#just being in the closet in general and how he smiles when alison says times have changed
krekdon · 4 years
my mum: ‘when are you going to grow out of this phase of crying at gay relationships’ hmmmmm........ i dont know.................... why dont u think abt that for a second mother.........
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 7: Of Course I Remember
A/N: Sammi just so happens to look like Lucy Hale. If you watched PLL growing up, you could freely think of Amanda and Britney as Alison and Hanna. Because that lowkey fits if you’ve ever seen the show. Enjoy! 
WARNINGS: Drug mention
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September 26th
The sound of giant bus engines echoed in the spacious gravel bus parking lot in the middle of Los Angeles. Athena and Sammi walked past empty parked buses, mesmerized at how pretty they looked from the outside alone. Each bus was a different color, some even having the outline residue of previous band stickers on the sides. Amazement struck Sammi, making it more real on the idea of Tommy being a rockstar. It didn’t take long before the girls found the four men standing by two dark buses being packed with everything needed. Athena and Sammi ran fast towards their brother, “Tommy!” the sisters screamed at the top of their lungs. 
Three of the men turned around, smiling at the sisters dashing towards them with smiles. Tommy grew a bittersweet smile hugging both of his sisters at the same time. He was happy to be experiencing something he’s wanted since he was 16 but hadn’t accepted being away from his family just yet. He already said goodbye to his parents the night before, having his mother cry in a mix of worry and excitement. Mr. Bass was proud of their son becoming something that he knew Tommy wanted to be. Of course, it wasn’t what they were used to, but that’s what life was like raising Tommy. 
“Hey glad you guys came early enough,” Tommy said spinning Athena in a hug. “We wanted to show the inside of our bus!” 
The group climbed into the bus hearing gasps coming from the Bass sisters as soon as they reached the final step. It was almost like a home on wheels to the girls. A small kitchen with carpet on the floor and comfy looking sofa chairs in the front. Even the small bunk beds looked comfortable to them. They weren’t tiny bunks like they expected. “Oh my god I hope you guys don’t fuck this place up like your apartment,” said Sammi, walking towards the bunks. “It’d suck to see a bus this nice look like shit. 
“I, Vince, solemnly do not swear to keep this place the same way we found it,” Vince said putting one hand over his heart and the other raised by his face. Sammi giggled rolling her eyes at Vince’s joke. “Well can you at least keep your bunk clean?” Sammi asked continuing to walk before being stopped by a door at the end of the row. “Still no promises, Sammi.” Sammi turned the doorknob to see a whole small bedroom perfect for anyone who didn’t want to be in a bunk. It had a full-size bed on the right side and a giant window looking out on the left. 
“Oh, dudes! Look at the bed back here!” Vince shouted dropping himself on the white and red bed. “I fucking call it!” Tommy said running and jumping on the small space next to Vince. “How about we switch days to sleep here?” Nikki said looking over Sammi’s shoulder as she leaned against the doorframe. She could feel a rough hand snake it's way from her back to her hip. Sammi avoided turning around, hoping nobody would notice a thing. “Yeah like when you said we’d switch bedrooms at the apartment?” Vince said sitting at the edge. “Why don’t you let Mick have it? He is the oldest,” Athena said looking back at Mick behind her. “That would be nice for you guys to give him the bed,” Sammi said looking at the three boys with a smile. 
“Don’t worry about me, ladies. I’m perfectly fine getting this bunk that’s closer to the ground,” said Mick, patting Athena on the back with the smallest smile imaginable. “It is nice of girls to think of me though.” Athena and Sammi smiled at Mick moving to the front. 
“It’s so cool how you guys don’t even have to lift a finger over here. Look at all these dudes just packing everything for you!” Athena said walking out of the bus to see the tour roadies do their job. “It is nice to be treated like kings,” said Vince smirking at everyone resting his back against the bus. 
“Cool it, King Vince. You still have to work remember?” Sammi said smacking the blonde in the arm. “If I’m king does that mean I should find a queen to be by my side?” asked Vince smiling down at Sammi. Sammi felt her cheeks flush looking away from Vince’s gaze. “Yeah, and her name’s Beth remember?” Sammi said looking down as she proceeded to hug Tommy. She wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling Athena do the same. 
“Don’t go! We need our dumbass leader to get us through the day!” Athena yelped in a mocking tone of desperation. “Whatever will we do without you and the other dumbasses?! Mick is not included because he actually has a brain and uses it.” Sammi said pretending to cry dramatically. “You girls will be fine,” Tommy said hugging his sister. “I know I’ve taught you well to be dumbasses.”
Sammi pulled away from her brother, looking at him with a sad pout before turning to the other guys. Sammi’s attention was quick to notice an absent Nikki from the group. She looked around for a moment before catching him through one of the bus windows. She was able to tell he began biting his nails and scratching his head, unsure of what to do with a back and forth pace. He looked out the window, catching Sammi staring at him. He could only give Sammi a smirk before disappearing. 
Sammi pondered for a moment until she walked over to Mick, giving him a generous hug and a smile. “Can I ask for one thing, Mick?” Mick scrunched his eyebrows. “Can you please just somewhat look after Tommy? I know he’s gonna be 21, but I still don’t want him to get in trouble.” Mick gave Sammi a lopsided smile before nodding. “I’ll try my best, little girl.” Sammi smiled happily giving Mick one last hug. 
“Bye, Vince! Try not to get kicked out of clubs while you’re out there!” Athena said hugging Vince in a quick embrace. Vince chuckled at Athena, “Again no promises I won’t do that shit!”
 As Athena moved away from Vince, Sammi walked in front looking up at him slightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck standing on her tippy-toes to reach, burying her head in his neck. Vince hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go but also not wanting for Tommy to begin asking questions. “I’m gonna miss you, Sunny” Vince whispered in Sammi’s ear before pulling away from her. “I’m gonna miss you too, Vince,” said Sammi, giving a sad smile back. “Um listen, I know you have school and shit, but I was thinking maybe you could come to one of our shows. We have one on the 8th. It’s a Friday.” Vince said pressed his lips together nervously as shoved his hands in the blue jean jack he always wore.
 “You do know that’s on my birthday, right?” Sammi smiled questionably at the singer. Vince nodded smiling back at Sammi. “Of course I remember your birthday. It’ll be an awesome way to spend your birthday, and it’ll be in San Francisco to make it better.” Sammi thought about it for a moment, turning to Athena who could hear the whole conversation. “I think it’s a great idea! Of course, we’ll go together and then have a chance to celebrate Tommy’s birthday! A bit late but still counts!” Athena said wrapping her arms around Sammi’s necking with a giant smile. “Dude yes! You two have to come! It’ll be sick!” Tommy said lightly jumping on his toes. “Okay let’s do it! We’ll go to San Fran for my birthday!” Sammi smiled at everyone felling Vince pull her in for another hug. “It’s going to be great.”
“Motley Crue? It’s time to start heading out.” a crew member yelled from the distance. Everyone said their last goodbye. Vince gave Sammi a wink as he walked to the bus. Sammi smiled back walking with Athena to the car parked far from the buses. “Your birthday is gonna be so fucking cool,” Athena said putting her arm around her little sisters' shoulders. Sammi's smile grew with happiness. 
“Quick question, did I hear wrong or did Vince call you Sunny?” Sammi looked at Athena in a pretended shock, thinking for a moment. “Yeah, he did. I just let it slide.” Athena nodded slowly examining Sammi’s facial expression. 
 September 30th
“I still can’t get over you finally moving out of mom and dads,” Athena said taking down the multiple polaroid photos from Sammi’s wall. She placed them on the desk to then wrap a rubber band around the photos. Sammi walked into the room with three empty boxes tossing them on her unmade bed. She grabbed the college textbooks on her desks smiling down at the polaroids her sister got. Sammi grabbed the photo of her, Athena, and Vince sat on the floor of the open back doors of the old van with wholesome smiles. Sammi looked about 13 and still had her dark brown hair in two pigtail braids. Vince had both his arms around the sisters, while he looked like a boy in a surfer movie with darker blonde hair. He still could pass for a surfer dude if he didn’t dress like Nikki and Tommy. “It’s funny how we somehow managed to keep Vince around,” Athena says looking over Sammi's shoulder. “I mean I did make sure his ass didn’t catch a cold when he slept in the van,” said Sammi smiling at Athena. “I have a feeling he likes being around us again. We hadn’t seen him after Tommy dropped out.” 
Athena looks at her sister with raised eyebrows and a smile before going back to packing the few things left in Sammi’s room. “So are you going to tell Amanda and Britney about San Francisco?” asked Athena sitting on the floor in front of Sammi’s closet. Sammi took the framed photo of her friends from high school biting her lip. “I don’t know if I should. It’s not like Amanda had a great time last time we went to their show.” Sammi said looking at Athena. Athena rolled her eyes away from Sammi. “It’s your life. You shouldn’t be hesitant about telling your friends about your decisions.” 
“I know, but I still haven’t told her about Tommy,” Sammi said sitting down next to Athena. “I’m scared she’s going to flip out when I tell I blacked out with the guys and woke up next to Vince,” Sammi said to her sister with a frown. Athena wrinkled her nose and scowled at Sammi not quite understanding. “Oh god, did Tommy not tell you?” Athena slowly shook her head having a smile slowly growing on her face. “What exactly do you mean by ‘woke up next to Vince’?” Athena asked with a mischievous smile. Sammi groaned, rolling her eyes and hiding her face between her knees. Sammi got up, closing her bedroom door to make sure their mother hasn’t overheard anything girls were talking about. “Okay I’m going to make this quick,” Sammi said sitting right in front of Athena. 
“So Britney was the one who told me to talk to Tommy since he’s my family and I listened! But I went to talk to Nikki first to get him to apologize and we had a bite to eat. When we went back to the apartment to talk to Tommy, a bunch of people were already having a party. I stayed and talked to Vince in the bathroom-” 
“Did anything happen?” Athena interrupted. Sammi rolled her eyes, remembering her conversation with Britney. “No! Nikki came in to get a baggie and I snorted…” Sammi said seeing Athena jaw drop to the floor. “Sammi what the fuck?! Then you rat on us for snorting!” Athena said with a giggle. “I wanted to see why you all freaking like it!” Sammi whispered shouted. “So how the hell did you and Vince end up in bed together?” Athena asked with a smirk. “He said I was falling asleep so he took me to his bed. Then he went to sleep too so no one would bother me.” Sammi said smiling looking away from Athena. Athena noticed the smile her sister had but decided not to push it. Athena herself could see the little sparkle in her sister's eyes. “Well that was really nice of Vince to do that, but going back to the topic of Amanda. You shouldn’t be scared to tell your friends stuff that happens in your life.” Athena said resting against the bedpost. “A good friend is supposed to hear out your mistakes and give you advice with kindness.”
Sammi huffs looking back at her sister. “Amanda is a good friend. She just has a different way of showing it as your friends.” Athena raises her eyebrows at Sammi. “Really like how?” 
“Amanda is a tough-love type of person. If she thinks something isn’t good, she’ll say it honestly even if it might hurt. She just doesn’t want Britney and me to get tangled up with bad guys. She knows things.” said Sammi. Athena rolled her eyes again making sure Sammi saw her reaction. “So does that mean you have to get approval by Amanda for everything you do including boys?” Athena asked smiling sarcastically. Sammi frowned at Athena ignoring her comment completely. “You know Athena, I can handle packing the rest myself,” said Sammi as she gathered up the rest of the things on her desk. “Sammi I’m sorry but-”
“I said I can pack by myself without you,” said Sammi with a stern voice. Athena rolled her eyes getting up from the floor to leave Sammi alone as requested. Athena was about to grab her car keys before she heard the wall phone ring. “Hello?” Athena asked putting the phone up to her ear. “Oh, shit hey Athena! I thought Sammi would answer!” Tommy said in a payphone booth in the middle of a Nevada truck stop. “Hey, Toms. No Sammi’s too busy being fucking stubborn.” Athena whispered looking behind her to see if the coast was clear. 
“You guys fighting already? I’ve only been gone for like three days!” said Tommy with a giggle. “It’s actually been four. We weren’t fighting, she just got mad I wasn’t being a member of Team Amanda.” Athena leaned against the wall beginning to play with the telephone cord. “I don’t think anyone but Sammi is Team Amanda. I still have no idea how they even ended up friends. What was the problem anyway?” 
“She’s scared to tell Amanda about Vince inviting her to San Fran. for her birthday and about blacking out at your guys' place, which by the way you did not tell me about.” Tommy pursed his lips out, listening to Athena. “Then she tried to explain it but I just gave her a sarcastic response.” Athena huffed. “Well, I agree with you! I hope to God Sammi doesn’t turn around and ditch us again after they move in together,” said Tommy. “No, I don’t think she will. That Britney girl seems to have an actual brain for being so bubbly. She was the one that told Sammi to talk to you guys again” 
“I do have one question for you though.” Tommy scrunched his eyebrows together ready to hear what Athena had to say. “Do you think Vince could possibly like Sammi?” Tommy’s eyes went wide, hitting the payphone with excitement. “You see it too?! He called her by her nickname when we left! Only fucking dad calls her Sunny!” Tommy yelled out. Athena laughed softly at Tommy’s reaction not expecting it. “Yeah, I noticed. He did also go to Amanda’s house after the Starwood show which in itself gives it away after some thought,” Athena giggled. “Sammi told me how he put her to bed after the party. The idea of Vince choosing sleep rather than continuing to party definitely speaks volumes.” 
“He also didn’t want her to snort the last line of coke. Nikki was the one that encouraged it. Then for some reason, he kept asking Vince questions about Sammi.” said Tommy looking out to see the devil walk over to the phone booth. “Hey A, I gotta get going but I’ll call your place when we get to our hotel. Love you.” Tommy said hanging up before Athena could say anything. Tommy got out of the phone booth just as Nikki got to it. “Hey T-Bone come on we gotta hit the road!” Nikki said smacking Tommy on the back. “Cool. Hey random question, but do you think Vince would ever stop cheating if he got a good girlfriend? And I mean a really good girlfriend, one who is the nicest person in the world.” Nikki chuckled dryly shaking his head. “That guy could have a princess that treats him like a king and still fuck randoms.” Tommy bit his lip looking at the ground beneath his feet. “Why do you ask?” Tommy looked at Nikki and shook his head. “Just thought about it since we’re on tour. He doesn’t really care about Beth so he just does it.” Nikki nodded seeing the blonde from a distance put out his cigarette.  
October 2nd 
A loud drop of a heavy box fell onto a coffee table in the middle of a living room. Amanda, Britney, and Sammi had been bringing stuff into their new condo all day, carrying in box after box filled with personal belongings. The place was perfect for the three college girls. Two stories with 3 equal-sized rooms, a nice kitchen as you walked further into the condo with space for a dining table, and a decent-sized living room in the front. They even had a pool for the little area of condos to share with other tenets. “That’s the last box in my car,” Sammi said closing the door with her foot, setting the box on the bottom stair. 
