Jhype fic
p>*Author note ayyye this is my first boy band fic type thing hope it doesn’t suck also jons still on the show in this because I love Jon and wish he could have stayed longer
*Requested by @beahippie23
*Pairing jhype and y/n
*Warning… ummm steamy make out I suppose nothing to serious
*Summary youre Nicks niece and are alway around all the boys because your uncle got you a job on the show and you hit it off with jhype
*Its Thursday and I’m a shaking scatter brained mess “y/n !” I hear loudly behind me I turn you see my uncle nick with an ear to ear smile he walks up to me “Chill out your doing a great job you look so nervous I know Thursday’s are always anxiety filled but there’s really nothing to worry about your not the one performing.” He says with a laugh “ I know uncle Nick I just want the show to go well and I’m always anxious about the boys you know that.” I tell him “Well relax there’s nothing to worry about. I gotta get going to hair sweetie but we’ll talk after the show I was talking to some of the producers and think I’ll have some good news for you.” He says and stalks off towards hair and makeup I hope the good new is a promotion I really do I mean don’t get me wrong I like what I do but I need something more serious your probably lost lemme explain I work on set of abcs newest show boy band my uncle Nick is Nick Carter like Backstreet Boys Nick Carter he’s an architect on the show and knew I’d been hoping to go into the field of production and tv development so he pulled some strings and got me a job on the show right now I’m not really doing anything related to production I’m pretty much just in charge of the talent as in I make sure all the boys who are contestants are doing what they should be where they should be when they should and as young straight girl it’s pretty much the best yet most frustrating job although all the boys are quite respectful it’s hard to keep them all on track sometimes and it’s even harder to keep my mind on track be there’s one boy who is kind of driving me insane his name is jhype and he makes my job very difficult because I struggle to form proper sentences around let alone be professional he’s just to damn beautiful and sweet and talented
********************* “Okay boys you’re up first get in your places.” I tell Chance Devin and Drew it’s about 3 minutes until we go live and I need to get these three on stage because they start the opening number tonight the boys do as I ask and head toward the stage “So happy I’m not out first tonight.” I hear as someone comes up next to me I look to my right and see it’s Jhype my heart starts to race he looks amazing tonight he’s wearing a tuxedo and his hair is pushed back and you can see those wonderful eyes of his “Yeah I can’t imagine the pressure you guys feel up there.” I say to him “It’s hard but so amazing at the same time I love getting to perform I just feel inadequate compared to the others you know.” He says quietly looking down seeming a little embarrassed having had admitted that “You’re amazing Jhype don’t think that way.” I say quickly wanting to reassure him “I keep telling him that but my boy won’t listen.” Michael says coming to stand beside Jhype taking his place I hear the music begin and Chance starts singing and then I quickly gesture for the boys to go on stage they take my direction and go.
It’s getting towards the end of the show and I’m a nervous wreck I’m biting my nails and just staring at the two boys who are in front of the architects the two boys that are up for elimination Jhype is in the bottom two and I’m losing my mind I’m praying he stays even though Jon is a wonderful talented contestant “And the boy America has saved is..” Rita says then takes a long pause and opens up the envelope she’s holding “The boy staying in the competition is Jhype.” She says and smiles at Jhype I take an audible sigh of relief and Thank God
It’s later that same night I’m in my room at the hotel I just finished getting ready for bed and am about to go to sleep when I get a text from uncle Nick he wants to see me in the lobby I head downstairs excited to see what he had to say “Hey uncle Nick” I say approaching him as he sits on a comfy chair in the hotel lobby. “Hey y/n” he says with a smile I sit down across from him “Well I have some news for you I was talking to some of the producers earlier and we’ve decided that if your up to it you can join the production team not making any big decisions yet but we need a consultant on well teen girls that’s our demographic and most of the people who work in the show are middle aged men so I think you see where your perspective could come in handy” he tells me this and I smile so wide it hurts my face “Oh my God uncle Nick that’s amazing I’d be more than happy to.” I say “Well the only reason I said if your up to it is because we also want you to keep your current job all the boys seem to respond well to having you around and taking direction from you so we don’t wanna throw off the energy back stage or change it up because everything is working out well right now” “I know it’ll be difficult but I’m so excited and I really do want to do both I think I’ll be able to manage it.” I respond to him “Okay great I’ll let the production team know tomorrow well I’m gonna head to sleep kid see you tomorrow” and with that he walked off towards the elevator just then the front door of the hotel opened and in walked Jhype he looks so adorable I wanna go up and congratulate him but I’m really nervous so I just sit and hope he doesn’t notice me “Y/n ” he says and smiles as he walks to where I’m sitting so much for hoping he wouldn’t notice “Hey Jhype so happy your gonna be staying.” I say and grin he laughs and says “Yeah me to it was rough tonight I was scared then I thought about what you said and I was hoping America would see whatever it is that you do and keep me here thankfully they did. You know I never really tell you but I appreciate