littlegodzilla · 3 years
Masterlist Fanfictions
You can see what I have been writing here!
Requests Masterlist
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Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
Vis a Vis (Angst and SMUT)
Hope (NOT SMUT) (part 2)
Noah part 2 (NOT SMUT)
Yer so damn clumsy (NOT SMUT)
Blind Dates (NOT SMUT)
Are you cum?
Fucking redneck!
Fucking redneck! part 2
Halloween's Night
Music and Chickens
Rosemary Water (NOT SMUT)
Poison (NOT SMUT)
Our Past (SMUT) (Part 2)
Marked (AlphaDaryl SMUT)
Your Name Masterlist(Mini Series)
The Witcher (Halloween One Shot)
Our Story Masterlist
Alpha & Omega (AlphaDaryl Dixon)
The three of Us. (Part 2) (final part)
Unlucky Girl
Hellhound (part 2)
Better life (FLUFF)
Russell Welch x FemReader.
Protect You(MINI SERIES)
Wild Alpha (SMUT)
Kirby x FemReader.
Movies (FLUFF)
Travis x FemReader.
Good Friend (FLUFF)
Van x FemReader
The collague girl.
Norman Reedus x Fem!Reader.
Hitchhiking dark part 2
Wanna Fuck
Stay   (Wanna fuck part 2)
Keys (wanna fuck part 3)
The seven Deadly Sins.
Awkward moment that you met Norman Reedus.
Picnic (Toying Time Prequel) (SMUT)
Saint Or Evil (SMUT)
Favor between Neighbors (SMUT WITH FLANERY)
Bauer x Femreader.
Stay Together.
New World, New Life
Lewis Payne x Femreader.
My last wish
John Rollins x FemReader.
The Farmer Masterlist.
Vincent Harris x FemReader.
Dog Sitter
Judas x Femreader.
12 Apostles Masterlist
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littlegodzilla · 3 years
12 Apostles JudasxFemReader +18 Part 4.
Hello! Here I bring you another part of this little story.
I hope you enjoy it!
Sorry for my English, it's not my first language.
Summary: You are part of a club called the 12 Apostles, you are the daughter of the Leader and Judas is the right hand of your brother, the next leader. Warning: Mature. N/A; I said it’s Lady Gaga’s fault but it’s also Son Of Anarchy’s fault… Part 1. Part 2. Part3.
taglist: @purple-serenity @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528
(If you want me to add you to the list, just let me know!)
Part 4.
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You nibble from the canapés that the waiters are handing out from one side of the exhibition to the other, in your hand you have your glass of wine is empty again, so you take a third. Ana is lost in the crowd, you haven't heard from her for a while, you just hope that no rich guy takes her away without telling you first. You laugh softly at your idea and grab a new canapé as you walk back through the gallery. There are so many people that you haven't had time to go through the whole place. You reach a part where the photos seem more intimate. You discover some of Judas with Mingus and you smile, neither Mingus nor he can see their faces, but it is evident that they are father and son, in some you also detect Jesus, John, even Andy with his wife and children, they are casual photos in which none of them can recognize themselves, but you have spent too many years with them and some things are unmistakable. You keep scrolling through the gallery and you freeze once again because you recognize that photo.
It's you.
Your mouth drops open in surprise as you move a little closer to see it. The size is not very large, possibly so as not to spoil the quality of the photograph. You are on the beach, sitting on your towel, with your hair to one side and your back uncovered, there are some grains of sand on your skin and on your shoulders and thigh you can see that the skin is starting to redden. It is a picture taken from right behind you, being in the center of the picture, with the beach and the cove in the background. You remember that day; Judas took you there the day after your high school graduation. Your father and Jesus had left New York on business, your mother was busy with her own stuff, and the rest of the men were recovering from the hangover from your graduation party. Judas came to pick you up at your room at the club and took you to that beautiful cove on the way to New Jersey. You had to turn off the main road onto a barely traveled road that cars couldn't use, luckily Judas' bike was adapted for dirt roads and you arrived at that beautiful cove where you spent the whole day together. Explaining to your mother the blush all over your body when you returned home was difficult, but she didn't ask you for too many details either. You sigh and try to touch the photo, as if you wanted to take a closer look.
"It's also one of my favorite pictures." You hear Judas right next to you and you pull your hand away, glancing sideways at him.
"I didn't even know it existed..." You mutter, he's looking at the photo with a crooked smile, he turns to you with his glass of whiskey in his hand. "I didn't even know you did this for a living..."
"Very few people do..."
"At the club?" You raise an eyebrow and he shrugs.
"John and Andy... Jesus helped me get this up..." He looks sideways at you, seemingly embarrassed to admit it. You smile because from Jesus you expect it, they are lifelong friends.
"They're very pretty." You don't quite know what to say, you see him smile and nod.
"Thank you... they are a future."
"For you?"
"For Mingus... my life is with the club, I decided that, but he doesn't have to follow in my footsteps... a lot of the money I make from this goes into a separate fund for him... for when he's older." You look at him again, your expression must show all the surprise you feel, because he smiles sheepishly again and shrugs. There is something about him that night that you didn't know, he is calm, relaxed, he almost looks like the Norman you shared your youth with, but he seems much more comfortable now. A part of you wants to know, wants to know more about that part of the man and on the other hand you feel afraid, what if you make a mistake and fall again. However you are sure that his words about Mingus are totally true. Judas loves his son, he adores him and if he can keep him away from everything bad, he will do everything he can to make it so. You smile and before you know it your hand caresses Judas’ arm, he looks at you and gently holds your hand.
"Is Mingus okay?" you worry about the boy as you talk about him, he nods and bites his lip.
"He's at home with Eye in the dark." You can't help but laugh as you remember the cat's name and he mimics you. Conversation is easy, it comes up unforced, wandering around the rest of the gallery, just talking, paying no real attention to your surroundings. "Do you want to come and see him? The gallery isn't too far from my apartment." He offers you after a while talking and when you switch drinks once more.
"I actually miss Eye a little bit..." You mutter almost without realizing it. "But Ana... I can't leave her alone."
"I was talking about Mingus, but I guess the cat misses you too." He jokes and you laugh reddening, you see that he laughs too and covers his face with his hand brushing his bangs off his forehead.
"I know Mingus will forgive me for not going to see him today, I think I'm going to get Ana and we should go..."
"Okay, let me get you a cab." He asks and you nod, he sets the cup down on a tray that passes by him and walks over to you, his lips brush your cheek. "You know the way, you can come see us whenever you want." He says to you and leaving your hair standing on end he walks away to hail the cab. When you manage to react you put down your drink and go to find your friend.
Several days pass after the exhibition, neither you nor Ana tell the rest of the club that you went, Judas keeps it a secret because of his son, so you respect that. At work things don't change much, you are playing with the vacations and maternity leaves of the permanent workers, but you still don't have a definite position, you don't worry about it either because you are still taking care of the club's numbers and everything is going well. You have decided to spend less time at the club than before. Your routine is still the same, but now your afternoons and evenings are spent most days between your apartment or your parents' house. Judas takes care of Mingus these days, so you don't see the boy as much as you used to. You feel sorry for him and miss him, but you're not able to deal with his father's presence without feeling your whole body tremble. And you hate that feeling. Ana and John have continued to see each other, you are happy for them, John seems quite affectionate with her and she is delighted to show off such a man. Neither has any commitments to hold on to and they know how to have fun. It's a very free relationship that they both respect. You really want them to be together for a long time.
It's Saturday and you're at home quietly, you've tried to contact Ana to go out for a drink later and eat around, but the brunette hasn't picked up the phone so you imagine she's busy with her man. You settle into your couch and pick up a book giving yourself some peace and read for a while. Rolling, your cat, paces back and forth in the house, he seems a little restless and when he approaches the front door, he meows. He does it a couple of times and the second time you hear a knock at the door. You are surprised because you don't expect anyone in particular. You leave the book on the dining room side table and get up to see who it is. You open your eyes wide in surprise as you open the door. On the other side you find him. Judas. He is leaning with one hand on the door frame of the house and with the other he is rubbing the back of his neck. He looks a little nervous, uneasy, for a second the worst crosses your mind and you look at him worried.
"Judas, what's wrong, is Mingus okay?" It's all you can suddenly think. He lifts his head to look at you and nods with a shrug as he bites his lip.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" he looks at you and a small smile forms on his mouth. You get confused but don't say anything, you feel the neighbors starting to stir in their own homes and you step aside.
"Come in, how did you know where I live?" You close as he enters and walks to the dining room. Rolling runs away, he doesn't like new people.
"I see you got another cat."
"Yes, I found him on the street...you haven't answered me."
"I brought you the other day, remember?"
"Yes, but how did you find my apartment?"
"By looking through the mailboxes." He says as if it's obvious. "I've been looking through the thousands of mailboxes at the entrance of the building for a fucking hour." He says with a sarcastic smile and you can't help but laugh. He sits down on the couch and you sit down on the wing chair. "It's been days since you've been by the club, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, sure, it's nothing. I just don't live there, I've had shift changes during the week and it was more comfortable to come here." You play it down, you're not sure why you're telling him that either, it's none of his business.
"Everything okay at work?" he asks again and you raise your eyebrows.
"What's with this interrogation, since when are you my father?"
"That wasn't my intention." He winces and you can't help but laugh. "Mingus is asking me about you and I don't have much to tell him. I told him I was coming to see you and wanted to see how you were doing." That kid is going to kill you, you don't understand why he has you so captivated, he's just a kid. You have never considered yourself a very maternal woman or good with children, it has always been difficult for you to get along with them, trying to talk or play with them was a challenge and yet, that blond little boy managed to melt your heart. It was a gift he had inherited from his father, no doubt. You sigh and feel Judas looking at you from the corner of his eye, his head down, just looking up at you, his blue eyes fixed on you.
You sigh and grimace not quite knowing what to say. He smiles and nods, stretches and leans against the back of the couch. He's wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt that's wrapped around his arms, his club vest, and black jeans with his boots.
"Thank you for coming to the gallery that night." He says suddenly and that catches you by surprise again.
"I didn't even know it was yours..." You admit again and he laughs." But I liked seeing what you do... I know, well I knew you liked photography...
"I've always interspersed it with the club as a hobby, I would take my camera on our missions and always find something interesting to photograph." He explains and rubs the bridge of his nose. "If it hadn't been for Jesus I wouldn't have opened the gallery, he insisted to me to do it."
"I'm glad he did." You smile and get up, walk into the kitchen and grab two beers, sit down on the couch next to him and hold one out to him, Judas accepts it and settles back on the couch taking a swig. "Was it very successful?"
"Some pictures yes." He admits and grins like a child. "Your picture sold." He tells you and you look at him in surprise.
"The one on the beach?" He nods and you laugh. "Wow, I didn't expect that."
"There was even a bidding, there were several people interested in it." He explains.
"Where's my percentage for image rights?" you joke and he laughs nodding, you're surprised because he reaches into his pants pocket for something and pulls out a brown envelope with something inside.
You raise your eyebrows and stammer because you really didn't mean it. You make a gesture to refuse, but he drops it in your lap. You hesitate for a moment and take it, opening it, your heart calms down. There are more photos. You take them out carefully and discover that they are some of the photos from the gallery, unretouched. Photos of Mingus, of your brother with the guys from the club, of you on the beach, you spot another one you've never seen before and you shudder because it's you, asleep in Judas' bed, in his apartment and against your belly is Eye in the dark asleep. You smile and caress the animal in the photo with affection.
“We didn't go to see him the other day, so I thought I could bring him in somehow.” He tells you and looks at you sideways, you smile and put the photos down on the side table.
"Thank you..." You whisper looking at him out of the corner of your eye, again Judas is closer than you expect, but you don't turn away. His hand clasps you from the back of your neck and he moves a little closer to you. "Norman..." You whisper touching his wrist, but his lips brush against yours, and you don't pull away. You close your eyes as the kiss becomes real, his lips pressing against yours, his thumb caressing your cheek. You sigh and feel your body tremble again.
"Honey!" You hear the door ring loudly and you freeze on the couch. " Are you there?" it's your mother. Your mother is knocking like crazy on your door. You pale and look at Judas in fear. To your surprise he just looks annoyed. "I've seen his bike, tell me he's not there with you!" You hear her scream again and you look at him like he's an idiot.
"You really came with your bike!!!?" You whisper turning away from him. Judas stands up with a shrug, as if everything is normal.
"How did you want me to come?"
"For God's sake." You gasp and cover your face with both hands, then remember that John has a bike much like Judas.
"Open up or I swear to God I'll break the door down!" your mother shouts again.
You move hurriedly and desperately around the apartment, look for where to hide the photos. You pull him out onto the balcony and ask him to stay there, Judas looks at you blankly and you just close the door. Judas tries to enter from the balcony but then the door bursts open and The Mother enters the apartment and he has to hide.
"Mother!" you cry out looking at her without understanding, the woman moves like an animal around the house, looking for the owner of the motorcycle, you move discreetly to hide the balcony door so that she can't see Judas.
"Where is he!" You shout to yourself and look at her confused.
"Judas! His bike is downstairs!"
"Judas? Mother, he's not here! We don't have that kind of relationship, not any more....
"Don't lie to me! What's his motorcycle doing in the street then?"
"His motorcycle... Maybe it's John's, their bikes are the same model and maybe.... Maybe he's with Ana, she lives one street down." You remember and explain to her suddenly wanting her to believe it.
"Fuck... you're going to give me a heart attack." Says the woman running her hands through her hair.
"I'm sorry, but the one who came in here like a hurricane was you." You say crossing your arms and she looks at you apologetically.
"Sorry, it's just that I saw the bike and I thought..." she doesn't know how to explain and looks a little embarrassed, you laugh a little and sigh.
"Was it something important?"
"No, I mean I was just passing by and... I'm sorry, I'd better go."
No one says anything, your mother, everything becomes very awkward. You can't help but glance from time to time towards the balcony where Judas is hiding, you just hope that the man doesn't get an outbreak of stubbornness and decide to go inside, regardless of the consequences it might entail for both of you. Embarrassed decides to leave. You stay in the apartment in silence, waiting a few minutes before going to open the balcony to let Judas in. You see him moving from side to side like a caged animal. His expression is serious and he is biting his thumbnail. You sigh and look at Judas who now is leaning against the back of the couch staring at you, his jaw is tense and his knuckles are white. "You'd better go too, Judas... and don't worry, I'll be back by the club to see Mingus, you don't need to come see me anymore."
"No..." He grunts looking sideways at you and sits up a little.
"No? My mother almost found us out, you shouldn't be here. That kiss meant nothing, thanks for the pictures and now get the fuck out."
