#its 72% on metacritic which feels more Right....
gikairan · 1 year
The D&D movie having a 90% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes after 192 reviews was certainly not what I was expecting....
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biofunmy · 5 years
A Breaking Bad Movie’ reviews praise, pan the Netflix film
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Aaron Paul says “I thought I was saying goodbye” to his character Jesse Pinkman when “Breaking Bad” ended six years ago. He returns to the role in the Netflix movie “El Camino,” out Friday. (Oct. 9) AP, AP
“El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” has failed to rev everyone’s engine. 
Netflix’s two-hour film, which picks up in the moments after the 2013 finale of the AMC series starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, dropped Friday, and the reviews are in. (The flick is also available for viewing in select theaters.)
Some critics are questioning the necessity of the movie written and directed by Vince Gilligan, who created the original drama about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher Walter White (Cranston), who becomes a meth manufacturer aided by his partner and former student Jesse Pinkman (Paul).
Before taking in the feature, see what the critics are saying. (The Metacritic aggregation site currently lists a rating of 72 out of 100). 
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“Fans may get a kick out of revisiting old haunts and reconnecting with familiar faces, at least one of whom who made the jump from ‘Breaking Bad’ to the brilliant spinoff, ‘Better Call Saul.’ However, there aren’t enough of those reunions, at least with key figures, to gird a strong, compelling tale that connects past with present.
“‘El Camino’ isn’t horrible, but it’s not commendable either, and given the legacy of ‘Breaking Bad,’ mildly entertaining isn’t good enough.”
“‘El Camino’ is a high-quality piece of suspense and action filmmaking carried by Paul’s still-tremendous performance as Jesse Pinkman. It looks great, sounds great and if you’re a fan, it’s full of cameos and references that are sure to amuse. It’s also – and this is not an insignificant problem – largely unnecessary as it pertains to the larger ‘Breaking Bad’ narrative. At least it’s unnecessary in an innocuous and entertaining way. It doesn’t do any harm. It just gives answers I’m not sure I cared about to questions I’m not sure I asked.”
“El Camino is a playful project, very fun, not always necessary. It’s an alternate series finale, a reunion special – and, maybe, an elaborate make-good. I love a lot of ‘Breaking Bad,’ and I still think the show whiffed when it mostly banished Jesse in the last few episodes. His central role became a sidelong ramification, one more piece of collateral damage in the fallrise of Walter White (Bryan Cranston).
“Not a big deal, maybe; Paul won his third Emmy for that season. Did Gilligan feel, deep down, like he owed the character something more? With Walt left for dead in the ‘Bad’ finale, ‘El Camino’ becomes Jesse’s story, through and through.”
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Aaron Paul stars in Netflix’s “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie,” now available for streaming. (Photo: Ben Rothstein/Netflix via AP)
“‘El Camino,’ out today, lives up to ‘Breaking Bad’s’ legacy of propulsive storytelling. The film is a visceral, ruminative, and emotionally satisfying epilogue in which the broken Jesse reconciles with his past and searches for the hope and humanity he’d lost – or, rather, been denied by Walt.”
“‘El Camino’ began life as a short film Gilligan wanted to make for the series’ 10th anniversary. Though it expanded to feature length… it still feels like the gift to fans it was originally designed to be, rather than something essential to the larger ‘Breaking Bad’ experience. But when you have Vince Gilligan operating near the peak of his powers, and taking the time to fix one of the few things the show didn’t get quite right, it makes for one hell of an entertaining gift.”
“’El Camino’ makes choices that limit its success and that don’t serve the legacy of ‘Breaking Bad.’ But its arrival at a place of wholeness after two hours of painful anxiety suggest that, though the path Gilligan and company took was at times a dubious one, ‘El Camino’ can’t, finally, be said to have lost its way.”
“Aside from a few unnecessary character cameos, most of which you could easily guess but none of which I will spoil here, ‘El Camino’ avoids the pitfalls of this year’s many feature-length sequels to TV shows. There’s little of the fan-service inanity that abounded in the ‘Downton Abbey’ film and none of the sentimental self-indulgence of ‘Transparent’s’ insufferable musical finale. Like AMC’s ‘Breaking Bad’ prequel ‘Better Call Saul,’ as well as morally flexible saloon owner Al Swearengen’s (Ian McShane) storyline in HBO’s ‘Deadwood: The Movie,’ it completes the unfinished portrait of a character who remains on viewers’ minds.”
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