#jeanne looking a million dollars
venus-haze · 2 years
All Shook Up (Austin!Elvis x Reader) Part 2
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Summary: Your and Elvis’ date doesn’t go as planned, drawing the media attention you were trying to avoid. With the release of your duet following soon after the media circus, the success of the song and increasing tabloid speculation make some people see dollar signs, rather than romance in the air.
Note: The reader can still be read as gender neutral as of this part. Thank you all for the support for the first part of this series! I know I have a million others I’m working on, but this one has been a lot of fun to write. Please do not interact with my blog or posts if you’re under 18 or post ED/thinspo content.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: None.
Part 1
After Elvis and the Colonel had left, Ray and Jeanne were kind enough to let you rant and rave to them about the nerve he had to make insinuations about you and your personal life. Ray asked you again if you were sure about wanting to collaborate with Elvis, promising he could find you another up-and-coming artist to do the song with you, but, out of spite for the Colonel and genuinely liking Elvis, you remained firm in your choice of a duet partner. 
When Jeanne had brought you back to your apartment later that night, she let you know that your schedule for the following day would be short, with meetings in the afternoon and a promotional radio interview around 4pm. Just as you figured, you’d have the evening free to spend with Elvis.
For once, you had a morning to yourself and savored every moment of sleeping in two extra hours and actually having time to make yourself a nice breakfast. Just as you were about to bring your food out to the balcony, the buzzer for your apartment rang, and the doorman, Bill, informed you of a delivery that had arrived with the morning newspaper. You let him know to send it up, and racked your brain for what could have been sent to you. Sometimes companies would send you free merchandise, hoping for celebrity advertisement, but those usually went to the label’s office.
You opened the door to find a bright bouquet of flowers next to your paper. Bringing both items into your apartment, you set the flowers on the kitchen counter and read the card that was attached.
Dear Y/N, 
Thank you for yesterday. I hope these will do until I see you tonight.
You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. It was sweet, especially since all you’d done the day before was get a rough version of the song together and talked afterward. You normally didn’t think too much of it when you went on dates with other celebrities, but something about Elvis excited you the way no one else had.
Putting the flowers in a vase, you kept looking at them throughout the morning. When Jeanne stopped by around eleven to get you, she smiled when you told her who they were from. The rest of the day flew by, with your radio interview to end the day. It went well, mostly just some softball questions from a DJ who regularly played your music. When he asked about your upcoming album and hearing about last minute changes being made to it, you teased the collaboration, not explicitly mentioning Elvis, just that you’d be working with a newer artist–someone controversial. You refused to give more details, knowing the mystery would add buzz prior to the song’s announcement.
Ray had gotten the label to agree to make it the lead single for your upcoming album, meaning its success would make or break the album sales as a whole. It still wasn’t officially announced yet, and you knew Ray was spending part of his day getting contracts and scheduling worked out with the Colonel. 
The interview ended, and you made it back to your apartment by five, giving you an hour to get ready for the date. You picked an outfit you knew you looked good in. Sure, you weren’t trying to attract any media attention, but you sure as hell wanted to attract his. After checking over your appearance for what felt like the millionth time, you looked at the clock. It was already a few minutes past six. 
If he had to cancel, you would’ve at least expected him to have the decency to call. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you waited a few more minutes, and your intercom buzzed. You jumped up to answer it.
“Y/N, Mr. Presley’s here for you.”
“Thanks Bill, let him know I’ll be down in a minute!” 
You made your way downstairs to see Elvis standing near the back entrance of your apartment building, shifting from leg to leg every few seconds.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry I’m late,” Elvis apologized as soon as he saw you. “Things got held up while I was recordin’ for this TV show. I got here as quick as I could.”
“I get it, trust me,” you smiled, giving him a hug. “The flowers were lovely, by the way, thank you.”
He returned the hug, visibly more relaxed. “I’m glad you liked them.” 
“The drive to the restaurant should be quick. I figured it’d be better for us to be driven there than try to go ourselves,” you explained, leading him over to the car that was waiting outside.
Elvis nodded. “Sounds good.”
You hadn’t been lying, the drive to the restaurant was quick, though he spent most of it staring out the window as the bustling city passed by. The place was a real dive, with its exposed brick walls and dim lighting obscured by the cloud of smoke that hung in the air. Everyone seemed to speak only in whispers, the loudest noises being the occasional clinking of wine glasses or scraping of utensils on plates. Even the music was subdued, and Elvis figured this was the kind of place where people went if they wanted to go out but not be seen.
You handed the host a twenty, “The usual table, please.”
“Of course,” he nodded, slipping the bill into his coat pocket. 
Elvis leaned down, whispering to you as the host led you to a secluded table in the back of the restaurant. “You gave him twenty dollars?”
“Why not?” you said, thanking the host as you and Elvis were seated.
A waiter immediately came by with a bottle of complimentary wine, courtesy of the restaurant owner, who waved to you from the kitchen door. You lifted your empty glass in acknowledgement, but noticed Elvis shift uncomfortably as the waiter poured the wine.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, placing your hand on his forearm.
“You know so many people,” he said, mumbling an awkward ‘thanks’ to the waiter when he left to let you two look over your menus.  
“I’ve been at this for a long time.”
"So, got any advice for someone green in the music business?" he asked, a bit of laughter in his voice.
You hesitated to answer with the witty remark he was expecting. You liked Elvis a lot, more than you reasonably should for someone you only just met. You thought back to the musicians you’d befriended only for their fame to be fleeting, drinking and dancing one weekend and disappeared another. Elvis had too much talent to be a one-hit wonder, but his inexperience made him a prime target for anyone looking to make big bucks off of him.
"You have to be careful who you trust. This industry is cutthroat, and there are people who want to take advantage of you, bleed you dry," you said. "When you’re famous, you’re not a person anymore—you’re a commodity. That’s all some people will see until they can’t get anything else out of you."
He nodded slowly, before taking a swig from his glass of wine.
"I’m not saying this to scare you, but you need to look out for yourself."
"I got the Colonel lookin’ out for me. He’s done a lot to help my career already," Elvis said.
You nodded, though that wasn’t what you had said, he needed to look out for himself. As much as you trusted Ray and Jeanne, you liked to look over your contracts and finances every so often, just to be safe. You didn’t like his manager, maybe because he made all those assumptions about you upon your first meeting, but something about him seemed off.
“Speaking of, where’d you tell him you were going tonight, anyway?” you asked.
He grinned. “I didn’t.”
“Sneaking out to see me, I’m flattered,” you giggled.
The rest of the night continued like this, the two of you flirting in the privacy of the restaurant. He went as far as to kiss you while you were waiting for dessert, his lips soft, sweet and flushed from the wine you’d been drinking. 
“Can I take you out again?” he asked softly, his lips hovering just above yours. 
“Yes,” you answered, closing the gap to kiss him yet again.
As the week went on, you and Elvis worked on recording the duet and getting photos taken in preparation for promoting it. You’d spend late nights in the studio together under the guise of working or would call cars to bring you to your secluded dates in dingy bars and restaurants. You loved the thrill of it all, but you especially loved being with Elvis. 
The two of you would call each other at all hours of the day or night, having similar schedules with meetings and interviews. You tried not to think about what would happen when Elvis inevitably left New York to go back to Memphis. He’d admitted to you that the city was overwhelming, but you were the best thing about it. 
When you grabbed the paper the morning that the single was released, you felt like your eyes were going to pop out of your face. While not the headline for the day, prominent bold lettering read The Raunchy Romance of Rockers Y/N and Elvis - EXCLUSIVE on page 6. Frantically flipping to the first page of the story, you were assaulted by photos of you and Elvis on your first date, and your second one, and you bringing him up to your apartment through the back entrance after said second date. 
‘What started as a musical collaboration between the rock n’ rollers became an affair of passion as the two worked closely together. A verified anonymous source told us that Elvis and Y/N have been spending late nights in the studio together. When they’re not sneaking around restaurants and bars like a couple of teenage hoodlums–’
You couldn’t bring yourself to read anything past that. You slammed the front door shut, collapsing onto your couch. They’d been sitting on the story for at least a week and only waited until the single’s release day to publish it. Your own career was one thing, but so many people wanted to see Elvis fail, you’d feel guilty as hell if you played some role in ending it before it began.
The phone rang, and you jumped before hesitantly picking up.
“Hello?” you asked tentatively.
“I don’t know why I keep doubting you, Y/N. You know your stuff when it comes to the charts,” Ray said cheerfully. 
“What are you talking about, Ray?”
“It’s only been out for a few hours, and it’s already number 10. By the end of the week it should be top of the charts–”
“Number 8 now,” you could hear Jeanne shout in the background.
“Shit, by the end of the day even. Congrats.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the papers Ray? All that stuff about Elvis and me, you aren’t mad?” you asked.
“No, obviously this publicity worked out in your favor, but I’m most concerned about this ‘verified anonymous source’. I’m going to ask both labels to investigate,” he said. “I’m getting more security at your apartment too, since people know there’s a back entrance now.”
You sighed. “Okay, thanks, Ray.”
“Jeanne’s leaving soon to pick you up. The Colonel demanded we squeeze him and Elvis in for a meeting today, so prepare yourself, ‘cause I can imagine he’s not as happy about things as I am.”
“Alright. See you later,” you said.
A headache began throbbing in your temples, and you got aspirin from the kitchen, leaning against the counter as you considered everything. You weren’t sure how long you’d spent lost in your own mind when there was a knock at the door. Shit. Jeanne was here, and you were still in your pajamas. She looked exasperated when you answered the door.
“Y/N, you aren’t even ready to go?” Jeanne asked.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know where my head is today,” you said. “I’ll be a few minutes.”
“You’re worried about Elvis, aren’t you?”
“Do you think I’m stupid to like him so much?”
“If I’m being honest, I like him a lot more than anyone else you’ve dated.”
You nodded, “Thanks, Jeanne.”
