#jarhead clan
Oh Jesus, why did I generate this cringe? 
... It is a little bit accurate, tho...
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avtrr · 1 year
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jake's tags
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
KXANI - pt.1
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summary: you have never fit in with the scientists, but on the night jake was lost in the forest so were you. staying with the people was your one true dream, yet when you are anything but welcome and jake get's to experience the people. you find yourself seeking comfort in tsu'tey
contents: 2.3k words, fem!avatar reader, set avatar 2009, kind of a prolouge, angst (only a lil)
authors note: i hope you guys enjoy this!! i'm really hyped to write a series especially my man tsu'tey. if this goes well definitely will be making a taglist so ask to be on it !!
all parts - next part
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It was all you had dreamed of since you landed on Pandora. To be with the people, to walk beside them. Well, behind them. You weren’t exactly welcome.
You still remembered the day you were chased through the forest with Jake, jumping into the waterfall on nothing but a will to live. You remembered Neytiri jumping in front of you, saving you both, you had never been more thankful and terrified of someone in your life.
You remembered how a group of men on direhorse threw ropes around your feet then continued to lead to the Hometree. It was surreal, to be with them. To live among them. But it wasn’t how you had hoped.
You hoped to meet with them, learn there culture and be able to retell your findings when you returned to your natural form. Yet, it was nothing like that.
It was because of Jake. He was the warrior of the ‘Jarhead’ clan. God, he was so intolerable but yet he was the one person who could understand your struggles of being with the people because he was right there beside you.
But with all you efforts over the years to learn about the Na’vi, it was nothing in comparison to him being tutored by Neytiri.
On the night when the Olo’eyktan decided to keep you both, it was rather a keep the man and his dog. They thought nothing of you, just another sky scientist. So, you weren’t entitled to Neytiri’s teachings, you were entitled to stare from far away and hope that maybe you could gain a bit of knowledge from observing the pair.
That’s what you were doing right now, crouching down hiding behind a lush shrub looking at the two talk to Tsu’tey as Jake sat in a puddle of mud. Maybe you weren’t missing out on too much?
Resting on the balls of your feet and long fingers keeping the bush apart you peered onto the ongoing scene. But Tsu’tey had disappeared. He must’ve gone off in a hurry, it wasn’t like he enjoyed the company of you two aliens anyway.
“You. What is wrong with you?”
“FUCK!” You jumped in fright falling to the ground looking up at an unimpressed Tsu’tey from above you. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest as you tried to regain your composure, shying away from the looming figure.
“Go home. You will not embarrass yourself like that there.” You desperately wanted to go back to your human form, but it wasn’t worth it. This, what you were experiencing was ground-breaking to your studies. Plus, Grace would skin you.
Pushing yourself off the ground, brushing the dirt off your grazed knee your stared up at him. How do you even respond to him? He was terrifying. Such a powerful figure it seemed stupid to stand up to him.
You were no Jake. You wouldn’t ridicule the future leader, and you were no ‘warrior’. You were truly just a useless being to them. Nothing to learn, nothing to gain.
“Tsa’hik has medicine for that. Go” You wished your feet would move. God, this is so embarrassing! Are you really paralysed in fear? Because of Tsu’tey. It’s laughable. You tried to move, but all you could do was stare into his unimpressed eyes and wish your link failed so you could escape this hellhole. “Are you ill?”
“Then why are you not moving?” Sometimes you were grateful you learnt Na’vi so you could have more in depth and intellectual conversations with the people. This is not what you imagined your conversations would be.
“No. I am.” Tsu’tey scoffed at you. Fuck. What if you just died. Didn’t come back. Met Eywa and apologized for the inconvenience.
“You alien, should go. Fix whatever is wrong with you.” Yet he wasn’t leaving. You pleaded that he would leave in a huff, upset at stupidity. But he still stood there!
“I am afraid of you.” It was a meek whisper. Something you should never of said as your heart beated aggressively against your ribs as if it was trying to escape its chamber.
Tsu’tey let out the heartiest chuckle as he stared down at you. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. Oh how you wished your feet weren’t bolted into the ground. He was genuinely amused. This was easily the funniest thing that had happened to him recently. And it was definitely going to be a story he was going to retell later on.
“So are children alien. You are like a child.”
“Thankyou.” You sneered up at him, still too embarrassed to meet his harsh gaze.
“Do you know where Tsa’hik is?” He tilted his head, his long braid falling over his shoulder as he peered down at you.
“I do not.” You tried to shovel down the shakiness in your voice, you could definitely cry right now.
“Of course, you don’t. Because you don’t belong here. I will take you to Tsa’hik. I would do it for a child.” He motioned for you to follow him as he rode off towards the base of the Hometree. “Hurry up alien child!” He laughed at his jokes as he pointed to you as he looked at other Na’vi also giggling at you as well.
What the fuck is your video log going to be today. ‘Got made fun of! Great find!’ This sucked! While Jake is learning the way of the people, you’re the people’s newest comedy act. 
Dragging your feet to the Tsa’hiks room you were ushered to sit on a woven colourful mat in the middle of this section of the tree. Adorned in decorative items and many medicines and herbs you found yourself being stared down by Mo’at.
“She grazed her knee falling from a squatting height Tsa’hik.” Tsu’tey still managed to find a way to make fun of you even when he was talking to a superior.
Mo’at scoffed at you, mumbling something under her breath you did catch a few words. But they’re not necessarily for repeating. “How did you fall?” Mo’at’s intimidating voice caught you off-guard. You didn’t think she would speak to you directly.
“I- um. Tsu-. Tsu’tey startled me.” It was an insane struggled to get out, to admit you had a slightly serious graze because the man chuckling behind you scared you shitless.
“Ah.” She couldn’t find it in her to hide her disappointment apparently. Shaking her head, she applied a pungent medicine to your knee. Surprisingly, it didn’t sting the only sensation was that it was particularly cold for a paste that had been sitting in the open. “Maybe it is useful to do some stuff around the village. We do not welcome demons, especially not parasites.”
Parasite? That is what she thought of you. Oh, that’s just lovely. It felt like your stomach decided to go skydiving and take a miles high leap out of your body.
“Send her back. She is parasite, not needed.” Tsu’tey said this sentence in English. He needed you to understand it, it was his every intention to. It hurt for some reason. Well not some reason he had said something incredibly hurtful. But it was so deserved, so justifiable. Didn’t mean it wasn’t incredibly upsetting to hear.
“We cannot. Jake is an odd dreamwalker. A new demon. She must stay as he does, it is Eywa’s will.” He was silenced at the mention of Eywa. No one would question her intentions not even yourself. “She must learn. You will teach.”
“What?!” Tsu’tey voice boomed out echoing throughout the hollow tree. Is this how Jake felt that night? Because the taste of bile was growing in your throat as you stared at the huffing man. Nononono. He cannot teach, he’ll slit your throat the minute he has the chance.
“She will not be a hunter, no warrior. But she can learn the ways of the people. Teach her Tsu’tey do not question my decisions young one.”
“….yes Tsa’hik…”
Times like these you wished you could go back to your human form. So that your emotions wouldn’t be so easily understood with the swish of your tail and movement of your ears. Still sitting on the floor of the Tsa’hik’s area your ears were pressed against your head and tail swishing quite frequently.
“Go to the river to wash off the paste soon. It will stain your skin.” Mo’at told your before you were being harshly stared at by Tsu’tey. You were yet to understand the way Na’vi must telepathically communicate. It wasn’t even a millisecond after Mo’at finished that she had gave Tsu’tey the look to take you to the river.
You just wished you could understand those looks as well. “Come now. We walk.” He was so assertive it was frightening, the way he commanded you with a single order, you were so respectful of his place in the clan. It did make him like you slightly more than Jake.
“Do not kill her.” Mo’at said harshly to the tall man as you felt that bile rise to your throat again. Kill. What a word!
“I did not plan on it.” Tsu’tey smirked as he wandered off expecting you to follow but you didn’t. You just stared at Mo’at for reassurance. A simple nod to say ‘Yes! Big scary man won’t murder you!’ and she must’ve sensed your desperation.
Mo’at gave a curt nod and ushered for you to go with him with a flick of her hand. With the reassurance of the Tsa’hik you walked with Tsu’tey. Well, behind Tsu’tey to the river.
Every step was awkward. The past on your knee was starting to dry and made cracking noises every time you bent your knee. The crunch of the leaves under both of your heavy feet were the only conversation between the two of you. Eventually, after the short walk. Though it felt long due to the silence. Was finished at the sound of the flourishing waterfall meeting your ears.
It was so powerful, yet so beautiful. It reminded you of something. But nothing was coming to mind so you decided to just focus on the rushing sound as you ended your journey.
“Well done demon. You made it.” His deep voice rumbled in his chest, he thought he was hilarious.
“Thankyou.” You knew it wasn’t a compliment from him, but what else were you to say. Jake would of found a better comeback but you couldn’t.
“You are funny demon.” He said it so nonchalantly but to you it felt as if your heart bursts into a million butterflies. A compliment from a Na’vi felt so special, you felt slightly appreciated. And for it to be from Tsu’tey made it 100 times more meaningful considering how much distaste he has for you and Jake.
“Thankyou Tsu’tey.” Your genuine smile was one he had not seen yet. It was a new expression. Obviously, it looked familiar as it was on the body of a Na’vi but there was something so bright about your smile he couldn’t shake off. It was just something weird he assumed. Demons do weird things especially when they’re in bodies they’re not meant to be in.
“The paste must come off. Or else your knee will be yellow for weeks.” You nodded and hopped into the water. It was about knee height, so you had to bend to move the water over your knee completely.
“Is there a specific way to get it off. It is a foreign medicine to me.”
“It’s foreign because you don’t belong here.” Tsu’tey was just so harsh with his words, they were said with so much power, yet he felt sincere. It was odd. So odd. “Give me your leg.”
“What do you mean? HEY!” Tsu’tey had grabbed your injured leg yanking it into his arms making you twist and fumble trying not to go headfirst into the water.
His long fingers wrapped around your shin as he used his other hand to cup water into his hand and covering the yellow paste. Every time you fumbled trying to balance he let a ‘tsk’ leave his mouth. His fingertips felt as if they were being burnt into your skin as he gripped your leg tightly.
“Stop moving. I am getting the paste off.” He looked harshly into your eyes, his golden iris’ staring straight into your own.
“I’m trying!” it was an exacerbated statement. Tsu’tey saw the way your ears flicked down and you tensed all the muscles in your abdomen to try and stay still.
He felt a pound of his heart call out to him to not be so harsh. But why? You were nothing but a demon. A complacent one, but still a demon. You were better than Jake in his books. You listened stayed out of trouble, didn’t hang out with his future mate. But you were so odd. Nothing like any of the other demons. You were too complacent, too shy, too fearful. It was odd. Maybe that’s why his heart pounded.
With a final scrub the paste was gone and he let you leg down gently, an abrupt change to the quick and harsh picking up of your leg before. “Thankyou Tsu’tey.” He simply hummed in reply giving you a curt nod. This wave of confidence had overcome you. It was like you felt dizzy with courage. “Tsu’tey.”
The way you said his voice was weird to him. It was pronounced so clearly as if it was the only word you had learnt to say in his language. “Yes?”
“I know that..uh never mind.” The confidence vanished as soon as he stared into your eyes once again. His whole body facing towards you, his mind and soul focused on the words coming out of your mouth. It was too intimidating especially now as he waited for you to say more.
“Speak. What do you know?” His deep voice was memorizing, the way his chest rose proudly every word he spoke. He was so intriguing.
“I know that you don’t like me… and that I do not belong here. But I would like to help, I don’t want to be a p-parasite.” The word parasite stung on your tongue, and it was obvious how Tsu’tey winced at the word as well.
Truthfully, he regretted saying it so clearly to you. He only regretted when he saw the way your tail swished and the shine in your eyes. Maybe that’s why he felt crazy. Maybe that’s why he felt kind towards you. Maybe that’s why he agreed so fast.
“Only because you are smart, not stupid like Jakesully. I will teach you demon.” He reached out to grip onto your shoulder. It was a moment you don’t think you’d ever forget. The way his fingers held tightly onto you, his eyes looked so sincere and the usual scowl on his face had disappeared and turned in a stern look on promise.
This was the look of friendship, of teaching, you were about to learn the way of the people.
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reblogs + replies so appreciated, i love you forever if you do yes i mean it i love you
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Our human wife
Jake x reader x neytiri
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It had been know that the omaticaya is special in everyone terms, as have allowed the sky people to become apart of their clan and one of them as well. That had lead to many unseen and rare mating couples and families, and once of the families is Neytiri and Jake sully. As they mates and leader of the clan but also share a mate as well, who is dreamwlalker and mother of their kids. You had become their human wife fifteen years ago and it still stayed the same as well.
y/n " okay if we keep this work up the base will be fully functional"
norm " you are always a women with a plan"
y/n " yes I'm"
max " It good the metekyaian let us stay here"
y/n " well it took some talking but it seems like they let us stay here, for good well in the conditions we don't do anything stupid or bad"
norm " that will be easy we just have to make sure not to be like the RDA:
y/n " yes"
max " well I will make sure the word get around to everyone"
y/n " thank max" you are now alone looking over some the supplies, while max and norm had went inside to get some food and to deal with other matters as well.
????? " yawne" you soon heard a voice that you knew so well, as you had soon tuned around and saw neytiri walking over with jake not that far behind her.
y/n " hello my wife and husband"
Neytiri " hello we came to see you as you failed to answer our call, to have morning meal with us"
y/n " oh wait now I see the problem I didn't have a good connection"
neytiri " see ma Jake this way we need to stop using these demon devices, they are failures"
Jake " honey they are still good you have to remember like us our wife is busy, and she has role to the clan here and with us"
neytiri " yes I know but I feel like your friends are trying to steal her away"
y/n " no one will never steal me away from you two"
neytiri " good so what are you all doing here it seems like the homes, are coming up well"
y/n “ thank you we are going to this some of soil here to help us, plant our crops and other stuff as well”
neytiri “ you are always showing amazing talent my beautiful yawne”
y/n “ thank you”
Jake “ still the smart women I meet all those years ago, and it seems like the kids have picked up that talent”
y/n “ good because they have offer to help me with my work, and those are my babies” neytiri and Jake laugh.
????? “ hello” the three adults soon turned around and soon saw, tonowari standing there Jake and neytiri stood tall.
