How unions won a 30% raise for every fast food worker in California
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Tonight (September 14), I'm hosting the EFF Awards in San Francisco. On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy.
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Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. 40 years of declining worker power shattered the American Dream (TM), producing multiple generations whose children fared worse than their parents, cratering faith in institutions and hope for a better future.
The American neoliberal malaise – celebrated in by "centrists" who insisted that everything was fine and nothing could be changed – didn't just lead to a sense of helplessness, but also hopelessness. Denialism and nihilism are Siamese twins, and the YOLO approach to the climate emergency, covid mitigation, the housing crisis and other pressing issues can't be disentangled from the Thatcherite maxim that "There is NoA lternative." If there's no alternative, then we're doomed. Dig a hole, climb inside, pull the dirt down on top of yourself.
But anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. For decades, leftists have taken a back seat to liberals in the progressive coalition, allowing "unionize!" to be drowned out by "learn to code!" The liberal-led coalition ceded the mantle of radical change to fake populist demagogues on the right.
This opened a space for a mirror-world politics that insisted that "conservatives" were the true defenders of women (because they were transphobes), of bodily autonomy (because they were vaccine deniers), of the environment (because they opposed wind-farms) and of workers (because they opposed immigration):
Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. A new coalition dedicated to fighting corporate power has emerged, tackling capitalism's monopoly power, and the corruption and abuse of workers it enables. That coalition is global, it's growing, and it's kicking ass.
Case in point: California just passed a law that will give every fast-food worker in the state a 30% raise. This law represents a profound improvement to the lives of the state's poorest workers – workers who spend long hours feeding their neighbors, but often can't afford to feed themselves at the end of a shift.
But just as remarkable as the substance of this new law is the path it took – a path that runs through a new sensibility, a new vibe, that is more powerful than mere political or legal procedure. The story is masterfully told in The American Prospect by veteran labor writer Harold Meyerson:
The story starts with Governor Newsom signing a bill to create a new statewide labor-business board to mediate between workers and bosses, with the goal of elevating the working conditions of the state's large, minimum-wage workforce. The passage of this law triggered howls of outrage from the state's fast-food industry, who pledged to spend $200m to put forward a ballot initiative to permanently kill the labor-business board.
This is a familiar story. In 2019, California's state legislature passed AB-5, a bill designed to end the gig-work fiction that people whose boss is an algorithm are actually "independent businesses," rather than employees. AB5 wasn't perfect – it swept up all kinds of genuine freelancers, like writers who contributed articles to many publications – but the response wasn't aimed at fixing the bad parts. It was designed to destroy the good parts.
After AB-5, Uber and Lyft poured more than $200m into Prop 22, a ballot initiative designed to permanently bar the California legislature from passing any law to protect "gig workers." Prop 22's corporate backers flooded the state with disinformation, and procured a victory in 2020. The aftermath was swift and vicious, with Prop 22 used as cover in mass-firings of unionized workers across the state's workforce:
Workers and the politicians who defend them were supposed to be crushed by Prop 22. Its message was "there is no alternative." "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." "Resistance is futile." Prop 22 was worth spending $200m on because it wouldn't just win this fight – it would win all fights, forever.
But that's not what happened. When the fast-food barons announced that they were going to pump another $200m into a state ballot initiative to kill fair wages for food service workers, they got a hell of a surprise. SEIU – a union that has long struggled to organize fast-food workers – collaborated with progressive legislators to introduce a pair of new, even further-reaching bills.
One bill would have made the corporate overseers of franchise businesses jointly liable for lawbreaking by franchisees – so if a McDonald's restaurant owner stole their employees' wages, McDonalds corporate would also be on the hook for the offense. The second bill would restore funding and power to the state Industrial Welfare Commission, which once routinely intervened to set wages and working standards in many state industries:
Fast-food bosses fucked around, and boy did they find out. Funding for the IWC passed the state budget, and the franchisee joint liability is set to pass the legislature this week. The fast-food bosses cried uncle and begged Newsom's office for a deal. In exchange for defunding the IWC and canceling the vote on the liability bill, the industry has agreed to an hourly wage increase for the state's 550,000 fast-food workers, from $15.50 to $20, taking effect in April.
The deal also includes annual raises of either 3.5% or the real rise in cost of living. It keeps the labor-management council that the original bill created (the referendum on killing that council has been cancelled). The council will include two franchisees, two fast food corporate reps, two union reps, two front-line fast-food workers and a member of the public. It will have the power to direct the state Department of Labor to directly regulate working conditions in fast-food restaurants, from health and safety to workplace violence.
It's been nearly a century since business/government/labor boards like this were commonplace. The revival is a step on the way to bringing back the practice of sectoral bargaining, where workers set contracts for all employers in an industry. Sectoral bargaining was largely abolished through the dismantling of the New Deal, though elements of it remain. Entertainment industry unions are called "guilds" because they bargain with all the employers in their sector – which is why all of the Hollywood studios are being struck by SAG-AFTRA and the WGA.
So what changed between 2020 – when rideshare bosses destroyed democratic protections for workers by flooding the zone with disinformation to pass Prop 22 – and 2023, when the fast food bosses folded like a cheap suit? It wasn't changes to the laws governing ballot initiatives, nor was it a lack of ready capital for demolishing worker rights. Fast food executives weren't visited by three ghosts in the night who convinced them to care for their workers. Their hearts didn't grow by three sizes.
What changed was the vibe. The Hot Labor Summer was a rager, and it's not showing any signs of slowing. Obviously that's true in California, where nurses and hotel workers are also striking, and where strikebreaking companies like Instawork ("Uber for #scabs") attract swift regulatory sanction, rather than demoralized capitulation:
The hot labor summer wasn't a season – it was a turning point. Everyone's forming unions. Think of Equity Strip NoHo, the first strippers' union in a generation, which won recognition from their scumbag bosses at North Hollywood's Star Garden Club, who used every dirty trick to kill workplace democracy.
