#jack howl x petunia glasschuh
ang33333333l · 5 months
The Diary of Petunia Glasschuh
Cw:bullying and slight bad parenting from Petunia's mom and also talks about self mutilation.
Taglist(again you can always ask to be tagged!!) @satans-gaurd-dog @leonakingscholarship @silvveringjadestar
Entry 1
Dear Diary,
Today starts a new chapter in my life. Night Raven College, though I have been to boarding schools before, they were all girls and only for ladies. Now, I share a room with a boy, he drank like a flea ridden dog while downing the water in the finger bowl. Who does that?!? Did his mother not raise him with a lick of common sense?! But on a more positive note, his hair color is quite nice along with how it looks. I wonder what his hair routine is, maybe double wash it every two days? Perhaps deep conditioning once a week? Actually now that I truly think about it, this whole night has been rather strange. Two girls, one was in a wedding gown for goodness sakes!! The other claimed she was from another world. I feel sorry for both of them, they seem like they got hit in the head via a large rock.
Entry 2
Dear Diary,
It seems like most of the students have little to no common sense. Especially that Ace Trappola. I hate him so much, always saying something stupid and it just gets on my nerves. Anyways, my classes are going well, Sebek is quite loud, but I can't control that. I also learned the name of the girl in the wedding gown, Fauna. Quite a nice name, though I am surprised she’s the same age as me. She is from a different world so perhaps marriage laws are different? She's always carrying that weasel?? Cat?? Dog?? Raccoon?? I don't know what that thing is, but apparently his name is Grim. Fauna is quite nice, though a complete idiot. She believes her fiancé will save her…I wish I could believe like that, but Mother says that love isn't real, all that men care about is status and how pretty a woman looks…Fauna is beautiful, and she has a natural charm. I wish my words would get through her, if he did want her, why hasn't he come yet?! I honestly believe he's in love with someone else. Well, on a different note, I finally learned the name of the pretty hair boy; Epel. He has a habit of carrying around onions. It's probably to season the food but…onions?!? Just onions?? No spices?? No herbs?? Does he perhaps need help with seasoning food? If so, I could graciously help him!!
Entry 3
Dear Diary,
I wish people in this school had common sense. That annoying boy won't shut up. Even in P.E. How hard is it to keep that mouth shut and not make everyone do more than necessary?!? Well, I bumped into someone, his name is Jack. He's a beastmen, and his tail is pretty impressive. Of course, the split ends on it are quite noticeable. But other than that it looks rather soft, maybe he needs help trimming it! I wonder what he does to take care of his tail, maybe double washes it? It does seem like it's carefully brushed too. But, on a side note, Vil is quite the…chief…All their food is so bland!!! No wonder Epel carries those onions!! I at first believed it was just flunks! No, they were not. If I have to sit through the BLANDEST meal imaginable for another time this week, I will be pulling out my hair!!!
Entry 4
Dear Diary,
I met Jack again, we were both attending to plants in the school’s garden. I never would've guessed he enjoyed gardening. He was very gentle with the pots, maybe he could give me some tips for my potted plants. I noticed how golden his eyes are, they’re quite beautiful. If they were gems they would make for the most perfect jewelry!
Entry 5
Dear Diary,
I have just been humiliated. I just got a bucket full of paint dumped onto me!!! I don't know what type of prank it was but I felt everyone’s eyes on me and just…laugh at me!!! Who does that?!? I think I also heard a few people talking to their friends saying “I wonder how that stuck up will react” and all I could do was just cry and run…now my uniform is ruined…I just hope it doesn't happen again. I hate this stupid club, why did I even pick Film Research?!?! I don't like this club. So what if I’m stuck up?!?! It's not like they're anything better!!! And I can't do anything about it because people told Vil it was an accident and what proof do I even have to disprove that claim?!
Entry 6
Dear Diary,
I hung out with Jack again, I don't know if the tough guy personality is an act or if he genuinely is a tough guy. It's like people describe him as that but when I’m with him, I can see him slip up and be caring. Well, that's usually followed by “Not like I care or anything…” He makes me laugh, I like that in a person. I also notice how many split ends he has on his tails, maybe once he gets comfortable with me I could ask him if I could trim up his tail. Jack also has such a nice smile. I should probably get his number, but when's the right time?? Would it be weird to ask so soon?
