#just the character vibes are somewhat inspired by teh soundtrack
pbaintthetb · 2 years
detective wwx?? :D
heh thanks, I likethis one. This is a wip I'm not still 100% I'll post, but it's about 80% done atm. Tldr, it's another deadset au (i'm so sorry for being that person guys) inspired by the Death Note Musical English concept soundtrack
MXY leaves a note when he dies for WWX to find, and through misunderstandings WWX believes that the Golden Ghost was responsible for the Sunshot campaign, the siege of the Burial Mounds, and the 'death' of Wen Yuan. He is not a happy bunny. Screw finding out why he's back, he needs to find out its identity because he needs revenge. (Except it can't be that simple of course, because finding out an identity doesn’t lead nicely to a corpse, and it’s a bad idea to piss off a ghost)
Wei Wuxian wakes up in a barn, confused, memories of his own death swimming just behind a wall he refuses to break, angry cuts etched deep into his skin, and aches deep in his bones that are from more than just a ritual- to find a note.
It states quite clearly, ‘you should kill them before the Golden Ghost comes looking. He’s bitter.’ Then, below, scribbled a little more hastily. “He’s real.”
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