The story of the Equity Strippers is amazing. Two organizers, Charlie and Lilith, appeared on Adam Conover's Factually podcast to describe the incredible creativity and solidarity they used to win recognition, and the continuing struggle to get a contract out of their bosses, who are still fucking around and assuming they will not find out:
Like the fast-food bosses, the Star Garden's owners are in for a surprise. One of the most powerful elements of the Equity Strippers' story is the solidarity of their customers. Star Garden's owners assumed that their clientele were indiscriminate, horny assholes who didn't care about the wellbeing of the workers they patronized, and would therefore cross a picket-line because parts is parts.
Instead, the bar's clientele sided with the workers. People everywhere are siding with workers. A decade ago, when video game actors voted on a strike, the tech workers who coded the games were incredibly hostile to them. "Why should you get residuals for your contribution to this game when we don't?"
But SAG-AFTRA members who provide voice acting for games just overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike, and this time the story is very different. This time, tech workers are ride-or-die for their comrades in the sound booths:
What explains the change in tech workers' animal sentiments? Well, on the one hand, labor rights are in the air. The decades of cartoonish, lazy dismissals of labor struggles have ended. And on the other hand, tech workers have been proletarianized, with 260,000 layoffs in the sector, including 12,000 layoffs at Google that came immediately after a stock buyback that would have paid those 12,000 salaries for the next 27 years:
Larry Lessig once laid out a theory of change that holds that our society is governed by four forces: law (what's legal), norms (what's socially acceptable), markets (what's profitable) and code (what's technologically possible):
These four forces interact. When queer relationships were normalized, it made it easier to legalize them, too – and then the businesses that marriage equality became both a force for more normalization and legal defense.
When Lessig formulated this argument, much of the focus was on technology – how file-sharing changed norms, which changed law. But as the decades passed, I've come to appreciate what the argument says about norms, the conversations we have with one another.
Neoliberalism wants you to think that you're an individual, not a member of a polity. Neoliberalism wants you to bargain with your boss as a "free agent," not a union member. It wants you to address the climate emergency by recycling more carefully – not by demanding laws banning single-use plastics. It wants you to fight monopolies by shopping harder – not by busting trusts.
But that's not what we're doing – not anymore. We're forming unions. We're demanding a Green New Deal. And we're busting some trusts. The DoJ Antitrust Division case against Google is the (first) trial of the century, reviving the ancient and noble practice of fighting monopolies with courts, not empty platitudes.
The trial is incredible, and Yosef Weitzman's reporting on Big Tech On Trial is required reading. I'm following it closely (thankfully, there's a fulltext RSS feed):
The neoliberal project of instilling learned helplessness about corporate power has hit the wall, and it's wrecked. The same norms that made us furious enough to put Google on trial are the norms that made us angry – not cynical – about Clarence Thomas's bribery scandals:
And they're the same norms that made us support our striking comrades, from hotel housekeepers to Hollywood actors, from strippers to Starbucks baristas:
Yes, Starbucks baristas. The Starbucks unions that won hard-fought recognition drives are now fighting the next phase of corporate fuckery: Starbucks corporate's refusal to bargain for a contract. Starbucks is betting that if they just stall long enough, the workers who support the union will move on and they'll be able to go back to abusing their workers without worrying about a union.
They're fucking around, and they're finding out. Starbucks workers at two shops in British Columbia – Clayton Crossing in Surrey and Valley Centre in Langley – have authorized strikes with a 91% majority:
Where did the guts to do this come from? Not from labor law, which remains disgustingly hostile to workers (though that's changing, as we'll see below). It came from norms. It came from getting pissed off and talking about it. Shouting about it. Arguing about it.
Laws, markets and code matter, but they're nothing without norms. That's why Uber and Lyft were willing to spend $200m to fight fair labor practices. They didn't just want to keep their costs low – they wanted to snuff out the vibe, the idea that workers deserve a fair deal.
They failed. The idea didn't die. It thrived. It merged with the idea that corporations and the wealthy corrupt our society. It was joined by the idea that monopolies harm us all. They're losing. We're winning.
The BC Starbucks workers secured 91% majorities in their strike votes. This is what worker power looks like. As Jane McAlevey writes in her Collective Bargain, these supermajorities – ultramajorities – are how we win.
The neoliberal wing of the Democratic party hires high-priced consultants who advise them to seek 50.1% margins of victory – and then insist that nothing can be done because we live in the Manchin-Synematic Universe, where razor-thin majorities mean that there is no alternative. Labor organizers fight for 91% majorities – in the face of bosses' gerrymandering, disinformation and voter suppression – and get shit done.
Shifting the norms – having the conversations – is the tactic, but getting shit done is the goal. The Biden administration – a decidedly mixed bag – has some incredible, technically skilled, principled fighters who know how to get shit done. Take Lina Khan, who revived the long-dormant Section 5 of the Federal Trade Act, which gives her broad powers to ban "unfair and deceptive" practices:
Khan's wielding this broad power in all kinds of exciting ways. For example, she's seeking a ban on noncompetes, a form of bondage that shackles workers to shitty bosses by making it illegal to work for anyone else in the same industry:
Noncompete apologists argue that these merely protect employers' investment in training and willingness to share sensitive trade secrets with employees. But the majority of noncompetes are applied to fast food workers – yes, the same workers who just won a 30%, across-the-board raise – in order to prevent Burger King cashiers from seeking $0.25/hour more at a local Wendy's.
Meanwhile, the most trade-secret intensive, high-training industry in the world – tech – has no noncompetes. That's not because tech bosses are good eggs who want to do right by their employees – it's because noncompetes are banned in California, where tech is headquartered.
But in other states, where noncompetes are still allowed, bosses have figured out how to use them as a slippery slope to a form of bondage that beggars the imagination. I'm speaking of the Training Repayment Agreement Provision (AKA, the TRAP), a contractual term that forces workers who quit or get fired to pay their ex-bosses tens of thousands of dollars, supposedly to recoup the cost of training them:
Now, TRAPs aren't just evil, they're also bullshit. Bosses show pet-groomers or cannabis budtenders a few videos, throw them a three-ring binder, and declare that they've received a five-figure education that they must repay if they part ways with their employers. This gives bosses broad latitude to abuse their workers and even order them to break the law, on penalty of massive fines for quitting.