“Yay! Soon we’ll have this place looking so nice and pretty!” Britney said cheerfully taking out the collection of records all the girls had combined. Amanda sat on the floor, putting books in the dark wooden bookshelf her parents gifted her. “So Sam, you excite for your birthday next week?” Amanda asks. 
“Yeah…” said Sammi taking out picture frames avoiding to carry anything. Britney looked at Sammi, seeing something in the way her face read. “Do you have any ideas on what you want or do you want us to plan something?” Britney asks studying Sammi’s reaction
“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Sammi said looking at her friends, slightly tugging on her earlobe. “I was thinking about visiting Tommy in San Francisco. They have a show on my birthday.”
Amanda raised an eyebrow giving Sammi a smile that made her not comfortable. “And since when have you spoken to Tommy again? You haven’t mentioned it.” Britney looked at Sammi waiting to see if she needed to interrupt for Sammi’s sake.
Sammi could only shrug her shoulders giving a weak smile. “Recently. I just thought I should since he was gonna be gone for four months.”
“Well have you spoken to Vince or Nikki?” 
“No… I haven’t. I swear.”
“In that case, if you’re going to be going to San Francisco, you should only have Tommy in mind. You don’t want to deal with those two creeps. All Vince cares about is fucking random girls while Nikki cares about his drugs.” 
“Yeah you’re right, I’ve totally seen that.”
Amanda went back to putting the books on the shelves, giving her back to her roommates. Britney looked at Sammi with eyes that understood her best friend without saying a word. Sammi could only give Britney a quick somber smile, going back to unpacking their new place together. 
The sun soon disappearing bringing the moon out, having Amanda clock out for the day as Britney and Sammi hid in the nearly empty bedroom that belonged to Sammi. The girls sat on the full-sized bed against the wall, mimicking the way Sammi’s room was at her parents' house. She didn’t have a desk or her photos on the wall yet, but it would soon be exactly what Sammi would want. Britney skimmed through all the polaroids Sammi had saved over the years on the bed, giggling whenever she saw one from before she met her. Sammi threw a plastic bag onto her bed next to Britney, ripping her attention away. “What’s this?” asked Britney. 
“I’m going to dye my hair back to brown, well almost black basically,” Sammi said jumping onto the bed, pulling out the box of hair dye with everything needed. “Why exactly?” 
Sammi shrugged, read the instructions on the side. “I just wanna go back to being me. The red was cool but so over it. Besides, I keep looking at those old photos that make me miss it.” Britney nodded with understanding pulling out the van photo. “Like this one with Vince when you’re like 12?” Sammi smiled, taking the photo from Britney and pining it near her bed. “13 too be exact and yes exactly.” 
Britney bit the inside of her cheek remembering the conversation from earlier. Amanda wasn’t around making Sammi be able to talk freely about the boys. “So are you really gonna go to San Francisco for your birthday?” Sammi put down the hair dye, giving Britney a small nod. 
“I agreed when Vince asked me, plus Tommy got excited so I’d be an ass not to go.” 
“Vince was the one that invited you?” Britney smirks at making Sammi flip her off as a joke. “Yes, he did. Again it means nothing. He was just being nice for my birthday.”
“Sam, you say he’s nice for different reasons but it’s mainly because he likes you even if you don’t see it yet. I do think it’s a good thing for you to visit and see their lifestyle. Honestly, it sounds way more fun than being stuck here and working on your birthday.” Britney said with a pout as she laid down on the bed. Sammi stayed quiet for a moment, playing with the loose thread on her childhood blanket. “Whatcha thinkin about, Sammi?” 
“Do you think Amanda is controlling us?” Britney frowned, thinking long and hard about the question. She sat up against the headboard, scratching her head for a moment. “I mean, sometimes I feel like she can be controlling. Why you’re thinking of what Amanda said about Vince and Nikki?” 
Sammi laid down next to Britney, hugging a pillow tightly. “Not just that. Athena and I were talking the other day about the party and San Francisco, and she was being sarcastic about us having to get approval from Amanda on what we wanted to do. I just didn’t want her to flip out about me blacking out.”
“Well, I can see where Athena could think that. Amanda can be judgemental on the both of us from time to time.” 
“But it’s because she gives out tough love on us.” 
Britney rolls her and smiles down at Sammi. “ And I get it, I really do. There’s still a difference though.” Sammi frowned at Britney looking away from her. “How about we get started on this hair dye situation! I think you’re going to look awesome with black hair.” Britney jumped off and bed grabbing Sammi by the hand pulling her up on her feet. Sammi smiled happily taking the box of hair dye to the restroom 
October 7th
 Athena walked up to the burgundy wooden door knocking onto it three times. She could quiet footsteps approach the door, immediately regretting picking up Sammi from her condo. Amanda opened the door with confusion until realizing it was Athena. She faked a somewhat nice smile as she slowly left the front door ajar. She left only enough for Athena to see the sofa and a wall of the living room. 
“Hi Athena, how can I help you?” Amanda asked ‘happily’ still keeping the smile. 
“I’m here to pick up Sammi for the airport. I don’t know if she told you that we’re going to San Francisco,” said Athena as she began playing with the ends of her hair. 
Amanda thought for a moment before widening the door to let Athena into her condo. “Sammi isn’t here right now. She left a while ago for the bank. Something about depositing her check.” Athena nodded looking around the furnished condo. The girls worked fast to get everything in order. The living room had a beautiful white coffee table in front of a fluffy black long sofa. They even had a tv unlike Athena’s apartment, where her roommates trashed everything quickly. “You guys did well with the place.” 
“Thanks. You know I was surprised when Sammi told me she wanted to see Tommy, but now that I see you here well I get it now.” Amanda said smirking at Athena as she sat on the single chair. Athena tilted her head to one side, narrowing her eyes at the blonde girl. “What exactly does that mean?” 
“Don’t you think it’s a little responsible to drag Sammi to a drug-infested club with your brother and his skeezy friends?” 
Athena chuckled dryly as she ran her hands through her hair. “You think I told Sammi to talk to Tommy?” Amanda nodded crossing her arms and legs. “Look Sammi’s old enough to make her own decisions. I didn’t tell her shit about talking to Nikki or Tommy. She’s the one that wanted to go talk to them at their place. ” 
Amanda frowned hearing Nikki’s name come out of Athena’s mouth. “And another thing, you shouldn’t make Sammi feel bad for what she wants to do. That’s not a fucking friend. Tommy is her brother that she loves.” 
Suddenly, the front door opened to Sammi walking in surprise to see Athena in the middle of her living room. “Hey, Athena! You’re early! Let me go get my duffle bag from my room.” Sammi said making her way upstairs.
“Sammi when the hell were you gonna tell me you went over to talk to Nikki? You told me you didn’t” Sammi stared at Amanda then Athena walking down to the last step. “Sorry” Athena mouthed looking guilty with no intent on causing a problem. Amanda got up from her seat stepping closer to the Bass sisters. “I was going to tell but it wasn’t going to be soon. It’s family stuff and you don’t need to know that quickly.” 
“And Nikki’s your family?”
“Yes. Nikki, Vince, and Mick are in a band with Tommy, making them part of the family. Now I’m going to get my shit because I have a flight to catch.” Sammi said walking back upstairs ignoring Amanda’s glares. 
  Sammi put her duffle bag in the overhead bin along with Athena’s backpack. She sat down on the two seated airplane seat, buckling up. The girls had a quiet car ride to the airport with Athena not knowing what to say, being scared to piss Sammi off. She looked at Sammi just stare at the seat in front of her. Athena nudged Sammi with her elbow. Doing it again until Sammi rolled her eyes and faced Athena. “Yes?”
 “I like the hair, glad to see you back to being natural again.” Athena smiled with hope Sammi would crack. Sammi luckily did give her sister a genuine smile. “Thanks. I wanted to go back to being me.” Athena nodded biting her lip in anticipation of what to say next. 
 “Look Sammi I’m sorry I ratted on you. I didn’t tell Amanda anything besides you talking to Nikki again.” 
 “It’s okay, Athena. It was gonna come out any way that I spoke to him. Let’s just relax and have fun. It is my birthday after all.” The girls smiled giving each other a quick hug before hearing the pilot signal for taking off.
 “Oh, dude I see them! Get the paper up!” Tommy said hitting Vince in the back, getting excited to see his sisters in the distance. The girls got closer quickly finding the boys each holding a sign with their names on it. Tommy held Athena with chicken scratch handwriting while Vince held Samantha in surprising cursive. The Bass sisters ran up to the boys, giving them tight hugs from missing them so much. “Sammi your hair! It’s back to normal!” Tommy said touching locks of his sister's dark hair. Sammi giggled pushing Tommy’s hand away, fixing the piece of hair. “I like it. For sure reminds me of when I first met you.” Vince said petting Sammi’s hair for a brief moment. 
“Thanks, I just wanted a change back to before,” Sammi said smiling at the boys. “Well let's get going to the hotel! It’s barely 2 so we can do stuff!” Tommy said getting Athena’s bag while Vince carried Sammi’s. 
He gave Sammi a wink making her flush for a moment as the foursome walked out of the airport together. 
“This is going to be one hell of a birthday, isn’t it?”
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stereksecretsanta · 6 years
Merry Christmas, @hotaruyuki!
Read on AO3
Tradition? Honor? Discipline? Excellence? Whatever.
“I can’t fucking believe this! This is an Omega school!” Stiles shouted over his friends unintelligible shouting. “Allowing Alphas into Beacons will ruin everything!”
“You’re just scared of Alphas.” Allison accuses. Attempting to shut down Stiles’ histrionics before they continued any further.
“No! It’ll be a disaster.” Stiles spat at her. “You’ve just got nothing left to lose!” He mimes offensively towards his nether regions.
“Prude!” Alison taunts back at him with a smirk.
“You just want to greet them with open legs!” Stiles snarls back furiously. He immediately flinches back when Allison moves to make her way towards him.
“Okay, Stop! Stiles, stop.” Lydia snapped. “Weren’t we all just talking about how it’s gotten boring here? I specifically remember you complaining that this place was heading towards another of those Dead Poet Society endings.”
“Yes, but I’d rather be bored to death chanting Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence” He swayed side to side dramatically at every word “than sniffed at! I’d rather sleep and eat than have to worry about killing ourselves to be cute!” He snarled, working himself up with every word. “We’ll be too tired for classes trying to outdo each other. But it won’t matter!” He shouts, flailing his arms in the air. “And that’s okay.” He spits sarcastically. “Because the teachers won’t call on you anyway. You don’t want to seem smarter than the Alphas because they don’t like that!” He mocks.
“I’m not going to change just because Alphas are around.” Isaac speaks out.
“I’ve seen you at school dances.” Stiles huffs. Cut off before he could continue a tirade on Isaac’s previous actions.
“Look Stilinksi.” Allison rounds on him, more furious at what he was about to say to Isaac than the rest of his ranting aimed at her. “I know you like this place the way it is. But wake up. This is not real life. Real life is Alphas, Omegas, Alpha, Omega…” Allison snaps at him.
“No! Real life is Alpha ON TOP of Omega!” Stiles screams back at her in fury. “But you should know that.” He mocks her, dropping down on his box to sit breathing harshly.
“I’m not going to sit here and listen to this.” Lydia speaks out in the silence. “Stiles, you just have to adjust. The rest of us don’t have a problem with the plans.”
“Fine. I guess I have to do everything myself.” He stands up and storms out of their meeting before the rest of them can, flipping them off as he goes.
Stiles dragged his date beside him from behind the rose bushes they were hiding behind. All to end up behind Kate and her date heading to the fountain.
“Oh, Oops!” Stiles cried out as he pushed Jared into Kate with a big shove, causing her to fall against the lip of the fountain and her sides to get wet from the water stream. “Oh No, Kate! You’re all wet!” Stiles mocked her predicament with false sympathy.
“You little bitch.” Kate straightened herself and hissed into his ear before she turned to face her date with a sweet smile. “I’m sorry, Derek. I’ll be right back.”
“You did that on purpose.” Derek said amused as he stepped up beside him, both of them watching Kate walk away.
“I did.” Stiles admitted. “You’re welcome.”
Derek grinned at him and Stiles tried his best not to react to that face. “Walk with me.” Stiles demanded, grabbing Derek’s arm and pulling them away.
“What about Jared?” Derek asked as he allowed himself to be easily led away.
“No idea. I expect someone to find him later.” Stiles replied snappishly, not wanting to get into details that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. “Come on, let’s look at the gym”.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Derek questions with half a laugh as Stiles leans against the coke machine after shoving him into a chair, hip jutting out enticingly.
Derek looks exactly where Stiles wants him to before glancing up to meet his eyes. “Are you allowed to be alone with an Alpha?” Derek switches his smile to a leer.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Stiles smirks, walking over to sit beside Derek. Close enough that his side is pressed firmly against the larger Alpha’s. “You must remember my coming out party.”
Derek returns the smirk. “Interesting that you bring that up. I remember you throwing a glass of punch at me.”
“Yeah?” Stiles turns closer to Derek, rests his hands on the Alpha’s knee. “Remember how you tried to sniff me while we danced?”
Derek grabs Stiles’ hand and pulls it off his knee while he laughs. Instead of letting go he simply keeps a gentle hold of it to rest between his legs, Stiles’ arm extended to reach that far. “Ah yes, you were offended. Something about not giving me permission to do that. Scenting is a natural thing. But I believe you told me to stop breathing when we danced so I wouldn’t ‘sniff’ you”
“But you did sniff me. So I demand a favor.” Stiles says with bravado, sure the Alpha can hear his heart rate going off the charts. “Help me stop the co-ed merge.” He’s now itching to yank his hand back simply to see if it will calm his heart's pounding.
“Ah,” Derek chuckles, leaning closer to Stiles. “Afraid of Alpha’s taking over?”
“More like wishing to keep a little peace and civility before being thrust out into the world. You remember what a few hours together was like. Imagine days! Months! Forced to be in each other’s company!” His free hand flailed but Derek kept steady control of his other one.
“I see.” Derek responds. “ Answer me this. Is it Alphas in general the reason you want to stop the merging or me?”
Stiles laughs breathlessly. “You’re kidding. Of course it’s all Alphas!”
Derek watches him for a moment before nodding. “Alright, I’ll help. What do you need me to do.” Derek grins good naturedly back at Stiles.
Stiles bites his bottom lip trying to find the best way to relay his plan, realizing too late that Derek’s gaze was trapped by his actions. He quickly lets his bottom lip go.
