#itll get better as i go and actually am able to understand these charaters
fireylesbianhell · 1 year
This World Won't Ever Forget Us
javid AU chapter two electric boogaloo. we get some perspective switch-up. this probably isn't similar to my usual means of writing, and it's not beta'd at all. I'm still working on getting a grasp of these characters, I apologize if they're ooc.
this one took me to hell and back. anyways, ill bitch more in the tags, you may now eat your lukewarm microwave meal of a chapter
as always, inspired by "Bite The Bullet" on ao3
David Jacobs was a smart guy, this was an undisputed fact. Ask his Mother, Father, Sister, or Brother.
Ask his few drifting 'friends', that, are honestly more like 'odd Acquaintances' or 'pitiful classmates'. Ask any of his proud teachers who liked having a nice boy and star pupil or the begrudging teachers that let who they saw as a smartass and some 'waking mouth' go by with flying colors in their class. 
So, if you were to say, ask David Jacobs why he was in a car, going 45 down a highway, hoping, prayin’ that the law wasn’t on their ass, he would simply stare in your face like you were a madman. 
Yet, he was the madman in question.
Hearing the car rev again before slowing down, he turned to his fellow escapee. 
He looked about his age, give or take possibly a year or two, but he could tell that he didn’t seem the type to have a ‘Just Graduated’ mentality after having just watched him let loose in the rickety old car down the highway after beating up someone for him in an alleyway.  
“So…” He started slowly, holding onto his cap that still threatened to fall off his head despite the acceleration of the car being slowed. 
“If you’re about to ask if we have any form of a plan, sugar, you’re shit out of luck.” He said exasperatedly. Dave shut his mouth quickly after that. That was, indeed his question- but there was a bit more to it. 
“Actually- er, I wanted to know your name.” He said, probably sounding just as exasperated himself as a look of guilty shock briefly traveled on the driver’s face. 
“...Jack, um, Kelly. Jack Kelly.” He said, slowly, as if clashing with himself out whether to entrust the information to David. 
“David Jacobs, but you already knew most of that.” He said, to clear the air a bit. The car was fully slowed down now, and he let go of his cap. 
They sat again in a bit of awkward stillness before David decided that, if he were likely gonna be spending a little while with this guy, he would bite the bullet, and get to know him. 
“So, erm..where did you grow up?”
“Rowena, Texas.” He replied flatly. 
“Texas? That’s…nice. Why in the hell did you leave Texas for Oklahoma? This place is the worst, y’know.” 
“Wasn’t no choice. ‘Pa had to pack it up from Texas due to our farm going up in price he couldn't keep up with. Stopped up here for a bit and then I got myself arrested.”
And that, made David’s heart stop a bit. 
Run away with a stranger? Bad. Run away with someone who has a criminal record? To, kindly put it, he was fucked. 
“Um…wow…” he said hesitantly. 
He watched Jack deflate a bit. “It was petty theft. A bicycle- I was 13.” He said, still wearing that shunned expression yet not sounding remorseful one bit. 
This did help Dave’s conscious, if not just a tad. He nodded and said, 
“So, no plan, a record consisting of…bike theft, and a car.” 
“Stolen car, a gun in the back, and only one destination before I was bound to drop off the face Oklahomama…” Jack rambled out, gripping down the steering wheel, before blinking a moment and sighing. 
“Before, you of course,” he said with a near wistful glace if Dave had to truly describe it. Wistful, Scared, And the same blink-and-you-miss-it 'oh, god I'm fucked' look in his eyes. 
And if David took note of his rather pretty slightly multi-colored brown-green eyes, that was just for him to know, thank you very much.
David stared back. He was in a car- a stolen car, his brain helpfully supplied to him- with a criminal and a gun, on the run, running where? 
He kept that thought aside- he was too busy still looking at an extremely stressed-out-looking Jack starting to babble on once more. 
“I tried- to tell ya, I mean. I promise i-i ain’t no crook. Just- trying to get out, like you.” He paused, looking guiltily again before starting up 
“I can drive you back. Back to your house, or, hell even that scum stunk diner if you don’t feel safe or nothin-” 
Jack Kelly couldn't continue, as he was busier suddenly attempting not to crash a car at the moment- 
due to the fact that David Jacobs was currently kissing him. 
Jack wasn’t an expert in anything romantic. 
