, finding himself like-minded and fascinated by the man’s unique genius.
In particular, Fuhito was drawn to Hojo’s theories regarding the possibility of fusing mako energy and materia into a living body for psychic and physical enhancement.
ΕΓΛ 1977-1984: S-II, birth and infancy (0-4yo)
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“S-II” was an unwilling part of Project S. Conceived by Doctor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent, he was in the woman’s womb alongside “S” at the time of the experiments (”S”, unbeknownst to all, actually the biological son of Vincent Valentine, making him and “S-II” a rare case of heteropaternal twins aka two fertilized eggs from different fathers within the same mother). By pure luck, “S-II”’s fetus was spared from the injection of Jenova Cells when the experiment was carried out.
Carried to term and delivered alongside “S” on November 7th 1980, “S-II” was very quickly considered a failure and scrapped from the program, Lucrecia being allowed to keep him for herself, unlike “S” who was taken under custody by Hojo and separated from his mother and sibling.
When Lucrecia left ShinRa following the events surrounding Vincent and his sealing in the ShinRa manor, she brought 4yo “S-II” to the Crystal Cave, sealing him with herself in the crystal, worrying that he too may be soon suffering for the Jenova Cells that were implanted inside her when he was still in her womb. While in this frozen stasis, “S-II”’s aging halted.
ΕΓΛ 1980-1990: Adolescent Fuhito
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Continuing his studies on the Planet, at the same time Fuhito sought to meet Professor Hojo in the flesh, doing everything he could to locate his idol and follow his progress and latest endeavors in ShinRa. When one day Professor Gast visited Cosmo Canyon alongside the Cetra Ifalna, Fuhito overheard them talking about the experiments going on in Nibelheim, as well as Dr. Hojo’s participation to the project. This brought him to wish to seek out the place for himself.
To his dismay, by the time he was old enough to travel to Nibelheim independently, Hojo had already left the area, now promoted as the new Head of the Science Department after Gast quit the company. Unable to meet his role model, Fuhito continued to investigate the man’s experiments in Nibelheim in private, eventually stumbling on the tracks of the Professor’s closest colleague and alleged lover: Lucrecia Crescent.
ΕΓΛ 1991-1996: Early Childhood (4-9yo)
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On a fateful day, Fuhito made at last his discovery of the Crystal Cave, astonished to find a sealed Lucrecia Crescent encased within a crystal with a small child. Studying what documents Lucrecia left behind in the cave, Fuhito learned more about Project S, and was definitely intrigued to discover that the small kid sealed here was none other than the son of Hojo himself, as well as a leftover specimen of his experiments.
Fueled with desire to put his hands on the research of Professor Hojo, Fuhito made the selfish decision to remove the kid from inside the crystal, bringing him back to life after a 7 years cryostasis. Fuhito took “S-II” away from the Crystal Cave, but not before also retrieving a shard of crystallized mako from the selfsame crystal the child and Lucrecia were sealed in.
Taking the child to Wutai, Fuhito named him Saruhiko, giving him his family’s last name Fushimi. He made a necklace out of the crystal shard he collected, and has the kid wear it with the intention, one day, to possibly complete the research of Dr. Hojo by fusing the materia together with the the child himself. Saruhiko being a remnant of Project S, had Fuhito believe he could be a fitting host for this experiment, once provided with the needed equipment to carry it out.
Until then, he’d spend the following years rising the kid as his own, not sharing with him the secret behind his origins. Fuhito was delighted to see that Saruhiko shared a similarly bright mind as his own, and nurtured it with his own knowledge, albeit in his usual detached and professional manner.
ΕΓΛ 1992-1997: The Wutai War and Elfe (5-10yo)
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While the Wutai War still raged on, tensions rose amongst the population, with anti-ShinRa groups becoming more vocal and common. Fuhito had become involved with one of these groups, the newborn AVALANCHE, after meeting its founder in Cosmo Canyon; both of them shared radical ideas regarding the Planet and the harm that ShinRa had brought to it with its greedy use of mako energy.