Judas looks at you, it's clear that he doesn't want to leave, but things aren't in the mood to get into negotiations. Judas shouldn't be there either, much less get to kiss you, you should have stopped him before and asked him to leave. You appreciate the detail of the photos, you're going to keep them and look at them always with nostalgia and affection, but you refuse to fall for him again. You step aside when he approaches you, you look away because you know that if you look at him again you won't be able to let him go. You feel his hand on your hair and he kisses your forehead, you don't move until he walks out the apartment door and you take a deep breath trying to calm down. You run your hands over your eyes collecting some furtive tears and sit back down in your armchair and resume reading your book. Or at least you try to.
After that incident you decide to stop by the club again. You know Judas might show up at your house again and you don't want to go through that again. So, under the watchful eye of the other men in the gang, you lock yourself in your office in the evenings when you come home from work. You've got a regular morning schedule, one of your colleagues has taken a reduced workday to take care of her son, so you get to cover her four hours in the morning. It's not much, but it's enough to be able to continue to pay for your things, be independent of the club and not have to ask for money from either The Father or Jesus. It also helps distract you from other things. When you go back to the club you see Mingus more often which means that his father is also moving out of New York again with the rest of his brothers. Sometimes he goes off on his own and you can't help but wonder if he'll do it to get ideas for his show. Little Reedus is thrilled to have you around again, after you finish with the bills you always make some time to play with him, before it gets dark, you always say goodbye to the boys and head home. You know the approximate time Judas returns from his escapades and you prefer not to meet him.
That morning there is a meeting, the most faithful members of Jesus are in your office talking about a little business they have to settle with another band on the other side of New York. You listen attentively, it's not a long mission, possibly several days out of town, but it's not like the last trip, Maggie is not there which means that Jesus is not going to take her with him. You give it a month at the most. Apparently they are straining some deals with other gangs that aren't very friendly and they have to calm things down and look for new allies in case things get out of hand. You really don't want to know about that, because that worries you too much. Knowing that they are risking so much for the club makes you anxious. Father listens to Jesus, the young leader puts Matthew, another of his men, in charge of the club for the days they would be away. Jesus gathers John, Andrew and Judas to go with him. His best men. His most trusted men. You write it all down for the record, that's another thing you bring when meetings are held in your presence. You are not usually very involved in them, which you are usually grateful for. You look up and for days you see Judas too close, he is attentive to the meeting but his gaze is fixed on you. When you make contact you can see how the blue color becomes darker as his pupils dilate. The effect on you is immediate, you tighten your legs and lower your head, focusing on the book in front of you. They are definitely going to be gone for a while, when they get everything ready they leave in the afternoon. Jesus says goodbye to Maggie, Andy calls his wife and kids to be quiet, Judas hugs and kisses Mingus promising to bring him something from the trip and John is talking to Ana on the phone. You smile a little saddened, possibly they are saying goodbye or something like that, you liked what they had, you just wish it would have lasted a little longer. That same afternoon they leave New York, Matt will take over the club with no problem, plus The Father will be watching from the shadows, as usual.
The days go by without a problem, you dedicate yourself to work, the accounts, you go out with Ana and take care of Mingus, you have even taken him to your apartment to spend some nights there, when things get out of hand at the club. He sleeps with you in your room, next to Rolling, you are thankful that your bed is a double bed or you would end up sleeping on the couch. Mother checks your accounts and seems proud to be doing well, sometimes she tries to broach the subject of what happened in your apartment but you are able almost every time to change the subject or just not say anything. You'd rather have her figure things out than let something slip out that you might later regret. After two weeks, you're pulling up to the club when you hear motorcycles behind you. You smile as you instantly recognize them; Jesus, Andy and Judas. Your smile fades for a moment when you discover that one of them is missing, you feel your heart squeeze inside your chest and you wait for them to park at the door of the club. You expect to see their sad faces, but the smiles are wide and Jesus comes over to hug you. You don't quite know what to say but everyone seems very calm. Andy gives you a kiss on the cheek and you feel Jude's hand on your head stroking your hair and then he kisses you on the temple. You have to admit that you are a little overwhelmed by so much male attention, especially after so long alone. You turn away from them laughing a little.
"Where's John?" you ask looking at Jesus and they all laugh low.
"He's gone to see his girl." You hear Judas and that surprises you. "Your friend, Ana, has gone straight for her." He smiles and your surprise turns into a long but excited laugh, they just made your day for sure.
"I knew those two would hit it off." You smile and now return those hugs you've been given, even tiptoeing a bit to hug Judas who is surprised but responds to your embrace. You gasp and hear the laughter of the other two members of the 12 Apostles as Judas' hand travels lower than you expected. You pull away and punch him in the chest, but you're content, you're happy, so you don't care. "Come on, let's go inside. The guys can't wait to see you."
None of them object, they can't wait to get back to the club and fall unconscious to a good party like they haven't had for days. You're heading inside when John's bike appears and it's clear he's not coming alone. You laugh and wait for them inside. Soon music and alcohol start to be present throughout the club. Maggie rushes for her man, Andy's wife is there too, Mingus is at your place sleeping, but Judas' favorite girls quickly come up to him to give him his well-deserved welcome. You break away from him, you feel him trying to hold you, but you manage to let go and leave with the rest of the men from the club. Not only do you celebrate the return of your men, but it seems that John has claimed Ana as his own, she seems fine with it and suddenly the men in the club seem a little more respectful and polite to her, it's clear they understand what they might face otherwise. You separate your friend from her penis for a few minutes at least so you can celebrate.
The party goes on throughout the night, you don't remember when was the last day you stayed up so late and especially so drunk, but you are happy and exhilarated by everything that has happened throughout the week. You have to be honest, you've been to Judas' gallery a couple more times knowing you wouldn't find him there. As he told you, your photo has been sold and replaced with another, several of the photos have been sold and exchanged for others that Judas had probably prepared in advance before he left with the club. You continue to be amazed by the double life he leads, the almost perfect balance he seems to have. You look for him with your eyes, he is sitting at one of the tables with several other companions, they are drinking, laughing and with their bitches under their arms while you are rubbing for their attention, but they seem to ignore them completely. That man certainly didn't look like Norman Reedus by any stretch of the imagination. He was drunk, with one beer in his hand and the other on the shoulders of one of his favorite girls. He had his vest on and had taken off his jacket underneath, leaving him in a short-sleeved T-shirt, the sweat made his skin shine a little and the short bangs stuck to his forehead, his ears and the back of his neck. Matt says something you obviously can't hear, but he laughs pointing at him and then looks up to find you can't stop looking at him. His laughter dies into a crooked smile. He drinks from his beer bottle, leaves it there as he releases the girls and gets up from his chair leaving the conversation with the guys. He walks in your direction. He's heading straight for you.
Coming for you.
"Hello, beautiful." You have to look up to find a pair of light blue eyes watching you. A blond man, with mid-length hair, with a blond goatee and he smiles without taking his eyes off you. You stammer, the alcohol is taking its toll on you. You look over your shoulder, Judas has stopped behind him.
"Hi..." You mumble and he moves a little closer to you. "Who...?"
"My name is Jax, can I buy you a drink?"
"Yeah... yeah, sure." You look out of the corner of your eye that Judas has stopped and you feel the blond's arm around you and pull you towards the bar.
You open your eyes the next day. You are in your room, your head hurts terribly and you groan at a new prick when you try to open your eyes and the light hits your retinas in a cruel way. You sit up in bed looking around you, you are alone and you have little flashes of what happened last night; the arrival of Jesus and the others at the party, everyone having fun, everyone enjoying the fact that they had returned safe and sound. The moment you saw Judas and he seemed to want to come to you, but then that boy, Jax appeared and... you shake your head feeling it hurt again. You don't remember much after that, the alcohol was a mortal enemy and has created a gap in your head. Luckily you are dressed, at least in your underwear, no one is sleeping next to you, which means you arrived alone or whoever accompanied you left after leaving you there. You sigh long and sit up in bed, you need a shower, clear your mind a bit and a coffee.
You leave the room with clean clothes and your hair still wet, you go down to the bar and see the rest of Jesus' men lying all over the place, sleeping as best you can. You smile because some of them are still cuddling with their girlfriends even with their pants down. You bite back a laugh and walk over to the bar to make yourself a cup of coffee, look for a pill to take away your headache and once you have your coffee ready you go upstairs to your office hoping not to find anything indecent there or any trace that something has happened there. It's too early, your head still hurts and you haven't even taken a sip of your coffee yet, but you need to do something to keep your mind distracted until the rest of the men finally react.
You are startled after a few hours when the door to the office opens and several members of the 12 Apostles walk in, and behind them come other men of whom you only recognize the blond, half-haired man. Jax. It is clear that he belongs to another gang, you can read the name as they pass by the desk where you are working. Sons of Anarchy. You want to remember something about them, their headquarters is in California but they are spread across much of the country. They protect one of the boroughs of New York, there has never been hostilities between your gangs, but you weren't exactly allies either. However they are there, an older man, not as old as your father, but short white hair, he and Jax are followed by a rather tall, young man, possibly Jax's age, there are a couple of other men next to Judas and John, possibly of a similar age to them. You look at them in confusion, The Father is also there and approaches your table with a gentle smile.
"Sweetheart, can you bring us last year's account book, please?" he asks and you nod.
You all go into the meeting room you have there. You get up grabbing the book from the cabinet where you keep them and you call to the door of the room, as you enter everyone has taken a seat along the wide table and you leave the account book to Jesus, you aren’t quite sure who you should consider the leader now, but he is usually the one in charge of everything so you do it by instinct. You smile and are about to leave, but again The Father's voice stops you.
"No, please, stay, this also concerns you." You are surprised as you are never usually in that kind of negotiations. You nod and grabbing a chair you sit down next to Andy who seems to be the one who has woken up the best that morning.
"We thank you for agreeing to negotiate with us." The Father speaks and looks at you. "I want to introduce you to Clay leader of Sons of Anarchy and Jax his son and future president." He mentions and you smile, you feel the blond's gaze on you and you don't know very well how to react, you don't remember what happened after arriving at the bar and ordering your drinks. "She’s my daughter, is in charge of the club's accounts, both the legal work we have here and in the workshop as well as the other businesses. I know all this time we've been working in parallel, but the dope is starting to creep into our territory and I know we both want the same thing."
"So, you want us to merge our clubs?" He looks at him curiously Jax and Jesus shakes his head, interjecting.
"Not at all, we just want to join forces, between them they are allying and taking more and more ground."
"It's obvious we need each other and your club is well supplied, it's true." Jax looks at the accounts next to Oppie and Clay. "It wouldn't hurt to join forces, plus we could have each other's backs with guns and the rest of the jobs." He looks at Jesus who nods his head.
"No need for an answer now, you guys can stay at the club for a few days, we can go over some planning..." Insists Jesus and Jax nods his head, his gaze falls back on you, you even feel Judas look at you.
"I would like, if in the end we accept the alliance, for her to be in the pact." Jax says pointing at you. You freeze, staring wild-eyed at the rest of the table. Judas has his fists clenched tightly, Jesus looks confused and The Father smiles. There's something about that smile you don't like.
"My sister?" Jesus looks sideways at you and then back at the blond. "Why?"
"It would be a good way to unify our clubs. I'll be president when Clay is gone and she's your sister, someday she'll take over all this..."
"No." Judas' voice makes your hair stand on end.
"Judas..." Jesus tries to get him to shut up. The Father removes his smile and frowns. You too are confused, there is something about this whole situation that you don't understand, there is something going on that only Jesus and Judas know about, or so it seems. You look at the rest of the group that is there and it is evident that John and Andy also know what is going on. You frown, you're starting to get flustered.
"I said no." Judas says again and Jax looks at him with a crooked grin.
"What's the matter, man, is it that she turns you on and you want to claim her? You should have thought of that before." He smirks and Judas rises from his chair abruptly. Jax gets up at the same time facing him, you watch the whole situation in disbelief, is this really happening? Are they fighting like two animals for you? Are they pretending you have no say?
"She’s mine." Judas whispers in a growl and you freeze.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
I'll see you in the next story!
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littlegodzilla · 3 years
12 Apostles JudasxFemReader +18 FINAL.
Okay, so here I come! This is the last part of that serie, I have to say thank you so much for all the reading and love and comments that you gave to me, it meant too much for me. I was a little scared to post something so long, but it worth it.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.
This part it pretty long because I fixed all in one last chapter so... I hope it will not become too boring.
Summary: You are part of a club called the 12 Apostles, you are the daughter of the Leader and Judas is the right hand of your brother, the next leader. Warning: M, Smut (Yes, finally, sorry!), +18.
N/A; I said it’s Lady Gaga’s fault but it’s also Son Of Anarchy’s fault…
N/A: Sorry for my English, it isn't my fisrt language.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
taglist: @browneyes528 @phoenixblack89 @purple-serenity @pncnsc
(If you want to be on the list, just let me know!)
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You look at them crossing your arms, Jax is quite a bit taller than Judas, but Judas doesn't seem to care about those extra inches, he lifted his head, squared his shoulders trying to make himself bigger that way and bites his lower lip while still frowning. Jax doesn't remove the twisted smile from his mouth and it is evident that he wants to fight with the brunet. Jesus stands up as well, banging his head on the table to get his attention. Your father and Clay also get up, not understanding what this is all about.
"I think that for today the meeting is over." Jesus speaks before your Father intervenes and bangs the gavel on the table. Reluctantly Clay manages to get Jax out of there and slowly the 12 Apostles leave as well.
"Leave me with them, Father." He asks the man. "I need you to calm the atmosphere down there." He doesn't look too pleased, but finally he leaves and Jesus closes the door to the meeting room. It's just the three of you; Jesus, Judas and you. You look at both men and it's obvious which Judas has deflated, whatever he was willing to do to Jax for opening his mouth was gone and now he had his eyes fixed on the floor.
"I'm sorry." He says to your brother. "I didn't mean to...I know I shouldn't have...”
“It's okay, brother, this was bound to happen sooner or later..." Jesus shakes his head and lets Judas rest his forehead on his shoulder. You are fed up with the whole situation, you need explanations. You get up from your chair drawing the attention of both men.
"What's going on here? I have anything to say? are you going to raffle me off like I'm a fucking prize?"
"Sis, calm down, it's something we wanted to tell you in due time." Jesus starts, but you don't want to hear it.
"I'm not a fucking object! I don't know what the fuck this all means but I don't belong to anyone!"
"Not yet." Jesus agrees and then looks at Judas who stands silently a few steps behind him observing the whole situation. "Listen, ten years ago, The Father found out about your relationship with Norman." You both shudder as your brother uses his real name. "Our father was angry, our mother almost had a stroke, he sent us on a mission and forced me to punish him..." He mutters and you see the two men lower their heads. "I had to because our father was there watching, but when he left I promised him you would be his, I gave him my blessing so you two could be together later..."
"That's bullshit, I was of age, I could have chosen whoever I felt like, you didn't have to plan anything behind my back." You are angry and you feel your eyes stinging.