Jake “ hello tonowari how may we help you”
tonowari “ I have come to see the work of your mate and humans as well, my children had been speaking highly of her and the other humans”
y/n “ welcome olo’eythan tonowari I see you”
tonowari “ hello y/n I see you”
neytiri “ you seem shocked at our mate knows our tongues very well”
tonowari “ yes I have never knew that many humans, could speak our language for well”
Jake “ well if you most know she had helped me leaned she knew more then me”
neytiri “ yes she was one of the people why before you”
Jake “ very funny”
y/n “ enough you two stop acting like children”
Jake and neytiri " yes love" there had been some chuckles and laugh heard making the four look at the humans, that came out to see everything.
max " wow Jake it seems like there someone who can get you to do anything"
man " yes the former jarhead has meet his match"
Jake " oh hush all of you she my wife"
y/n " okay everyone let act mature for once in a while now I see why, all are kids are they ways they are" everyone soon nodded their heads and soon went on with their lives, tonowari had been able to see even if neytiri and Jake are best warriors and good heroes. they was one persons who could order them around and commanded them around, and that was you and he was very impressed as well. It seems like the metkayain were started to be get to the humans a bit more, and see even if they are humans they are strong and smart after all and they were not all that bad.
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nattikay · 1 year
Jake is a Good Dad and I will Die On That Hill
Howdy Avatar fandom. Over the past six months or so I’ve seen a lot of criticism directed toward Jake Sully as a father, ranging from him simply being a little too strict at best, to outright neglectful and even abusive at worst. This, my friends, is some grade-A nonsense, and today we’re gonna talk about why. Strap in, lads, this is gonna be a long one. Let’s roll.
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So before we get into breaking down the events of the main storyline, let’s address the idea that Jake was always the super-strict “military dad” throughout the kids’ lives: put simply, bullcrap.
Out of the film’s over-three-hour runtime, we get to see very little of the Sullies’ lives before the RDA’s return—only about six minutes’ worth. If Jake was meant to be this strict militaristic dictator during this time period, especially in a way that would significantly impact the kids’ character development and their relationships with him, this would be the time to show it, or at least hint at it. But instead of any of that, we really get quite the opposite. Jake laughs and plays with the kids:
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Jokes around and cuddles:
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Teaches Neteyam to fish:
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He even says in his narration:
“Happiness is simple…whoever thought that a jarhead like me could’ve cracked the code?”
Guys, this is quite literally the best time of his life. This man absolutely adores his family with every fiber of his being, they are his whole world. Like, look at him! He has stars in his eyes!!
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We have zero reason to suspect that Jake was overly harsh or strict in a way that would impede his relationship with his kids during this time. The Sullies appear to be a normal, healthy, close-knit family. 
It’s only when the RDA returns and reignites war that things change. 
I’ve seen some people claim that Jake’s personality changed it the second movie. I disagree—it was not his personality that changed, but rather his priorities. 
A1 Jake was a disabled marine vet who was offered his brother’s contract after said brother was unexpectedly murdered by some thug on the street…and part of the reason he agreed to take that contract was that there really wasn’t much else left for him back on Earth, so why not go? A1 Jake had just about nothing left to lose, and therefore could afford to be more reckless.
A2 Jake, however, is another story altogether. A2 Jake can’t just run around poking and prodding and taking risks like A1 Jake did because now he has a wife and four children who rely on him and who he loves more than anything else in the world. It’s not just himself he has to look out for anymore, it’s them. He now has everything to lose. He says as much himself:
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Not to mention that he’s older now. Did you really expect the 37-year-old father of four who’s been leading the clan for 15 years and is suddenly thrust back into a brutal war to behave exactly the same as the 22-year-old fish-out-of-water ex-marine sent to fill in for his scientist brother out of the sheer convenience of sharing a genome? A2 Jake’s behavior is not a sudden 180 from his personality in A1, it’s a natural progression and reaction for his character given the changed circumstances. 
“A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning.”
This is essentially Jake’s thesis for the movie. This is his #1 priority, his purpose, the lens through which all his actions must be viewed in order to understand them, and it’s important to establish it upfront because it sets up everything else.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the train raid sequence as its aftermath. Jake begrudgingly allows his now-teenage sons to participate in the war party—from a distance, as spotters. Neteyam seems content to fill this role, but Lo’ak, against orders, eagerly insists that they “have to get in there”, even goading his brother: 
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Tailed by an exasperated Neteyam, Lo’ak grabs a weapon from Tarsem and lets out a half-hearted warcry:
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...let’s be honest here, Lo’ak doesn’t really seem to be taking this raid anywhere near as seriously as he should be; he’s treating it more like a game—on which point, y’know what, let’s pause to talk about Lo’ak for a moment.
Because the primary purpose of this post is defending Jake, it may at times appear that I am being overly critical towards Lo’ak. This is not my intention—I love Lo’ak as much as I love the rest of the Sully family (which is a lot lol). I think the things he struggles with are reasonable and valid struggles to have considering his circumstances. However, that does not always mean that he is in the “right”. Jake and Lo’ak’s conflict through the movie is not as simple as “son right dad wrong” or vice-versa; rather, it stems from a generational/age gap in experience and priorities. 
In this case, for example, Lo’ak is treating the raid more like a cool action game than a real battle with real stakes. Which may not be much of a surprise—he’s 14! He’s young, he’s naive, he’s never experienced anything close to real war until the past year or so—he probably genuinely does not fully grasp the stakes of this situation just yet. And why should we expect him to, really? He’s never had to before.
Jake, on the other hand, knows the stakes all too well. This ain’t his first rodeo. He was a solider both on Earth (where he was injured severely enough to become paralyzed from the waist down) and then again on Pandora driving out the RDA in a battle that killed several of his friends and allies, including almost completely wiping out the entire Olangi clan. 
Jake understands the risks of war and doesn’t want his kids anywhere near it. We see this not only in the film where he only allows Neteyam and Lo’ak to participate in the raid “from a distance” and ultimately fleeing his own clan altogether once his kids are directly threatened, but also in the comics in which he consistently turns down Neteyam’s pleadings to participate in the war efforts. Unfortunately for him, his sons do happen to be coming of age at around this time and there’s only so much he can do to keep them out of it, so he tries to let them participate in relatively safe ways, like as spotters.
Lo’ak…doesn’t understand this. Not really. And that leads to him recklessly taking unnecessary risks—be it out of curiosity, to get in on the action, or even simply to prove himself. Which understandably scares the crap out of Jake.
When the raid is over, Jake desperately searches the rubble for his sons. He finds Lo’ak quickly and makes sure he’s alright:
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…before taking off to search for Neteyam, who he also promptly checks over for injuries. 
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which is something I’d like to point out here: although Jake sometimes gets gruff with his sons, he never leads with that. He always always always makes sure they’re ok first. That’s important. We’ll come back to it throughout the post.
Anyways, it’s only after making sure that Neteyam is ok that Jake’s initial bout of fear subsides and morphs into frustration and anger: what were you thinking?! And it’s a fair question. If the boys had followed orders, they wouldn’t have been at such risk in the first place. Once the party returns to High Camp, Jake addresses this point with them, reminding them that by disobeying direct orders they put themselves in very serious danger, and reiterating to Lo’ak in particular that his recklessness nearly got his brother killed and grounding him.
In other words, Jake’s response to his sons going against his orders was…a lecture and a grounding. That’s…a pretty reasonable parental reaction, actually. Sure, you could nitpick and say his tone was too harsh, but given the situation, I struggle to blame him…
…which leads into the next relevant scene: while Mo’at and Kiri tend to Neteyam’s scratches, Neytiri gently chides Jake for being too hard on the boys, concluding with the infamous line: “This is not a squad. It is a family.”
Now, what I find interesting about this scene is that neither party is really in the wrong here. Jake is doing his best to fill his role as a father by watching out for his kids’ physical safety—even if it means being a little strict. Likewise, Neytiri is filling her role as a mother by looking out for her kids’ emotional well-being. As she should!
That said, I think people who use this line as proof of Jake’s supposed parental failure are forgetting the context. While Neytiri’s line is true in general, when the boys sign up to participate in a war party, they kinda do become a “squad”. In that moment, in that context, they are a squad, they have to behave like one lest someone gets hurt if not killed. 
I also think they forget Jake’s reaction to Neytiri’s line:
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Look closely. There are tears in his eyes. This dude was terrified of the possibility that he may have just lost one of his sons in the raid, and all his strictness stems from that. And Neytiri seems to recognize this as well, as she can’t seem to decide how to respond. She probably worries about the same thing, after all, even if she handles it differently. 
On that note, let’s look at the next time Lo’ak disobeys instructions: going to the old shack with Spider, Kiri, and Tuk, where they first encounter the recom unit. 
Something interesting about the aftermath of the recom rescue is that no one gets lectured this time actually. Remember what I said about how, no matter how upset he is, Jake always checks to make sure the kids are ok first and foremost? Sure enough, that’s what he does here:
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Not only for his daughters, mind you, but also both his sons (we’ll address the daughter-favoritism claims later):
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With the recoms now targeting the Sully family specifically, Jake, feeling out of other options, makes the difficult decision to flee and find refuge among the Metkayina clan. 
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whoops, there’s that “protection” theme again
When their request for sanctuary is somewhat reluctantly accepted, Jake calls a family meeting and tells the kids this:
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Remember how earlier we established how “a father protects” is essentially Jake’s thesis for this movie? Well, this is an offshoot of that: Jake believes that hiding amongst the Metkayina is currently the best was to keep his family safe; therefore, throughout the Sullies’ time with the clan, Jake’s primary goal is to lay low and get along with the clan so as not to tread on their hospitality and get kicked out (even if and when that means setting aside one’s own pride). This, then, is the lens through which Jake’s actions must be analyzed while his family is staying with the Metkayina.
The first time this becomes relevant is after Neteyam and Lo’ak’s little scrap defending Kiri from Aonung and his posse. Jake is clearly not thrilled about Kiri being bullied, but again, his top priority is keeping his family safe and right now this entails maintaining a good standing with the chief, which in turns means that his sons getting into brawls with Tonowari’s son is a very bad look. Which is why, after a moment of internal conflict, he asks Lo’ak to apologize to Aonung (he even tries to explain when Lo’ak protests:)
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On that note, while remaining on good terms with the clan has to take precedence at this moment, Jake is clearly quietly proud of his boys for kicking butt, as we see from his exchange with Neteyam (though yes, it is unfortunate that Lo’ak didn’t get to see this bit).
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…which brings us to one of the bigger moments that people point to when accusing Jake of being a bad father: the “you bring shame to this family” line. Now, I can understand why this line doesn’t sit right with viewers initially, especially since we have just seen firsthand the truth about what Lo’ak experienced over the past few hours. However, when you consider what’s going on from Jake’s perspective, the line is not quite as unreasonable as it first seems.
Let’s back up a bit to when Lo’ak first returns to the village after meeting Payakan. At first Jake is just relieved that his son is ok (remember: he always checks first)
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In fact, once it’s clear that Lo’ak is ok, it seems Jake just wanted to let it go and head home…the real conflict didn’t begin until after Lo’ak lied to take the blame for Aonung.
Up until this moment, Jake only knew Aonung’s side of the story, that he’d taken Lo’ak outside the reef and he got stranded there (it’s unclear whether Aonung specifies that he abandoned him out there on purpose, the little punk, but I digress). But when Tonowari (rightfully) declares Aonung’s responsibility for the incident, Lo’ak speaks up to take the fall, claiming that the whole ordeal was all his idea, which Aonung had tried to talk him out of.
Lo’ak does not have a reputation for lying…but he does have a reputation for pulling reckless stunts that put himself and others in danger, so for better or for worse, Jake has literally zero reason not to believe this claim. 
In other words, for Jake, the situation has just gone from “my son got taken advantage of by the local bullies and put into a precarious situation but he’s home safe now” to “my son dragged a bunch of other kids to a dangerous location where he knows he’s not supposed to go despite the chef’s son trying to talk him out of it, endangering both his life and theirs, getting lost in the process, and thereby worrying and inconveniencing the entire clan on whose hospitality we rely by making them go out of their way to arrange a whole search party in the dead of night just to find him.”
…yeah, no wonder he was flippin’ ticked. No wonder he “didn’t want to hear it” when Lo’ak tries to explain that he was “only trying to make friends”. We as the audience know that’s true, of course, but as far as Jake knows in that moment, based on what Lo’ak himself claimed just moments ago, he was trying to “make friends” by…dragging them out to a dangerous location despite their protests thus jeopardizing both his and their lives as well as his family’s standing in the clan who can kick them out at any time. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to “hear it” either.
When you look at it from that perspective, “you brought shame to this family” doesn’t really seem quite as extreme, does it?
And yes, I feel for Lo’ak here, really, I do; he’s just been through a lot and yes based on the actual events that just occurred his father’s anger is the last thing the poor kid needs and I totally get why it would upset him…but at the same time, I can’t help feeling that he kinda brought this particular lecture on himself by voluntarily taking the blame for Aonung. Not really sure what he was expecting: that Jake would somehow read his mind and understand the way things actually went? That he would see through his lie and praise him for being so amiable towards Aonung by taking the fall perhaps similar to how Neteyam so often claims the blame for Lo’ak’s own reckless shenanigans despite how rude Aonung had been to him thus far? Or perhaps he just blurted out the blame claim as an olive branch of sorts to Aonung (genuinely trying to “make friends” in a way) without really thinking about the consequences of doing so. Who knows. But regardless of how Lo’ak did or didn’t think things would go, I think it’s a little unfair to blame Jake for his reaction. Based on his knowledge of the circumstances, which in turn were based on Lo’ak’s own account given only moments before (remember, Jake had zero reason to suspect he was lying), his reaction is actually pretty understandable.
Speaking of Lo’ak’s adventures with Payakan, the next time we see him clash with his father is when Tonowari lectures him for bonding with the outcast, and Lo’ak defends his new friend. Remember: Jake’s top priority is keeping his family safe which currently means not getting kicked out of the Metkayina. Lo’ak, regardless of whether or not he was in the right, was clearly upsetting Ronal and Tonowari in this exchange—Neytiri is actually the first to step in and warn her son:
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…and when Lo’ak persists anyways, Jake has to step in in hopes of smoothing things over with the chief. 
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It sucks that this upset Lo’ak, especially because we the audience know that Lo’ak is right about Payakan, but again, Jake is currently more concerned with not getting kicked out of the clan than with his son winning an argument about the validity of a tulkun’s outcast status.
...aaaand here comes the hardest part of this essay to write. Admittedly I wasn’t aware of this argument until recently, but now that I know it’s out there I feel obligated to address it here. Apparently some folks are out there claim that Jake did not display a sufficient amount of emotion at Neteyam’s death, and this somehow proves that he wasn’t as attached to his sons as he should have been. And all I have to say to that is: did we watch the same movie?? 
That man broke upon his son’s death. Did he wail and cry like Neytiri, no, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t heartbroken—wailing and crying simply aren’t how his character responds to trauma. He’s a solider, he’s probably trained to delay any external breakdown at least until a given battle is over.
But you can still see it in his face. You can hear it in his voice which breaks and shudders when he realizes that Neteyam is dying and tries to give him a few last words of comfort, wanting so desperately to ease his pain to the best of his abilities. 
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...yeah. This man is broken in this moment.