“It comes with a sacrifice” Stiles warns him. “You need to get drunk or pretend to be drunk.” He pushes his hips out to reach into his back pocket to pull out a flask that he brandishes in front of them in triumph. “Then I need you to go back to the dance. Make sure to be seen dancing with Kate Argent. I’ll cause a distraction and you get to Kate's’ room. I sound the alarm. Boom, Kate's expelled and Alpha merger is cancelled.”
Derek wrinkles his nose. “That’s a terrible plan.”
“I know.” Stiles sighs apologetically. “I’m hoping to end two birds with one stone. You still in?” He shakes the flask in front of Derek again.
“If you give me your number.”
Stiles stares open mouthed. “What? But you were so mad last ti-”
“I know what I said.” Derek talks over him with a smile, taking the flask from Stiles’ slack hand anyway. “But I want to get to know you better. Even though I’m pretty sure you’re insane. Come on, it’s my one condition. I’ll have to feel guilty about framing an innocent student.”
Stiles grumbles under his breath. “She’s not innocent.” He meets Derek’s eyes with a bit of uncertainty. “But, Okay…” He blushes.
He knows this was the plan. But somehow, seeing Derek stumble all over Kate. Tripping up and forcing her to take his weight was a little obnoxious to see. It made his skin crawl. And surprisingly it had more to do with Kate than the actual act of Derek stumbling everywhere.
He watched as Kate's filthy hands gripped at Derek's shoulder. Stumbling under his added weight as she tried to balance them both. That was enough of that. He pushed himself into the middle of a dance between a visiting Alpha and one of his fellow students and steered them to bump into Kate and Derek, dropping the three of them into the punch when he shoved his recently acquired dance partner at the pair.
Kate screamed as Stiles apologized as innocently as he could in the commotion. Patting her down with a napkin he picked off the floor. “Maybe you should get changed?” He suggests, eying her stained dress disapprovingly. She leaves with a shriek and shoves Stiles’ dance partner to the ground one more time.
“Stiiiiles, I did iiit.” Derek giggled as Stiles hauled one of Derek's arms over his own shoulder to lift him from the ground and lead them out of the dance and around the building. All to enter Kate’s room after she finishes changing.
“You were great big guy.” Stiles huffed under the weight. Derek didn’t seem much larger than him but the Alpha’s muscle weight could not be ignored in this situation.
“I did it for youu.” He sighed into Stiles’ neck, pressing his nose against the back of his neck firmly as they stumbled away, breathing deeply.
He had half a mind to shrug Derek off him but the sensation was unlike anything he’d felt before since... It felt nice. In the end, he didn’t push Derek off. “You’re the best.” Stiles assured him as they hid in the hall closet to spy on Kate’s door.
They were quiet in there. Derek resting his weight against Stiles. His breath leaving a humid spot on his neck that he was unsure how he resisted reaching up to rub the feeling away, feeling a shiver go down his spine every few seconds without weakening.
Stiles watched Kate step out of her room, preening in her clean dress. She had bought a few dresses as she had been unable to decide which dress she wanted for this night. Apparently it worked in her favor. She strutted off, probably expecting to find Derek waiting for her. She wouldn’t know he’d be in her bed, ready to ruin her life.
“Okay, come on.” Stiles grunted as he pulled them out of the closet. Derek stumbling after him completely defenseless. “In here.” He walked them across the room, pushed Derek onto the bed and rushed to shut the door after them. “Take off your clothes.”
“Pushy. I like that.” Derek grinned sloppily at Stiles.
Stiles shook his head roughly, refusing to find that completely adorable. He stepped in towards Derek and helped him out of his jacket, tie, and shirt. Stiles gets on his knees to take the inebriated Alpha’s shoes and socks off because Derek stopped helping halfway through and leaned back on his hands.
Stiles felt the blush deepening on his cheeks as he reached for Derek’s pants buttons. “Maybe you should do this part?” He whispered, finding himself unable to catch a full breath.
“You’re doing great.” Derek responds, voice deep and rough. “Go on.”
“Fuck off.” Stiles hisses in alarm but with Derek refusing to move he undoes Derek’s pants buttons as methodically as he can, awkward, as he’s never had to undo buttons from his current side. After Unzipping them he stands up, shoves Derek backwards on the bed and yanks his pants off in one aggressive movement.
Derek props himself up on his elbows to smile at Stiles. Stiles’ mouth goes wet. And it isn’t the only thing about him to do so. “Woah.”
“Tuck me in?”
Stiles stares, dumbfounded. “Are you serious?”
Derek pushes back against the bed and squirms to rest comfortably on the pillows, watching Stiles expectantly.
With an annoyed huff, Stiles leans in to tuck Derek into Kate’s blankets when he’s pulled in, right off balance, and Derek kisses him.
He instantly puts a hand out against the mattress to keep himself from toppling over and another against Derek's chest. But one large warm hand wrapping around his hip as the Alpha’s lips press against his own, cause his arms to buckle.
Derek catches him to slow his descent and Stiles automatically brings his hands up to curl behind Derek’s head, grabbing fistfulls of hair and bringing himself closer to the Alpha. He was so sure this was how his coming out party was was going to end, better late than never.
“Wait. No-” Stiles moans as he forces himself away from Derek. “You’re drunk. It isn’t right.” He tries rolling off the bed.
“No, I just drank the punch. I wasn’t going to finish the entire flask, Stiles. That was straight up everclear with wolfsbane. How did you even get that?” Stiles stares at him opened mouthed.
“You lied to me.”
“A little.” Derek agrees with a shrug, still holding onto Stiles’ forearms. “I wanted to help you, but I wasn’t going to get completely fucked up. I did drink some of the flask though. Strong enough to get me tipsy.”
“But you were more than tipsy.” Stiles argues, propping himself above Derek on an elbow as he stares down at him.
“Okay, I was. But I’m an Alpha. My metabolism is pretty fast.”
“Oh.” Stiles agrees. “Okay then.” Then he leans back down to kiss Derek.
“I should get out before Kate gets back.” Stiles gasped between panting as he yanked up his pants from his hips up to his waist where they were supposed to sit. Somehow he’d gotten into a heavy make out session with Derek Hale. His first ever make out session. “You need to stay in bed. Try to fall asleep if you can. Or at least pretend to.”
Derek leaned over the bed to hand Stiles his wrinkled shirt that they both had wrestled him out of. “You should put that on… you’ve got uh-...” he motioned towards his own neck.
Stiles’ hands slapped against his neck to feel it hot and tight there he blurted out. “You bruised me!” Eyes wide and shocked staring at Derek.
Derek looked back sheepishly. “I accidentally gave you a hickey.”
“Oh my god! You’re so gross!” Stiles exclaimed in outrage.
Derek laughed. “You were fine with it when it was happening.”
“Yeah, because I didn’t know that would happen!” Stiles replied, stepping over to Kate’s vanity to check himself in the mirror. He had hickeys! Plural! “Derek!” He whined as he poked one. “That’s more than one!”
“You must bruise easy.” Was Derek’s simple response.
“It’s gonna hurt.” Stiles whines as he does up his shirt.
“C’mere.” Derek orders, and Stiles walks towards him. Allows himself to be forced to sit at the edge of the bed. “I might have gotten carried away.”
“You don’t say.” Stiles snarks back at him with a bit of a grin. He’s a little annoyed with Derek but still floaty from their makeout session.
“I won’t do it again, promise.” Derek promises as he pulls Stiles in for another kiss. “I’ll be more careful.”
“Stiles! You bitch!”
Stiles and Derek spring apart, look to the intruder. It’s Kate.
“You’ve been expelled.” Stiles’ dad sighs as he sits in the bench beside his son out in the hallway.
“I thought so.” Stiles sniffles. This isn’t what he wanted. He wanted to stop the merging of the Alpha and Omega schools. He wanted to get Kate expelled for being a bitch. “I’m sorry dad.”
“Mistakes are made.” The Sheriff wraps an arm around his Omega son. “And the Hales called.”
“What?” Stiles demands.
“Talia is willing to have Derek take responsibility.”
“What does that mean?”
“Mainly, courtship. Mating.”
Stiles makes a grossed out face. “Isn’t that a little extreme?”
The Sheriff laughs. “Yes it is. I told her it was unnecessary. That you two would work it out if you wanted to.”
Stiles is quiet for a minute. “So you’re not mad at me?”
The sheriff laughs again. “Not particularly. I’ve gotten so many calls about your behavior over the years. I’ve been expecting this for some time. Maybe not for you being alone with an Alpha in another student’s room, but you pulled a lot of things off kiddo. You had to make your own mistakes.”
“Are you disappointed?” Stiles hesitates to ask.
The sheriff is quiet for what feels like a long time before sighing. “Only that you won’t get to graduate from here. That we have to find you another school. But you’re a teenager. Something like this really was bound to happen. Besides, the times are changing. You are allowed to make your own choices, even pick your own Alpha. You are almost eighteen.”
Derek waited around the game room, bored out of his mind. His family had been invited to the Stilinski household for a Christmas party thrown for the leaders of the county. He watched behind the Christmas tree as Stiles Stilinski walked down the staircase and into the fray finally making his entrance. Dinner parties were never any fun. There were hardly any people around of his own age and very improper to disrupt the party.
“There you are.” Stiles rounds the doorway and heads straight towards Derek. “I thought you had another party to go to?”
Derek closes the distance between them. “I did, but my date cancelled. Something about needing to support his father after his father supported him after getting expelled from school.”
Stiles smiles at Derek, reaching out for his hand. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Well, I don’t exactly see you enough at school. Do I?”
“We have the same classes.” Stiles laughs as Derek tugs them away from the busy doorway to find a bit of privacy. Kissing him as soon as they're out of eyesight of the mingling crowd.
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onbartonspringsfic · 7 years
Chapter 74
You peek around the corner into the kitchen and see Dave at the table, his back propped against the edge of the window sill, legs stretched out in front of him along the roomy bench seat. He’s still on the phone but greets you with a big goofy grin and waves you inside. Dropping one leg from the bench, he motions for you to sit. You slide in with him, propping both elbows on the table and patiently gazing out the window while you wait. He reaches out and pushes your hair over one shoulder and runs a hand over your upper arm. “Dude, that sounds perfect,” he says, finally breaking the silence. “Just get here when you can. We’ll be here.” There is another short silence and he leans forward, tugs at the sleeve of your shirt and you lean sideways into his chest. “Guys, I just want all of you to know how much it means to me that you’re all behind me on this. I appreciate your faith in me, the risk and the sacrifices you are willing to make. That includes Alison, Cara… everybody.” You’ve never heard him sound quite this humble before and while you aren’t surprised, it’s far from the normal confident air you’re used to. You feel equally grateful to the rest of the band for supporting him. Dave smiles once more at a conversation you can’t hear. “Fuck you, Pat,” he snickers. “See you soon.” He ends the call, looks at you and his mouth drops open comically. “It’s on,” he beams as he envelops you in a bear hug. “We are doing this.” “Details, please,” you giggle, your voice muffled in his gripping arms. “Let me make one more fast call. They’re all coming here so we can brainstorm on this some more and I need to call Mary Anne to see if she’s available to help get things ready. Shit.” He looks up from his contacts list. “I forgot to tell Chris to bring his board. Would you mind texting him to remind him while I call her?” A weird feeling takes hold of your insides at the mention of Chris. The last time you’d seen his face was when you’d left him behind at the Austin - Bergstrom International security check. You hadn’t spoken to him in what felt like ages, not even so much as a text. He’d been trying to patch things up with Cara and you didn’t want to interrupt or get in the way, so you’d tried to give them some space. This squirrely feeling in your stomach, though, was not something you were anticipating at the mere mention of sending Chris a text. “Sure,” you manage, trying to push this feeling away before Dave notices you acting odd. You search for Chris in your contacts, wondering what in the world you’ll say, exactly. It would feel odd to send a generic dry text simply stating that Dave wants him to bring his surfboard to North Carolina.
‘Oh God,” you think, stopping short. ‘They’re coming here. He’s going to be here, in the same house with you AND Dave.’ How are you going to handle that? Is it going to be awkward? Will it be normal or will there be an uneasiness between the three of you? There was no denying the sexual tension that fills the room when the two of you are around each other. How in the hell was this going to work?! ‘That’s simple,’ you hear the voice of reason whisper. ‘Dave is your soulmate. Chris is your friend.’ You peek nervously at Dave who is all smiles and talking to Anne Marie animatedly while pacing up and down the kitchen. You bite you bottom lip and quickly compose a text to Chris. - Hey, stranger! :) I hear the band is coming to NC to plan a record. Grohl requests you come bearing a surfboard. Apparently I’m not the best shredding companion. LOL After re-reading this a few times, you hit send and set your phone down at arm’s length. Seconds later, a text notification sounds. - That’s not what I heard. ;) But tell him will do.  You wonder briefly just exactly what he’d heard, but become distracted by Dave’s fast approach. He thanks Anne Marie profusely for the umpteenth time and ends his call. “I can’t believe this is happening!” he exclaims while swooping you up in his arms, squeezing you tightly and kissing you on the forehead before letting you go. You forget all about Chris. He looks so happy. You fall in love with him all over again. --------------------------------------- “Do we really have to go to fucking Chicago?” gripes Taylor into his carton of Chinese takeout. “There is nothing good in fucking Chicago.” “The fuck are you talking about, man?” Dave asks with a snicker and a disbelieving look. “You’re right. I take that back. The only thing I care about in Chicago is Cheap Trick.” Despite your proximity to the water, the air is calm on the covered ground floor deck of the beach house. The eight of you are comfortably crowded around two giant tables that have been pushed together and covered with an obscene amount of food. The delivery man had had to make two trips to his car to bring it all to the door, but seemed very pleased with the tip Pat had given him for his trouble. It is early Saturday afternoon, the skies are clear and the sound flat. “I’ll give you a list of what’s good there, motherfucker,” Dave begins. Pat, who is seated to your left, giggles as he lights a post-meal cigarette and settles back to watch the show. You shake your head in exasperation and try to retrieve the one remaining shrimp from the bottom of your noodle bowl with your chopsticks. Chris, who is seated to your right, reaches for his glass, leaning in your direction as he does so.
“Taylor has always hated Chicago,” he explains softly so as not to interrupt the rest of the table. “Yeah, I kind of got that. Why? I’ve never been there. Do I need to worry?” “I honestly have no idea. But no, there is certainly no need to worry,” he says with a big smile. “It’s good to see you, Pen. You been okay?” “I have. It’s been… interesting, to say the least. I’ll have to fill you in when it’s a bit quieter. How about you? How’s things with Cara?” Chris takes a sip of the drink in his hand and, not taking his eyes away from the glass, slowly and carefully sets it back down. “That is also a conversation for when things are more quiet.” You heart sinks a little and you’re not sure what to say. Chris seems to sense this and breaks the awkward silence.
