#ive been alive for 2 decades 😭
jejuboo-s ¡ 1 year
it’s my birthday today !!! i’m 20 now … wowzers.
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sodrippy ¡ 2 years
buying sleeveless mock-turtleneck tops in honour my hottest failboss girlsplainer (shiv roy)
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sillyyuserr ¡ 29 days
Despite all i post about being terukane, i actually fucking love nene.
hence, 4 reasons why you should love nene too (+mini analysis at the end?)
Reason 1: shes cares so much
For one, when aoi was trapped in the far shore, not only did she cry, but so much so that even mentioning her name made her cry, like full on cry not even tear up. She let herself cry in a public infront of someone she deems ‘hottest guy in the school’ not really gaf cus she misses her bsf
And when she got aoi back, she didnt need aoi’s apology she just missed her, going in for an immediate hug, letting aoi tear up in her arms
At the end of the ‘picture perfect’ arc she thanked shijima mei for the painting, something no one else did
She asked what sumire saw in No. 6 to make her like him sm, again something only she did which caught hanako and sumire off guard
Reason 2: shes adorable.
idk how shes not as popular as aoi she’s actually so pretty. A moment of silence for our queen nene
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Literally so gorgeous in anything she wears
Reason 3: She’s the mc, what are you doing NOT loving her??
shes the narrator, the character we’ve known the longest and are going to stick with until the end. How dare thee betray her and say she sucks? ‘She has a big forehead’ its called a hairstyle
‘she has big ankles’ yah and theyre cute. Its called having originality
‘copy and paste personality’ shes actually one of the more original mc’s ive seen in awhile. She isnt one of those girls who’re obsessed with just boys and makes that her whole personality, yes she does get crushes easily, but she’d rather die and lose the boy she actually has a chance with than let her bestfriend die. She has standards
Reason 4: shes cool as fuck?
she has a skull brooch, skull on her phone, horns ON HER PHONE, wears yin and yang hair pins, loves opera songs about forbidden love, loves scary stories, interested in supernaturals and the dead/ghosts and to top it all off, in the pilot she CURSED her ex to DEATH
tired and can’t think of anything else 😭 kinda starting to think chapter 113 IS the last chapter. I mean you’d think AidaIro would say something considering they’ve been making this manga for almost a decade now but the ‘sinister’ ending along with there being no ‘next chapter up on the 18th!’ Makes me kinda nervous 😭 as i said they’ve been doing this almost 10yrs no way they’d forget to put it there
AidaIro have publicly stated they both dislike/hate happy endings. And this i feel, is a perfect way to end it horribly. I absolutely hate the idea of this being an ending, but it would work out pretty smoothly in pissing off their entire fanbase. I mean theres so many unanswered questions and so many things left unsaid.
are teru and aoi really getting married? which yugi sibling is alive? will any of my previous ‘suspicions’ be definitively confirmed? what happened to hanako? what changed? whats happening with the clock keepers? what did natsuhiko do? what is sakuras role in this story?
this seems such a perfect way to end is so horribly😭 REALLY hope this isnt the case doh we’ll just have to wait and see. The topic strayed very far off from why you should love nene 😭 sorry lmao
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faerociousbeast ¡ 1 year
i cant fix myself ive literally been alive for almost 2 decades and nothings changed 😭
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