#just a quicky quick meme thing tho
mybelovedwoo · 8 months
choi jongho as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~ 0.8k
an: happy jongho day everyone!! i hope you enjoy this one
you can request headcanons if you want to (please only headcanons)!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-the understanding, protective boyfriend who somehow know exactly what you think or feel without even saying it out loud
-he would be very shy around you at first, just because he likes you so so much, but over some time he would get more and more comfortable, and you guys not only would be the best couple but are literally best friends (he giggles in tiny a lot)
-also would be shy every time someone (his hyungs) starts to talk about you, they would probably tease him on purpose, they loves seeing their little one all flustered and red, whines "hyuuunnggg" so they would stop embarassing him
-he also would be shy to initiate any skinship around people, but when you are alone he is the most clingy little teddy bear in the world, and you just love it so much
-would playfight with you sometimes, but is literally so careful to not hurt you even by accident, he treats you like the most valuable treasure, like you are made out of glass, just like san did, but he is more careful because he knows he can be hard to deal with sometimes, he doesn't want to hurt your feelings ever
-he buys you food all the time, he doesn't care if you say your not hungry, you're gonna eat! it's just one of his love languages, he knows you can forget about yourself sometimes, so he's always there to take care of you
-his attention is always on you, he makes you feel like you are the center of his universe, and you truly are
-he likes long talks with you about anything and everything, especially at night maybe with a bottle of beer or soju, this is where you can connect in a deeper level
 -kisses with him would be passionate always, as i said before he would kiss you just when it's just the two of you there and no one else, he would grab your face or hug you close to him, he either likes little pecks or long ass make out sessions, no in between
-clings on you all the damn time (the only skinship he does in public too), hugs you from behind and never let's go of you, probably because he likes it that he can tease you like this
-sending you memes 24/7, he is the funniest boyfriend ever, "y/n open what i sent you, i wanna see your reaction" and would giggle next to you seeing all the faces you make about his dumb (but funny) memes
-he's super chill, like he never gets jealous because he trusts you with all his heart, but still got the dead stare when someone tries to flirt with you
-ofc coffee dates are your favorites, especially in a cold weather because you know when your hands gets cold he would take it and put it in his pocket and would hold them there
-i can't imagine him calling anything other then your name, maybe when he feels all lovey-dovey he would call you honey but that's the best he can do
-loves it when you wear one of his shirts when you sleep over at his place (would not wash it and would sleep in it the next day because it has you smell on it)
-when things get though for you, he is there and never leaves your side, always listens to you and gives the best advice
-waking up with him is not easy at all, clings to you and doesn't let you get out of the bed
nsfw +18!!!
-listen listen he is a dom no question (but not a hard dom, but not as soft as san either), but sometimes he likes it when you take control and take care of him, he think it's super hot
-he likes to take it slow and sensual, so foreplay is a must for him, where he can tease you as he wants, likes both loving and playful sex
-it's quite surprising but his sex drive is high, and it is far more meaningful than a quick release of energy
-he's okay with quickies sometimes tho, but they don't fulfill him nearly as much, especially as his love of foreplay and kissing
-he is a vanilla lover, a good missionary where he can hide in the crook of your neck or can watch your beautiful face
-it would 90% start with a long makeout session or cuddling session
-turn-ons for him, pure and simple things, naked bodies, rubbing, mutual masturbation, oral sex, your arousal, and you guys's special connection is enough for him sometimes
-biggest turn-offs is rushing probably, as i said before he likes to take it slow, and doesn't really like someone impatient
-as i said before communication is really important in your relationship, so this is no exception in bed either, you guys talk a lot during it
-he likes big cuddling sessions after it, sometimes you two fall asleep right then and there
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telesthisia · 4 years
(copy and pasted from a meme resource. feel free to copy and fill in for your own muse!)
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WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE: She has a sort of refreshing smell to her (that sounds weird ok LET ME GO A LITTLE MORE INTO THIS) like freshly cut grass or... or that smell you smell when you walk outside early in the morning where there’s still dew on the grass and the sun isn’t fully out. Also roses because tfw you’re spoiled stupid by the castle staff and constantly take rose water baths, constantly covered in rose oils with a sprinkle of rose perfumes. The maids said we hoarding this bitch for our princess when they discovered rose water and other rose products hJKA!!!
