#ive ran an ask series on here before..yeaarrrss ago and it was the most fun
skimmeh · 11 months
I was hoping more people would ask about specific details I included in the characters sheets for the space me and my friend (@kairamuwu ) are working on, so I could draw answers and elaborate on, revealing the universe more, like an ask series.
But I guess I just need to draw the characters more to get the interest in them more hah! The characters sheets took soo lonnngg man, it's a lil disheartening, but I will persevere with creating an interesting series.
Things never go as expected so you just gotta work around it you know? Even if it can be a bummer you just gotta pick yourself up and persevere , I'm not gonna let one mishap discourage me from still telling this story with my friend!! :D
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But please if you have any specific questions about details I've included in the characters sheets or just for the story in general, please ask!!! I wanna draw art promoted by your questions :D!!!
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