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…but his job isn’t over yet. The battle is still raging. He still has three more kids who still need him. As much as he may want to, he cannot take the time to fully grieve in this moment.
…which brings us to the big one, the main line people point to when arguing that Jake is a bad father:
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Now, let’s be honest: was this an awful thing to say? Yes, absolutely. Should Jake apologize to Lo’ak for it after the fact, if he hasn’t already? Definitely, one-hundred-percent. I’m not disputing that in the least.
In this moment, Jake has just spent the past however-long locked in a vicious battle, and hardly minutes before watched his firstborn son bleed out in his arms. And now he learns that his daughters—one of whom is a pre-pubescent child with no chance of defending herself—are still caught on the “demon ship” with the recoms, who have just very clearly proven that they have absolutely no qualms with killing these kids. Quaritch taunting in his ear certainly is not helping. 
The only thing Jake could properly focus on in that moment was getting Kiri and Tuk off that boat. Repeat: he wants to get his kids OFF the demon ship, not risk bringing any of them back ON. On top of that, Lo’ak, as established very early on in the film (see: train raid), has a reputation for struggling to follow orders…even when not emotionally devastated by the death of his brother. 
All these things considered, is it really any wonder that Jake did not want Lo’ak coming along on this mission? He’s already lost one son, why in the ever-loving flip flap would he want to risk losing the other by intentionally bringing him back to the danger zone with no guarantee he’ll come out again, especially given his apparent propensity to ignore orders and throw himself into danger? 
Heck, the only reason he lets Spider come is that Spider knows where the girls are and, unlike Lo’ak, Spider doesn’t have that same reckless reputation. Spider, in that moment, appears to be able to compartmentalize the fresh trauma well enough to focus on the task at hand, and can be trusted to do as Jake asks. Lo’ak…can’t. So, Jake wants him to stay behind.
Did he express it horribly? Absolutely. But saying one stupid insensitive thing in a moment of numbness underlaid by grief, pain, and fear does not make him a horrible dad overall, and I think it’s a little unfair to say that it does.
On that note, I do not believe for one moment that Jake genuinely blames Lo’ak for Neteyam’s death. Now, Lo’ak may well view it that way and I’m sure it’ll come into play for his character arc in future movies, which can be a topic for another day, but as for Jake’s perspective, no. I don’t think he truly blames Lo’ak. Even if he couldn’t necessarily process it all right away, I think he knows that Lo’ak is going through as much heartbreak as the rest of the family…especially given that Jake himself has firsthand experience losing a brother. He just said something dumb in a moment of pain.
(On the topic of Lo’ak being unable to follow orders, less than five minutes after Jake, Neytiri, and Spider leave for the ship, Lo’ak…immediately disobeys the order to stay safe on the island and heads back out to the ship anyways. Obviously in the grand scheme of things it’s good that he was there to save Jake from drowning after the scuffle with Quaritch, but still, good gracious son. Way to spectacularly prove your dad’s point.) 
So now we come to the point where Lo’ak saves Jake’s life. After a mutual choke-out with Quaritch, Jake is left to drown until Lo’ak finds him and pulls him to the surface, at which point he gasps for air and chokes out Neteyam’s name. 
This can be interpreted in a few ways. It could be that Jake is so accustomed to Neteyam being the “responsible” one that he irrationally thought it was him coming to the rescue, momentarily forgetting he had died or somehow thinking maybe by some stroke of fate he pulled through after all—this seems to be Lo’ak’s assumption, given that he promptly corrects him.
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Now, some may take Jake’s “oh, Lo’ak…” as a show of favoritism, or proof that Jake values his first son above his second. I don’t think this is the case though—I don’t think Jake’s apparent disappointment is about Lo’ak being there so much it’s about Neteyam not being there. In other words, it’s not a personal slight against or disappointment in Lo’ak, but rather a form of still-very-raw grief for Neteyam who, remember, only just died, like, an hour ago.
It could also be that Jake is still so distraught following Neteyam’s death that it’s consuming his thoughts…he was able to shove it down and compartmentalize long enough to fight the recoms and get Tuk and Kiri off the boat, but that compartmentalization broke down while he was literally drowning and it took him a minute to focus and put things back together (which he manages to do a moment later when Lo’ak tries to apologize for his brother’s death):
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The most excruciating interpretation I’ve seen is Jake thinking he had drowned and is rejoining Neteyam in the afterlife. ouch. Though that is, of course, just speculation.
Regardless, at this point Jake has just about given up. He’s exhausted, he’s in agony, both physically and emotionally. He’s completely drained. He wants Lo’ak to live but is ready to give up on himself (“I can’t make it. You can.”). It’s only when Lo’ak insists: 
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 ...that Jake realizes he still needs to press forward. Because his other kids still need him. His other son still needs him and he’s not willing to give up on him. So he takes a deep breath (literally), puts his trust in Lo’ak, and lets his son lead him through the flooded passageways out of the wreck. When they finally break the surface, we have this lovely moment:
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This moment is a resolution to one of Lo’ak’s primary emotional conflicts throughout the movie: living in the shadow of his legendary war hero father and prodigious older brother, finally getting the recognition and affirmation he so craved from that father. Some might argue that in terms of “ideal” parenting that this kind of moment should have come sooner, or that Jake’s recognition of his son should never have been in doubt in the first place, and while there may be some truth to that, I struggle to really blame Jake for it for reasons I just spent the past 4000 words discussing. I think the fact that this moment happened at all shows that despite their clashes and struggles and miscommunications, Jake does and always has cared very deeply about Lo’ak; his lectures and frustrations come not out of malice or some personal distaste, but out of fear for his well-being.
We see Jake comforting Lo’ak again after the family returns to Neteyam’s body on the rocks.
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 As I said before, I don’t think for even the briefest moment Jake genuinely blames Lo’ak for Neteyam’s death. I don’t think he would be comforting him like this if he did.
…which, I suppose, brings us to Neteyam’s funeral, and Jake and Neytiri visiting his spirit within Eywa. No parent should ever have to bury their child and good golly gracious this scene ripped my heart out but I digress. I don’t even really have a lot of commentary to add to these scenes…just…just this. It speaks for itself.
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look me in the eye and tell me this man “doesn’t care about his sons”. I flipping DARE you.
Well, that concludes the debunking of scenes that supposedly make Jake a bad father. But before we go, let’s look just briefly at this scene of him being a good dad with Kiri. I didn’t mention this earlier because while I’ve seen a lot of complaints about Jake’s interactions with Neteyam and especially Lo’ak, few people have qualms with the way Jake treats Kiri and Tuk—in fact, many people claim that he shows favoritism to his daughters, going out of his way “baby” them and treat them more gently and lovingly than his sons. I disagree and hope the above has done a thorough job dispelling that notion: Kiri and Tuk don’t go around throwing themselves headlong into the same kind of danger that Neteyam and Lo’ak do. They aren’t begging to participate in battle, they aren’t disobeying orders that land them in mortal peril. 
In other words: Jake lectures his sons more than his daughters out of necessity, not nepotism. Remember: Jake’s #1 priority is protecting his family, keeping them all safe and alive. That means that when one of his kids pulls a stupid stunt that puts them in danger he feels the need to crack down on that in hopes of preventing it from happening again. Lo’ak is, quite frankly, prone to pulling those kind of stunts, so he gets lectured a lot. Kiri and Tuk do not typically pull such stunts, so they don’t get lectured. It’s as simple as that, really.
Buuuuuut now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s talk just briefly about Jake comforting Kiri.
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Like with the scene of visiting Neteyam’s spirit, I don’t have much commentary to add to this scene—it’s a very sweet scene and it speaks for itself really. Jake is very gentle and doing his best to listen to Kiri, even if he is a little unsure about her claims. He doesn’t criticize or invalidate, he just tries to be there for her. What can I say, that’s a good dad right there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
One last little point before we wrap up for real: the fact that Lo’ak and Neteyam occasionally refer to Jake as “sir”. I was originally planning to address this earlier but it didn’t quite fit in with the flow of the discussion and I consider it such a minor point anyways, I figured I could save it for a side note—but seriously, it baffles me what a big deal people make of this. 
It would be one thing if “sir” was something that Jake strictly enforced, if it was the only thing he allowed the kids to address him as, if one of them called him “Dad” and he barked back, “no! it is sir!” But…literally none of that is the case. He never explicitly asks them to call him “sir”, and they call him “Dad” just as often if not more.
The kids referring to Jake as “sir” in tense moments is a simple show of respect, nothing more. I recall my own dad also wanting to be called “sir” when we were in trouble and it was never really an issue. And I suppose your milage may vary depending on where you live, but growing up in the southern US, “sir” and “ma’am” are just very common basic courtesy in many situations (not just familial). 
Sooooo….yeah, the idea that Neteyam and Lo’ak occasionally calling Jake sir is somehow proof of Jake being too strict or cold or whatever else is really making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s not that deep y’all.
…aaaand I suppose that’s it for this post. 
In conclusion: 
Look guys, Jake does not have to be your favorite character. You don’t even have to like him, or agree with everything that he says or does. He isn’t perfect (which, by the way, literally no one is). But if nothing else, I hope this behemoth of a post has at least helped you understand his character and why he acts and reacts the way that he does.
Jake Sully may not be a shining beacon of parental perfection from a psychological development perspective (and all things considered, expecting him to be such is, quite frankly, a little silly), but good golly gracious he is trying his absolute darnedest in incredibly difficult and precarious circumstances beyond his control i.e. the RDA coming back to quite literally take over. This man’s family means absolutely everything to him and I’m done sitting back and watching y’all slander him just because he didn’t react to x situation the way you think he should have.
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thank you and good night
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seashelldom · 9 months
"so, ive been away from home for long. how have you been? how is the hunt? and neytiri, how is neytiri?", you asked, focusing more on your food then tsu'tey's reactions, already predicting his answers.
"i'm fine, neytiri and i are not to be mated anymore. she mated with jake sully from the jarhead clan." he replied, his voice getting lower the more words he spoke, clearly getting a bit agitated by speaking on the subject.
"oh." you spoke with an astonishment and joy that you tried hard to cover, your focus now fully on him, eyes wide and all. neytiri is out of the picture?
"oh?" he repeated, in a hushed tone, surprised by your sudden reaction. not agitated any more, but curious. you took in a sharp inhale, deciding to look away.
"what about _____? how are they doing, arent you both ready to be mated soon?", tsu'tey questioned, eyeing you down.
"they decided not to, i guess it was rushed," you responded, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in.
"oh." he breathed out. his eyebrows moved up, different from his usual scowl. his yellow eyes were big and curious.
suddenly the proximity between you two wasn't just 'platonic'. and the air was thick, but in the moment for some reason, tsu'tey decided to move closer.
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two ex-fiancees sitting down eating dinner at hometree with the omaticaya clan.
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© seashelldom 2023 ; all rights reserved ; do not translate, copy, claim my work as your own, or repost on another site.
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tojisun · 10 months
real enough to touch
atwow!jake sully x fem avatar reader
!! angst; there are references to a1; hinted age gap between jake and reader; use of "kid" as platonic pet name // 2.1k words
: based of this prompt; hope you guys would luv it <33; title from blue banisters - lana
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you watch as they gather their things, packing up whatever else they could hoist onto their ikrans without the beasts buckling underneath all the weight that they are not used to carrying. the sully’s are silent for a change, their lips pinched close, their eyes refusing to meet each other in an act of full avoidance, hoping that the silence would blanket their breaking hearts.
your hands twitch, muscle memory kicking in when jake stalked away and left the rest of his family for a short moment. neytiri finds your eyes, tipping her head to wherever jake headed and you send her a short nod before turning around to follow the trail that your friend left.
you find him standing before the opening of high camp, alone, his eyes looking far away and his mind lost in thought. not even your loud footfalls could coax him out so you wait, taking your space beside him, basking in the silence as you count down the minutes you have left with him.
“i’m sorry,” he says after a while, his voice thick and only then do you realize that he slipped into english – a pretence of privacy.
“you shouldn’t be,” you tell him, tipping your head up and smiling when you meet his already-waiting eyes. “i get it the most, you know?”
“i know,” he breathes. “i’d love nothin’ more than for you t’come… but the people, they need you more.”
“‘course. they’re still gon’ need the remaining warrior of the jarhead clan, now that y’r leavin’,” you tease, hoping to ease the tension.
he chuckles, shaking his head at your words. your heart stutters at the sound, the realization that this is the last you’ll ever hear from and see of jake has you biting the inside of your cheeks, willing yourself to not cry yet. not when he needs you – strong heart.
he licks his lips, parting them, hesitating, until he finally mutters, “thanks for always being with me: back in hell’s gate ‘till now.”
you roll your eyes at him this time, a huff of short laugh escaping your lips. “i promised, didn’t i?”
(“on me?” he asked, tall and blue and free. he stood beside neytiri, their eyes pleading, waiting, but hardened – if you were going to stand against them, then so be it.
but how could you ever? you would follow him to hell if he asked.
“always, corporal,” you replied, laughing as you shook your head, watching as your answer was rewarded with twin and fanged smiles.
yeah, you thought, i have no regrets.)
but that might have been the wrong thing to say; you watch as jake’s face falls, his body drooping along, making him look older than he is. he reaches out for you, patting your head the way you see him do with his kids – familial. platonic.
your heart bursts at seeing what you are to him. it is love, sure it is not in the way you want, but it is still love. jake’s love.
you shuffle to his side, patting him on the back. “i’m fine, jake.”
“i know y’are,” he says, his hand still resting on your head. “but i want you to live for y’rself, kid. y’ve always been here f’r me and now i want you to be here for y’rself.”
“and what exactly does living for myself mean?” your tone is jovial, light.
“…well, i see the way you are with my kids and i know you’ll be a great mother.”
his words strike you, your mind racing as you stare up at him with wide eyes. no.
“no,” you repeat out loud, chuckles spilling from your lips. “you- no. jake. i, uh, i don’t think i can.”
his brows crease, worry lining his face. “you can’t? why?”
“it’s not like i’ll like anyone else to the point of marriage and mating.” you shrug, hiding your wince with a cough, your tail coiling around your leg as you duck your head away, breaking eye contact.
he holds your arm, quiet, urging you to look at him again. you refuse, hoping he would not insist, not when it’s him.
“anyone else?” jake’s voice pierces through your silence and your lungs burn at hearing him repeat your slip up.
you clench your jaw, biting back anything that can clue him in because jake’s smart. no amount of augustine’s curt dismissal could say otherwise. hell, even spellman had begrudgingly admitted that there’s something good going on in jake’s head. ‘something’ that could easily bite your ass right now.
“oh,” he says. 
you shrug out of his hold, jake easily letting go of your arm, and you shuffle away, your back turned to him. you rub the back of your neck, chuckling, not minding the fact that you and him could hear just how fake it sounds.