“Would you be up for an early morning walk on the beach tomorrow so we can have a good catch up?” “That sounds perfect,” you answer, unable to keep a smile from touching your lips. He smiles back and your hearts skips a quick beat. He’s even more ridiculously handsome than you remember. Today he looks particularly rumpled and unshaven. This is how you’ve always liked him best. Your mind flashes back to how he looked very much this way in that linen closet back in Austin… An elbow in your ribs brings you back into the moment and you grab your side while shooting Pat a dirty look. Pat takes a drag from his cigarette, raises his eyebrows and nods in Dave’s direction. You realize that both he and Taylor are looking at you, obviously waiting for some kind of response. “I’m sorry – Chris was telling me something. What did you say, sweetie?” you apologetically ask Dave. “Tell this motherfucker how disappointed you’ll be if we don’t go to Chicago.” Despite the urge to giggle at the ridiculous look of playful anger on Dave’s face, you manage to keep a straight face when you answer.
“I agree with Taylor, actually. I know I’ve never been there, but on TV it looks cold and dirty. And doesn’t it have the highest murder rate in the country or something?” You look from Dave to Taylor with a painfully worried look on your face. “Can we make her our tour manager?” T asks Dave. “You both suck,” grumbles Dave. You feel slightly guilty for half a second. “No, seriously, I have NO idea what to expect. I want to go everywhere at least once. I may love it or I may hate it, but I would like to see for myself. And I know how much this means to Dave.” T throws back what’s left of his beer in disgust. “We’re calling Nielsen though, right?” “Um, YEAH, dumbass! I figured we could…” Dave has begun telling the group about what he’d like to accomplish while in Chicago when you glance at Chris only to find him already looking at you. “7:00?” he asks in a gruff whisper, leaning into you a little. You manage a nod and try not to smile, the butterflies you once felt for him making an unwelcome but delightful appearance in your stomach. Discreetly nodding back, he quickly looks downward at the stained deck boards to hide the smile he’s not able to keep from one corner of his mouth. ----- “You sure you don’t mind if I go?” You’re sitting on the edge of the bed next to a groggy Dave who is still lying in a rumpled heap under the covers. “Course not.” You push his hair out of his eyes and kiss him on the forehead. “You kids have fun.” He smiles feebly, eyes still closed. You’re pretty sure he’s fallen back to sleep before you can even leave the room. You find Chris in the kitchen finishing off a cigarette and staring at the gurgling coffeemaker. “A watched pot never boils,” you tease, startling him a little. “This thing takes for-fucking-ever,” he snorts. “It always has. Good morning. Can I fix you a cup?” “Nah, I’m good, thanks.” You refrain from telling the whole ‘I don’t drink coffee’ story to avoid another overreaction. Before long the two of you are strolling down the shore line, walking along the wet, hard sand left behind by the receding tide. It’s a bit breezy and slightly cool, causing you to zip up and shove your hands into the pockets of the windbreaker you’d brought along. Chris, on the other hand, wore only a t-shirt and a pair of board shorts and appeared immune to the chilly breeze. You chalk it up to his being a California boy. “So, talk to me, Shiflett. What’s up?” Chris, who had been quietly gazing out at the horizon looks at you and grins. “You and I haven’t spoken in what feels like forever.” “Since you put me on the plane in Austin,” you remind him, remembering what an emotional mess you had been that day. “That was quite a week.” “Yeah,” he manages, biting his bottom lip slightly with a small laugh. “How have things been going with Dave? What have you guys been up to over here?” He sounds a bit more serious now and you notice that he’s now watching his feet rather than the horizon. “Is that what you wanted to talk about?” He doesn’t answer. “Chris.” “She left me, Penny. She fucking split.”
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Early Valentines Celebration → Granielle
Tagged: Grant Gustin & Danielle Panabaker @hyfdanielle Location: Their New House in LA Time Frame: Saturday February 11th-Sunday February 12th Notes: Grant brings Danielle to Los Angeles so that they could celebrate Valentines Day in their new home together.
Grant had worked late on Friday night which meant that his Valentines Day weekend plans would have to start early Saturday morning. He was fine with it, knowing it would probably be better if they got there during the day time and Grant could reveal what he had worked on the week before. He was excited but also nervous for Danielle to see it, knowing he took a chance decorating without her and just hoping she would like it but even if she didn't, they could always move things around and decide together if they had to. He woke up to his alarm on his phone which made him groan, not getting enough sleep since it was early and he didn't go to bed until late. They had a flight to get to in two hours and Grant knew that it would take some time getting everything together as well as getting Ali ready. "Babe, are you up?" He whispered, his eyes still closed as he was fighting to wake himself up and to start moving. "I just realized I didn't pack a single thing..."
Danielle had been so excited about what was to come. Grant had said something about a surprise last Tuesday and though she really didn't enjoy them beforehand, she had grown to love them because of her husband's enthusiasm which came with it. He was so happy when he told her that he had something and Danielle couldn't just say no. His excitement brought out her own and she packed for herself and her daughter last night while her husband was at work. She fell asleep right as he got home on Friday night and couldn't do much after that but snuggle with him--and she didn't realize she had overslept until her husband's voice brought her out of her sleep. "I'm up", she whispered out, rubbing her eyes. There was a soft snort that escaped her when Grant said he didn't do any packing and looking down at her watch, they only had so much time before they'd have to fly out to Los Angeles. "We're going to need you to get some clothes into some luggage", she whispered out, rolling over to him now and wrapping her arms around his frame to snuggle into him--something counter productive to what she was saying. "Or I can pack for you and you bathe Ali all by yourself. Take your pick."
Grant nodded when Danielle said she was up, slowly opening her eyes to see her. Sighing softly when Danielle said he needed to put some clothes in a suitcase, Grant pouted. "But you usually take care of that for me. I thought you would do it for me last night," he whined, wrapping an arm around her as she snuggled into him. When she gave him the choice of either packing or bathing Ali, Grant knew what he was going to do pick. "I'll definitely bathe Ali. I can do this all on my own," he said, kissing Danielle's forehead gently before pulling away from her and getting out of bed. Groaning as he stretched his muscles, Grant let out a sigh before speaking. "Wish me luck," he said to his wife before heading to the nursery. Grant knew all in all it wouldn't be so bad, Alison not minding the bath as much anymore but sometimes she still protested and it depended on her mood. "Morning sweetheart," he said to his daughter who was awake and playing with her stuffed animal. "Ready to get clean before our adventure? Huh?" He asked before picking her up and bringing her into the bathroom. He started turning the water on in the tub and got Ali undressed in the mean time. She was still holding onto her puppy but Grant knew it shouldn't get wet and this was going to be the tough part. "Come on Ali, give me puppy so we can get you clean," he said, grabbing the dog which had her whimpering. "It's okay, shh," he whispered before putting her in the tub.
Danielle whined like Grant had done to mimic his tone, playful in nature. It was all in good fun and she realized she should have done exactly as he said. She had the time to pack for him, but she was distracted and figured that he would know more so since he had picked out the activities that they were doing. "You're the one that knows what we're doing. What should I pack for you", she started out before he had left their bed, eyes closed to the kiss to her forehead, but now she had to quickly pack for Los Angeles. She grabbed the duffle that she had given Grant for his birthday and opened it up, going to their shared closet and picked up a few things. There was something dressy for him that she chose much like she had done for her last night--even the tie would be matching her dress for a bit. There were a combination of jeans and shorts and a couple of t-shirts and a hoodie to be able to wear if it got cold. "I just need to grab you underwear. How's it going with Alison", she yelled out and pulled the rest of the items she needed to grab for him and soon she was done, coming into the bathroom now and seeing Grant and Alison interact in the tub while she got ready to start her morning routine.
Grant was trying to calm Alison down, putting the stuffed animal behind his back so that it wasn't in sight and he could focus on cleaning Ali. He got her all wet and eventually she ended up just sitting there quietly, letting Grant continue what he was doing. "That's my girl," he whispered. A few minutes later, Danielle was coming into the bathroom and he smiled softly. "Things are going pretty well. And thank you for packing for me. I'll only need a few pairs of underwear," he teased his wife, winking at her. Once Alison was all clean, Grant drained the water out of the tub and picked her up, putting a towel around her body and beginning to dry her off. "Good girl," he whispered, kissing her forehead gently. "I'll get her dressed then get dressed and then we can have breakfast quick," he said to his wife before going into the nursery. He dressed Alison into a quick outfit and then brought her into their bedroom to play on the bed with her stuffed animal and the dogs who were still in there while he got dressed. He put on a pair of sweatpants, t-shirt and long sleeved shirt over it before grabbing one of his hats and putting it on his head backwards. "Okay guys, breakfast time," he called out and that's when the dogs started running downstairs as well, making him chuckle.
Danielle smiled at Ali and waved her hand while she was brushing her teeth and getting ready. It was all coming together and she was so proud of her husband for being able to do all of that by himself. It was all a handful in general and she knew the hard work that would be put into it. Once they were gone, the brunette would be able to take a quick shower of her own, getting dressed and comfortable enough to ride on an airplane later. When she walked out of the bathroom dressed, Grant had said something about breakfast time and she laughed gently at all of them who were ready to just start their day. "Our babies are hungry", she told her husband and reached down to pick up Alison from their bed to hold her. "And breakfast before a big trip sounds like a good idea to me. What are we having? Cereal? Toast? All of the above?"
Grant chuckled and nodded when Danielle said their babies were hungry. "That they are. We better get downstairs to feed them. Plus your baby is also hungry. Aka me, in case you were in confused," he teased, making his way downstairs with their luggage while Danielle brought Alison down. The dogs were in the kitchen ready to eat and once Grant placed their bags in the living room, he made his way in there to start filling up their bowls. He was glad that Liz would be taking care of them this weekend, one of the crew members who had always taken care of Grant's dogs whenever he needed her to. "I think something quick is best, like cereal. Cereal and toast is an interesting combination," he smirked. "But if you want both, you can have both," he shrugged, taking out a bowl for each of them and grabbing the cereal out of the cabinet. "Do you want some? I'll put it in the toaster now."
Danielle followed Grant downstairs and nodded her head. "I can't forget you, Baby. You're the most important of all", she cooed at him and settled on getting Alison fed. Her bottle would be made easily and she worked like clockwork in order to get it done. The dogs would be able to eat on their own and Liz would be there at any minute to pick them up. She was so happy to have someone that knew the dogs and how they were that had been willing to watch them this weekend. She knew that they'd be in safer hands with her. However, it was Grant's question that had Danielle nodding her head and her stomach growling. Alison was already holding onto her bottle and feeding herself in Danielle's arms but the both of toast and that bowl of cereal that Grant had laid out of her proved distracting. "Yes please", she started out and reached on over to grab some jelly that was in the fridge. "Do you want butter on the toast or just jelly?" Her tone of voice was curious, but nothing too important as she started on grabbing juice as well.
Grant nodded when Danielle said she did want toast as well, putting in two slices of bread for each of them. When his wife asked if he wanted butter on the toast or just jelly, Grant thought about it for a second. "Both," he replied, filling up both of their bowls with cereal and grabbing the milk to pour into each of them. Grabbing two spoons, Grant placed the bowls on the kitchen island and sat down on one of the stools to start eating it while they waited for the toast to be ready. "Now we can eat at the same time as Ali since she can feed herself. Isn't that crazy?" He asked his wife, shaking his head. He was still in disbelief that she could hold the bottle on her own and soon enough she wouldn't even be needing a bottle. Shaking his head at the thought, Grant snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the toaster, getting up to grab all the bread and putting it on a plate quickly to bring back to where they were eating. "Liz should be here soon and then we can be on our way," he said once finishing his cereal.
Danielle went back to grab the butter and soon they were sitting with each other and eating breakfast together. Alison would be content with her bottle on her lap and she would be eating as best as she could with a baby in her arms. There was a soft, forlorn smile when Grant started speaking about their daughter being able to feed herself, nodding her head to show that she was listening. It meant that they were able to graduate her into softer foods now, but not this weekend. "She's grown up a lot", she told her husband and bent down to kiss Ali's head while she ate. Not even a moment after Grant said something about Liz, the doorbell rang and she placed her free hand (the one that wasn't holding onto Alison) on his shoulder. "It's like you're magic", she started out playfully, giving him a smirk in the process and stood up to place Alison in her high chair so she'd be able to continue to eat while Danielle rallied up the dogs. "Lucky I packed for them last night too. Liz should have everything she needs in the bag by the door."
Grant put his bowl in the sink and chuckled when the doorbell rang only a few seconds later. "I guess I am," he said before putting a piece of toast in his mouth. Alison was in her high chair now and Grant went to the front door so that they'd be able to get the dogs ready together for Liz to take. "Great, thank you," he said to his wife, letting their friend in. "Hey you. Thanks for coming to pick them up. We're leaving for our flight in a little bit," he said to Liz as he put the leashes on the dogs. "Alright guys, be good for Aunt Liz okay?" He said, petting them all and giving them each a kiss. Now that Liz had the dogs and everything she needed, Grant thanked her once more and watched her leave with all the dogs. "Alright, now that's taken care of. Dale should be here any minute so we can finish up breakfast and then start heading out," he said excitedly. He couldn't wait to get to LA to show Danielle his surprise, keeping it a secret for almost a week now.
Danielle said her hellos to Liz and her and goodbyes to the dogs when the time came for it, knowing that they’d be well taken care of this weekend. All that was left would be the remnants of their toys that she’d clean up easily and wash up when it was time to go. Bowls would be put to the sink now and she was finished eating breakfast as well, washing dishes while Alison continued to drink her bottle from her high chair. “You’re so excited”, she said as she saw Grant coming back into the room now, smiling at her husband. His excitement was contagious and soon she was itching to wash the dishes faster so that they’d be able to go. Luggage would have to be brought down, but that was something they can easily do in minutes and not wait around. “We’ve finished packing and now all we have to do is rest up until Dale gets here. Do you want more toast?” Danielle was in the process of actually putting the butter and jelly away, but Alison’s little humph from her corner of the kitchen meant that the little girl wanted attention and she turned back to Grant now, throwing him a look as if to silently ask her husband to go to their daughter.
Grant shook his head when Danielle asked him if he wanted more toast. He was already completely full and knew Dale would be there any minute once looking at his watch. His daughter was babbling now and he knew she wanted some attention which made Grant chuckle. "Come here you," he said, tickling her stomach playfully which got a giggle out of her. Grant held Alison in his arms and a few minutes later, he got a text from Dale saying he was outside. "Alright, time to go," he said, grabbing one of their suitcases while holding Ali and making his way outside. Once everything was in the trunk and Ali was in her car seat, Grant got in the car and greeted Dale before settling in and telling him to start going to the airport. The ride wasn't bad and he thanked Dale once they were there, letting Danielle grab Ali so that he could take care of their bags and check them in. The process to get to their flight was pretty simple at this point, both he and Danielle used to it and once they were by the gate, Grant sat down and realized they had a little bit before it was time to board. "So do you wanna just drop Ali off at Keegan's and then we can go to where I want to bring you once we get there?"
