#jackienat thoughts 🩷🖤
shaunamilfman · 7 months
20 ✧ she/her ✧ casual yellowjackets enthusiast
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shaunamilfman · 5 months
Don’t know why but the thought of JackieNat as roommates during their senior year or after college is giving me such insane brain rot.
- Jackie’s parent’s pay for her half of the rent, while Natalie has to work, sometimes a lot, so Jackie has started getting up early to make breakfast and lunches for Nat, so she can eat before/at work. At first it was really bad, cause Jackie can probably barely work a toaster, and Natalie could only take a bite or two for Jackie’s sake and then throw away what she couldn’t bare to eat. But Jackie gets the hang of it eventually and Natalie really looks forward to eating lunch, cause Jackie writes her little notes with it.
- Natalie and Jackie got close but Jackie didn’t know everything about Nat, cause when she walked into the apartment and was greeted by an ugly, straggly (previously stray) cat, she is surprised, to say the least. Natalie introduces him as “Shithead, the cat she found in a dumpster”, and Jackie has to force a smile and pretend she doesn’t absolutely HATE cats. For a while Jackie was convinced the cat is plotting her murder cause it would follow her EVERYWHERE, occasionally swipe his paw in the space under Jackie’s door, and just sit and stare at her. Natalie tells Jackie it’s just cause he likes her and he’s curious, but Jackie doesn’t believe her. Weeks later after a double shift at work, Natalie comes home to find Jackie on the couch, Shithead on Jackie’s chest, purring with his eyes closed as Jackie scratches his chin and cheeks as Jackie’s just smiling ear to ear at the cat. Jackie calls Natalie and herself, his parents from that point on.
- Jackie and Natalie at first fought about what to watch because there is only one TV and Jackie comes to the conclusion if Nat just watched what Jackie wanted it would be fine, So she forces Nat to watch all her shitty reality romance/dating shows, at first Natalie HATES it, she just goes to her room and doesn’t watch, but there was one night where she was too tired to move and she ended up getting invested. Now they watch it together every Thursday night.
- Jackie single handedly improves Nat’s living standards, because Natalie lives like a divorced dad, or a frat guy and it knocks Jackie off of her feet. Natalie uses lawn chairs at the dining table and she doesn’t have a bed frame, Jackie saw those things and nearly had a panic attack. So Jackie gets them ACTUAL furniture, because despite how much Nat argues it, one beanbag in the middle of the living room doesn’t count as a chair. She decorates the place, and Natalie actually likes how it turns out.
- They host little movie nights for the girls to come by, and by ‘they’ it’s mostly Jackie, she makes snacks and drinks and picks out the movie options. But Nat is hanging out with them and she’s happy and laughing and that’s enough for Jackie.
So sorry I went on a tangent here, I told you, I love their old married couple dynamic, hope your presentation went well <3
nat the first time Jackie made her a sandwich: 😯😁. nat the hundredth time Jackie has made her the only sandwich she knows how to make: 😔.
makes her lowkey miss her previous bag of chips and a Gatorade because atleast she could vary the flavors.
nat has all of the notes hidden deep in her room and will burn them before she lets Jackie realize she kept them. she pretended not to have read one once as a joke but never made it again because Jackie almost teared up.
Jackie is the dad who doesn't want a cat and then is the cats bestie once you get him omg
Jackie doing girl math with the TV lmao you know that's right. nat does that thing where she stands in the doorway pretending she's not watching it and gets closer and closer until she's finally sitting down. but it you acknowledge she's watching it she's gone.
nat is strangely invested in one of the reality shows Jackie watches all the time. Nat's home sitting on the couch playing on her gameboy or some shit at like 8 pm on the dot every Thursday. she will take that secret to her grave, but Jackie knows damn well how into it she is.
Nat's never had a home before and kind of has a little freak out when she realizes that not only does she own more than she can carry, but that she's made her home with Jackie fucking Taylor.
nat loves movie nights because Jackie alternates letting her have a day in what they watch without a fight lmao. she also loves having like a scheduled weekly event because her family never had one of those as a kid. she mentions this to Jackie and jackie's like "you think I'm your family? 😁". cue nat crossing her arms petulantly and being like "Pff. Nooooo. 😳🙄"
my presentation went very well actually, thank you! glad it's fucking over though. you can always feel free to go on a tangent in my inbox lmao
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
jackienat YES i think it’d be interesting to see their personalities clash together but the one thing they both share is their constant need of reassurance from you. like going to the crash site to hook up together for the first time and nat can’t help but feel a little territorial and hog you while jackie’s all needy and whiny:(( pulling away from nat to kiss jackie, even softly, to be like “i’m here. i see you and i want you.”
god yes Jackie and Nat are both characters that are extremely insecure of themselves and their places in other people's lives but pretend not to be. the beginnings of like jackienat and y/n you would have to navigate very carefully not to give too much attention to just one of them or shits going down because they both overreact to stuff so they don't get hurt as well.
nat absolutely would hog you the first time yall all hooked up. both as a possessive thing and because she's nervous. she knows how to hook up with you (what you like, what you're expecting) but Jackie would make her nervous. especially as now she'd be nervous about disappointing you and Jackie if she was "bad" at it.