HOW THEY SLEEP: Hugging a pillow, on her side!! With s/o you bet your sweet ass she’s cuddling with them!! Honestly though it’s a bit concerning how she sleeps because she more or less sleeps like the dead and it’s tough to wake her up considering she’s talking to ancestors and other dead folk during sleeping hours so she kinda forgets that she’s asleep when really deep in a conversation pft!! When having clairvoyant dreams, however, she’s a bit more lighter in terms of sleep! 
WHAT MUSIC THEY ENJOY: She likes string instruments like the lute or the harp/lyre! Also enjoys folklore music and I’d say soft piano pieces but well that thing wasn’t invented until early 18th century so... uh *looks up middle ages instruments* ORGAN!! That bitch has been around since like the BC times, 3rd century apparently if google is telling me the right answer, that’s the closest we’ll get weeps weeps. 
HOW MUCH TIME THEY SPEND EVERY MORNING GETTING READY: I’ve been watching history videos of how long it takes to get dressed in different eras, it’s all super interesting but whew I’m glad I live in an era where I just put on shorts, any shirt, shoes, and thigh high socks and leave the house HWEOH! But, she wakes up early in the morning to clean up a bit before the maids come in to help with all those heavy skirts and junk along with makeup and fixing up her hair and trying to tame the floofs™ all in all a pretty freaking long time. If she were to wake up earlier before the maids came in, get done quicker by just wearing peasant clothing (which takes seven minutes if these history videos are correct hweoh), brushing her hair so it can appear a bit neat despite the floofs™ that stick out and minimal makeup (eyeshadow and lipstick) it only takes her twenty minutes at most! 
FAVOURITE THING TO COLLECT: Paintings but like really weird and creepy ones that only speak to her at a level no one could really understand but her, sadly she finds beauty in everything even in the macabre so... she also loves collecting romance novels but that’s a secret she’ll take with her to the grave, she’s a sucker for simple trinkets it doesn’t have to be fancy and bonus points if there’s cool backstory to those, old coins... anything with history behind it actually!  
RELIGION (if any): Hyrule Creation Mythos ;v; though Hylia is more or less forgotten in her era the golden goddesses not so much! 
FAVOURITE SPORT(S): Horse back riding and gentle walks, that’s the only thing she can do without dying hWEOH 
FAVOURITE TOURISTY THING TO DO WHEN TRAVELING: SHE’S SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO SEE THE WORLD SO YOU NAME IT AND SHE’LL DO ALL THE ANNOYING TOURISTY THINGS!! Sightseeing, taking pictures or well having a painter paint certain areas more like it, trying all the foods she can eat, exploring every inch of the area my girl loves to explore and try new things what can I say? 
FAVOURITE KIND OF WEATHER: Cloudy, rainy days are lovely. But she does like warm sunny days with a nice cool and refreshing fall breeze. She’s not a fan of anything too hot or too cold just mild weather.  
WEIRD/OBSCURE FEAR THEY HAVE: Cries, not much to fear when you’ve faced death multiple times and seen your kingdom come to ruin while watching loved ones die and are constantly plagued with creepy clairvoyant dreams while also linked to the spirit realm thus I Can See Dead People... UH honestly not much scares her aside from being kidnapped once again that’d but her in a panic really, but like, is that really weird or obscure? Erm though I will say she does have Atychiphobia with a touch of Atelophobia due to environments where she’s expected to be perfect. She also does not like being alone or in worse yet, alone in dark places. Yeah... YEAH SHE’S AFRAID OF BEING COMPLETELY ALONE!!! That fits and works and I’m adding that. 
THE CARNIVAL/ARCADE GAME THEY ALWAYS WIN WITHOUT FAIL: Whack a mole.... trivia games but Whack a mole to the surprise of everyone. Also ring toss too! 
Tagged by: not tagged but I stole it from @legendarylullaby​
tagging: you, the person reading this ;v; 
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atlaslain · 5 years
do the entire nsfw alphabet meme. every single one. fucking hit me with it
challenge accepted  /   @revolverized
A = AFTERCARE ( what they’re like after sex )     answered.
B = BODY PART ( their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s )     i’m gonna take this as like, favourite place to be touched. on himself, his hair — pull his hair, he’ll go wild for it. also his ass. he worked fucking hard on that. and his neck — that’s ridiculously sensitive. on partners, he’s really weak for legs — legs wrapped around him? excellent. big fan of that. also the mouth, he has a real Thing for lip biting and for watching partners suck his fingers or whatever sldgjdkcngv. 