"Your Father would never have left us." That's when Judas speaks up. "I may have the title of Vice President but your parents would never have left the club in my hands, even if you were with me... They never forgave what my father did to them, he pretended in front of everyone that he accepted me, but he never trusted me so I had to walk away and he would think it was all over."
"Was Mingus part of the plan too?" you say angrily and wipe away a sneaky tear.
"That doesn't..."
"That doesn't matter now. Our father forced him to bring that woman with him, and the things that have happened can no longer be fixed, but we are trying to have a different future." He explains and you raise your head like a spring, a different future? It's ironic since it's the same thing Judas had told you a few days ago in your apartment about Mingus, about his gallery, did that future also involve the club? Maybe Judas and Norman Reedus weren't as different as you first thought. Still all that doesn't make sense, you can't be Judas' girl, you never accepted that, they can't keep you there as a reserve for when he wants to claim you, things don't work like that. At least you're not going to let them be like that with you. Norman had his chance, you really don't believe what Jesus has said about your father, your father accepted Judas into the club many years ago, it didn't make sense.
"We are trying to change the direction of the club from within." Judas' voice brings you out of your thoughts. "We're fed up with the gun running, the problems with the police, the gangs, we want to make the club legal..." Okay, you have to admit that you weren't expecting that at all.
"We've never said anything to you because you've never been involved in the action, the club's accounts would be reduced but it wouldn't change too much for you... but it's something we have to do when our father is gone." Jesus insists and you stammer not knowing what to say. "I brought Jax and his men because they want the same thing they’re trying to take Clay's position away from him, if we join forces it will be much easier, but it's something we have to do little by little..."
"How many people know?"
"Andy and John... they are the only ones I fully trust." Jesus is sincere and Judas nods you look at them and run your hands over your face trying to process all that. "What I didn't expect is that Jax would want to claim you." At that moment it's your turn to avert your gaze and lower your head in embarrassment. You don't quite remember what happened the night before. You're sure that you and Jax didn't have a moment, it's also true that waking up alone in your bed doesn't mean anything, but you're convinced that if that man had spent the night with you. You would remember. "But I'll talk to him, I'm sure you aren’t a priority for the covenant otherwise... we'll look for someone else." Your brother declares and then sighs. He gently taps his right hand on your shoulder and exits the meeting room leaving you alone.
You don't quite know what to say, you feel the anger has subsided a bit and you feel bad about it, you shouldn't just accept what happened, you feel used and for some strange reason, you feel relief to know what is happening. Somehow it all makes sense; why Judas stopped talking to you, why they disappeared for so long, why the men at the club have never tried to approach you like that, why Judas showed up with that woman as if she was his but they never really hit it off. Everything seemed to fit together like a puzzle and yet you're still overthinking your head. You tense up when you notice that Judas is moving, he has taken out his phone and seems to be looking for something. He approaches you and shows you a photograph. You recognize it, you've seen it in Judas' gallery when you went the other time with Ana, it's blurred, you can't really see what it is, but you don't understand why he's showing it to you either. You look at him and he changes the image, you look down and cover your mouth with both hands to discover that it is the same picture, but now you see clearly what it is; it is Judas, his face is destroyed from a severe beating, broken nose, eyes completely black, split lip and hair mixed in blood and dirt. You look at him and he pulls the phone away from you a little.
"You can think what you want, that's your complete right, but I don't want you to think Jesus is a liar or a traitor to your father. Because he isn't. He did this to me on your father's orders, I'm not blaming him either, he did what he had to do. But he's telling you the truth, we're... he's trying to fix the club, so that no one else gets hurt." You stay quiet, looking at him, his pupils are dilated, there is passion and anger in them, he is not lying to you, they are really plotting something so that the club becomes something legal, something new and good. You don't say anything, you see him go to the door and leave, you need one more moment alone to think.
You take out your cell phone and text Ana asking her if she is alone, she responds positively and asks you if something is wrong, you don't answer, you just pick up your stuff and leave the club. She is your best friend, you need to talk to her, tell her everything that has happened in such a short time, besides John is aware of everything, it's not like you are betraying your brother or something like that.
It takes you twenty minutes to walk from the club to your friend's house, actually you have been almost running, while you were leaving you had heard Andy calling you to take you with his motorcycle, but you had ignored him completely. What you really need is to clear your mind, stop thinking about everything, stop crying like you are doing and control yourself a little, get your mind in order. You arrive at your friend's apartment and knock on the door. Ana takes a few minutes to open the door and when she sees you she lets you hug her, hiding your face on her shoulder, as if you were a little girl who has done something very bad. You go into the apartment and sit on the sofa. Ana doesn't say anything, waiting for you to recover a little and giving you time to talk without feeling pressured. You tell her everything.
You tell her about Judas, about Norman, you tell her about everything you went through together, you tell her about when he disappeared, when he came back with that woman, you tell her about how it was taking care of Mingus, you tell her about the club and the new intentions Jesus has to remodel it from the inside, about how Judas is even with him, they both want to change the club and that's why they need help. You tell him about the beating Jesus gave Judas for being with you at your father's command and that's why he walked away. You tell him about the covenant, the "blessing" Jesus gave Judas to be with you when everything calmed down. You tell him that you are confused, hurt and angry. Your feelings for Judas are still too present and too strong and you hate yourself for it because you should be angry with your brother and with him. But you can't. Ana listens to you without saying anything, she just lets you vent and cry as much as you need to. When you're done you're a snotty mess with red, puffy eyes. Ana hugs you warmly and strokes your hair.
"You want my opinion? I think you should send it all to hell. If it's true that Judas still wants to be with you, why not have fun? I think I told you that before and I'll tell you again. Have fun, he's been having fun out there no matter how much he says he loves you..."
"Well it's not like I've been in a convent either..."
"No, but I'm sure he turns you on quite a bit more." She smiles wiggling her eyebrows, you laugh and run your hands over your face and nod.
"I guess you're right... sorry for just popping in like that it's just... I needed to talk to someone."
"Hey don't apologize to me. We've been friends for many years, if you didn't tell me these things I'd be offended."
You look at her again gratefully and consider what she has told you. It could be good, remembering those moments with Judas, with Norman, when you were together. However you're not entirely sure if you could handle it. You need to think it through. The rest of the day you spend together, you watch a movie, you talk about nothing in particular, Ana tells you how things are going with John, something that makes you happy and you enjoy the fact that they are doing well. Afterwards you go out and have some fun, girls' night out and your mind wanders a bit and everything seems to weigh a little less. The rest of the night you forget about everything.
A few days pass after the meeting that the club had with Sons of Anarchy, At first it's awkward for you to run into Jax around the club, but the blond seems fun. On one of those afternoons when you're in your office, Jax walks into your office surprising you, there's a soft, mischievous smile on his face as he nods at you.
"May I?"
"Yeah, sure, come on in." You smile setting the ledgers aside. The blond closes the door behind himself and advances to your desk. "Is something wrong?"
"I wanted to apologize, Jesus told me what's going on between you and Judas." You look at him in surprise and lower your head feeling your cheeks redden a little.
"You don't have to apologize, there's nothing going on between him and me.... Not anymore, it happened a long time ago and now things are .... complicated." You sigh heavily because this topic is starting to wear on you. "But I do want to ask you something, did something happen between us the other night, why did you want me to be part of the deal?" You look at him confused and he smiles in amusement with a shrug.
"I thought it would sound more interesting if I wanted to have you in my gang, which your father wouldn't hesitate to agree to on those terms, Clay was looking forward to it too, but I didn't expect your guard dog to interfere."
"I'm sorry... And he's not my guard dog..." You try to justify Judas and see the blond's smirk, you roll your eyes and shake your head. "Whatever... And what about the other thing?"
"No, nothing happened, not out of desire I have to say, you have an impressive alcohol resistance, but you fell asleep at the bar like a baby and that guy.... Andy, took you to the room and politely told me to stay still or he'd blow my balls off."
"Yeah... Sounds like Andy, but more British." You joke and he laughs with you nodding his head. "Sorry..." You apologize anyway and he shrugs.
"There's nothing to forgive, I doubt the night would have ended like that, it sounds to me like that guy, he's more in your head than you want to admit."
You lower your gaze at that and feel your cheeks burn as your pulse quickens, he doesn't know you two at all and yet he knew how to read you perfectly. You feel him move again to get closer to you, but then the door opens, Jesus and his companions appear through the door and suddenly the atmosphere becomes rarefied. Mentally you hope that no one misunderstands the situation.
"You've come up early for the meeting" John comments with a menacing tone in his voice.
"I had some things to work out with your Sister." He says with a shrug and leans over giving you a kiss on the cheek, you redden and out of the corner of your eye you see Judas frown hard. Great.
The meeting is only with some members of the gang, they have tricked the old bosses to show him the district and how they work there to try to convince them in the union of both gangs. What they agree to is irrelevant, what really matters to Jesus is that Jax agrees to their terms and conditions, that his people support the move and prevail over the old blood.They still have a lot of things to work out to help them with their gang problems. Jax seems to be trying to do the same thing with his gang as Jesus did in the 12 Apostles, but Clay isn't making it easy for him either; the old blood relies on the old ways, on what kept them all safe, risking his people trying to legalize everything seems like a joke, which should be a good thing for everyone, apparently it's fucking crazy.
You haven't had a moment to talk with Judas again, he's busy with the club and his gallery, Mingus tells you he's getting to the apartment pretty late, exhausted, but he seems happy, surely the pictures are selling well and that future he so longs for his son is closer. You too have been avoiding him locked up in the office, at work or at home, there was always some excuse not to be too close to the club when all your brother's men were there.
However Ana's words keep echoing in your head "have fun" she had told you that day when you arrived full of snot and your eyes swollen from crying so much, like a damn baby. Your feelings towards Judas, towards Norman, have not changed, you know it is something difficult to happen, you have even been in love with him all your life, but the pain of deceit and lies is still too present in you, they do not let you take the step you would like, or at least try.
You sigh because you don't really know how you got here. The night before you had a shift at the hospital, you slept all day today and you were like a damn owl on the couch at home not knowing what to do. You've changed shifts with Ana so you couldn't meet up with her to go to the club to drink and play some pool. You were face down on the couch, staring at nothing when you decided to take a shower, put on something nice and go for a walk. What you didn't expect was that your feet, shod in nice, comfortable black booties, would carry you to the door of Norman's gallery. You tremble shifting your weight from one foot to the other undecided, you don't know if he might be there, you don't know if you are able to face him or you will just turn around and go home. You swallow saliva releasing your hair, arranging it on your shoulders and you enter, maybe you are not as elegant as the last time you were there, but the young woman who is at the door controlling the entrance and exit doesn't seem to care, she smiles at you and you get lost among the pictures. Many have been sold, which makes you happy, being replaced by more extravagant ones, by casual moments and some new ones of Norman with Mingus, where you never see anyone's face, but you recognize them. You're curious if there are any new photos of you, but you find nothing. It's a little disappointing, your smile weakens a little, when you feel your shoulder being tapped. Your whole body tenses up believing that Judas has discovered you and you have no good excuse to explain how you got there. However when you turn around you sigh in relief to discover that it is the same young woman who was at the entrance. You look at her in confusion and she seems a little nervous.
"Mr. Reedus didn't warn us that you would be here by before the opening." She says and you frown.
"He didn’t know I was coming...what opening?"
"He's opened another room in the gallery, it's a new exhibition." She seems hesitant, as if she's telling you something you weren't supposed to know, at least not at the moment. You start to get pissed off at all the secrets Judas is having with you, as if you have no say in it.
"Can I see it? I won't say anything to Ju... to Norman." You tell her rectifying his name at the last moment. "I'd love to see what he's doing, he said something about some new pictures, but he never tells me anything." You feign an innocent pout and the young woman seems to take pity on you.
The two of you walk to one of the rooms in the gallery that you hadn't seen before, it's all dark but you see a huge sign that says "The Judas’ secret, new opening " which makes your confusion and curiosity increase. The girl at the entrance turns on the light so that the room is illuminated and leaves you there to return to her work. You hesitate for a moment, reading once again the sign at the entrance " The Judas’ secret ", take a deep breath and enter the room. You are petrified when you discover what the theme is about. They are pictures of you. All of them. You should feel strange, you should feel uncomfortable and even be angry with him for exposing you like this without your permission, but you can't. They're not just pictures of you. They are not only photos of you alone, but moments, memories, moments with him, as always your faces are hidden by something, a hand, hair, blurred when Judas edited them, but you recognized the places, that precise moment came back to your memory. There are many of your relationship, when you escaped from the club, when you got lost, when you hid in his apartment and the nights turned into day and you kept enjoying each other. It isn’t a finished room, as the girl told you, there are things missing, you see the holes, you see the plaques but not the images. You walk around the room stopping at some images that are more recent. You are alone, distracted, observing the nothingness, smiling, talking with the boys, enjoying the company, you are with Mingus, taking care of the child, playing with him, enjoying his presence. Judas has never stopped looking for you, never stopped having an eye on you. It's something that these photos show you and you feel it tighten in your chest. You stop in front of one in particular. You are asleep on your desk, with the club's account books on the table and serving you as a pillow, your face is relaxed, you are in a deep sleep and on your back, covering you like a blanket, you are wearing the club's Judas vest, but that's not what catches your attention, behind you, blurred because the target of the photo was really you, is him, sitting on the couch in the office, quiet, with his elbows on his knees, one hand on his chin and his eyes on you, watching over you, protecting you without you being aware of it.
Another photo catches your attention much more strongly than the previous one, located next to the one you just saw. Your body shudders and memories flood you for an instant. The image projects your hands, you are holding hands, your fingers intertwined and on your ring finger rests a plastic ring. It's stupid, but for you it meant a promise.
You remember that day, Judas had returned from a mission after two weeks out of town. You arrived at his apartment that night, sneaking out of your parents' house like you used to do. When you entered the house and greeted Eye you went straight to meet Norman who was already waiting for you with dinner ready. It was an intense night, it had been a long two weeks for you and seeing the man again had ignited a flame inside you wanting to devour him completely. Lying on the couch, you were caressing Jude's chest with affection when the man looked at you holding your hand in his.
"Marry me." He asked sliding the plastic ring from one of the bottles down your finger. Your chest squeezed at that moment and you hugged him crying on his shoulder.
After that pretending you had no feelings for him when you were with the rest of the band was hard, you just wished you were coming of age so you could be with Judas in a formal way at last, but that never happened. A few months later the man came back from his longest mission with the gang and with that woman under his arm. Your heart broke into a thousand pieces as Judas stopped addressing you, there was always someone in the way, he never had a moment alone for you to explain what had happened. Little by little you began to build a wall over your heart so that the pain would disappear and when The Father gave the news that she was pregnant, the walls became stronger.
But now...
