sotogalmo · 9 months
meow i drew astro today lolz
Bet it looks awesome 👍👍💥💯💯‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💯
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 7 months
Himeko, the thoughtful woman who took you in when you were lost. Himeko, who really does try to make you coffee in the mornings, and you can’t quite bring yourself to tell her that coffee grinds shouldn’t still be in the drink… Himeko, who loves to talk about the Universe. (As Evie loves to say about her girlfriend). She loves to tell you that you have all the stars in your eyes and the moon in your smile.
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I got you bestieeeee, I labeled it as you jdhshh
Himeko is such a sweetheart and caring person since she generally felt bad for you when she saw you lost, she's so nice to let you even stay in her room with her so you can get more comfortable around everyone. She's even willing to let you stay in her room as she sleeps somewhere else!
Himeko loves coffee but it seems you can't handle the bitterness of the coffee she always makes you in the morning but you're too shy to tell her that it's not quite your taste so she just keeps making it for you every morning with a happy smile on her face, happy to give you a fresh start every morning with a cup of coffee she made you
Himeko is the type to come up with such sweet words it would make your heart melt, whenever she talks about the universe and how much she adores it but she always adds on that even if she loves the universe, that her universe is you! The way when your eyes shine in the daylight that shows every little star in your eyes, the way you practically light up the room like the sun whenever you walk in, the way you smile she can practically see the moon <3
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ectonurites · 2 years
How you liking tdr so far? Or are you still kinda not thinking about it because of real life stuff (sending you lots of love for that btw!!)?
ahh thank you ❤️ but yea honestly my brain has put kinda a big mental block around TD:R right now, like i have my physical copy of #2 and still haven’t read it because every time i go try to i just Can’t. The first issue’s release just had unbelievably unfortunate timing for me, so my brain is just associating it too much with bad stuff right now… hopefully i’ll be able to get to it soon bc obviously i wanna know what’s goin on with timbo but jdhshhs ya know.
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months
Yeah jdhshhs
The guy who killed Grace would definitely be in VERRRYYY big trouble if Frank found out that the guy killed them /j
Wouldn't be hard for Frank to give him a taste of his own medicine if you know what I mean
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i find that whenever father-dearest hears something or literally any critism abt himself he just goes
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forystr · 3 years
U should consider making a ko-fi! Itd be cool to still be able to support you without adding to that rsi strain. Hope you feel better soon!
that's genuinely so sweet or you to say, I avtually do have one!! it's in my. pinned post but you can also find it here : https://ko-fi.com/forystr
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starswake--archived · 3 years
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losxersclub-blog · 7 years
noah fence but gaston and lefou fuck ,,
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unclejuho · 6 years
yall my hoe friend literally just messaged me saying sf9 having a comeback im just here like.. omg u for sure.. not like ive been spamming ur twitter for the past 12 hours with this exact news hdhshs
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taeyongs-smile · 6 years
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his face when he realised the music was faster
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jkks · 6 years
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what did I just read with my own two eyes
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miekasa · 3 years
0. Ok, I think Trost is the city in Wall Rose where the rookies all went after their graduation to get assigned or whatever, but before that happened the Marley crew broke the wall again - basically it’s the city where Eren had to plug the hole in the wall with that boulder.
1. Idk - maybe we can assume the river is mostly in Shiganshina?? Anyway they’re def not going back there after the wall fell lol. The boats I’m gonna chalk up to people using the rivers for transporting cargo and goods...there seem to be a lot of rural areas anyway, especially the farther you go from wall sina. We’ve seen rivers and lakes in the show so presumably they do have basic fish?? And may or may not learn to swim. It’s probably not considered necessary lol.
2. JDHSHH truth
3. From what I understand, they specifically took Eren to this abandoned castle the survey corps had so he couldn’t hurt anybody while he was learning to control his titan? So it’s isolated on purpose. Ratio of rural vs urban...Don’t quote me on this but I always assume it was like, big cities with big swaths of rural spaces in between, with the rural parts spotted with little villages and the like. I really doubt Wall Maria was like, a planned place - the cities probably sprung up organically and just grew around villages already there. Also, Wall Maria is said to have been a BIG producer of food before it was wiped out, so it makes sense that there’d be a lot of rural spaces left over. We see Mikasa as a kid living in the middle of nowhere lmao. The chalkboard - who knows, maybe a scholar lived there or they just brought one or something lmao. Chalk is probably pretty cheap and it wouldn’t be hard to buy - maybe Team levi gets a budget for this mission? we see it used in other places when they’re teaching the kids how to kill titans in a classroom with diagrams and whatever. I can see Hange using a board for experiments too so maybe she had some lying around. Also Team Levi had to clean out the place bc it was abandoned/unused for a long while so..dusty. That being said, consider: Levi is That extra that the castle needs to be cleaned again to his standards dhdhdh. Presumably other people did that stuff yeah? Or maybe they just did it offscreen idk.
Okay, okay, I’m with you on most of this except the chalk is still bothering me. I know when the rookies are training their instructors write on chalkboards and that’s not an issue--it’s a military training camp, so it makes sense for them to have that classroom and said classroom materials. 
My question is that when Levi is writing with the chalk and on a chalkboard, he and the others also seem to be in a classroom-like space. But at that point, they’re already in the castle?? Why does the castle have a spare classroom bye?? Also this castle must be pretty fucking big even though it look average from the outside, because there’s a whole fuck ton of room and shit--also they seem to be mostly wooden, which, like maybe I get for cost effectiveness, but the castle looks stoney bye 
ALSO MORE THINGS ABOUT THIS CASTLE SPACE: Those random ass lunch tables Levi’s squad is at after Eren couldn’t transform during the experiments... Not only is that a weird place to have set up picnic benches, never-mind why they wanted to have picnic benches outside in the first place; it’s also in a clearing, supposedly somewhere near the castle, but also surrounded by trees?? Because Hange, like, comes from the woods when they hear the noise?? Hello?? Mr. Isayama, could I just have an aerial layout of the scouts’ castle compound please and thank you. 
THE POINT IS.... I have beef with this show BYE LMAOO
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toastjy · 3 years
omg can’t believe u know that blog is me ... 😳
it’s bc i have my eye on u nes 🤔🧐 JDHSHHS jk it’s bc hanna reblogs stuff on her side all the time and i noticed 😌😌😌
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the-mind-emporium · 3 years
did you drink water today
Not yet jdhshhs
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augustgf · 4 years
i have to write a fanmail for my english homework jdhshhs
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yourdaddychan · 4 years
Twas fine until I woke up to 50 million assignments due and having missed one again this morning T^T I also had a really weird dream about a serial killer in a goofy costume? But I wasn’t super freaked out just a little? Don’t know why I dreamed that. I hope you have a good rest of your day though :3 ~ (・ω・) anon
[ answer : luna ]
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