Wasting no time getting ready, you were out of your bedroom and heading to the lobby in about fifteen minutes. When you’d walked outside your building, you were shocked at the people holding various newspapers and tabloid publications, asking for your autograph on the stories about you and Elvis. You’d never seen a reaction like this to any of the other relationships the media reported on. People must know it’s true this time.
You were silent on the way to the label’s office, resisting the urge to chew on your nails. You and Elvis had promotional appointments booked through most of the day but depending on how the meeting with the Colonel went, they’d either go smoothly or be the most awkward thing you’d ever experienced. 
As soon as you walked into the conference room, Ray gave you a look that made you know to prepare for the worst. Elvis had a lovesick expression in his eyes as you sat down next to him.
“So, the cat’s out of the bag,” you said, breaking the silence and maintaining a facade of unapologetic confidence.
“Y/N, I told you my boy does not go on dates, and now every media outlet in the country is claiming he’s been canoodling with you for weeks! His image is in shambles because of you!” The Colonel raged.
“Colonel, don’t take this out on Y/N. I was the one who asked ‘em out. It was my decision,” Elvis said.
“Did you not consider your career for a second, my boy?”
“Of course he did,” Ray interjected. “The single’s only been out since this morning, and record stores are already selling out of it. I’m getting calls from radio stations begging Y/N and Elvis to come on for interviews. The public loves celebrity couples.”
The Colonel narrowed his eyes at Ray. “What are you getting at?” 
"We can make this work, for both parties," Ray said. "Lucy and Desi own television. People flock to theaters to see Bacall and Bogart or Leigh and Olivier play out their real life romances on the silver screen. It appeals to the sense of voyeurism, being able to feel like they’re getting an intimate look at something off-limits. Y/N and Elvis can be that for music.”
The room was silent yet again, until the Colonel began nodding in agreement with Ray. “Yes, well, you do make a good point. However, if Elvis and Y/N were to date, whether in reality or for publicity, it would certainly no longer be reported on as ‘raunchy’. You two will be a respectable couple, no sneaking around bars or going up to apartments at 2 o’clock in the morning.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. We wouldn’t have had to sneak around if you weren’t such a pain in the–
“‘Course, Colonel,” Elvis said, taking your hand in his. 
Ray and the Colonel spent the next few minutes crafting an acceptable romantic backstory for you and Elvis, something that would be palatable for most audiences and explain away the late-night rendezvous. It took all of the excitement out of the relationship’s origins, but if it meant you and Elvis could date, you supposed you’d go along with it.
“So, how does that sound?” Ray asked.
“Time to break some hearts with these next few interviews, huh?” you said, looking at Elvis.
He grinned. “Guess so.”
Taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @spideysromanoff
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November 21, 2023
Yesterday the United Auto Workers ratified their new contracts with General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The new contracts include wage increases of at least 25% over the next 4.5 years, cost of living increases, union coverage for electric battery plants, and the reopening of a closed plant. “These were just extraordinary wins, especially for those of us who’ve been studying strikes for decades,” Washington University labor expert Jake Rosenfeld told Jeanne Whalen of the Washington Post.
Union president Shawn Fain told Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, “It’s a sign of the times…. In the last 40 years…working class people went backwards continually…. There’s this massive chasm between the billionaire class and the working class and…when those things get out of balance, we need to turn it upside down. When 26 billionaires have as much wealth as half of humanity, that’s a crisis….”  
Fain said the automakers strike was “just the beginning…. Now, we take our strike muscle and our fighting spirit to the rest of the industries we represent, and to millions of nonunion workers ready to stand up and fight for a better way of life.”
President Joe Biden, who stood on the picket line with UAW members, congratulated both the auto workers and the companies for their good faith negotiations. “[W]hen unions do well, it lifts all workers,” he said. In the wake of the agreements between the UAW and the Big Three automakers, nonunion automakers who are eager to prevent unionization, including Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, and Subaru, also announced wage increases. 
Following a tradition normalized in the 1980s, Biden also pardoned the turkeys Liberty and Bell yesterday, marking the unofficial start of the holiday season. The birds will move to the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences where they will become educational ambassadors for a state where turkey production provides more than $1 billion in economic activity and more than 26,000 jobs. 
At the ceremony, Biden urged people to “give thanks for the gift that is our nation.” He offered special thanks to service members, with whom he and First Lady Jill Biden shared a Friendsgiving meal on Sunday. 
Falling prices for travel and for the foods usually on a Thanksgiving table are news the White House is celebrating. Gas prices have dropped an average of $1.70 from their peak, airfares are down 13%, and car rental prices are down about 10% over the past year. 
According to the American Farm Bureau, the price of an average Thanksgiving dinner has dropped by 4.5%. The cost of turkeys has dropped more than 5% from last year, when an avian flu epidemic meant nearly 58 million birds were slaughtered (this year, growers have lost about 4.6 million birds to the same cause). Whipping cream, cranberries, and pie crust have also dropped in price. 
But plenty of grocery prices are still rising, and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) has taken on the issue, documenting how “corporations are making record profits on the backs of American families.” In a public report, Casey noted that from July 2020 through July 2022, inflation rose by 14%, but corporate profits rose by 75%, five times as fast. A family making $68,000 a year in 2022 paid $6,740 in that period to “corporate executives and wealthy shareholders.” In 2023, that amount will be at least $3,546. 
The report notes that the cost for chicken went up 20% in 2021 as Tyson Foods doubled their profits from the first quarter of 2021 to the first quarter of 2022; Tyson has been ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and restitution for “illegally conspiring to inflate chicken prices.” PepsiCo’s chief financial officer said in April 2023 that even though inflation was dropping, their prices would not. He said “consumers generally look at our products and say ‘you know what—they are worth paying a little bit more for.’”
President Biden has launched a campaign to push back on corporate profiteering, including cracking down on the practice of so-called junk fees—unexpected hidden costs for air travel, car rentals, credit cards, cable television, ticket sales, and so on. (The airline industry collected more than $6.7 billion last year in baggage fees, for example.) 
But Tony Romm of the Washington Post explained on Sunday that corporate lobbyists are warring with the Biden administration to stop the crackdown. An airline lobbyist testified at a federal hearing in March that changing the policy would create “confusion and frustration” and that there have been “very few complaints” about the extra costs for bags. The same lobbying group told the Department of Transportation that the government had no data to “demonstrate substantial harm” to passengers. A lobbying group for advertising platforms including Facebook and Google agreed that the Federal Trade Commission had failed to present “sufficient empirical evidence” that junk fees are a problem. 
Much of the fight over the relative power of ordinary Americans and corporations will play out in the courts. Those courts are themselves struggling over the role of money in their deliberations. After scandals in which it has become clear that Supreme Court justices—primarily Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, but a real estate deal of Neil Gorsuch’s has also been questioned—have accepted gifts from exceedingly wealthy Republican donors, the court on November 13 finally issued its own ethics guidelines. 
That code of conduct echoes the obligations of judges in the rest of the U.S. court system, but it takes away the requirements for behavior imposed on the lower courts, and—crucially—it has no methods of enforcement. Legal analyst Dahlia Lithwick noted that the code appeared to be designed to assure the American people they were confused about the need for an ethics code. It appeared, Lithwick said, to be “principally drafted with the intention of instructing us that they still can’t be made to do anything.” 
The Supreme Court has been packed with lawyers from the Federalist Society, established in the 1980s to push back on what its members believed was the judicial activism of federal judges who used the Fourteenth Amendment to defend civil rights in the states. Federalist Society lawyers were key to creating legal excuses for Trump to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidential election, and yet the society has never addressed how their people have turned into such extremists. 
In the New York Times today, leading former Federalist Society lawyer George Conway, former judge J. Michael Luttig, and former representative Barbara Comstock (R-VA) called out both the Federalist Society for failing to respond to the crisis Trump represents, and “the growing crowd of grifters, frauds and con men willing to subvert the Constitution and long-established constitutional principles for the whims of political expediency.” 
They announced a new organization to replace the corrupted Federalist Society, a significant move considering how entrenched that society has become in our justice system. The Society for the Rule of Law Institute, made up of conservative lawyers, will be “committed to the foundational constitutional principles we once all agreed upon: the primacy of American democracy, the sanctity of the Constitution and the rule of law, the independence of the courts, the inviolability of elections and mutual support among those tasked with the solemn responsibility of enforcing the laws of the United States.” The authors say that the new organization will provide a conservative voice for democracy and that they hope to work with much more deeply established progressive voices. 
For now, the Biden administration continues to try to rebalance the economic playing field. Today the Treasury Department announced the largest settlements in history for violations of U.S. anti–money laundering laws and sanctions. Cryptocurrency giant Binance, which handles about 60% of the world’s virtual currency trading, settled over violations in transactions that laundered money for terrorists—including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda, and ISIS—and other criminals, and violating sanctions, including those against Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the occupied Crimean region of Ukraine. 
Binance will pay more than $4 billion in fines and penalties.
At the same time, the Justice Department obtained a guilty plea from Binance chief executive officer Changpeng Zhao, a Canadian national, for failing to maintain an effective anti–money laundering program. Zhao amassed more than $23 billion at the head of the company; he will pay $200 million in fines and step down. He could face as much as 10 years in prison, but his sentence will likely be less than 18 months.
U.S. officials say this is the biggest-ever corporate resolution that includes criminal charges for an executive.
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To Luis Alcoriza
Paris, 31 March 1974
Dear Luis, I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while and you may have felt the same way, because every time I take a trip to Europe we exchange a few brief letters. Let’s offer mutual forgiveness.
I’ve been filming for eight weeks, five days a week, and still have another two to go. I haven’t even had a cold, although I’m sick of the bloody camera. I’m pleased with some bits of the film and dissatisfied and annoyed with most of it. I’m in the doldrums, because I have no enthusiasm, and I need it to get the project going. Our ‘dear’ public will have ‘the last word’.