C = CUM ( anything to do with cum basically )    yep, cum sure is a thing he does and endeavours to make his partners do! idk what to say with this one. he swallows. there u go. 
D = DIRTY SECRET ( pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs )    this is absolutely not a secret, i guarantee he’s at least told someone but. he visited the honeybee inn once on a shinra night out. 
E = EXPERIENCE ( how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing? )    very. particularly in my survival verses, where he gets the opportunity to,,, have a life. zack has a stupidly high sex drive, it’s the best way to come down when he’s too hyped-up on energy or mako levels are on the fritz, and he just really likes fucking. he’s had a lot of casual, fun sex and when he’s with a romantic partner, he’s likely to initiate an active sex life. 
F = FAVOURITE POSITION ( this goes without saying. will probably include a visual )    answered.
G = GOOFY ( are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc )    situational. sex with zack can be a really fucking dumb experience if he’s in a silly mood. if anyone was expecting this moron to magically get serious all the time just bc there’s sex, they can think again. NOT IN A BAD WAY THO. he’s just chatty, he’ll laugh a lot and be playful. but then there’s times when it’s a Very Serious Occasion and he goes all soft and quiet. 
H = HAIR ( how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc. )    he’s the most vain creature in existence, how well groomed do u think he is.
I = INTIMACY ( how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)     answered.
J = JACK OFF ( masturbation headcanon )    jacking off is self care and it helps him sleep so chances are he’ll do it most nights. it’s better when someone else is touching him but he’s more than happy to have a quick go. i wanna be really sad and mention how in one of my most Awful verses he loses all drive to do this for a really long time BUT WE’RE JUST TALKIN SPICY STUFF HERE SO I’LL TUCK THAT ONE AWAY.  
K = KINK ( one or more of their kinks )    someone domming the fuck out of him is a good one. zack’s a switch but there’s just,, certain partners,, he’s very excited to hand over control to and let them go wild. he’ll be bratty and challenging about it, but give him someone who can make him shut up and take it and he’ll melt. uhhhhh he’s also v into biting, scratching, leaving marks. watching a partner make themselves come. letting a partner watch him. fighting. violence. blood. danger. look he has a lot of kinks skdfngjcn. 
L = LOCATION ( favourite places to do the do )    answered.
M = MOTIVATION ( what turns them on, gets them going )    just about anything lmao. someone could be like ‘hey zack, want some sex’ and he’d be ready to go. kissing and dirty talk are good ways to go though. 
N = NO ( something they wouldn’t do, turn offs )    answered.
O = ORAL ( preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc )    giving, receiving, anything is great and he’s not picky. a partner could be like ‘hey zack, suck me off / eat me out til i come’ and he’d do it ‘til they couldn’t take it. 
P = PACE ( are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc. )    this implies that they can only have one pace setting skdfngkjn zack could be anything. he’ll set a fast pace by default because he’s an instant gratification kinda guy but then he has a thing for changing up just to see what kinda noises he can get his partner to make so. 
Q = QUICKIE ( their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. )    quickies are great. if all u have time for is a quick round to take the edge off? excellent, he’s absolutely down for something fast and desperate and impulsive. he has so much stamina that it’s literally just barely gonna take the edge off and he’ll be thinking about a second round all day but zero regrets.
R = RISK ( are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc. )    zack ‘danger kink’ fair is absolutely down for this skgcfnkh. i mean — depends on the precise risks but mostly, yeah. 
S = STAMINA ( how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)    i,,,, hate myself for this one but can we. all agree that mako energy = super stamina. yeah. he’ll go for a whole fucking lot of rounds. 
T = TOY ( do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? )    probably doesn’t own them because when does this man ever have time for that but he’s interested in using them. 
U = UNFAIR ( how much they like to tease )    he’s a fucking demon when he’s in the mood to be. zack, smirking like an asshole and refusing to let a partner come until he feels like it? absolutely likely. it’s easy enough to tease him back though; he’s ultimately weak and very impulsive and can’t hold out for long without wanting that gratification. 
