#just replace it with a random name ig ?? HAHAHA
suhnshinehaos · 2 years
hello a5c friends , some crumbs coming soon ;>
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imbellarosa · 4 years
17 questions 17 people
The amazing, inimitable @twopoppies ​ tagged me in a get to know you game (thank you 💕💕!!) so here we goooo:  
Nicknames: Bella (my full name is Isabella), Bells, Yeya, Jay (the last two are old family nicknames - i’ve had them all my life and i love them <3)
Zodiac: Gemini (I have no idea what this means haha, i just know what it is)
Height: 5’7”
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor! It’s true, my best quality is that I’ve never once backed down from anything in my life, and I’m very proud of it!
Last Things I Googled: Copper Fit Pro Series Knee Sleeves - time to replace my knee braces for race training season haha
Song Stuck In My Head: Canyon Moon, because of @louciernagas (love ya friend💕💕!)
Number Of Followers: More than i thought I’d have!
Amount Of Sleep: I probably need 8 hours, but i get around six (less now in exams season, so 5 ish?)
Lucky Number: 28! I picked this number when I was 12 because it served as a reminder that no matter how long it takes, magic could always be right around the corner, and over the years it’s served me really well :)
Dream Job: I’d love to get paid to write or tell stories or travel but honestly anything that allows me to sustain myself in a small apartment with a bike and a kitty and a window and some sunflowers with a bit of extra to travel and have hobbies is more than enough for me - @belgianreader2 has to hear me talk about this dream of mine all the time hahaha i’m so so sorry 🤣🤣
Wearing: at this instant? PJs.  Earlier today? A cropped tank top that doubles as a running shirt that reads “the answer is always coffee” and a pair of high waisted light blue flair pants. I have the BEST pant collection - if I do say so myself - and I’ve thrifted ALL of them MWAHAHAHA
Favorite Song: The Times Are A-Changin’ by Bob Dylan. This is another one of those things that I picked years and years ago (when i was 15) and just stuck with it because it’s a good reminder that everything ebbs and flows
Favorite Instrument: The only one I can (sort of) play is piano, but i like listening to guitars and violins the best
Aesthetic: @queenlokibeth​ has lovingly referred to my aesthetic as “discount rockstar” and I love that, so I’m owning it hahahahaha
Favorite Author: hmmmm this one is harder for me because it changes - if it helps, my favorite POET is Mary Oliver and my favorite POEM is The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Favorite Animal Noises: CATS PURRING LOUDLY !!! 😍😍😍😭😭😭
Random: one of the coolest things i’ve ever done (that i rarely talk about) is I wrote an entire novel out of the feeling of “SOMEONE should be telling better stories FINE IF NO ONE ELSE WILL I WILL” . it’s sitting in my google docs collecting dust because i have no idea what to do with it now, and i’m sure it needs loads of polishing, but it’s a complete story and i’m very proud of it.
I’m going to tag people I’ve seen around but haven’t really chatted with because I’d LOVE to get to know some of you better but only if you want to!!! @kingquentin @evilovesyou @poppyroxton @filmbitch @chill-larrie-undercover @anchortommo @funreadingchick @watermelonsugarsgolden @feckingsunflower @beachandwine13 @sweetcreature63 @cuppa-tea-please @comebacksoonboys @lwtiswonderundersummersky @adoredontour @lh2928 @basic-instinct40 @captainsparklyfists
WOW THAT’S ACTUALLY 17 PEOPLE OMG!! so yeah! ig that’s me!! :)
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madstars-festival · 4 years
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At AD STARS 2019, Henry Glo teamed up with John Bellarmine Javier to represent Nuworks Interactive Labs, Manila, at the New Stars program for junior creatives. We asked Henry to share his advice for this year’s New Stars teams…
AD STARS is now searching for its New Stars of 2020, so we thought we’d catch up with one of last year’s Bronze winners, Henry Glo from Nuworks Interactive Labs in the Philippines, who teamed up with his colleague John Bellarmine Javier.
Together, they competed against 32 other teams to come up with an idea to attract more international tourists to Busan, a beachside city in South Korea. (AD STARS is usually held in Busan, but unfortunately, this year’s New Stars competition will take place virtually – the deadline for entries is 23 September!)
What is your favourite memory of the New Stars program in Busan last year?
Mine was when I found out that we won Bronze. Because I actually didn’t come to AD STARS with the thought that we’d win. I just thought at least I'd get to visit Korea. THAT WAS MY PRIORITY, ha! The moment that the work was submitted, my mind already shifted towards hunting for face masks and essences and K-pop souvenirs. In my head, I was already boarding the Korail to Seoul to visit JYP and SM (famous Korean entertainment companies).
So, I came in late, and when I walked into the venue for the award ceremony, I saw our work flashed on the screen and saw my partner looking very happy. And when I checked my phone, I saw that he’d been bombarding me with messages that we won.
The fact that it was unexpected made it such a satisfying and pleasant moment for me.
