#just know it from a few clips and 3 eps of brotherhood I watched
Was anyone gonna tell me Fullmetal alchemist got a live-action movie in 2017 and two sequels this year or was I just supposed to stumble upon a bootleg version of the Turkish dub of all things myself
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FLCL Alternative has just ended, and I’m pretty sure everyone is in a state of confusion as to what EXACTLY happened near the end of FLCL, so here’s my little theory that many people are calling the “Alternate universe theory”
I made a similar post on the reddit discussions, so I will also post the same thing here with a few modifications
So Alternative takes place in a different universe than Classic and Progressive, this might be now obvious. In the final moments of Kana's "i love you" speech, tsukata kanda (aka the dude in the suit 24/7) mentions that "space and time will collapse" while being shown this giant wormhole (this is more or less important cuz this random fact was kinda put for "no apparent reason other than sounding sciencey" so this was a small hint to what’s happening). When you see everyone being sort of dissipated into nothingness, we see haruko NOT doing that, instead she gets thrown into the sky and we get shown the famous "haruko and vespa + clips from FLCL season 1" scene. Everyone else who was transported to god knows where (some say mars, some say another universe) was given that specific animation, but haruko. So we can assume she’s in a different area than kana and the rest. After the FLCL season 1 clip scene Haruko then gets thrown into what people are speculating would be Naota's universe. This would essentially make Alternative the prequel to FLCLassic. This would explain Haruko in Alternative being more mature, she (and I quote from ep 6) "doesn't want a bad ending" meaning she actually cares about Earth unlike how (in season 1 ep 6) she states that she doesn't care about earth only atomsk, and why she doesn't have her atomsk tracking chain bracelet in alternative.
Another possible speculation is that Kana transported her and everyone else into a different dimension while leaving haruko to be transported back in time. Which would support how Medical Machina in all three seasons are still doing the same thing: flatten planets. yet we don’t see any Irons in the end credits to FLCL Alternative ep 6, where Kana and her friends are. Also it explains why NO is still a thing where Haruko is around. The problem with this possible outcome is the flattened earth in Alternative’s ending credits and that we would be essentially be making Haruko time travel so FLCL 1 and 2′s setting makes sense because it’s on Earth (they mentioned America in FLCLassic so I’m assuming they are on Earth). And if Haruko time traveled, why was everyone in alternative so surprised about the irons if they’ve already known about them in Classic and Progressive which would be before Alternative. Our main theory has it where Kana and them just transported to Mars leaving Earth to flatten and Haruko is sent into Naota’s universe where Earth hasn’t been flattened. We can simply assume that MM and NO was either transported with Haruko or that Naota’s universe is very VERY similar to Kana’s so Medical Mechanica and NO still exists(I mean...Naota’s universe has way more wacky characters than Kana’s somewhat realistic universe, if that’s to add to anything).
So let's now. tie all 3 seasons into what would be a coherent story line of FLCL. Haruko originally came from Kana's universe where she was part of the Brotherhood, Galactic Police. She worked as a space investigator and her job was probably to get rid of the irons that were about to flatten earth. At the same time she's also searching for the N.O. She knows it exists, but from what we and what haruko knows of as of alternative, the only things that comes out of people's heads are small robots, small weapons, and the occasional guitar and the fact that NO strengthens with emotional intensity. As Alternative ep 5 comes to a close, we and haruko experience the strong power of NO and how it can make gigantic MM robots disappear in mere seconds. This was probably what began haruko's spiraling obsession with strong NO and not just anyone who has it. Then ending ep 6, Haruko is thrown into what would be now Naota's universe. There is a bit of a gap between ep 6 of alternative and ep 1 of classic. Within this gap, Haruko has fallen in love with Atomsk and his massive NO capabilities, she makes her vespa fly, she gains her rickenbacker, and she drops her tied up hair style. Then ep 1 of flcl begins. I am pretty sure Haruko targeted Naota because either 1)her atomsk bracelet helped her, 2) naota greatly resembles kana, or 3)she just guessed. Regardless, Haruko now meets Naota and Haruko becomes Naota's family maid. By the end of ep 1 of Classic it's been subtly implied that Canti was seen as an enemy in Haruko's eyes because he looked like the MM robot she fought in ep 6 of Alternative. Haruko also now has found the general location of Atomsk. As the episodes go on, we fight more robots and we reach the end of ep 6 where Naota takes atomsk's power for a short time and then sends the bird into space once again. Before Haruko leaves she gives Naota her Rickenbacker. Then we timeskip over to Progressive, but before ep 1 begins let's talk about what happens in between the two seasons. Haruko gains Atomsk's power temporarily and she splits into Haruko and Jinyu, the original cast got older seen in cameos, and in the end credits scene we see...all of the main cast of FLCL, but in the peculiar order...Alternative shows up first, then Classic, then Progressive. The order might be "random", but the order of which the cast appears matches up with the Alternate dimension theory we have going. Anyways, continuing onto Progressive. Haruko shows back up again after a decades of being out in space and she's back because she wants to find atomsk again while also terrorizing the lives of Hidomi and Ide to start up that strong NO that she needs to get to atomsk. The story is relatively easy to follow after just watching the episodes to Progressive so there isn't much to say other than Hidomi maturing episode after episode, Haruko and Jinyu's bickering about what they want regarding Atomsk, and how Atomsk escapes again after hugging Haruko in ep 6. Then Haruko leaves the planet once more.
There are many little moments that can tie each season to one another like how kana looked like atomsk in human form (based off of Amarao's depiction of him). The many irons in Progessive matching the many iron locations in Alternative. The bridge where Canti was born on still exists in Progressive. And many more little clues and hints. 
Overall, I personally loved each season for different reasons and even if Progressive and Alternative can't match up to what we like about FLClassic, I think it's safe to assume that the 2 seasons did a pretty alright job giving us a story about adolescence, because that's what FLCL is all about.
FLCL- FLCL/10, furi kuri~
Progressive- 9/10, the massive amounts of Sakuga in some episodes raised this score by 3 (I’m a bitch for sweet SWEET animations shut up). I wished Progressive had more wackier scenes and more info condensed within the episodes instead of spending 20 seconds of shots of Hidomi walking or looking at something, but this sequel has a LOT of FLCL vibes to it. I like this sequel (good thing to note that I DID rewatch this season the same amount of times I watched FLCLassic’s season)
Alternative- 8/10, loved the character arcs and how it loops back to FLCL, still wished we could’ve had a more clues to figure out what EXACTLY happened near the end (I think showing Mabase (Naota’s town) in the distance rather than the landscape with a small city in the distance woud’ve solidified this theory a whole lot). The show was consistent which was good, but I hated how safe they played it this season with each episode’s animations (i’m just glad there’s plenty of sakuga scenes at all). Also it’s replay value is somewhat low since everything is easy to remember within the story. I wouldn’t enjoy Alternative if I would rewatch it again and again. still loved it tho.
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