V = VOLUME ( how loud they are, what sounds they make )    uh, very.  he never shuts up. it’s more talking than anything else, he’s very vocal with what he wants, but it’s a lot of soft sounds gradually increasing in volume. 
W = WILD CARD ( get a random headcanon )   he has a thing for displays of strength in a partner. zack’s,,,,, a strong boi and he’s always vaguely concerned about hurting people. durable partners are Great. 
X = X-RAY ( let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words )    idk, it’s a dick. on the larger side but not huge. 
Y = YEARNING ( how high is their sex drive? )    ridiculously.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards )     zack vc sleep is for the weak. he’s never had an easy time sleeping. sex mellows him out and having a partner to cuddle into and chat with is great but still expect him to be awake for a while after. probably hoping for a second round. smh. 
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
400 Followers Event
Ends: 3/28/21
So I decided to make my own SFW Alphabet because I couldn’t find one that had all the things I wanted on it. If there’s already a prompt list exactly like this, I apologize I didn’t see it. Feel free to use this for your own sfw alphabet prompts tho.
400 Follower Event Rules
SFW Alphabet
A- Appreciation (What is their favorite quality about you(and vice versa)? What things do they appreciate about you (and vice versa)?)
B- Back (How do they act returning from being away from you?)
C-Crush (What was it like before you were together? How did they act when they had a crush on you? How did they confess?)
D-Daily (What are some of your mutual daily routines? How do you exist together daily?) 
E- Edit (What type of pictures do they take?)
F-Family (How do they feel about family? Would they want kids with you?)
G- Gifts(What kind of gifts do they give? How do they give? Are they generous?)
H- Hold (How do they hug/cuddle/ hold you in general?)
I- Intimacy (How do they express intimacy?)
J-Joy (What was their happiest moment in your relationship?) 
K- Key (What is the “key” to their heart?)
L- Little things (What little things do they notice about you? What little things do you notice about them?)
M- Make-ups(How do they make-up after fights? What leads to your fights? How do they act if they’re in the wrong/right?)
N- Nostalgia (What’s something that makes them remember/reminds them of a time in your relationship?)
O- Official (How did they ask you to “officially” be their s/o)
P- Petty (Who’s pettier? How petty are the both of you willing to be?)
Q-Quick (How quickly do they fall in love? When do they confess? Do they wait for the right moment or just blurt it out?)
R- Relax ( How do they relax around you? How do they relax with you?)
S- Sleepy (What are they like when sleepy? Nightly routines? How do they sleep?)
T- Text (How do they text? Are they straight to the point or do they use emojis, do they send memes, etc.?)
U- Unexpected (What do they do to surprise you? How do they like to surprise you?)
V- Vulnerable (How do they show vulnerability?)
W- Wild Card (Random head canon about the character)
X- (e)Xes (Do they have any ex-lovers? If so, how does that experience transfer into your relationship?)
Y- Years (How do you celebrate anniversaries?)
Z- Zest (What are things they do to keep your relationship new and exciting? How do they keep your relationship alive?)
NSFW Alphabet
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
B - Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
F - Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
P - Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Z - ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
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romance meme thing
tagged: @discguise
tagging: @hohoholdup, @shiftxdxquilibrium, @sayurismiles, @orlandodell, whoever else wants to steal it
repost, dont reblog
Name: Poppy Somma  Nicknames: Variations of the scientific names for chemicals derived from the plant she’s named after, linguistic plant jokes, status titles Gender: Ciswoman Orientation: Lesbian Preferred pet names: Any positive feminine term of endearment in her partner’s first language. Relationship status: single, much to her chagrin
Favorite canon ship: OCs...don’t have canon ships...and nothing has happened officially on this blog yet? @fractacrystalli might count as a canon ship, idk Favorite non-canon ships: nothing has been finalized but @rottenmiso‘s femtag and @peppermint-passions‘s rae come to mind. i’m v open to shipping as long as i’m given a headsup/have permission lol
A quick note on shipping: I am multiship but single ship for each verse? RN i technically have: 1. terrorau pokemon, 0 ships. nonterror pokeau: infinite slots open, each ship is its own verse. Japanau: infinite slots, each ship is its own verse. Persona au: 0 atm. Vampau: infinite slots. WOD au: 0. Poppy herself is not against polyamory, she just does not believe that she herself has the ability to manage it well. She’s not against TRYING, but if I go for it, please don’t expect it to be hunky dory immediately. There’d be a learning curve and it may or may not work out. That’s how life works. For monogamous relationships, I don’t need exact detailed plotting, but I’d appreciate a heads up if you want to ship and you’d need to be comfortable that it won’t be 100% smooth sailing either. Poppy is a difficult person to deal with, relationship strain is going to happen. I want the bad as well as the good in a ship. If I can’t see any interesting potential in a possible ship, I will decline. 