I’ve heard something about your film from Jeanne, who was there for some of Jeannette’s (is that how you write it?) physiognomic transformation. Amongst other things, she told me you could have murdered Pancho Córdova, because you had to do one take 21 times. Still, I imagine the film will be good thanks to your interest and abilities as a metteur en scène. How did the 50 vultures go? When I get back to Mexico at the beginning of June the editing will be done, and I’d really like to see it, even if the sound mixing isn’t finished.
You know my thoughts on Jodorowsky. His film La montaña sagrada, in terms of filming and production quality is fantastic. By comparison, Fellini looks like a modest director of little technical skill. Of course, I could do without all that Zen and Buddha; but as a director he’s extraordinary. Over here, the press claim I inspired him, but I know I don’t hold a candle to him. By my calculations, the film must have cost about four million dollars. How did he manage to convince a producer to let him handle that much money? Genius! What a shrewd businessman!
As you know, my film is made up of twelve ‘episodes’ you might call them, linked by some anecdotal character who joins the end of one to the next, providing a kind of overall continuity. One of those episodes is the idea about the kidnapping of a girl, it lasts about five minutes; two scenes, one at a school and the other at the police station. Our treatment didn’t fit in a two or three-reel film, because it was too long and when the disappearing trick had been used once, to repeat it would have been an annoying tautology. Obviously, we didn’t use it, which is why I think I should pay you for any hypothetical sale we might have made. If you agree, I’d like to give you 50,000 pesos compensation. Or more, if you think that’s only fair. Let me know and I’ll pay you whenever you like. This is a personal offer of course, nothing to do with the producer.
I was also thinking of making a film with you that I would just produce, nothing else. But we can discuss that later. We’d have to forget that joke about what a tyrant I’d be to the director of course. I could put up some of the capital with… Alatriste?
Marciano de la Fuente, a Spanish producer, came here to see me and told me you were definitely going to Spain to make Misericordia by Galdós. That could be a stupendous film. It was one of my favourite projects back in the day. When you write back, let me know when you’re going to Spain. I’m thinking of going before I return to Mexico.
Tired out by all this writing, I leave you. Kisses for Janet.
Warm regards, Luis
Jo Evans & Breixo Viejo, Luis Buñuel: A Life in Letters
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kreber414 · 10 months
My name is Kelly and and a little known fact about me is that I have been swimming for 6 years with breaks in between. 
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Christo and Jeanne-Claude 1979-2005 The Gates. Steel, vinyl, fabric; 7,503 gates 16’ tall, 23 miles.
When I first opened the document and saw this art, it took me a few seconds to figure out what I was looking at, but I instantly thought of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers creamsicle color, I am a Bucs fan.
5 interesting facts...
1. The color saffron was used in The Gates because they were supposed to make the pathway feel like warm shadows due to the golden hue they gave off. 
2. These gates cost 21 million dollars to build. 
3. They are located in Manhattan New York, and the contrast of them can be seen 52 miles north off New York City.
4. The color of the gates and fabrics matched exactly, and they covered 23 miles all together. 
5. The creators of these gates funded all 23 million dollars by themselves by selling pieces related to these gates before building them. 
The way I think about this art did change since the first time I looked at it, knowing the meaning behind it. When I first saw it, I was confused as to what it was exactly and what the purpose of them was. After doing research and reading different articles about them, I learned that they were created to represent a change, and renewal, and a difference in anything that had been done before. I feel that when most think about New York City, we tend to think about the tall skyscrapers and cars, not beautiful works of art out in nature, such as these. I now see the shadows these create and the warm golden ceiling they give off as you walk under them. 
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The work of art I chose to share is my Shaquil Barrett jersey I have hanging in my room. The media used to create this jersey include polyester and a blend of polyester and elastane. The use of this jersey is to protect players while they are playing their sport and it is something fun for fans to wear to sporting events. I do think that this jersey is beautiful, the meaning behind the jersey and why I have it is what makes it meaningful to me. My dad suffered 4 strokes and became paralyzed on one side, however he works for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. When the organization found out about this they got both my favorite and my sisters favorite players to sign jerseys and gift them to us. To me that is very special that they did that for us because I think that professional athletes tend to have a stereotype of not being the best people all the time but after this i learned that is not true in any way. The reason behind why I have it is very upsetting but I am very thankful for it everyday.
I am 16 years old. I am a female and I identify as a female. I am from Pennsylvania but I moved here 4 years ago. I am white. For fun, I like to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend. I am a part of a few clubs at school including Junior Advisory Board and National Honors Society and I am a member of the swim team, also the captain. I am a lifeguard at the Manatee County Pools. Something that makes me uniquely me is that I have a very low attention span so my friends and family know when they are with me we always need to be doing something or I will get bored. I am also very responsible for most kids my age because I help with a lot due to the health restrictions of my dad.
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jeannestreetmedium · 10 months
Author’s Compass from Dream to Deal: Exploring Publishing Success with Richelle Fredson
Hey there, lovely listeners! 
Welcome to the Unconditionally Loved podcast—I'm Jeanne Street, and I am absolutely thrilled to have you join me today. 
We have a very special treat for you today—a dear friend of mine, the incredible Richelle Fredson, is here! She's known as the "six-figure book deal coach," and trust me, she's a publishing genius.
Richelle's journey in the industry is truly inspiring. With 15 years of experience at Hay House Inc., working directly with amazing authors like Louise Hay, she brings a wealth of knowledge and insider stories that you won't want to miss. But that's not all—she founded her own company, guiding both aspiring and established authors in expanding their impact and transforming the way we talk about important topics.
Picture this: Richelle's sharp instincts and expertise have helped authors secure mind-blowing deals with top publishers—millions of dollars worth! How amazing is that? And her list of clients reads like a who's who of the literary world—Farnoosh Torabi, Chrissy King, Jen Winston, Vanessa Marin, and so many more.
What makes Richelle truly unique is that she's been on both sides of the deal. She knows what publishers and authors are looking for and how to make those magic connections. Through her guidance, authors learn to anchor their stories and amplify their expertise to create a lasting impact with their books.
Get ready for a heartwarming and enlightening conversation as we dive into the world of book publishing and finding your voice.
And here's a bonus! Richelle also hosts the Bound + Determined podcast, where she uncovers the secrets of book publishing through insightful interviews and educational content. And she's got an Insider's Guide to Getting Published FREE TRAINING—yes, you heard that right—at www.RichelleFredson.com/training. It's a goldmine of knowledge to help you navigate the publishing process and develop the best book idea tailored just for you.
So, my friends, get ready to be inspired and empowered. Let's dive into this captivating conversation with Richelle. 
I'm so grateful for each one of you, and your support makes this podcast possible. Thank you, and may your day be filled with love and blessings. Stay tuned!
And remember, you are unconditionally loved!
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greysorg · 2 years
Umaine firstclass browser login
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We will certainly increase our food purchases of fish and produce.”įood and money donations can be arranged via, by mail or personal visits to the food bank at 426 Bridge Street, Westbrook ME 04092. We plan to buy gift cards to Hannaford in April as well as November. We are looking at purchasing carts for our many walkers to carry their monthly food pickup. Jeanne Reilly, Volunteer Organizer, said, “This wonderful donation will be discussed at a special board meeting on February 6, 2020. Families are reregistered in January and July. The Westbrook Food Pantry serves close to 500 families during each of their 6 month periods. If anyone has an emergent food situation or would like to volunteer to help, call 20. They are always happy to receive donations of money, hard goods, or produce from local gardens in the summer. The food pantry is located at the Oxford Town Office at 85 Pleasant Street in Oxford. We truly try to live up to our name of, ‘Helping Hands.’” The families that we serve are our friends and neighbors. We never turn anyone away and we, as volunteers, realize the need is so great in our area. We serve, on average, 35 to 40 families a week some of these families have several children, parents or grandparents living with them. The first thing that we did was make a list of foods that we have needed to stock our shelves. “You cannot imagine what a huge help this is to us and, rest assured, every penny will be put to good use. Karen Miller, President of Oxford Helping Hands Food Pantry was very surprised by the $15,000 she received. Giving back to the community is an important component of what we do.” I couldn’t be prouder of the substantial donations we’ve been able to collect and provide to local food pantries.” Brian Lang, Townsquare Northern New England Regional Market President, explained,”Townsquare Media is proud to partner with Oxford Casino Hotel & Event Center to help raise hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for local non-profits. Our partnership with Townsquare Media has proven that when given the opportunity, our guests step up to make a difference. Jack Sours, Vice President and General Manager of Oxford Casino Hotel & Event Center said, “food insecurity is a serious problem in Maine, and particularly in Oxford Hills. Feed the Need, a team effort of Townsquare Media and Oxford Casino Hotel & Event Center, raised and collected donations made by guests during fundraising events throughout 2019. 16% of Maine seniors and 1 in 5 children are food insecure.Ī recent donation of $45,000 to three Maine food banks resulted from a year-long campaign to raise funds for food security in the state. 14.4% of Maine households are food insecure. The UMaine Extension – University of Maine states that Maine ranks 9th in the nation for food insecurity. The remaining 11.1 percent of households were food insecure at some time during the year, including 4.3 percent (5.6 million households) that had very low food security. households were food secure throughout the year. Memories and condolences may be shared with the family at .$45,000 Raised for Three Maine Food BanksĪccording to the USDA’s Economic Research Services, in 2018, 88.9 percent of U.S. Box 526, Searsport, ME 04974, or to another Searsport-area charitable organization. Donations in Dick’s memory may be made to Kindness Program, P.O. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his longtime companion, Leona Herrick (also on her birthday in 2015), and brother-in-law David Choate.Ī memorial service will be announced in 2022. He is also survived by his longtime friend Roger Brown, second cousin Benji Greenlaw, who saw to many needs during his illness, and many great-nieces and -nephews and cousins. and was grandpa to Nycole (Justin) Burbanko and Andrea Conlon of Fairfax, Vt. two nephews, Christopher (Joanne) Choate of Oswego, N.Y., and Brian (Shelley) Choate of Wellsville, N.Y. He was a crossword puzzle enthusiast, could recall all details about movies, and had an entertaining gift for telling stories with Maine lingo added at the right places.ĭick is survived by his sister, Judy Choate, of Searsport and Wellsville, N.Y. He enjoyed taking many people target-shooting, instilling safety rules into everyone. He became very knowledgeable and was a first-class weaponologist. Later he found his niche in guns and ammo.
