#jamil being rebellious is my fav thing
hylianprincess97 · 2 months
Okay, so not to be a hater, but I completely disagree with the "Jamil cuts his hair after he gets his freedom" headcanon. It feels so out of character for him.
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He says this, and middle school is also conveniently when he started growing out his hair
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I think his long hair is a form of rebellion against the Asims, not the other way around. It also makes sense that his long hair is a rebellious form of freedom for him because someone in his line of work shouldn't have long hair. Fighting off assassins, manual labor, and not overshadowing his master, yet he has butt length hair that he puts cute little bells in? Considering how Jamil is really overcautious, this doesn't seem like an oversight to me. It seems like it's on purpose.
To me, it seems like his little safe way of saying, "hey everybody, look at me PLEASE". It's his little way of being Jamil, as opposed to just another Viper. He can spend extra time on his hair away from Kalim, and have plausible deniability to his parents. "Oh, it wouldn't do for an Asim servant to look bad, right? So of COURSE I spend so much time on my hair!" It's his little way of prioritizing himself and putting himself first, in a world that tells him he's always second to Kalim.
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