If this sounds like an Unfair Labor Practice to you, you're not alone. NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo agrees with you. She's another one of those Biden appointees with a principled commitment to making life better for American workers, and the technical chops to turn that principle into muscular action.
In a case against Juvly Aesthetics – an Ohio-based chain of "alternative medicine" and "aesthetic services" – Abruzzo argues that noncompetes and TRAPs are Unfair Labor Practices that violate the National Labor Relations Act and cannot be enforced:
Two ex-Juvly employees have been hit with $50-60k "repayment" bills for quitting – one after refusing to violate Ohio law by performing "microneedling," another for quitting after having their wages stolen and then refusing to sign an "exit agreement":
If the NLRB wins, the noncompete and TRAP clauses in the workers' contracts will be voided, and the workers will get fees, missed wages, and other penalties. More to the point, the case will set the precedent that noncompetes are generally unenforceable nationwide, delivering labor protection to every worker in every sector in America.
Abruzzo has been killing it lately: just a couple weeks ago, she set a precedent that any boss that breaks labor law during a union drive automatically loses, with instant recognition for the union as a penalty (rather than a small fine, as was customary):
Abruzzo is amazing – as are her colleagues at the NLRB, FTC, DOJ, and other agencies. But the law they're making is downstream of the norms we set. From the California lawmakers who responded to fast food industry threats by introducing more regulations to the strip-bar patrons who refused to cross the picket-line to the legions of fans dragging Drew Barrymore for scabbing, the public mood is providing the political will for real action:
The issues of corruption, worker rights and market concentration can't – and shouldn't – be teased apart. They're three facets of the same fight – the fight against oligarchy. Rarely do those issues come together more clearly than in the delicious petard-hoisting of Dave Clark, formerly the archvillain of Amazon, and now the victim of its bullying.
As Maureen Tkacik writes for The American Prospect, Clark had a long and storied career as Amazon's most vicious and unassuming ghoul, a sweatervested, Diet-Coke-swilling normie whose mild manner disguised a vicious streak a mile wide:
Clark earned his nickname, "The Sniper," as a Kentucky warehouse supervisor; the name came from his habit of "lurking in the shadows [and] scoping out slackers he could fire." Clark created Amazon Flex, the "gig work" version of Amazon delivery drivers where randos in private vehicles were sent out to delivery parcels. Clark also oversaw tens of millions of dollars in wage-theft from those workers.
We have Clark to thank for the Amazon drivers who had to shit in bags and piss in bottles to make quota. Clark was behind the illegal union-busting tactics used against employees in the Bessamer, Alabama warehouse. We have Clark to thank for the Amazon chat app that banned users from posting the words "restroom," "slave labor," "plantation," and "union":
But Clark doesn't work for Amazon anymore. After losing a power-struggle to succeed Jeff Bezos – the job went to "longtime rival" Andy Jassy – he quit and went to work for Flexport, a logistics company that promised to provide sellers that used non-Amazon services with shipping. Flexport did a deal with Shopify, becoming its "sole official logistics partner."
But then Shopify did another logistics deal – with Amazon. Clark was ordered to tender his resignation or face immediate dismissal.
How did all this happen? Well, there are two theories. The first is that Shopify teamed up with Amazon to stab Flexport in the back, then purged all the ex-Amazonians from the Flexport upper ranks. The other is that Clark was a double-agent, who worked with Amazon to sabotage Flexport, and was caught and fired.
But either way, this is a huge win for Amazon, a monopolist who is in the FTC's crosshairs thanks to the anti-corporate vibe-shift that has consumed the nation and the world. As the sole major employer for this kind of logistics, Amazon is a de facto labor regulator, deciding who can work in the sector. The FTC's enforcement action isn't just about monopoly – it's about labor.
Now, Clark is a rich, powerful white dude, not the sort of person who needs a lot of federal help to protect his labor rights. When liberals called the shot in the progressive coalition, they scolded leftists not to speak of class, but rather to focus on identity – to be intersectionalists.
That was a trick. There's no incompatibility between caring about class and caring about gender, race and sexual orientation. Those fast food workers who are about to get a 30% wage-hike in California? Overwhelmingly Black or brown, overwhelmingly female.
The liberal version of intersectionalism observes a world run by 150 rich white men and resolves to replace half of them with women, queers and people of color. The leftist version seeks to abolish the system altogether. The leftist version of intersectionalism cares about bias and discrimination not just because of how it makes people feel, but because of how it makes them live. It cares about wages, housing, vacations, child care – the things you can't get because of your identity.
The fight for social justice is a fight for worker justice. Eminently guillotineable monsters like Tim "Avocado Toast" Gurner advocate for increasing unemployment by "40-50%" – but Gurner is just saying what other bosses are thinking:
Garner is 100% right when he says: "There’s been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around."
And then he says this: "So it’s a dynamic that has to change. We’ve got to kill that attitude, and that has to come through hurt in the economy."
Garner knows that the vibes are upstream of the change. The capitalist dream starts with killing our imagination, to make us believe that "there is no alternative." If we can dream bigger than "better representation among oligarchs" when we might someday dream of no oligarchs. That's what he fears the most.
Watch the video of Garner. Look past the dollar-store Gordon Gecko styling. That piece of shit is terrified.
And he should be.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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EFF Awards, San Francisco, September 14
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 months
Lovely Juvly is just a stupid enough phrase that it will 100% work its way into my lexicon by the end of season 10
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uaulinebwown · 1 year
Official# Juvli Face Cream Shark Tank Truth
Juvli Face Cream
Seeing the really useful sound solid skin routine may be precarious to some. This happens no matter what the augmentation of interminable skin thriving the board things that obviously advance sound skin condition. You can find in the market different creams, analgesics, moisturizers and manufactured substances that longing to treat one skin condition or the other. Kinds of progress in enhancements and techniques in skin a movement are persistently advanced to update further solid areas for us. Notwithstanding what these advances, different people are correct now loathing their skin, with clearly lacking sound skin solutions.