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a-doll-like-you · 5 years
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Dean and Jeanne Martin
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kayoshibe · 5 years
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Both sides have dragons.
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Australia’s Gilmour Space and Germany’s Exolaunch Sign Agreements for Small Satellite Launch and In-Space Transportation Services The companies consolidate efforts to provide end-to-end launch solutions from Australia Gilmour Space Technologies, a premier Australian rocket company pioneering new and innovative hybrid propulsion technologies for launching small satellites, and Exolaunch, a Berlin-based leader in rideshare launch and deployment services for small satellites, today announced a series of agreements for small satellite launch, deployment and in-space transportation services. Under the agreements, the companies will join forces to provide tailored launch, precise deployment and in-space transportation services to the small satellite operators using Eris, a hybrid launch vehicle, developed by Gilmour. • Gilmour partners with Exolaunch, a trusted and experienced rideshare specialist with a solid flight heritage, and gains access to Exolaunch’s flight-proven cutting-edge small satellite deployment technologies and in-space transportation services via Exolaunch’s Reliant orbital transfer vehicle to expand the capabilities of Eris in low Earth orbit and beyond. • Exolaunch gains access to low-inclination missions and unique orbits via Gilmour’s innovative Eris launch vehicles lifting-off from Australian soil and will begin manifesting customers’ satellites on the upcoming launches of Eris. Gilmour Space has secured a total of $64 million US dollars from global investors to date, the largest private equity investment raised by a space company in Australia. The Eris launch vehicle is scheduled for a debut commercial launch in 2022. The family of Eris launch vehicles will offer launch capacity within the range of 300-4000 kg to low Earth orbits from Australian and international launch sites. This capability is in line with Australian Space Agency’s national civil priority areas which include Access to Space; Position, Navigation and Timing; Earth Observation; Communications Technologies; Space Situational Awareness and Debris Management; Leapfrog R&D; and Robotics and Automation. “The need for sovereign launch capability is coming into focus for Australia. However, space is a global industry and we’re proud to be working with leading companies like Exolaunch to expand our launch services to global customers,” said Adam Gilmour, CEO and Co-founder of Gilmour Space. Exolaunch provides rideshare launch, deployment, integration and in-space transportation services for New Space companies, space agencies and scientific institutions. Its flight heritage counts 13 successfully accomplished launches totalling 170 deployed small satellites with a similar number of contracted satellites to be launched in the near future. The company is known for its ecosystem of flight-proven proprietary small satellite deployment technologies, including CarboNIX, a lightweight, scalable and shock-free microsatellite separation system and EXOpod, a cutting-edge cubesat deployer. Exolaunch is also developing a line of environmentally friendly orbital transfer vehicles named Reliant for the satellite last-mile delivery and space debris removal. Reliant will become available for commercial use starting in 2023. “Partnering with Gilmour is a worthy example of bridging progressive innovation with heritage,” said Jeanne Medvedeva, VP of Launch Services, Exolaunch. “Reinforcing novel launch architecture with state-of-the-art deployment and in-space logistics services will pave the way for reliable launch solutions. We look forward to launching customers’ satellites from Australia on the Eris rockets making space more accessible for the New Space industry.”
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my-random-ocs · 4 years
Teen Wolf OC Masterlist
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Name: Adina Morris Theron
Story: Legacy
Faceclaim: Brec Bassinger
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Ainsley Dunbar
Story: Wild Side
Faceclaim: Kiernan Shipka
Species: Chimera
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Name: Alexandra ‘Alex’ Ivanov
Story: Flower Hearted Girl
Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Amaya Reyes
Story: The Year of Your Wolf
Faceclaim: Ciara Bravo
Species: Human
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Arden Myers
Story: Walk Through the Fire
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen
Species: Greek demigoddess
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Avery Krasikeva
Story: You Will Be Found
Faceclaim: Marie Avgeropoulos
Species: Human
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Sofía-Belén Belén Arellano
Story: Love and War
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
Species: Norse demigoddess
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Name: Briana 'Brie' Geyer
Story: Alight
Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Cassandra 'Cass' Turner
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch
Species: Roman demigoddess
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Name: Chandler Quinn
Story: Rise From the Ashes
Faceclaim: Sophie Turner
Species: Phoenix
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Chandler Quinn always thought she was normal. But when she and her father move to Beacon Hills, California to be closer to family, she learns she is anything but. After learning her cousin is a banshee, and seeing her new friends get pseudo-sacrificed, Chandler’s ordinary life is about to get extraordinary.
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Name: Claire Grosvenor
Story: A Family Matter
Faceclaim: Lauren Graham
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Noah Stilinski
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Name: Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Arquette
Story: (Romeo and) Juliet
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Allison Argent, eventual Malia Tate
Summary: The Arquettes are a family of hunters just as old as the Argents. Jacques Arquette attempted to go after the Beast of Gévauden, but Marie-Jeanne Valet got there first, and the Arquettes have been angry about it ever since. Eliza and her parents have followed the same code as the Argents: hunt those who hunt us. Eliza never thought she would change her beliefs. She grew up with the knowledge she would continue her parents’ legacy. Until she turns into the one thing her parents hate the most. And now she spends her days terrified of the alpha that bit her and of her parents finding out. Most of all, Eliza is petrified of what she is, and what it might mean for her.
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Name: Dana Flores
Story: Thorns
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
Species: Dryad
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Emma Lahey
Story: Sorcery
Faceclaim: Britt Robertson
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Gabriela ‘Gabby’ Carvalho
Story: Thrown to the Wolves
Faceclaim: Allegra Acosta
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: All Gabby remembers is bullets flying through the air, shattered glass digging into her skin, and the bodies of her family fallen to the floor. When she wakes up, she finds herself in the vet office of Alan Deaton, learning about the Dead Pool from true alpha Scott McCall and his pack. According to a sheet of paper, Gabby is worth three million dollars. From there, she is brought in to fight the hunters and professional killers and people who have never picked up a gun who want to kill people like her for money. Well, Gabby’s freshman year was going to be boring- there’s nothing like becoming an orphan and fighting bad guys to spice it up, right?
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Name: Ghaziyah ‘Zia’ Banerjee
Story: Rise Up
Faceclaim: Naomi Scott
Species: Greek demigoddess
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Zia Banerjee grew up with the Greek myths. Her father told them to her like they were bedtime stories, like the Little Mermaid. She always thought that stuff- werewolves, goddesses, that sort of thing- wasn’t real. But after looking for a dead body in the woods (thanks, Stiles!), Zia learns just how real they are.
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Name: Helena 'Lena' Altman
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Lilli Reinhart
Species: Greek demigoddess
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Name: Isadora ‘Izzy’ Hayes
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Erica Reyes, eventual Lydia Martin
Summary: Izzy Hayes has exactly two friends: Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. When they go out looking for a dead body, and Scott turns into a werewolf, Izzy thinks that that is the most abnormal Beacon Hills will ever get. Then she learns something about her family- and herself- that she never could have imagined. Through this, Izzy knows that nothing will ever be the same. And she’s okay with that.
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Name: Jameson ‘Jamie’ Stilinski
Story: (We Will Call This Place) Our Home
Faceclaim: Chloe Grace Moretz
Species: Fury
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Josephine ‘Josie’ Hale
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: When Josie was ten, she lost everything: her parents, her siblings, her home. With her whole pack gone, she was taken in by her human grandmother, and spent the next years of her life trying to put herself back together again. She went to school, made friends, even joined a few clubs. Six years later, Josie was packing her school things when she felt something she hasn’t felt in years: the presence of her pack.
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Name: Kaleb Lupo
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: David Lambert
Species: Human
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
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Name: Kazumi ‘Kaz’ Takahashi
Story: Blood is Thicker than Water
Faceclaim: Lyrica Okano
Species: Witch
Summary: Kaz Takahashi has lived her whole life doing things for other people. Her dysfunctional father, mostly. She thought that her whole life would be spent caring for people. She would never be free of her responsibilities. Until her best friend Stiles dragged her and Scott to find a dead body. Well, half a dead body, anyway.
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Name: Kiara ‘Kie’ Matheson
Story: Something Wild
Faceclaim: Ashleigh Murray
Species: Human turned werewolf
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Name: Paulina Kit Stilinski
Story: Seven Years
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Laurel Jacobs
Story: Paper Shields
Faceclaim: Vanessa Morgan
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Lilith ‘Lily’ Hale
Story: Girls and Monsters
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: When she was ten-years-old, Lily Hale saw her house go up in flames, taking most of her family with it. She woke up at the hospital with smoke inhalation, burns on most of her body, and nightmares to last a lifetime. With both her parents dead and no next of kin to speak of, Lily was put into the custody of her godmother, Melissa McCall, and became Lilith McCall. For six years, Lily worked to create a normal life- well, normal enough. But what happens when her best friend decides to look for a dead body in the middle of the night? Lily’s normal comes crumbling down, and she is forced to face a life she was so afraid of remembering.
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Name: Logan Garcia
Story: What A Family Is
Faceclaim: Isabella Gomez
Species: Human
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: The McCall family was broken. Mom and son were in Beacon Hills, dad was who knows where, and the surprise daughter was in Los Angeles. Only, she’s not in Los Angeles anymore. Logan Garcia shows up on Melissa’s doorstep one day, and honestly, Scott isn’t surprised that his dad had another kid. So now Logan is starting freshman year at Beacon Hills High School. She thought it would be like any other freshman year- she would be invisible to the upperclassman, she would get good grades, and maybe she’d even go out for lacrosse. Then a bunch of crows attack her class, and suddenly her brother is a werewolf. Well, her life was already interesting. Why not make it dangerous, too?