“it’s nothing, jake. don’t. don’t worry about it.” you do not meet his eyes, ashamed of having your feelings unearthed, laid down at his feet for him to see.
he is quiet, unmoving, but you can feel his stare pinning you, tracking the way you shuffle or how you fiddle with your fingers to keep your eyes busy.
you wonder what he thinks, but fear seizes your heart, squeezing, filling you with pinpricks. you are afraid. afraid that if he does give word to what you have always avoided – his rejection, his apologies, his pity – then there’s no turning back. no bridge to salvage. and you would be left with nothing of jake, not even his friendship.
then, amidst your silence, jake finally speaks.
“since when?” he asks. his curiosity is gentle, kind, and you turn to look at him, seeing the beginnings of apologies shadowing his weary eyes.
another dismissal sits on your tongue, ready for you to just move past this because what good would it do to talk about things that could never be?
but how long have you been unkind to yourself? how long have you carried this love? before the war and even now at its return, was it not him who you fought for? was it not jake who gave you the strength to just be?
you feel him step close to you, close but not enough – it would never be enough. you study the contours of his face, every line and every freckle. eywa, he is so beautiful, your heart burns.
“that day before you were gon’ go scouting with augustine and spellman.” the words spill from your lips. “just after you caused so many issues by just running away once your first link was established.”
you laugh, heart easing up when you see jake’s lips tug up in a soft smile at the memory.
“i just finished unlinking from my own when you wheeled towards my open pod, grinning ear to ear, asking how it was. i told you it felt weird, in a good way, and you did this laugh. it was- it came from deep in your belly.” you lick your lips, ignoring the choked up feeling lodged in your throat.
“you were always so detached from everyone, keeping to yourself even on the days we were allowed to let loose and have fun, but it all changed that day. you looked so much happier, lighter. calmer, even. jake, you were – are – so beautiful. and i, well, you know.”
jake’s eyes gloss over like he can see the memory play out before his eyes. “that long?” his voice is vulnerable.
you take a moment, a quiet breath, then, “it’s always been you, jake.”
tears trickle from the corners of your eyes, spilling onto flushed cheeks. your heart caves as the last of your secrets are laid bare for him to see. the pieces fall from your palms and you know jake could never pick them up for you. you don’t even expect him to.
because this love that you carry is not meant to be reciprocated, you know that at least. not when jake’s heart has finally found its home in the loving arms of neytiri. because while you are in love with jake, you love neytiri just as strongly. and just how you will do anything to make jake happy, you will do just as much to protect neytiri’s joy.
“i’m sorry,” jake whispers, the simple words loaded with so much emotion. you look into his eyes, see the storm raging, and you laugh.
the giggles spill from your lips like your trickling tears – soft, unexpected, and surprising.
jake looks up, astonished and confused at your reaction. you shake your head at him, moving close, reaching to hold his wrists with your smaller hands.
“jake, i know,” you say, smiling up at him. “i’m not hurt or lamenting. i’ve had years to make do, and many more years to realize that us being friends – that’s just as good. i don’t need anything more from you jake. i’m happy as we are.”
jake studies you, his eyes tracking your tears and the soft smile gracing your lips, memorizing the white freckles on your face and the patterns running along your cheeks. he gazes into you, seeing, not for the first time, how much you mean to him and his heart calms. because despite the tears and the heartbreaking confession, jake sees the serenity lining your face, and that is all that he could wish for.
he twists his hands so that he is holding onto yours, your fingers tangled with his. amber eyes gaze at you, heavy with sincere care directed at you. you giggle, a heartbreaking hiccupped sound, as he draws you close and pulls you into an embrace.
the last one, you think to yourself, burrowing your head onto his chest. and then he’ll be gone.
“thank you,” jake murmurs, his voice muted from where it’s pressed onto your forehead. “i- i’m sorry for not noticing. for not realizing, but thank you. thank you for still being with me. for choosing me and the clan. for fighting for us. i wouldn’t have gone far without you so thank you, kid.”
you nod, no longer trusting your voice, your lips wobbling as you stifle a sob. his fingers run along your braids, tickling the base of your ears, before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. then, he is pulling away, his warm embrace leaving you for the cool air to caress.
time has slipped past your fingers, it seems, and now it’s time for him to go.
“take care, jake.” you hold his eyes, willing yourself to be strong in front of him for the last time.
he nods, unable to leave with a pretence of a smile amidst his own teary eyes. but that’s alright. he’s given you enough of his kindness and love to last you a lifetime.
you both return to the edge of the cliff, the clan watching as the sullys prepare to mount their ikrans. neytiri offers you a tight hug, her sobs pressed on the side of your face and you hold her with weak arms, crying as your sister takes her leave.
the children squeeze you as they hug you goodbye. tuk promises to tell you the stories of her journey and you do not tell her that they might not return to the clan anymore, not when jake’s doing this to protect them from the humans, so you nod and tell her that you will wait.
because you will. you will wait for their return. for your friend’s return.
jake meets your eyes once more, raising his hand and waving goodbye, and then they’re all gone.
the clan members return to their tents, quiet and solemn, but you stay at the edge of the cliff, watching as they go smaller and smaller, until they’re engulfed by the colours of the vast sky.
mo’at stands beside you. waiting. silent. then, “come, child. you no longer need to hide.”
your knees buckle as you turn to her, unable to stop yourself from hugging her as you sob, not minding the fact that she is the tsahik as you seek comfort in her embrace. your lungs burn at the weight of your sorrow, and she holds you close, her aged arms holding you up as you weep.
because now, truly, jake is gone. he has left you behind, unable to follow him.
you had been fine not being his beloved as long as he was in your life. but now, you have nothing of him. just memories of him – his ghost.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
can u make a enemies to lovers with neteyam or jake? x fem!reader? xx!!
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(Gifs not mine)
Pairing: Jake Sully/fem!reader
Summary: Y/n doesn't like being outranked by Corporal Jake Sully, and Jake doesn't like Corporal Y/n's attitude. This rivalry eventually stretches past their human existence.
Warnings: Military attitude, one-way thinking, implied brutal death, enemies to tolerated allies to lovers, alien prejudice/racism? (that one's a little tough to word I guess), swearing, etc.
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: Thank you for your patience, and sorry it took so long!
Also, Jake and Neytiri don't end up getting together and having kids in this one. I couldn't bear to do my Mama dirty like that.
Corporal Y/n L/n was many things. Tough, capable, determined, and loyal. The RDA was lucky to have her... at least that's what she tells people. No task was impossible and no mission was too dangerous. Y/n followed her orders down to a tee, so you could imagine the anger she felt when her loyalty was shoved aside in exchange for wheelchair-bound Corporal Jake Sully.
There's no such thing as an ex-marine, and yet Y/n has never met the next closest thing until she met Jake. Honorably discharged after the loss of his legs in Venezuela, Jake was only in Pandora for the sake of the RDA not having to waste millions of dollars on an avatar whose rider, Jake's twin, is dead. Technically, Jake shouldn't have been mingling with the war dogs at Hell's Gate and should've stuck to the scientists. But Selfridge and Quaritch had other plans and had asked Jake to go undercover as their eyes and ears among the Na'vi.
Y/n didn't think Jake deserved all the credit he had been given after he managed to insert himself with the Omatikaya, and she voiced her opinion to him, "What'd you have to do? Bat your cat eyes at them?"
Jake knew when he was being mocked, clenching his jaw and narrowing his eyes back at her, "They accepted me after I told them I was a warrior from a neighboring clan."
"Seriously? What clan?"
He had the gall to look bashful in front of her, the tips of his ears turning pink while muttering under his breath, "The Jarhead Clan?"
She laughed in disbelief and likely disgust, "Are you kidding me? 'They fell for that? If it's that easy, maybe Quaritch doesn't need you after all. I bet we could just walk in there claiming we're all from the Jarhead Clan."
"They're smarter than they look, and I don't see you volunteering yourself to communicate with them." The marine sassed back, his attitude getting the better of him.
"They're not worth my time," Y/n shrugged, nonchalantly, "They're clearly not smart enough to handle me if they ate up your punk ass lies."
"You don't exactly have anything better to do. Other than complaining, I guess."
She snaps her attention back to the man in the wheelchair, eyes glaring into his soul. It wasn't every day someone had the guts to match Y/n's cold exterior, and she didn't appreciate being badmouthed by the rookie who just got a lucky shot of working the same rank as her, "Watch yourself, Sully."
He smiled, the bastard, turning his chair in the direction he wanted to go, wheeling away, "I gotta head out. Unlike some folk, I actually have a mission to accomplish."
The scientists were moving out. Apparently, Dr. Augustine was spooked at the idea of Parker breathing down the neck of her operation so she's bringing her avatar team up to Site 26 in the mountains, Sully included.
Y/n was strutting down the hall and happened to catch Jake after he left the control room to let Quaritch know what was going on. She noticed a suspicious-looking smile on the marine's face and something didn't sit right with her at the sight of it. Without much thought, she held her foot out and it abruptly stops the wheelchair in its tracks. Jake peered up at her, his smile quickly fading when he realized who it was, his jaw tightening.
"You're smiling." She stated her observation out loud, gracing him with a frown to match, "It's not a good look, much less a normal look for you. Just remember whose side you're on, Sully."
How could she have possibly known what he might be thinking? She couldn't have known he was smiling at the thought of getting away, wanting to forget all about this place in exchange for seeing this world through the eyes of Neytiri.
No. There's no way she could know that. As suspicious as Y/n was, she was blind to everything Jake has experienced out there. He leans close, staring up at her with those hard, daring eyes, "I do. My side."
It bothered Y/n to learn Jake had betrayed them. Did she expect it? Obviously. So it bothered her all the more that she expected it. She could have prevented this by stopping Jake from leaving or reporting him to Quaritch, so why did she let him go?
She decides that she can fix this mistake by helping blow up Hometree and further help in the battle waiting for them in the Hallelujah Mountains.
Did she feel regret watching the magnificent tree crash down, likely killing hundreds of Na'vi in the process? Only for a moment, her mindset now on her orders to return back to Hell's Gate. Best foot forward, she manned the gun as they flew to the Tree of Souls, only to be ambushed by the Na'vi, astride direhorses, and ikran. Y/n didn't feel regret gunning down as many as she could after watching the bastards kill her friends and acquaintances, people she worked with for years and formed bonds with living on a moon so far away from home.
She was thrown from her gunship, however, before she could fully enact her revenge. As she fell to her death, she watched the battle going on above her. She watched her gunship being tossed around by the devil itself, the Great Leonopteryx, larger than any ikran she had ever seen. The beast and its rider, Toruk Makto himself, smashed Y/n's gunship against the side of one of the floating mountains, and she's forced to watch it explode in debris and flame. Her heart drops, however, when the blades of the ship came spiraling through the air and toward her falling form.
That was the last thing she remembered before everything went black.
Instead of black, she's blinded by an overly bright hospital light. Only, Y/n wasn't in a hospital and she felt like she was lying on top of a stainless steel dissection table. Disorientated and sore, Y/n focused on the voice of the doctors (were they doctors?) surrounding her field of vision. They instruct her to take it easy and flex her fingers. When she lifts her hand to do so, she's suddenly wide awake and self-aware.
Her hand was blue.
Following her resurrection came the other Recoms of Project Phoenix. Z-Dog and Wainfleet were next, then Ja, Brown, Fike, Lopez, Prager, Walker, Warren, Mansk, and Zhang. Most of them she knew back at Hell's Gate, or at the very least was acquainted with them. Finally, Quaritch came to and Y/n couldn't lie how entertaining it was to watch the colonel wake up and immediately kick in his fight or flight mode. It didn't help that Lyle thought it would be a great idea to greet Quaritch with his new ugly avatar mug. Later on, Wainfleet admitted that he already forgot about his new body and didn't think how the colonel would react, and in response, Y/n laughed and called him an idiot.
Their temporary resurrection and reunion were cut short when they arrived back on Pandora. Quaritch gets them to work immediately after receiving his orders from Ardmore and the Recoms are sent out into the wild to test out and see if the moon would react to their presence. So far, they hadn't triggered any immune response. No animal attacked them and the plant life kept still. The new and improved avatars track down the old shack where Quaritch breathed his last breaths, locating his remains and extracting the old footage from the AMP suit.
What they didn't expect to find there was a human boy, running around, acting like one of the Na'vi, apart from his breathing mask and exo-pack. He was about sixteen and clearly someone who had been left behind in the initial evacuation when the humans were driven off Pandora. When they captured him, he introduced himself as Spider Socorro, none other than Paz and Quaritch's son. But Spider wasn't very adamant at the idea of the colonel standing over him being his sperm donor.
"You're not my father! My Dad is Toruk Makto! He's on his way to save me! He knows I'm here, and he's going to kill every single one of you!"
That bit of information only enraged Quaritch even further, and Y/n couldn't exactly blame him. First, Jake betrayed his own kind, killed many humans, forced them to go home with tails tucked between their legs, and now he's raised Quaritch's son up and brainwashed him to be an animal.
The Recoms take Spider's threat to heart and secure him, keeping him tied up in the center of their circle as they wait for Ardmore to come and pick them up. It was dark and it had started to rain. They kept their backs to each other and kept their eyes peeled on the jungle line. And yet, they never saw him coming.
It was all a blur. Due to the darkness and the rain, Y/n was one second too late to realize that she had been separated from the group as the Recoms were getting picked off, one by one. There was the familiar sound of a grenade launcher being triggered before Y/n had the time to dive down and cover herself to the best of her ability. The explosion goes off somewhere nearby and her ears begin to ring, debris of dirt sprinkling down on top of her. The shouts from her team slowly die away, following the sound of Ardmore's ship picking them up. She tries catching her breath, her mind not yet realizing what had happened just as hands began to grab at her shoulders, her instincts driving her to fight or flight mode.
She kicks them away and scrambles to put a distance between herself and the stranger, lifting her AR in her arms and pointing in their direction. In front of her stood a tall Na'vi man, only he had the traits of an avatar-- a very familiar avatar.
The snarl she let out wasn't as human as she was used to. It was more feral and she tried not to let it surprise her, "Shit. Sully."
Jake Sully's eyebrows furrow at the voice, eyes frantically scanning her form. Definitely an avatar but dressed in camo and currently pointing an AR at his face. The voice sounded strangely familiar, but it wasn't until he noticed the name patch on her bulletproof vest did his eyes widen in recognition. He peered back up at her eyes, tilting his head, "L/n?"
She cursed again, rage pooling through her eyes as she gnashed her sharp teeth at him, "Traitor!"
Y/n goes to pull the trigger, but something from behind had clubbed her in the crook of her leg, forcing the limb to give in and collapse against her will. She shouts and the trigger slips, the gunfire missing Jake by an inch as he barrels forward when the moment of opportunity strikes. He wrestles the rifle out of Y/n's hands and pushes her to the ground, using the orange slap-cuffs she possessed and using them against her, restraining her hands behind her back. Y/n snarls and hisses like a wild animal caught in a trap, her ears and tail lashing violently as she's forced face down into the mud, the whole front side of her wet and cold with the rainfall still pouring like nobody's business. With her head tilted off to the side, she realized her attacker was none other than Spider with a large branch still heavy in his hands. With his captive secure, Jake stood up and stepped toward the human boy, kneeling down to meet his height and checking him over for injuries or cracks in his mask.
