#jokim noah
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am-i-pragnent · 1 month
[Q] who will win March Madness? NCAA men basketball [A] florida gators becouse of jokim noah and al horford in the paint and lee humphry for threes [2006]
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juravin · 3 years
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Which male Biblical name do you like the most? Aaron, Abel, Abraham, Adam, Andrew, Asher, Barak, Benjamin, Dan, Elijah, Elon, Ephraim, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Gad, Gideon, Hillel, Hiram, Immanuel, Isaac, Ishmael, Israel, Jabin, Jacob, James, Jared, Jesse, Jethro, Joel, John, Jokim, Joseph, Joshua, Josiah, Judah, Levi, Lucas, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Meshach, Micah, Moses, Noah, Paul, Peter, Philip, Reuben, Rufus, Samson, Samuel, Saul, Seth, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Stephen, Thaddeus, Thomas, Timothy, Zacharias, or any other Biblical name
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aion-rsa · 3 years
War of the Worlds Season 2 Ending: Breaking the Time Loop, Bill, Emily and the Future
Warning: contains spoilers for War of the Worlds Season 2.
Bill did it. He went back in time, broke the time loop, erased the aliens out of existence and saved billions of lives by stopping Earth from ever coming under their devastating attack in the first place. Almost erased the aliens out of existence, that should say, because – handily for season three – the alien invasion timeline is still somehow creating ripples in this parallel universe. And almost erased most of the aliens out of existence, that should really say, because when Bill travelled back in time, he took half a dozen of the Invaders along with him. Now they’re on Earth too, with nothing but hatred for humanity. Should end well.
How did Bill manage it? Why are echoes of the other timeline bleeding through into the new one? And what does all of this mean for War of the Worlds’ recently commissioned third season? Let’s dig in.
How did Bill go back in time?
By using Micah’s matter wave transposing formula and an alien ship. As Isla told Bill, the alien spaceships are alive; their matter waves grow and change, which opens a pathway to enable time travel. Micah’s formula had been devised to travel back to a point in time that would break the invasion time loop and stop the alien race from ever existing. Unable to reproduce on their home planet, plagued by genetic weakness, and raised to hate humankind, the aliens invaded Earth to slaughter its people, cure themselves, and colonise the planet. Micah evidently thought genocide too high a price to pay for survival and so sought a different route. He did the maths required to plot a course back to a point in time from which he could sabotage the Invasion plan by stopping his people from ever existing in the first place. 
Somehow, Micah knew a) that Emily was the ancestor of his people, and b) the timetable of her hospital appointments. He wrote a formula to a point in time where she could be killed before she and Sacha conceived the twins that would form the starting point of this new human-hating human race. Before he could carry out his plan though, he was killed by his brother Jokim at the Grenoble Observatory (where he’d traced the source of the signal Catherine and her colleagues sent into space). After he was killed, Catherine took his journal containing the formula, and brought it to London to share with Bill Ward, to whom she passed on Victor’s lesson about the need to have faith.
Isla had become disenchanted with Adina’s tunnel-vision belligerence and started to question if there was really any difference between her people and the humans she’d been raised to believe were so worthy of hate. She chose to betray her people and help to finish what Micah started after she learned that Adina had lied to her about Micah having been killed by the humans. She got Bill on board a ship and programmed it with Micah’s formula before Adina, Jokim and a handful of others chased them on board. Adina shot Isla, and everybody on board the alien ship was transported back in time. 
How did Bill break the time loop?
In the new timeline, Bill and Isla were found unconscious outside a hospital and taken in for treatment. Isla died of her gunshot wound, and Micah’s journal containing the time travel formula was taken from her and placed into storage. Bill spotted Emily, Sarah and Tom in the hospital and realised why he’d been sent to that time and place. He led Emily – who was still blind in this timeline – onto the rooftop, told her that the visions she’d been having of dead bodies in the streets were of the future, and that he had to stop it from happening to save billions of lives. Then he pushed her off the roof, killing her. That stopped the timeline dead in which Emily and Sacha conceived the twins that went on to form the race that invaded Earth. 
In retrospect, it’s a pity Bill didn’t hop on the Eurostar and push kitten-killing Sacha off a tall building instead of innocent Emily, but needs must. And to be fair to Bill, in the original timeline, Emily was also trying to kill Emily to stop herself from inadvertently creating a race of killer aliens, but Sacha wouldn’t let her die. 
