#just do something more productive than argue about fictonal characters on the internet
slasher-male-wife · 2 years
I just wanna say if you don’t like something block the tag please. I get if you find it odd that I write about slashers I understand that. It doesn’t mean you can fucking harass me and tell me I condone gross horrible things. I know they never actually hurt anyone. I know their actions are fucking fake. That’s what separates slashers from real life killers. I can barely handle true crime because I know real people got fucking hurt. It’s not like I’m simping for real killers who were portrayed by an actor in a movie. These characters are fucking fake. I know they’re fake. I would never be attracted to someone who actually did or does the things they do. You don’t like what I post? Block me. Don’t like this or that? block the fucking tag. You can have opinions on things. You don’t have to simp for these characters. But what you’re not going to do is come and harass me in my inbox and tell me I condone horrible things and that I’m just as bad as someone who finds actual murders attractive. If any of these fictional characters become real I would stop being attracted to them. Simple as that. So fucking don’t go in my inbox and spam me with nasty messages. Don’t like it? Fucking block it.
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