"You alright, kiddo?"
"Yeah," Spider breathes, smiling faintly when Jake gently knocks his knuckles against the glass of his mask affectionately. 
"Good. Let's get you home. Your sister's probably worried sick."
That was news to Y/n. From what she understood, Quaritch and Paz only had Spider, unless the colonel was getting around. Looking back, Paz could have cozied up to others, but from the few encounters Y/n had with her, she didn't seem like the type. Socorro was high maintenance. 
Still left on the cold, wet ground, Y/n continued to struggle until Sully remembered that she was there, and the bastard had the gall to smile down at her while patting Spider's shoulder proudly, "Well, son... not bad for your first catch."
"Go to Hell!" She screeched back. This had gotta be the worst night of her life.
Part 2? Lemme know!
Have your own request? Click here for the rules! If you wanna see more of my works, click here for the masterlist. Thank you!
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ripnevillestrevor · 1 year
our fortress— chapter six
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paring: jake sully × "reader/oc" x neytiri
summary: “…try as she might, ney'ite will never truly become part of the omaticaya clan."
warnings: some crude jokes, norm's sad ass (i kinda feel bad), swearing, no fluff sorry, not proofread, LOWERCASE INTENDED
word count: 1,407
note: just wanna say neytiri sister, sylwanin is not in this story and some of her “parts” are taken over by ney’ite. alright so it’s sorta revealed both ney’ite and neytiri used to go to grace’s school but something obviously made them stop coming so hopefully that’ll be revealed soon enough. (look at me, making assumptions about my own story 🤭🤭) we also have jake inquiring about ney’ite and neytiri a little more and it is also revealed tsu’tey thinks of ney’ite as his sister and that they have a strong bond (referenced in other chapters) so hopefully that’s explored more in later chapters! thanks for all the comments and kudos! -- i write mostly about scenarios going to happen in my dr (haven't shifted yet), if you think it's weird, please either keep it to yourself or message me in private, there are actually people that like this type of content and i'm writing for them. btw comments/requests are open! this is also posted on ao3 under the same name, if you see this anywhere else. please tell me :)
important: i do not allow my work to be copied, republished, translated, or reproduced. please do not use this story on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author's work <33
"jake! jake!" god, my ears are ringing, eyes blurring, but now clearing up. the last thing i remember slowly falling asleep with the na'vi, in my avatar body. though i was begin to wake up i start to feel i'm back in my human body, fucking bitch. 
  "come on back kid. come on," it's a very feminine but harsh voice, grace, i figure quietly, shes slapping and wiggling face around. i harshly gasp, finally coming back into it. 
  "there you go. there you go, there you go," she assures, i gasp and cough as grace continues to stand over me, "you're okay. you're okay."
  i laugh throatily, already feeling the sweat beginning to form on my lethargic-ridden body. i feel hands start to pull me up out of the link pod, grace, max, and norm all have to pull my body to sit up, "damn! you were dug in like a tick."
  i gasp, trying to catch my breath, stretching my neck and attempting to stretch out all of my non-paralyzed joints. 
  "is the avatar safe?" grace asks, looking to jake with serious eyes.
  "yeah, doc," i pant, "and you're not gonna believe where i am," i smile and laugh unbelievably. 
  grace smiles, satisfied, and takes a step back, allowing me to breath. i take a deep breath, my chest expanding to its full capacity, my heart pounding from within it. i take a moment to remember the beauty of the pandora's moon, its many stars and orange sky, completely mesmerizing me.
  max and norm look at me with an expectant look, and grace looks at me with one eyebrow raised, "three words, big. ass. tree." i finish with a grin. the three laugh in amazement and disbelief, and a wide smile spreads over grace's face. 
  "you're kidding!" they all look at me with wonder and awe.
"the last thing we see is this marine's ass disappearing into the bush with this angry thanator coming after him," grace excitedly describes, elbows on the table, leaning forward. many of the soldiers at the table laugh haughtily. 
  "hey it's not something you can teach," i smile with my mouth full, holding a spoon and a bowl of lucky charms cereal, still in the midst of chewing.
  "that is awesome!" one of them says.
  "you know, for reasons i cannot fathom, the omaticaya have chosen you. god help us all," grace jokingly says laughing, others at the table joining her.
with an indicator of bewilderment, general quaritch inquires, "jarhead clan?"
  he snickers before asking, "and it worked?"
  "hey, I'm practically family," i exclaimed, my arms raised in amazement before i leaned my elbows on the large table that was situated in the center of the room.
  "they're gonna study me. i have to learn to be one of them," i say in an flip-off kind of tone.
  "that's called taking the initiative, son," quaritch points to me while starting to turn from the table, "i wish i had 10 more like you."
  "look sully. sully," parker calls my attention back to him from across the table, "just find out what the blue monkeys want." 
  with my hands on the wheels of my wheelchair, they then going back to stretching over the rails of the table, parker begins speaking, "you know, i mean, we try to give them medicine, education, roads."
  "but no no no, they like mud," parker deadpans, holding his hand to his hip, "and and, that wouldn't bother me, it's just that they're uh..." 
  parker motions his hands over the holographic images sitting above the large table, urging one of the men next to him to move the images, showing pictures of the omaticaya forest, "hey, can you... can somebody just.. sector twelve."
  "okay.. go, go, go, stop. stop..." the map scans right over the forest until it passes upon something i can't quite make out, "rich stop! that's... jesus."
  "their damn village happens to be resting on the richest unobtanium deposit," my eyes settle on the big tree visually showing in front of me as parker continues to speak, "...within 200 klicks in any direction. i mean, look at all that cheddar!"
  parker laughs obnoxiously and quite weirdly might i add, smiling crazily, "so who gets them to move?" i ask generally wanting to know.
  quaritch pipes up from behind me, "guess," i laugh while staring intently on my hands sitting in front on me, "what if they won't go?"
  "i'm betting that they will," 
  "okay, okay, okay, okay, hey. look. look," parker comes to stand beside me, looking down to meet my eye level, my eyes watching him in a hard manner, "killing the indigenous looks bad, but there's one thing that shareholders hate more than bad press, and that's a bad quarterly statement. i didn't make up the rules. so just find me a carrot that'll get them to move, otherwise it's gonna have be all stick, okay?"
  "you got three months," quardich interjects, "that's when the 'dozers get there."
  "well we're wasting time," i look up to parker as he hits my shoulder, starting to walk to the other end of the table, "i like this guy."
"okay, lets run through them again," grace holds a semi see-through tablet up to my face while i myself am rolling into the link lab, norm following behind us.
  "mo'at. dragon lady."
  "eytukan," grace corrects me, "he's the clan leader."
  i roll up to my link pod as grace continues to explain, "but she's the spiritual leader. like a shaman."
  "got it," i turn to face the tablet as norm leans his arm on the top of my link machine, "t'su'tey," i ready myself before pushing up into the machine. 
  "tsu'tey," grace corrects again before i correctly say again, "tsu'tey."
  "he'll be the next clan leader," grace clicks the next button, turning to the next slide, i take the tablet into my hands before correctly saying, "ney'ite."
  "you're catching up, great. you lay a hand on her, he'll fuck you up. super protective," grace clicks to the next slide before leaning back and putting a hand on her hip.
  "neytiri," i say confidently, "she'll be the next tsahik," grace explains, "listen, a clan always has to have a tsahik and a olo'eyktan. as much as neytiri will try to fight for ney'ite to be up there with her, they never will truly trust an outsider."
  "but i thought she was still..?" i question.
  "that's true, she's still na'vi, but she is from the metkayina, the sea clan. all clans of na'vi have their own unique cultures and traditions. try as she might, ney'ite will never truly become part of the omaticaya clan."
  "anyway, ney'ite and neytiri are a mated pair, you touch one, the other ones gonna rip your throat out."
  i chuckle softly, "wow, you have such faith."
  grace smiles sarcastically, before i once again draw my thoughts back to a certain topic, "so who's this ewya?"
  "who's ewya?" norm pipes up, exclaiming unbelievable, i turn my head as he starts to speak to me.
  "only their deity. their goddess, made up of all living things. everything they know!" he makes a rather snarky comment, i had a feeling he felt a little jealous of how i was getting all the attention, he was the scientist after all, and i was just a paraplegic taking his spotlight, it reminded me of tommy and i. 
  "you'd know this if you had any training whatsoever," i decided to mess with him by making a joke, i lift the screen to show neytiri then pressing the back button to the slide that shows ney'ite, "who's got a date with the chief's daughters?" i smirk.
  "come on. that's..." norm pathetically tries to defend himself, but his arguments fall on deaf ears as grace takes the tablet from my hands. 
  "knock it off. it's like kindergarten around here," i smile at norm who’s across the room as i pull my frozen-in-time legs up into the machine.
  "ney'ite was my best student, her and neytiri. just amazing girls," grace reminisces, staring at the screen of the tablet before moving her eyes to the panel controlling the link pod.
  "let's go! village life starts early," grace averts the conversation quickly, pushing the inner layer to cover my chest, leaning over me, "don't do anything unusually stupid."
  smiling, i close the external casing of the pod, inhaling and exhaling slowly. here we go.
return to my avatar masterlist
return to the main masterlist
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
In that case!
Can I request a romantic ride on the dragon thing (Ikran?) with Jake Sully? If I'm dating a Na'vi or an Avatar I wanna ride in style.
Reader could be possibly be a researcher and maybe Jake is being a little flirty or trying to show off? If you need more to work off of let me know and I'll go back to brainstorming, lol
Riding an Ikran with Jake Sully
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Yes ofc you can. I love this stuff. I realize,,,, I am slowly making this more poly than I realized,,, and ngl I kinda like it,,, that way? for this dynamic? look I love Jake and Neytiri together I think you dating both of them would be-]
headcanons bc im weak lol
Let's pretend after the events of the movie, you're one of the few humans chosen to stay and live on Pandora because you've always been doing the right thing, and Jake wanting to fight for the planet, his friendship with the Omaticaya and strictly but strong platonic bond with Neytiri furthered you wanting to do the right thing.
So you're here now! Pandora is your home! You and the few other humans that have been chosen to stay, Norm (who's avatar is still healing from the gunshot wounds, they think he'll be good to fully link within the month), Max, you all miss Trudy-
Jake is still the dastardly man you liked when he was just some jarhead coming to Pandora for the first time. But, as the clan leader for the Omaticaya, he's got some tricks up his sleeve! And one of them is wanting to show you his ikran.
He says he'll "pick you up" when it's twilight. Sitting on the roof of a what used to be a giant base, you wait for the man you love.
And there he is. The cry of a creature known as a banshee in the language you were raised in comes gliding on the gentle breeze. Jake is there. There's a large smile on his face just seeing you.
Neytiri is gliding alongside him. She seems happy to see you too. There's a certain sadness in her eyes as she pats the neck of her ikran as the two perch on the rooftop near you. She misses Seze more and more by the moment.
Both Jake and Neytiri tap lightly at the space between their eyebrows before gently rolling their hands out towards you. They see you.
You smile and return the gesture, a slight heat rising to your cheeks how Jake grins. He says a few things to Neytiri before she nods, the words "enjoy date night" sounding foreign on her tongue as she takes to the skies again.
Jake's much taller like this. He's 10ft, strong, and his ikran is even bigger than him. You feel so small next to them, but giggle when he picks you up in his embrace anyways. Gods, how he wishes he could kiss you right now-but Pandora's air is still toxic to your lungs, and only in brief, rare situations can you actually kiss him.
you're almost certain he's looked into getting you an avatar, but those things don't grow easily and without the resources,,,,,
ANYWAYS, he picks you up and pretty much places you right behind him. His tail even curls around you. He's saying the cutest things, flirting with you even if it's awkward.
He's always been charming. Both as a human, and now as an avatar? a proper Na'vi?
He has his ikran doing a lot of daring stuff, chuckling at how you grip your arms tight around his waist. Is it scary? yeah! But would Jake let anything bad happen to you? Of course not!
All of your date nights start like this. Jake is charming as always, his ikran is close to doing loops, you can't help but laugh and let your heart flutter at how he speaks to you, and you're over the moon to know he's yours.
Jake feels like he needs to do the most just to be worthy of your time, just to call you his.
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jello-bbq · 1 year
You Must Learn
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
It hasn't even fully set in yet that they have to learn the Omaticaya ways when they face their first challenge. Loincloths.
(1.5k) Reader wears a top. Interpret that how you will. Part 3
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Tsu'tey had pulled them away from the crowd and up the tree. He didn't seem keen on speaking, which was fine because there were too many words in their head anyway. Instead, they took the time to marvel at hometree.
Thick spirals of roots forming a maze that Tsu'tey navigated with ease. The gathering area below, adorned with an enormous skull. Fires lit all over, making sure no corner had too much shadow.
That was another thing, the light. The moss. The plants. The vines. Everything seemed to glow.
They had seen it in the forest, but here it felt different somehow. Like if they focused hard enough, they could see the light follow an unheard beat.
Underneath their feet, the moss glowed. Each step a ripple of light. So enamored by it, they walked right into Tsu'tey, who had stopped and begun to say something.
"Look up when you walk," he grumbled. "This is the healers' tent."
The Tsahik had said nothing about a healer. But they followed anyway when he motioned for them.
In the tent, someone rushed over to put a paste on their wound and on the cuts that littered their body, looking them over quickly before allowing them to leave. However, when they turned around to do so, Tsu'tey pushed them back.
"Their nose is also bleeding."
Of course he had to notice. They sighed and could only let the healer tilt their head back to examine the bleed. Thankfully, it only warranted a drink of something bitter and a cloth to wipe at the blood. Then they were cleared to go again.
"Thank you," they said before leaving, not noticing the shock on the healer's face.
After that, he led them higher. The base of the tree felt dizzyingly far away. And it was. If they'd fall, they would probably have time to recite a soliloquy on the way down. Maybe even two.
Once again, they walked into Tsu'tey's back. "Pay attention!" He growled.
"Sorry." They looked around him to see they had stopped in front of another tent. Only this one had no occupants.
He scoffed at the apology and stalked forward. They followed.
Clothes lined the inside of the tent. There were two lines of string that acted as display racks, each forming a semi-circle following the tent's shape. On the top string hung beaded tops, carefully crafted. On the lower string, some loincloths.
Their face scrunched at the thought of wearing a loincloth, but otherwise, they'd get kicked out. They had to learn, and this would be the first lesson.
When they reached for one of the tops, however, their hand got slapped away.
"You do not get to choose."
They raised their hands in surrender, leaving Tsu'tey to do the choosing. Hopefully, he had a sense of style.