Danielle followed Grant outside when it came time to go, pulling the rest of the bags with her and locking up the apartment. Her husband had the most important job of making sure Ali was secure and she wasn’t going to distract him with asking to put the bags into the car. Luckily, she said her hellos to Dale and he helped her with her bags, which gave her time to get into the car and get situated herself. There was still snow on the ground from a couple of days ago, and it was just crazy to see just how it was sticking. It was going to be along winter yet. But the routine at the airport was simple. She showed all of the proper documentation that she had and they were soon on their way to the gate, sitting down to wait for their plane to arrive. “That went smoothly”, she said with a soft sigh, bouncing Alison in her lap now that they were ready to get going for the trip. “I think that would be best. It’d be good to have her situated at a place where she doesn’t know and have her be okay. And besides, you haven’t told me anything about this surprise. How do I know it’s not dangerous, hm”, she asked of her husband, inquisitive in nature but jesting nonetheless.
Grant nodded as Danielle spoke, knowing it would be best if they got Alison settled so that she would be there and they knew she'd be taken care of for the rest of the weekend. "Dangerous? Would I bring my wife somewhere dangerous as a surprise? Absolutely not. And I hear I thought you knew me well," he teased, nudging her playfully. Finally their flight number was announced and they started making their way on the plane, settling in their seats and waiting to take off. The flight went smoothly and Grant spent it listening to music mostly, entertaining Ali every now and then when she wanted to be. Once they landed, they started getting off the plane and Grant waited for their bags before finding the car that was going to bring them around while they were in LA. "Here we go," he said, getting inside and waiting for everyone to get settled. He then told the driver the address to Keegan's so that they could drop off Alison first. Now that they were so close to his surprise, Grant was getting more and more nervous.
Danielle let out a huff at her husband’s teasing. “I do know you very well and that means this surprise might give me a heart attack at how wonderful it is”, she continued on, goading more of his teasing; but the attendant had called their flight number and they were ready to go. The Gustins did the best they could with Alison on the plane. It was a short two hour flight to Los Angeles, but that didn’t mean those two hours wouldn’t have bumps in between. She gave Ali her pacifier to calm her ears and hoped that the little girl would be okay for takeoff and landing, and she was with Grant’s help in entertaining her for the while. Once they had landed and their bags had been taken, Danielle followed her husband to the car that would take them to whatever it is that needed to be. Keegan’s house would be first and Danielle handed Alison to Grant now to say their goodbyes. “I won’t be long”, she whispered out to her husband and took her daughter, spending all of a good five minutes saying her goodbyes to the baby for now. She’d be able to get in touch with her friend that afternoon and night to check on her daughter. Now, Danielle had made her way back to the car, slinking her arms around her husband’s frame and nuzzled her head into his shoulder. “It’s so warm here compared to Vancouver”, she purred out. “Okay, where to?”
Grant looked out the window and saw that they were at Keegan's, nodding when Danielle said she wouldn't be long. "See you tomorrow night, sweetheart," he said to Alison, kissing her forehead gently before Danielle got out of the car. While Danielle was inside, Grant filled Dale in on what his plans were for the rest of the day and to bring them straight to the house they had bought together once Danielle was back in the car. She came back a little while later and Grant smiled as she nuzzled into his frame. "It is, it's nice out. Always is here. Though there is some rain occasionally, but luckily we don't have to deal with that right now," he told his wife. "You'll see," he replied with a smirk when she asked where they were going next. He nodded at Dale and soon they were off, heading to the house they had bought a few weeks ago. Grant was excited to reveal what he had been working on but he really hoped Danielle wouldn't mind he did it without her. He knew she'd start to realize where they were as they got closer to the house they bought but he still knew it'd be a surprise until they got inside. "Alright, we'll see you later Dale," he said, getting out of the car and grabbing their bags. "There's something I want to show you," he told his wife who must have been confused at this point. Taking out the key to their house, Grant opened the door and started leading his wife to the living room. "So maybe I wasn't completely honest with you when I told you what I was doing in LA last weekend. I wanted to surprise you by decorating the living room so that the first time we spent it here, it was special and we'd be celebrating Valentines Day and our love. I hope you like it. If there's anything you don't like, we can switch things around but I just wanted us to have a place to settle into for now," he rambled nervously.
Danielle listened to what Grant had said and agreed. Vancouver was their home for most of the year, but Los Angeles would always have a special place in her heart. She didn't do well with surprises, but she was biting her tongue when they had driven down the familiar road to their new house. "Tommy", she said as she got out of the car and stood in front of their house. Maybe they were going to check on the house before the surprise. It wouldn't be a bad thing, knowing that it was nice to check on the house in order to see what state it was in, but she was still so confused when the driver had managed to drive away with the car. "What's go--", she started to say, but Grant's explanation had warranted enough. Danielle smiled as she walked into the house, throwing Grant a smirk when he said he wasn't just visiting his friend last week. "Sneaky Tommy", the brunette teased, but that teasing tone would soon turn into awe. Everything was on and working--even their living room now was fully furnished. Her jaw dropped at the furniture--something that she would have picked out anyway. It was just gorgeous. "Tommy", she breathed out and walked towards the middle of the living room, turning around to take everything in. "It's home. We're home." And that was true. A house was just a house without anything of sentimental value to have and Grant made it into their home and she couldn't be happier. Her tone of voice cracked, showing that a few strands of tears had fallen down her cheeks, tears of joy and love swelling in her heart. "I can't believe you did all of this for me. Thank you so much."
Grant looked over at his wife to see what her reaction was and he sighed in relief when she seemed to love it. She was speechless and he could tell that was in a good way by the way she was smiling and just reacting to everything he had done. "It is. It's our home and it's slowly starting to look like one," he said while smiling. He saw a few tears roll down her cheeks and he wrapped his arms around her to hold her close. "I'm so glad you like it. I was so worried you wouldn't," he said while hugging her. "The rest of the house we can do together and maybe we can even get some of it done while we're here this weekend. But I wanted to make this room look special for when we celebrate Valentines Day. Especially tonight. There's still more to come," he told her happily. Taking a seat on the couch, Grant sighed contently and leaned back. "Come check it out. It's super comfortable. I can't wait to make out on this thing," he said, winking at his wife.
Danielle wrapped her arms around her husband's frame now, burying her head into his chest and nodding her head. She was in awe of everything that had happened and so proud of what was to come. Grant's hard work didn't go unappreciated. He had done so much for them both to have some place to come to and everything looked exactly wonderful. "It's perfect", she whispered out now, rubbing her face into his shirt to wipe off the tears gently and took a step back, licking her lips and looked around the living room now while Grant moved around to sit. Danielle let out a laugh, shaking her head and sat down right beside him. Her frame would be facing him and she would be sitting down on one of her legs, but god he was right. "It is comfortable", she told him, a hint of surprise to her tone of voice, but what Grant had said brought a smile to her face. "You mean it? We can go check out to see what we need this weekend? Is this all that we're doing?" The excitement was coming back to her now and there was such a wide smile that managed to display on her lips. "This is one of the best presents you could have given me, you know that? It's amazing. And it's the gift that keeps on giving, I swear."
Grant smiled when Danielle agreed that it was comfortable. "Yeah, of course. I mean why not, right? Might as well start getting stuff together to make this house feel like a home," he shrugged. "We obviously won't be able to get it all done this weekend but even if we just get the first floor done or at least the kitchen and dining room, I think it'll make this place look real nice," he said while nodding. "I'm really glad," he said, staring into her eyes before leaning over to press a kiss to her lips. "Lets go then. Our dinner reservations aren't until six so we have plenty of time to look for things for the house and put it all together," he told his wife, leading the way back outside and into the car. They were now on their way to ikea to start looking for furniture and other appliances they would need for the house. "I figured you could focus on the kitchen since you like to cook and bake and use it the most. I mean obviously I cook sometimes too but I know you'll want it all a certain way and I'm cool with that."
Danielle immediately got up and followed Grant out to their car and nodded her head to think of which room she'd love to furnish first. She thought about the bedroom and how easy it would be to bring in her furniture from the condo that she shared with Kay; but she'd have to ask Grant about that later. Right now, they had pulled into the parking lot at Ikea and that meant she could easily get lost in such a vast warehouse if she wasn't looking. "Please hold onto my hand the whole time we're in here", she told her husband and offered out her hand to them so they'd be able to go. The showroom would be the easiest place to navigate, but it was the warehouse that would proved to be so confusing. "I think we should focus on the kitchen first--and we're going to do it together. You're in the kitchen as much as I am, baby. Plus, I feel like we should get some groceries while we're here. Like drinks and whatnot. Move into the house slowly", Danielle mused out then and grabbed the complimentary pen and paper that they were offered when first getting into the furniture store. "Okay, so what do we need in the kitchen that we don't have yet?"
Grant chuckled and nodded when Danielle said to hold her hand the whole time they were in Ikea. "Okay, but I'm sure you're going to end up seeing something you like and run over to it and then that's going to ruin that whole idea," he smirked. "Okay, you're right. We're both in the kitchen a lot so that sounds like a good idea to me. We can get some stuff, yeah. But we gotta be careful so that we don't get things that will go bad since we don't even know the next time we'll be here in LA. Well I'm going to be here for Paleyfest next month, but it's up to you if you want to come or not," he shrugged. When Danielle asked what they had so far for the kitchen, Grant furrowed his brows. "I don't think we have anything yet. I mean we're pretty much starting from scratch. Too bad we couldn't have a house warming party. Then people would bring us gifts with stuff to use in the house," he sighed. "So really we just...start. Look around in the kitchen area and see what appliances we like and want to get. I'm new to this whole thing but I think that's what we'd do."
Danielle took a pause when Grant said that he was going to Paleyfest. She heard the rumors. It was going to be one big solid convention and that meant that there wouldn't be people that were going from set to set, so when Grant said that she had a choice, there was only one to make. "Of course I'm coming if you want me to. I want to be there to support you. I'll probably stay away and be behind the scenes; but I want to be there for you if you want to give me the chance." Her tone of voice had been soft, not wanting to draw any attention to them as they walked the showroom to the furniture store. Her hand had squeezed her husband's gently to make sure he was still there and with her, not wanting to get lost; but there was just so much stuff laid out, she didn't know where to begin. Beds would come later, until they were actually sleeping in the house this summer; but what they needed most was kitchenware. "We have a fridge, a stove, a dishwasher, and all of the big stuff already", she mused out and smiled. "Tables, chairs, stools, pots, pans, silverware, and other various cookware is what we need--oh, and a coffeemaker and some mugs." Pointing towards the place in the showroom with all of the stuff, she started looking at the pans that could be used for cooking and pointed towards one. "All of the small stuff like this we can get at Target later; but we should be looking for a table and some chairs."
Grant smiled and nodded when Danielle said she'd go to Paleyfest with him if he wanted her to. "Yeah of course, I want you to be there. Even if you aren't on stage with me. It stinks that it's only a few people from each cast since they're doing it all together but as long as you're there, I'm happy about that," he said to his wife. Nodding when she said they had the big stuff already, Grant knew they could probably get the smaller appliances elsewhere and they'd have to get the big furniture here. "Okay, so yeah. We should look for a nice kitchen table, even we have a nice island where people could eat also," he said. Looking around at the table, Grant didn't find one in particular that stuck out to him but maybe Danielle did. "Any you like here?" He asked her as he started looking over at the chairs. "They obviously need to match so we'll have to pick a table first," he chuckled.
Danielle laid her free hand on Grant's chest and nodded. "We can pick up stools, but we're going to need a big table when we're entertaining guests and have people come over", the brunette whispered out and suddenly they ended up in the kitchen area of the showroom. They wouldn't have to set up the tables for now, knowing that it'd be a long time before they'd be able to stay in the house for very long, but goodness it was great to be able to shop for the house. "Honey", she said as she let Grant wander alone for a bit; but her eyes darted to a black wooden table. Running her hands over it, she found that it was expandable and would suit to fit their family needs as their family grew. "This is interesting", she told her husband and pointed towards the table. "We can find a bench that matches or some chairs. Like those black ones around it or a different set; but I really do like this table. What do you think?" Her head turned to Grant then, waiting patiently for his opinion. This was a big project and something that they had to do together, which was why she was most excited for it. It showed just how great of teamwork they would have and she prided their relationship on having amazing teamwork.
Grant saw Danielle wander over to a black wooden table which he glanced at and once he got a better look at it, it did look nice. He ran his fingers against it and nodded. "It is. I've never really thought to get a black wooden table but it probably would look nice in the kitchen," he said to his wife. "We could get black stools for the island and black chairs to match the table," he suggested. "I say we get it," he added, knowing they'd have to set up someone bringing it over since they obviously wouldn't be able to fit it in the car. "We also need to look at a dining room table, something a little bit fancier for when we host holidays. Because we're totally hosting holidays. Even if we're only there in the summer for now. We'll figure out something." He told his wife. He wanted to be able to host holidays and other family gatherings and he wanted to make his mother proud in the sense that he would get some fancy china and a nice table to make everything look nice. "I think there's fancier stuff over here," he pointed out, leading the way so they could decide on a dining room table.
Danielle wrote down the numbers on where they would be able to find tables downstairs for the time being on the paper pad that she was given when they entered the store as quickly as she could. She didn't want to lose her husband and seeing people come in and out where they were going had unnerved her. Once she was done, Danielle would go right towards Grant and lace her fingers with his again, holding onto his hand and seeing the tables that he was talking about. They still needed to decide on a dining room table and that was going to be hard. "How do we decide on a dining room table", she asked her husband now, licking her lips and turning her head towards her husband. "I think we're hosting Easter in April, aren't we? That's what we promised my parents. You should ask yours if they want to spend it here too. It'd be great having both sets of Grandparents around for Alison's first Easter", she continued on to speak but stopped to smile at a table that would suit their needs perfectly. It had a lot of room so that a multitude of chairs would fit and she definitely could see her whole family filling them up. "What do you think about that one, baby", she cooed out now, pointing to a table in the corner.
Grant shrugged as Danielle spoke. "We'll just have to see what catches our eye," he replied. When she brought up hosting Easter at their new house, Grant had nearly forgotten about it and nodded slowly. "Right, yeah. We can do that. I mean that gives us some time still and it would be nice," he told his wife. "I'll mention it to my parents, see if they'd be up for it. I know Gracie would probably want to come too," he said. It would be Alison's first Easter and Grant wanted to make it special for her and it would be nice if she was around family as well. When Danielle pointed out a table that she liked, Grant looked at it and nodded. "I think that's a good one. I know my mom will love that one," he chuckled. "And they have chairs to match which is even better," he said. Waiting for Danielle to jot those numbers down as well, Grant started glancing around to see what else they would look at, if anything. "I think this pretty much covers it furniture wise. At least for now. It's the basics and once they're in the house, we could see what else we want if there's anything else."