Opinion on true love: It exists, and it can happen more than once, and it’s ideal but it’s not a thing she expects can happen for herself.  Opinion on love at first sight: She kinda thinks most people - herself included - only experience the shallowest form of love at first sight - infatuation, temporary lust, etc. - but she also believes that if you follow up on that, it can turn into something deeper and that there’s nothing inherently wrong with quick flash in the pan flings as long as all parties involved agree to it.  How ‘romantic’ are they: As much as her partner allows tbh. Given permission, she’ll go over the top and put in all of the effort to making things perfect, but her partner’s comfort is more important than her own, so if they aren’t a fan of too much romance, she’ll tone it down as much as she can. (she still prefers someone who will let her be a sap on occasion tho)
ideal physical traits: i did a post on this a while ago but: femme, counterculture aesthetics, or occult aesthetics, especially vampire, she thinks asians are cute purely on an aesthetic level but its literally so far down on her list it might as well not be a checkbox ideal personality traits: patient, warm, affectionate, calm, good at domestic tasks to pick up her slack, doesn’t MIND picking up her slack in the first place, appreciates her scientific enthusiasm and neurodivergence, is nerdy enough themselves that they can have common interests, let’s her mother them and mothers her in return, has to be okay with cats, has to be okay with intimacy and commitment, loyalty Unattractive physical traits: not much but what she does have are a few deal breakers: bad personal hygiene (she’s good at this herself but sometimes her living space is a mess. having two messy people in one living space doesn’t bode well.) visibly a senior citizen.  Unattractive personality traits: controlling, overbearing, anything on the “Are they abusing you” checklist, can’t keep secrets, actively harasses people in service positions, hates cats, is ableist and doesn’t even attempt to change, doesn’t take responsibility seriously, refuses to compromise over anything, refuses to commit or share any emotional intimacy at all ever in any way, can’t keep promises ideal date: stay inside cuddling the s.o while doing something quiet OR indulging in a shared interest together. Do they have a type?: Yamato nadeshiko archetype (simply because it tends to come bundled with all the nurturing and domestic skills she needs to compensate for her lack of them), shy-blue haired girl (they tend to be nerdy), supernatural creatures, especially vampires, neurodivergent people because they tend to understand her life struggles better, nerds in general, goths in general, shy shrinking violets in general
Average relationship length: She only ever had one and it lasted a few months at most. 
preferred nonsexual intimacy: cuddling, touch, sharing secrets, pouring their hearts out to each other, deep discussions, quality time Commitment level: she will literally die for you and expects you to do the same for her. She views dating as a way to find your partner and probably rushes into wanting to be serious too fast, to be honest. Opinion of public affection: 100% okay and natural. She has sex in public nightclub bathrooms, so I mean...It’s love, it’s nature, if you don’t like, don’t look. That being said, PDA has it’s place and out on the street in daylight holding up foot traffic is not the place to have a quickie. Past relationships: One: Tina. It was intense, toxic, and didn’t last very long, although when it occurred in her life depends on the verse.
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a-droppingpetals · 7 years
whispers rhys and graham for the ultimate ship meme
the ultimate ship meme // accepting.
rate the ship — awful | ew | no pics pls | i’m not comfortable | alright | i like it! | got pics? | why is this not getting more attention?! | the OTP to rule all other OTPs
how long will they last? — until deah do them apart 3
how quickly did/will they fall in love? — it definitely wasn’t one of those falling in love at first sight -things but more of a slow burn kind of thing where they just took their time (bc they weren’t even supposed to fall in love in the first place!! it was supposed to be a lil bit of harmless fun but wHOOPS they fell in love!!!)
how was their first kiss? — v v messy and drunk lmao. not very cute / romantic or something that you’d want to tell your grandkids about but ... yeah lmao
who proposed? — graham did for sure !!