everything you do for all of us it can’t be easy to wrangle us all in and do everything else you do and your doing a hell of a job y/n.” I’m taken back by his words and don’t quite know how to respond “Thanks J that means a lot.” I tell him “I was so worried you’d not make it tonight I’m really happy that you don’t have to go home.” “I’m happy to I really want to be in this band and I constantly feel like I gotta prove that cause people don’t take me serious as a vocalist I gotta up my game next week to stay here.” He says and my heart sinks he really deserves to be here he works twice as hard as the other boys I’ve noticed that the last 3 weeks “You work harder than anyone here J you’ll see the benefits of all that work.” I say with a yawn I’m exhausted and I’m really starting to feel it “I really hope so y/n that’s really nice of you to say I won’t keep you up much longer you seem tired.” He says “No I’m fine we can talk if you want.” I say not wanting this to end I love talking to him but then I release another yawn and he laughs “You’re cute when you’re tired.” He says then stands up “How about I walk you to your room.” He tells me and extends his hand to me I’m in shock from his compliment and don’t even respond I just get up and take his hand it’s big and warm and it’s feels wonderful to hold we walk towards the elevator “You know I really like talking to you y/n you always make me feel more comfortable and actually kinda confident it’s hard being on the show especially since I’ve gotten so close to the boys every elimination hurts worst and it’s hard to compete with the guys when they’re all so talented.” He says as we reach my room “We’ll I guess this is good night” he says letting go of my hand and looking down then he places a hand on the back of his neck “You could come in if you want.” I say and don’t know where the words are coming from I just know I don’t want this to end I wanna keep holding his hand and hearing his voice “You sure ?” He asks but looks up at me and smiles “Yeah I am ” I say as I open the door I walk towards the bed and he follows me I take a seat and look at him taking in his messy hair and bright eyes and adorable sweats he’s wearing he just stands in front of me smiling “You could have a seat” I say with a laugh as I remove the hoodie I’m wearing and immediately regret it I’m now super aware of the fact this all I’m in is a thin tank top and that I’m not wearing a bra Jhype takes a seat beside me on the bed and kicks off his shoes “I have to tell you something you’re really beautiful y/n and your smart and great at your job and ambitious and I really like talking to you I guess what I trying to say is I like you and was wondering if you’d like to go out tomorrow night like on a date with me .” He says and blushes and looks down I can tell it took a lot for him to say all that I blush I can’t believe he seems so interested in me we have short conversations all the time that I treasure but I never thought he thunk anything of it or that he paid me any attention but I guess he does and he has I can’t help myself I lean forward and press my lips to his beautiful mouth it’s soft and his lips are full and it’s wonderful we continue pecking each other’s lips for a while then jhype puts his hands on my waist and I slide one of mine in his hair and one on the back of his neck and he deepens the kiss his tongue slips in my mouth and starts to explore and we continue on for a few minutes and it’s wonderful so so wonderful better than I expected I feel so alive feeling his lips against mine he pulls back and smiles at me “I take that as a yes” he says and laughs I just kiss him again it’s intoxicating it’s addictive dear God this boys mouth is like no other mouth I’ve kissed before Jhype quickly pulls away and says come here as he tugs at my waist he scoots up on the bed with his back against the headboard I get in his lap and put my legs on either side of him and his hands slip back to my waist and we resume our kiss it’s getting more intense and I’m still wanting more it’s like Jhype can read my mind he tugs the bottom of my tank top and pulls his lips away from mine to look at me asking permission I nod yes and he pulls it over my head and puts it on the bed he takes in my chest his face lights up “You’re so beautiful” is all he says then he reaches up and caresses my right boob then starts to nead it and kisses me again I tug a his shirt and we brake long enough for him to take it off and I admire his toned chest and beautiful collar bones and begin to kiss them then I work my way to his neck and start sucking slightly when I come across a spot that makes him a moaning mess then I go back to kissing his mouth as he’s still working my boob we continue for a few minutes and it’s the most exhilarating experience I’ve ever had it scares me how much I want him normally I don’t do these kinds of things but I can’t help it “y/n” Says as he pulls away from me and I look at his face “Jhype” I say trying not to pant “I really into this but don’t want things to happen right this minute I want you to be sure.” He says and looks from my face to my bare chest then back at my face “God your so beautiful ” “I’m really into this to but you’re right let’s cool down. I tell him and get off his lap and scoot under the covers he gets up and I’m about to say goodbye when he surprises me and turns out the light then comes to lay beside me “Is it okay if I stay?” “Of course.” I say leaning into his chest i say then I lay my face against his chest and he pulls me closer to him our bare torsos are pressed against each other I feel so comfortable so safe so warm it’s one of the happiest moments I’ve had I can hear his heart beating in my ear and his breath going in and out “Goodnight y/n” he whispers and pulls me even closer which I didn’t know was possible and soon after that I drifted into sweet peaceful sleep
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