#jimbert interview
mywonderfulone · 2 years
live aid ‘85 backstage interview - john paul jones, jimmy page, robert plant, phil collins
“did you two get together, prior to this event?”
“we met at pangbourne(?) railway station. he had a wonderful girlfriend at the time- what was her name?”
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ledhead94 · 2 months
So I'm tracking down a Jimmy Page interview...
Or trying to, anyway. For Very Important Research Purposes. Several months ago on Tumblr I saw a scan of an interview with Jimmy (during the early '70s, I think?). It was in black-and-white. The interviewer asked about Jimmy's happiest memory, and he said something about falling in love at the age of fifteen. People were making Jimbert jokes in the tags about him trying not to mention Robert? I wish I could remember more detail. But seriously, I have been looking everywhere and I can't bloody find it! If anybody could send it my way, I would be forever in your debt! Thanks!
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midnightinwales · 4 months
i'm watching the denton show interview for the hundredth time and it never ever gets old. the amount of mirroring they do all the time is just silly. they're wired to each other to such a level, like come on! newlyweds cuteness but also 'been married for over 20 years' vibe. robert's gay innuendo because of course he cannot let the opportunity pass. jimmy's 'oh no not this shit again' expression when robert starts showing teeth at the very mention of Stairway. giggling into each other's arms watching the parodies. it isn't hard to see them glowing, really.
and let's not forget the story of them discovering a great band playing in a cafe in marrakesh which was later filmed in Only Lovers Left Alive.
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yamanouchi77 · 2 years
Jimbert is still alive???
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jadorejadorejador3 · 6 months
Ok idk if anyones made a post on this, but can we talk ab the parallels between page/plant and lestat/louis??? Like im rlly high but it j dawned on me... ive never read any of the books or watched the show of iwav tbh but ik the movies/summaries of the books... but im curious what the time frame of the books being written is... could they be inspired? Anyways yeah back to youtube shorts
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goliah0 · 2 years
I cannot get over this, I just cannot. Rolling Stone got the year wrong (ha) but the story, shattering beauty. What did it feel like, driving down alone the route you went with your soulmate back in your peak days when you and your love were invincible, after 36 years, when the child was gone, the dream was gone, but love was still burning? Must be fucking amazing.
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lemongrablothbrok · 9 months
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love - Earl's Court 05-24-1975 Part 17
Okay, listen up people, Zep-heads, Jimbert shippers especially, because this video is un-fucking-believable in so many ways, and all of them good ways and I have a lot to say about it, mmkay? To start out, we have the boys coming out to do an encore, and Robert just...reclines on the platform thingy like the decadent demigod he is and eats whatever he's eating while Bonzo, the most laddish member of the group, in a fluffy robe, no less, declares that he finds football to be "a load of bollocks". Robert, almost certainly the most effeminate member of the group (I guess one might be able to argue that Jimmy - with his delicate features and willowy physique and soft speaking voice - might be a little more effeminate, but that's neither here nor there, the point still stands, and that point is that Robert is a pretty pretty princess), stands right up to defend the sport that he's so passionate about (side note: anyone know why he says "soccer" and not "football"? Because I can't think of another British person who calls it that. The first few times I heard him use it, it was during interviews with American interviewers and/or for American TV shows or publications, so I thought it was just for clarity so they know he's not talking about American football, but this is a concert in Britain with, I'm assuming, a mostly British audience. Anyone know why he calls it that?).
The song kicks off with Robert and Jimmy doing, as I referred to a few days ago on a post featuring a gif from this performance, "backwards humping", or, "the bisexual secret handshake". They are so shameless in their weird ass public courtship display that you might just miss seeing Jonesy's beautiful smile in the background (and if you do, take that video back a few seconds and freaking look at that gorgeous smile. You'll thank me later).
When we get to the first chorus, Robert freaking throws one arm around Jimmy's shoulder, pulling him close to share the microphone, and I shit you not, Jimmy's foot pops. And if that weren't enough, Robert pulls away for a second just to look at Jimmy's face and smile, only to pull him in closer again. Get a room, you dorks. Then when the second chorus comes around, they have the stupidest lovesick smiles on their faces, which are so close together they can probably taste each other's breath. Then Jimmy sort of pushes off with this shoulder nudge and one of them (Jimmy, I think? I sounds like Robert, but Robert's already in the middle of a drawn out vocal, so I think it's Jimmy) gives this soft little grunt/sigh/suspiciously sexual sounding noise. They spend a moment doing a short rendition of (I think?) James Brown's "sex machine" (worth noting/remembering here that Led Zeppelin have their own tribute to James Brown in "The Crunge", a song that gives off all the bisexual energy that's considered safe for human consumption), and then...then...