In this chaotic environment, Saruhiko grew with a bitter and nihilistic attitude towards the world, both bored with it after hearing Fuhito’s incessant preachings about the Planet and resentful of it for stealing the full dedication of his only guardian. At the same time, the young boy found himself oddly fascinated by technology, and frustrated with how his country repelled its use. Withdrawing himself from everyone, he spent his time exploring the battlefield and playing around with scraps of warmachines he could find.
Fuhito was a little displeased to notice that his passion for the Planet’s cause seemed lost to Saruhiko, but ultimately didn’t pressure him either, understanding of his young age and deeming him possibly still too immature to see things through his eyes. His detachment for the boy further increased when an amnesic girl stumbled her way into Cosmo Canyon, with a piece of materia etched into the back of her hand. Fascinated by her, Fuhito took her into AVALANCHE, where the girl would soon raise as its new leader under the name of “Elfe”.
With Elfe at his side, Fuhito’s attention was now fully focused on AVALANCHE and its cause. His interactions with Saruhiko grew sparse, the man spending most of his time in Cosmo Canyon with her and the other anti-Shinra insurgents. 
ΕΓΛ 1997: Awakening GLaDOS (10yo)
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Eventually, Saruhiko picked up and managed to restart a small reconnaissance drone. Initially wanting to keep it for himself as a friend, he was baffled to see the small thing take up and run, headed to a specific direction.
Following the drone, 10yo Saruhiko discovered the Cradle, a secret ShinRa facility where weapons appeared to autonomously build and repair themselves to be deployed back on the battlefield.
Exploring the facility for his own amusement, he discovered the central core that kept the facility running: GLaDOS. Saruhiko fiddled with it, finding himself enthused like never before, and attempted to take control of its console.
He achieved this by inserting his crystal necklace into a materia socket, unknowingly bestowing the machine with powerful intellect and consciousness. GLaDOS came to life and began to speak to Saruhiko, talking to him in a feminine voice that he couldn’t help but find eerily familiar. Upon Saruhiko’s offer, GLaDOS connected to his mind, and transfered a copy of his intelligence and personality into her own mainframe.
Finding himself in full control of the facility, Saruhiko turned all robots currently in Wutai against ShinRa, quickly dispatching their military forces and turning the tides of battle in favor of Wutai. However, this was done more out of childish competitiveness rather than any patriotic sentiment, and as the company focused its efforts into seizing control of the Cradle, Saruhiko’s impetus against them only got him more and more carried away. His sentiment of spite, arrogance, boredom and sadistic apathy towards other people imprinted into GLaDOS’ circuit, making her more and more ruthless and cruel.
When Sephiroth and other 1st Class SOLDIERs were sent against GLaDOS, the AI suddenly stopped functioning properly. To Saruhiko’s shock, the machine sought to violently expel the crystal he’d given it, to the point the stone was almost destroyed.
The young boy retrieved his family heirloom just in time to save it, and could only watch in shock as GLaDOS became a sentient entity of her own, completely out of his control and now refusing to cooperate. Forcefully, he was thrown out of the facility and allowed to escape while GLaDOS focused her attention on Sephiroth and the other SOLDIERs.
Confused by all of what happened, Saruhiko decided to seek out the origins of the crystal in his possession, approaching Fuhito with many questions. Amused by this unexpected development, Fuhito directs the young boy to the Crystal Cave, seeing no issues in letting him in on the secrets of his origins now, and rather hoping that finding the truth may push Saruhiko into embracing the cause of AVALANCHE.
Saruhiko travels with him to the Crystal Cave, discovering his sealed mother and faced with her research notes where everything about Project S, Doctor Hojo and Sephiroth was revealed to him. Discovering what became of his mother and the terrible experiments that were behind his very origins, Saruhiko grew up with a seething hate for ShinRa and vowed to personally destroy it, a sentiment that Fuhito could only endorse, despite their contrasting feelings towards the twisted mind of Professor Hojo.
From this point, Saruhiko began to study and devote himself to his academic credentials, aiming to be hired in the Electric Power Company so that he may find his biological father, confront him, and destroy every remnant of Project S from within.