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Medical Aesthetic Training Providers in Florida
There are a variety of Medical Aesthetic Training Providers that offer training in the field. Empire Medical Training, for example, offers a hands-on approach to training. They also use physician-only instructors, which ensures the training's quality. This ensures the safety of students, minimizes mistakes, and allows for greater transparency with clients. Juvly Academy is fast becoming one of the most respected names in medical aesthetic training.
Kennedy Medical Training offers a holistic training experience, focusing on all facets of aesthetic medicine and business. Their trainer has worked with some of the industry's best injectors and business owners. In fact, she was voted a "top trainer" in peer-to-peer training programs and was selected as a core faculty member for the GEN Now Program. Her courses are designed to educate future medical aesthetic professionals, as well as other healthcare professionals.
KO'AN Center for Integrated Aesthetic Medicine is currently looking for a licensed aesthetic nurse to join their growing medical aesthetic practice. Their team of professionals includes physicians, nurses, and nurse practitioners. They offer training in medical aesthetics, including laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and cosmetic surgery.
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juvlihydratingcream · 2 years
Juvli Hydrating Face Cream: Improve Skin Texture Drastically
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So, you're ready to test Juvli Hydrating Cream property of wrinkles and even out your complexion. Get for you to enhance your beauty with no need for injections or additional invasive procedures! Also, results are extremely quick, so you have to to wait around before seeing the years burn off before your eyes! The secret's in the amazing Juvli Hydrating Cream Ingredients. Did you know that your skin is made up of seventy five percent water and collagen? Yes, it's an extremely important ratio! Whenever age, your collagen production begins to weaken in addition your bodies natural collagen balance begins to deteriorate. This means that you need to add more hydration as well weight loss collagen in order to retain that balance!
Unfortunately, most creams and butters on the market only do half of your equation. Most of the time, creams do add moisture to the surface level of the skin but all other formulas use Hydrolyzed collagen, which usually just fragments of collagen suspended in the serum. Juvli Hydrating Cream is different. For early time, this formula uses whole collagen for results unlike any you've seen! Finally, science has found a way to drastically increase skin youth and health without being required to see a dermatologist or go under the utensil. It really is that simple to have beautiful young skin. Don't be afraid!
Facts About Juvli Hydrating Face Cream
30ml Per Jar To Retain Freshness
100% Whole Collagen, Never Hydrolyzed
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Aids In Reduction Of Wrinkles And Bags
Improves Skin Texture Drastically
Juvli Hydrating Cream Cost
So, what's the cost of Juvli Item? Well, I will tell you that it really is drastically under what injections and fillers. In fact, the monthly Juvli Hydrating Cream Price is leaner than a normal cup of coffee! Snacking that shops who decide to start extreme method for beauty upward regretting their decisions? That's right, many people lament the unnatural looks of their beauty surgeries, and unfortunately it is frequently impossible to undo in some instances. In the case of injections, the effect wears off over time, so in that case their embarrassment may wane, but describes means that athletes thousands of dollars of injections are repeated several times a day per semester. And immediately after injections, the time it takes for full effects to appear is actually about two weeks.
This has changed the world there are many months of the year when built actually only recovering from injections! These injections severely limit face mobility and ease of expression. Don't give right into that marketing done to you. Please treat your body with respect and obtain a face cream that does a great deal of for a tiny part of the price and half the fuss. Also, the success rate for fillers is in addition to that. Did you know that filler substance can genuinely migrate? This means that when you inject skin color with plastic to enhance facial features, sometimes by chance the wrong feature tend to be enhanced! Find out extremely embarrassing results. Instead, try Juvli Hydrating Cream for wonderfully natural results that take easy to access . minute to apply and arrive securely on the inside mail. Raise your beauty routine the natural way.
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juvlicream · 2 years
Juvli Cream Reviews: Love The Way You Look!
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Restore your natural beauty with Juvli Cream! All this new formula does wonderful things for the skin of the face and neck. Stop wrinkles involving their tracks and delay indications of aging. Imagine having beautifully smooth skin. Several individuals think that you need expensive surgery, lasers, or injections to achieve improvements. That's simply not truth! Your skin is made up of 75% water and bovine collagen. Collagen is the secret to beautiful skin, and great part is that it will come as a noninvasive cream! Turn back the clock and unleash your inner glow without ever having discover a dermatologist.
Finally, Juvli Cream comes available without a prescription. Now, you can get classically beautiful results without in order to spend thousands of dollars. Did you know that most beauty products utilize hydrolized collagen in their creams and butters? Our formulated ingredients use whole collagen to maximize results. With the time an individual turns thirty, their natural collagen production is cut in half. This leads to face lines and wrinkles, and generally duller skin. There is hope to restore this delicate collagen balance! Try Juvli Cream to disappear your wrinkles and identify the beautiful you underneath.
Benefits of Juvli Hydrating Cream
Firmer, Tighter Skin
Hydration To your Face And Neck
Maintains Skin Elasticity
Lessens Appearance Of Wrinkles
Helps Prevent New Wrinkles From Forming
Gives Skin Healthy Glow
How to use Juvli Hydrating Face Cream
Finally, during the daytime . to apply face cream that smells great and delivers leads. Be sure to utilize twice every for outcomes. First, apply the cream to the facial skin and neck in the morning after washing confront. Also, please remember to smooth over your entire skin surface using gentle upward directed strokes to allow the cream to fully absorb into any contours and counteract the effects of gravity. Good practice would be to use a sunscreen product after your Juvi Cream Ingredients. Ought to because sun damage is a main cause of wrinkles which as an all the time product, Juvi contains no sunscreen. You might prefer a chemical sunscreen if an individual extra likely to sun damage and don't mind additives and preservatives.