Bill’s choice was also a sacrifice for him, in a way. By killing Emily so publicly, he made himself the chief suspect in a murder investigation, and as we saw from the newspaper headline Zoe was reading, he was arrested at the end of the season. But not before he’d righted some past wrongs and made a proper apology to his ex-wife Helen (who’d died hating him for lying to her about her partner’s death), and told son Dan that he loved and was proud of him. A prison sentence, if that’s what Bill’s now facing, is a walk in the park compared to the timeline he’d just travelled back from.
Read more
How Will War of the Worlds Season 3 Work?
By Louisa Mellor
War of the Worlds Season 1 Recap: Aliens, Cyborg Dogs, Emily, Sacha and the Mystery Tattoo
By Louisa Mellor
So, everybody on board the ship travelled back in time with Bill?
It looks like it. Bill, Isla, Adina, Jokim and a handful of other aliens were all on board the ship when it moved back in time, and all of them ended up in the same hospital in the new timeline. As Bill has stopped their people from ever existing, the remaining aliens on Earth are outliers, stranded in this version of events without a past or a future.
And everybody killed during the series is now alive in the new timeline?
Absolutely. That list includes Bill’s son Dan, who works for the government, his ex-wife Helen, Sarah Gresham, hospital porter Ash, Kariem’s sister (?), Sacha’s father/uncle Noah, and most importantly for us: Professor Catherine Durrand, who was shot in the head by a Mechanical in the original timeline in the finale, but who is now alive and well and repairing her estranged relationship with her recovering drug addict sister Sophia.  
And all of the connections we saw made in the series now never happened?
That’s right. The soldiers never came to the Observatory, so Catherine and Colonel Mokrani never met and fell in love, neither did Sophia and Nathan, whose unborn baby now doesn’t exist. Emily never met Kariem, and crucially, never met and conceived twins with Sacha. Presumably Sarah and Jonathan are still together in the new timeline, as Jonathan never met Chloe in France. Victor’s family are still alive and well, so he doesn’t attempt suicide and never meets Catherine. The list goes on.
Had we seen that footage of Catherine at the Observatory before?
Basically yes, though compare Catherine’s scenes in the season one premiere to these and there are very slight differences to her appearance and dialogue, which shows that the scenes were possibly re-filmed. In the show’s first ever episode, Catherine and her colleague chat about “choice paralysis” and supermarket toothpaste right before she detects the first alien invasion signal. In the season two finale, they have basically that same conversation but no signal arrives to interrupt, so it continues to Catherine’s colleague casually asking her out and her turning him down before visiting Sophia to make amends with her. 
So, how is season three going to work if the aliens don’t exist?