You leave the gallery with a thousand thoughts in your mind, you feel agitated, confused and too eager to scream. Your life was so much easier before, how had it suddenly become so complicated? You walk with your hands under your armpits feeling the cold of the night, you should go home and stop thinking about everything, however your feet have taken a different direction, but first you will buy some dinner.
Judas is concentrating on his computer, he’s a little late with the new exhibition he has planned, he doesn't have too much material, there are many of them that he wants to keep just for himself, so choosing is being a real odyssey. He rubs his chin with some despair and sighs as his brain collapses once again. It's too late. Another day will follow. He turns off the computer running his hands over his face and hair leaning back in his chair. He hears Mingus laughing in the living room of the huge apartment and smiles, maybe enjoy a little of the small clear his mind and, for another day, make his work easier. He leaves his small office turning off the light and closing the door, it is one of the only places in the house that Mingus and Eye in the Dark are totally forbidden to enter. He heads into the living room to discover his little boy playing with the cat that has hidden under the side table and attacks his feet every time he walks past. Eye is gentle with the boy, not using his claws to catch him, stretching out his paws and swiping at his feet when he detects them, but not intending to hurt him. Mingus throws himself on the carpet and scares the little black cat who runs off into the rooms, Mingus goes after him without thinking. Judas opens his mouth to tell the little guy to calm down a bit when there is a knock at the door.
He frowns slightly and looks at the clock, it's too late to expect any visitors. He stands in the middle of the hallway and checks his phone. He doesn't have any messages or calls from his brothers at the club, so it must not be them. He walks slowly when he hears another call, next to the door he has a small cabinet where he leaves his keys, he slowly opens the drawer trying not to make noise and takes out a gun, places the barrel against the door and looks through the peephole. He is petrified to discover who is on the other side. He quickly puts the gun back in the drawer and yanks open the door.
"What…?" The surprise is more than evident in his voice. You stand there, head bowed holding a paper bag with a few tokens of takeout. His brow furrows because he doesn't understand anything.
"Hello..." You mutter daring to raise your head at last to face him. You're dead embarrassed, you've been debating for half an hour whether to go up or not, you've called the elevator two or three times and fled the first two when the doors opened before you. Yet now you're there and you don't even know what to say. "Are you hungry? I brought some dinner..." It's a start though you know Judas isn't expecting that answer, though he hasn't asked you the question either. You see him bite his thumbnail for a second before letting go of the door and stepping aside.
"Sure, come in."
"Is Mingus in?"
"Sure, where do you want him to be?" you know he doesn't mean to sound annoyed with you, it's just something so obvious that father and son should be together that he seems to be hurt by your hesitation.
"No, sorry, you're right." You shake your head. "I had a late shift last night and my brain cells haven't yet..." You try to justify yourself.
"Is that why you're here?" Curiosity is now evident in him. You grab your bags and make your way to the kitchen, you know that damn place like it was your own home. Maybe one day it was. You look around, not much has changed, if you discover any renovations in the living room, it's a little smaller, it looks like he's expanded the terrace, probably so he can play with Mingus there on nice days in New York, he still has plenty and plenty of room.
You both enter the kitchen. Judas looks curiously at the bags of food and takes out the Chinese food you ordered, checking the tupperware. He smiles. He seems satisfied with the choice you made when ordering. It's not like it's the first time you've done it, to tell you the truth, this way you had an advantage. You don't quite know what to say, you know that Judas has left a question up in the air, that he hasn't insisted on it, but he's waiting for you to answer. You twitch nervously, ready to open your mouth, when your body lurches forward with a small tackle. You gasp in surprise, eyes wide, look down and see Mingus clutching at your legs like a burning nail.
"Auntie!" he shouts with joy and you feel him squeeze you a little tighter. You smile and stroke his blond hair. In the position he's holding you you can't turn around and hug him back, you have to wait for him to pull away. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Judas on the other side of the counter, leaning with his hands on the edge of the counter, tensing his arms, squaring his broad shoulders, he looks at you with a soft smile that rubs off on you. "You came!" he releases you at last, and you are able to bend down and hug him. "Dad said you'd come to see us when you’ll be less busy." He smiles broadly and your heart skips a beat.
"Hey champ, sorry I took so long, I've been a little... busy, yeah." You don't know how to justify yourself to him, in theory fooling the little guy should be easier, but when you look at him you are unable to. "But I'm here now, and I've brought dinner."
"Actually, Mingus has already had dinner." You hear Judas' voice on the other end and slowly you sit up to look at him. His little smile is now twisted and mocking. "You always over ask, never learn." He tells you and you know he's joking. It has always happened to you, it's true. Whenever you ordered takeout you would always repeat the leftovers the next day, at first it was a little frustrating, then you started to see it as a huge advantage.
"Whatever's left over for tomorrow." You say without being too aware of what that means, however Judas is, and his pupils dilate for a moment.
"Sure..." His voice sounds deeper, like a growl, but you don't pick up on it. Mingus has captured much of your attention. He talks non-stop, telling you about everything you've missed those days you've been "busy " he tells you about school, his homework, the trips to the club, his evenings at Andy's house playing with his kids, he tells you that his father has also been very busy those days and finally he tells you about his little adventures with Eye. You laugh about it all and feel a little sorry for the cat. Eye has always been a bit wild, he doesn't tolerate human petting too much, he has always preferred Judas to you and now he even seems to be more protective of the little guy. "Come on, Mingus." Again Judas' voice brings you out of your thoughts. "It's time to go to bed."
"What, but auntie just got here!" He pouts enormously. "And I'm not sleepy!"
"Of course you are." The man smiles as he watches him rub his eyes trying to stay awake. "Eye is already waiting for you in bed and you know it, plus you have school tomorrow."
"But..." He turns to you, looking for support and you look at him apologetically.
"I'm sorry, kiddo, but your father is right. I promise you that another day I will come earlier and we can play as much as you want." You tell him and he seems quite happy with this, Mingus yawns loudly and Judas comes to his rescue by taking him in his arms, the little boy leans against his chest, all the energy he had playing with Eye is gone in a flash. Judas looks at you and he walks down the corridor with the child in his arms. You hesitate for a second and follow him down the hallway a few steps behind. Judas enters the little boy's room, decorated to perfection, with various toys scattered everywhere and a bed decorated with superhero sheets. You stand in the doorway of the room watching as Judas lays the little boy on the bed, tucks him in and kisses his forehead lovingly. Mingus is a bit of a nag and looks up at you. It's obvious he expects you to say goodnight too. You smile and approach the boy as his father steps aside. You kiss him on the cheek and wish him good night. The two of you leave the room as the little boy falls asleep.
You two return to the kitchen. You don't open your mouths, there is a strange atmosphere, to be honest you didn't expect to be alone with him so soon, you would have liked to enjoy Mingus a little longer but you were too late. You help Judas place the dinner things on the side table next to the sofa. You unfold it and sit down on the comfortable sofa. Your back seems to remember its comfort because suddenly your body relaxes and your mind regales you with various memories of everything that couch has been through and seen. Judas' gasps and moans dull your ears and your body shudders as you let the memories wash over you. Judas next to you passes you one of the tuppers of Chinese food and with trembling hands you pick it up putting some on your plate. He eats, for a few minutes, in silence, but he is a nervous and overly curious person and for you to be there, without saying anything, as if it were part of the daily plan. Like a routine. He drops his silverware and turns to look at you as he rubs his chin with his hand and then rests it there, still looking at you.
"Are you going to tell me at some point what's going on?" he finally speaks and you stop eating too.
"At some point..." You agree without daring to look at him.
"Today? Or will you wait for any other opportunity to run away?" there's irony in his voice, you can see he's not well either, after the conversation in the office and him revealing to you that you belonged to him things had become tense at the club and you avoiding him doesn't help either.
"Don't talk to me like that..." You sigh setting your silverware down on your plate and shake your head. "I don't know what I'm doing here..." You say at last. His gaze is locked on you, much more intense than before and it makes you nervous. "I've been thinking about you since that day in the office... how I should feel..."
"Have you figured it out?" he asks patiently, turns his body slightly towards you, resting an elbow on the back of the couch.
"No, but..." You sigh and dare to look at him. "I guess that's why I'm here, I... I was at home not knowing what to do, I went outside and started walking... I got to the gallery." You look at him again and see him tense his jaw slightly, biting his lip nervously. "I saw the exhibition... the new one" You whisper quietly, you appreciate how his body tenses, but he still doesn't change his gesture. You can see his pupils dilate and the blue color of his eyes take on an electric hue. Dangerous.
"Have you seen it?" he asks, his voice low, with a growl.
"Yes... I didn't know... I didn't think..."
"What? Say it, you didn't believe, what, that I was serious?" He sounds angry, growls like a wounded animal, but his gesture remains calm, controlling. "I've always been there, for you, I've always watched over you. I'm not going to justify what I did, because I can't, because I was stupid, but within that; I never stopped caring about you. I couldn't be with you, I couldn't make a false step. Anything that would cause your father to find out I was seeing you again would mean the end. He would have done anything to keep you away. He would have taken you away, as far away from me as possible, he would have killed me and if he didn't succeed, I would have gone crazy trying to find out where he had hidden you."
"You could have told me..."
"Don't you listen to me? I couldn't risk you, I couldn't just walk up and talk to you, it wasn't that simple. I have let my guard down now that Jesus is reasserting his power in the club. Your Father is old and growing weaker every day. I have no love for him and I truly hope he dies suffering, but when that happens, I can claim you." He said releasing air forcefully through his nose, like a bull.
"I'm not an object you can reserve in a store, you know, I'm a person, I have my own thoughts, I make my own decisions, I have an opinion about this... You can't expect me to wait until..." You fall silent and lower your head in pain, scared to death, but mostly ashamed.
"You can't wait for what?" He calls out to you, suddenly his voice sounds terribly close, his warm breath vibrates against your head. "Look at me." It's a command dragged out in a thick gasp. Slowly you lift your head to look at him, his breath is ragged, it runs all over your face and your noses collide. "Can't you wait, for what?" he insists.
"For you to claim me... I've been waiting too long for you; I can't take it anymore.”
His mouth crashes against yours. It is violent, desperate, his mouth encompasses and demands upon yours, his tongue bursts inside your mouth and tangles with your own tongue. His hand closes tightly on the back of your neck, pulls at your hair and a moan escapes you. There is no gentleness, at least not now. Judas' free hand tightens on your thigh and moves up to your waist to press your body as close to his as possible. As if he wants to melt into you. His mouth mistreats yours, kisses you desperately, bites your lips leaving them red and swollen. But you don't care, you need more. When you are able to reciprocate you wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him intensely, panting against his mouth for some air, but he gives you no respite. The food has clearly taken a back seat, as has your conversation. Judas pulls you up to straddle his waist. You settle in by giving the table a little kick, it's too close to your wiggle room, but right now neither of you seem to care that something might end up in the dream and stain the carpet. There will be time for that.
You pull away from Judas' mouth at last, he goes back on the attack but you bite the top of his ear and he stops, his hands tightening on your waist. You gasp at the feel of him, you trap his lobe between your lips giving him a little tug, he grunts as you move down to his neck, you kiss and bite his skin. You sit on his lap and move against him, causing some friction between the two of you, hearing him let out a longer gasp. His hands move from your waist to your booties yanking them off, one of them hits the table and the plate jumps, but stays in place. Judas moves his hands up again, unloads one of his hands on your buttock and you groan at the sensation of discomfort that has ruffled your hair. He repeats the action, but this time, after the spanking, he grabs your cheek and you moan louder into his ear.
"Calm down, girl." He says against your lips. "We don't want to wake Mingus..." You gasp and shake your head, look up at him and kiss him biting his lip.
"Let's go to bed..." You whisper in his ear and before you can even move, he grabs your thighs and stands up with you on top of him. You can't help but let out a gasp of surprise holding tightly to his shoulders, you feel him laugh and you bite his ear again. He stops in the hallway pinning you against the wall.
"Don't do that..." He growls glaring at you. The shove against the wall has knocked the wind out of you, but you recover enough to grin mischievously at him.
"Why, are you just not able to control yourself, have you gotten too old?" You provoke him and you can see his gaze darken once again, however this time you feel some fear as he pushes you away from the wall.
"You're going to regret that." He assures you.
You enter the room, he releases you long enough to turn and close the door. You back away, trying to put some control in the situation, but it's clear that your comment has touched his pride more than you expected. He moves towards you, like an animal surveying its prey, pupils dilated, his blue color has turned dark, electric, he has squared his back and shoulders and surprisingly looks much larger, he pulls his arms back to pull his t-shirt over his head and drops it to the floor. You shiver at the image before you and unconsciously squeeze your legs together. Judas senses this and smiles, licking his lips as he continues to move closer to you. Your legs crash against the mattress and before you can pull away, Judas has laid you down on the mattress, getting on top of you. He kisses you, his mouth dominating yours, leaving your lips red and swollen again, he moves down your neck, licks and bites the skin under your ear knowing that for you it is an extremely sensitive area, you throw your head back unable to hold back a moan. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling his hair slightly, but Judas pulls away holding you by the wrists, putting them above your head.
"Is it that you can't resist touching me, little girl?" he says wryly and you smile defiantly. "Are you like a desperate old woman?" He finishes and you can't help but laugh heartily.
Your laughter is cut short by another nibble on your neck, you want to hug him again, but you're not going to give him that satisfaction, you grab the sheets and stretch your neck giving him more space. He goes down slowly, runs his mouth over it, down your collarbone, bites the bone leaving a small mark, goes down a little more and bites again, this time your chest, over the fabric of your t-shirt and over your bra. You smile because he seems really desperate. He pulls your shirt up to pull it over your head and you can see he smiles triumphantly when he discovers that your bra has a front clasp. He unclasps it and yanks it off you. You moan low as his mouth takes over one of your breasts, he licks your nipple, sucks and pinches it with his teeth, you arch at the sensation of pleasure, his free hand catches your other breast massaging it and squeezing the nipple, you moan low and bite your lip trying to control yourself, but he isn’t making it easy for you. You feel him open your legs and place a knee between them, he presses on your center and a shiver of pleasure runs through you at the sensation of pressure against your clit. He pulls away from you, gets up from the bed and pulls your pants down to drop them somewhere in the room, unceremoniously. His own pants go next and you discover to your amusement that he isn’t wearing any underwear. He's at home, why should he wear them? You bite your lip with some need, it's been too long since you've seen him totally naked. You sit on the bed and spread your legs wider, offering yourself. Judas approaches ready to lay you down again, however when he reaches your height, you grab his cock and begin to slowly masturbate him. Judas grunts as he watches you lick your lips before grabbing his erection from the base and taking it into your mouth. You suck and lick his glans taking as much as you can into your mouth. Judas gasps and moans hoarsely holding you by the hair moving his hips slightly against your mouth. You relax your throat and hold onto his waist feeling him push into your mouth, not too hard, not too deep. You feel him swell and get even harder with each suck with each thrust. He pulls away from you when he feels he's ready and lays you back down on the bed. He kneels in front of you taking off your last remaining garment. He spreads your legs apart and sinks his head between them. You arch up on the mattress feeling his tongue run all over your sex, as his fingers spread your wet folds and he slips a finger in without getting too much resistance. You gasp and moan as his mouth closes around your clit, he licks and sucks combined with his fingers that keep moving inside you. You move your hips not knowing whether to push against his mouth or fuck yourself on his fingers. You feel like your head is going to explode with pleasure, Judas holds you back with his free hand so you can't move. However you can't hold on much longer, his mouth on your sensitive muscle is ravaging your whole body, you feel the pleasure bursting in your lower abdomen expanding to the rest of your body, you moan loudly and shudder against his fingers, which he doesn't stop moving at any moment, feeling the spasms of your body due to the orgasm. You are still trembling when you feel the absence of his fingers inside you. You try to focus your gaze to see him lying on top of you. He holds your legs below your knees and guiding his cock to your entrance, he rams in one thrust. You cry out, but Judas shuts you up with his own mouth, you feel him snort and pant like an animal. He stands still inside you, you feel him throbbing, how your walls still sensitive from your orgasm clench around him wetting his entire cock, making him slide deeper. You gasp and Judas moans in your ear.