...we get to the theremin segment. The motherfucking theremin segment. The climax, if you will, of this entire performance. The part where Jimmy and Robert have hardcore sex right there on stage, right there in front of their audience, at least half of whom is probably male, and the vast majority of whom at least claim to be heterosexual, since this is the 1970s and there's very real consequences in store if you're a dude who goes around telling people out loud that one of the main reasons you go to Led Zeppelin concerts is to see and hear obscenely beautiful men fuck each other's brains out. Or even admit that you're aware that's just what's going on on that stage. Yes, this is the part where Jimmy does incredible things with his hands and long slender little fingers that make Robert moan and scream like a particularly horny banshee. Look, there's no getting around it. Even before I shipped it, I had to acknowledge (if in kind of a jokey-jokey way) that, wow, Jimmy is really dedicated to seeing how much and how hard he can make Robert cum. And Robert, in turn, is doing everything he can to let Jimmy know just how much and how hard he's cumming. Which is very much, and very hard. Some things to note are the way Robert not only mimics the sounds that the theremin is making, but also some of Jimmy's gestures, like when Jimmy puts both hands up in the air and then we see Robert doing the same. Meanwhile, the rhythm section are doing their thing, John Paul Jones' bassline providing the sort of bow-chicka-wow-wow type soundtrack to this auditory gay porn. Also, around 5:45, you can hear the bass do something that sounds an awful lot like "Achilles' Last Stand", which at this point hasn't been written yet, but that particular riff has been and will be used in concerts for quite a while before ending up in said homoerotic epic.
What really, really gets me about this performance, though, is what happens at around the six minute point, when Jimmy goes to grab his guitar back from offstage and Robert just has this look on his face. He's saying "ooh, ooh," slowly sauntering in Jimmy's direction, looking straight at him, his eyes filled with what can only be described as pure lust. This part isn't for the audience. Most of the audience can't see Robert's face with the direction he's facing, and those that can are too far away to be able to see it. He's not faking this. He's not pretending to be horny or desperate to be provocative, not in the look he's giving Jimmy, anyway. I'm not sure if the look in his eyes here is one that can be faked. Oh no. He feels it.
And then Robert gets back to singing, "Feel a little lonely, in the middle of the night. I need you darlin', to make things alright." And who is he looking directly at as he sings this? Just take a wild guess.
tl;dr: Robert and Jimmy are about as subtle as a rainbow fireworks display spelling out "WE'RE BISEXUAL DISASTERS IN LOVE"
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imoldgreggory · 4 years
He shows me another picture, of him standing in the house, next to a jardinière he bought while on tour with the Yardbirds, “I was a bit of a collector [even back then]. I bought it in a flea market and it came back in the plane with me. That’s the room we recorded Whole Lotta Love in.” The thought of him with a jardinière on a plane… That’s unexpected, I say. “I know!” he laughs. “That’s why I showed it to you.”
- Jimmy Page in this interview (2018)
I wonder if this is the jardinière:
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So this has been on my mind ever since I read the interview weeks ago.
The thing is, when I first joined this part of tumblr (about three months ago now) I was chatting to someone about Jimbert and said that even though I shipped them pretty hard, I didn’t have an opinion either way as to whether it could be true or not. And I hadn’t given much thought to either of their sexualities irl - they could both be straight for all I knew or cared. The way they, or Jimmy in particular, chose to dress on or off stage was not an argument to me (I still don’t know if it is). 
This little quote, however, has really stuck with me - for a couple of reasons. One, I am a girl and I honestly had to google what a “jardinière” even was. And two, I have in my life met only one (1) man who has done something similar, and on the same level of ridiculous, going out of his way to decorate his home with impractical pretty things. A former colleague of mine who bought a huge round mirror from a flea market or antique shop (not sure) when on holiday walking around New York City. He then of course had to carry the round paper-wrapped package around literally in his hands - first in taxis and later on the plane (and then again in the taxi back home). Because spontaneously buying decor for your house across the Atlantic is naturally what a man does...
Look, I’m not saying anything, and I’m not trying to stereotype anything or anyone. But let me tell you, that colleague of mine is most decidedly not a straight guy. (Like, he has a boyfriend and everything.)
Just something I needed to get off my chest.