ΕΓΛ November 0000: AVALANCHE moves to Wutai, Misaki Yata (13yo)
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The end of the Wutai War marked the true birth of AVALANCHE. Under the guide of its new leader Elfe, the group found new allies in the recently promoted Vice President Rufus Shinra, as well as the infamous bandit Shears. Bolstered with new equipment, resources and a strong influx of new members, the new anti-ShinRa group moved its base to Wutai.
Amongst its new members was young Misaki Yata, a lively and fiery young boy who had unexpectedly befriended Saruhiko in the past few years. Though the two got along surprisingly well, their views began to diverge around this time: Yata becoming increasingly engrossed into AVALANCHE’s cause, regarding the group like family, admiring Elfe and Shears in particular and looking up to the anti-ShinRa group; while Saruhiko had kept himself distant and dismissive over the whole matter, much more focused on Project S and his personal agenda of vendetta against ShinRa. While Saruhiko strived to take revenge on Professor Hojo and destroying Sephiroth, Yata’s ambition was that of becoming one of AVALANCHE’s top warriors, the mighty ‘Ravens’ hand-picked by Fuhito himself to undergo “special training”.
During this time. Saruhiko develops a strange father-son bond with former war veteran Reisi Munakata, an ex SOLDIER retired in the village after receiving a fatal wound. The man helps with filling a little of that void in Saruhiko’s heart from his absent parent figures, and though the boy isn’t bound to stay, he is strangely loyal to the man.
ΕΓΛ FEBRUARY 1ST 0002: One Step Further Toward Uncertainty (15yo)
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While in Junon studying at the ShinRa Military Academy (with the intention to become a ShinRa employee and infiltrate the company for his own purposes against Hojo and Project S), Saruhiko was caught in the middle between the Turks and AVALANCHE as the eco-terrorists attempted to take over the city.
To his own shock, Saruhiko ran into his friend Misaki Yata, who had now been made into one of the Ravens. But this was done at the price of his own consciousness and will, becoming a mindless fighter ready to keep rising on his feet and keep killing for as long as his body could carry him.
Distraught, Saruhiko attempted to make Yata snap back into his senses, to no avail. He was almost killed by his mindless ex-friend, surviving the attack only thanks to the timely intervention of the Turks. This became a turning point for Saruhiko, who finally opened his eyes on the insane methods of the man who had raised him.
Now regarding Fuhito to be no better than Hojo himself, Saruhiko confronted him, only to be met with condescending coldness. Saruhiko swore war against Fuhito, promising to join ShinRa and use it against Fuhito, if only to find a way to stop the insanity brought forth by both him and Hojo in their crazy schemes. Fuhito would show no concern in this betrayal, rather taking the comparison between his mind and Hojo’s as a compliment. Though he expressed regret to not have been able to see Saruhiko become one of his Ravens, he very gladly allowed him to leave and join ShinRa, perhaps believing he’d be able to make a use of him from inside the company later.
With nowhere else left to go, Saruhiko completed his graduation at the Academy and then headed to Midgar, with the intention to find the Turks who once saved him and join them as a new recruit.
ΕΓΛ SEPTEMBER 21ST 0002: Becoming a Turk (15yo)
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Once old enough and having successfully graduated, Saruhiko was successfully hired in the company and moved to Midgar. On the same day in which the Nibelheim Investigation Team (Zack, Sephiroth, Cloud amongst them) was deployed, Saruhiko entered ShinRa HQ as a new recruit of the Turks. He briefly crossed paths with Cloud and the SOLDIERs on their way out, exchanging a foreboding look with them.
Here, his personal pursuit of everything related to Project S became his obsession. Soon becoming part of the intel-gathering department of the Turks thanks to his exceptional intellect and abilities with networks and computer programming, he investigated the works of Professor Hojo and more closely the ultimate result of Project S: Sephiroth himself. Though knowing him to be his sibling, Saruhiko had no familial attachment for the war hero, and saw him as merely another component of the whole Project S freak show to destroy. By retrieving samples of Sephiroth and studying them for himself, he discovered that the two of them actually had separate fathers, though he couldn’t say who the second father was.
