#its funny like i do ship nubbins with multiple characters and also my own dumb ass
resthomeforrobots · 3 years
i wanna talk more about my little bastard oc, bug, so yeah general info and a bit of storyline under the cut
ive already mentioned that theyre big stupid. theyre also autistic, and just. do not pick up on negative vibes at all. theyre way too trusting, despite logically being well aware that theyre putting themself in dangerous situations. its not that they ignore red flags, its just that they have a very high tolerance for bullshit.
they pretty much live in tank tops, jeans with the knees blown out, their trusty old boots, their favorite flannel, and a giant denim jacket thats way too big. they drive a rusty red pick up truck thats constantly on the verge of breaking down, and everything they own fits in the back seat. they cut their hair with literally anything other than scissors, including but not limited to: their pocket knife, wire cutters, and a piece of a broken bottle. theres no real reason for their aversion to using scissors; they just think its funny. most of the time their hair is an ugly grown out shag cut, but they will just hack off any chunk of it when its falling in their eyes/too warm on the back of their neck/otherwise bothering them.
they grew up in upstate ny, and have driven through many states in their search for conclusive evidence of the supernatural. mostly, they hunt ghosts, but they also have a fascination for unsolved murders/disappearances and cryptids. their interest in unsolved disappearances is why they end up near newt in the first place, leading to their meeting nubbins in a purportedly haunted graveyard.
they are incredibly disorganized in all things, aside from their evidence binder. theyve spent hours lovingly labelling photos and mementos of various investigations, meticulously categorized in a system that only makes sense to them.
other hobbies include making their own jewelry out of anything they can get their hands on (can tabs, junk they find on the ground, beads they pilfer from other pieces of jewelry.. if it can be threaded onto string or dangled from an ear, they will wear it), drawing, singing badly and loudly, and collecting cassettes. they have an old milk crate in the back overflowing with tapes from various genres.
anyway, they meet nubbins in a graveyard, and give him a ride home. they talk about all kinds of stuff, and nubbins lets them leave, both of them expecting to never see each other again. and then they meet again in a DIFFERENT cemetery literally like 2 days later. this time, bug invites him to get breakfast at an all night diner, and they end up showing each other their photography and talking for hours. bug drives him home again. from there, it becomes a game for bug to try and find him. when they do, theyll spend the evening messing around in cemeteries and the surrounding areas, taking photos of headstones and random stuff they find, and then getting food afterward.
one night, nubbins lets slip that his house is probably haunted because lots of people have died there, and this obviously peaks bugs curiosity. cue days of begging to check the place out, and days of nubbins refusing.
and then he stops showing up. bug checks four graveyards in two counties, and doesnt find him. doesnt see him for a week. and makes the genius decision to go to his house, since they know where it is after dropping him off so many times.
they end up catching a glimpse of bubba, freaking out, almost getting murdered, and are saved only by the fact that nubbins is on the ground floor working on a new piece of bone decor and recognized their voice.
its the middle of the day, so drayton is still at the gas station, and nubbins easily convinces bubba to leave bug alone, although now theres the big problem of what to do with them.
naturally, he decides that the smartest thing to do is hide them in his room, which works for about 2 days before drayton realizes that hes hiding something. considering the fact that nubbins is about as subtle as a jackhammer, the fact that he lasted that long is impressive.
by this point, theyve befriended bubba, and drayton certainly isnt going to dirty his hands by killing them, so they just kinda live there. since they have such a high tolerance for bullshit, theyre just like "yeah i guess this is my life now"
they endear themselves to drayton via washing dishes, cleaning the house, and helping keep nubbins from doing extra stupid shit, and are eventually allowed to leave the house, so long as nubbins or drayton are with them.
the stifling of their freedom is deeply annoying, but the sawyer farm is a treasure trove of supernatural activity, so they manage to keep busy, and they do eventually become a trusted family member
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