What was the hardest part of the competition, and what did you learn?
The hardest part is that we’re both copywriters. Neither of us have had experience in video editing. And as far as art direction is concerned, I’m pretty much a beginner.
And it was scary because we were up against these more experienced teams with better skills at executing art—especially for me because I was the one assigned to do the art. But we decided to just wing it.
And I think that was an important lesson for both of us. To just enjoy the process. If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, then try harder next time.
Can you tell me about yourself: Do you still work together at Nuworks Interactive Labs? What is the best (or worst!) part of your job?
Bell has moved on. I stayed behind because I think there are still things to learn. But right now, I think I’m at a crossroads. I’m exploring. What I want to be is also evolving. Should I move on to a bigger agency? Should I explore outside advertising? There are still bigger things out there and I want to experience them. I want to eat the world and consume its knowledge. And I know that staying in my comfort zone isn’t going to give me that. I want to become better. And win some more. But right now, I think I'll stick around and learn some more.
Are you working on any interesting projects right now?
Advertising-wise? Not really. Things hit a doldrum since the pandemic. But I’ve explored content creation. I’ve put Facebook pages and IG accounts where I can share content and artworks.
Now more than ever people have turned into their pocket worlds inside their phones. TV has been dying ever since the government shut down ABS-CBN. And social media has become more potent than ever.
I’m focusing more on YouTube and Instagram though because I still value quality and aesthetics.
What are you passionate about outside of work?
Well, I’m passionate about K-pop, ha ha. So right now, I have a YouTube channel on K-pop. I do comedic parodies of K-pop songs. And so far, I’ve been receiving positive feedback on how my videos actually were their gateway to K-pop songs.
What I like about it the most is how in a way it helps me learn more about digital advertising. How people respond to specific content, and how format and screen sizes matter—they can be the difference between people liking your video or just scrolling past it.
I’m also into clay art. So I’ve been meaning to also put up a separate page or channel for that.
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Why did you choose a career in advertising? Can you name one campaign that you really love; or one person who has truly inspired you?
I actually didn’t. I just followed a crush who also applied in advertising! But then I realized I was really good at it. So I stuck around. Prior to this, I worked in the social science field. Which is really helpful in advertising, too.
I really love R/GA’s Love Has No Labels campaign (pictured above). The insight is just so beautiful. I’d say it’s skin deep, I guess? Ha, ha. But I can’t explain it much. A great work will always excite you. It will give you goosebumps. 
I’ve always been inspired by my mentors Joey Tiempo and Ryan Rubillar. It was actually Ryan who told me that a creative is like an avatar and your mentors are like your past lives as an avatar. And when faced with specific challenges, you access and embody a mentor and your learnings from that person. That nugget of wisdom is something that I always carry with me — in competitions, in pitches, or even in everyday life.
The coronavirus means many people are still working from home. What has been the hardest part of the coronavirus lockdown for you?
PEOPLE DON’T RESPECT YOUR HOME ANY MORE! I think the lines between work and home have been blurred. But I’ve always been adamant that work ends at 6:30pm and starts at 10am the next day. No one gets to disrespect my breakfast with a meeting that should have been an email. HAHA.
When do you get your best ideas?
From life. Ads are stories. Of sadness. Of happiness. Of want and lack. And you can’t write stories you never lived through. So, my best ideas usually come from my own personal pain points.
Can you tell me about the city where you live: how does it inspire you creatively?
I live in a suburban town on the fringes of the metro. It’s filled with angry boomers, Duterte supporters, simpletons, and intellectual-haters. But it is also filled with steadfast mothers, friendly neighbors, and ambitious high school non-graduates. And they are the market that most woke and modern ads pretend to not exist.
You can make the internet cry, or enjoy your western humor banters, or rally behind your brand for being politically correct or gender-empowered, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to product truth: are your sardines delicious? Does your detergent really remove stubborn stains?
It’s always been my pet peeve to see ads that try to pretend their target audience is something they are not. It’s what I learned talking to random strangers on the bus, or bonding with a mom while in line at the grocery. Solutions should be drawn on who people really are. Not on a creative’s fantasy of what people should be.
Do you have any advice for the 2020 New Stars teams?
Don’t try to win over the judges. They’re just people, too, with experiences and culture that may or may not relate to your work.
Do something that you love — win or lose. Do an idea that you’d be proud to show to your creative lead, or as part of your portfolio in the next company that you’ll pursue.
Do a work that will lose not because it fell short, but because there was something better.
Don’t do it half-assed. There’s two of you in that team. Do it twice as kickass as you can.
Also, keep it simple. There's a difference between intricate and complicated.
And also, sleep. And eat well. HAHAHA. Advertising is worth your sweat but not worth your tears.
* AD STARS is now looking for its New Stars of 2020. The brief is to suggest campaign idea/s to promote home meal replacement brand ‘Mitus’, and the deadline is 23rd September – visit our website for more details or contact [email protected]
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