ΕΓΛ 0002-0007: ShinRa Years and Defecting (15-20yo)
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Once strong enough to move independently around the city, Saruhiko eventually noticed and begans hunting down the strange caped figures that he identified as Sephiroth clones. Unaware of what exactly was drawing them to Midgar, he spent every bit of free time he has in following them, hoping to find new clues about the untimely disappearance of the war hero, and killing them once it was clear they would take him nowhere. He kept a list of crossed numbers for every tattooed clone he managed to destroy.
After the events following the Genesis War and the Nibelheim Incident (not long after Saruhiko had become a member of the Turks), security within ShinRa became even tighter, too tight for Saruhiko to move freely as he’d like to pursue his plans. Frustrated, he slowly developed a complicit friendship with Reeve Tuesti. The two decided to become allies and as the methods of President ShinRa to cull all threats to the company became more and more extreme (year 0007), the two set forth a plan: Saruhiko would be leaving the company and infiltrate the second incarnation of the most infamous group of anti-ShinRa fighters, the new AVALANCHE, while Reeve would stay inside the company and work from within to support Saruhiko and his movements in using the resistance fighters against ShinRa.
As a member of AVALANCHE (20yo)
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Saruhiko was successfully recruited in AVALANCHE a little before Cloud, using documents left behind by Fuhito to blow up Reactor 1 in Midgar as a bargaining chip to get through Barret Wallace’s reservations. Even so, Barret still holds a healthy amount of skepticism towards Saruhiko, seeing his background with the company as a threat. “A guy who has no hesitation becoming a turncoat can do it twice without batting an eye.”, will be something he’ll repeat often about the young man.
Alongside Jessie, Saruhiko is the main brain of all plans made to destroy the mako reactors, having in-depth knowledge of ShinRa’s security system (most importantly, GLaDOS herself) and how to infiltrate it undetected. 
While in AVALANCHE, Saruhiko has kept his true motives a secret. On the side and unbeknownst to all, he is still looking into Project S, and in particular is interested in the events surrounding the Nibelheim Incident and the disappearance of Sephiroth, still hunting down his clones whenever he spots any. He takes a great interest in both Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart, upon realizing they are actual survivors of the fire, and not part of ShinRa’s huge cover-up operation to replace the whole country town with fake inhabitants.
He is aware that Cloud is lying about being a former 1st Class SOLDIER, but decides to play along with him in order to pursue his personal agenda.
Because of his past as a Turk, Saruhiko is furthermore aware that upon defecting, an order for him to be killed would be given to his former colleagues still in ShinRa. Though Tseng and the rest of the Turks are in on Saruhiko’s plots with Reeve Tuesti, they still must keep up appearances and thus will not hesitate in engaging into battle with him when crossing paths.
(More to be added upon development through roleplay~)
Personality & Appearance:
Saruhiko retains his original personality and looks from K Project in this verse.
Saruhiko is the secret founder and administrator of Cloud’s Fan Club on the Shinra Network. Saruhiko created it in order to help Cloud keep up the facade of being a former 1st Class SOLDIER, as all SOLDIERs of that rank are known to have had a fan club. The Fan Club name is “The Thunder Heads”, and Saruhiko uses it to exchange coded messages with Reeve without raising suspicions.
Wishlist / Plot Hooks:
Have yet to decide his relationships with other Turk members.
Has presently no love interest.
Open for more in-depth dynamics with other unmentioned FFVII characters. (see full list here)!
Would love to RP/explore his life pre-OG events.
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Saruhiko Fushimi (FFVII Verse) - Wishlist, Character Dynamics
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Some relationships, dynamics, things I’d love to explore for this muse in his FFVII verse~
Also note that while I do bring up romantic interest only for female characters here, I do am open for anything chemistry will fuel. Saru has immense gay power if I let him.
Also also, these are not listed in any particular order.
