#its called lizard boii
cartoon-goon02 · 1 year
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
21 questions boi
Tagged by @kairianneyukari ! Thanks for taggin me bro ^^
“rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better. (make a separate post)”
Nickname: i have a fair bit actually lol. But most commonly on here everyone calls me potter or tam
Zodiac: libra boii
Height: 5"6
Last Movie I Saw: uhhh i think it was probably like the first 40 mins of new moon?
Last Thing Googled: it was the floss song lyrics
Favorite Musicians: sooo mannyyy aaaaaa. Twenty one pilots, panic at the disco, my chemical romance, fall out boy, all time low, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, black veil brides, falling in reverse, bring me the horizon, slipknot, escape the fate, skillet, Hollywood Undead, Bryce fox, andy black, bullet for my Valentine, avenged sevenfold, breaking Benjamin, a day to remember, asking Alexandria, five finger death punch, justin bieber, logic, johnnie guilbert, three days grace, till death do we part, your brand new obsession, of mice & men, and more xD
Song Stuck In My Head: some random musically i cant remember which it was
Other Blogs: TheFandomArtist0214 (my art blog) and Thecarterchilden (yes i forgot the r im too lazy to fix it rn shush. Its a blog for my siblings ran by me)
Do I get Asks: yeah lol. In a week i probably get.....20 maybe?
Followers: uhh atm its 589
Following: psshhhh n-not that many duh only....881.......DONT JUDGE ME OK
Amount Of Sleep: on average i get about 2-5 hrs a night. BUT last night i got 7 and the night before i got 6. Which i think it's mainly cause ive been goin to bed early cause i dont have my phone (no service. Using wifi ftm)
Lucky Number: 14
What Are You Wearing: want me to go into full detail? Ok *cracks knuckles* so, im wearing white tube socks, trash black boots (i say trash cause the left boot only zips up half way) blue boyshorts, a white tanktop, a grey shortsleeved marvel shirt, and a bit oversized tennessee volunteers (football) grey hoodie (but hey ive been flappin my arms around all day so) its one of my favorite shirts, a pair of blue jeans (i had no more black stuff clean today), a pair of black and grey striped cut off gloves, and like 30 bracelets/wristbands and a watch
Dream Job: to be an artist, tattoo artist, and a bit of a traveler
Dream Trip: to the UK and Canada!!! Also to visit all my friendos across the globe wherever they live! I get my license this year so hopefully next year when i turn 17 or when i turn 18 i can start visiting u guys that live closest to me first ^^
Favorite Food: green beans abd pepperoni pizza boi
Play Any Instruments: no i wish! UNLESS you count piano tiles if so dude im a fucking PRO
Favorite Song: atm? Hmm probably mantra by bmth
Random Fact: hmmmm....well, i once drank a sip of vodka when i was 2 lol
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: ooo hmmmm: books, magic, blue, black, grunge, emo...ish, rock, music, nerd, geek, snakes, lizards, harry potter, fandoms, art, paper, paint, love towards friends
And probably alot more but i think thats ok atm lol
Ok some peeps i wanna get to know better
@kingantlion @timetravelingcacti @the-collector-of-souls @bloodreadlipstick @queen-baelin @pizzathecat @deanismymom @mycollectionofnuts @laurel-at-bay @chinesewaffles2 @dirtysocke @masochist-incarnate @biggest-gaudiest-fish @blackpaladin47396 @transbutstillhuman samm @no-obviously @procrastinatorprocrastinating @lightningandthetumbllr @ilovetwentyonepilotsandmusic @that-one-guy110 @all-hail-mono-onion @Anyone else ^^ totally optional btw!!
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