Danielle nodded her head and wrote down the numbers so that they can order the furniture to be delivered to the house. It'd be better than driving constantly, which was great and soon she moved back towards her husband and continued to look around the showroom for a lot of things. She found beds and whatnot for guest bedrooms should the time call for it, but they didn't really need it until April when people would come visit. Instead, she turned to Grant and gave him a soft smile. "We can go to someplace else and grab some drinks and whatnot to keep in the house. Maybe some shampoo and conditioner to keep in the bathroom for us to be able wash up before dinner tonight. Can we please?" Danielle knew that trip wouldn't take long at all and once she was done dropping off the paper and ordering the delivery service to the house just a few moments later, she bounced on her heels and clapped her hands together. "That wasn't so bad, was it? We got a couple of new tables and chairs coming in that we have to assemble later, but it's good."
Grant nodded when Danielle said they could go get some drinks and other little things to keep in the house, mostly things they would need while there this weekend as well. "Yeah of course, we'll go to the grocery store and get the essentials," he told his wife. Once they had brought the paper to the delivery service of the things they wanted, Grant left his deposit and then followed his wife out the door. "Not bad at all. I can't wait until everything gets there. Then we can start arranging things," he said excitedly. He did enjoy doing that for the living room, even though it was without Danielle. He knew this time it would be better since she was there. "Okay, now to the grocery store," he told Dale once they were both back in the car. When they got there, Grant grabbed a cart and looked at Danielle. "Just start putting whatever you want in here. I'm not picky," he said to his wife before smiling.
Danielle bounced in excitement as they paid for their stuff to be delivered. Everything was coming into place and she was so glad to be able to share this experience with her husband. Even as they walked to the car and headed towards the grocery store did her smile never disappear. “I know what you mean”, she told her husband truthfully, getting into the car and watching him drive towards the nearest grocery store to their house. “It’s going to be interesting to put it together, but we can do that too, right? We’re a good team”, she countered with faith and poise. Now, they were at the grocery store and Grant had gotten a cart, to which Danielle stood on it on the other side and held onto the basket so that she wouldn’t fall down. “Push us to the pots and pans section of the store and please don’t let me fall”, the brunette let out, stifling a giggle.
Grant chuckled when Danielle stood on the cart, shaking his head. "What are you doing?" He asked her with an amused tone. When she told him to start pushing towards the pots and pans, Grant did just that, being careful since Danielle decided to ride on it for some reason. When they got to the aisle with pots and pans, Grant let Danielle choose some, knowing that to him it didn't matter what kind they got since he would just use whatever. His plan was to make Danielle breakfast in the morning without her knowing while she was asleep so he was glad they were getting some things that he would need in order to do that. "Alright, let's get some of the food essentials. Eggs, bread, whatever else you want. We should get some juice, some coffee to make, that sort of thing," he said, pushing the cart around to get all the stuff they wanted and needed. The cart was practically full now and Grant groaned. "You know this thing is getting heavy to push," he muttered.
Danielle continued to let out her soft giggles as her husband pushed the cart. “I didn’t want to walk”, she told him frankly, but still held onto the basket of the cart. She couldn’t see where he was going, but trusted him to get them where they needed to be and soon enough she hopped off in order to get some essentials. She got some pots and pans, enough to cook in for now, and turned around and grabbed the best coffee maker that they had in the store. Once she was done with the appliances, getting to the food part of the grocery store would be best, hopping on again and having Grant push them. Danielle had grabbed on to the other essentials he said—eggs, bread, juice, coffee and water—and toyed around with the idea of ice cream and whipped cream. Deciding against it, she grabbed a few other things but turned her attention to her husband when he said it was getting heavy to push the cart. “Where’s my Superman at”, she teased him but helped him by pulling the car while he pushed. “Okay, you’re right. This is heavy. Who knew that some food, a coffee maker, some utensils, and some pots and pans would be heavy as heck?” But with a bit of elbow work and a groan, they made it out of the store and paid for everything. “Okay, time to go home and put these things in.”
Grant rolled his eyes playfully when Danielle spoke. "I only pretend I'm him, sadly I don't have his strength," he chuckled. "You're forgetting the most important thing. A whole person since you're having me push you too, missy," he said, nudging her playfully. "Not that you're heavy but you know...a person plus all this stuff is a lot to push in a cart," he told her. When they were all set, Grant pushed the cart to the nearest check out, paying for everything and putting the bags back in the cart before making their way back outside. They were going to go home now and hopefully the things they ordered at the furniture store would be there soon so that they could get that arranged as well. Putting all the bags in the car, Grant told Dale to bring them home now and when they got back to the house, Grant told their driver he wouldn't be needed until their reservations tonight at seven so he could do whatever he wanted in the mean time. "Alright, let's put this stuff away," he said, grabbing as many bags as he could and walking into the house.
Danielle stuck her tongue out at her husband when they were at check out, and soon they were on their way back home. She said her hellos to Dale again and once they were home, she was able to take in as most as she could while Grant would be able to talk to the driver. There wasn’t much to put in the fridge, but there was a lot that she had to clean and thankfully she did just that. Once she was done, she placed what they needed to have in the fridge and then turned her head to her husband now. “I think the tables came but they’re in the foyer outside of the house”, she told Grant. A lot of their stuff they were going to have to put together—including all of the chairs and at least they would be able to do it together. “Do you just want to set up one table now with a couple of chairs so we have a place to eat or do you just want to leave it until March”, she hummed out. They had time before dinner to do just that, but Danielle also needed time to change into her dress.
Grant helped put everything away that they had in the bags, even if it wasn't much since they only needed necessities right now. When Danielle pointed out that the tables came but they were outside, Grant nodded. "Alright, I'll check it out. We might as well put them inside where we want them, right?" He shrugged, making his way outside to look at them. He first saw the black wooden table and was able to carry it with ease, carefully bringing it into the kitchen and placing it in a spot in the kitchen. "It's good here, right?" He asked his wife, going out to grab the chairs that he could put around the table. The dining room table would be a little trickier, knowing it would be heavier and was fancier so he didn't want to mess it up. He took his time, carefully bringing it through the kitchen and into the dining room, placing it in the middle of the room. "There we go," he breathed out, running a hand through his hair. He went back out to grab the chairs and smiled. "Everything is starting to come together, it looks nice in here."
Danielle watched as Grant started to bring in the furniture, smiling when they were all placed perfectly. The kitchen table looked amazing in the kitchen, and she sat down on one of the edges of the table in order to see everything. This was where they were going to spend the rest of their lives and raise their children together. Everything about it just seemed so perfect. “Honey”, she spoke out now, trying to get Grant’s attention; but found him setting up the chairs in the dining room. That was when it hit her. They were going to spending their holidays in this room—Thanksgivings, Easters, maybe some Christmases if they were lucky—and the thought of it just made her smile grow wider. “This is what I wanted”, she offered out now, wrapping her arms around her husband’s waist. “Not the tables or anything material, but the chance to build a home with you and share the rest of my life with you. This is perfect.” Her tone of voice was soft and muted, but the joy that radiated from her was not. And even though they had a lot to work on still, it was going to be an extension of their relationship and it’s perfect. “We’re going to need some more paintings in here though.”
Grant smiled when Danielle said this was what she wanted, to building a house with him and share the rest of her life with him. "That's all I want too and I'm so glad it's happening," he said, wrapping his arms around Danielle and kissing her sweetly. They were far from finished but it was a start and now Grant just wanted to spend the rest of the weekend with his wife celebrating their love so that they could take part in an early Valentines Day. "We can definitely get paintings at some point. We will need to get things to decorate the house like that," he nodded. "But for now let's start getting ready for dinner. I'm going to take a quick shower and you can go after me if you want," he told her, making his way upstairs. It was weird to see their bedroom had absolutely nothing in it but the bathroom was so nice and ready to use. Grant took a shower quickly and wrapped a towel around his body, making his way back downstairs where his clothes were. "Shower's free," he smirked, winking at his wife.
Danielle let out a snort at her husband. “The best thing to do would be to let your wife shower with you”, she teased out, pointing towards that smirk that he had on his face once he was done using the shower. Grant looked like he just stepped out of a painting and it was taking all of Danielle’s self-control not to run her hands all over him. They needed to get to dinner after all. Of course she’d make sure to unpack what she was doing to wear tonight. It was a sweater dress, knowing that since it was warm in Los Angeles, the nights would be just a bit cold and she needed to keep herself warm. But with a soft smirk, the brunette slowly pulled out underwear from her luggage and played with it in her hands, raising an eyebrow at her husband and then let out a hum. She was making it seem like she was in a big debate out wearing it or not, but in reality, she was quite sure of her decision. With that in mind, she just gave a shrug and put the underwear back, leaning forward now to press her lips to her husband’s cheek, and started her way up the stairs to take a shower. Finishing now, Danielle stepped down now dressed, but her hair was still wrapped in her towel for the finishing touches to her outfit.
Grant smiled and watched as Danielle made her way upstairs to shower, Grant taking the time to get dressed now. It was weird to be doing it in their living room but for now that's where they would be spending their time since it had furniture and was the most comfortable. He put on a pair of khaki pants and a white button down shirt, grabbing a tie to put on as well so that he could complete his look. They were going to a nice restaurant tonight and since they were celebrating Valentines Day, Grant wanted to dress up. He grabbed his light grey suit jacket and put it on, running a hand through his hair and drying it off a little bit before slipping on his shoes. As he was finishing up, he put on his watch and saw Danielle coming down the stairs mostly dressed now, causing Grant to smile. "You look very nice," he said to his wife, grabbing some cologne to put on himself.
Danielle smiled at her husband and pressed her lips to his cheek again when he complimented her. “So do you”, she told him truthfully. Grant always looked so dashing in a suit and she favored that look from time to time. Her hands ran over the light grey jacket and played with the buttons a bit, but now would be time for her to get ready as well. Her heels were still in her bag and makeup would have to be put on but all that was left to do was to brush her hair out of its knots and let it air dry. Once she was done and finally put together, the brunette grabbed her phone and placed it in her clutch that she was going to take for the day. “Come on”, she whispered out. “I think it’s time that I show off just how handsome my husband is at where we’re going. I promise I won’t say a word about the surprise until we get there.” Curiosity peaked her interest and soon she held out her hand for him to take so that they could get ready to go.
Grant smiled and closed his eyes as Danielle kissed his cheek. He always enjoyed going out to dinner with her like this on fancy dates and couldn't wait to do it tonight. "I need to show off my sexy wife too, so I agree. Lets get going," he said, taking Danielle's hand as they started to walk outside. "Really? That's unlike you," he teased, knowing his wife always wanted a hint as to where they would be going or what they were doing whenever Grant surprised her. "I'm glad you're finally learning," he smirked as they got inside the car. Dale then started driving to the restaurant of choice, hoping Danielle would enjoy it. He knew it was right up their alley and considering how much time Danielle spent in LA, he wouldn't be surprised if she had already been there. If she had, Grant just hoped that she liked it. They arrived at the seafood restaurant called Providence and Grant thanked Dale before getting out and holding his arm for Danielle to take. "So...how did I do? You're usually the expert when it comes to food places in LA but I hope I did a good job..."
Danielle stuck her tongue out at Grant again because of his teasing and followed him out to the car. The drive hadn’t been long, but it was just great to see the scenery that would pass. Her hand didn’t leave Grant’s the whole time they were in the car, wanting to stay connected with him the whole time there and only broke apart when they arrived at the restaurant. “Wow”, she said out loud, taking Grant’s hand and pulled her up closer to Grant now that he offered his hand to her. “I’ve actually never been here before”, Danielle told him truthfully. There were plenty of restaurants opening and closing every day in Los Angeles and now that she had her base in Vancouver with Grant, there was so much more that she had missed out on. It wasn’t a bad thing to have, but it always brought out more surprises for date nights to take. “It looks amazing. I wonder we got a good table”, she whispered out and walked inside. They were soon led to a table that was just big enough for the both of them, Danielle sitting on one side and Grant on the other. She smoothed her dress and crossed her legs, licking her lips smiled at the host that had brought them there. “Okay, you outdid yourself, Tommy. I’m in awe. How did you get seats?”
Grant was pleasantly surprised that Danielle hadn't been there before. It was a way to start making it their restaurant, as long as they both ended up enjoying it. "I've heard nothing but great things, so I'm sure we'll love it," he told his wife. They were led to a nice table in the back of the restaurant and Grant sat down across from Danielle. "I always like impressing you," he grinned. "I have my ways. Pulled a few strings, you know," he teased, winking at her. They were approached by a waiter a few moments later and when he asked what they wanted to drink, Grant started scanning the wine menu. "We'll take a bottle of your best red please," he said before nodding and looking to see what he wanted to eat. "Hmm," he said to himself, licking his lips. "I think I'm going to go with the lobster. What about you?"
Danielle placed a hand on her heart and feigned faintness at her husband. “My oh my, what a big influence my husband has”, she let out, her voice high and soft like she mimicked her cousin in law Kathleen when Grant visited them in Georgia. She did laugh gently after her words to ensure him that she was teasing, and she was very much impressed when Grant had ordered them wine when their waiter came around. “I feel like I’ve turned you into a total wine snob”, she started out, but she was so thankful for the wine in question. She loved drinking it when she could and having it for dinner was just amazing. “Thank you”, she said when she was handed a menu and pressed her lips together to find something, settling down on a mahi dish that seemed fresh and interesting to eat. “I think I’m going to get the mahi-mahi”, Danielle said to her husband, lifting just one of her feet to rub against his leg on the other side of the table. When the waiter came back with their drinks, she placed her order and took her wine glass in her hand, lifting it as if she was toasting her husband. “To the best husband ever. Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend Early Valentine’s Surprise—I don’t know what to call this weekend.”
Grant laughed when Danielle said she turned him into a wine snob. "Maybe. Though I've always liked drinking wine, even before we dated. But I might like to have the most expensive kinds now because of you," he grinned. He nodded at what she chose to it and when he felt Danielle's foot rub against his leg, Grant cleared his throat. "Naughty," he whispered to her, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. A few minutes later their wine came and he thanked the waiter for pouring them each a glass, leaving the bottle on the table. Raising his glass to his wife's, Grant grinned at her toast. "That pretty much covers it. Happy Valentines Day Weekend Early Valentines Surprise," he said to his wife before clinking his glass to hers and taking a sip. "See? I'm always glad when I choose the most expensive wine because it's delicious," he said. Soon enough they ordered their meals and Grant stared lovingly at his wife. "Can you believe this is going to our second Valentines Day together already?"
