#just cause a dem is in office doesnt mean everything is ok
hi I am fiRED UP!
I cannot. Believe my eyes. Idaho people and tbh every people. This is an ongoing problem that honestly feels like it goes under the radar because things happening in "libraries aren't a big deal" and don't seem to affect the rights of people in the country but it absolutely negatively impacts so many types of people. Please let's care about this and do something, the link above has a cool link to a "ways to help" section and also why we shouldn't celebrate banned books week but rebrand to intellectual freedom and focus on highlighting banned books more often.
Some notable quotes from the first article:
In her opening remarks, Scott called for people to band together like they did in post-9/11 America in order to take back libraries. “The war is also demonstrated by non-gendered bathrooms, drag queen storytime, use of hormone blockers, and boys with ear piercings and painted fingernails,” she said, mentioning that after abortion, the rise of “smut in the library” was the most disturbing thing she’s seen in eight years as a legislator.
Like these are not Parks and Rec jokes. This is real.
Whether you’re in Idaho or not, it’s vital to understand that the fight for the freedom to read and access books is not happening in a vacuum. This is one branch of a big tree growing under the work of dark money and dark politics, particularly those on the far right. In this instance, a state representative is encouraging citizens to disregard the First Amendment and doing so not only with her professional credentials behind her, but through the state’s legislative communication itself. She’s working on a singular agenda, rooted in Christian fundamentalism, and she’s firing up supporters in state and beyond to forge ahead on what they believe is a necessary crusade.
It is impossible to overstate that this is not about the books. The books are one of the tools right now, but this has been bubbling for nearly a decade. Unfortunately, as more educators and library workers call it quits for a variety of reasons, including poor pay, unsatisfactory work conditions, and harassment, these groups will succeed in their big campaign of killing public eduction.
Even if you never go to your local library. This legal action would disproportionately affect poc, LGBTQ+ folk, the disabled, the economically struggling, and more. And that's the fucking point of this nonsense. We don't have to care because it's a building of books but because free information and minorities are under attack and we have to protect those things
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