Yuffie Kisaragi: Yuffie was born the same year Saruhiko was extracted from the Crystal and brought to Wutai. With a biological age difference of 4 years between each other, I’d love to explore their relationship growing up in the same area. Potential childhood friendship, rivalry, or even romantic interest.
Wutai War: The war between Wutai and ShinRa breaks out during Saruhiko’s childhood. I imagine this means he’ll grow up in a very tense environment full of conflict and tension. While he’ll be too young to be a fighter, there is potential for him to at least have brief encounters with some key characters in the war: Deepground SOLDIERs, the Turks, AVALANCHE, and even the 1st Class heroes Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth, or 2nd Class SOLDIER Zack Fair during his Crisis Core mission there.
Reeve Tuesti: 8 years his senior (which became 15 years, thanks to Saruhiko’s cryostasis in Lucrecia’s Crystal), Reeve Tuesti will be a colleague and over time a friend to Saruhiko in the four years they work together in ShinRa. I’d love to see what kind of relationship would form between these two. Saruhiko is lacking a father figure or mentor of sorts, and I think Reeve has the potential to fill this void.
Barret Wallace: He will be Saruhiko’s “boss” starting his recruitment in AVALANCHE. While I can definitely imagine Barret distrusting him for being from ShinRa, Saruhiko’s background as a victim of the Wutai War could help them form a bridge between them, albeit a very rickety one. I think their interactions would be snarky, humorous and great potential for a fun grumpy boss / demotivated henchman dynamic.
Cid Highwind: Saruhiko is actually a very passionate space nerd, and I can totally see him having grown up as a kid seeing Cid as a role model and someone he respects. But would his image of his hero be crushed the moment he actually meets him and sees how he is? I’d love to find out.
Reno, Rude, Tseng, other Turks: Recruited super early at the age of 15 to join the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department (or “Turks”, most commoinly), Saruhiko would be the greenhorn of the group up for a while. Sure he’s got lots of smarts and they show, but his awful social skills will be getting in the way. How will his seniors and superior respond to this rebellious teenager? Big ‘senpai/kouhai’ vibes here, especially from Reno.
Doctor Hojo: In the few years Saruhiko will be working in Shinra, running into his biological father will be inevitable. I wonder if Hojo would even recognize him at all, or if he does, in what form he’d react. He’s his son, but also just a discarded specimen. There is more to Saruhiko’s looks and mannerisms (and intelligence, especially) that will compare to Hojo more than his mother, and while Saruhiko sorely despises the man and what he did, he cannot deny respecting his perverted genius to some degree. An enemy you love to hate, and a very rare kind of dynamic to roleplay that I hope to get.
Nanaki / Red XIII: Saruhiko would meet Nanaki when he’s a prisoner in ShinRa HQ as one of Hojo’s specimens. While initially thinking nothing of it and considering the creature just as any other monster, Saruhiko might warm up to Nanaki upon discovering that he can talk and actually belongs to a proud and intelligent race. I could totally see him spending his lunch breaks just leaning against Red’s cage and passing the time. Biologically speaking, the two would be around the same age, and likely share a similar mindset. Red’s honorable and collected nature could have a brotherly, positive influence on the edgy boy.
Vincent Valentine: Out of everyone else, Saruhiko would be the one closest to realizing the connection that lies between Vincent, Lucrecia, Sephiroth and himself. While his research at ShinRa would only inform him that he and Sephiroth are in fact not full-blood twins, I can imagine Saruhiko wondering who between them is actually Hojo’s son, and who the other’s father may be. Investigating on the Nibelheim Incident, the Jenova Project, and tracing back the work left behind by Lucrecia, it might be possible for him to find the thread that will lead him to the former Turk. How they’d regard each other is a mystery to me, but I can predict lots of angst and potential family ties drama. Saruhiko resembles Lucrecia in many things (I like to think he has her eyes), that could affect Vincent, but the shadow of Hojo is also there. How would Vincent feel?