If idea of applying chemicals for your face makes you uncomfortable, please apply a mineral sunscreen instead. A SPF of fifty if not more is ideal to be sure that your skin is fully protected. A person live within an extremely hot climate by using a lot of direct sun, please also consider a hat or sun umbrella to guarantee proper protective equipment. Good habits state that you should reapply sunscreen every two hours. Even should live in a cool area, sunscreen remains a choice. Secondly, during before bed, please apply once again to the particular and neck and throat. Remember, allow this product time to dry before putting your head on your pillow. Many people prefer carry out their face routine before brushing their teeth to allow adequate dry time for maximum results.
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juvlifacecream · 2 years
Juvli Hydrating Face Cream: Cleanse and Repair Your Appearance
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The skincare market is booming right now, with heavy demand for anti-aging products. We've studied the majority of formulas, and nothing we've investigated comes close to the cleansing power of Juvli Face Cream. Now, that's easily said, except that Juvli Cream commands one of the several highest prices in the skincare industry. It's not a secret why celebrities swear by it: they can afford the unparalleled quality found in this particular treatment. However, we don't believe celebs and other people of wealth should have exclusive access to definitely not enough .. That's why we've struck a deal with Juvli, and secured a full five pallets of the cream. Most of cures received is already gone, thanks to the abovementioned demand. However, what little we have left, try for a discounted Juvli Face Cream Cost!
With so many skincare products on the market, we understand your hesitancy to trust this one out of particular. What you probably know already, if you have been long in using these products, is that their effects don't last. They'll give you incredible results, but only for a quick time. When you stop using them, your aged appearance returns in an issue of weeks. What makes Juvli Face Cream a fierce competitor, comes looking at the ability to deliver permanent improvements. Unlike the celebrities, you can't afford to buy more of this formula once our promotional Juvli Face Cream Price gets outdated. You won't need to, though, because all of the advantages you enjoy will be here to stay.
Benefits Of Juvli Hydrating Face Cream
To fully appreciate what Juvli Face Cream does for your skin's health, we need to discuss skin aging itself. Remember when you are familiar with the main principles, you'll understand why experts agree that may be the best formula available. Skin color has several layers. Many formulas stop at the visible surface layer, merely where the real work is done. That's why their effects don't last. Juvli Hydrating Cream is different. It goes to your deepest layer, known as the support layer. Here may be the the proteins, collagen and elastin, are synthesized. Whenever you age, your skin diminishes efficient at generating these proteins. By supplying polypeptides to the support layer, your cells become reinvigorated, and are able to make new, healthier collagen and elastin.
What You Enter Juvli Hydrating Cream:
Moisture Balance
Fewer Fine lines and wrinkles
A Younger, Healthier Smile
Self-Replenishing Skin Cells
Cleaner Skin Texture
A Brighter, More Beautiful You!
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Juvli Hydrating Cream: Cleanse And Repair Your Appearance
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There is a huge demand for skincare. Discover to take charge and improve their skin. And, why wouldn't they? Your skin is your largest organ; it only makes sense that you'd want so it can gain proper care. The problem, is that the best treatments out there regularly command a high costs. We believe, however, that it's everyone's right to acquire the skincare they need, not only the the rich. So, we've entered a deal while manufacturer of the leading skincare formula, known as Juvli Hydrating Cream. This deal allows us for everyone our guests, with an expense that no other site offering this product can match. To take benefit of this promotional offer, hit one of the images you see on this page. When you do, you'll have one-time access to the best formula available, inside a reduced Juvli Hydrating Face Cream Cost! What an individual been waiting for?!
There are so many skincare products available, thanks to the number of people seeking them. They all they are able to offer the same benefits. And, for a time, you'll see that perform. However, most of these products' effects vanish a few weeks after you cease usage. Rather than repeatedly buying product so itrrrs possible to keep up appearances, to speak, why not try something that lasts? This provides the power of Juvli Hydrating Face Cream. Like any skincare product, its effects build over time. But, should you decide to stop, the improvements it's already delivered will go on.
Benefits Of Juvli Face Cream
To fully see how Juvli Hydrating Face Cream improves your skin's appearance, we must discuss the effects it's fighting. Once you're familiar a concern . core principles, you'll understand why experts consider this the best formula that's currently out there. Several layers to pores and skin. The deepest layer, called the support layer, is where collagen is produced to support the top of layers. However, as you age, your collagen makeup begins to lower and deteriorate, as well as your skin generates it less efficiently. This is exactly what causes imperfections such as wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow's feet, to appear. This is directly opposite other on the market, Juvli Cream brings its own collagen and other nutrients to the support layer. Here, they are handiest. The cream uses a special, proprietary technique to turn this into unique process possibly.
What You'll Get:
Balanced Moisturization
Fewer Fine lines and wrinkles
A Younger Facial Appearance
Healthier, Self-Replenishing Cells
A Better Smile Regarding Laugh Lines
A More Radiant, Beautiful You!
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juvlyaest11-blog · 4 years
How to find the right clinic for the best botox treatment?
Botox treatment is offered by most of the health clinics, but finding the right place for taking botox lip flip treatment or others is most important. So, it's necessary to follow some tips in finding the professional and expertise botox treatment clinic.
People considering botox treatment are increasing vastly and the clinics that are offering this aesthetic procedure in the world are also increasing at the same rate. The ones who are familiar with this treatment as already put in their preferable place where they go for treatment very frequently or as and when required. But, the one who are new and wish to take treatment find it difficult in searching for the best botox clinic like Juvly Aesthetics.
To make your job easier, we came up with a few tips that help you find the best botox treatment clinic and provides you with successful treatment. Here are the tips that need to be followed:
Research is important
To find the best clinic for botox lip flip or forehead wrinkle treatment, the most important thing is to research the clinics in your local area. Then pick few or try to research each one and gather a few points to know about that clinic.
Are they experienced?
Botox treatment carries the injecting of botox into the right place and it cannot be done by anyone. So, it utmost important to check if the clinic offers experienced and trained practitioners, like Juvly Aesthetics that has skilled practitioners.