It’s going to be different alright. And it’s worth remembering that some aliens still exist in this timeline, they’re just ship-less and Mechanical-less, and there are barely enough of them to form a decent five-a-side squad. One question that season three needs to answer is how the original timeline is bleeding into this revised version of events. New timeline-Zoe dreamt of a ‘memory’ from the old timeline, and from it, recognised both Bill and the name Emily. Her first port of call in the third season will be to Bill’s prison cell for a long chat. We delve into the season three possibilities in more detail here.  
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War of the Worlds season 2 is available to stream on Epix in the US and is airing weekly on Disney+ in the UK. 
The post War of the Worlds Season 2 Ending: Breaking the Time Loop, Bill, Emily and the Future appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3fkXhyJ
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sportsv · 6 years
谷底翻轉之後,Tyreke Evans交易攻略
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雖然很多人早已猜測灰熊會這樣做,終於在近日有比較正式的消息,灰熊將Tyreke Evans放上交易桌,本篇除了討論關於灰熊和Evans的交易面向外,也藉此機會探討一下Evans本季的情況。
首先是灰熊球團考量的部分,灰熊在過去兩年多的時間,程度上出現了比政策急轉直下更糟糕的情況,就是戰略目標搖擺不定造成的全盤困境,除了眾所皆知的2016年暑假Mike Conley和Chandler Parsons頂薪慘案,另一件影響政策甚巨的事件是在頂薪哥倆更前一年為了獲得Jeff Green,將一張未來首輪送去波士頓。
這兩件事發生的當下,我們可以解讀灰熊是為了充實戰力現狀而全面梭哈,以當時灰熊的未來戰力預期和戰績排名,送去C’s的首輪原本就很大機會成為戰力下滑之時而保護過後的高額報償,頂薪哥倆事件本身是為了延續戰力保存年限,並試著再度往上衝擊,但同一時間,灰熊大膽放走了仍有合約在身而風評甚佳的教練Dave Joerger,找來長時間助教資歷的David Fizdale。
在前陣子Fizdale被拔時,已經有過不少關於Fizdale的討論,筆者對於Fizdale的看法大致持平,不是特別好或特別差的教練,但在Joerger離去而Fizdale上位時另一個大家容易忽略的背景是,此時灰熊的助理教練團也同時更迭,即便不看Joerger和Fizdale的差距,光這前後兩組教練團的差異都是非常明顯的,離開的有像35年教練背景、戰術素養甚高的Elston Turner,而引進了分別是球探和球員出生、之前甚少或完全沒有執教經驗的Adam Mazarel、Nick Van Exel,以及之前都曾短暫擔任總教練、但在原球隊皆無建樹的J.B.Bickerstaff、Keith Smart,灰熊是整個教練團重組,而上路的新兵沒有一個是那種足以當後盾的名字。
Parsons的受傷配上他的合約對灰熊來說無疑是一個災難,但就在這個仍能進入季後賽席位的球季過後,拖著3張巨型合約、1張重要首輪仍外流的灰熊,卻選擇立即年輕化的政策,當然這過程是有些不得不然的因素,老闆口袋淺、經營權有疑慮、球隊又處於虧損,不過從戰力佈局角度,你在剛梭哈一年後馬上做大幅度退縮,怎麼看都不是一件聰明的事,而這退縮的另一層背景還是缺乏後路的退縮,除了那3張巨型合約和首輪外流的問題外,灰熊前幾年的選秀和年輕球員養成幾乎是全面潰敗的,在開季前才剛裁掉了2016年首輪Wade Baldwin。
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當然灰熊可以有別的想法,設法清出能續約Evans的薪資空間來年再戰,但這種想法本身存在很大的技術難度和操作風險,灰熊要騰出足以續約Evans的薪資空間,很難不從那三張巨型合約下手,而現在除了最大神主牌Marc Gasol外,另兩張交易價值都是負的,且就算能騰出薪資空間仍會遇到上述問題,在鳥權無意義下灰熊並沒有母隊續約的優勢,所以我們這邊先不去探討這種可能性,目前看似灰熊也沒有要走這條路的打算。
如果再多考慮到灰熊總管Chris Wallace近年的談判能力,嗯,現實面上,想取得Evans的球隊代價多半會低於他的真實價值,至於低於多少,大概會取決於該隊總管和Wallace的智商差距。
更多本文作家 春少 文章:
金塊起飛的最大原因:Mike Malone
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筆者本來想表列一下Evans和去年幾位半季租借球員的差距,看了看其實沒啥好列的,我只能說當中所費代價最高的Serge Ibaka交易當下PER也不過17.5,而Evans此時此刻還高達22.8,如果以去年的租借名單當標準,Evans的戰力所值必然不只一個後段首輪。
這邊另外提醒一點是租借球員的合約長度未必是加分,像合約多一年的Lou Williams其實換的也沒有比較好,和半季合約的Ibaka、Bojan Bogdanovic同樣是拿到後段首輪,送出他的湖人還多吃了一張Corey Brewer的合約,不過這邊我認為和該球員的球路、年紀、球場定位、傷病風險等比較有關,該球員越像是理所當然的核心輪替人選時,合約長度理應越長越好,這邊我們只是強調交易價值不全然取決於合約長度。
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球員A是13-14球季的Dwyane Wade。