"You would most likely choose one unbefitting of your status." He added coldly, loud enough that they were sure they were meant to hear.
They only rolled their eyes, moving to a mirror by the side and eyeing their clothes. Human clothes. How would they look in a loincloth? How would they move?
"Here. Change." Tsu'tey practically shoved the clothes at them and walked out, closing the flap behind him.
It felt exposing to undress in the tent. As if every bead on the clothes were eyeballs plucked out and watching them carefully.
When they tried on the top, it did very little to quell the exposed feeling. Beads covered theur chest, a string moving around their back and circling the neck held up the intricate work. They couldn't help but feel like the material wasn't enough.
How they wished to put the cotton shirt back on. The next time they'd see Jake, they would smack him upside the head. What was he thinking spouting all that nonsense about a Jarhead clan?
He was the reason they were here. Did they want to be here? They weren't sure. It didn't feel bad, but it would certainly take some getting used to.
The loincloth in their hands reminded them of that as they painfully noted the lack of a back piece of cloth. They still wore the brown pants supplied by the RDA which were dirtied and bloodied. Still a much better option, he thought.
Eventually, they convinced themself to remove the pants and put the loincloth on. They stared at themselves in the mirror, cringing at the utter lack of anything for the back part. Maybe if they stared enough the issue would fix itself.
"My fucking asscheeks are hanging out," they whispered, considering taking another loincloth to wrap around the back.
"Do you mean to finish by dinner?"
They hissed quietly. It can't get any better than this, they thought, taking one last look in the mirror before heading out.
They exited the tent slowly, holding the human clothes they so desperately wanted to put back on. "Did I put it on right?"
He glanced over her, only giving a brief nod before turning on his heels.
"Wait, what do I do with these?"
Without a word, Tsu'tey took the clothes and tossed them into a nearby fire. Great. At least they left their shoes inside, maybe they could sneak those back to base.
He turned again, motioning for them to follow. "Dinner will be ready soon."
They glanced back at their burning clothes, which sent an acrid smell through the air, then they follow him down to eat.
This time, the walk is much shorter than the others. Ironic considering they had covered the most ground. Halfway down, the drums sounded and Tsu'tey seemed adamant they eat immediately so he walked almost too quickly for them to follow.
The dining area buzzed with chatter, which thankfully doesn't halt as they walk in. They suppose that only happens in movies.
"Stay here. Do not mingle."
They dutifully obeyed, squatting down in the corner and waiting.
Some children watched them, staring curiously, especially at the cloth they pressed against their nose. They managed a small smile, hoping to at least not seem rude.
Parents pulled their children away anyway.
Sitting there felt incredibly awkward. Not only did they feel watched, they felt as if people had more to watch than usual. More of them to judge. They kept subtly adjusting their top, eventually giving up and just crossing their arms over their knees.
Finally, Tsu'tey returned with two bowls of meat. They half-expected him to turn away and go off with his friends, but he sat on a nearby root. As far as he could get while still letting the people know they were somewhat acquainted.
They felt bad, seeing him glance at the middle where the hunters were, laughing rambunctiously. And to the part of the eating area closest to hometree's center, to its heart. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahik sat there and they realized that Tsu'tey would have too, if only they weren't there.
Then again, he probably would have just sat there menacingly anyway. He didn't seem like the type to join in on the other hunters' fun or feel comfort in the people walking up to casually chat with the Omaticaya leaders.
They took a bite of the meat. Dry and tough but surprisingly flavorful. The taste reminded them of smoked meat.
"Sorry- sorry. Hey." They heard him before they saw him, realizing that the chatter had gone silent. They almost turned but felt him before he showed himself, courtesy of him stepping on their tail.
With a mouthful of meat, they couldn't hiss at him and so settled for glaring.
"Sorry," he smiled, taking a seat beside them.
"Dumbass." They slapped him with their tail and went back to eating.
The female Na'vi seemed amused at their actions, nodding slightly at them in greeting.
They nodded back.
"I will go get us food, you stay." She left, and they noticed Jake staring after her.
They nudged Jake. "What's her name?"
"No idea."
Jake raised his hands. "I've tried to ask, but she doesn't answer."
"Yeah," they rolled their eyes, "'cause you just fucked up all her free time." They nodded over to Tsu'tey. "And his free time. And my free time. You've ruined a lot."
"What, was I supposed to let them kill us?"
"I was fine getting my body dropped off a cliff." They sniffed. "I'm sure everyone prefered that option."
Silence. "But thanks anyways I guess."
Jake smiled. "You guess? I save your life and you guess?"
They shrugged, going back to their food, temporarily forgotten due to the conversation.
"You're bleeding." He pointed out, motioning to his face.
They swiped the cloth against their nose. The blood had lessened somewhat.
"It's nothing new."
Jake had seen them bleed before.
The scientists tried not to trigger the experiments which proved impossible considering no one had any idea of what all the triggers were. So they often had a cloth pressed against their nose because someone mentioned a science word or something about biology. Even because someone cursed in another language once.
"It's a little breezy in here, huh?" He made a show of hugging himself and readjusting the loincloth.
They smiled. "A bit. My ass cheeks have never been more exposed."
"You've got a nice..." he motioned to his chest area, "beads thing though, pretty beads."
"Yeah, kinda wish it had more coverage though." They bit into another piece of meat. "I'm not even saying I have much to cover up, I just think that if I move a little too suddenly I'll flash everybody."
"You got that right." Jake shifted in his loincloth again. "I feel like I'm in my undies, but less."
Dinner went smoothly. Neytiri (they had asked for her name) came back with two bowls of meat and one bowl of fruit, which she had them take out of.
Tsu'tey had mostly kept to the side, conversing quietly with Neytiri in Na'vi every once in a while.
After that, he and Neytiri led them up to the communal sleeping area. Jake immediately took the spot next to Neytiri, while they looked for a more secluded spot.
They tried to avoid looking at areas with Na'vi there already, as some had scrambled away when their gaze fell over them. Finally, they found a dark corner, close to the edges of the large canopy.
And then they woke up in the link pod.
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karmaisakhaleesi · 1 year
🦋 Butterfly's Repose~ Jake Sully x fem!human! reader Chap. 3 🦋
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prev. chap.~
warnings~ smut, 18+, language, violence, blood, death mentioned, smoking mentioned, might be a little ooc, please lmk if i missed any!
wordcount~ 2.6k+
Snatanhì = constellation / your Na'vi name
italics are in Na'vi
The shadows in your head They've got you down again Got you feelin' low...
The grey colorless ceiling greets you when you wake, and you slowly sit up, stretching your arms and yawn. Today was going to be a long day, you thought as you shuffled to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get dressed.
The lights almost blinded you as you walked into the hallway as you cross your arms. Your father wanted to meet with you, "Just to see how you're doing," he'd said, as if he cared. You shake your head, your foot tapping impatiently as you hear Parker complaining about some bulldozers being damaged. As if they couldn't have it fixed within a day or two.
Your father ignores you as he turns to grab a mug full of coffee, taking a drink. You tap your foot louder opening your mouth to grab his attention when you hear him speak, "Jarhead clan?" he asks.
"Mhm," Jake replies, as you peek around your father's shoulder.
"And they believed you?" he asks, chuckling.
"Hey, I'm practically family," Jake says as your hands drop to your sides.
"They're gonna' study me. I have to learn to be one of them," he continued as your fists clenched, the knuckles whitening.
"That's called taking the initiative son," he says patting him on the shoulder, "I wish I had ten more like you," he finishes, your eyes meeting his.
"Look, look, Sully," Parker starts exasperated as your father takes another drink of his coffee.
You ignore his annoyance and greet your father, your teeth grinding in anger, "You wish you had ten more like him? That's not what you said when-"
He cuts you off his free hand on your shoulder, his grip so tight you're sure it'll leave a bruise when he whispers in your ear, his voice stern, "Do you not remember our last conversation?"
You swallow nervously, feeling eyes on you, you see Jake watching from over his shoulder, concern plastered on his face.
"Yes, I remember," you said taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry," you apologize, although there's no emotion in your voice as he releases your shoulder.
"Good, you'd best remember, now how've you been adjusting?" he asks a smile curling on his lips, although it noticeably doesn't reach his eyes.
You take another deep breath before responding, "I've been adjusting well, of course. I didn't leave here all too long ago."
He rubs his chin in thought, taking another drink of his coffee before setting it down.
"How was it when you left?" his voice is distant, as if in thought.
You raise your brow inquisitively at him, "Same old dying planet," you paused thinking about the house, and how it still needed a couple more repairs before you left.
"The house had a few problems though, siding needs done, and the porch could use some TLC."
"I'll give you some money to get it fixed when you leave," he says, as pats your shoulder before handing you a report to fill out, and leaves, leaving your body trembling with a mix of anger and fear.
"You okay?"
You turn to see Jake, his head nodding to the now broken coffee cup in your hands. You didn't even know you had been holding it, and now warm brown liquid stings fresh cuts in your hand as he gently pulls it away from you.
You sigh in frustration, "Sorry, it's just-"
"There's nothing to apologize for," he says, "do you want me to go with you to the infirmary?"
You bite your lip before answering, "Um, yeah if you don't mind, thank you again, and I'm sorry," you cradle your hand against your chest the blood staining your grey tanktop, dripping down your arm and onto the floor.
"No problem, and no need to apologize," he says leading the way.
You watch as Ember, one of the new medics carefully cleans your wound before starting to stitch the cut back together, making you wince.
"Hold still unless you want me to stab you with this needle again!" she says grasping your hand tightly.
You mumble an apology as she finishes by wrapping a bandage around it.
"The stitches'll hold as long as you don't move it around too much," she laughs, her grey eyes twinkling, "Jeeze you've only been here what, three days and you already landed yourself here."
"Yeah, I'll try to be more careful next time," you say as you stand and walk with Jake to the link room.
You stop in front of the link pods and try to prepare yourself, wondering what exactly Mo'at has in store for you when Jake nudges your side.
"So, Colonel Quaritch's daughter?" he asks looking up at you, "and here I was thinking you were just y/n," he says his voice low.
Your lips twist into a frown as you look over at him, "Yeah I guess so. Although he was never really a father to me, more like a drill sergeant," and you quickly lay down in the pod and pull the lid down, darkness consuming you as you close your eyes.
You twist a lock of your hair around your finger as you walk behind Mo'at, Jake had left with Neytiri to practice riding a direhorse and as soon as you sat down across from Mo'at you wished you could join them.
"So, daughter of Ney`ite," she paused grabbing a bowl and some herbs, "what all do you remember from your time here?"
You frowned as the memories began resurfacing, some more painful than others, but decided to start off simply, "I remember everything my mother taught me, how to ride a direhorse, how to use a bow, and how to-" she cuts you off, her eyes narrowing.
"What do you remember of healing? The herbs and medicine used to make the antidote to a Txumre' wound?"
You frown as you try to recall the ingredients but only end up stuttering as she sets down the bowl, "That you will learn today, Snatanhì te Metxo'o Ney`ite."
You groan inwardly, wishing to be anywhere but here, and listen to Mo'at list of the ingredients to cure a Txumre' wound.
You twist a strand of your hair as you watch Tsu'tey approach, "Tsu'tey will help with additional lessons," she says turning to him, as he greets her.
He looks at you with disdain and motions for you to follow him. You run to catch up.
You stop in front of a group of direhorses, and smile, a memory coming to the surface of your mind.
Your Mother grips your hand as you walk with her outside the school to meet with Grace. You smile shyly as Grace says hello, and gestures to a horselike creature behind her. You flinch when you hear it, as it shakes its head.
Your mother gently holds your hand and lays it on the side of the creature, "This is a pa’li Snatanhì," she says as you pull your hand away.
She wraps your arms around you, lifting you to sit on the direhorse, then climbs on behind you, and you take off.
You quickly hop onto the back of the direhorse and make tsaheylu with the direhorse, and follow after Tsu'tey.
The winds rushes past you as your horse gallops, keeping up with Tsu'tey when you stop just outside of a clearing, the sound of familiar laughter greeting your ears.
Tsu'tey rides into the clearing, and rides up to Jake, "You should go away," as you ride up next to him.
"No, you'd miss me," Jake replies, "I know you could speak English", he points at Tsu'tey.
Tsu'tey scoffs as Jake begins to wipe the mud off his arms.
"This alien will learn nothing," Tsu'tey turns to Neytiri, "a rock sees more. Look at him!"
You watch as Jake wipes his face then grabs his tongue and coughs.
Jake looks up at you as you dismount, your tail flicking back and forth, nervous. You give a small smile as Tsu'tey hands you a bow and a quiver of arrows grabbing your shoulders and turning you to face away from him.
He walks you about twenty feet away from Jake and Neytiri and you get into stance the string tight when you pull it taught. Tsu'tey grumbles as he corrects you, forcing your legs apart, and lifting your arms.
You take a deep breath before you let the arrow loose, and watch as it misses its target entirely. You groan as you run to grab it and on your way back to Tsu'tey you catch a glance at Jake attempting to ride the direhorse once more. You laugh as he falls sideways off the direhorse and lands in the mud again, and then you hear Tsu'tey mumble something in Na'vi you don't quite catch before he hands you another arrow.
Your fingers twist the wood of your basket when you hear someone sit down next to you. Putting down the now finished basket you turn to see Jake, now free of mud staring at the ground.
"Are you alright?" you ask as brush back a stray strand of your hair.
His eyes meet yours and he sighs in frustration, his ears twitching as he holds his face in his hands.
"You make it look so easy," he says turning to you.
You blush, looking away as his tail absentmindedly wraps around your leg.
You clear your throat and cross your arms, "I don't think so."
He laughs, "No, it's like like you know everything. You know Neytiri and Tsu'tey. And Mo'at is teaching you."
You frown as he goes on about how much you know about the Na'vi, and how well you've blended in. You think of your Mother, how she taught you. Brought you to the school to learn with Grace and the others. How she-
Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel Jake's hand on your face. You glance up at him, and now notice the tears running down your cheeks as he wipes them away. You lean into his palm and your eyes flutter closed.
"Sorry for crying, I just get, a little emotional when I think about how I know all," you pause and gesture around yourself, "all this."
"You don't need to apologize for anything," he says as he leans in.
You feel your eyes close as you lean in, your noses inches apart when you feel his lips on yours. You feel your face heat up as he lowers you to the ground, his lips never leaving yours. You hear him chuckle into the kiss, and you feel your tail wrap around his waist.
Your head spins as he pulls away and lays beside you, and your tail unwraps from around him, "You're beautiful," he says.
"I'm a mess," you smile back at him, as he wipes away more stray tears falling from your eyes.
"I mean it," he says, and you watch as he cups your face with his hand.