"Fuck... you don't know how much... I missed this..."He gasps, but still doesn't move, he lets you brace your legs against his waist and his hands rest on the mattress to look up at you. "Always so tight for me." He moves slowly, thrusts hard, erratic, you groan and dig your nails into his arms.
"Norman!" You call out to him desperately, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"You're mine, little girl." He thrusts hard again and you roll your eyes, that's going to kill you. "Mine..." He growls in your ear.
"I'm yours, Norman..." you assure him and move under his body, you see him bite his lip and his thrusts suddenly take on a faster pace, desperate, pounding mercilessly inside you, deep, and intense. "Oh God, Norman!" you cry out wanting to keep up with his rhythm, tightening around his cock. You hear him moan, hear him curse under his breath. He falls on top of your body, his hands sinking under the mattress to grip your ass and ram so hard you fear he might actually break you in two. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, dig your nails into his back and Judas moans once more in your ear. He tenses suddenly, his fingers squeeze your buttocks tightly and he thrusts one more single time feeling himself spilling inside you as he moans languidly hiding his face in your shoulder trying to catch his breath. You continue to embrace him, your whole body trembles from your own pleasure, your nails loosen his skin and caress the marks you have left. You kiss his cheek, his temple, you kiss his shoulder and his neck and you hear him purr.
"I am yours..." He whispers and you open your eyes wide, smile and hug him tighter against you, if that's possible.
You stay like that for a while, Judas doesn't move from on top of you, you don't mind either because he's not carrying all his weight on you, he's just hugging you, arms resting on both sides of your body, his face hidden in the hollow of your shoulder. He's still inside you, you can feel him slowly losing his strength, but still doesn't pull away. Your arms are still around his shoulders, caressing his hair, damp with sweat. You feel him move, repositioning himself, fitting his legs better under yours that continue to encircle his waist.
"God, you don't know how much I've missed this." He murmurs against your skin, making your hair stand on end.
"Come on, it's not like you haven't fucked the girls at the club."
"It's not the same... I missed being here, like this... inside you." He clarifies and a small laugh escapes you, cut off by a thrust of your hips. You gasp because you're surprised, he's just cummed and you feel him getting hard inside you again. He sits up slightly on top of you, just to look at you. He thrusts inside you again and you arch slightly as you feel him slowly harden, expanding your insides, still sensitive from your orgasm.
You have to admit, you missed him too, in every way, but certainly now what you feel is that you missed his cock. You kiss him eagerly, hold him by the back of the neck so he doesn't pull away and move under his body. You feel him gasp and push a little harder. You moan and arch your back. Your mind takes you back to the old days, when Judas seemed to have no limit and you smile. Maybe calling him old has hurt him more than you expected, but it amuses you.
"I see you missed me too." You hear him gasp while still moving tremendously slow.
"A little." You laugh against his shoulder, but nudge him lightly with your knee in his side.
He watches you bite your lip, he seems to hesitate but carefully pulls out of you joining you a little more, you join him in turn and knock him backwards. Judas lets himself be done without looking away from you, you squeeze his erection in your hand slowly masturbating him, feeling how he recovers all his thickness against your palm. You smile leaning over it ready to put it in your mouth, but he stops you. You look at him blankly, but he gestures for you to come to him. You straddle his waist and he nuzzles your waist.
"Today I just want to feel myself inside you." He growls, holds your cheeks forcing you to lie on top of him to kiss you. You sigh long, settle on top of him and move against him, press his new erection between you and move, exerting pleasurable pressure against your own clit as you moisten his cock with your own fluids, but still not letting it enter you. "Fuck, babe..." He moans low squeezing your ass with both hands.
"You're an impatient." You kiss his chest, move up his neck, bite his lobe, still moving, feeling his fingers crisp more on your skin. "Have you always been like this?"
"You know damn well I am." One of his hands whips you and you moan into his ear getting wet further if that's even possible.
You seek his mouth to kiss him once more, needily, trying to control the situation a little more. Judas reciprocates holding you by the back of the neck so you don't pull away. You bite his lips, lick inside his mouth and pull away, tugging lightly on his lip, hearing him moan low. You sit on top of him and watch him lick your lips, grab his cock and slowly feel him enter you as you sit on his erection. Judas grits his teeth spreading his legs a little apart, settling under your body to help you move, his hands tighten on your waist as he is fully inside you. You moan low and lean back slightly, leaning back on his legs and begin to move slowly. Judas moans low, his hands squeezing and massaging the skin of your hips, but he holds still, letting you take control, at least for now.
Slowly you increase the speed of your hips. Judas' hands hold you tightly, but he can't hold on any longer. He thrusts under your weight, upward, hard, giving you no respite. You cry out in pleasure, arching further over his body, trying to keep up with the cruel rhythm of his thrusts under your body. You both moan as Judas joins in, leaving you both sitting on the mattress, moving intensely, resting your foreheads on each other, feeling your orgasm much closer than either of you expected, feeling the sensation run through your lower abdomen and explode with such force that it takes your breath away. You open your mouth unable to utter a sound the pleasure devouring you from within. Judas rests his head on your chest and his fingers dig into your skin leaving a mark as he cums inside you. You gasp at the sensation of his cum leaking inside you, you hug his shoulders feeling your body still trembling from the violent climax that has enveloped you in a few seconds. Judas’ hands loosen around your waist, just stroking you slowly, from your waist up your back and up your sides. He holds you carefully lying on top of him, you place your legs better on his sides and lean on his chest caressing his arms still around you. You smile because he is still inside you and can feel his cum dripping out of you, completely full. You sigh closing your eyes, your body is exhausted and your head starts to disconnect as you feel Judas’ fingers making soft circles on your back, relaxing in an unexpected way.
"Dad?" You hear on the other side of the door and as it is opened slightly.
"Mingus!" Judas shouts pulling you in, turning with you so that he was hiding your nakedness from the boy, however the door stops and the little boy doesn’t enter. You feel Judas pull out of you and cover you with the sheets as he stands up and pulls on some boxers from his drawer and hurries to the door, opening it just a little.
"What's wrong, champ?" You hear him leave the room and the muffled voice of the boy telling you possibly about some nightmare he's had and why he's gotten up looking for his father. You sigh and feel a small fit of laughter and embarrassment come over you and you pull the covers over your face to muffle the sound of your nervous laughter. Judas walks to his son's room and climbs him into bed and tucks him back in. He has had a rather complicated nightmare and seems quite nervous, Judas comforts him slowly, trying to calm that nervousness by kissing him on the forehead. Slowly Mingus becomes calm, Eye settles down next to him and purrs loudly. Judas smiles and strokes his son's new fur. "Come on, time to sleep again." He tells him and the boy smiles. "But first, you have to promise me one thing, buddy... never come into my room." He asks him, his voice is calm, loving, there's no threat, no anger, he's just asking him. "Will you do me that favor? No matter what you hear. Call me and I'll come get you, okay?"
"Yes, Dad, I'm sorry..."
"Don't be sorry, you haven't done anything wrong." He assures him and kisses him on the cheek. "Good night, buddy, I love you."
"Good night, Daddy." He whispers and settles under the covers. Judas pats Eye in the Dark and making sure once again that the boy is comfortable, he turns off the light and leaves the room.
He stands in the hallway for a moment and then heads back to his room, running his hands over his head, combing his hair back slightly, leaving it even messier than it already is. He enters the room ready to apologize to you but remains silent. You have fallen asleep in his bed, wrapped in his sheets and hugging his pillow you rest peacefully with your breathing steady and your face totally relaxed. He smiles half-sideways closing the door behind him again and walks over to the bed. Trying not to wake you up he lies down next to you and wraps his arms around your body, he pulls you close to his body and you stir a little, settling against him but you don't wake up. Judas kisses you on the head lovingly before resting his chin on your head and closing his eyes, falling asleep shortly afterwards.
The sun wakes you up the next day, you let out a little groan because you feel your body heavy, exhausted, despite having slept like a baby you feel that even your hair hurts. You need a moment to remember where you are, how you got there rather. You are bored at home, you left without a specific direction but you arrived at the Judas gallery, you discovered the new exhibition of the two of you and wanted to go home, however your feet took you to the house you weren't thinking about. You groan low hiding your face in the pillow and the scent of Judas floods your nostrils. You open your eyes at last discovering you are alone in the room. The sun is high so it must be late, you get out of bed feeling your legs tremble a little and you redden realizing why your whole body hurts. You go into Judas' bathroom and take a quick shower, under the water you discover on your skin several reddened marks in the shape of Judas' fingers, you smile and get out when you finish showering.
When you return to the room, Judas is still not there. You open the closet looking for some of the man's clothes and surprise floods you. There are clothes of yours there; neatly folded, laid out and clean, as if they were waiting for you, of course they are clothes from when you were younger and some of those things no longer fit you, but you can't help the surprise turning into a nostalgic smile and your heart gives a strong beat. Judas has always been waiting for you. You take a T-shirt that despite being old is big, you wore it to sleep at that time and now it can serve you, you take some sweatpants that surely when you put them on will surely be above your ankles. You open a drawer inside the closet and you laugh when you discover your underwear, even the panties you threw at him not more than a month ago. You take everything and when you are dressed you get up the courage to leave the room. The house seems quiet, however you hear a soft conversation possibly coming from the kitchen, in the hallway Eye is sitting, watching you, he gets up and approaches you rubbing against your legs, you smile and take him in your arms giving him a kiss on the head feeling that you have missed him more than you thought. You walk with him in your arms to the kitchen where Judas is having breakfast with Mingus who upon seeing you appear through the door is surprised to see you and laughs at the sight of your clothes. Judas turns to see you as well and an amused smile comes across his face as he raises his eyebrows. Your cheeks redden slightly and you shrug your shoulders.
"Good morning." You try to appear natural and walk towards them.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Judas jokes and gets up from his stool, you freeze because you don't know what he's going to do, however he walks past you, pulls out a cup and pours you a coffee, you breathe easy again, until he hands you the cup and gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Did you sleep well?"
"Y... yes." You stammer reddening, make your coffee to your liking then sit on the free stool next to Judas, Mingus doesn't take his eyes off you and you start to get nervous.
"Did you stay over?" It's an obvious question but you still nod your head. "Where? The guest room..."
"She slept with me, Mingus." Jude explains without cutting himself with a knife and you look at him with wide eyes. He's a five-year-old boy who doesn't understand a lot of things yet, but it's certainly not the best thing he could say to him. The kid can misunderstand things, you guys haven't even talked. You don't even know if you want to.
"Auntie and you...?" He starts with an exaggerated frown and makes a confused grimace. "Are you two together?" And there's the misunderstanding from an innocent, immature mind of a child. You gasp like a fish, you see Judas turn his head towards you, his smile is mocking and amused as he rubs his goatee beard.
"Don't look at me, you brought this on yourself." You say to Judas and watch as he smiles wider and then laughs through his nose. He turns to his son and you see him open his mouth. Unfortunately you have provoked what is to come so you can't stop it in time either.
"Yes, Mingus, we are together." His smile is sincere as much as the boy's surprise, you want to smash the coffee cup over his head, but it's clear he's not finished. "She's my wife, you know what that means? That she's mine, just like I'm hers." Your body shudders at his words, Mingus' confusion is evident, these are terms that such a young child is counted on to understand, but he still smiles because his father does and that means what he's telling him is good. "You can't tell anyone, it's our little secret, the three of us." He continues and Mingus puts his hands to his mouth making it clear that he won't say anything, your heart melts and you feel like hugging the little blondie. "I promise it won't be forever. When the club stabilizes, I'm going to make it formal." This time he's not talking to Mingus, but to you, you turn to look at him and frown slightly.
"We've already talked about this, Judas, and I don't think in front of Mingus..."
"I don't want you to be Judas' wife..." He cuts you off and again you freeze. "I want you to be my wife, mine for real. Of who I really am; Norman Reedus. I want you to call me by my name, like you always did, I want you to come back here, I want you to stay here with me, with us... because that's really where you belong. I love you." Your breath hitches because that overtakes you for a few seconds, it's a statement, a formal statement, Judas, no, Norman is putting his feelings on the table, not caring that Mingus is present, right now he's only looking at you, he's determined, you can see his pupils slightly dilated, serious, ready for whatever it takes, but he needs you by his side, he wants to have you with him, because it's clear that this goes beyond the club, it goes beyond the future he's pursuing for Mingus and apparently it also involves you, him. All three of you. You look at him trying to say something, but you're still totally paralyzed. Norman smiles a little and his hand rests on your cheek, you feel him sweep a tear from your cheek with his thumb, when did you start to cry?
"I love you..." You whisper with a trickle of voice.
You see Norman smile and rest his other hand on your other cheek leaning towards you, leaving a small kiss on your lips. Mingus claps and raises his arms in victory mode and you can't help but laugh. It's so surreal that you don't know if you're really awake or still sleeping. But it feels so good that if it's a dream, you don't want to wake up.
Things will be complicated in the club from now on, you know it, you are aware that there are going to be many changes, that Jesus is going to take his position as president, whether your father likes it or not, but he will not be alone, his people will help him, they will support him, Jax's gang will also be part of the movement, they will attack together against the old school, they don't care what it costs, but they will change their future, for a better one. And you are going to be by his side, because you want that future, you want to be part of the future of the new 12 Apostles, of Norman, of Mingus.
The End
I hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading!
