#ive been at phd ceremonies where the committee comes  in with the full stuff robes and everything
maybesimon · 2 years
of course there are reasonable criticisms that you can make even about aesthetics but the ‘dark academia controversy’ (eg eurocentric, focused on money, etc) all are so irrelevant compared to like the real problems with higher education. why worry about:
“Despite that, many people don’t have the funds to live the glamorous life of the knowledgeable and wealthy. Not everyone can afford two-hundred-dollar shoes to tie off the transcendent look. How many people in your school can afford antique typewriters and fountain pens that drip excess ink? How feasible is this aesthetic for the everyday person? How can one person have one foot in the world of dark academia and another in the real world? From the looks of it, you’re either all in or in it at all. It engulfs your entire life, from your physical makeup to the way your brain is used. So you should probably put down the romance books for a while because classics and Eurocentric literature will swallow your free time.” (https://dovercrimsonian.com/10090/features/the-secret-history-of-dark-academia/)
like if you take aesthetics this seriously, come on. do you know how much my electricity bill is? why worry about ‘shoes to tie off the transcendent look’, that’s just funny.
oh wait this article was written by a high schooler. ok now it makes sense. why is this on wikipedia.
actually why am i posting about it, why do i care. i mean i guess i like the aesthetic but at the same time its dumb to care about aesthetics.  aesthetics & ceremony, can’t keep a straight face with those
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