Danielle winked at her husband and continued on with her actions, rubbing her foot against his leg while she clinked her glass with his in the toast. She took a sip of the wine and let out a soft hum, appreciating the fact that he came to love wine as much as she had done. “There’s just something in the premium wines that I love”, she confessed out to him, her tone of voice in a whisper so that only he would be able to hear. Once she was done and realized that it was their second Valentine’s together, Danielle reached out to take Grant’s hand in hers. Hazel eyes continued to stare at green and she couldn’t tear them away. “I know. I’m so glad to be spending the rest of my Valentine’s with you”, she started to speak, rubbing his knuckles gently with her thumb. “I can’t imagine having a Valentine’s without you in it with me. There’s nothing better to celebrate love with the man that I love.”
Grant nodded in agreement, taking another sip of his wine. He squeezed Danielle's hand and smiled softly. "Me too. I can't wait for many more to come. Lets hope that I can keep up with all the great surprises, even years from now," he teased, smirking at his wife. "I agree," he said lovingly. Soon enough their food came and Grant dug into his lobster. He was amazed at how big it was and he started pulling it apart and eating it. It tasted amazing, dipping each bite in butter and he hummed in satisfaction. "This is delicious. Try some," he said, breaking off a piece for his wife and guiding it to her mouth. "How's yours?" He asked his wife, hoping that she was enjoying her meal. Grant was stuffed by the end of his and he let out a groan while leaning back into his chair. "I vote that we come back here sometime, what about you?" He asked. "Wanna split something for dessert? I'm pretty full and I do have something for us back at home but I wouldn't mind splitting a piece of cake with you or something."
Danielle gave Grant a look. “You know it’s not the surprises that make me love you, right”, she offered out. “It’s the fact that you’re willing to spend time with me, grow old with me, and be there for me. That’s what makes me love you. I don’t even need fancy dates like this. Nights at home are just as good.” And that was true. Danielle loved it when she would be able to have time with Grant, no matter where the situation called for it. As long as they were together, nothing mattered. For now, she lingered on and smiled when the waiter brought them their food, eating peacefully until Grant offered her a bite of his food. She took it, gave a little bit more eye contact then she should have when she took it, but hummed when the food hit her taste buds. “That’s really good”, she mumbled out and nodded her head. “You should try some of mine, hold on. I’m really liking how they cook here”, she said and did the same to Grant, offering out a bite of her food for him to eat. But time managed to pass and she was completely full from their entrees—but what got her confused had been Grant’s words. “What do you mean”, she started out. Danielle really thought that the surprises would have been over now. “I thought this was it. There’s nothing at home, Grant. We were just there.” Her brows furrowed at him, but there she was, trying to read into what was happening.
Grant nodded. "Yeah no, I get that. I do. I know I don't have to do it, but I like to. I like to make you happy and surprise you with nice things. And obviously I think a night in with you is just as great. In fact you know I prefer it. I don't like to go out often but I do get the urge to take you out every now and then. Show you off, treat you to a nice dinner. All that stuff," he explained while shrugging. He was glad they were both satisfied with the restaurant, knowing they'd definitely be back whenever they had the chance while in Los Angeles. Smirking when Danielle got confused, Grant raised his eyebrows. "Whoa, what's with the Grant? It's nothing bad, just another surprise. Relax. You'll like it," he said, taking out his phone to check with Max to make sure he was still helping him out. "So about that dessert. Lets split a piece of chocolate cake. You know how much I love cake," he said, stalling a bit to give Max more time but also because he wanted to have some cake.
Danielle was still confused, but she didn't voice it. Instead, she looked down to the menu and found a chocolate cake that would be perfect for the both of them. "I do know how much you love cake", she whispered out to her husband and shifted her weight in her chair again, ordering the cake when the waiter would come back. "Two forks, please", she said with a soft smile and then turned her attention back to Grant. "The Grant was because I was confused, baby. I don't know what you have planned at home because when we left, there was just the living room and the kitchen areas done", Danielle started to explain. Everything on the table was cleared for dessert and that gave her enough room to take Grant's hand from across the way just like she had done earlier. "I know you always prefer Tommy when it comes to me. Just like I always prefer that you call me D. It's cute. It's what makes us, us." She didn't have enough time to say anything else when the waiter came back, letting out a soft laugh at the massive cake piece that they bought out.
Grant smiled when they ordered cake, nodding at his wife when she explained why she called him Grant. "I know but usually you just call me Grant when you're mad at me, that's why it's concerning," he told Danielle. "But I'm glad you prefer D. I don't think I ever really call you Danielle, unless it's something serious," he shrugged. Seeing the cake they had gotten, Grant licked his lips in delight. "This looks amazing," he said, grabbing a fork and wasting no time digging in. Grant managed to get through a decent amount until he started feeling full, not wanting to overdo it. "Okay, I'm done. We can take the rest home if you want," he suggested. Soon the check came and Grant put it on his card, wanting to treat for everything this weekend since it was his idea. He looked at his phone and when he saw Max was successful and out of there, Grant sighed in relief. "Alright, let's go," he said, holding his hand out for Danielle to take. They walked back to the car and Grant looked out the window as they rode back to their house.
Danielle let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness for that", she told Grant truthfully and dug into the cake that the waiter brought out. It was delicious as the main dishes had been and soon she was just nodding her head for her husband to pay their bills. Getting back to the car had been a real feat, considering she had to pull down her dress again to cover up and sit down in the seat. Her legs would be propped in his lap and she snuggled against him, glad that they had gotten a driver instead of driving themselves this weekend. "I wonder what's going on in your head", she whispered out now so that only Grant would be able to hear. "I wonder what you're thinking about. Penny for your thoughts?" It was just Danielle's way of goading him to tell her about the newest surprise, but she supposed she'd find out soon enough. There was a soft light that emitted through the windows of their home, and there was a soft smile that displayed on her lips. "What's in there? Is it our next surprise", she asked Grant now, her voice small with a hint of curiosity.
Grant chuckled and shook his head when Danielle tried to get some information out of him. "That didn't take long. You just letting me surprise you. Always gotta try and figure out something. Even when we're literally ten minutes away from home," he said amusingly. When they arrived back at the house, Grant thanked Dale and made his way out with his wife. "Okay now close your eyes," he told her as they started walking into the house, guiding her inside. He brought her to the living room and quickly grabbed the lighter to light the candles that Max had put on the table sporadically, right near the blanket fort which consisted of pillows and comfortable things. There was a bucket of ice with champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries. Everything he had wanted but wasn't able to set up without Danielle knowing. "Okay now you can open your eyes."
Danielle pouted profusely at her husband. "You know how hard it is for me to just stay surprised", she spoke now, getting out of the car as slow as she could and situated herself again. Once she was fine and said her goodbyes to Dale, she did as she was asked and closed her eyes. "I'm not going to be walking into something, am I", she teased out now, knowing that Grant wouldn't let her fall. She'd follow the sound of her husband's voice and stand where she was directed, never opening her eyes until she was told to. A gasp fell out of her and she brought one of her hands to her mouth in order to hide the jaw drop. It was the most romantic setting she could ever see. The pillow fort which would be their makeshift bed for tonight was adorned with candles and champagne. Next to it would be chocolate covered treats and she couldn't even function. "Oh my", she said now, bringing her hand back down to her side and assessed everything. "Baby, how in the world did you do all of this?"
Grant smiled softly as Danielle took it all in, rubbing the back of his neck gently. "Well I had a little help. I knew I couldn't set it up without you knowing so I had the ideas and Max helped me put them together. I'm glad he was able to set it up exactly how I pictured it. I went over it with him at least five times," he chuckled. "I wanted it to be nice and romantic. For us to spend our first night here in the house together and be happy and comfortable. It's obviously not a bed or our bedroom by any means but I think it's nice way to spend our first night here. That was the whole point, to make our first night special and I knew that using Valentines Day to do it was perfect. Even if it is a little bit early," he shrugged. "But this is where we'll be the rest of the night and hopefully it doesn't get uncomfortable as time goes on," he chuckled nervously. Grabbing the bottle of champagne, Grant opened it and poured two glasses, handing one to his wife. "Strawberry?" He asked her before grabbing one and guiding it towards her mouth.
Danielle knew Grant had to have help, and she was thankful that he had friends that would be willing to do so. The explanation was perfect, knowing that she wanted the night to be special too. What she didn't expect was just how special it would be--and hearing Grant speak had filled her heart with so much love. "You're so good to me", she whispered out and took the strawberry that he offered her with her mouth, taking a bite and humming to show how tasty it was. The champagne she held onto now was raised in a toast to her husband, clinking their glasses together before she would take a sip. "Is it okay if we're in the blanket fort for this", Danielle would ask now, shifting her weight onto her knees to get comfortable on the makeshift bed. Kicking off her shows now, the brunette moved so that her husband could have room if he wanted to lay with her, making sure that the champagne didn't spill.
Grant smiled at his wife, glad that she seemed to be enjoying it all. He watched her eat the strawberry and then took one for himself, humming in satisfaction. "Yes of course," he said, getting down on the floor with her. Grant was pleased it was comfortable with all the pillows and blankets around and he took a sip of his champagne before focusing on his wife. "It's nice and romantic in here, isn't it?" He asked before looking around briefly. He licked his lips and put his glass of champagne on the table, now focused on his wife and nothing else. Grant slowly closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers gently and beginning to move his mouth against his wife's. She tasted like a mix of chocolate and champagne and Grant wanted more. He continued kissing her passionately, deepening the kiss and moving his tongue against hers, letting out a soft moan at the feeling and taste.
Danielle kept her eyes to her husband and took in a breath. "Oh it's like that", she whispered out before the distance between the would close. The kiss wasn't heated, but it was slow and building--passionate and desirable at the same time. Her glass of champagne would be right beside his, giving her the room needed in order to pull her husband as close to her as she possibly could. The kiss was immediately deepened and she gave herself over to Grant easily, opening her mouth during it to let her tongue dart out. She could taste champagne on his lips, chocolate on his tongue, and the mixture of that drove her completely wild. It was the fuel to the proverbial fire that would ignite her core. Her hands moved now to push him down gently, kiss still connected, but now the position gave her the chance to straddle his waist and take control.
Grant smiled against Danielle's lips, only pulling away slightly to breathe but not wasting any time reconnecting their lips once more. They were tasting each other and things were getting more and more heated, Grant cupping Danielle's cheek as they continued. Suddenly he was being pushed down against the floor with his wife straddling his wife, causing him to smirk. He loved when Danielle took control and even if he had planned this whole weekend, he had no problem with her leading the way when it came to intimacy. Staring up into her eyes, Grant licked his lips and bucked his hips, reaching out to place a hand on Danielle's waist, moving his fingers against her dress gently. "You wanna take charge and be in control, huh? That's hot," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. "Being underneath you, writhing in pleasure. I love it already," he breathed out. "I can't wait to see what you have planned."
Danielle whimpered at the action, hands on Grant's chest as she braced herself for what was happening. "Oh my god", she let out during a soft giggle. "Baby, you're not playing fair and I'm not wearing any underwear so you doing that is immediately giving me something while you have nothing yet", she confessed out to him; but that meant her hands were making quick work at taking off his suit jacket and tugging it away from him. There was another whimper at his words, causing Danielle to bend down again, this time taking a much harsher kiss. It was heated and bruising, a stark contrast to what they had started with and a great distraction for her unbutton his shirt. It'd give her room to move down his jawline and to the pulse point on his neck. "I plan on making you come, that's what I plan on doing", she whispered out cheekily, running her tongue on his neck before marking him hard like he would do to her sometimes.
Grant pursed his lips. "You...you what?" He asked, furrowing his brows. He didn't know if Danielle was actually going to follow through with not wearing underwear but now that he knew she wasn't, he felt chills down his spine. "You know if you let me realize that on my own, you would've gotten a much better reaction, right?" He asked, chuckling softly. "Plus you telling me that is doing something to me..." He trailed off, licking his lips. They continued kissing passionately, his suit jacket off his body now and watching Danielle work on the buttons of his shirt next. Smirking and leaning his head back as Danielle started kissing his jawline, he let out a soft moan. Throbbing in his cock began when Danielle said her plan was making him come. Dirty talk was a weakness of his and Danielle knew exactly what she was doing. "Fuck," he sighed softly, bucking his hips for more pleasure. He felt her tongue on his neck, knowing she for sure left a mark and not caring one bit that she did.
Danielle whined at the action again. When Grant's hips would buck up, they'd hit hers in return and that had caused her own arousal to deepen. "Shit", she breathed out into his neck and pulled up, taking his lips in another heated kiss. "You liked that, didn't you", the brunette purred out, running her tongue against his bottom lip while she pulled away. "Hearing me talk about how naughty I am without wearing any underwear while marking you as mine at the same time. What am I doing to you?" With his shirt now away from him, Danielle would have easy access to kiss down his frame. She nipped and marked at various places herself, swirling her tongue and grazing her teeth along his nipples mostly to tease as well, goad him into pleasure and all the while distract him from her hands that were beginning to unbutton his khakis. "I only want to make you feel good--with my hands and my mouth", she continued on at this point, again speaking so taht she'd be able to use it as a distraction for when her hand started palming his cock over his underwear.
Grant moaned against Danielle's mouth, nodding slightly as she spoke. "Of course I did. I love when you surprise me with no underwear and then you tell me what you're going to do to me. Such a turn on," he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders once his shirt was off. Now he was just in his pants and that's when he realized Danielle was still in her dress. "You know, you're a little overdressed right now..." He pointed out, letting out a moan as he felt Danielle's teeth against his nipples. "Oh fuck," he breathed out, bucking his hips. "You always make me feel good," he said, lifting his hips slightly as she started to unbutton his khakis. Kicking his pants off his body, he was left in just his boxers now and when Danielle started using her hand to palm him through his boxers, Grant moaned. "Yes," he panted, bucking his hips into her hand.
Danielle smirked at the sounds that Grant had been making. It was just something that she prided herself on, knowing that she was the person that made her husband feel this way. The more vocal he got, the more she would reward him and when he moved his hips upward, the brunette pulled down the only remaining barrier of clothing he had on. “You first, me later”, she whispered out to her husband again, licking her hand to coat it so that she would be able to pump him much easier. This was the only way she knew that she’d be able to reciprocate all of what Grant had given her today. It was her turn to show him just how much she appreciated him and loved him, and she wasn’t going to give control of this situation over by any means. As she moved her hand, her lips would kiss all along his torso, licking and marking his abs as hers. Hazel eyes looked upward to gauge his reaction, humming appreciatively when their eyes would lock; and soon enough, Danielle flicked her tongue against the tip of his length, teasing him and prolonging their rendezvous.