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Name: Lunetta ‘Luna’ Alessi
Story: New Moon
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Species: Greek demigoddess
Summary: When Luna and her father move back to Beacon Hills to live with her grandmother, she reunites with her childhood best friend Stiles, and meets his friend Scott. Of course, after ten years of living in Los Angeles, Beacon Hills is nothing like Luna remembers. When a flock of crows attacks her English class, Stiles tells her about the supernatural world. Needless to say, she’s shocked. Then the dead bodies start showing up, and now Luna is dealing with alpha werewolves, a human sacrificing maniac, and junior year all at once. Now, if she could just figure out why she glows, she would be golden.
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Name: Lux Matthews
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Virginia Gardner
Species: Faerie
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey, eventual Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Lux Matthews was a normal girl. She was best friends with Lydia Martin, she got good grades, and she went to the lacrosse games. Then she walks in on her new friend’s boyfriend… hulking out in the locker room and suddenly Lux is thrown into something she had no idea how to survive. Lux doesn’t know much, but she does know that Beacon Hills was not the town she thought it was.
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Name: Maeve Stilinski
Story: Taking Over
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Species: Banshee
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Name: Maricela ‘Mari’ Guerrero
Story: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Species: Dreamwalker
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Name: Mikaela Hale
Story: (Never) Grow Up
Faceclaim: Candice King
Species: Born werewolf
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Name: Morgan Stilinski
Story: (We Will Call This Place) Our Home
Faceclaim: Jennifer Morrison
Species: Human
Love Interest: Chris Argent
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Name: Nantosuelta ‘Ella’ Delgado
Story: Battle Scars
Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery
Species: Druid
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Ella was happy with her life. She lived with her parents in Connecticut, she had friends, did well in school, and had almost completed her training into the druid community. Then it all fell apart. After losing her parents to what the local police ruled a ‘bear attack’, Ella is moving across the country to live with her aunt and cousin in California. And it turns out her cousin is a werewolf, and her uncle and her aunt know. If she thought her life was complicated before, she didn’t want to know what junior year was going to look like. But she figures if the Delgado-McCall cousins can get through this, they can get through anything.
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Name: Natasha 'Tasha' Hale
Story: Wolf Wild Heart
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Nicolette ‘Nico’ Grosvenor
Story: A Family Matter
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Marguerite Nina Argent
Story: Hurricane Child
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Persephone ‘Seph’ Adler
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Species: Chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Phoebe Eastman
Story: Full of Life
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When a group of hunters raided her house when she was eight, killing most of her family, Phoebe became the alpha and the last surviving member of the Eastman pack. She was taken in by her human aunt in Beacon Hills, and tried to live a normal life. Until her surrogate brother breaks into her house and says he needs her help fighting the new alpha. She meets Scott, the new beta who really has no idea what he’s doing and Stiles, Scott’s human best friend who is trying his best to help, but most of his sources are from myth websites. That’s when Phoebe gives up on ever having a normal life.
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Name: Piper Marinos
Story: Wild, Water, Home
Faceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho
Species: Siren
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Name: Rachel Harlowe
Story: Constellations
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
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Name: Rebecca ‘Bex’ Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Kathryn Newton
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: When Sara Argent married James Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Sara lived happily with James, and they had their own family. However, this is not Sara’s story.
Bex Gaumond always described her parents as Romeo and Juliet; a love story that no one planned. She thought that the happily ever after her parents got, however, would set them apart from the star crossed lovers. Then her dad dies, and she, her mom, and her sister moved across the country to live in Beacon Hills. Two years later, her sister’s friend gets bitten by a werewolf, and Bex would love to help out- if only her whole family would stop being so protective.
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Name: Riley Williams
Story: (I Won’t Go) Speechless
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Species: Amazon
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: If anyone asked her, Riley would say her favorite superhero is Wonder Woman. She’s been Riley’s hero ever since she was introduced to the comics. She would dream of being like Wonder Woman, saving the world. Riley just never thought she would be Wonder Woman. Or, more specifically, like Wonder Woman. Yep, turns out Riley is an Amazon. She didn’t believe it at first, but when a group of juniors tell her that her name is on a hit-list for supernatural creatures, it sort of got hard to ignore.
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Name: Sabrina Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Vanessa Marano
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
Summary: When Sara Argent married James Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Sara lived happily with James, and they had their own family. However, this is not Sara’s story.
Sabrina Argent always admired her parents. She thought they were the bravest people she’d ever met. After her father’s death, she, her mother, and her sister moved to Beacon Hills, and met the family that didn’t want them. Sabrina vowed to continue her mother’s wishes and stay out of the supernatural. But when her best friend gets bitten by a werewolf, she realizes she doesn’t have to live her parents’ story, only her own.
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Name: Sara McCall
Story: Sky Comes Falling Down
Faceclaim: Melonie Diaz
Species: Human
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Sara McCall knew one thing: protect her little brother. It was easy growing up. She loved him more than anything. She helped him with his homework, practiced lacrosse with him, and stayed with him when their father came home less than sober. Their relationship didn’t change when she went away to college. Then a few days before Sara is supposed to head back to school, Scott starts acting weird, her old classmate suddenly reappears after six years of silence, and Stiles is googling the supernatural on Wikipedia. She is determined to figure out what is going on. Sara McCall knows one thing: protect her little brother.
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Name: Sierra Johansson
Story: Roots
Faceclaim: Liana Liberato
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Sybil ‘Sib’ Gajos
Story: We May Break (But We Won’t Stay Broken)
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
Summary: Sybil Gajos is a survivor. She’s survived being picked on in elementary school, she’s survived her mother’s abandonment, and she’s survived the car accident that left her baby sister dead. When Sib learns that her cousin is involved in things that are... let’s say not what she expected, she is determined to survive them, too.
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Name: Theresa ‘Tess’ Lowell
Story: Anchors
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Tess knew that werewolf packs adopting orphaned werewolf children wasn’t uncommon, she just never thought it would happen to her. But there she was, seven-years-old, hiding in the woods, and scared out of her mind. Peter Hale found her hiding in a cave, brought her home, and Tess was adopted by Talia Hale. She had a normal life, and it was almost happy, until a fire set by hunters killed most of her new family. She and one of her sisters ran, and landed in South America. Six years later, Tess and Cora hear about one of the great Hales, building a pack. They travel back to Beacon Hills, and end up getting kidnapped by a pack of alpha werewolves. This is bad enough. It was made even worse when Tess finds that one of the alphas was the wolf who killed her family.
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Name: Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Delgado
Story: To Be Alive
Faceclaim: Natalie Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Vivian Byrne
Story: Blackbird Fly
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Vivian Byrne didn’t have a lot in life. After the accident, her brother moved them both to Beacon Hills, to be closer to Griffin and Vivian’s godfather, Noah Stilinksi. Despite what had happened, Vivian is happy. She is reunited with her best friend Stiles, she is going to a school where no one knows her- or her family-, and she even discovers werewolves are real. Oh, yeah, Vivian’s eight-year-old self is definitely fangirling about that. But knowing the truth about the weirder side of the world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And now Vivian is experiencing things like werewolves, hunters, and almost dying every time she leaves the house. But hey, that’s just Beacon Hills.
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Name: Ximena Calavera
Story: Wolves and Fire
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When Ximena was a little girl, her favorite place to be was at her abuelita’s club. Not on the dance floor- Araya never would have allowed the elementary schooler to dance with the clubbers- but in her office, where the real fun took place. Ximena grew up hearing stories from Araya. Not fairytales; no, Ximena thought fairytales to be a silly thing compared to the stories of her family’s history. The young girl was in awe of her family, and vowed to one day follow their code and hunt werewolves just like them. Until one day she went out on a mission with her father and grandmother and was bitten by a werewolf. Thirteen, alone, and scared, Ximena refused to stay in the Calavera’s so called ‘custody’. So she ran, all the way to Beacon Hills. Three years later, Derek Hale comes knocking on her door. There’s an alpha pack in town, and one of the members? The alpha who bit Ximena.
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Name: Zoey Stilinski
Story: (I Don’t Mind Your) Shadows
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew that he had the coolest big sister in the world. She was basically an archery pro, a mythology nut, she never minded helping him and Scott train for lacrosse- even if they weren’t very good-, and she would do anything for her brothers. And Stiles knew that most siblings lose touch when the older one goes to college, but Zoey made it a point to make it like she had never left Beacon Hills. So, when Scott gets bitten by a werewolf, Stiles knows just who to call.
