#jughead jones x nonbinary reader
statticscribbles · 2 years
❤️ Jughead x Gn!reader
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❤️- Romantic Scene
Jughead always looks nervous when he has to ask you questions; even if it’s something as simple as what you wanted for dinner; he always claimed it was because you were so attractive it made him lose his train of thought.
“I was wondering if you wanted to..”
“Go to Pop’s with you? I’d love to!” You playfully finish his sentence and he scowls.
“No Y/N I was going to say if you let me finish; I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to a Serpent meeting; as a Serpent Ruler..”
“Serpent ruler?”
“Well I don’t know if you’d rather be Serpent king or Queen; I didn’t want to assume.”
“Well whichever gets me to stay by your side longest.” You stick your tongue out at him
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Pairing: Jughead x Reader Description: reader is a shy person that doubts herself a lot, but a certain boy inspires her
Warnings: none, except this literally sucks so bad and I hate it but it was anon requested o I hope you like it anon I'm sorry this sucks Disclaimer: I usually write my reader inserts as girls, but if anybody wants a nonbinary or male reader inserts, I’m 100% down for it! Just let me know :-)
It was almost cliche the way I met Jughead.
We took creative writing together, as well as a few other classes. Our teacher had given us our first project that we would have to present to the class, either a short story or a poem. Usually, my teachers would give me a free pass on the “presenting” part, because of my phobia of public speaking, but this year I wasn’t getting the special treatment. My creative writing teacher told me she would cut my grade straight in half if I didn’t present.
I panicked the entire week, hoping that somehow I could just get out of it. I thought about faking sick, or telling the teacher I had family troubles, but I knew they wouldn’t buy it. I tried piecing together bits of poems I had, but nothing worked. I was too stressed about going up in the front of the class to be inspired. The day before the presentation, I had nothing. Nada. Zip. I couldn’t get myself to piece anything together.
I plopped down in to my usual seat in the back of the class, frustrated and near in tears at this point. I heard a bag drop beside me and turned my head to see Riverdale’s official loner and the boy that infatuated me, Jughead Jones. He nodded his head silently and gave me a small half smile before pulling out his laptop and cracking his knuckles. He began typing furiously, as if he was on a mission to empty his head and film the blank document on his screen. I knew that much was true, since Jughead was always lost in thought and always writing.
An idea popped in to my head and I began to write, my pencil flying across my paper and the brick wall of writers block inside my head broke, a river of inspiration now flowing. It was funny how quickly it snapped, yet, that’s how it always happens.
“Whatcha writing?” I jumped 6 feet in the air from my seat, my hands flying as they covered my paper.I whipped my head around to see Jughead had his elbows resting on my desk and an innocent smile plastered from cheek to cheek, while his head rested in the palms of his hands.
“N-nothing, just working on the assignment for tomorrow."I answered truthfully.I wasn’t too surprised he had spoken to me. It wasn’t like I had never said a word to Jughead. I was friends with Betty and Kevin, and Jughead and I were lab partners.
"Can I read it?” Jughead flashed me a grin, as if he was silently begging me.
“Y-you’ll hear it tomorrow.” I giggled, ducking my head over the paper, my hair falling around it like a cloak and keeping it hidden from the eyes of the slightly snoopy boy.
Tomorrow came, and all of a sudden, It was my turn to go up to present to the class. The teacher called my name and I stood up from my seat in the back, walking nervously to the front and clutching the paper with my poem in my hands. I made it to the front and looked up to 25 pairs of eyes staring back at me.
“T-this is a poem I wrote, called "infatuation” .“ I spoke nervously. I cleared my throat and looked down at my paper, not before seeing Betty giving me a reassuring thumbs up.
"Your mind is an etch a sketch, erasing and creating thoughts in your mind a thousand times over.I wonder what occupies the mess that is that etch a sketch.”
I began reading.I read off each paragraph, feeling the eyes of my peers boring in to my skull.
“And that is why you are my infatuation, you capture my attention, you are the center of my affection, maybe someday, you’ll look back in my direction.” I finished.
The class clapped loudly and I blushed, handing the teacher a copy of my work and making my way back to my seat quickly.
"That, was incredible." I turned to my side to see Jughead smiling at me.
"I-it was alright.I threw it together in a day." I responded modestly.
"Are you doing anything after school?" Jughead leaned over, resting his elbows on my desk.
"Nothing actually, might go home and find something to watch on TV.”
“Well, what do you say to ditching those plans and joining me at Pop’s?” Jughead grinned, waiting for my answer.
“I think that would be nice.” I smiled.
And months from now, when that same boy would be lying on my bed and come across that poem I had presented that day, and he would look up and ask me “Who was that poem about?” I would just smile and lean over to kiss him before answering “You, silly.”
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