Your heart races as his hand trails down your cheek to your chest, your heart pounding against your chest as his fingers brush against the beads of your top. You watch as his finger disappears under the green beads and gasp, your eyes closing when you feel his hands brush against your breast. You feel his fingers untie the back of your top and set it aside, the now cold air making your nipples harden. His lips brush against yours again as he pulls the string on your loincloth, the fabric falling away leaving your bottom half exposed. Your tail wraps around him when he pulls you close, his tongue parting your lips, giving you a kiss. His hands move to your breasts, and you let out a moan at his fingers on your nipples, their touch gentle and soft.
He breaks the kiss and you open your eyes to see him staring at your breasts. You watch as his tail wraps around yours, gently grabbing your breast. You groan as he leans in, his tongue gently wrapping around your nipple and sucking it gently. Your hands move to his hair, the soft fur soothing your fingers as he moves to your other nipple, his tail wrapping around your legs. Your tail pulls him close as the tip of his tongue circles your nipple, and you gasp when he takes it in his mouth. His hands move down to your waist, and your eyes flutter shut as his fingers trace their way up your thigh. And then you feel his breath on your thighs as his fingers push you apart. You gasp as you feel his mouth on your lower lips, your hips pressing up into his face. His hands grip your thighs hard, holding you in place as you feel his tongue swirl through your folds. His tongue swirls around your clit as you moan into the night.
Your breath comes out in short ragged breaths as your hands find his head, and you hold him in place as his tongue flicks over your clit. Your tail tightens around his body as he pulls his tongue away from your clit, and your hips buck into the air, your eyes rolling back into your head. You moan louder as his tongue moves down to your entrance, and then up to your clit again. You can feel his tail twitch against your leg as his tongue flicks over your clit, and your body begins to shake. You moan louder than before as your body trembles, and you lean forward, your mouth on his, muffling your moans. Your tail unwraps from around Jake, and your hands move to his loincloth, your fingers slipping beneath them and grabbing his now hardened cock. Jake pulls away from you as he moves to his knees, and you let go of him, blushing. 
"I want you," Jake says.
"I want you too," you smile at him and he kisses you, his tail wrapping around your waist.
He pulls you close as he breaks the kiss and you feel his tongue on your neck. Your tail tightens around him as he grabs your hips and he moves over you, his hands moving back to your ass. You feel his cock rub against your slit, and then it presses against your entrance. Your eyes roll back into your head as you moan, and you grip his shoulders as he slides inside of you. Your tail tightens against him as he thrusts into you, his hips slamming against yours. You grip his shoulders tighter as Jake leans in, pressing his body against yours. Your moans fill the air as he pulls out, and you gasp when you feel his cock against your entrance again. Your eyes roll back into your head as you moan louder, and your nails dig into his shoulders, your toes curling into the dirt as Jake rams himself inside of you.
You feel his cock twitch, and he leans in again, your moans filling the night as you feel him cum inside of you, and you grind your hips onto his. Your tail unwraps from around him, and you feel him pull out of you. You are still shaking from the orgasm when your eyes flutter shut as you feel his lips on your temple.
It's warm, and your breathing slows as you lay there with Jake's arms wrapped around you. For a moment you feel warm and safe, and you don't have to worry about anything. Not about being abandoned. Not about your mother. Not about the future. But that moment doesn't last long, because when your eyes open again, and the lid of the link pod is opened, your Father's face greets you.
hello! thank you so much for reading, and i hope you enjoyed this!
please comment below if you'd like to be added to the taglist and requests are open!
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nilsavatar · 7 months
Parings: Lo'ak x Fem!Omatikaya
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI +18, no use of Y/N, straight to SMUT, committed relationship, P in V, P in A, ANAL, fingering, praising, cursing, dirty talk, double stimulation/penetration, soft-dom Lo'ak (Lo'ak is a little insecure), oral (both receiving), 69, edging, chocking. All characters are AGED-UP.
Word Count: 4k
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“Harder,” was all that came out of her mouth in the form of a litany. Her brain had completely locked onto that need. Moans interspersed with soft pleas and a few expletives here and there. The man behind her laughed. The rumble of his taunt vibrated down her spine as his hands molded her hips until they anchored on her firm buttocks, which slammed dryly against his belly. “Like this?” he murmured in her ear, earning confirming sighs each time he penetrated her sharply, and his palms held her more firmly.
Aywanin always adored Lo'ak to touch her butt, whether he clung to it possessively or as a simple cuddle. She loved the contact of his hands so much, feeling the warmth of his wide palms gathering her ass cheeks almost entirely, his strong fingers sinking into her soft flesh, that she sought it out at every chance. The extra finger a perfect addition that made her feel even more connected to his body.
Whether it was in the laziness of an afternoon nap or during a hot night, Aywanin swayed her hips ever more insistently, until the guy grabbed her rear just the way she liked it. He, though he didn't skimp on jibes and teasing, nor on getting lost in watching that cute little ass twirl a second too long for sheer amusement, never refused a good squeeze. With a beaming smile, his beautiful teeth sticking out in his lower lip at the exact instant his digits pressed, somewhere between mocking and smug.
There was, however, a saying of the Sky People that had spread among the Omatikaya over the years, and of which Lo'ak would soon teach her its real meaning. One of the many influences that had become part of everyday life, thanks to their close relationships with scientists. As well as nurtured by a not-so-Na'vi Olo'eyktan who, try as he might, retained remnants of the Jarhead Clan's Jakesuli. His human past would pop up at the oddest times, normally when he could not express his emotions to the best of his ability — especially those of irritation. Usually when he wanted to give his children a warning that they were crossing the line, that it would be smart not to test him further.
She remembered very well the day when, as kids, Lo'ak became more obstinate than usual, more petulant, insisting his father absolutely showed him how to use a rifle.
“Why not?” He repeated. “You taught Tarsem and the others. To Neteyam you are teaching it,” accused venomously. Jake gripped his nose between thumb and forefinger, tightening his eyelids and sighing audibly. An onset of migraine drew circles in his skull. “They are older, have completed their training, and are about to face Iknimaya. Learning how to shoot is one more thing that could come in handy against the RDA.” “Neteyam has not completed it, though. And he's only a year older than me,” he mumbled with an increasingly wrinkled expression that forced his father to restrain himself from laughing. In his own way, Lo'ak could be really adorable as a child.
It was no secret that Neteyam was precocious, a prodigy. Diligent and hardworking from a very early age. And surely being the olo’eyktan’s firstborn — or more precisely the only man who knew how to use alien weaponry — brought with it advantages. Few would find out in the future.  Truth be told, firearms were much more dangerous than traditional weapons, unpredictable, and Jake didn't have enough eyes to make sure no one got hurt. He couldn't supervise one son to follow his instructions to the letter, and in the process treat the other so that he wouldn’t accidentally kill himself. The other was Lo’ak, of course. Too curious, too impulsive, too— too much everything. He was exhausting. One child at a time, he told himself, that way he could do it.
“Neteyam has mastered archery.” “I don't like archery. I want to fight like you!”
Lo'ak's human side could be so imperious at times, painful even. He resembled his father so much that it was almost a hardship for the man, aware of his own flaws and past mistakes. Aware that it wasn’t the Na'vi way. Not the Omatikaya way. As tolerant as they were and inclined to integrate what was useful from humans into their way of life, they would not be so open-minded as to accept a Na'vi who tended to be too terrestrial. Jake Sully was an exception. He knew it very well. A human who had the heart of a Na'vi.
But a Na'vi with a human soul? it was another story altogether.
As much as he was hailed, the last thing Toruk Makto hoped for was to be taken as a role model by his children. His sons in particular.
“Son,” the tone was warning, as well as his look, "Don't poke the bear when it's hungry.”
Aywanin wasn’t sure what exactly a bear was (probably a large animal if she was supposed to be afraid of its hunger), but never has the idiom been more fitting than in this situation.
Lo’ak was hungry. A hunger whetted for too long.
He was on his knees, the soft grass tickling his shins. In front of him, Aywanin arranged in one of the most vulnerable positions possible. On all fours and at his total mercy. Negative note? He couldn't enjoy the sight of her face as she writhed with each thrust, but that wasn't so important. He knew her to the point that he could visualize her yerik eyes dimpled with pleasure, her mouth parted in the most strangled of whimpers. Read her through the tightness with which she anchored herself to the ground, the stiffness of her back as it grew more and more acute. Grinning to himself, his canines cutting his lower lip, the boy massaged her bottom. From time to time he would throw weak spanks, just to hear her moan in surprise, there, where he then squeezed so hard to bruise.
Rolling his thumbs absently, he spread her buttocks more apart and straightened just enough to carefully admire his handiwork. A grunt escaped him in watching as his cock disappeared and appeared, sucked deeper and deeper into her welcoming warmth.
She was close, he could feel it.
“Oh baby, if only you could see yourself. Such a sight.” Another spanking, another cry. “Yes, like that. Shit, I should have taken the camera.” Aywanin chuckled. It wasn’t the first time Lo'ak had such outbursts, and she'd never hidden that the idea of watching herself being taken like that turned her on as well. “Next time, yantu. When we can take our sweet time.” “You're right, we'll do it when no one can disturb us. Though I don't mind these nighttime escapades in the forest.” “I had no doubt.” “Love this ass,” he said, angling himself just enough to slam the tip right up against her clit, earning a sequence of mewls that were like a song in his ears. She was so close, he thought smugly. “Fits perfectly in my hands.” In uttering that last sentence, he opened her cheeks even wider, and, unintentionally, his thumb went to graze her opening. Aywanin's head suddenly snapped back, nearly embedding itself in her shoulders, and an unexpected groan rose gutturally from her throat. As if the air had been kicked out of her lungs all at once. “What was that?” Lo'ak was equally shocked, although the answer had already formulated itself in his lust-fogged mind. “Does my girl like to be touched here?” he asked rhetorically, caressing that unexplored entrance with a little more intention.
The young woman's reaction was gold. She likes it, all right!
Her back curved almost to the breaking point, pushing her rear up so high that by a whisker she didn’t shove it right in his face. Her beautiful visage contemplating the starry sky with wide eyes and lips parted in a mute scream. However, of the idyllic celestial vault, she couldn't actually see anything, since her vision had gone completely blank.
“Aww look at you. Want me to play with it? Want my finger in your cute little butt?” Aywanin didn’t respond, there was no need nor did she have the time or the strength, as her mate encircled her torso with his arm and lifted her up until she was molded along his chest. With her face turned to his own, he pushed that same thumb past her lips. “Suck, sevin. Show me how much you want me to fingerfuck your hole.”
The greed with which she obeyed was unparalleled; it was borderline scandalous the excitement in her giant eyes. The pupils so dilated they obscured the topaz irises entirely, were it not for an infinitesimal colored circle outlining them. She was unrecognizable, and, for a moment, Lo'ak feared he was going to release under the intensity of her gaze. Just at the idea of how much Aywanin longed to be violated, stripped of that last layer of innocence.  Desire that seemed to destabilize her herself, for never would she anticipate experiencing it. It was so sensual, so damn hot that it reset his ability to think straight. His only thought now was to break through that last barrier, to breach it like a battering ram knocking down enemy lines. He had to conquer new territory, to claim by painting it with his seed. She giggled deliriously against his finger, her teeth lightly scratching it. A gentle trill, the echo of his ego in realizing he had said it out loud. “That should be enough,” with a languid kiss, he slid between her buttocks and pushed. He felt a beginning of resistance but soon his thumb found itself enveloped by hot walls as if crushed by slow coils. She gasped against his mouth. He gave her a smile full of love that was somewhat out of tune with the circumstances. So domestic yet out of the ordinary. Aywanin's sweet face had this effect: it reminded him how lucky he was.
It was strange to be in there. Familiar but unusual. Her flesh was much warmer, searing, the texture richer but not as supple. And it was tight. Really tight. It barely contained his finger with ease, inserting a second now was out of the question. How was he going to possess her without hurting her? Masturbation alone wouldn’t have been enough to make her...hospitable. But bringing her pain was not an option. As well as letting go. Not when Aywanin was so freakin' well-disposed that she almost seemed to be in heat. If there was one trait of himself he was proud of, it was that he never gave up. Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, for better or worse, never threw in the towel. He certainly wouldn’t start now.
A whimper rose from the girl's ached throat. “I know, baby, it will pass now. Be patient, I need to stretch you a bit more.” “Your fingers are too big.” “Never been a problem so far.” He kissed her temple suppressing a laugh, before whispering softly, “Mind to help me? Touch your clit for me, yawne. Will mask the discomfort.” His lips traced the contour of her shoulder, the hollow of her neck; alternating sloppy kisses with bites he drew the line of her jaw up to her ear. With the tip of his tongue, he titillated her lobe, while her slender index began to rub in a steady, circular motion over the knot of nerves, and her expression seemed to relax. And not only that. “You're doing great.” “It's dry, Lo,” she moaned.
Therein lay the problem. It wasn’t an area that enjoyed consistent natural lubrication, and what little saliva he had collected on his finger was nowhere near enough. Lubricant. He needed a lubricant. Needless to say, they didn’t have one available, and even knowing the plants suitable for the task, it still took its time to extract the liquid. But then a light bulb went on for him. The cry that left the girl's lips was clearly one of dissent, however feeble. It sounded like an irritated demand for an explanation. Why the hell stop now that she was getting the hang of it?
Lo'ak sat down on his ankles carrying her down with him, a confused look well evident on her pretty, purpled face. “Don't ask questions,” he said, dragging her on top of him as he lay on the grass turf. The peach-round butt a palm away, inviting like a ripe fruit that begs you to bite into it. And that was what he did. He tasted the left cheek, then the right one, sinking just enough to leave the dental arch mark there. Two broad pairs of crescents on the otherwise smooth surface. Then, he rubbed his nose along the line of demarcation and inhaled sharply. The scent of her skin smelled more intense and suffocating there, in that hidden spot. Of bath oils and flowers; a sweet, incensed note that mingled with the enveloping aroma of her arousal, to the point of stunning him. Like an insect attracted to pollen. His dick twitched a little as his brain registered the primal call of her body. With no hesitation, he dipped his face and gave controlled kitten licks, as if to feel the ground.
“Ma'Lo'ak!” she shouted completely caught off guard. With his intact fingers, he unceremoniously penetrated her core, up to the last knuckle. This took away her ability to speak, too much was the stimulation. In terrifyingly slow movements he began to stimulate her, while his tongue soaked her rectum with saliva. Each time the tip teased her a little deeply, Aywanin gave him the most beautiful of choked sobs. The high, pitch voice constricted by exhausted vocal cords. Gradually her arousal pooled at the base and flowed onto his hand, sliding down in viscous trails that ran down his forearm to his elbow and dripped heavily onto his chest. Her breathing was labored and her body was all trembling.
Just one very small detail was missing.