He had one ‘girlfriend’ on a nearby farm once, when he was nine, and a few here-and-there crushes. It took one crisis in juvenile detention to take a realizing that, he liked boys just as much as he did gals- he didn't express it too much less someone like his Ma, from those few fragmented memories he had of the woman who left him, who spent every open minute on about God hatin’ the ‘Queers’ and may take it in their head to try and hurt him for it. 
Jack knew he had a little thing for the boy who ran away with him in his stolen car, and, to have this boy kissing him like his life depended on it was a real eye-opener, especially while you're supposed to be driving.
Eventually, as if they both remembered humans do need to breathe, and broke apart, Jack's eyes darting to the open road ahead of them and making a sharp turn to the side of the road. 
David’s eyes widened as if it had just hit him what he’d done. 
Dave started to panic, internally- he just kissed him! Just like that! He didn't pull away sure but- maybe he was shocked? Angry? Maybe he was about to yell at Dave for not asking or he probably didn’t even like guys at all oh god-
Dave’s worries were paused by Jack kissing him this time. 
Oh- well, that was a whole lot better than what he initially expected to happen. 
Jack pulled them apart and then, sighed, oh so dramatically, that David couldn’t help but laugh himself. 
“So..." he started, that exasperation back mixed with a meekness David expected seeing in watching his younger Brother trying to ask a girl out to a dance. Dave simply smiled, giving Jack a patient smile 
Jack paused, looking up again. he gained his confidence once more, if only for a second. 
"We don’t know each other still anyways, but Davey Jacobs, will you go wherever the hell with me despite my vast and likely growing criminal record?"
If you asked David Jacobs’ parents, siblings, acquaintances, and teachers. or anyone who ‘knew’ him, they would tell you he was obviously smart enough to say hell no. 
“I Will.”
Stepping into the shittest motel he’d ever seen, Dave was really starting to feel the romance. And now the lack of adrenaline that’s been fueling his life-changing choices.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“It’s not perfect, I know- but, once I get another job done, we’re gonna be in the finest homes wherever we wanna be.” He grinned- that grin could bring David’s mind from its encyclopedic likes to nothing in an instant, yet somehow make him want to write the sappiest most romantic stuff he could ever dream of. 
Dave nodded and let him talk to the clerk, requesting the one-bedroom and getting by with an odd look, and thankfully nothing else. The man didn’t seem an uptight kind, god knows what happens here at his motel, and by the looks of the place, David was sure that two guys who may be queer were the least of his concerns. 
He and Jack made their retreat up, and when they got there Dave Collapsed backward onto the bed while Jack dropped a few things to the little shoddily built wood table beside them. 
Dave looked up seeing the car keys, Jack's handgun, and a few papers on top of an open map. 
“What’s that?” He asked, scooting over to see a few things marked down on the map half-covered by newspaper clippings and addresses, and a few notes in piss-poor handwriting from odd names like "Race" and "Specs" 
“Places I need to be or have scouted out.” He said stoically, before smiling and grabbing his hand suddenly. 
Jack pulled him over and put a pencil in Davey's hand and wrapped his arms around his shoulders with a giddy little smile. 
“Well? Anywhere you want babe. The world is ours the second I get those jobs done and then some. Any Job, Home, Earnin' you can think of.” he smiled, taking a step back and letting Davey have full control now. 
This was new. 
David Jacobs could finally help call the shots. Be dangerous, Be wild, and kill off that clean-cut plastic mold of a person he had to be, the person that drove him to the madness that got him to jump in that car this morning.
Ever since he was a kid there was almost always something he had to take care of. He had to help his father out constantly after the accident and relies on Dave to help him with his job. If Sara was unable to help their mother, Dave could do it with no problem. keep up with the chores, do the schoolwork, and help with his parent's work and his sister's work. 
Then in school, his intellectual ability was immediately turned against him by others. Got a project with David Jacobs? Oh, then you basically don't have to do anything at all! Let brainiac handle it. 
Then, Mom & Dad have Les, and David Jacobs becomes the babysitter, helper, worker, cheat sheet, and everything else in between. Every minute of his life became doing things for and taking care of other people. 
And now, Tall, Dark, Handsome swoops into his life, and Jack Kelly gives him freedom. 
He looked up at Jack with one of the most genuine expressions of happiness he’d ever felt on himself before and looked back down at the map. 
He too wanted to see it all, and by god, He & Jack were gonna. 
But David Jacobs was a smart guy, who knew they had to start small. 
He circled a little theatre right outside Oklahoma City, a nice rich place his family traveled to once. 
He had an ally there. 
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