who is the best man/men? — i think graham had one of his brothers as one of his best men & the other, like the main best man, would’ve probably been his best friend? idk about rhys tho? maybe his friends idk??
who did the most planning? — rhys for sure, graham’s already been married once and he didn’t plan a thing aND HE STILL WONT
who stressed the most? — i think rhys did?
how fancy was the ceremony? — Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
who was specifically not invited to the wedding? — i ?? am not sure if rhys would invite his parents bc we spoke about this and you said he wouldn’t want to but idk if graham would lowkey be like “but they’re ur parents and hopefully ur only gonna get married once so like.... :///”
who is on top? — graham is omg
who is the one to instigate things? — they both do that?? but i cant say which would do it more??
how healthy is their sex life? — barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they are humping each other on the couch right now
how kinky are they? — Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head // note: I FEEL LIKE THEY’RE VERY KINKY I AM HOLLERING
how long do they normally last? — if they have time, then they’ll really take their time with each other and stuff like that but if they’re on a time limit, say like they’re having a quickie before graham has to go back to work / ellie’s going to be home at any minute omg, then they can be quite quick too !!
do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? — for sure yes !!
how rough are they in bed? — Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
how much cuddling/snuggling do they do? — No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
how many children will they have naturally? — OK SO I KNOW WE HAVEN’T EXACTLY DISCUSSED THIS but i also read on ur page that ur open to writing mpreg so idk if u want to do that with these two so if you do, THAT’S COOL WITH ME and i’m VERY DOWN FOR THAT and if that’s the case, then i feel like they’d have like.. one?? two would probably be pushing it?
how many children will they adopt? — but if ya dON’T WANNA go down the mpreg route, which is also fine with me bc ya home girl doesn’t MIND either way (just hmu about this and we’ll talk ok), then i feel like they’d try to adopt one?? or none?? depending on if rhys would want to raise a kid with him like from start to finish besides ellie??
who gets stuck with the most diapers? — graham would :/ :/ he’s already been on the diaper duty once before so he’d be just fine with changing the most diapers again lmao
who is the stricter parent? — neither or maybe graham would be? like just a tad more, he can be chill but he’s also a cop and he doesn’t want his kids getting into any shenanigans that they shouldn’t be getting into :/ :/
who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? — BOTH !!
who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? — rhys bc graham is hopeless when it comes to lunches (that man :/ eats nothing but :/ pb&j sandwiches :/ for lunch :/)
who is the more loved parent? — i feel like rhys would be for sure??
who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? — both?? mainly rhys though bc graham would always forget or he’d be late to them lmao.
who cried the most at graduation? — b o t h ???
who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? — GRAHAM bc he’d be probably the one busting them too ://// 
who does the most cooking? — rhys bc graham is lowkey hopeless in the kitchen :/
who is the most picky in their food choice? — graham will literally eat anything but idk about rhys so it’d have to be him or neither !!
who does the grocery shopping? — they do it together if possible but rhys mostly. unless rhys tells graham to go, which he will, in case rhys has forgotten to buy something or they’ve ran out of something !! 
how often do they bake desserts? — i feel like rhys bakes a lot during the holiday season?? CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG but.. #CookiesStraightFromTheOven
are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? — graham is definitely more of a meat lover and idk about rhys?? help???
who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? — rhys would surprise him with a homecooked meal and graham would just take him out for one lmao !!
who is more likely to suggest going out? — g....raham lmao
who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? — GRAHAM !!
who cleans the room? — rhys bc graham never ~has time~ and he’s too lazy omg
who is really against chores? — referring to my previous answer, graham lmao
who cleans up after the pets? — ok THIS is something that graham would most certainly do??
who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? — again, graham...
who stresses the most when guests are coming over? — rhys?? probably?? graham is very chill about that so i’m gonna go with rhys.
who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? — RHYS bc u bet graham’s never cleaned the couch cushions in his LIFE.
who takes the longer showers/baths? — rhys??? graham is a v v quick showerer so!!
who takes the dog out for a walk? — graham would bc he loves dogs and he loves walking them?? or they’d just go for a walk together tbh.
how often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? — every year??? for sure.
what are their goals for the relationship? — to ?? LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER??
who is most likely to sleep till noon? — graham when he has the day off LMAO
who plays the most pranks? — rhys or neither bc graham feels like he’s way 2 old to be doing pranks lmaoo
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