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affceafesa · 3 years
It is essential that the next FBI director understand the details
As gaunt and starved as the elk had been, the steaks the ranger carved from him had sustained them for seven days, until they finished the last of them huddled over a fire in the ruins of an old hillfort.. When fights get intense, the emotional brain, not the rational thinking brain, is in charge of the conversation. A few times, though, the missions got uglier. ANNA ANDREYEVNA had long been expecting me. When Prince Quentyn told them that the other Westerosi had come over to the Stormcrows at the command of the Tattered Prince, only the intercession of Grey Worm and his Unsullied prevented Daario from killing them all. They are quite low, making the one playing to feel as if they are high up. The moonlight was bright enough to find her clothes. 2 Son former girlfriends (Tammy, I believe), to at least three manger scenes.. "It is essential that the next FBI director understand the details of how agents do their important work. Louis, or the State
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of Missouri. Raina looked good and fluent but couldn't capitalise. When she had her raving turns she always talked about her children. If you do not already have an account you may register a new profile with Disqus by first clicking the "Post as" button and then the link: "Don't have one? Register a new profile".. If you are retros kabátok a fan of the legendary player, you would obviously want to own a pair that reminds you of all his contribution to the game. Said it is very possible pendientes bulgari preciofirefighters return to the streets next year to continue raising funds for cancer research. Catch it.. The resulting album signified an even greater break with Anthrax's pioneering thrash metal past than its predecessor. I will tell him everything, speaking only for myself, only for myself! You shan’t be mixed up in it. Dozens of photos were snapped during the breakfast hundreds by the end of the day.After nearly 20 minutes of playing the gracious host, Antonucci sat down with Jeanne and had a quick bite to eat. They are held and hold themselves to the highest technical standards since their data contributes to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation/NOAA research. Thomas was of the same opinion, for he openly maintains that, with respect to contracting marriage, “slaves are not obliged to obey their masters.”. "Danielle Steel spends $4 to $5 million a year at Barneys on shoes for herself and her children," he says, adding that the Beverly Hills store "sells $22 million in footwear per year.". 'We'll let Obamacare fail!' Trump says replacing. I have remained a humane father in his imagination, and I must have him think of me like that. The more reliable brands tell you which specific bacteria they contain.. I knew I would not make a knight, so I decided to be High Septon. However, there are hurdles to such ideals becoming available to all patients.
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spend their last years in their houses, without doing any kind of labor; these, if not too infirm, cultivate little patches of ground, on which they raise a few vegetables,—for vegetables grow nearly all the year round in this climate,—and make a little money to purchase a few extra comforts. A third test dog weighing 15 pounds was used to evaluate the generic harness. Not that these were any old trainers, of course; each pair was made in Chanel shoe making atelier Massaro.. This is because it takes the most time to pour of all the drinks in the cart. It pleases him to keep his treasures close.” He frowned at Mormont.. They were inspired by a YouTube video of honey pouring onto a moving conveyor belt.
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larkandkatydid · 5 years
Electric cars and solar panels are the most visible signs of California's ambitious climate change policies. But now the state is setting its sights on a lower-tech way to cut carbon emissions: soil.
It's spending millions of dollars to help farmers grow plants, which absorb carbon and help move it into the soil where it can be stored long-term. This makes California home to some of the first official "carbon farmers" in the country.
Not that almond grower Jose Robles thinks of himself that way.
Climate is something they talk about in the state capital Sacramento, he says, not around Modesto, where he lives and works.
But in December, the ground under Robles' almond trees was a carpet of green, full of mustard plant and clover. It's not a common sight in the Central Valley. After all, most farmers hate weeds.
"Everybody wants to have the orchards nice and clean," Robles says.
His neighbors really don't understand it.
"I've heard them say, 'We're in the business of growing almonds, not in the business of growing weeds,'" he says, laughing.
Robles got the idea a few years ago, during California's severe drought, when he had to cut back on watering his trees.
"We had no water," he says. "It made us look at things different."
Robles knew that richer earth with more microorganisms holds moisture longer, but there wasn't a lot of organic matter in his orchard to build the soil up. Like most farmers, he sprayed herbicides to kill weeds.
So he decided to grow organic matter specifically to feed his soil. He planted species that most people commonly see as weeds, but when sown on purpose are known as a "cover crop."
Once they get a few feet tall, he mows them and lets them decompose, along with some extra compost and mulch. A $21,000 grant from California helps cover his extra costs and labor.
It can be tricky, because almonds are harvested from the ground after they're shaken off the trees. Having mulch or weed remnants on the ground would interfere with that, so Robles has to make sure the organic matter breaks down before harvest begins.
He's already seen a difference.
"The trees, they don't stress as much, because they hold the moisture a lot longer," Robles says.
Before leaving office, Gov. Jerry Brown set a goal for California to be carbon neutral by 2045. That will likely mean not just reducing carbon emissions — from electricity production, cars and buildings — but also absorbing carbon that's already in the air.
California's Healthy Soils initiative is now in its third year, and designed to be part of the state's climate strategy. A state report finds that farms and forests could absorb as much as 20 percent of California's current level of emissions.
"I think there's great potential for agriculture to play a really important role" in reaching the state's climate goals, says Kate Scow, professor of soil microbial ecology at the University of California-Davis.
We have very ambitious climate goals, and without natural and working lands, California simply won't get there.
Jeanne Merrill, policy director, California Climate and Agriculture Network
As we talk, she's standing in a large wheat field at Russell Ranch, seven miles west of the campus, where the university plants crops to study sustainable agriculture.
"Soil is alive," she says. "There's farmers that know that."
To show me, Scow starts enthusiastically digging in the dirt. "All right, see, we're starting to hit the mineral soil," she says.
This is where the carbon is stored. Plants soak up the carbon dioxide in the air to build their leaves and stems. Their roots pump the carbon down into the earth. Then, when the plant dies, its organic matter gets broken down by microbes and fungi.
"The deeper you can get [carbon] in the soil, especially below the plow layer, the more stable and secure it's going to be," she says. That's key to prevent the carbon from being released back into the air.
"We have very ambitious climate goals, and without natural and working lands, California simply won't get there," says Jeanne Merrill, with the California Climate & Agriculture Network, a coalition of ag groups working on climate policy.
Merrill says California's farmers are already on the front lines of facing climate impacts, like more extreme weather.
"Some are willing to say that it's climate change," she says. "Others are unsure. But I think many know that things are changing and they need different tools."
Farmers are interested in the climate programs, Merrill says, if only because it can help them weather extended droughts.
Hundreds have signed up. But state climate officials say the Healthy Soils program needs to be five times larger to have real impact. Gov. Gavin Newsom has requested more money for the program, but a decision will be up to state lawmakers as they craft a budget in coming weeks.
Merrill says expanding the healthy soils initiative would send a signal that California's climate efforts need help from the entire state, not just coastal cities.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, October 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Reba McEntire dating CSI: Miami star Rex Linn and finding love again at 65 
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Page 1: Duchess Kate Middleton stopped by England’s University of Derby to discuss students’ mental health and how the pandemic has affected their education but during her visit those watching couldn’t help but notice Kate looked more youthful than ever because of a new shorter highlighted hairstyle 
Page 2: Contents -- Demi Lovato and pal Matthew Scott Montgomery were ready to be spooked at Nights of the Jack 
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Page 3: Vanessa Paradis and her daughter Lily-Rose Depp at the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week, Tom Cruise looked a little leery filming a difficult scene on the set of Mission: Impossible 7 in Rome, Cara Santana repped boyfriend Shannon Leto’s band 30 Seconds to Mars in a sweatshirt from the group’s apparel line 
Page 5: Chrissy Metz is so smitten with her new boyfriend Bradley Collins that she’s already talking marriage and babies with her Nashville-based beau and that has alarms ringing for some of her friends about why they kept their romance totally hidden until now and since Chrissy is all-or-nothing this is way too intense for some, fans of Law & Order: SVU rejoiced when it was announced that a spinoff was in the works that would star Christopher Meloni as Elliot Stabler and the new series called Organized Crime would feature Stabler leading a task force fighting NYC’s crime syndicates but the show has been rocked by behind-the-scenes drama as first showrunner Craig Gore was axed in June and now his replacement Matt Olmstead is also out leaving the future of the show in jeopardy, after a contentious season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Denise Richards and Teddi Mellencamp are out and mainstays Lisa Rinna and Kyle Richards have proven they’re the alphas of the long-running Bravo show and now as producers are scrambling to fill out the cast one obvious contender is out of the running as Kathy Hilton has respectfully declined because her daughters Nicky Hilton Rothschild and Paris Hilton didn’t want her to do it because they felt it was a bad look for them and the family 
Page 6: Sofia Richie and Scott Disick have split but she seems to still be taking her beauty cues from her time with the Kardashian-adjacent dad of three because she has noticeably fuller lips where she had lip injections to both lips, Mariah Carey had nothing but nice things to say about Derek Jeter in her new memoir calling their relationship sensual and credits him with helping her see the value of her biracial background but Derek isn’t happy about it and he’s fed up and feels Mariah is taking advantage of him to publicize her book and it doesn’t help that Derek’s friends have been teasing him about the sexy details because he hates being made fun of; his ego can’t handle his friends ribbing him, Star Spots the Stars -- Christina Aguilera, Kaitlyn Bristowe, Travis Scott, Teddi Mellencamp, Rev Run and his wife Justine Simmons, Lindsay Arnold 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Anne Heche headed for rehearsal on Dancing with the Stars, Christina Milian and her daughter Violet, Gavin Rossdale at the beach in Malibu with his dog and a mystery woman 
Page 9: Liev Schreiber plays basketball with his son Sasha in NYC 
Page 10: Bachelor alum Catherine Lowe and her son Samuel, Reese Witherspoon jumping rope, Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’ Tracy Tutor playing Monopoly at home 
Page 12: Johnny Weir leaving Dancing with the Stars rehearsals, Brie Larson and boyfriend Elijah Allan-Blitz on a grocery run, Alessandra Ambrosio on her way to dinner in West Hollywood 
Page 13: Selena Gomez shows her kidney transplant scar, Julia Garner filming scenes for Inventing Anna in New York City 