“Baby.” No response. “Babe.” Nothing, and he almost burst out laughing. He was preparing her so well, she already had no idea where she was nor her name. The only thing she was still able to do in that altered state of intense desire was to cast him a look that was anything but lucid. The sole sign that she was still listening to him. Kinda. “I know you're on the edge, yawne, but I need you back.” With a goliardic sway of his hips, he showed her the area of interest, “Need lubrication here, too. You know, for later,” he cast her an allusive glance. The girl's smile was a whole story. Tipsy and intoxicated. Her slender, tiny hand picked up his member rather boldly, beginning to grope it as slowly as Lo'ak had just treated her earlier. 
He was about to complain about it, when the words died in his throat; Aywanin had grabbed his sack, and was now massaging it gently. A soft sigh escaped his parted lips, suddenly feeling weak, as if drained of any energy. The uncertainty in his breathing did not go unnoticed, for it trembled on contact with her sensitive skin. In turn, Aywanin faltered at that unexpected vibration, but she giggled all the same, proud of her actions. Of having caused him the very reaction she was anticipating. That was one of his weaknesses, Aywanin knew all too well, and she continually took advantage of it.
Lo’ak was such a nuisance, he needed to be put back in his place from time to time. Why not have a little fun in the meantime? Feeling in a teasing mood more than usual? She shushed him by groping his nuts. Being too dominant for her liking? She licked and kissed them lightly until he begged her to suck him off.
Exactly as he was doing right now.
His hands settled vehemently on her waist, squeezing them now at the limit of sufferance, and his eyes implanted firmly in hers. She snorted playfully, before blowing on his prickly erection. For a moment, she could have sworn she saw him blush at her unexpected resourcefulness. She decided to make him suffer a little longer, fumbling as she very slowly ran her tongue over his cock, then traversing its full length and winging over it again, giving him a soft pleasure that forced him to bite his inner-cheek to tame a moan. 
“Aywa, pl-please…” Well, if you ask so nicely, she thought.
Her tongue swirled around the glans, down the thick base, caressing any veins, grazing every crevice. He gasped with every inch of flesh struck, his pretty dick already glistening of spit and precum. She hollowed her cheeks, descending on calmly and sensually, but the boy huffed in frustration. A fluty grin was painted on her face as she slumped on his belly. In a steady pace, she bobbed her head alongside his shaft, taking as much as she could down her throat without gagging, while palming his balls firmly. Lo’ak’s breathing became erratic. His head fell on the cushiony grass beneath and he squinted his lids. He didn’t speak. He couldn’t. It was always a good sign when Lo’ak stopped babbling. It meant his pleasure was beyond measure. Poor boy, he’d been neglected ’til now.
The sequence was repeated for a long time, going deeper and deeper with each turn, causing increasingly uncontrollable lews and, sometimes, obscene whimpers from his windpipe. Suddenly, a strange tremor flooded Lo'ak's lower abdomen, and immediately she realized he was about to reach his climax. He gently pulled out his manhood, and turned Aywanin on her back, escorting her to the ground as if she was made of glass. He repositioned himself on top of her, holding her torso high enough to line up with her tight entrance. Holding her by one thigh, he felt her stiffen under his grip, and this caused him to face her again, losing himself in those eyes. Glossy as honey candy, haunted by lust mixed with fear. If possible, with that light her eyes looked even more orange and large. “Are you sure?” She nodded, ready to welcome him. She wanted to feel him. Wanted him to release himself inside her. Wanted to be one with him in a way she had never experienced before, and that scared her a little. Yet, in an electrifying way. She spread her leg apart, lifting her pelvis a little, giving Lo'ak a chance to lie on top of her — to embrace her. He caressed the shin he was holding up and placed a delicate kiss on her knee, “Everything will be all right,” he reassured her. And, despite the agitation harbored in her was immense, she found the courage to smile in a tacit invitation to continue.
“Tell me if I hurt you.” The first sensation, as the tip pushed in gently, wasn’t fulfillment but pain. The burning that Aywanin felt, as it teased her orifice to widen, was less intense than she had imagined, though, thanks to his finger keeping her clit excited, awakening the nerve endings within it just enough to dull the ache. As Lo’ak made space for himself, she noticed the hot epidermis wrapped itself around the cooler one of his. A tear escaped from the corner of her eye nonetheless; a salty drop that her boyfriend wiped away with a kiss. “Forgive me, ma yantu.” “It's all right,” she lied, not to restrain him. Lo'ak began to give her gentle thrusts that gradually became quicker and drier as she got used to his intrusion. “Fuck, so fucking tight.” With both hands he anchored himself to her femurs and thrust all the way in, in one fluid motion that went straight to a spot Aywanin didn't even know she had. A whine ripped through the air, the first in a long series that gradually, in rhythm with her lover's strikes, mutated from subdued ache to the most violent and visceral pleasure, becoming almost pornographic to hear, but which did nothing more than give Lo'ak the charge to continue his ministration.
She lifted her torso, placed her palms on the ground and hoisted herself forward, encircling her calves behind his back to give him no way to pull away, then captured his face with both hands, her thumbs grazing his earlobes, the rest of her fingers attached to the nape of his neck, and rested her forehead against his own. “You like it?” he asked her hesitantly, almost afraid to hear the answer. Her thumbs took to caressing his cheekbones in circular touches, dusting away a few briny drops wedged between his lashes. Finally, one of them came down to his lovely lips and she parted them, kissing him passionately. “Of course I like it.” Aywanin smiled against his mouth and started to sway her pelvis, slowly, back and forth on his shaft. The boy brought his palms up to cup her fleshy buttocks and squeeze her hips, laced his arms around her, wrapping her in a tender hug that didn't quite match the boiling circumstances they were in, but which she adored. She loved that sweetness in their relationship, stuffed with just the right amount of passion that, in all honesty, with Lo'ak was impossible to miss.
With his fingers hooked in her flesh, he took a deep breath, running out of air from the eagerness of their connection, and drew his forehead over her shoulder, looking as if he were on the verge of tears. “Yantu?” Aywanin felt her trapeze getting wet, partly from teardrops, partly from the wet kisses and bites that Lo'ak left there as he spoke, the grip on her back growing firmer and more possessive. “S-so good. You feel so damn good.” He lifted his head from the crook of her neck and pinned her down with that ravenous gaze of his; golden irises flickering as wind-shifted leaves. He grabbed her throat and squeezed it, making Aywanin, who had never stopped slow dancing on his lap, wince, her sockets squinted with surprise and a hint of electrifying fear. She was about to say his name when he tightened his fingers around her throat and moaned into her mouth as he burned her with a kiss. His tongue slipped between her teeth, moving in a mad dance against her writhing there. The grip around her neck was tight, his hand and his kiss choking her at the same time. When he let go, Lo'ak's face hovered over hers, letting her savor the fresh scent of his breath. The girl began to call his name as if in a trance, now that pleasure had finally flooded her like a hot shower. “What you need, love?” “E-empty. I feel empty.” “Empty?” He had never filled her more. “Yes, here,” she pointed to her pussy. Selfish naughty girl. Lo'ak's smile was devilish, “Then touch yourself, sevin. If it’s that unbearable, show me how much you miss my cock there.” Her own fingers inched so deep and with such relish that she earned a low mouble of approval above her. “Just like that, baby girl. Geez, look how your tiny little fingers are fucking yourself while I fuck your cute ass.” An immense heat expanded throughout her body. Her head became light; as if it had suddenly turned into a bubble and was floating away. A bubble that would burst shortly thereafter, showering her with awareness as she felt that initial warmth concentrate all in the innermost part of her abdomen. “L-lo'ak.” “Yeah, 'm close too. Just hold it a lil bit more f’me. Damn, you'll push me out, if you keep squeezing like that! Too much!” The double stimulation went to her mind, erasing what little lucidity remained, and the last trace of pain turned finally to enjoyment. They reached their peak together, as his nuanced voice murmured her name, “I love you so fuckin' much. You are truly all mine now,” her lover said, slumping down on top of her, devoid of any strength.
Now Aywanin was really all his.
Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!
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marymary-diva17 · 4 months
Our human mom
Jake x reader x neytiri + sully kids and spider
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The omatacyia clan was one of the few clans that could be deemed as a rare or very strange, as they had sky people apart of their clan. When everyone else had thought the ones from the sky were all long gone or with the rda. That was not all true was you and many others are loyal to the navi and had been able to make a new life here on pandora, along with being embraced by the great mother as well. 
y/n " so you are telling us that we have to stay hidden for the gather of the clan here"
neytiri " no we don't mean it like that ma y/n we are not ashamed of you and the others"
y/n " well Jake made it seem like that jarhead"
Jake " honey bunny I'm sorry and I mean no harm but you are mostly human at times and so his half of the base, and we don't have enough time to get everyone to do the eyes of eywa"
y/n " ........"
Jake " oh come on you can't keep on ignore me I know you love me" Jake soon picked you up and was now looking you in the eyes, he gave you his usual smirk.
y/n " I understand but I hate being away from the family and clan like this"
Jake " it will be only a week some of the navi here have yet to trust humans"
neytiri " yes and they have yet to open their eyes and see that you been blessed by the great mother"
y/n " okay but put me down you fool"
Jake " what if I don't want to" Jake and neytiri are laughing at you as you looked at them, Jake soon settled you back down as you look at him.
y/n " so what is the kids reaction to this whole thing"
Jake and neytiri " ........"
y/n " don't tell me you haven't told them yet wow that wrong"
Jake " oh come on they will understand the situation"
y/n " then you are fool for not knowing our kids"
Jake " there nothing we can't handle we will tell them and they will understand"
y/n " okay whatever you say" Jake and neytiri had spent some of the day with you until they were called away, to take care of their responsibilities and what need to be cover for the gathering.
Later that day
??? " mama" you soon heard a loud voice calling you and it belong to lo'ak.
y/n " over here my dear"
lo'ak " did you hear what dad and mom are doing for the gather, not allowing you to be there along with uncle norm, spider, and max everyone else as well that human"
y/n " yes I ....."
????? " mama dad is being a complete fool a fool" soon kiri had came into the room as well and she was mad.
spider " it no fair why can't I come as well I'm a member of the clan aren't I" soon spider had followed shortly after as well he was mad as now, so now it was three mad teenagers.
tuk " mama why can't you be at the gathering with us it no fair no fair" soon tuk came into the room looking upset as well and she hate, the situation.
y/n " everyone clam ...."
neteyam " Weill you all relax you haven't given mama time to talk at all" the four kids had soon clam down when neteyam had entered the room.
y/n " thank you my son look I know we are all mad about the situation, but it need to happen for now for the safety and well b being of the clan"
lo'ak " mama"
y/n " this gather will make new alliance that will be beneficial in the end, and if I have to miss that I will do that if good for the youth of the clan"
kids " yes ma'am"
kiri " then I will have a protest and stay here with you and spider"
y/n " you are totally your mother daughter kiri I love your support, but all your kids need to attend"
lo'ak " not all of us neteyam can go and we will be good"
neteyam " hey"
y/n " no all of you are the children are the children of torku makto so you will be needed there, to stand as family until together if not for you dad do it for me"
lo'ak " okay mama I will do it for you but why are you not mad"
y/n " oh I'm mad but mostly at your dad on how she worded the situation, but that man has fail on wording stuff in situation at time but he still a good person.... look once everything is good maybe we will be at the next meeting"
kiri " yes mama"
y/n " good and I will need you all to go and report back to me as well"
spider " yeah you have to tell us everything you see as I will be bored here"
y/n " no you will not your will have task, studies, and this base to keep you busy for a week when they are gone" s
spider " really aunt y/n"
y/n " well have to play our part but you can still talk with them as well" the kids soon smiled as it seems like they clam down from their anger towards Jake and the situation of the gathering at the moment.
y/n " now when you are all away at this gather I will need you all on your best behavior"
kids " yes ma'am"
spider " haha"
y/n " I mean all of you even you young man even due you are staying here, I will need you to come home on time no sleeping outside"
spider " yes ma'am"
lo'ak " busted"
y/n " lo'ak"
lo'ak " sorry mama"
y/n " you are all going to have a wonderful time and I know you will do well"
tuk " yes mama I will make you ppruf by being a big girl and not needing a baby sitter"
y/n " I know you will baby girl" tuk had wonder off as you soon looked at the older kids.
y/n " keep an eye on her and help her"
neteyam " we will mama" The kids had stayed with you for the rest of the day before Jake had come to collect them for bedtime, a few days later they all left for the gathering after packing up their stuff. Even due they are some upset kids they soon understood it will, only be a few days until they saw their human/avatar parents and friends again. Even if you and the others were not there to be apart of the gathering the clan still, found a way to make sure you all were apart of the festivities and seen as members of the clan. While they are all away you all made sure to keep the forest and village safe from any harm.
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fluloa · 1 year
- 🫐
i agree with this statement
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I saw Avatar: The Way of water last night and i-
I cried so many times.
They tattoo the sea creatures- the people wear intricate netting and beadwork, they obviously haven't seen the forest Na'vi in ages, because the children have no clue why Jake's family look like they do.
There is a concept of "true" Na'vi, those truly of Eywa- but I am of the belief (and I believe many of the Na'vi will come to believe) that they are ALL of Eywa, as Eywa evidently has many trees of life that are spread on her planet. First, there's the tree of the forest Na'vi from the 2009 film, but now, there's and underwater tree for the sea people and their ancestors all end with part of Eywa- because Eywa is split into the trees. So they don't all go to the same part.
I personally think that all Na'vi should come together more, and I imagine they will as time goes on, but I also am a bit upset by Jake abandoning his original home of the forest. Keeping them safe is important, as they've had much suffering- but someone else's shoulders are now further burdened with something that perhaps, he doesn't know how to handle. Luckily, the new leader of the forest has his people to help him, just like they helped Jake.
As for Jake and his family finding a new home- I love that Tonowari and his mate allowed them home and I understand Ronal being upset at much of what's happened. But the reef people also had hatred for the humans, and the war had spread to them as much as it had spread to the forest Na'vi.
With Jake, Eywa is allowing him his journey, his life with his found people, the life he chose- but I also think that now, both reef and forest are his home.
I think Jake needs to treat his family better- damn jarhead clan values seeping into EVERYTHING- but I think now, he's learned how to have a gentler hand.
As for his children, they're all lovely and all deserve to be happy and no, I will never acknowledge that one is dead. I refuse lmao
i also love the mixture between the Na'vi way and the weaponry of humans. Mixing human technology with Na'vi teaching and skill- making for a now even stronger people who are more than willing to fight for their home.
the differences in markings, anatomy, and the beauty of all in the film and story are phenomenal and I think it's a wonderful of a movie as the first. I'm excited for more and as I grew up with the first film, my entire childhood dictated and changed permanently by that single film- I will love these two movies until the end of my life.
I also really like the differences in hair- it's important putting so much emphasis on bipoc-originating hairstyles!! Locs of all kinds, natural curls, traditional three-strand braids, poc braids, etc etc- it's just lovely to see and I love that jake decided to start a new life that he loved, he decided to learn and he decided to be one among them, one of their own, not to gain power- but to learn. And there's something lovely about that to me.
All in all, I just think they're neat films :3
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