And other thing... I'm writing a new long story, I'm not really sure when I could post it, I think I want to finish it first... But I don't know... I'm just going to say... WEREWOLVES!
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littlegodzilla · 3 years
12 Apostles JudasxFemreader. Part 2.
Hi! I’m here again with the second part of this story. Thanks for reading and commenting! It always makes me want to keep writing!
Part 1.
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Warnings: M, just in case... Summary:  You are part of a club called the 12 Apostles, you are the daughter of the Leader and Judas is the right hand of your brother, the next leader.
I hope you like it! Sorry for my english it isn’t my first language!
In the afternoon you go back to the club, the guys are lively, you greet them all warmly, giving little hugs and kissing your father who is there with some old companions, the original apostles. You hug your mother and go up to your office, you are surprised when you discover a blond boy playing on the side of the office with some toy cars. Your mother comes up right behind you and closes the office door. You drop your things on the desk and walk up to the little boy who stretches his arms out toward you with a smile.
"Hello, sweetheart." You greet and hug him warmly.
"Auntie!" He hugs your neck with infinite affection.
"Mingus has been asking about you all day." Your mother says and you smile warmly.
"Well, I'm here now, kiddo."
Mingus is a five-year-old boy, blond, with beautiful sky blue eyes in which you could dive into the child's innocence and affection. He is Judas’ son. Six years ago Jesus' right hand man found a woman to settle down with, or so it seemed, however, when she became pregnant everything went south, she wasn’t willing to take care of an unwanted child and Judas wasn’t going to make her his wife. The pregnancy was full of disputes and problems in the club, Judas wasn’t to keep his mind on anything other than the health of his son, it was the worst year the club had ever had. However when Mingus was born things didn't get any better, the baby's mother died in childbirth, Judas was too far away to care for the baby and the first few months were spent at the Cross family home, The Father never said anything, he loved seeing the baby at home, at that time you moved back to your parents house to help them with the baby, when Judas could take care of him again he proved he was a good father, he loved his son, he was going to take care of him whenever he was available. Until Mingus was a little older, Jesus forced his right-hand man to stay close to the district, to always come home to take care of little Mingus. When he had to go away with Jesus or for more important matters, the boy stayed at home Cross and you liked to take care of him. He was funny, sweet and affectionate, curious like any five year old, but there was no malice in his actions. Never.
"You know I can't always pick you up from school..." You remember him sitting with him on the floor, watching the toy display.
"I know... daddy's coming home today." Says the totally excited little boy and you feel a shiver run down your spine. You lift your head and your mother nods and shrugs.
"Jesus called, they've finished with the unfinished business they had in New Jersey and they're coming home, there's going to be a celebration tonight."
"That's great, it's been a long time since I've seen them." You smile excited to see your brother, nervous to be reunited with him.
"I know, so try not to be too wrapped up in your papers tonight and enjoy the party, promise?" your mother looks at you seriously and you nod, you would be safer wrapped up in your papers than down there.
"Sure Mother, don't worry, I'll be with Mingus for a while and the papers I'll leave them for tomorrow."
"That's the way I like it, I'll get something to snack on."
"Yes!" shouted the boy happily making you both laugh.
You stay with Mingus playing with him, while remembering the dream you had with his father a few hours ago. You find it amusing to remember it, since you had never gone to a school in uniform, of course that had been a figment of your imagination, but it is true that you had not dreamt of that memory for a long time. Your mind takes you back to that day from time to time, modifying some factors, but it is always the same result, you wake up trembling in your bed longing for Judas' real contact. That time wasn’t the last time you were together. After that day you would get together when Judas was free from the club or his own legal work, it was fun, it was risky, but mostly fun, you would escape with the motorcycle away from the New York district to the other side of town where Judas had bought an apartment under his real name so the family couldn't track him down. Four years the biker's interest in you lasted, when you turned twenty Judas had to go with Jesus to the other side of the country for a few months and when they returned he was accompanied by the woman who a few years later would give him Mingus. After that you stayed as far away from Judas as you could, although he didn't put up much resistance either. The treatment between you was polite, hello and goodbye when you met in the bar, you were happy for him, that he was well and of course you were always happy that he returned home safe and sound, especially for Mingus, it would not be fair that the child was left alone being so small.
 Several hours passed, you played with Mingus and finished settling the accounts for that month so it was when the music started to play loudly in the lower part of the club making it clear that the party was starting. You look at Mingus but the boy has fallen asleep on the large sofa in the office. You grab a blanket and cover him carefully so as not to wake him up and leave the office trying not to let the music keep him awake. You cross the hallway of the club's motel when you hear the men downstairs get restless and the cheers get louder and longer, announcing that Jesus has returned. You hurry up and as you reach the bar you see them appear through the door, Maggie goes first, clearing the way for the two men right behind her. Jesus smiles as he is surrounded by his men, friends and new allies. He raises his arms in victory and the cheers roar much louder and the glasses are raised in the air in excitement. You smile and walk towards his brother, hugging Maggie along the way, you have missed her too, but your relationship with her is not very extensive. You reach your brother and hug him with infinite affection, Jesus responds to your embrace with the same emotion, he kisses your cheek and rocks your body rubbing your back.
"Welcome home." You say and he smiles pulling away a little.
"It's good to come home and see that everything is perfect."
"You know your men take care of the club and The Father is always making sure everything is in order."
"Yeah, I guess he still doesn't trust me."
"Don't say that, you know it's not true." You laugh giving him a gentle punch on the arm. "But while you're gone someone has to keep this in order."
"I thought that's what you were in charge of."
"You know I'm just keeping score, I'm away from the action... How'd it go?" you ask as you feel an arm wrap around you from behind your back encircling your collarbone and gripping your opposite shoulder. Jesus smiles at the look of surprise on your face, but you lean back against whoever is pushing you and then you recognize his scent and block. Whiskey and cigarettes envelop your nose and you gasp. Judas. His chest crashes against your back and his mouth brushes your temple. You smile even though you don't know if you're too comfortable with the whole situation. You laugh when you turn your head to look at him and he's smiling. He's come back looking very handsome. More than you remember. His blond hair had gone a few days ago to a darker shade, an ash blond, he doesn't wear it so long anymore, now he has his bangs to one side, barely brushing his forehead, disheveled by the shape of his helmet and a little sweaty from all the traveling. His gesture has hardened with the passage of time, but his playful smile is still there if wise eyes know how to appreciate it. He wears some blond beard around his mouth and the line marking his jaw. His blue eyes give off a dark hue that night that did not promise anything good. Yes, he's more handsome than you could remember and that's not good for your judgment. You sigh long but move against him and embrace him as you half turn and kiss his cheek lovingly squeezing his shoulder, you feel the short sleeved shirt under the vest damp with sweat and the hairs stand up on your body as his other hand caresses your waist. "It's good to see you, Judas." Because it's true, you're glad to see him, glad he's okay like everyone else.
"And me to come home, pretty girl." He smiles caressing your cheek with the hand that rested on your shoulder. "Everything all right here, has anyone come to bother you?"
"All good, vice president, you have nothing to worry about." You joke and see him smile again nodding his head as he bites his lip.
"How's Mingus?"
"Perfect." You admit with a smile. "He's a sweet little boy, he came to see me this afternoon and fell asleep in my office." You laugh and see a small smile play across his mouth, he stares at you and gestures with his head, pointing towards the top of the club. You nod and pull away from him a little, you're starting to get overwhelmed at having him so close.
You make your way as best you can through the crowd, the band men and rookies accost Judas on his way to the stairs leading up to the office, you slip through the crowd without a word waiting for him at the edge of the stairs. While you are there you see two of the girls he usually spends his nights with blocking his way, he gets rid of one of them without much trouble, the other one he grabs by the back of her neck and says something very close to her, brushing his lips against hers and finally reaches you. You avert your gaze and go up to the office, open the door, luckily in that area the music is somewhat muffled, so when you enter the little one's sleep isn’t disturbed. You stand by the door watching Judas walk towards his son in complete silence. His vest remains on top of your desk as he exchanges it for a marker on your desk and walks over to Mingus. Without waking him he crouches down next to him and takes his hand leaving a soft mark between his index finger and thumb. You smile as you recognize it as it is the same tattoo he has on his hand. You feel a little bad to be standing there, being an intruder witness of that intimate moment between father and son, you wish you could melt into the wall and disappear, in fact you give yourself a little scare when you see him get up again returning to the table leaving the perm on it. His blue gaze shines in the gloom of the office making you tremble again.
"It's a little arrangement we have." He tells you, taking off his leather gloves, leaving them next to his vest. "If I don't come in time, I'll leave a mark so he knows I've come to say good night." He shrugs. "It's stupid but I feel more connected to him..."
"It's very nice." You admit daring to walk up to him smiling a little, you look at his hands, strong, rough from day to day, short but thick fingers, on his knuckles he had x's marked and on the back he has a skull tattooed. You can't help yourself and you graze the tattoo. "A new one."
"If only it was one." He laughs low and you laugh soft with him.
"You can't be left alone."
"You know better than that." His voice sounds soft and husky in a whisper, you glance sideways at him, you don't remember being this close, you take a step back and Judas' hand settles on your back. No. This isn't right.
"Go back to the party." You offer, separating yourself completely from him. "I'm going to leave Mingus in my room so he doesn't wake up to the noise...come on down, have fun." You smile. "You guys have been away from home a lot, the guys miss you." You look sideways at him with a soft smile and try to dodge him, but he holds your wrist to stop you and his gaze is on you again, he devours you, the blue of his irises bores into you, sucking you in, you want to pull away again, but he holds your head and moves you towards him kissing you. His mouth clumsily collides with yours, your teeth scrape his tongue as he tries to break through and you pull away. Your hand impacts against his cheek and the slap echoes in the room. Your breathing is ragged and you feel your heart pounding violently in your chest. "Go back to the party." This time you order him. "Go back to your whores, I'm sure they miss you."
You don't wait for his response, you don't think there is one either. Carefully you take Mingus in your arms going to the back of the office; there is another less noisy hallway that leads to the motel rooms next to the club where you and the guys have rooms assigned for when you stay there. You walk to your room afraid to look back, Judas has never been a demanding man, he exercised dominance towards whoever he knew was looking for him or needed to remember his place, but he wasn't aggressive for the sake of it, however you are frightened at the thought of him suddenly appearing and accosting you. You shake your head wanting to get that idea out of your head.
You open your room, which is always locked, and leave Mingus on the bed. It isn’t a particularly decorated room, it looks more like a student's room, a table full of books and papers, several shelves with more books and things you had collected over the years, a double closet and a large double bed. You close the curtain and tuck the child in, leaving him in the center of the bed so he wouldn't accidentally fall out of either end. You carefully leave the room, remove the hair tie that tangles your hair and it falls in a flowing motion to your shoulders as you walk. You reach the office again, but Judas is no longer there, he has left his vest on the table, but you ignore him by going down to the bar. You've told him to have fun and immediately you discover him with the same girls who cut him off earlier. You told him to have fun and you plan to do the same. You unbutton the denim shirt you're wearing revealing the black top you're wearing underneath, thin strapped and tight just under your chest, enhancing it with the help of your bra, exposing your belly button. You have never felt completely comfortable showing that part of your body, it is soft and flat, but having wide hips and thighs, it had always seemed to you that it acquired a certain roundness, now it doesn’t. You no longer care, you know that men are more aware of the size of your chest. You adjust your jeans to show off your ass and the eyes of the Jesus’ men are on you. Well, it's going to be a fun night.
"There you are!" You hear then and see your friend and co-worker.
"Ana, you came!" You hug her warmly.
"I told you I was coming, didn't I? Wow, what happened to you?"
"I'm pissed." You say simply with a shrug and she laughs. "Come on, let's go drink and have fun."
"You won't tell me twice, but wait... Is he here?" she looks around over your shoulder, you sigh nodding your head. "Where is he?" you signal him and she sees him next to the two girls from earlier, now they both seem very busy looking for his attention as his gaze is locked on the back of your head. "Oh shit, he's looking this way..."
"Come on, let's go to the bar, I don't care, have fun." You take Ana by the hand leading her to the bar. "Andy!" you greet the man sitting at the bar and hug him warmly. Andrew is another one of Jesus' trusted men, he's one of your brother's quieter men, but he's always fun to talk to.
"Honey! How good to see you." He hugs you back and kisses you on the cheek. "I see we're all in full mood today." He says looking you up and down.
"She said she's mad." Ana says and Andy laughs.
"In that case make it two shots and some beers." He asks the bartender.
"Thanks Andy, this is Ana, a good friend and co-worker."
"Andrew, it's a pleasure, Ana." He says squeezing her hand gently and smiles.
"He's quite a gentleman for a biker."
"He's British." You laugh and they laugh with you. They pour you shots and you down them in one gulp.
"Another round, but put one more in." A deep, husky voice suddenly appears behind you. A tall, strong man with a graying beard approaches you with a broad grin.
"John, oh my God! Ana, meet John, if you want to have fun this is your man."
The man pins his grizzled gaze on the brunette and smiles taking the girl's hand and placing a kiss on it. You laugh in amusement and Andy drinks from his beer toasting you, it's clear that this night would be intense. 
A couple of beers later and a few more shots you decide to grab a pool table and play a little, Andy and John against the two of you. They don't scare you, you like to play and you have mastered the game, they are not rookies either, which will make everything much more interesting and fun. You approach one of the tables and gently touch John's shoulder, he looks at you and you feel his eyes fall on your chest, you smile and tap him on the chin.
"She's my best friend, and I love her very much, so take care of her, okay?" you whisper staring at him.
"Of course, ma’am." He smiles and kisses your forehead lovingly before walking over to the table to start playing.
Andy and John are some of the best men Jesus could find for the gang, Andy has been happily married for years, he is loyal and faithful to both; the gang and his own wife, it's hard to see him angry or involved in a fight. John is faithful and loyal, but to the band, he never had a wife of his own, he liked to have fun, but had enough respect not to humiliate the woman he was with at every opportunity. The same woman in the city could be with him for several months or even a year, but when John would take the motorcycle and go with his brothers to settle some business out of town, the relationship would end. So you know that Ana can have fun with John, that it won't be a big deal for either of them, plus you're sure that John is interested in her too.
The night goes on, some colleagues and friends have come to the table to watch you play, you have made a little tournament between you and it's fun, however the alcohol starts to take its toll on you. At least on you. Your last roll you can't even call it that, you're leaning on the table with your whole body and you just slide the cue along the green surface and Andy laughs next to you. You lift your head and laugh too. It's clear that the game has been over for a while. You see John and Ana too busy on the other side of the table, she is sitting on the edge of the table and John is holding her ass firmly as they kiss eagerly. You slowly sit up on the table and run your hands over your face. You shiver as you feel the cold, wet body of a water bottle on the back of your neck, you look to your side and discover Andy with a smile. You reciprocate and drink some water to clear your mind.