Page 14: Chrishell Stause heading into rehearsals for Dancing with the Stars, Johnny Depp waved to fans outside the ZFF Masters during the 16th Zurich Film Festival where he promoted Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGown, Patrick Schwarzenegger stepped out with a script in West Hollywood 
Page 15: Silver fox Jon Bon Jovi struck a pose while promoting his new album 2020 in NYC, Shia LaBeouf went for a jog in Pasadena on the same day he was charged with misdemeanor battery and petty theft following an incident that happened in June, Maisie Williams at the Chloe fashion show in Paris 
Page 16: Gwen Stefani stepped out of the studio in Woodland Hills, Chiwetel Ejiofor referred to his phone while reciting poetry on the set of the upcoming pandemic-themed dramedy Lockdown in London, Sting and his wife Trudie Styler celebrated his 69th birthday at a meal with friends in Rome 
Page 17: Sofia Vergara out in L.A., Denise Richards and husband Aaron Phypers looked carefree leaving a restaurant in L.A., Danny Trejo hung out with an adorable pooch during an appearance on Home & Family 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Machine Gun Kelly shared a glimpse of his beauty routine en route to his new cafe in Cleveland -- not normal, Eva Longoria wore a Vote t-shirt and a Biden mask during a political rally in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood -- normal
Page 19: Snoop Dogg inhaled and exhaled during his DJ Snoopadelic set at the Concerts in Your Car event at the Ventura County Fairgrounds -- normal, while grabbing a meal in Los Angeles with a bevy of beauties Billie Dee Williams enjoyed a quick grooming session too -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- stars get glitzy in gold -- Olivia Wilde, Leona Lewis 
Page 21: Karen Gillan, Kate Beckinsale 
Page 24: Emilio Vitolo Jr. appears to be every inch the doting boyfriend to Katie Holmes but he’s playing the field behind her back -- Emilio’s a ladies’ guy and he’s been texting a bunch of girls saying things between him and Katie aren’t nearly as serious as they seem while Katie thinks she’s in love and it’s no exaggeration to say she’s obsessed with this guy and she’s adamant they’ll elope and in her mind they’re two kindred souls destined to be together 
Page 25: Beyonce and Jay-Z are hoping to add on to their already impressive real estate portfolio as they are quietly checking out homes in Montecito in California for their family of five -- although they already own a $26 million home in New York’s tony Hamptons as well as an $88 million Bel-Air mansion the couple are hoping to put down roots in the American Riviera so their children can attend the area’s prestigious schools and Beyonce especially likes that it’s not far from L.A. and it’s clean and super private, after two years of dating Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeanne Cadieu are at odds about their future and Jake’s frustrated because the relationship is going nowhere and he’s eager to start a family but the 24-year-old model isn’t ready to put her career on hold and take that next step leaving Jake in limbo -- his most successful relationships were with women his own age with the same maturity and ambition like Reese Witherspoon and Kirsten Dunst -- while Jake remains conflicted about whether to stick it out with Jeanne or start over with someone new his friends say it’s time to move on and find someone who’s baby mama material, Jon Hamm has been considering settling down since he began dating Anna Osceolo because something about Anna is making him rethink everything from the guy who never pictured himself walking down the aisle or having children but now he and Anna are talking about marriage and a family 
Page 26: Cover Story -- Reba McEntire finding love at last -- after a string of broken hearts the country superstar has finally snagged Mr. Right actor Rex Linn  
Page 30: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s courtroom showdown -- four years after their split Brad and Angie are still duking it out over custody and now they’re prepared to bring star power to the battle -- Brad will be using every scrap of ammunition he can to fight for his kids including testimony from fellow stars and Angelina is prepared to do the same 
Page 32: Five-time rehab vet Scott Disick is caught partying in front of his kids 
Page 34: Stars’ Cheating Confessions -- sometimes all you can do is beg for forgiveness; these celebs have all had to plead their case -- Jude Law and Sienna Miller, Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish 
Page 35: Donny and Debbie Osmond, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, David Letterman and Regina Lasko, Dean McDermott and Tori Spelling 
Page 38: Beauty -- add a sophisticated scent blend to your fragrance wardrobe for fall -- Kim Kardashian 
Page 40: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Chris Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky partnered with the Global Wildlife Conservation and Wild Ark to boost the ecosystem of their beloved Australia -- the pair helped Aussie Ark release 11 Tasmanian devils into a wildlife sanctuary at Barrington Tops National Park -- the hush-hush event marked the first time the endangered marsupials whose presence can help repel pests and bush fired were returned to the mainland in 3000 years
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bopinion · 4 years
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Book of the month / 2020 / 07 July
I love books. Even though I hardly read any. Because my library is more like a collection of tomes, coffee-table books, limited editions... in short: books in which not "only" the content counts, but also the editorial performance, the presentation, the curating of the topic - the book as a total work of art itself.
The Gates
Christo & Jeanne-Claude & Wolfgang Volz
Art Documentary / 2005 / Taschen
Elvis, Napoleon, Jesus - there are not many personalities who are unmistakable by their first name alone. Christo is one of them. Known primarily as a disguising artist, the free spirit with his congenial partner Jeanne-Claude has practically invented this category of artistic creation for himself. It should be about a new view of reality. And about pushing art off its pedestal of sublimity. In the tradition of Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp and other rebels against classical art perception.
Christo Wladimirow Jawaschew was born in Bulgaria in 1935. In his father's chemical factory he discovered his love for lengths of cloth, while his mother taught him to paint and draw as a child. As an art student, he painted dilapidated houses and in a certain way covered dismal facades with bright colors. In 1956 Christo fled to Paris, following his free spirit. As a portrait painter he once painted the French General Jacques de Guillebons. His daughter Jeanne-Claude, born on the same day as him, became the partner of his life in all meanings.
"I am an artist who is completely irrational, irresponsible. Completely free", Christo once described himself. Christo and Jeanne-Claude saw all their projects as an expedition, an excursion of the senses. As monumental as they were ephemeral. The two always worked outside. And preferably with fabric. The material of the nomads is the material of their temporary art.
In 1999 I went to Oberhausen in North Rhine-Westphalia to see their installation "The Wall". A huge wall of 13,000 barrels stacked on top of each other in seven colours, weighing over 230 tons. An enormous work. And a déja vu with the past. A quotation from her first public - and illegal - work in 1961 in a side street in Paris, at the time a statement on the construction of the Berlin Wall.
It was to be my only encounter with her installations. One time I was close: I wanted to travel to New York City in 2005 to see the installation "The Gates" in Central Park. Along its path, 7,503 five-meter-high metal gates, from which saffron-yellow lengths of fabric hung, stood a total of over 100,000 square meters. A work of art to walk through and not just to look at. In their art people should experience the senses of their bodies. "We like the real things: the real cold, the wind, the heat, the humidity". It wasn't meant to be. Side note: Christo and Jeanne-Claude always insisted that they immigrated to New York City and not to the USA. Honi soit qui mal y pense...
All the works do not cost an admission fee, do not require donations, and there are no sponsors. The costs, 21 million US dollars for "The Gates" e. g., are financed by the artists through the sale of sketches, photographs and books of their projects. "This unique experience is part of the aesthetic: no one can buy the work, no one can own or sell it. Not even we own the projects," says Christo.
Which brings us finally to the Book of the Month. It has 968 pages, tells the story of the project from 1979 to 2005, with an incredible amount of photos, sketches, plans, notes etc., includes an original fabric sample and is signed by all three artists: Christo, Jeanne-Claude and their longtime regular photographer Wolfgang Volz. The author is Jonathan William Henery, a nephew of Jeanne-Claude. Qualified not only as a Bachelor of Arts, but also as a project assistant. So I do have a share in this work (or rather event?) and am allowed to feel a little bit like a patron.
Christo died on 31.05.2020 in New York City at the age of 84.
Here is the link to this wonderful book, a few art lovers may still be happy:
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kreber414 · 10 months
My name is Kelly and and a little known fact about me is that I have been swimming for 6 years with breaks in between. 
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Christo and Jeanne-Claude 1979-2005 The Gates. Steel, vinyl, fabric; 7,503 gates 16’ tall, 23 miles.
When I first opened the document and saw this art, it took me a few seconds to figure out what I was looking at, but I instantly thought of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers creamsicle color, I am a Bucs fan.
5 interesting facts...
1. The color saffron was used in The Gates because they were supposed to make the pathway feel like warm shadows due to the golden hue they gave off. 
2. These gates cost 21 million dollars to build. 
3. They are located in Manhattan New York, and the contrast of them can be seen 52 miles north off New York City.
4. The color of the gates and fabrics matched exactly, and they covered 23 miles all together. 
5. The creators of these gates funded all 23 million dollars by themselves by selling pieces related to these gates before building them. 
The way I think about this art did change since the first time I looked at it, knowing the meaning behind it. When I first saw it, I was confused as to what it was exactly and what the purpose of them was. After doing research and reading different articles about them, I learned that they were created to represent a change, and renewal, and a difference in anything that had been done before. I feel that when most think about New York City, we tend to think about the tall skyscrapers and cars, not beautiful works of art out in nature, such as these. I now see the shadows these create and the warm golden ceiling they give off as you walk under them. 
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citizenscreen · 4 years
It’s been the practice here to honor notable film-related anniversaries at the onset of every year – Looking back to move forward, if you will. This year there is particular excitement across social media because 2020 brings with it echoes of a century ago, the decade called The Roaring Twenties when youth threw caution to the wind and enjoyed life to its fullest. It was an era of economic prosperity and interesting (to say the least) social and artistic changes, an era of happenings and creativity. Some of that is reflected in films depicting the Roaring Twenties, which – luckily for us – happens to be this month’s theme on TCM.
In all pictures about the Roaring Twenties you’re likely to see the Flapper, perhaps the most familiar symbol of the era. The Flapper helped the decade retain a certain “feel,” one of partying and promiscuity with distinct style and energy. In movie terms you might look to Colleen Moore and Clara Bow to get a sense of what the Flapper was like.
Colleen Moore
Clara Bow
While the flapper enjoyed life throughout the decade, she gained considerable freedoms in 1920. On August 18 of that year the 19th Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote. Due to the great economy at the time, millions of women worked in white-collar jobs and could afford to contribute in ways they previously could not. The increased availability of birth-control devices allowed for more personal choice and advances in technology helped the effort as well. Many homes in America, especially in the industrialized cities, were now powered by electricity, and effort-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, irons, and vacuum cleaners, most of which were used by women, made life much easier as well.