Entry 7
Dear Diary,
I hate this school. I hate everyone. I hate Fauna especially, how does basically everyone like her?!?! She's just a dumb naive girl!!!! She has nothing impressive about her!!! All she has is a pretty face!!! Why can't people like me like that?!? Why can’t people like me like that and be sincere about it?!? Why do I have to work hard for a little respect but all she has to do is show some basic kindness and she’ll have people fawning over her!!!!...But I guess like I said, she does have a natural charm to her…but…why can't I be like that? Why can't people love me like that? Why do I have to prove I’m worthy of love? Why do I have to prove that I’m worthy of being seen for more than my wealth and status?!?...Now that I truly think about it, Fauna just let people walk over her, it's pitiful. Fauna may be dumb but she doesn't deserve to be drained out of everything. I once talked to her and she just went off the rails about what she could do to help me?! I just wanted a simple conversation. Plus it doesn't help that the other girl, I believe her name is Yurika, only really uses more violent methods of getting her point across. I guess if I was in Fauna’s shoes I would try my hardest to be kind just to keep the peace.
Entry 8
Dear Diary,
I wonder how bad it would be if I just got dirty once, the last time Mother gave me an earful of how I shouldn't get dirty. I would also break a nail, and I would rather not have that. Despite what people think, my nails are fully real, no acrylic to make them look longer, just nail.
Entry 9
Dear Diary,
I realized how I had no friends before meeting Jack and I guess Fauna?... Everyone I interacted with was either because of Mother or school, no one actually wanted to be my friend. I just been alone, reading books about useless fairytale romance that would never happen to me. I may be known as “The Fairest flower in Fleur City” but I don't think it's true…I know I only won because of my pretty face and nothing else, it’s not like people truly got to know me. I wonder what would happen if my face got destroyed or damaged in some way, would people still treat me with that faux kindness or show their true colors? I know very well the other students in Pomefiore except a few would treat me worse. It's like everyone in this dorm is so obsessed with having a pretty face, I know very well what that leads to, my life isn't fun. Suitors only caring about my appearance then how I actually am, suitors only care about me enough so they think they have won me over without even realizing I always throw away their horrible letters and disgusting gifts.
Entry 10
Dear Diary,
I hate it. I hate everything. I hate my face. I hate Mother. I hate how I don't even know my own interests. I hate it, I hate this school. I hate Ace, Epel, Vil, Rook, Riddle, Jamil, Ruggie, Leona, BASICALLY EVERYONE!!!! Why is it so hard to be noticed for something other than my beauty?!?! What if I just take some hairspray and a lighter and burn off my face?!?! How would people treat me then?!?!? Huh?!?! I bet that half of these students wouldn't even look at me!!!!
Entry 11
Dear Diary,
After a week, I have calmed down. I also have started to realize how I feel around Jack. I feel warm around him, I feel safe like I could tell him anything, and my god when his hand brushes against my hand on accident it feels like my heart is beating faster than it should be!!
Entry 12
Dear Diary,
It feels weird, Mother always told me to be careful, especially with my sutors, to not fall in love due to how it will only hurt you, and to let her deal with my love life. She always said she would find the perfect man for me. But…Dairy, I think I already did, we have been hanging out and talking for a while now. It feels…nice not having Mother picking out boys for me, it feels amazing just…talking to him. He loves snowboarding, actually he really loves any winter sport. I wonder once it gets colder I could ask Mother if I could stay with Jack, I will tell her it’s for a school project!! Yes, a school project!! A perfect excuse! Well, more like a lie…But it's worth it!! Mother can never know about him, what if she hates him?!? Then I’ll be banned from seeing him…I can't let that happen! Under no circumstances will that happen!! But…how will I tell Jack this? How does one even confess without making a mess of themselves?
Entry 13
Dear Diary,
I wonder if I could garden. The potted plants only really provide a good thing to rant to when I can't write anything down, and to clean them up. I can't get dirty or else it would ruin my reputation. Is this why people see me as stuck up? It isn't my fault that their Mothers didn't teach them common sense!! But it doesn't matter, plus my beauty is the best quality of myself. You know when I think about it, what else is my best quality? Do I even have any? Mother always says that it is important to be educated, so I guess that's another good quality, but…what else is there to me? What do people think of me? Just a pretty face?...Is that what Jack thinks about me? That all I am is just a stuck up girl with a pretty face?.. No, he isn't like that…But Mother says how men can easily lie just to use you, but I’m really starting to doubt her. I mean, she only married my Father then he left her after she had me. I think she's just worried for me, but it has always been suffocating.
Entry 14
Dear Diary,
Writing letters is harder than books make it out to be. Books make it seem like once you put a pen to paper you're the next Shakespeare, but all my attempts make me seem like a desperate nutcase. OH GREAT SEVEN WHY MUST I INSIST ON WRITING JACK A LETTER?!?
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ang33333333l · 5 months
Uhh comic guys :33
Taglist!!!(remember you can always ask to be tagged!!!) @leonakingscholarship @satans-gaurd-dog
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