Jessie Rasberry: Jessie and Saruhiko have very complementary skills that will bring them to often work as a duo in AVALANCHE. A few years older, I could picture her as being a positive figure in Saruhiko’s life, possibly one that might charm him to the point of developing into a crush~
Tifa Lockhart: Thanks to his cryostasis, Saruhiko will be the same age as Tifa when they first meet in Midgar. Her warm but energetic mannerisms strongly remind me of the bond between Saruhiko and Misaki Yata in K Project, which inevitably makes me biased for ship potential. While Saruhiko isn’t exactly a flirt, I can at least expect Tifa to become one of his favorite people to be around in AVALANCHE. His interest in her would only intensify once he learns she is a survivor of the Nibelheim Incident, and while this can be great, it may also be cause of angst, as his darkest obsession for the case and his desire for revenge may get in the way of more ‘unimportant’ things like romance or friendship with her.
Aerith Gainsborough: Saruhiko’s potential to meet Aerith would begin after the Nibelheim Incident, when he’s just moved to Midgar to work as a Turk for ShinRa. A very young new recruit, he may be sent to watch over her as his group is often tasked to do, and deal with the flower girl while she’s disheartened and waiting for her missing boyfriend Zack to return. Aerith’s personality may be a bit ‘too much’ for Saruhiko to handle, who is often put off when people are too friendly and carefree to him. He may even consider her a bit airheaded and stupid, but generally unable to hate her. Can her perceptive nature possibly touch and heal his heart tormented with desire for vengeance? Some potential sibling love kind of bond for sure. Romantic interests would strongly rely on chemistry with the roleplayer.
Cloud Strife: As another survivor of the Nibelheim Incident, Cloud is of strong interest to Saruhiko. This is only reinforced once the two are forced to cooperate as members of AVALANCHE. Saruhiko is, alongside Tifa, the only one in the group to know that the blond is lying about having belonged to SOLDIER 1st Class. A tense form of frenemies dynamic is expected out of these two, as they alternate clashing their strong-but-similar personalities to working together as a team. Big angst potential, once each other’s ties to Sephiroth finally emerge, as well as their opposing plans about him.
Sephiroth: Saruhiko’s most hated. In his warped logic, Saruhiko sees Sephiroth as the very embodiment of all the wrongdoings that were done to him and their mother. Rather than feel a brotherly attachment towards him, he sees Sephiroth as the very cause of his own torment and pain. Saruhiko firmly believes that the only reason the S Project came to be was because the very IDEA of Sephiroth, as he is, was in the mind of Doctor Hojo. Had such an entity never been conjured, many lives would be far better off. Saruhiko’s own character arc has Sephiroth at its center, and he’ll be struggling between hatred he cannot overcome, as well as his need for acceptance and coming to terms with his own feelings to move on. While I do RP Sephiroth in the megaverse this character belongs to, I’m definitely open to exploring their dynamic in spin-off threads for other Sephiroth RPers.
GLaDOS: (verse dependent) For plotting reasons, this muse is controlled only by myself, as it has a heavy plot I’ve personally come up with. Saruhiko has a complicated relationship with ShinRa’s AI. Initially considering her little more than a machine for him to toy with, he regards her as the source through which the truth of his origins was revealed to him. Regarding her as a product of his childish curiosity, and an enemy to challenge and defeat while he’s a member of AVALANCHE, discovering that GLaDOS’ identity contains the consciousness of Lucrecia will critically affect Saruhiko’s psyche and bring him to ask a lot of questions about himself. Eventually, he is bound to develop feelings similar to the love for a mother towards the AI, to the point he will sacrifice himself for her safety against Meteorfall.
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♫ ( for Fushimi )
What’s our song? || Always Accepting!
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Our song is...
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Nothing I’ve Ever Known - Bryan Adams
Nothing I have ever known Has made me feel this way Nothing I have ever seen Has made me want to stay
Here I am, ready for you I'm torn, and I'm fallin' I hear my home callin', hey I've never felt something so strong Oh no It's like nothing I've ever known
You're the one I'm lookin' for You're the one I need You're the one that gives me A reason to believe
Followin' our star Has lead to where you are I feel so strong now This can't be wrong now
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