#its a bit hard to explain because this word is a noun! 馃槀
legal-lost-boy 1 year
hiya, you once said that if i had any questions about something for my book to ask.
I鈥檓 just wondering if my translation for sterfgeval actually translates to death, bereavement or loss? Because it鈥檚 important that it鈥檚 associated with death to some degree馃ゴ
Thank you in advance,
@charlizekkelly 馃馃枻
Hiya! :D yess any questions about the Dutch language I can help with!
Noun: Sterfgeval, plural; sterfgevallen.
The definition of sterfgeval is:
"The permanent loss of all vital functions without the possibility of resuscitation, at any time after a live birth has occurred."
So it literally means the circumstance that someone dies or that someone (somewhere) dies.
In a sentence that could be: "Ze hebben een sterfgeval in de familie." = "They have a death in the family."
The word also gets used in slang by younger people as a name for older people of atleast 40+ age as a joke, kind of comparable with the "they've got one foot in the grave" thing.
Hope this helped! 馃槉
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