#joe biden can go fuck himself lmao
mariacallous · 3 months
You actually need to be informed. 1982, Biden stood out as the only senator defending the Lebanese War: “The senator — Biden — said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children,” writes the Times of Israel.
Israeli PM Begin reportedly said he “disassociated” himself from Biden’s comments.
“I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war. … Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians,”
Biden has been more genocidal Zionist than anyone else, for longer than anyone else. More than anyone in the US govt. More than many in the Israeli govt!
This is BIDEN'S GENOCIDE. Genocide Joe will not be known for anything else.
He is breaking multiple US laws to further this genocide. Many presidents before him have held Israel back from this kind of destruction. He absolutely had every ability to stop it, and still easily does.
He will lose this election dramatically for the one and only reason that he thought doing genocide was more important than "protecting America from trump"
Democrats and Republicans do whatever the corporations need to take your freedoms away. Biden said he'd sign the fucking tiktok ban!! But even if democrats were marginally better on a couple issues and it wasn't just aesthetics. You still couldn't get me to vote for someone who is singlehandledly able to stop a genocide and won't.
And frankly, if you are willing to vote for someone who is currently *giving the weapons being used to commit genocide* then you have no fucking moral standards. And for that very reason, *guilting people into voting for someone committing genocide will not work.* sorry that is just not how guilt works lmao. You have to have some moral standards in order to feel it.
If you gave a shit about humanity, instead of pressuring voters into voting biden again, you would be using the massive political momentum behind #FreePalestine to fucking pressure biden into being a less-genocidal candidate, if hes so reasonable. Or pressure the DNC to pick someone else! They could so easily do that! Why didn't they do that?!?
The Democrats obviously do not care that much about winning. If they don't think protecting your rights are important enough to stop giving weapons to do a genocide, do you really think they give a shit about them at all?
The Democrats could have made Roe v Wade a law. Why didn't they? Why did they just wait? Oh, I know! It's so they can say "vote for me or you'll lose your abortions!!" Its fucking blackmail. "Trump" is just the democrats saying "we will do nothing for you. We will commit genocide. Vote for us anyway, cucks." Trump is their blank fucking check. And you are content to hand over that cash in perpetuity.
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cyberhobi · 2 years
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pls tell me im not the only 1 who thinks this is weird
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