"I think we'll call it even." He jokes and you nod.
"I should get to bed, it's going to be a laugh going to work tomorrow." You mumble and Andy smiles broadly.
"Do you need me to walk you?"
"Relax, I know these hallways by heart." You assure him. "When that pair is done groping each other, ask Ana for a cab, please, I don't want her going home alone at this hour."
"Don't worry about it, it looks to me like John isn't going to let her leave." Andy shoots a glance towards the couple, you follow and spot them slipping through the crowd.
"Even better." You laugh and give Andy a kiss on the cheek. "Don't keep your wife waiting."
"Don't worry."
You say your goodbyes and you too make your way through the people still there having fun. You're a little surprised that the club is still so crowded being a weekday, but well they mean profit for the club. You bump into a couple of people, apologize for your left feet and reach the hallway leading to the club rooms.   The hallway opens up before you immensely long, you need a second to lean against the wall, but you never reach it. You feel your body pull to the opposite side and you collide once again with someone. A stupid smile forms on your mouth, you recognize his smell instantly. Whiskey, sweat and cigarettes.
You hate him.
"Norman..." You are unable to control yourself, you know that name is taboo among your own people, even he shouldn't allow you to call him that, but it means so many more things to you two.
"Where are you going, pretty girl?" he asks with a hoarse voice due to cigarettes and alcohol.
"Bed..." You mumble and laugh.
"Is that a proposal?" he whispers in your ear, his hands caress your bare waist, his warm touch shudders you and you sigh. You try your best to pull away from him, but his hand is like a pincer.
"No... I have your son waiting for me there, to sleep."
"Our Mingus..." He whispers again and you close your eyes. You manage to pull away at last but he walks you to the door, his arm around your waist once more, his hand on your stomach pulling you to lean against him, you sigh because you know what he's trying to do, but you can't, you mustn't let yourself be pulled in. His mouth falls on your neck, you gasp closing your eyes and throw your head to the side feeling him run from under your ear to your shoulder.
"Stop..." You sigh and pull away opening the door. "Good night, Norman. Go find one of your girlfriends." You advise him and close it before he can say anything.
You need a moment to collect yourself, you don't hear Judas walking away down the hall either, you even think you hear his breathing on the other side of the door. You shake your head, you can't let yourself be defeated, too much has happened, it's not like it used to be. When the world stops spinning around you, you take off your denim shirt and pants, lie down on the bed and hug little Mingus who sleeps oblivious to everything. Your ears ring from the loud music, but you soon fall asleep.
Thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it! Taglist: @purple-serenity @browneyes528 @phoenixblack89​
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littlegodzilla · 3 years
12 Apostles JudasxFemReader +18 Part 3.
Okay, Here I come with a new part of this mini serie. The things will become more intense between the reader and Judas.
I hope you enjoy the reading!!
Sorry for my English, It isn't my first language.
part 1 part 2
Summary: You are part of a club called the 12 Apostles, you are the daughter of the Leader and Judas is the right hand of your brother, the next leader. Warning: M, for the language I guess... N/A; I said it’s Lady Gaga’s fault but it’s also Son Of Anarchy’s fault… They won’t be very long chapters, but all together it seemed too long…
taglist: @purple-serenity @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @pncnsc
(If you want to be on the list, just let me now!)
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The sun hits your eyes the next day cruelly. You grunt, wrinkling your face into a grimace of pain, your head is about to explode and your stomach feels tight. Mingus is still sleeping peacefully on the side of the bed, hugging the pillow. You turn and look at the clock on the bedside table, seven o'clock in the morning. You mentally thank your internal clock that keeps you from being late for work. Careful not to wake the child you get out of bed and put on a thick sweatshirt over it, the weather is changing, you are approaching autumn and the mornings are colder. You gather your hair in a ponytail ready to go down to the bar to prepare something for the little one for breakfast, also something for you, before taking him to school and you go to work. You leave the room and freeze in the doorway for a second before closing it behind you. Judas is there in the middle of the hallway. Sitting against the wall opposite your door, legs outstretched, head thrown back. He is breathing between sighs in deep sleep and you are surprised that he can sleep so comfortably in that position. Some images from the night before come to your mind and you frown a little. You bite your lip and give him a little kick in the boot to wake him up. Judas grunts, startles and when he tries to lift his head he groans in pain, holding his hand to the back of his neck trying to placate the strong pain he feels. You smile in satisfaction and put your arms up in the air waiting for him to finally look at you. When you catch his eye you see that his eyes are puffy and red. He hasn't had much sleep, it's obvious.
"What are you just lying there, don't you remember where your room is?"
"Mingus has school..." He says with a thread of a voice, hoarse and raspy, just up, dragging a heavy hangover, almost like yours, and the tobacco he had smoked the day before didn't help either. Still his response surprises you.
"I didn't know you knew it..." He shrugs and carefully gets up leaning against the wall, you hold out your hand, which he accepts and you pull to help him up.
You both walk down to the bar, it has a kitchen where you prepare food for the guys when they come home from work or there is an important meeting. There you also keep a packet of cereal for little Mingus and a bottle of milk, normally the boy doesn't have breakfast there, but it never hurts to be a little prepared, just in case. You arrive at the bar, you are about to take a step off the stairs when you feel Judas grab you and pull you into his arms. You gasp in surprise and look up at him, somewhere between surprised and pissed off.
"What are you doing?"
"You're barefoot, do you really intend to just walk in here? I don't care if your feet turn black, but if there's anything broken you're going to leave a bloody trail." He explains and you become mute, you have to admit he's right, you've left the room with your head so dull you haven't even fallen on your bare feet.
"Thank you Judas, you're right." He looks at you and crosses the bar leaving you sitting on the bar grumpily. You let out a pained groan and frown. "So what's this about?"
"Don't call me that." He growls and sits down on one of the bar stools.
"It's your name, isn't it? Father baptized you that when you decided to join the 12 Apostles." You shrug.
"You never called me that." He gives you a sidelong glance and you wince, spin on top of the bar, which isn’t much less sticky than the floor and it's obvious you should have grabbed slippers. "Here." He slaps you on the arm and you see him take off his boots and pass them to you.
"Thanks..." You mumble, put them on, they're obviously too big, but they'll do for a moment, jump inside the bar and prepare the pot of coffee for Judas and you. "And about the other thing; I was young and stupid, now I'm still stupid but I think I've learned a few things." You shrug and listen to him grunt once more.
"There's no one else here, what does it matter what you call me? Possibly everyone is either working or in a coma. Or both."
"That's the least of it." You walk into the kitchen, find some work clogs and change them for Judas boots. You grab a bowl, cereal and go back out to the counter. "Here, I found something else, and I don't want you to end up with bleeding feet." You say handing him back the boots.
"I thought that was Jesus." He jokes and you laugh through your nose. You put the two coffees, the milk shaken and the bowl of cereal on a tray and look for something for you to eat too. "You seem pretty well integrated into the place, I always thought you'd be leaving."
"Leaving? Where to? Besides it's my family, they adopted me..."
"What happens the day it's your turn to preside at the table?"
"Oh no, I just keep the accounts, honestly I don't care what you do out there, it's none of my business."
"Until when?" He smiles wryly and you look at him blankly. "You know The Father will find someone for you if no one claims you first." He shrugs and you laugh again.
"The only trustworthy men here that I would agree to marry are Andy and John. Andy is happy with his wife and children and is tremendously faithful, and John..." You stand for a moment in thought and see Judas frown.
"And John?" he urges you to continue.
"I think he had a great time with my friend Ana last night, but if I could pick him, I would. I hear he's an animal in bed" You smile biting your lip. Again Judas' reaction is to frown and clench his fists.
"You fucked him?" his voice has a low, dangerous tone, it vibrates with every word he says and you are surprised by the fury in his eyes.
"If I had fucked him I still wouldn't be able to walk." You can't bite your tongue in time, Judas’ gaze becomes much more dilated, the blue darkens and even seems to flash. "Like I said, he was having fun with Ana last night." You shrug, wanting to calm the strange atmosphere that has settled in the bar. You step out from the bar and grab the tray with breakfast for the three of you. "Norman." You call out to him and watch as his gaze softens and his fists relax, he seems to be breathing calmly again, as if he's holding his breath. You're surprised that something so simple has made his mind switch off.
Quietly you both walk back up to your room, Judas carries the tray and when you open the door, Mingus is sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. You smile and signal Judas to leave the tray on the table. You close the door and Mingus raises his arms to his father with a huge smile. Judas walks over to him and you hug him lifting him out of bed.
"Dad!" he laughs in amusement.
"Good morning, champ, did you sleep well?"
"Yes! I like sleeping with auntie." Smiles the boy with sincerity and Judas sits him down at the table in front of his breakfast.
"Yes? Dad liked it too..."
"Judas!" You nip him in the bud with a surprised look. "Eat your breakfast Mingus." You change the subject quickly. "And then you'll take a bath, you got off last night because you overslept, but today you'll take a bath before you go to school."
"I don't want to take a bath..." he pouts a little and you shake your head.
"yes, you want to, your father will take you to school later." You look at Judas and he nods.
"Do you need a ride to work first?"
"No, I'm going to get breakfast and leave, I have time." You shrug and he nods biting his lip. You sit on your bed with your coffee in hand, Mingus eats his cereal in silence staring absentmindedly out your bedroom window. "I have Mingus' clothes in one of the drawers in that dresser." You point to the chest of drawers next to the bathroom door and Judas takes a swig of his own coffee. The second you see him approach the cabinet and open the top drawer you regret saying anything. You watch as his eyebrows raise and a crooked smile creeps across his mouth. You open your mouth to say something when Judas picks up one of your panties and shows them to you. You gesture for him to put that away, but his smile widens and he's ready to hide it in his pocket. You jump up and grab his wrist and give him a long look. His smile is still wide and with a hint of mischief, he knows he has more strength than you, he could push you away and go on with what he was planning, but he plays along with your game and puts them back. "Third drawer." You warn him and as you open the drawer you see Mingus' clothes.
"It's kind of weird that you have boy clothes in your panty drawer." He comments and you punch him hard in the arm, you know you didn't hurt him, but he deserves it.
"Shut up, I know my panties, if I'm missing one, I'll rip your balls off." You threaten him and he lets out a laugh. Mingus then looks at you and smiles in amusement. You adore his innocence.
A little later you have finished your coffee and you are preparing the child's bathtub with some warm water so that he can take a bath before going to school. When you notice it is at the perfect temperature, you tell him to get undressed and get into the water. You tell him that his father will be with him in a moment and you leave the bathroom leaving him alone. Judas is still leaning on the chest of drawers, but he says nothing, all the glasses and plates are on the finished tray. You walk over to your closet and open one of the doors, taking a dress with three-quarter sleeves and slightly above the knee. The fabric is not very thick so it's perfect for the in-between seasons. You leave it on the bed and approach Judas, opening the drawer he had opened earlier and taking out some underwear and stockings. You can feel his gaze completely locked on you, following your every move without saying a word. You hear a small splash as a sign that Mingus has already gotten into the bathtub. You turn your back to Judas and take off your sweatshirt, you can hear his heavy breathing behind you, you turn and look at him with a raised eyebrow and your hands on your top.
"Do you mind?"
"No, of course not, go ahead." He allows you to continue as he settles back against the chest of drawers and touches his chin and then bites his thumbnail. You forcefully let out air through your nose and point to the bathroom door.
"Your son is bathing by himself, do him a favor and come in and make sure he doesn't drown or worse." You urge him and he rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue, he knows you're right. He steps away from the cabinet and opens the bathroom door. You bite your lip and make a quick movement. "Norman." You call out to him and he automatically turns to look at you, the panties you just took off fly towards him and he catches them before the boy can see what's happening. He looks at you with a lopsided grin and puts it away in his pocket and then closes the bathroom door behind him. You smile and shake your head, you know you shouldn't have done that, but you are unable to control yourself with him around.
Once dressed, you arrange the dress on your body, it is a nice red maroon color, three-quarter sleeve with a belt in the form of a bow just below the chest to enhance the area and then fall lightly to your knees, three-quarter sleeve and boat neck. You leave your hair down and fluff it up a bit with your hands, but leave the hair tie on your wrist for when you get to work. You take a deep breath and open the bathroom door. You are a little surprised to discover that Judas has climbed into the bathtub with the boy and the two of them are playing with the toys that the little boy had in a basket. You smile at the scene and catch the tension and relaxation of Judas' back as he moves around playing with his son. You sigh and try to concentrate, you've always had a soft spot for those broad shoulders and that strong back, but you don't have time to admire it now.
"Guys, I'm leaving." You warn them. "Mingus has his stuff in the office, make sure you get his homework." You ask Judas, he turns to look at you leaning on the edge of the tub.
"Aren't you going to say goodbye?"
"That's what I'm doing..." You mumble, but you know exactly what he's referring to and don't want to move from the door, but you see Mingus smirk and know you've lost. You sigh ignoring the grown man's clothes made a lump on the floor, you walk over to the bathtub and bend down letting Mingus hug you and give you a kiss on the cheek. You reciprocate with another and before you can sit up you feel Judas' wet hand on your cheek, pulling you to the opposite side from where the boy is, you want to protest, but before you can open your mouth, he is kissing you. You only collide your lips but it is enough for Mingus to look at you with wide eyes and cover his mouth laughing. You pull away from Judas, throwing him a look reproaching him for what he has done. You stand up and put your dress back on, your eyes fall on Judas' naked body in the water. You see that he smiles and you say goodbye again leaving the bathroom reminding them of the time.
You leave the room, take the tray with breakfast, go down to the bar area and leave it on the bar heading towards the hospital. You run towards the hospital door, it's still early and you give yourself some time, you stop when you see John's motorcycle at the door of the building, you are a little surprised but you smile when you see the two of them at the entrance saying goodbye. You wait, you don't want to spoil the moment for them. No doubt it was a good night between them. When you see John get back on his bike you walk up to him giving him a gentle tap on the shoulder and he turns around, smiles at the sight of you and gives you a hug.
"Morning boss, off to work already?"
"Yes, how about you, did you get lost?" you joke and he laughs in amusement.
"I brought Ana to work, It was on my way." He shrugs and you smile.
"Great, have a good day, John." You say goodbye to him and walk into the hospital, in the locker room you run into your friend and your smile widens. "Ana!" You greet her and she smiles at the sight of you, "Tell me you had a good time yesterday."
"I'm still trying to remember how to walk." She jokes and you both laugh.
"Well don't just stand there, tell me?" You ask as you start to change.
"It was a pretty intense night, we went to his room, I didn't know that place was so huge." He admits and you nod your head putting on your work clothes. "I never thought I would be so flexible and that man had so much energy." You laugh with a loud laugh and cover your face with both hands.
"So the legends of John are true." You laugh again and she nods with a shrug. "So did you stay at the club?"