Know if a doctor is a     registered practitioner
When picking a botox clinic it is necessary to know If the doctors are the registered practitioner and are offering their services.
Look out for established clinics
The most important thing is to look out for the established clinics and ensure that are well equipped which is the best place to offer surgical procedures.
Insurance coverage
It is necessary to ensure that the botox treatment clinic is provided with the appropriate insurance coverage.
The following are the most important tips to take care of while searching for the best botox clinic. Juvly Aesthetics is the leading professional botox treatment that provides high-quality treatment at great prices.
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It's finally finished and live on my page! My experiences with @juvly_aesthetics in Columbus Ohio. Check out my page to see all my before and afters and follow my journey! As always the link is in my bio and I will post it as well below. 👇 ✨www.revitalizingbeautycolumbus.com✨ ✨ #juvlyaesthetics #LipsbyLiz #juvly ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ #makeup #makeupartist #beautyobsessed #beautyblogger #asseenincolumbus #revitalizingbeauty #mua #bblogger #bbloggers #columbus #614 #614makeupartist #614makeup #columbusmakeup #columbusmakeupartist #columbusbeauty #bbloggers #makeupartistsworldwide #bblogger #flawless #makeup_artist_worldwide_ #makeupswatches #beautyreview #medispa #lipgloss #medspa #beforeandafter #onlyincbus #columbusalive (at Columbus, Ohio)
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missourisandra-blog · 6 years
The secret of dermal fillers singapore
Dermal Fillers Singapore - What Is It?
Rememebr a filler procedure differs from a buffet dinner. The price of a dermal filler procedure will fluctuate depending on a lot of elements, like the sort of filler used and where the procedure is done. Generally, a dermal fillers singapore shouldn't be felt under the epidermis.
Doctors who require the usage of a dermal filler that isn't available here must file a unique request to the HSA. The sole approved uses for dermal fillers can be found the FDA Dermal Fillers site. You're able to mix and match any Restylane product to create your very best combination therapy.
Most adverse reactions result from technical faults like wrong indication, placement website and infection and aren't specific to a specific filler. As a result of its effectiveness and popularity, Botox has turned into a household name. Ask questions and read and talk about the patient labeling for the particular filler you're receiving.
You will have the ability to acquire the estimated prices of one treatment, or the overall cost if you opt to have fillers for various locations. Voluma XC To increase volume to the entire cheek areaincluding the apex, apple, and hollowsVoluma delivers the very same effective Vycross technology and lidocaine. According to industry experts, you shouldn't quit utilizing the products by believing what they're calling a misinformation campaign.
Based on the regions of the face to be treated, a variety of injections will be necessary to achieve the intended result. There's no demand for pre-treatment allergy testing, and it's absorbed naturally by the body with time. Not only can the procedures be performed in only a matter of hours with no big downtime, but also they are a great deal more reasonably priced than a conventional face-lift.
Within the next few weeks, since the treatment takes effect, you will observe youthful, glowing skin that's simply fabulous. Fillers are injected right into the skin in tiny amounts utilizing an ultrafine needle, leading to minimal discomfort. They can be used in strategic facial areas to draw up loose or saggy facial skin.
The aim of minimizing wrinkles is clearly visible after only a single treatment. The injections might be painful and a few patients may need an anesthetic before treatment. Learn from your doctor what blood-thinning food or medication you should avoid before the treatment in order for the bleeding and bruising won't be excessive.
Dermal fillers are accepted by the FDA and used safely for a long time. They are most commonly used to treat facial volume loss associated with the aging process. Injectable fillers are safe, with few risks besides the little risk of an allergic reaction, but it doesn't indicate you should trust just anybody to execute your filler injections.
Collagen was the very first material utilized to make wrinkle fillers. Hyaluronic acid is easily the most popular dermal filler used. Hyaluronic acid fillers are composed of molecules of hyaluronic acid.
The injectable fillers are somewhat more expensive however their affect stays for a lengthier time period. Your health care provider should also request that you return for a review about two weeks after the treatment, so make certain you leave some area in your schedule for it. Most patients have the ability to return to work the next moment.
My nose bridge is currently higher and nose suggestion is more defined. At Juvly, its not merely a matter of filling but also an issue of simultaneously lifting so the contour appears natural. The secret to balancing out the face is in the chin, yet it is among the most overlooked areas.
The body starts to store fat in different places, causing our face to modify. Natural is a vital word to me here I don't want to seem fake or overdone. Were you aware that the human eye cannot really find a wrinkle.
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What Are The Best Med Spa In Kansas City Companies
How Do I Find A Med Spa In Kansas City Service
It's okay to ask your clinician about their education and training to ensure that you are making the right choice for your needs. Asking questions will also give you a feel for the staff's character and if you wish to deal with them. You ought to likewise make consultations at a number of health clubs, not just one.
You desire to guarantee you'll remain in an environment that makes you feel comfortable. Finally, do not forget to take a look at their treatment menu ahead of time to be sure they offer the treatment you are searching for - This Link For Microneedling Kansas City MO. RESEARCH STUDY THE EQUIPMENTMany of the treatments offered by med spas can be pricey. Primarily since the devices they utilize is pricey.
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Because technology in the visual and medical field is continuously changing, it is very important to make certain any med day spa you check out is using the latest and greatest equipment for your particular treatment. You wish to get your cash's worth. Having knowledge of these different lasers and products will make your decision much easier when it comes time to choose an area.