Other inventions that came to be in 1920 include the hair dryer, invented by a women who inserted a hose in the exhaust of a vacuum cleaner. Brilliant! The traffic light was also born that year thanks to police officer William Potts who used red, amber, and green lights and $37 worth of wire to make his traffic light in Detroit, Michigan. The Band-Aid was invented by a man called Earle Dickson for his wife Josephine who cut herself often. The final invention worth noting was the automobile with the combustion, probably the most popular invention in the 1920s, which facilitated the Flapper lifestyle and led to many new jobs. The popular, reliable, and inexpensive Ford Model T made it all possible – and made it in the movies.
Harold Lloyd in GET OUT AND GET UNDER 1920
Stan Laurel in a Ford Model T 1920, which appeared in several Laurel and Hardy movies
  While previously mentioned freedoms were expanded, others were curtailed in 1920. The most famous being the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1919, but put into effect in 2020. The Federal Volstead Act, formally the National Prohibition Act, established to carry out the intent of the 18th Amendment, banned the manufacture and sale of “intoxicating liquors,” and at 12 A.M. on January 16, 1920, the Act closed every tavern, bar and saloon in the United States. Tragic as that may seem to some, there was plenty of booze to go around thanks to unseemly types who took control of underground “wet” businesses.
Hollywood’s fascination with Prohibition and the times during which it took place have resulted in fantastic film offerings through the decades. Sam Mendes’ Road to Perdition (2002) is one example of a great modern film dealing with the subject. But I am here for the classics and suggest you revisit the following to get a sense of how colorful the world was during the Prohibition era:
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Another right was curtailed on June 13, 1920 when the US Post Office stated that children could not be sent by parcel post. Various instances of this occurrence made the law a necessity.
More interesting facts about 1920:
The average life span in the United States that year was about fifty-four years.
The top ten toys of the 1920s were:
Teddy bears
Erector sets
Lionel trains
Lincoln Logs
Raggedy Ann
Radio Flyer Wagon
Tinker Toys
Tin toys
On January 29, 1920 Walt Disney started work as an artist with KC Slide Co. for $40 a week.
On May 1, 1920 legendary slugger Babe Ruth hit his 50th career home run, his first for the NY Yankees in a 6-0 win over the Boston Red Sox. How sweet it was.
On May 16 Joan of Arc (Jeanne D’arc c. 1412 – May 30, 1431) was canonized a saint. Her life has inspired numerous films starting as early as 1900 with Georges Méliès’ Joan of Arc. I must admit I’ve only seen two films on this topic, but can recommend both: Carl Theodor Dreyer’s deeply affecting The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) and Victor Fleming’s visually appealing Joan of Arc (1948).
On June 2 the Pulitzer prize for Drama was awarded to Eugene O’Neill for Beyond the Horizon.
On July 29 rebel leader Pancho Villa surrendered to Mexican authorities. As it turns out Villa who had an interesting connection to movies as this Smithsonian Magazine article explains.
On November 2, 1920 the first commercially licensed radio broadcast was heard, from KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The first broadcast was live results of the presidential election, a transmission of breaking news that was new and unprecedented. The impact of the medium of radio and the importance of this 1920 event cannot be overstated.
1920 in Hollywood
By the early 1920s, the film industry had made its (more or less) permanent move to Hollywood from the East Coast. The face of American cinema was transformed. Hollywood was now the world’s film capital producing virtually all films shown in the United States and 80 percent of the revenue from films shown abroad. Many American towns had a movie theater with over 20,000 movie houses operating in the U.S. by that year. Most Americans went to see the movies at least once a week. The movie industry became a big business. And Hollywood’s position only got stronger as many of Europe’s most talented movie players arrived.
By the end of the decade, the movies claimed to be the nation’s fifth largest industry, attracting 83 cents out of every dollar Americans spent on amusement. It’s only natural then that through this journey Hollywood also became the ideal of many things in the audience’s eyes. In particular the movies excelled at extravagance, fun, and glamour – and they were the primary distraction through tough times. Here’s more…
In 1920, Metro Pictures Corporation (with its already-acquired Goldwyn Pictures Corporation) was purchased by early theater exhibitor Marcus Loew of Loew’s Inc. In another acquisition, Loew merged his Metro-Goldwyn production company with Louis B. Mayer Pictures.
In 1920 C.B.C. Film Sales Corporation was founded in 1920 by brothers Jack and Harry Cohn, and Joseph Brandt. C.B.C. was renamed Columbia in 1924.
On March 28, 1920 the wedding of the century took place when Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford joined in matrimony. Fairbanks bought a lodge for his new bride and it was named Pickfair, a place that soon became the social center of Hollywood. In June 1920 the couple joined fellow newlyweds Frances Marion and Fred Thomson on a European honeymoon.
On April 3, 1920 F. Scott Fitzgerald wed novelist Zelda Sayre at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York.
Director John Ford wed Mary Smith in 1920.
Charlie Chaplin discovered Jackie Coogan and chose him to play The Kid released in 1921.
Alice Guy, the world’s first female filmmaker and a key figure in the development of narrative film, directed her final film, the feature-length Tarnished Reputations (1920).
Born in 1920
I am astounded by the talent born in 1920. Expect major centennial celebrations for these important people who have given us so much joy through film and television.
Vincent Gardenia
Constance Moore
DeForest Kelley
Federico Fellini
Delbert Mann
James Doohan
Toshiro Mifune
Jack Webb
Denver Pyle
Peggy Lee
Yul Brynner
Maureen O’Hara
Shelley Winters
Ray Bradbury
Jack Warden
Mickey Rooney
William Conrad
Walter Matthau
Laraine Day
Montgomery Clift
Merlina Mercouri
Hy Averback
Nanette Fabray
Gene Tierney
Ricardo Montalban
Noel Neill
Virginia Mayo
Frances Gifford
Jack Lord
Tony Randall
Ray Harryhausen
Deaths in 1920
1920 is relatively early in the life of the movies so it’s not surprising only one stood out as notable…and particularly sad. On or about September 10 of that year actor Olive Thomas ingested bi-chloride of mercury from a French-labeled bottle in a darkened bathroom, believing it to be another medication. Found unconscious, she died five days later. The death made worldwide headlines. Olive was only 25 when she died.
With Olive’s death came a flood of stories linking her to alcohol and drug use and to sexual promiscuity. The evils of “movie people” were spotlighted along with her death by moralists everywhere. Regardless of the circumstances, which I believe have never come to light, this was the tragic death of a 25-year-old woman. Olive was survived by her husband Jack Pickford who was with her in Paris when the tragedy occurred. You can read more about the life and death of Olive Thomas at Silents are Golden.
Olive Thomas c. 1919
Among the notables who made their film debuts in 1920…
Mary Astor made her film debut by way of an uncredited part in Buster Keaton’s The Scarecrow
Madge Bellamy made her debut in Edward José’s The Riddle: Woman.
Charles Boyer in Marcel L’Herbier’s L’homme de Large
Greta Garbo in Ragnar Ring’s How Not to Dress, which according to the New York Times obituary is a short sponsored by the department story where Greta worked as a sales clerk.
Alfred Hitchcock – Hitchcock submitted a portfolio of title cards for The Sorrows of Satan and The Great Day and is hired by Famous Players-Lasky British Producers Limited. (Hitchcock.zone)
Barbara La Marr , the girl who was too beautiful caught everyone’s attention when she co-starred with Douglas Fairbanks in The Nut in 1921, but she made her debut the year prior in Bertram Bracken’s Harriet and the Piper.
Victor McLaglen in A. E. Coleby’s The Call of the Road (1920) he gets a starring role right off the bat as a gambler-turned-boxer.
Nita Naldi – the story goes that her dancing was spotted by John Barrymore, who obtained her debut role for her in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920).
Claude Rains – we see him for a brief moment at the end of the film, but it’s a brilliant turn he delivers in his formal film debut as James Whale’s The Invisible Man in 1933, but as is news to me at this writing, Rains appeared in Fred Goodwins’ Build Thy House in 1920.
Notable Film Releases
Germany’s silent landmark classic, director Robert Wiene’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was released in the US in 1920.
Douglas Fairbanks’ first swashbuckler, Fred Niblo’s The Mark of Zorro (1920).
Buster Keaton made his first solo film appearance in the comedy short One Week (1920), after co-starring with Roscoe Arbuckle for the three previous years.
Legendary Broadway stage star John Barrymore appeared in the adapted Robert Louis Stevenson tale-horror film Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) directed by John. S. Robertson.
Ernst Lubitsch’s Passion was released in the U.S. bringing attention to Polish actress Pola Negri.
Way Down East, a romantic drama directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Lillian Gish was a top grossing movie of the year.
Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton released several shorts each that are worth watching so check out their filmographies and get to it. Roscoe Arbuckle had a slow year given his star status in 1920, but that would all fall apart in 1921 following the Virginia Rappe scandal.
Harry Millarde’s Over the Hill to the Poorhouse or just Over the Hill starring Mary Carr was one of the top grossing films of the decade.
Paul Powell’s Pollyanna starring Mary Pickford was popular despite both screenwriter Frances Marion and Mary Pickford not liking it.
Shipwrecked Among Cannibals, a travelogue/documentary directed by William F. Adler, was the first Universal film to gross $1,000,000.
Cecil B. DeMille’s Something to Think About starring Elliott Dexter, Gloria Swanson and Monte Blue was popular with audiences.
Top Money-making actors
According to Quigley Polls from results of 1919 film releases.
Wallace Reid
Marguerite Clark
Charles Ray
Douglas Fairbanks
Mary Miles Minter
Mary Pickford
Clara Kimball Young
William S. Hart
Norma Talmadge
Theda Bara
Theda Bara in THE LIGHT 1919
I hope you enjoyed these hundred-year-old highlights. I look forward to what I hope will be a stellar, enjoyable year of blogging and wish you and yours the very best. Now, in 1920s lingo, “Go chase yourself!”
HAPPY NEW YEAR…1920, A Centennial Celebration It's been the practice here to honor notable film-related anniversaries at the onset of every year - Looking back to move forward, if you will.
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