"No, Andy told me he was going to call me a cab, but John offered to drive me home and... he stayed."
"Really?" You look at her in surprise and understand what John meant about being on his way to give her a ride to work. You smile and give your friend a little hug. "I'm glad you guys had a good time, John is..."
"I assure you, that man is inexhaustible." She smiles and you raise your hands in a sign of peace, you don't really know, but you know John and you know he's a good guy, he won't hurt Ana if he can help it. "But you're not going to save yourself, you what, got to have fun last night?" he looks at you and you sigh, you remember the encounter with Judas in the hallway and a few hours ago at the bar and in your room. You run your hands through your hair and fasten your hair in a ponytail. Ana frowns and folds her arms. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just... last night Judas was looking for me... this morning he was sleeping outside my room, he wanted to take Mingus to school... I don't know what's going on with him... we haven't seen each other... for too long and it seems like he wants to..."
"Something with you...would that be a problem...? I know there are certain rules and that you guys had a relationship and things didn't end very well but... Would it be a problem if you two had fun? I mean, he obviously wants to, why aren't you going to take advantage of it too?"
"Because I can't... my head won't let me do that..."
"First love is never forgotten... will you tell me about it someday? I know some parts, but you've never told me the whole story..."
"There's not much more to tell, but yes, if you don't mind putting up with some drama.” You joke and you both laugh.
"Well in that case we'll go out tonight and clear our heads a bit, I know there's a gallery opening across town, we could go there and talk, I doubt in that environment anyone would know what we're talking about."
"I didn't know you liked those places..."
"Well, there's free food and drink." She jokes and you both laugh. You agree on a time to meet and you each go to your own floor to get on with your work and you are grateful to be able to tell Ana some things. She already knew part of your story with Judas but there were things that still hurt to remember.
The rest of the morning passes quietly, you have too much work to do to have your mind distracted by other things. You have a number of prescriptions and flyers to arrange for outpatients and patients on various floors, plus you have to go up to the upper floors of the hospital and check what medications they have run out of and dispose of the expired ones. At lunchtime you meet Ana for lunch and pick up your phone for the first time all day. You frown to discover you have a message from Judas. You open it and smile at a picture of him and Mingus at the school gate. You smile and show the photo to Ana who laughs. Mingus is on his father's shoulders, a third person is taking the photo, Mingus holds up his fingers in a peace sign and Norman mimics him with one hand, the other holds one of the boy's legs to steady him on his shoulders and in his mouth he is holding a cigarette. The caption of the photo reads.
"We arrived."
He doesn't say anything else, but it's enough to put your mind at ease, you look at the time, ten minutes before the boy's check-in time, which surprises you, you don't know how long they could have been messing around in your room when you've left. You remember the incident with your panties and redden a little. You see that Judas is on the line and is instantly texting you. You drop the phone as if it burns and ignore the message.
"Looks to me like he got you." Ana laughs as she sees that, not answering him, he is calling you. "It might be important, I'm going to get a couple of coffees." She gets up and leaves you alone, you see the phone vibrate on the table, you bite your lip and take a deep breath before picking up.
"Judas?" You call him, you know he doesn't like it and immediately you hear a snort on the other end of the phone.
"I'd rather you didn't call me that..."
"You know that's out of my hands... is something wrong?"
"Do you need me to come get you?" you frown as you hear him, what the hell is he talking about?
"I'm working..."
"I know, but Mingus gets out of school at two and you get out of the hospital at two thirty, we can pick you up."
"How the hell do you know that?" You hear him laugh from the nose and your pissed off increases. "Never mind and no, I don't need you to come get me, I'm meeting Ana tonight so I'm going to my apartment." After Mingus was a little older you went back to your place since at your parents' place they could manage without any problems with the boy. "I'll see you at the club."
"I won't be... I have things to do tonight.” He says and you can almost see him shrug.
"Do you need me to watch your son?"
"No, no problem, I'll take him home, I have some business but I don't think I'll be done late."
"Okay, well... I'll see you around the club, other day..." You want to say goodbye as Ana is on her way back with the coffees.
"Okay, enjoy your girls' night out." He says goodbye and hangs up. You stare at your phone for a moment not quite sure how to feel what was that for? It sounded like a couple's conversation, like you were still in those years when you were sneaking around his apartment. You shake your head, you don't want to give it more importance, if Ana is really right and the only thing he is looking for is your attention to get laid, he has a long way to go, for you, the nine years that have passed since he decided to ignore you are still very present and you have learned your lesson. You can't get attached to him. When Ana comes back to the table she gives you a questioning look, you shake your head and drink your coffee quietly without saying much more.
The hours you have left at work pass quickly, you spend all your time in the pharmacy lab preparing parenteral nutrition and chemotherapy bags so when Ana knocks softly on the glass letting you know it's time, you sigh feeling your back protest a little from the posture you've acquired for too long. You finish the last nutrition you had on the list and send everything with the nurses to their respective floors. You leave the prep area and join your friend in the locker room. You don't say much, it's been a long day for both of you, you're both exhausted and want to get home as soon as possible. You walk out onto the street and both of you stand for a moment in front of the hospital. There is some commotion on the way out, several nurses who are on shift change or just on their break smoking, whispering among themselves crowding your way, some nurse is talking to someone, maybe some poor wretch trying to earn some money, but when you make a small gap in the crowd you find out what the problem is and you smack yourself on the forehead. John and Judas are there, at the foot of the street, with their bikes, waiting for you, you want to kick them, at least Judas and go on your way, but Ana seems surprised and amused, she pulls you to them and John who was talking to the doctor, who was repeating that they could not park there, decides to ignore him and look at you smiling broadly. Judas also looks at you and takes off his sunglasses for a moment.
"Hi, Ana, boss." John greets you without removing that huge grin and you sigh.
"What are you guys doing here? You're standing at an ambulance exit, you know that?"
"Yes, this good man has repeated it to us ad nauseam, and as we told him, it was going to be a moment." John replies shooting a hard glare at the doctor who stammers and backs away until he enters the hospital again. "We were coming to get you, shall we take you somewhere in particular?" John no longer looks at you, his attention has fallen completely on Ana and you smile in amusement.
"Where are you going to take me?" The brunette asks approaching the bike and John holds out a helmet for her.
"Wherever you tell me, beautiful." He replies and you smile at the sight of them, shake your head and your feet set a course in the opposite direction, not even bothering to look at Judas.
"Have a good time, and I'll see you tonight." You say to Ana who nods and gets on John's bike after putting on her helmet. You watch them ride away and you start walking, you haven't been walking for many yards when you hear Judas' bike next to you.
"Now you're not even going to look at me?"
"I didn't make the rules, Judas." You comment absentmindedly. You're doing the same thing you've been doing for the last ten years, getting on with your life. You hear him accelerate outrageously and the bike blocks your path so that you have to jump back, you scowl at him, but he doesn't seem to be in the best mood either. "Are you an asshole?"
"I told you not to call me that..." He grunts, but gestures for you to get on the bike. "Hop on, I'll take you home."
"I'm not going to my parents' house and I have legs, thanks."
"I know, I'll give you a ride."
"No need." You're not even sure he knows where you live and you'd honestly prefer to keep it that way.
"I promised Mingus." Touched and sunk. That damn kid is going to give you an ulcer.
You sigh long and reluctantly walk over to the bike. Judas leaves you a helmet and when you put it on you hop on the bike. Judas waits for you to get settled and when you're holding onto his waist he starts up and hits the road again. You pretend to give him directions, so you stick as close to his back as your helmets will allow, but before you can open your mouth, he's just tracing the path to your apartment. You don't quite know how to react to this, you don't remember ever going there, in fact you became independent later, when the club was too much for you as you watched it every night with Mingus' mother, so you decided to find your own place. It is possible that someone has told him and the only one that comes to your mind is Jesus, or Maggie, but you doubt very much that the blonde has given him that information, you have never been so close so you only have your brother left and for a moment you feel like killing him.
The bike slows down as you approach the block of apartments where you live. He parks in a ford for bikes and puts the leg of the bike in place, he pulls forward so you can get off and you adjust your dress. You are thankful you were wearing black stockings or someone would have been in for a treat. Judas gets off too and puts away the helmet you give him back. He takes off his and shakes his head, his hair still messy and damp with sweat. Surprisingly it looks damn good on him. You force a smile and whisper a thank you to him for taking you home, ask him not to make deals like that with Mingus again and get ready to walk to your building, but he stops you.
"You're really not going to the club tonight?"
"No, like I told you before; I'm meeting Ana." You shrug and watch him bite his lower lip repeatedly. "You really don't need me to take care of Mingus?"
"No, I'll take him to my apartment, home." He shrugs. "He'll keep Eye company."
"You still have the cat?" You ask between surprised and excited, he smiles and looks sideways at you, you feel a shiver run through you. He breaks away from the bike and reaches for his cell phone showing you a picture of the boy with a huge black cat in his arms.
"He was our pet, remember? I wasn't going to get rid of him."
"Yeah, I guess animals are harder to get rid of..." You can't bite your tongue in time, he looks at you and you shake your head. You pull out your keys and open the door to the building. "Thanks for the ride." You repeat. "And for the picture this morning." You remember and he shrugs, puts on his helmet and gets on the bike, starts up and you're about to lock up when he calls out to you.
"Hey!" You open the door sticking your head out a little, you can't see him but you sense a smile. "Thanks for your panties!" He shouts over the noise of the bike and before you can answer he's walking away down the street. You smile. You deserve it, after all, you threw them in his face.
You enter the building and go up to the third floor where you open your front door. A gray cat with beautiful green eyes greets you, watching you from the top of his scratching post. You smile and close the door, approaching him and hearing him purring before you even touch him. You give him a few caresses and a kiss on the head before sitting down on the sofa. It was not an excessively large apartment, for you and a cat it was enough. Your room next to the dining room was the biggest thing in the house, your bedroom is right next to the front door, on the other side a small bathroom with a shower, the kitchen was entered through the door next to the spacious dining room and next to this another room that you use as an office for the days you had to put in order the club books at home because you ran out of hours in the day. You take off your boots and lie down for a second on the sofa after letting your hair down, you only need a moment, then you will take a shower and finish with the accounts of that month to go after Ana and go to that exhibition. The truth is that you were curious to know what the exhibition would be about and especially what you were going to wear. If it was an elegant place you are not sure you would have something appropriate. You are thinking about it too much, your body relaxes and you fall asleep.
When you open your eyes again, it's starting to get dark. Your cat is on your stomach and purring loudly, totally at ease in its position. You look at the clock on the piece of furniture in front of you and mumble under your breath. You have an hour to get ready and go get Ana. Luckily your friend only lives a couple of streets up from you. You get the cat off your back and get undressed running into the shower, wash your hair, fix yourself up a bit and go into your room, you don't even know what to wear, but you find a tulle skirt that you never wear that maybe for this occasion might work for you, you grab a black long sleeved lace shirt and some shoes, you put the skirt over your shirt, fitting perfectly on your hips, you put on your shoes and grab a purse for your wallet, keys and phone. You touch up your hair in the bathroom mirror and run out of the house, as far as your heels will allow, and let Ana know you're on your way to pick her up while you call for a cab to pick you up right at Ana's house. You hurry down and are grateful that your friend is waiting for you there, she is wearing a nice black jumpsuit with a suggestive neckline and her curls fall on her shoulders. You greet her and both of you get into the cab. Ana gives the cab driver the address and you finally breathe a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, I fell asleep." You tell her and she shakes her head.
"It's okay, John was home, I hadn't noticed the time either."
"You were still with him? Fuck, I'm sorry, you should have told me..."
"No, no, it's okay. Okay he's hot and he knows what he's doing in bed but we had a plan earlier. I wasn't going to leave you stranded." You laugh and thank her, even though the plan had actually been hers.
You pay the cab driver when you arrive at the exhibition. You get out of the cab and queue a bit, there are quite a few people which surprises you both, it must be someone quite well known for there to be people so decked out waiting to get in. The doors open before you, huge, full of spotlights and unnecessary lighting, it is a huge gallery with plasterboard walls where the photos are exposed, which are illuminated with soft spotlights from above so as not to lose the quality of the image. The corridor is long so you are still too far away to see what they are about. A man appears in front of all the guests and stands next to a lectern, people make a small circle so everyone can see and hear what he has to say.
"Very good evening everyone, we are very grateful to you for coming tonight to the opening of our new gallery. Now the author of these stunning photos will say a few words. A round of applause for; Norman Reedus." There is applause and some cheering, from a corner of the hallway appears a man with medium long hair, and a shy smile painted on his face. Ana squeezes your arm, but you've been frozen in place for a while now. Almost since his name has been called, but watching him walk towards the small lectern makes your hair stand on end. He's wearing a white shirt, rolled up to his elbows, a black vest to match his tie and jeans. He looks stunning, you have to hand it to him. He takes off his sunglasses and shyly waves to the applauding audience once again. His voice sounds a little choppy and he needs to clear it a couple of times.
"Good evening, everyone. I thank you all so much for being here. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I did taking them. Remember that tomorrow there will be a little talk explaining some of the photographs and auctions will be held for your favorites." He says and smiles a little, you can tell he is enjoying his work, he raises his arms and the lights get brighter. "Enjoy the exhibition."
People clap again and everyone starts to enter the huge room as the doors open a little more. There is music playing and the atmosphere is pleasant, waiters soon appear and move from place to place handing out glasses of wine and champagne plus lots of little montaditos for people to peck at. Still not quite out of your stupor, Ana next to you picks up two glasses of wine and you begin to walk around the gallery looking at the many photographs that were there. You have to admit that they are good and all very different. Each one seems to tell a story, some are made in a studio, others are simply people passing by on the street capturing the perfect moment, among all there are some in which Judas comes out with some giant animal heads so you can't see his face, in others it is blurred or his own hair covers his face. Yes, there is no doubt that Judas has a gift for this. You turn to Ana and she raises her hands in peace.
"I swear I didn't know the exhibit was his." She defends herself and you shake your head.
"The truth is I didn't know what he did for a living... I knew that years ago he worked in a photography studio, selling cameras and developing photographs, but I didn't know that..." You shut up because right behind Ana is Judas and he looks at you with the same surprise you must have plastered on your faces.
"Good evening, ladies." He walks up to you with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
"Good evening, of all the legal jobs in the world, I never thought of this to you." Ana says and he laughs nodding his head.
"That's why it's the perfect job." Ana nods and clinks her glass against his glass. You still aren't able to open your mouth, your gaze still locked on him, not being able to believe what you're seeing. That's not Judas, a member of 12 Apostles. It's Norman Reedus, a man who is a photographer and has opened an art gallery in one of the most expensive areas of New York. You didn't even know what his fucking last name was.
I hope you enjoyed reading it!
I'll see you in the next story!!
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