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這邊筆者提一個假設交易對象,金塊,金塊可以用Kenneth Faried + Mailk Beasley + 首輪向灰熊換取Evans + JaMychchal Green + 平衡薪資的到期約,對灰熊來說,可以拿到沒那麼底的首輪和Beasley的報償,吃下Faried和Green的薪資差額(兩人合約年限一樣),若Beasley換成Juan Hernangomez也差不多意思,兩人均是素質甚好的二年級生現在卻缺乏機會,對金塊來說,除了替這季爭搶季後賽排名更添保障外,暑假Wilson Chandler有蠻大機率跳出合約,Darrell Arthur即便執行球員選項也可用買斷來處理,金塊在順利的情況下,會有20M以上薪資空間在Nikola Jokic薪資暴漲前最後紅利時間,簽下核心級後場。
當然這只是一個延伸Evans交易價值的假設,金塊後場雙核心地位穩固,但Jamal Murray和Gary Harris兩人本質都偏射手,Evans和他們一起登場理論上不太會有可行性的爭議,金塊又是聯盟中Pick n Roll Ball Handler工作最輕鬆的球隊,而這正是Evans的強項。
比如說這季仍在為季後賽席位奮戰的尼克,手上還抱著Jokim Noah這張絕對爛約、和幾張有疑慮的長約(我們先姑且稱之為小爛約),如果灰熊透過Evans的誘因把Parsons換成Noah和平衡薪資的球員,可以降低一些薪資壓力,對尼克而言Evans會是大勝Jarrett Jack的導師也可擔當側翼,如果灰熊連尼克的小爛約一起帶走,還有機會要到尼克的保護首輪,這又比金塊或其他強隊的首輪更值錢一些,而不管走這兩個方案哪一個,尼克因為Enes Kanter在球季結束後跳出合約的機率不低,都會因此而得到續約Evans的空間。
更多本文作家 春少 文章:
Bogdan Bogdanovic正在逐漸適應NBA
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雖然背了很長時間新人年即生涯年的戲謔,事實上Evans不管在哪支球隊的什麼定位,績效都算很穩定,我們不去緬懷20-5-5的新人年,只看他在生涯500場比賽過後還能保持在16-4-5的全能身手,聯盟現役球員也僅有8個人能達標,另外這7個名字都不需要介紹,分別是Stephen Curry、James Harden、LeBron James、Chris Paul、Russell Westbrook、Dwyane Wade、John Wall。
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也許你沒有深入了解過Tyreke Evans,在他以20-5-5奪下新人王、隔年2K設定給他的成長範圍可以到99分的超高看好度當下,Evans都是一個完全看不到驕氣的球員,這句話並非全然的稱讚,因為個性沒有霸氣,你翻遍所有報導幾乎都看不到有類似領袖氣質的形容詞用在他身上,他一直是個徹底的乖乖牌,教練叫他做什麼工作他就去做,無論他到底擅不擅長這樣的工作。
早在2012年暑假,也就是新人約的最後一年開跑時,當時國王的老總管Geoff Petrie年近70待退之齡,他深知Evans有獨特的能力,所以才會在2009年選秀會上力排眾議慧眼挑中Evans,但Petrie同時也深知Evans必須克服投籃問題,在那個暑假,Petrie跳過球隊教練、和Evans在場館進行一對一的訓練。
這樣的訓練成果並沒有白費,隔年Evans將三分球從前一年的0.202大幅提升到0.338,這個數字從現在的角度看並沒有多了不起,但已經是Evans生涯首次讓三分球突破三成,然而隨著國王新團隊入主,並沒有採納Petrie的建議,決定不留Evans,前往鵜鶘後,Evans被定位在球隊第六人,帶領替補上陣他同時得負擔球隊組織的運作和個人搶分,當時他的pull up還時靈時不靈,為了求勝他又把投籃先擱下,三分球的出手數來到生涯新低,命中率又降回0.221。
在受傷的這兩年,他聽從投籃教練的建議開始改機制,曾經苦練出來的感覺又逐漸回來,其實在15-16球季的短暫25場出賽中,Evans已經讓3P%來到0.388的水平,隔年回到國王後,Joerger教練利用強弱邊的轉移幫Evans製造出許多catch & shot的機會,而他在14場出賽中也很爭氣的繳出0.438的回報。
到這個時間點,仍有許多質疑Evans是小樣本的短暫爆發,事實上Evans是經過數年苦練累積的成果,儘管早已不是那種可以談天賦談潛力的年紀,Evans始終沒放棄修正自己的短處,在這季他終於能夠健康出賽,三分球無論出手數和命中數都來到生涯新高,命中率0.416雖然還略遜於去年短暫回歸國王的時期,但由於定位不同,這季沒有戰術保護他,而是由他來帶動戰術,現在的0.416是由大量難度更高的pull up投籃堆積出來的結果。
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更多本文作家 春少 文章:
17-18賽季,你不可不知的各隊X Man(西區篇)
17-18賽季,你不可不知的各隊X Man(東區篇)
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complexmagazine · 10 years
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...and the NBA season is underway.
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nbanflictures · 11 years
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acid23j-blog · 11 years
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LOOL i find this picture hilarious 
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chronofett · 12 years
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maskwearingsocio · 12 years
First it was
D.Rose who tore his ACL on the first day of Playoffs
along with Iman Shumpert, he tore his ACL and LCL.
Noah with his spraining his ankle in game 3.
D.Wade off his game, scoring five points in game 3 against Pacers.
Now Westbrook? Smh.
Hope it's not serious, iReally want the Lakers out...
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z4howard · 11 years
For Claudia
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