Before choosing to continue with any cosmetic treatment, you must ask to see other patient's genuine outcomes. A deserving medical health club will supply you with previously and after images. Click on this link to see our prior to and after photos for yourself!You should also ask around, research study online, and seek testimonials from others who have actually visited the exact same med day spa you have an interest in. To make things easier, we supply.
you with video testimonials from our pleased clients - You Can Check Here Kansas City MO Facial treatments. Click here to see what they have to state about their experience with us!. Learn how the latest CO2 technology developments and combined modalities are expanding treatment alternatives and conference patient needs. The Aesthetic Clinique In this course, discover the science and history behind IV treatment, along with how to start an effective IV treatment practice. This includes marketing, materials, supplies and devices required. Tahoe Aesthetic Medicine In this course, a case research study will exist showing how integrating numerous nonsurgical modalities that are synergistic with each other lead to significant modifications to address each of a patient's concerns. In this case research study, IPL, full-field and fractional resurfacing, neuromodulator, PDO threads and HA filler were made use of to develop the final result. Ingenious uses have actually taken advantage of the power of LLLT, providing novel standalone and adjunct therapies in the cosmetic.
surgical treatment or medical spa practice. Positive medical outcomes have actually been seen in locations of pre -and post-operative management, injury care, acne care and skin conditioning. Current usage in the area of post-surgical recovery has actually been shown to add to optimum cosmetic surgical results, as well as minimize discomfort and scarring. Platelet-rich plasma( PRP) has actually been utilized extensively for aesthetic purposes and has gained popularity in the last several years; however, platelet-rich fibrin( PRF) is.
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replacing it in popularity. Facial restoration through injections, microneedle treatments and procedural recovery are the most popular PRF applications. Rajani will provide his experience utilizing PRF in more than 3,000 cases using a microcannula technique. The differences between PRP and PRF will be evaluated, along with preparation techniques and tube structure. Combinations with PLLA and hyaluronic acid fillers will be demonstrated by means of video, in addition to microcannula injection application. Safety and longevity will be evaluated with previously and after photos of results immediate and in time. This session will consist of a video demonstration and a question-and-answer period. Juvly AestheticsFor those just starting to explore microneedling or those looking to hone their abilities, this session will provide a broad summary of this treatment. Modern microneedling has been practiced for years, yet has actually just recently come into favor in the medical aesthetic neighborhood. And there are new therapiesincluding stem cells, PRP, PRF, exosomes and hair restorationto consider for growth. The discussion will cover these subjects on state-of-the-art developments in visual innovation. DefenAge New SkinCurrently.
What Is The Best Med Spa In Kansas City Program
, various skin treatments are emerging to treat and reverse the signs of aging. One approach is the usage of stem cells to activate cell populations in the skin. There are concerns about the effectiveness and security of these treatments, as the composition of growth factors is not totally defined. Defensin particles that message to dormant," fresh" skin's master stem cells are the keys to the fourth generation. When these cells are activated, they produce young, new skin. Our body uses these "maintained" cells throughout injury healing; therefore, skin in a closed injury is constantly more youthful than the skin around the wound. Juvly Aesthetic appeals This session will concentrate on recognizing adverse occasions following facial injections, including ideas and methods to teach your medical day spa staff to do the exact same. Since hyaluronidase is considered" off-label," it can be challenging for providers to discover reliable treatment strategies they can execute in the circumstances of any negative events. Today's medspas, medical or not, use many services beyond massage, facials and mani/pedis. A range of popular cosmetic procedures like laser treatments and fillers are commonplace in the day spa world. However, there is a crucial difference to consider when choosing where to go, and there are times when choosing a Medical Day spa matters. Whether it be for a day of extravagance or a cosmetic treatment, there are three main things to take into consideration: Are they a reputable health club who support their personnel and the treatments they supply? What's the atmosphere like? How do you feel when you walk in? How does the personnel treat you? How do you feel when you leave, and the week after that? Was your treatment of choice one you would.
suggest? Do you eagerly anticipate going back the medspa? When deciding to adopt a cosmetic treatment there's one more factor to contribute to the list above: Medical health clubs are a combination of a medical center and a day medical spa. And here's where the distinction in between a medical spa and a routine spa is vital: With all the recent coverage of botched cosmetic treatments concerning the surface area, it is more essential than ever to make sure your facility of option is on the up and up. At Sky and Sea Health Club, Miami's premier med medspa, we provide a selection of treatments in an ambient setting so you feel unwinded both by your environment and the understanding that you are in the capable hands of our personnel when you pertain to us for a treatment. Picking skin care items can be a bit tricky. As a med health club owner, you require to offer an item line that is effective, provides clinically proven results, and appeals to your customer base. Selling retail skin care items frequently makes upa fair part of a medical health spa's income, so selecting the best items is not a decision to be taken likely. It is crucial to consider the scientific research study and proof behind each item.
While there are many skincare products promising the water fountain of youth, you know that these claims are marketing tricks that often don't deliver. Where can I find Facial treatments Kansas City. The products you choose need to be ones you think in, ones that produce noticeable results, and ones that offer something various than over-the-counter skin care products.
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kansascitylifestyle · 3 years
How Do I Find A Med Spa In Kansas City Service
What Is The Best Med Spa In Kansas City Service In My Area
It's alright to ask your clinician about their education and training to guarantee that you are making the right choice for your requirements. Asking questions will also provide you a feel for the personnel's personality and if you wish to work with them. You must also make assessments at several health clubs, not simply one.
You want to guarantee you'll be in an environment that makes you feel comfortable. Lastly, do not forget to have a look at their treatment menu in advance to be sure they provide the treatment you are looking for - Learn More about Where can I find Facial treatments Kansas City. RESEARCH THE EQUIPMENTMany of the treatments offered by med health clubs can be expensive. Generally since the devices they use is expensive.
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Due to the fact that technology in the aesthetic and medical field is constantly altering, it is crucial to make certain any med health club you visit is utilizing the newest and biggest devices for your particular treatment. You wish to get your cash's worth. Understanding these different lasers and products will make your decision much easier when it comes time to select a place.
