prinsez05 4 years
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mark my hour at the gym complete ~ you? #itsonlyanhour #corestrength #givethegift #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽#getfit #fitnessjourney #burningcalories #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftyfour #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Y0muKHDHU/?igshid=m0v8p156bxgf
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tracyswimmer5 5 years
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Come try this!!! Seriously. If I can manage Krankcycle Fusion in a BOOT, you can certainly do it in shoes!!! #krankcyclefusion #justtryit #calorieburningparty #workforit #youremissingout #youwillloveit #addicted #cardio #blairregionalymca #differenttrainingyieldsdifferentresults #fitgirlsrock #fatblasting #revthemetabolism #itsonlyanhour (at Blair Regional YMCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwX2WPYnJhh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s1v6fnm7n37
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prinsez05 5 years
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some days our gym schedule changes for unforeseen work related reasons... rolling with the disruption of the morning in a class that isn't the norm ~ changing up the routine offers a chance to learn new excercises and work different muscle groups ~ embrace change #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - BROOKHAVEN-EDGMONT AVE) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4utfjzha38/?igshid=1d24lpnpofvys
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prinsez05 5 years
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what would you really like to look like ~ now go make it happen #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - HAVERTOWN) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ocLWGhJzG/?igshid=13v92g83c8xod
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prinsez05 5 years
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the most important day to show up is everyday #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - BROOKHAVEN-EDGMONT AVE) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TdW2Pnuwx/?igshid=wvohh8n6qqy7
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prinsez05 5 years
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sometimes it feels like you aren't getting anywhere, not losing weight or inches......no matter, keep going ~ it is the one who perseveres that it will come to ~ you know if you give up it ain't happening and at the very least your body is healthier, your core stronger and your mind less stressed cause that hour is like therapy #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - SPRINGFIELD, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BynY6GlndCK/?igshid=1gnkfnzcah30k
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prinsez05 5 years
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haven't talked about the importance of good gym bra in awhile ~ by "good" I don't mean a certain brand name, I mean a good quality spandex bra that nails your business to the wall ~ a sports bra that holds you in and makes sure you aren't bouncing about........that one #bratalk #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByiGLi-nIOe/?igshid=1p5mohs4mzsjz
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prinsez05 5 years
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the day goes so much better when an hour is spent working out first ~ calories don't matter and the hour in your head organizes whatever you need to sort out #multitasking #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaRmLTHhH4/?igshid=bt1l29rfey6a
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prinsez05 5 years
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let nothing stand in the way of your workout #workingout #itsyourworkout #gymtime #gmotd #gymmessage #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #eatwhatIwant #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - SPRINGFIELD, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVbziqHDEh/?igshid=f6n61fcs3cej
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prinsez05 5 years
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burns away the whole weekend in only an hour a day #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByP-Rp4B_uo/?igshid=1dbgehge7q1k
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prinsez05 5 years
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it's hot, but worth it ~ it hurts, but it works ~ I'm going to keep on doing it, even on the days I want to stay home ~ you don't get to be lazy AND keep the weight off ~ burn calories #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIPwMhHfA0/?igshid=pevnwwsixw9l
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prinsez05 5 years
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when life gives you lemonade........a favorite class instructor moved on and after sticking out 2 new instructors, it was time for me to make a change ~ change is good #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - SPRINGFIELD, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPlx1unIiR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bmt9d2xu0k3r
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prinsez05 5 years
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learning how to do everything in the gym was as challenging as the exercises themselves ~ walking in was hard, learning was hard, keeping up was hard ~ it was all hard ~ the thing about overcoming all of that was the other areas of my life that got better ~ clearer mind, leaner body, more positive attitude=a better me ~ how about you? #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKOPXlHz0F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i19z83vs9mo9
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prinsez05 5 years
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it's a struggle that never ends ~ in the beginning it was just to breath without huffing and puffing after quitting smoking ~ then it was to lose the weight gained from quitting smoking ~ then it was for core strength after ignoring it for so long ~ now it's just maintainence ~ but here's the thing ~ it is still a struggle and hurts and I don't want to and I have to talk myself (and @kerryserody) into hitting the gym nearly every day, but it's worth it all now that I feel healthy, strong and a weight that is normal for my body size #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - SPRINGFIELD, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHsQNfHzXL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=228nlqxoiqas
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prinsez05 5 years
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if you show up every day, you at least won't gain weight #changeyourbody #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #gymvideo #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at La Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_xt0rnJ0k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vbmsubfbl6zi
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prinsez05 5 years
perservereance pays big dividends #itsonlyanhour #winning #burnbabyburn #eatwhatIwant #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gootd #gymoutfitoftheday #gmotd #gymmessageoftheday #gymworkout #excercise聽 #fitness #getfit聽 #gym #fitnessjourney #gymtime #burncalories #Iamfiftythree #wearlipstick 馃拕 (at LA Fitness - SPRINGFIELD, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bykk4GhnN_h/?igshid=wyx2eofej2n9
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