Grant smiled softly and stared at his wife when she said she was focusing on him first and she would be later. He decided to oblige, knowing he didn't really have a choice in the matter with Danielle on top of him and knowing that he would definitely return the favor afterwards anyway. As she started moving her hand again, Grant closed his eyes in pleasure, sighing softly when he felt Danielle start to kiss his torso. He could feel her marking up her abs and Grant didn't mind one bit, finding it hot and knowing that they would be covered for the most part anyways, especially during work. Bucking his hips in anticipation, Grant opened his eyes to stare lovingly at his wife. A few moments later she was moving her mouth in between his legs and he felt the tip of her tongue against the tip of his length, causing him to moan. "Fuck," he breathed out, gripping the blanket underneath him in pleasure. "That feels good," he whispered, biting down on his bottom lip as he waited for more.
Danielle giggled salaciously at Grant’s reaction, the perfect thing to engage more of her actions. She didn’t voice anything, didn’t let out a single word, but what she was willing to do was so much more than that. She dropped her jaw and bent her frame down to be eye level with Grant’s length and soon enough, she moved her tongue against him. Tasting him from base to tip slowly had been her first thought, but as soon as she started her actions, there was no turning back. The brunette threw herself in them and she moved with reason. Her tongue coated his length so that it’d be easier for her to take him into her mouth, moving slowly by this point to build herself up to taking him fully. Back and forth her head moved, her throat relaxed and her hand at the base of his cock to knead his balls and hold him steady so that she could give him pleasure. Finally, she was able to take all of him after so many tries, sucking gently as she pulled back and repeated her actions.
Grant arched his back in pleasure, his eyes kept on his wife the whole time she moved her mouth up and down his cock. She didn't waste any time taking him in completely, starting from the base and going to the tip and repeating the process. It was amazing what she could do with her tongue and Grant felt like he was in heaven right now. "Mm," he moaned out, closing his eyes as the pleasure took over his bottle. He reached out to run a hand through Danielle's hair as she continued, wanting his wife to know how much he appreciated it. She always made him feel good and did everything she could in order to make that happen and it made him fall in love with her all over again each time. He was building up a climax that he desperately needed, both of them needing this alone time and to make the most of it. "So good, baby. Fuck," he breathed out, feeling himself getting closer and closer to his orgasm.
Danielle hummed when she pulled away from Grant to catch her breath, pumping his length gently and licking her lips while doing so. She was making sure that everything would be continuous, that she was giving her husband the best that she could, and returned her mouth when she finally felt okay once again. "I love tasting you", she purred once she was able to pull alway from him again. Still she continued to pump his length, letting her tongue just swirl around the tip of his length so that she still would be able to lap up everything. "Always wanna be good for you, baby. I wanna make you come so I can taste. Baby, come for me, please?" Her tone of voice was just a little bit higher than normal, begging for him to let go and did everything that she could in order to get him to do so. Finally, she was able to replace her mouth again, restarting her actions again and moved her head against him quickly.
Grant smiled and arched his back once more, his breathing picking up as he got closer to his climax. "You always make me feel good," he purred, bucking his hips and squeezing his eyes shut. He felt his climax coming, right at the tip and as much as he wanted to let go, he also wanted to prolong the pleasure he was feeling. He wouldn't be able to do it for long and when Danielle asked him to come for her so she could taste, that's all it took for him to do what she wished, releasing his load inside of his wife's mouth. He moaned out her name over and over again as the pleasure coursed through his body, arching his back and squirming due to the incredible sensation. "Fuck that was so good," he whispered blissfully, grinning up at Danielle. "I love you so much," he whispered, reaching out to cup her cheek, rubbing it with his thumb gently.
Danielle continued to lap up everything as best as she could, making sure to take every single drop that her husband had given her. She continued to pump her hand so that she could prolong his climax, but the words that he let out now took her attention. Letting go, she was able to situate herself on top of him now, still dressed and licked her lips clean before she would turn her head. "I love you so much too", she replied back to him, pressing her lips to his wrist and slid up his torso. She would be able to see the marks everywhere she put on his frame and laughed gently at them. At least most of them were in places where he would be able to hide during filming. "All mine", the brunette whispered out while running her fingers along the marks she had made, only turning her head up to face her husband afterwards. "Kiss me", she pleaded with him, still keeping that whispered tone before she would lean forward and take his lips with hers in a gentle kiss.
Grant grinned when Danielle kissed his wrist before settling on his torso. He could feel the marks she had given him underneath her frame but he didn't mind one bit. "All yours," he whispered, licking his lips and watching her trace each of the marks she made. Leaning up to kiss Danielle like she wanted, Grant moved his lips against his wife's and let out a content sound. He could do this all night if Danielle wanted and now he planned on making her feel as good as she made him feel. Abruptly flipping them over, Grant now laid on top of Danielle and wasted no time finding the zipper of her dress, sliding it down and making sure to take it off her body. "There," he whispered, loving that she was completely naked underneath. "Always a nice surprise, even when I knew about it," he smirked, moving closer so that he could start pressing kisses to Danielle's torso.
Danielle sighed gently through the kiss, but it was when she found herself on her back again that she arched her frame upward to her husband. It had been long overdue and Danielle was aching for him, but she wanted to focus on Grant first. The kiss was too short for her liking and she whined when he had pulled away from her, but her body arched once again when he pulled off her dress. Like she had said earlier, she wore nothing underneath, wanting to tease him as much as he teased her about it, and there was a smirk that appeared on her lips now that didn't dare to falter. "Because you like it", the brunette whispered out now, closing her eyes as her husband kissed her stomach. One hand would go to his hair now, brushing the strands gently while the other played with one of her breasts--kneading gently.
Grant nodded as Danielle spoke. "I do like it," he told her. "I love it actually," he added before sucking on her skin, leaving marks on his wife's torso similar to the ones she left on his. He looked up to see that she was kneading one of her breasts, finding it hot but wanting to be the one doing instead. "Hey hey. That's my job," he said, moving her hand out of the way and putting his there instead. He ran his thumb over her nipple gently and began kneading her breast, all while still pressing kisses to her body. Grant then spread Danielle's legs wider, moving his face in between them and feeling how wet she was by teasing his thumb towards her clit slowly. "Ready for me?" He asked her while already knowing the answer. He smirked and licked his lips before applying pressure to her bundle of nerves with his thumb, moving it in a circular motion to start giving her pleasure and see her reaction.
Danielle squealed happily, writhing underneath Grant; but she relented in giving him all of her. There was a soft moan that had escaped her when he placed his hands on her chest, lifting it upward so that she'd be able to have him just touch her. She was already begging for more and her husband's actions were just taunting her. Maybe it was because she took her time when it came down to her having the control, but the anticipation of what was to come had eaten her alive at this point and she wanted more, craved more. Danielle happily moved her legs wide to accommodate her husband, lifting her frame upward to see what he'd be doing and whimpered when his words reached her ear. "Yes", she practically begged out as his thumb circled around her clit, hips moving with him in order to get more friction. "But you're teasing me right now. I'll beg if I have to. Can I please have more?"
Grant smirked as he started to hear the moans and sounds coming out of Danielle's mouth. He nodded and continued moving his thumb against her clit, biting down on his bottom lip while he did. "Am I?" He asked her innocently once she mentioned that he was teasing her. "I do like the idea of you begging me," he told his wife. "Oh so you think saying please helps, huh?" He asked her, pursing his lips. He continued teasing her for a little while longer before giving in and beginning to move his fingers in and out of Danielle's center. Grant moved them expertly through her wet folds, pulling them back to lick them clean while Danielle could watch. Entering her once more, this time Grant went faster and started positioning himself so that he could start using his tongue as well, wanting to give her the best of both worlds. He poked his tongue teasingly against her clit before sucking on it gently, all while still moving his fingers.
Danielle nodded profusely at her husband. "Don't play coy", she started out now, breathless in nature and letting out a soft sigh. His continued actions on her bundle of nerves had been a blessing, glad to be able to have some form of pleasure with her and soon enough, she could easily just rock against his hand. "Yes", she answered him now, hazel eyes latching onto green and pleading with him. "Baby, please. I need you to touch me. I need it. I need you to--", the brunette had continued out, but was interrupted when she finally got what she wanted. Grant's fingers moved expertly against her wet center and it felt utterly amazing. Her hips would rock, but what elicited that low moan would be when he pulled away to lick his fingers clean again. "Fuck", she breathed out, the action shaking her core more now than ever, and her frame leaned back finally when his tongue ran against her clit. "Shit", she let out, the curse falling out of her lips like a plead for more. Her hips jerked forward to have more, hands just brushing against his head now to keep him against her.
Grant smirked as Danielle started cursing in pleasure. Nobody would know it, but his wife had a dirty mouth when she wanted to and Grant found it incredibly amusing. He especially loved it when she was in the bedroom with him or being intimate with him like they were right now. Getting her to curse like she was because he was making her feel good was all he could ever want. He started moving his tongue faster in a circular motion, focusing on her most sensitive spot while going even deeper with his fingers. As her hips bucked forward, Grant hummed at the taste, causing him to be inside of her even more. He pressed a kiss to her center before licking through her wet folds, giving his fingers a break and using this opportunity to use his tongue in the best way he knew how. He continued tasting her, moaning to cause a vibration and give her more pleasure and hoping to get her to reach an amazing orgasm.
Danielle felt an onset of pleasure that washed all over her frame. She was close, she could feel it in her muscles, and all she wanted to do was reach that high that was given. There was nothing that could tear her away from this moment and it was all because of Grant’s doing. Her husband’s tongue had worked expertly on her and the little moans and mewls that were coming out of her now proved only that. Her legs were brought up, knees to her chest in order to give Grant more of her, a better angle in order to grab more pleasure; but it wasn’t until she brought her hands into his hair that she finally reached that high. Her climaxes were something otherworldly—frame clenching tight and her hips rocking profusely against him. Multiple shakes and shudders happened one after the other. “Tommy”, she managed to keen out, loud enough that maybe their neighbors would be able to hear, with her hips rocking so much to prolong it. The aftershock was something ethereal—seeing more colors after opening her eyes. The reds of the candle flames felt so warm around her. “Oh my god”, Danielle breathed out. “Oh my god.”
Grant continued his ministrations, sensing that Danielle was close to her orgasm. He moved his tongue against her clit at a rapid pace, watching Danielle pull her knees to her chest in pleasure. "Come for me, baby," he purred, feeling her muscles against his tongue once she reached her climax. Hearing her yell at his name in pure pleasure made him smirk, licking up every last drop so that he could taste his wife. Pulling away once he was finished, Grant laid on top of her and ran a hand through Danielle's hair gently. "I love you," he whispered, kissing her forehead gently. Grant spent the rest of the night making love to his wife, over and over until the candles went out and they both stopped due to exhaustion. When morning came, Grant opened his eyes and blinked a few times, looking over at his wife who was still sleeping. He smiled softly at her for a few moments before kissing her cheek and pulling out of her grasp carefully, hoping he didn't wake her. Grant wanted to make breakfast for Danielle without her knowing, so he put on his boxers and went into the kitchen to do just that. He started making pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast so that they'd have an assortment, putting on coffee to brew and grabbing some juice for them to have as well.
Danielle sighed as Grant came forward, closing her eyes to the kiss to her forehead. “I love you too”, she breathed out and wrapped her arms around his frame once again to continue making love to her husband all that night. The brunette had been sexed out, exhausted, and pleased to the point where she didn’t know when she fell asleep. Her frame felt light in the best of ways, sore and aching from the activities she had done with her husband that night and smiled in her sleep as the memories flooded back to her. Though she was a light sleeper, she still wanted to get a little bit of rest. So when Grant woke up, Danielle had snuggled back into the pillows they were laying on and hummed when her husband’s scent wafted through her nose. She’d lie like that for a while, drifting in and out of sleep as naked as the day she was born, but what would wake her up would be the smells that were coming out of the kitchen. Danielle thought that Grant was an amazing cook and breakfast made by him was always such a special treat to have. “That smells so good”, she said as she sat up slowly, wrapping the blanket that was shrouding her frame tighter against her frame. She didn’t dare to move until she would be called for or Grant would come into view, not wanting to startle her husband’s plans for anything that was happening.
Grant was hoping that Danielle wouldn't wake up and come into the kitchen or try to look for him, wanting to surprise her with breakfast in the fort. It felt nice to be cooking breakfast for the first time in their new house and he wanted to do something sweet for his wife. Putting everything on two plates, Grant grabbed a tray and put the plates, coffee and juice on them and made his way into the living room. Smiling as he saw Danielle sitting up with the blankets covered her frame, Grant grinned. "Happy Early Valentines Day, baby. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do this on Tuesday because we'll be working and won't have the time so I wanted to do it now," he told his wife. "I tried to make an assortment. Luckily we bought enough stuff yesterday that I managed to make everything," he chuckled, sitting down with Danielle in the fort now so that they could start eating.
Danielle ‘s hazel eyes looked up when Grant came back into the living room with a tray filled with goodies. There was coffee and juice along with pancakes and eggs and other breakfast assortments they had bought yesterday afternoon when they arrived. “You’re so good to me”, she whispered out and leaned into his frame when he sat down beside her, her head moving to lie against his neck. Her nose brushed against it so that she���d be able to press a small kiss as a thank you and immediately reached for coffee when it was offered to her. “Happy Early Valentine’s Day, booboo”, she countered with him now, taking a fork and cutting up pancakes so that she’d have a few bites, feeding him one of the sausages that was on his plate. “I can’t believe you’re the first person to cook in our kitchen. Was it good? Everything you could ever hope for and more?” Lightheartedness filled her voice, a smile so wide that she couldn’t stop if she tried. It was theirs. All of it was theirs.
Grant smiled when Danielle said that he was so good to her. "You deserve it," he whispered, returning her kiss sweetly and starting to cut up his food so he could start eating. "It was pretty great, actually," he chuckled happily. "It was a little weird though since it's still pretty empty in there. But once the house is complete, it'll feel real good," he nodded. "Soon enough we'll be cooking in there together," he said with a smile. Everything was coming along in their new house together and Grant was so unbelievably happy with it all. Now there they were, enjoying breakfast together in their new home without having to worry about anything else. "I love you so much," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her gently before going back to his breakfast.
Danielle nodded her head and continued to eat, humming at the taste and so appreciative of her husband for cooking their meal. It felt like home already and that was something that she'd be eternally grateful for. All she wanted to do was to be able to have this chance, and now that she had it, she wasn't going to let it go. However, when Grant said that they'd be in the kitchen and cooking together, that was when she had to let out a soft laugh. It was one of her favorite parts of a day when they were together. They were a good team and it showed in everything they managed to do. When she finished a bite, Danielle turned her head to Grant's direction now, hazel eyes looking into green, and it felt like utter peace. "I love you too", she whispered out and leaned forward to return the kiss that Grant had given her. It was gentle, but there had been passion built into it, and it was utter bliss. Returning back to breakfast hadn't bee difficult, but the brunette let out a smile and wrapped just one arm around her husband now. No matter where they were, he was the meaning of home.
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