Before deciding to proceed with any cosmetic treatment, you must ask to see other patient's real results. A worthwhile medical spa will provide you with before and after images. Click on this link to see our prior to and after images for yourself!You ought to also ask around, research study online, and look for reviews from others who have actually gone to the exact same med day spa you have an interest in. To make things much easier, we provide.
you with video reviews from our delighted patients - Botox Kansas City MO. Click here to see what they have to say about their experience with us!. Learn how the current CO2 innovation innovations and combined techniques are broadening treatment options and meeting patient requirements. The Visual Clinique In this course, discover the science and history behind IV treatment, in addition to how to start an effective IV therapy practice. This includes marketing, materials, products and equipment required. Tahoe Aesthetic Medicine In this course, a case study will be provided showing how combining multiple nonsurgical methods that are synergistic with each other lead to substantial modifications to deal with each of a patient's issues. In this case study, IPL, full-field and fractional resurfacing, neuromodulator, PDO threads and HA filler were made use of to develop the result. Ingenious uses have actually tapped into the power of LLLT, offering unique standalone and accessory therapies in the cosmetic.
surgery or medical spa practice. Favorable scientific outcomes have actually been seen in areas of pre -and post-operative management, injury care, acne care and skin conditioning. Current use in the area of post-surgical recovery has been revealed to include to optimum cosmetic surgical outcomes, in addition to lower pain and scarring. Platelet-rich plasma( PRP) has been utilized commonly for aesthetic functions and has actually gained popularity in the last a number of years; nevertheless, platelet-rich fibrin( PRF) is.
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changing it in popularity. Facial restoration via injections, microneedle treatments and procedural healing are the most popular PRF applications. Rajani will provide his experience using PRF in more than 3,000 cases using a microcannula method. The distinctions between PRP and PRF will be evaluated, in addition to preparation techniques and tube structure. Combinations with PLLA and hyaluronic acid fillers will be shown via video, together with microcannula injection application. Safety and durability will be examined with in the past and after images of results instant and with time. This session will include a video demonstration and a question-and-answer period. Juvly AestheticsFor those simply starting to check out microneedling or those aiming to hone their abilities, this session will supply a broad overview of this treatment. Modern microneedling has actually been practiced for years, yet has simply recently come into favor in the medical aesthetic community. And there are brand-new therapiesincluding stem cells, PRP, PRF, exosomes and hair restorationto consider for expansion. The discussion will cover these topics on advanced improvements in aesthetic innovation. DefenAge New SkinCurrently.
How Much Does A Med Spa In Kansas City Cost
, various skin treatments are emerging to deal with and reverse the signs of aging. One technique is the utilization of stem cells to trigger cell populations in the skin. There are concerns about the effectiveness and security of these treatments, as the structure of growth factors is not completely defined. Defensin molecules that message to dormant," fresh" skin's master stem cells are the keys to the fourth generation. When these cells are activated, they produce young, new skin. Our body utilizes these "preserved" cells throughout injury healing; therefore, skin in a closed injury is always younger than the skin around the injury. Juvly Visual appeals This session will focus on acknowledging negative events following facial injections, consisting of suggestions and strategies to teach your medical health spa personnel to do the very same. Considering that hyaluronidase is considered" off-label," it can be challenging for service providers to find efficient treatment strategies they can execute in the circumstances of any negative occasions. Today's day spas, medical or not, use many services beyond massage, facials and mani/pedis. A variety of popular cosmetic procedures like laser treatments and fillers are prevalent in the spa world. However, there is an important distinction to think about when picking where to go, and there are times when picking a Medical Day spa matters. Whether it be for a day of indulgence or a cosmetic treatment, there are 3 main points to take into account: Are they a reliable health club who stand behind their personnel and the procedures they offer? What's the atmosphere like? How do you feel when you walk in? How does the staff treat you? How do you feel when you leave, and the week after that? Was your treatment of choice one you would.
advise? Do you eagerly anticipate going back the health club? When choosing to adopt a cosmetic treatment there's another factor to add to the list above: Medical health clubs are a mix of a medical center and a day health spa. And here's where the distinction between a medical spa and a regular spa is important: With all the recent coverage of botched cosmetic treatments pertaining to the surface area, it is more vital than ever to make sure your center of option is on the up and up. At Sky and Sea Health Club, Miami's premier med medical spa, we offer a range of treatments in an ambient setting so you feel unwinded both by your environment and the understanding that you are in the capable hands of our staff when you concern us for a treatment. Choosing skin care items can be a bit tricky. As a med medical spa owner, you need to provide a product line that is effective, provides scientifically proven outcomes, and interest your consumer base. Selling retail skin care products frequently makes upa fair portion of a medical spa's revenue, so choosing the right products is not a choice to be taken likely. It is important to consider the scientific research and proof behind each product.
While there are numerous skin care items guaranteeing the eternal youth, you understand that these claims are marketing gimmicks that often don't deliver. Click To read about Dermaplane Kansas City. The products you choose require to be ones you think in, ones that produce visible results, and ones that use something different than nonprescription skin care items.
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getbookmarking · 4 years
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Feel & Look Good With Complete Juvly Membership; Exciting Deals | Juvly https://tinyurl.com/vz8klcg #SEO #Backlinks #Onlinemarketing #entrepreneur #trending #influencer #followback #today #trends #business #growthhacking #promotion #tumblrquotes #tumblrpics #tumblrpoetry #tumblrfashion #tumblrs #tumblrlife #tumblr #tumblrposts #tumblraesthetics #tumblrpost #tumblraesthetic #tumblr👽 #tumblrtextpost
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lauraelainebice · 4 years
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I talk about it all the time; finding @juvly_aesthetics changed my life. Because if that I am somewhat of a fanatic. Super fans love branded merchandise!! Check out this awesome mug @vistaprint made using the official Juvly Ambassador logo 😁 #fanatic #myjuvly (at Columbus, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WBgxNhkTQ/?igshid=l51zfmlhj9y4
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soflanights · 7 years
Juvly Aesthetics'Grand Opening Party
Juvly Aesthetics’Grand Opening Party
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Thursday, September 14, 6pm-9pm – Juvly Aesthetics, 4750 North Federal Highway, Suite 302, Fort Lauderdale Join for the grand opening of Juvly Aesthetics’ Fort Lauderdale location! Come by for food, drinks, and raffle prizes such as fillers, botox, and more! All guests will receive a $50 Juvly gift voucher. Bring a friend and get a $100 Juvly gift voucher each! CLICK HERE TO RSVP
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