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“Jimmy gave it to me...” 💕🥰💕☺️💕
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merrycai · 5 years
Jimbert fanart by 牙鳥
credit: http://krowl.lofter.com/post/1198f4_12c48155c
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Hey everyone I need your help!
My friend asked me to introduce him to jimbert thing. I'm emphasizing he is male, and straight as a ruler, but he's not homophobe or anything and he asked me to explain things to him. He loves Zeppelin very VERY much but not for a second he assumed that Robert and Jimmy are anything but straight. Over the years I threw random facts at him, without intention to persuade him to accept that they are at least bi, you know, if you want to see and know where to look, you'll understand. And yesterday after I sent him that interview where Robert is like "He won't be with me now" and that one where he is saying that they already slept together, he was like. Wait. I'm starting to believe. This shit is real.
And I was like HOLY SHIT
And he wants to know!
If you want to know, I'll show it to you.
So the question is
How to systematically introduce someone to jimbert? Where to start? It's like all over the place. How to collect every detail/look/interview/newspapers articles OH GOD
I'm planning to show him all of the fishie's works in "Digging deeper/Holy shit jimbert is real" series BECAUSE GOD DAMN IT IS A FUCKING BIBLE.
And everything else? WHERE TO START FUCK WHERE TO START???
Archivists? Please? And anyone else!
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classiczeppelin · 7 years
Tagged by @loveittodeath ❤️️
Rule: tag 6 followers you want to know better
relationship status: maybe, I’m not sure… complicated
favorite color: all the colours in the rainbow… I can’t choose :D
pets: no pets (except for Bob, he’s my imaginary cat, I also tried to nurse a small bird back to health when I was in first grade… that counts maybe?)
last song: Big Log (teehee) by Robert Plant
first fandom: classic rock (specifically David Bowie-shoutout to professor Bowie, then discovered the wonders of Jimbert)
hobbies: panicking about daily life, drawing, looking at pictures of Jimmy Page and Percy, teaching myself the guitar, eating, rollerblading, daydreaming, discovering new bands I like, playing Mario games, hiding from responsibilities, stockpiling live Led Zeppelin footage and interviews, baking
currently reading: @johnpornjonesand @almost-the-gold fanfiction, The Silver Chair by C.S Lewis
I tag @robgoldengod, @firethatgrewsolow, @gryffindor-queen-of-rocknroll, @almost-the-gold, @sanamm2000, @waywaydowninside
(Ps I don't know if you people follow me or not but what the hell... I love your blogs!)
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phgq · 4 years
BFP reminds public on fire safety 
#PHinfo: BFP reminds public on fire safety 
BAGUIO CITY, Jan. 24 (PIA) -- The Bureau of Fire Protection – Baguio reiterates the    observance  of  fire prevention and safety measures to avoid the loss of life and properties.
Baguio City Fire Station Chief lawyer Jimbert Cerezo reminded the public to take precautions to ensure fire safety and that homes and establishments are safe from fire incidents. This as a structural fire incident razed a four-story inn and restaurant building at the Lakandula area in Barangay Kagitingan in Baguio City on Saturday afternoon.
Fortunately, aside from the caretaker of the building who was brought to the hospital after fainting,  no injury  occurred during the incident.
In the initial investigation of the BFP-Baguio, faulty electrical wiring  is being looked as the cause of the fire incident. 
Cerezo stressed the reminder to the public of their responsibility to ensure safety and prevent loss of life and property.
To help ensure fire safety in workplaces and business establishments, fire detection and suppression systems should be installed. There should also be emergency or evacuation plan which every employee should be knowlegable about.  Employees should also be trained in fire safety.
Cerezo said that as the year starts, they  are intensifying  their fire safety campaign through information dissemination, giving of safety tips, fire inspection, and the conduct of regular fire drills. (JDP/RMC- PIA CAR)
Media interview with Baguio City Fire Station Chief Atty. Jimbert Cerezo as he reminded the public to take precautions to ensure fire safety. (RMC- PIA CAR) 
* Philippine Information Agency. "BFP reminds public on fire safety ." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1033328 (accessed January 24, 2020 at 06:02PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "BFP reminds public on fire safety ." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1033328 (archived).
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mywonderfulone · 2 years
here’s a clip from a 1994 interview that i love :)))
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mywonderfulone · 2 years
Robert Plant ‘smiles through’ an interview about Coverdale-Page (04/‘93)
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mywonderfulone · 2 years
this moment from a 1985 much interview in canada is beautifully chaotic and random. 🇨🇦
and of course, this guy reminds robert of jimmy.
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