Jackie on the other hand would absolutely be so whiny about it. she has a nervous need for attention as well and already feels insecure enough about her place without Nat climbing all over you. i really think you'd have to really get Nat to focus on Jackie at first or else they'd both psyche themselves out too much.
Jackie needs a lot of gentle reassurance and Nat wouldn't be as nervous if she wasn't the only one touching Jackie so it would be a win-win. Definitely a lot of "we both want you here Jackie."/"look how pretty she is, Nat." going on.
god im thinking about how intensely Jackie would watch you touch Nat afterwards. I think Jackie would be too hesitant her time with yall (ignoring pillow princess Jackie for this one) so you just tell her to watch. Jackienat making eye contact while you touch Nat??? yall see the vision right?
you'd have to reassure them both constantly that you want both of them, that you love them equally, etc.
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shaunamilfman · 5 months
what’s a polyship you think would have an interesting relationship dynamic? ex: jackieshauna x reader. but obviously not them 🤭unless that’s what you think 🫣
this is just an excuse to hear you do in depth about the characters because i love it
i love talking about character dynamicsssss
so i absolutely do think Jackieshauna would have a really interesting dynamic. there's this whole aspect of like we've been friends since we were children, we know everything about each other, i don't know where you end and I begin.
like I will always write Jackie and Shauna as Jackie-and-Shauna because I truly do not believe it's possible to have a relationship with one without some kind of relationship to the other, whether it is just being friends.
we know every little thing about each other: hopes, dreams, our deepest darkest secrets. but we don't know when your birthday is. there's such an interesting like dynamic of it in that like we have over a decade of history but also you're the only one keeping the polyship together at the beginning.
shauna has so much hidden resentment for Jackie that Jackie doesn't even know she has to navigate, while Jackie constantly feels so insecure about her place in your relationship. it's a very interesting combination of issues for me personally.
also Jackienat would have some interesting dynamics as well. I've mentioned this before but they are both really insecure in the same way, and both tend to strike out a bit when unsure. i just think they could exacerbate the others insecurity if not kept an eye on.
Jackie is a very clingy person and I think that would drive nat up the fucking walls. Jackie wants to talk to you the second you walk in the door, wants to talk about her day and how much she missed you or whatever. I think that's a very important way that reader contributes to the dynamic is by being okay with Jackie climbing all over them when Nat would be upset by the idea of it.
i also think jackienat would have a ton of just miscommunication fights with each other that you'd have to get in the middle of to resolve. they're both so embarrassed when they realize they aren't fighting over anything though.
god forbid someone speaks a bad word on your name though. omg it's so over for them. you just turn and see Jackienat materialize from opposite sides of the party next to you
lottienat would do very well in a polyship i feel. i think that unlike jackienat they balance each others issues very well. i think that lottie would enjoy having a partner she could dote on more since nat doesn't super enjoy it. nat, on her part, is just always so flabbergasted that people can love her.
they're both very strong personalities though so it might be a little difficult in that sense if you can't match that energy
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
good morning mrs milfman
today i’m thinking about jackienat x y/n (big brain ik) jackie being cold towards you after noticing you and nat sneaking off to fool around. she tells herself it’s because you and nat act like they didn’t just crash in the wilderness with no way out and definitely not bc she wants to be the one you fool around with
mrs milfman at 20. can't believe im washed up and retired so soon lmao
dynamics of Jackienat are so interesting to me ngl.
Jackie would get so annoyed watching as you and Nat like giggle and stumble off after each other into the woods. she's just like "can't believe they're hooking up over there while we're all gonna starve 🙄🙄". she deadass would not put 2 and 2 together until she sees Tai and Van sneaking out and didn't care.
her ass just like "awwww. wait a damn minute 🤔🤔". Jackie walking up to yall after making jealous little comments everytime she sees you together all like "hey guyssssssss, my bad my bad 😔."
Nat and Jackie would bicker like an old married couple all the time and you're just like "can yall just kiss already?? 🙄🙄" Jackie looks all surprised and Nat's blushing and neither of them can make eye contact. They're both looking at you like "fr??".
you'd definitely have to make the first move to get the Jackienat part of the equation together I fear. it'd be like making your barbies kiss lmao.
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